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Day & Night Events

March 20 - 23, 2022
Let’s enjoy and meet new friends that turns into family!

The school opened its doors in June 1988 with DECS approval and offered the
science enriched curriculum for the first and second year levels. Towards the
end of 1988, Dumaguete Science High school acquired, through the efforts of
the City Government, a 6,000 square meter lot as a donation from the heirs of
Don Ramon Teves Pastor. Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial – Dumaguete Science
High School located at Maria Asuncion Village Daro, Dumaguete City. Establish
1988, The school site is 300 meter away from the National Highway with Villa
Amada as the starting point. Dumaguete. The regional science high school of
Region VII, RTPM Dumaguete Science High School, was founded through the
efforts of Dr. Labe and other educators of the city in 1987. It started as a single
level and single-class high school temporarily occupying an area within the
campus of the Dumaguete City High School in Calindagan. It moved to its
permanent school site in Villa Amada, on land donated by Ramon Teves-Pastor,
in 1991 and has since grown from a single classroom within other city schools to
a complete high school of more than 400 students. It is Located near Villa
Amada subdivision. It is one of the top High schools in the region.


 Head Committee - The head of this event is the MAPEH Teachers
 Chairman: Maria Myca A. Guliban .
 Vice-Chairman: Ms. Ferleen Crespo
 Members: Mr. John Paul Legazpi
Mr. Vincent Mira
Ms. Dawn Girasol

 Sports Committee - This committee are the teachers who will coach and
assign into different kind of sports.
 Basketball
 Chairman: Mrs. Sarah Jame Decipolo
 Vice-Chairman: Mr. Joseph Osabel
 Members: Ms..Sofia Rodriguez
Mrs. Monica Ferrer
Mr. Paolo Guevarra
 Volleyball
 Chairman: Mr. Akshaye Buagas
 Vice-Chairman: Ms. Marian Angela Tuig
 Members: Ms. Althea Guanzon
Mrs. Yannie Alvarez
Mr. Jonathan Olis
 Badminton
 Chairman: Ms. Irah Reyes
 Vice-Chairman: Mr. Justin Salva
 Members: Mrs. Anna Princess Sabanal
Mrs. Courtney Esparcia
Mr. CJ Gaso

 Scheduling Committee - This are the people who are responsible to the
different kinds of scheduleand venue of the event.
 Chairman: Mr. Roland Labe
 Vice-Chairman: Mr. Joshua Salva
 Members: Mrs. Keisha Mesario
Mrs. Jocelle Malayo
Mrs. Kerryn Cabasag

 Food Committee - These are the ones who controls the food of every
officials, coaches and mentors, teachers and guests.
 Chairman: Ms. Loverne Librando
 Vice-Chairman: Mrs. Jashy Gaudan
 Members: Mr. Jun Shanne Reyes
Mr. Rhalce Gaso
Ms. Jelycka Garcia

 Documentation Committee - These are the people who are assign to take
pictures, videos and recordings of the said event.
 Chairman: Mr. Jerry Besario of JL Photography
 Vice-Chairman: Mr. Yong Garcia
 Members: Ms. Jade Mira
Mr. Ramir Jun Paraon
Mrs. Jean Beraque

 Medical Team Committee - This team are those who are responsible for any
emergency and accidents may occur.
 Chairman: Ms. Shiela Marie Canaveral
 Vice-Chairman: Ms. Lourdes Alcantara
 Members: Mrs. Jane Salva
Ms. Mary Ann Alisna
Mrs. Lorna Faustorilla

 Finance Committee - This team is in control of the budget of the event. All of
the money spent should be liquidated and should be listed.
 Chairman: Ms. Kasandra Antosada
 Vice-Chairman: Ms. Reign Torres
 Members: Mr. Jun Andre Flores
Mrs. Krizia Cabrera
Ms. Michelle Jane Mira

 Decoration & Awards Committee - These people are in charge of the stage
design, certificates, medals, ribbons of the event.
 Chairman: Ms. Mae Cris Barrera
 Vice-Chairman: Ms. Ronalyn Ortega
 Members: Thea Zyne Zerna
Ms. Christine Oracion
Mr. Anthony Encontro

4. Event
Name of the event: SIBOL INTRAMURALS 2022
Theme: “Ignite the Spirit of Camaraderie through
Recreation and Sports”
 To be able to helps children improve their general
health, physical literacy, cooperation, and social skills.
 To be able the students' ability to socialize and acquire a variety of social

This intramural has a variety of events which includes Musical

Extravaganza, Mr. & Ms. Intramurals 2022. This is not just about having fun but
also to show off different skills and talents of every student. Without the
competition found in traditional team sports, intramural programs and activity
clubs give students the opportunity to participate in a wide range of physical
activities and games that promote an active and healthy lifestyle. High school
students can participate in intramural sports as a way to stay physically active
without fully committing to a school sports team or playing a sport after school.
This intramural is called “sibol”which means growth it signifies the rising talents
and skills of every student.

