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SeV7r | RA J ny “4 AP IP FD Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 23/25, First Lok Yang Road, Singapore 629733 Associated companies, branches and representatives throughout the world © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 1990, 1995. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, slored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner. First published 1990 Reprinted three times Sixth edition 1995 Fourteenth reprint 2007 Local ISBN 978-9-971-89657-7 Local ISBN 10 9971-89-657-5 Overseas ISBN 978-0-582-26511-0 Overseas ISBN 10 0-582-26511-8 Produced by Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd Printed in Malaysia Contents MATHEMATICS 1 Coordinate Geometry 1 Cartesian Coordinates Midpoint of Two Points — Two Pai Areas of Rectilinear Figures (Optional) Gradient or Slope of a Straight Line — angle of slope Parallel Lines Collinear Pai Perpendicular Lines Equation of a Straight Line — lines parallel to the x- or y-axis Gradient-intercept Form — equations of parallel and perpendicular lines ion of Li Summary . Revision Exerci Simultaneous Equations. 33 Summary isian Exerc Functions 40 Domain and Range Graphical Representation of Functions — common functions and their graphs; graphs of transformed functions The Modulus of a Function | x Modular Inequalities The Inverse of a Function — functions with no inverse; graphical illustration of an inverse function; composite functions Summary Revision Fxerri The Quadratic Function 7 Solving Quadratic Equations Graph of the Quadratic Function f(x) = ax? + bx +¢ Types of Roots of ax’ + bx +c =0 Maximum and Minimum Values of a Quadratic Function Sketching the Graph of a Quadratic Function Range of a Quadratic Function Quadratic Inequalities Summary ee NH EYAK-X00-3! Binomial Expansions 09 ‘The Binomial Theorem Summary Revision Exercise 5 Radians, Arcs and Sectors uw Radian Measure Length of an Arc Area of a Sector of a Circle Summary Revision Exercise 6 Trigonometry DR ‘Tigonometric Functions for a General Angle — note on special angles 30’, 45°, 60° Negative Angles Basic Trigonometric Equations Other Trigonometric Functions Graphs of Trigonometric Functions — sin 8 and cos @; tan @ Multiple Angle Functions Modulus of Trigonometric Functions Identities Equations with more than One Function Summary Revision Exercise 7 Vectors 4153 Scalars. and Vectors, Representation of Vectors Equality of Vectors Notation for Vectors Magnitude of a Vector — zero vector; scalar multiple of a vector ‘dition of Vi Diagonals of a Parallelogram a Components of a Vector: Unit Coordinate Vectors — unit vectors Scalar Product of Two Vectors Summary Revision Exercice 8 Caiculus (1): Differentiation : 4185 Gradient of a Curve General Method for the Gradient Function, Notation — the dy, &x notation for the gradient function; meaning of fe Urheberrechtlich geschiitztes Material Note on Indices ‘The Derivative af The Derivative of a Polynomial Composite Functions The Second Differential Coefficient “2 Summary ae es 10 Calculus (2): Applications of Differentiation Increasing and Decreasing Functions Tangents and Normals Stationary Points: Maxima and Minima — quadratic function Maxi Ainimum P Velocity and Acceleration Small Increments: Approximate Changes — connected rates of change Summary Revision Exercise 10 11 Calculus (3): Integration The Arbitrary Constant: Indefinite Integral — notation; the integral [+ dr Applications of Integration — area under a curve Definite Integrals— further notes on areas Solids of Revolution — solid of revolution created by a region between ovo curves Summary visi ; Revision Papers 1-5 PART Il_ FURT 12 Remainder and Factor Theorems: Cubic Equations ‘The Remainder Theorem The Factor Theorem — solving a cubic equation Identical Polynomials Summary Revision Exercise 12 13 Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions Arithmetic Progressions — arithmetic means;_sum of an arithmetic progression Geometric Progressions— geometric means; sum of a geometric progression; ‘sum to infinity of a geometric progression Summary 291 ‘sion Exerci 14 Further Trigonometry: Compound and Multiple Tacos e+ bsing ition F Tangents of Compound Angles A + B Multiple Angles The Function a cos 6+ b sin@ The Equation a cos @+ b sin 9 =c¢ Summary Revision Exercise 14 15 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Rules for Indices Exponential Equations— the graph of the exponential function