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Units 1 and 2 TEST

Vocabulary /30

1. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs. Use one word from List A and one
from List B.

List A break | get | get | go | note | put | stay | try

List B behind | down | for | in | off | on | out | up

1. I’d love to ___________ a new activity like digital photography or video production.

2. If I was invited to spend a year in another country, I’d __________________ it.

3. In class, we have to __________________ everything the teacher says.

4. We usually __________________ for the summer holidays in the third week of June.

5. I think I will _________________ well in my new job. It seems to be a good place to work.

6. We had to _______________ after class yesterday to talk about our future plans.

7. I’d love to do music technology at university but it’s really hard to _____________.

8. Don’t __________ doing your homework – you may not have time to do it at the weekend.

2. Complete the sentences with the noun form of the verbs below.
act | apply | concentrate | discuss | educate | invent | permit | register

1. My grandparents didn’t get a very good ___________. They left school when they were 14.

2. If you want to go on the school trip, you’ll need __________________ from your parents.

3. The company needs to take ____________________ to prevent this happening again.

4. My sister’s busy right now. She’s completing her ____________________ for university.

5. In our English class, we often have a ____________________ about interesting things.

6. Have you completed the ____________________ form with all your personal details?

7. I find music interrupts my ____________________ and then I get distracted easily.

3. Read the definitions and complete the words.

1. the lists produced each week of the records with the highest sales
the c__________

2. a thing or person that is extremely popular or successful

m__________ h__________

3. to leave a band to follow a music career by yourself

g__________ s__________

4. to act, dance, or play music to entertain people

g__________ a p__________

5. to make a record or film available for people to buy


6. a place where a band or orchestra plays their music to people

c__________ v__________

7. a natural ability to play an instrument or sing

m__________ t__________

8. when a band or solo artist travels to different countries performing their music
t__________ the w__________

4. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of these verbs.
buy | go | hear | look | play | practise | talk | watch

1. I’ll always remember ____________ to my first concert. I saw a jazz singer with my uncle.

2. Don’t forget _________________ tickets for the concert. There aren’t many left.

3. Please stop _________________! I can’t hear the music.

4. I tried _________________ the violin when I was younger but I soon gave it up.

5. Jack’s stopped _________________ with his band at the weekend, he hasn’t got time.

6. We’ll never forget _________________ our music teacher sing for the first time. Her voice
was incredible.

7. Did you remember _________________ the documentary about that musician last night?
Grammar /30

1. Match the questions with the answers. Then complete the questions.

1. __ Who __________ you __________ a. No, she can’t. She’s working but dad
on well with in your family? can collect us.

2. __ How long __________ you

b. I’ve been here since I was twelve.
__________ at your school?

3. __ __________ you __________ a

c. No, she’s leaving next year.
film when I phoned?

4. __ __________ your dad __________

d. Yes, he had a fantastic time.
a good time on his birthday?

5. __ __________ your sister

e. I get on well with my younger brother.
__________ school this year?

6. __ Where __________ we
f. You should take him to the new
__________ my German friend when he
science museum. It’s amazing.

7. __ __________ you ever __________

g. Yes, we were watching a comedy.
a first aid course?

8. __ __________ your mum

h. Yes, I did a course at school last year.
__________ us after football tomorrow?

2. Complete the questions with the missing words.

1. A: Who ____________________ last night?
B: My cousin called me.

2. A: Who ____________________ at the party last weekend?

B: I saw Chris and Alfie.

3. A: What ____________________?
B: A fox killed it.

4. A: Who ____________________ prepare for the exam?

B: My sister helped me.

5. A: What ____________________?
B: I play the piano.

6. A: Who ____________________ in the shower?

B: My cousin heard me. And he recorded me on his phone!

7. A: Who ____________________ about the news?

B: Mark told me about it.
3. Complete the sentences with the present simple, present continuous or present perfect
form of the verbs in brackets.

My cousin 1______________ (want) to be a famous opera singer since he was a baby. He’s
actually really good and we all 2______________ (believe) that he’ll get there one day, but
right now he 3______________ (recognise) that it’ll be difficult. At the moment he
______________ (study) in a music school in New York. Next week, he 5______________
(take) part in a concert at the Metropolitan Opera House, which 6______________ (hold)
3,800 people. A singer’s life isn’t easy. My cousin often 7______________ (have) to practise
for weeks before an event. He says he 8______________ (not have) a real break for two years.

4. Complete the sentences with the present simple, present continuous or present perfect
form of these verbs.
enjoy | go | not go out | not play | not think | require | seem | wait

1. My favourite band _______________________ on tour all the time.

2. My friends and I _________________ going to concerts since we started secondary school.

3. Giving a concert _______________________ a lot of preparation.

4. My grandma used to play the piano every day but she ____________________ it for ages.

5. We _______________________ tomorrow night because we have to study.

6. My brother ____________________ to enjoy listening to the same song again and again.

7. I _____________________ I’ll ever be good at singing.

Reading and Use of English /20
1 For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example
at the beginning (0
Example: HEALTHY B
Brain games 0.HEALTH
According to experts, doing puzzles keeps our brains fit and 0 _____ As well as gaining 17 17.SATISFY
____________ from finding the correct answer to a difficult problem, we give our brains a
good workout in the process. To help us do this, all sorts of handheld ‘brain games’ are now
available in the shops, and the most 18___________ games have sold in their millions. 19.COVER
What’s more, people 19 ____________ that the more they play the games, the easier it is to
find a 20.SOLVE
20 ________ to the problems posed. They see this as proof that there has been an 21 21.IMPROVE
___________ in the power of their brains. Unfortunately, however, this may be a false
impression. Some 22 _____________ argue that the brain gets better at any task the more 22.SCIENCE
often it is repeated. In other words, the improvement in the 23 ___________ of the brain is 23.PERFORM
something that happens naturally. So although these brain games are obviously fun to play,
it remains 24 _______________ whether they are actually helping to boost brainpower or 24.CERTAIN

2 For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given.
Here is an example (0).
Example: 0. What type of music do you like best? FAVOURITE
What _______________ type of music?
Example: 0. IS YOUR FAVOURITE 25.
25 Brad speaks English better than his parents do. AS
Brad’s parents don’t _______________ he does.
26. Cycling is not allowed in the park. SUPPOSED
You _______________ in the park.
27. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t let you know I was going to be late, Ann,’ said Jamie. APOLOGISED
Jamie _______________ Ann know that he was going to be late.
28. A heavy fall of snow prevented them from getting home that night. ABLE
They _______________ home that night because of a heavy fall of snow

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