5. 3 Sports

1. Name of Sports: Basketball

Venue: Gymnasium, Basketball Court

1. All players shall play for only one team. Teams will not be permitted
to participate until all fees have been paid.
2. All teams must wear basketball jerseys during their games. Each
jersey must have the same color and they must have numbers.
Basketball shoes must be worn. All jewelry must be removed.
Necklaces, earrings and watches can not be worn during the game.

3. The team coaches are entirely responsible to make sure that their
players fully understand tournament rules and regulations.

4. Each participating team must have an adult coach on the bench at all

Playing Rules
1. Game Clock: Games will consist of two 12 minute halves (3rd and 4th grades)
14 minute halves (5th grade – up). The clock will not stop if a team is ahead by
20 points or more. 5 minutes will be given to warm up. Games will be played
with 3 minute half times.

2. Overtime: All overtime will consist of three minute periods with clock
stopping with fouls and violations in the last one minute.
3. Time Outs: Each team will be given 2 time outs (1 minute) per half and they
will not carry over. In case of overtime, 1 extra time out will be given.
1Basketball Tournament Rules and Regulations Playing Rules (continue)
4. Grace Period: A five minute grace period will be allowed for tardiness and
then if a team does not have four players to start the game, the game clock will
start. Eight minutes will be allowed for a team to present four players to start.
The team ready and waiting will begin amassing two points per minute up to
eight minutes. If at this point a team does not have four players to start, a
forfeit will be declared.

5. Team Fouls: Players will be given 5 fouls per game. Double Bonus shots will
be given after the 10th team foul, per half. There is no 1 and 1.

6. Technical Fouls: All technical fouls will count as a personal foul. A player who
receives a technical foul must sit out of the game for three minutes before
he/she will be allowed back into the game. If a player receives a second
technical foul during the same game, the player will be ejected from the

7. 3-Pointers: High School 3-point line will be utilized in all games. (19’ line)

8. Pressing: Full court pressing is allowed, however, there will be no pressing if a

team is 20 points ahead.

(6-1) 2

(5) 2 = 10 GAMES

8-6=2 6 TEAMS
6 - 2 = 4 1ST


Day 1
3:00 - 4:30 1 A vs. B BASKETBALL COURT
3:00 - 4:30 2 C vs. D GYMNASIUM

Day 2
7:00 - 8:30 3 E vs. F BASKETBALL COURT
9:30 - 11:00 4 W3 vs. W1 GYMNASIUM
9:30 - 11:00 5 L1 vs. L2 BASKETBALL COURT

1:00 - 2:30 6 W4 vs. W2 GYMNASIUM
1:00 - 2:30 7 L3 vs. L5 BASKETBALL COURT
3:30 - 5:00 8 W7 vs. L4 GYMNASIUM

Day 3
7:00 - 8:30 9 W8 vs. L6 BASKETBALL COURT
9:30 - 11:00 10 W6 vs. W9 GYMNASIUM
----------------------------------------- PRM ----------------------------------------