The Logarithmic Function — the graph of the logarithmic function; rules for logarithms; two special logarithms: common logarithms: logarithmic equations Summary Revision Exercise 1S 16 Conversion to Linear Form Summary ision Exercise 16 17 Calculus (4): Further Techniques: Trigonometric Functions Calculus: Further Techniques — fractional indices; integration of powers of the linear function ax + b; differentiation of the product of two functions; differentiation of the quotient of two functions; differentiation of implicit functions; revision of calculus methods Trigonometric Functions — differentiation of sin x: an important limit; differentiation of cos x; differentiation of tan x; integration of trigonometric functions Summary Revision Exercise 17 18 Calculus (5): e* and In x Inx i Sin te Re Sete ze Integration of 1 and e*? Summary Revision Exercise 18 19 Parametric Equations Summary Revision Exercise 19 Revision Papers 6 - 10 PART Ill PARTICLE MECHANICS . , 21 s-t Graphs v-t Graphs — area under the v-1 graph Straight Line Motion with Constant Acceleration Vertical Motion under Gravity Sumi Revision Exercise 20 Velocity and Relative Velocity Composition of Velocities — resolution of velocities Relative Velocity Summary Revision Exercise 2 22 Projectiles 23 Projectiles Velocity Components — coordinates; greatest height; time of flight; hortizontal range Summary Revisi ise Force, Friction Forces — unit of force Types of Force — weight; reaction; tension; friction; thrust Composition of 2 Forces Resolution of a Force Coplanar Forces Acting on a Particle Equilibrium of a Particle Triangle of Forces Lami’s Theorem Polygon of Forces Eriction 421 433 497 24 25 26 Summary RevisionExercise23 Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton's Laws Mass and Weight Connected Particles Summary Revision Exercise 24 Work, Energy, Power Work Kinetic Energy (KE) Potential Energy (PE) Power Summary Revision Exercise 25 Momentum and Impulse Conservation of Momentum Summary Revision Exercise 26 Revision Papers 11 - 18 Answers. 524 S47 570 & 8 PART | Pure Mathematics Coordinate Geometry CARTESIAN COORDINATES The position of a point in a plane can be given by an ardered pair of numbers, written as (x,y). These are called the Cartesian coordinates of the point. (The name comes from the French mathematician Rene Descartes (1596 — 1650)). The coordinates measure the displacement (+ or -) of the point from two perpendicular axes, the y-axis (Oy) and the x-axis (Ox), where O is the origin. For example, in Fig.1.1, the coordinates of point A are (4,3) and the coordinates of point B are (3,4), 4 is the x-coordinate of A and 3 is its y-coordinate. (The x-coordinate is sometimes called the abscissa and the y-coordinate the ordinate). Fig.4.4 The x-coordinate is always stated first. As you can see, (4,3) is not the same point as (3,4). Now state the coordinates of the points C, D, E, F and G in Fig. 1.1. MIDPOINT OF TWO POINTS ‘On graph paper, plot the points A(2,3) and B(8,7). Can you write down the coordinates of the midpoint of AB? Can you see how these are related to the coordinates of A and B? (Remember that the midpoint is halfway between A and B). We can find a formula for the midpoint of AB. We could use different letters for coordinates such as (a,b), (c,d), etc. but it is neater to use suffixes attached tox and y for specific points. So we write the coordinates of A as (x,,y,) and B as (x,,y,)- Let the coordinates of the midpoint M be (x,.y,) (Fig. 1.2). AC and ME are parallel to the x-axis. MD and BC are parallel to the y-axis. Fig. 1.2 Then AD = DC sox, — @ and EC = BE so yy — (i) From (i), 2ty =, +4, and from (ii), 2yy, = y, + Yy neh _ uth Therefore, x, = + and yy = 7: WAS Midpoint of (x,,»,) and (x5) is (2572 | 48 The coordinates of the midpoint are the averages of the two x-coordinates and of the two y-coordinates of the points. Example 1 (a) Find the midpoint of (i) (34) and (5,2) (ii) (-2,-1) and (4-4). (b) If (-2\1) is the midpoint of AB, where A is (~3,2), find the coordinates of B. (a) (i) The midpoint is (Ae 3+5 48) = (4,3). (ii) The midpoint is (24 4 apt) = (1-24). (b) If (4yy¥q) are the coordinates of B, then -2 is the average of -3 and x,, ty so (-2) = =z. Hence x, Similarly y, = 0. Therefore the coordinates of B are (—1,0). 1. Exercise 1.1 (Answers on page 600.) 