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I. Choose the underlined word or phrase marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.
1. If someone came into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”
2. If you try these cosmetics, you look five years younger.
3. If you do not understand what were written in the book, you could ask Mr. Pike.
4.I will come to meet Mr. Pike and tell him about your problems if you didn’t solve them yourself.
5. Sam will not graduate unless he doesn’t pass all the tests.
6. If there isn’t enough food, we couldn’t continue our journey.
7. Unless you pour oil on water, it will float.
8. The assistant asked Helen whether those shoes was too small for her.
9. If anyone will phone, tell them I’ll be back at 11:00.
10. We can hire a minibus if there will be enough people.
11. If John make soup, he can chop the kohlrabi into chunks rather than slice it.
12. My mum might roast a chicken if she heard that you will come for lunch.
13. Unless you use a bottle of oil, you cannot deep-dry two kilos of chicken wing.
14. You must steamed the dim sum in thirty minutes, or else it is still raw.
15. If it is my birthday, my mum would simmer some kilos of beef bones to make broth.
16. You have eat nutritious things to stay healthy.
17. I fall in love with curry immediately and eat a small portion. I’m so full up now.
18. She was afraid that my mom would get angry because there were dark splash of mud on her skirt.
19. You have to improve your cooking skills if you want attend this cooking class.
20. What will happen if we cooked the dish too long?

I. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.
1. If a drop of oil is placed in a glass of water, it would float to the top.
2. The Tuoi Tre is a daily newspaper that is wide read by both teenagers and adults.
3. My parents wouldn’t let me staying up late when I was a child.
4. Her children are used to picking up after school every day. They don’t have to walk home.
5. I’m usually right about the weather, amn’t I?
6. Could I change seats with you? I’d like sitting next to my friends.
7. Watch television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a healthy habit for a growing child.
8. Hans is only fourteen, but he seems enough old to stay out until ten.
9. I think that’s an interesting thought, isn’t that?
10. Greeting enough sleep is important in order not fall asleep is class.
1. The bad weather didn’t make my flight be delayed, but the terrorism does.
12. Kevin had took home lots of nice souvenirs last time, so he didn’t buy anymore.
13. A tour guide was showing the tourists around when a something fell down from the sky.
14. If you decide to start the trip, you must reserve a seat in advance on planes or trains.
15. I bet you will never have the nerve to start an expedition to an Amazon rainforest.
16. My trip to the countryside was fantastic. The locals were extremely welcome.
17. Did you have a chance to do any sightsee?
18. I find it absolutely astonished that you didn’t like Paris.
19. You’re a third person to ask me about the trip.
20. When he was ten, he taught himself to play a violin.

I. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that needs correcting.
1. On the way home, we saw a lot of men, women, and dogs which were playing in the park.
2. The man whom remained in the office was the manager.
3. This novel, which written by a well known writer, should be read.
4. My friend George, that arrived late, was not permitted to enter the class.
5. This is the only place which we can obtain scientific information.
6. Chemistry is one branch of science on that most of the industries depend.
7. 1975 is the year in when the revolution took place.
8. Mr. Brown, that teaches me English, is coming today.
9. The hotel where we stay in last year was excellent.
10. At last they found the woman and her cat which were badly injured by the fire.
11. There’s the man whom wife knows your brother.
12. My sister has a cat who has three kittens.
13. The man whose she is engaged to works here.
14. My aunt who I visited last year, came to stay with me.
15. If I have a clear accent, I would speak English more coherently.
16. It was me who make lots of mistakes in English class yesterday.
17. The boy whom is imitating other foreign speakers is in grade 9.
18. If Maria guessed the meaning of that word, she will get a good point.
19. My sister who looks up ten new words in a dictionary daily want to travel.
20. We have a smart TV where can be used as a computer.
I. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. The first Vietnamese citizen whom flew into space in 1980 was Pham Tuan.
2. The first spacecraft which was successfully launched in 1961 belong toRussia.
3. The man which name was Neil Armstrong was the first one to walk on the moon.
4. The shop which I bought this skirt is located on Hung Vuong Street.
5. If we have two cars, it would be more convenient.
6. After learning the lesson, the children got much inform about the history of their country.
7. My father used to walking 10 km to school when he was a student.
8. It seems difficult for us having a trip abroad at the moment.
9. There is still evidence for people to believe in the exist of UFOs.
10. We are confident that we will be ability to persuade our friends to keep the school clean.
11. We have to save energy because save energy is very necessary.
12. It is raining heavily because I can't go out.
13. This book was writing by Jack London, an American writer.
14. It's not easy find a cheap apartment in Ho Chi Minh city.
15. The students have four fifteen-minutes breaks each day.
16. NASA wants its astronauts to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in engineer, biological science, physical science or
17. Astronauts who are not assign to a flight will back up other astronauts in orbit through serving in Mission Control.
18. Natalie Wolchover studied physics at the University of California before she became a staff writer for Live Science and a
contributor to
19. The animals which were known as the first to launched into space in 1947 were fruit flies.
20. The spacecraft which Yuri Gagarin flew in his historical travel into space was Vostok 1.
I. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. I enjoyed the book that you told me to read it.
2. That commentator, his name I have forgotten, is very well-known.
3. Amelia Earhart, that was one of the pioneers in aviation, attempted to fly the world in 1937, but she and her plane
mysteriously disappeared over the Pacific Ocean.
4. Sunday is a day where we expect.
5. Have you ever been to Da Lat when my father has a lovely house?
6. Tomorrow I’m going to the station to meet my friend which comes to stay with us.
7. Last summer my family went to Vung Tau where my aunt is living there.
8. The stories what I’ve told you are all true.
9. There are not many people whose adapt to a new culture without feeling some disorientation at first.
10. San Francisco, that is a beautiful city, has a population of six Million.
11. Self-learning will be facilitate by the application of technology in the school.
12. This is our new laboratory, that has been equipped with many modern facilities.
13. In the future classrooms, exercise books will replaced by laptop computers.
14. Judy and Tom, who are freshman have developed the idea into this remarkable event.
15. Mrs. Lock, the breadwinner of his family, has already decided to retire next year.
16. Viet Nam, a developing country, used to being male-dominated.
17. Women, who get a job to support their families also want to be financially independent.
18. Dr. Nelson, whom is the head of the research group, will talk about the changes in curriculum.
19. Students will are guided in learning how to get along with each other.
20. Can we meet each other at my university, where is situated in the city centre?
I. Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. If you don’t want to be late for work again, try to go to bed earlier.
2. She was awarded the employee of the year though her young age.
3. Although John will have a very busy day tomorrow, he has arranged meeting him at 4.00.
4. In spite of not being a professional dancer. Linda practices dancing every day.
5. My mother always suggests to read the book before seeing the film.
6. In spite of have to be far from home regularly, Tim decided to become a tour guide.
7. Despite her tiredness, Susan is attempting burn the midnight oil for studying.
8. Tony, who graduated with an excellent degree, is offered become a chef.
9. Although a good position, Mr. Allred has to work overtime regularly.
10. We can’t stand to hear loud noises from the construction site day by day.
11. If you do not have breakfast in the morning, you should not be able to study or work efficiently.
12. I don’t like eating something overcooked, so I will ask the chef to cook another piece of beef for me.
13. My mother needed some cloves of garlic, so I went to the market and buy it for her.
14. While the chicken is cooking, wash two cucumbers, chop them in a half and slice them.
15. If you can cook some food for yourself, have a bowl of cereal and a bottle of milk.
16. Last year, she had spent approximately15 million VND on the holiday with her best friend in Korea.
17. What I love to do in France most is to go to sightseeing in the historic city of Versailles.
18. After a hard-working season, we just want to go to Da Nang, stay at a beautiful seasides resort and enjoy seafood every
19. All the passengers are required to remain seated for some minutes after the down touch.
20. As soon as she arrived at the hotel from the airport, she checked-out to get a room.

1. B → comes 11. A → makes
2. C → will look 12. C → hears
3. D → can ask 13. D → wings
4. D → don’t solve 14. B → steam
5. B → if 15. A → will
6. D → can’t continue 16. A → have to
7. A → if 17. C → big
8. D → were 18. C → splashes
9. B → phones 19. D → to attend
10. D → there are 20. C → cook

1. C → will 1l. D → did
2. C → widely 12. A → taken
3. B → stay 13. C → bỏ a
4. B → being picked up 14. A → a
5. C → aren’t 15. D → the
6. C → to sit 16. D → welcomed
7. A → Watching 17. D → sightseeing
8. C → old enough 18. C → astonishing
9. D → it 19. A → the
10. D → not to fall

1. C → that 1l. B → whose
2. B → who 12. C → which
3. A → bỏ which 13. B → whom
4. A → who 14. A → whom
5. C → where 15. A → had
6. C → which 16. C → made
7. B → which 17. B → who
8. A → who 18. C → would
9. B → bỏ in 19. D → wants
10. C → that 20. B → which

l. B → who 11. C → saving
2. C → belonged 12. C → so
3. A → whose 13. B → was written
4. B → where 14. B → to find
5. B → had 15. B → fifteen minute
6. C → information 16. D → engineering
7. B → to walk 17. B → not assigned
8. C → to have 18. A → had studied
9. D → existence 19. D → be launched
10. B → able 20. C → historic

1. D → bỏ it l. B → facilitated
2. B → whose name 2. B → which
3. A → which 3. C → will be replaced
4. C → which 4. C → freshmen
5. C → where 5. A → Mr. Lock
6. D → who 6. C → be
7. D → bỏ “there’ 7. A → The women
8. B → which 8. A → who
9. B → who 9. A → be guided
10. B → which 10. B → which

1. C → going 11. B → may/might not
2. C → despite /in spite of 12. D → slice of beef
3. D → to meet) 13. D → them
4. A → Despite / In spite of 14. D → half
5. B → reading 15. A → can’t
6. A → having 16. A → spent
7. C → to burn 17. C → go sightseeing
8. D → to become 18. C → seaside resort
9. A → Despite 19. D → touchdown
10. B → hearing 20. C → checked-in

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