2. Name of Sports: Volleyball

Venue: Volleyball Court

1. It is the participants’ responsibility to stay informed of the time and location
of their matches, as well as of their duty as refereeing team.
2. All participants must have their individual accreditation badges with them
for every day of competition.
3. At least 6 players must be present to play a match. If less than 6 players are
present at the scheduled start of the match, the first set is forfeited 25-0.
After 5 minutes, if a player is still missing, the second set is also forfeited 25-
4. A player can only be in one team roster.
5. In case of injury in a team with only 6 players, a substitution is possible with
a member of another team who must be registered in Gay Games 10 for
volleyball at the same level or below. This must be approved by the opposing
team which may still express reservations on the match sheet or file a
complaint to the organization after noticing the substitute’s level. Other
situations do not a priori justify a substitution by another player.
6. Each player’s jersey must display a unique number, placed on the center of
the back or on the chest, with a height of at least 15 cm and of sufficient
contrast to be visible from the score table.
7. A courteous attitude and good sportsmanship are expected of all and at all
8. We thank you in advance for placing your waste in the available trash bins
and for helping maintain a clean environment.
9. Water is the only drink authorized in the play area. No food allowed.
10.If the organizers estimate that a team did not sign up in the appropriate
division, they will reassign them in a more appropriate division after pool
play. This team will enter double elimination in the middle of the seeding.
11.We cannot guarantee compatibility of the schedules between volley-ball and
beach volley-ball or any other sports. Once the final number of teams per
division is known, we may re-assess compatibility but players signing up for
multiple sports do so at their own risk.
12.We only have a very limited number of balls for warm up. Please bring your
own volley-balls
Rules and Regulations
 Server must serve from behind the end line (dark green/blue) until after
 Ball may be served underhand or overhand.
 Ball must be clearly visible to opponents before serve.
 Served ball may graze the net and drop to the other side for a point.
 First game serve is determined by a volley, each subsequent game shall be
served by the previous game loser.
 Serve must be returned by a bump only. No setting or attacking a serve.

 Rally scoring will be used.
 There will be a point scored on every score of the ball.
 Offense will score on a defense miss or out of bounds hit.
 Defense will score on an offensive miss, out of bounds hit, or serve into the
 Game will be played to 25 points.
 Must win by 2 points.

 Team will rotate each time they win the serve.
 Players shall rotate in a clockwise manner.
 There shall be 6 players on each side.


 Maximum of three (3) hits per side.
 Player may not hit the ball twice in succession (a block is not considered a
 Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on serve.
 A ball touching a boundary line is good.
 A legal hit is contact with the ball by a players’ body above and including the
waist which does not allow the ball to visibly come to a rest.
 If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one
play and the players involved may not participate in the next play.
 A player must not block or attack a serve.
 Switching positions will be allowed only between front line players. (after the
serve only).

 Stepping on or over the line on a serve.
 Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
 Hitting the ball illegally (carrying, palming, throwing, etc).
 Touches of the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. If the
ball is driven into the net with such force that it causes the net to contact an
opposing player, no foul will be called, and the ball shall continue to be in
 Reaching over the net, except under these conditions:

 When executing a follow-through.
 When blocking a ball which is in the opponents court but is being returned
(the blocker must not contact the ball until after the opponent who is
attempting to return the ball makes contact), except to block the third play.
 Reaches under the net (if it interferes with the ball or opposing player).
 Failure to serve in correct order.
 Blocks or spikes from a position which is clearly not behind the 10 ft. line
while in a back row position.

1. Committing any of these volleyball rule violations results in a point
for the opponent.

2. Stepping on or across the service line when serving while making

contact with the ball.
3. Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.

4. Ball-handling errors and contacting the ball illegally (double

touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)

5. Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.

6. Blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the
ball when reaching over the net if your opponent has not used 3
contacts AND has a player there to make a play on the ball.

7. Attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting

the ball when reaching over the net when the ball has not yet broken
the vertical plane of the net.

8. Crossing the court center-line with any part of your body, with the
exception of a hand or foot. It is only considered a violation if the
entire hand or entire foot crosses the court center-line.

9. Serving out of rotation or out of order.

10. Back row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the
opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back row player is
near the net and has part of their body above the top of the net. This is
an illegal block.
11. Back row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area
inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is
completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.
(6-1) 2

(6) 2 = 10 GAMES
6 - 2 = 4 1ST

Day 1
3:00 - 4:00 1 A vs. B Volleyball Court
4:00 - 5:00 2 C vs. D Volleyball Court
Day 2
7:00 - 8:00 3 E vs. F Volleyball Court
10:00 - 11:00 4 W1 vs. W3 Volleyball Court
11:00 - 12:00 5 L1 vs. L2 Volleyball Court

1:00 - 2:00 6 W4 vs. W2 Volleyball Court
3:00 - 4:00 7 L3 vs. L5 Volleyball Court

Day 3
7:00 - 8:00 8 W7 vs. L4 Volleyball Court
8:30 - 9:30 9 W8 vs. L6 Volleyball Court
10:00 - 11:00 10 W6 vs. W9 Volleyball Court

---------------------------------------- PRM ------------------------------------------

3. Name of Sports: Badminton

Venue: Badminton Court


1. Players must serve the shuttlecock over the net so that it lands on the correct
side of the opponent's court.
2. Once the serve has crossed the net (without hitting the net), the opposition
must select the most appropriate shot to return the shuttlecock to either win
the point or gain a tactical advantage.

3. To win a point, an individual must play a shot that allows the shuttlecock to
either hit the floor of their opponent's court or force their opposition to either
not return the shuttlecock or land it out of bounds.

Rules and Regulations

1. A match consists of the best of three games of 21 points.
2. The player/pair winning a rally adds a point to its score.
3. At 20-all, the player/pair which first gains a 2-point lead wins that game.
4. At 29-all, the side scoring the 30th point wins that game.
5. The player/pair winning a game serves first in the next game.
6. A badminton match can be played by two opposing players (singles) or four
opposing players (doubles).
7. A competitive match must be played indoors utilizing the official court
8. A point is scored when the shuttlecock lands inside the opponent's court or if
a returned shuttlecock hits the net or lands outside of the court the player
will lose the point.
9. At the start of the rally, the server and receiver stand in diagonally opposite
service courts.
10. A legal serve must be hit diagonally over the net and across the court.
11. A badminton serve must be hit underarm and below the server's waist
height with the racquet shaft pointing downwards, the shuttlecock is not
allowed to bounce. After a point is won, the players will move to the
opposite serving stations for the next point.
12. The rules do not allow second serves.
13. During a point a player can return the shuttlecock from inside and outside of
the court.
14. A player is not able to touch the net with any part of their body or racket.
15. A player must not deliberately distract their opponent.
16. A player is not able to hit the shuttlecock twice.
17. A 'let' may be called by the referee if an unforeseen or accidental issue
18. A game must include two rest periods. These are a 90-second rest after the
first game and a 5-minute rest after the second game.


(6-1) 2

(7) 2 = 10 GAMES

6 - 2 = 4 1ST


Day 1
3:00 - 4:00 1 A vs. B Volleyball Court
4:00 - 5:00 2 C vs. D Volleyball Court

Day 2
7:00 - 8:00 3 E vs. F Volleyball Court
10:00 - 11:00 4 W1 vs. W3 Volleyball Court
11:00 - 12:00 5 L1 vs. L2 Volleyball Court

1:00 - 2:00 6 W4 vs. W2 Volleyball Court
3:00 - 4:00 7 L3 vs. L5 Volleyball Court

Day 3
7:00 - 8:00 8 W7 vs. L4 Volleyball Court
8:30 - 9:30 9 W8 vs. L6 Volleyball Court
10:00 - 11:00 10 W6 vs. W9 Volleyball Court

---------------------------------------- PRM ------------------------------------------

6. sBudget per sport/event

 Officials
 Basketball: 2 referees/ 300 per day

 Volleyball: 2 referees/ 300 per day

 Badminton: 2 referees / 300 per day

 Musical Extravaganza
 Dance sports, Hip-hop, Singing Contest, Comical Skit

 Judge: 3 judges/ 1500 + token

 Decorations: 5,000

 Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2022

 Judges: 3 judges/ 1500 + token

 Awards
Certificates, Trophies, Medals : 5,000

 Foods
 Officials and Judges: 150 per day x 6 referees x 2 days

 Equipment
 5,000

Flow of the Event

Day 1

8:00 - 9:30 -- Parade

10:00 - 11:00 -- Mass

1:00 - 2:00 pm -- Opening Program

--------------- START OF THE GAMES ------------

Day 2

Morning to Afternoon:
------------------------------ GAMES --------------------------------------

Evening Events:
7:00PM ONWARDS - Musical Extravaganza and Presentation of Mr.
And Ms. Intrams
Venue: Gymnasium

Day 3

------------------------------ CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES -------------------------------

Awarding of Mr & Ms Intramural and Sports games
Venue: Gymnasium


On behalf of the physical education committee it is indeed our pleasure to make a few
closing remarks and express gratitude to all those who made this event a reality. To our
almighty god who always showers us with blessings as we can all see in this event. It is my
sincere duty to thank all of you here today, do enjoy the activities planned for this assembly
and i hope you all have learned a thing or two from this event. Before we formally close our
program I would like to leave you with a saying "one man can be a crucial ingredient on a
team, but one man cannot make a team." - karim abdul-jabbar. Thank you and enjoy the
rest of the day!

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