1 State the coordinates of the midpoints of: (a) (0,4) and (3-2) (b) (~4,-2) and (-2,6) (c) (4,-2) and (-6,9) (d) (0,4) and (4,0) (e) C4,-1) and ©5,-2) (A) ,-3) and (-5,3) (g) (p,2p) and (3p,4p) (h) (a + 2b,b — a) and (a - 2b,3a + b) @ G@a-4)and@+26+a) () (448, 454) and (45%, 242) 2. A(1,5) and B(7,-9) are two points. AB is divided into four equal parts at C, D and E. Find the coordinates of C, D and B. 3 AG, iD. B(-5,=3) and C(7,=2) are the vertices of triangle ABC. What are the coordinates of M, the midpoint of BC and of Q, the midpoint of AM? 4 The midpoint of PQ is (2,3). If the coordinates of P are (-1,4), find the coordinates of Q. 5 A is (a,3) and B is (4,b). If the midpoint of AB is (3,5), find the values of a and b. 6 The points A and B are (a,—4) and (~3,b) respectively. If the midpoint of AB is (-2,3), find the values of @ and b. 7 Lis the point (~3,-2) and M is the point (5,4). N is the midpoint of LM. State the coordinates of N. P is the midpoint of NQ and the coordinates of P are (24,4). Find the coordinates of Q. 8 ABCD is a parallelogram. A is the point (2,5), B is the point (8,8) and the diagonals intersect at (33,24). What are the coordinates of C and D? 9 The coordinates of A and B are (-9,3) and (~3,4) respectively. B is the midpoint of AC and C is the midpoint of AD. Find the coordinates of C and of D. 10 A is the point (1,4), B is the point (5, -2) and C is the point (-4,-5). If D is the midpoint of AB and E the midpoint of DC, find the coordinates of D and E and show that AE is parallel to the y-axis. 11 The coordinates of A and C are (-6,-3) and (-1,1) respectively. {a) If Cis the midpoint of AB, find the coordinates of B. (b) BF is divided into three equal parts at D and E. If the coordinates of E are (6-1), find the coordinates of D and F. 12 The points (x,.7,), (¢,:73)s (44) and (xyy,), in that order form a parallelogram ABCD. Show that x, + x, =, +4, and y, +), =), +), 13 ABCD is a quadrilateral where A is (1,7), B is (4,3), C is (-1,-3) and D is (-4,5). Is ABCD a parallelogram? If not, state new coordinates for B so that ABCD will be a parallelogram. 14 The points A(-1,4), B(4,10), C(6,-5) and D(-2,-8) form a quadrilateral ABCD, P, Q, R and S are the midpoints of the sides AB, BC, CD and DA respectively. Prove that PORS is a parallelogram. DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS What is the length of AB in Fig.1.32 Fig. 1.3 If we draw AC parallel to the x-axis and CB parallel to the y-axis, then AC = 3 = (-1) = 4 units and BC = 1 — (-2) = 3 units. By Pythagoras’ Theorem, AB? = AC? + BC? = 16+ 9 = 25 units’, Hence the length of AB = V25 = 5 units. ‘We can generalize this to find a formula for the distance between any two given points. to be the two points (Fig. 1.4). Fig. 1.4 Now AC = x, — x, and BC Then AB? = AC? + BC? = (1, mee '§ 0, - yy Bey) So the formula for the distance between the points (x,,y,) and (x,,y,) is: Distance = VG, — x)? +, —y) Koy Note: Take care with the subtractions if either or both of the coordinates are negative. Example 2 al Find the distance between (a) (7,13) and (2,1), (b) (2-3) and (-3.4). (a) Distance = V7 — 2)? + (03 — 1p = V25 4 144 = Vi69 = 13 units, Distance = V[2— (3) + -3 — 4P = ¥25 +49 = V74 = 8.6 units. Note that this could also be done as: distance = V[-3 - 2) + [4 -(-3)P = ¥25 + 49 units as before. (b) The coordinates can be subtracted in either order as the results are the same after squaring. Verify this for part (a). Example 3 The vertices of a triangle ABC are Af-2,5), B(4,4) and C(5,-2). (a) Which is the longest side? (b) Is the triangle right-angled? (e) What type of triangle is ABC? We need only find the squares of the lengths of the sides. = (2-4) +[5-4?=37 units? na SP + [4-201 —(-2)F + [-2-5 = 98 units? (a) AC is the longest side. (by AC? # AB? + BC’ so the triangle is not right-angled. (c) AB? = BC? so the triangle is isosceles, Example 4 The vertices of a triangle ABC are A(1,3), B(5,11) and C(9,5). Find the lengths of the medians. You will recall that a median is a line from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. The midpoint of BC is (7,8). r Hence the length of the median from B(5, 11) Ais Ve+5?= V6l ~7.8 units. Now find the lengths of the other two medians. You should find that they are 7 units and V40 units. Example 5 The vertices of a triangle are A(~2,3), B(3,5) and C(0,-6) (Fig.1.5). D is the midpoint of AB and E is the midpoint of BC. Show that DE =} AC. It is simpler to work with squares of distances, so we find DE? and AC?. Dis (5.4) and Eis (14,- 4). Then DE? = (5-13)? +@+5ps1+4 = & AC? = (-2- 0) + (3 +6) = 85 Hence DE? = 4 AC? which means that DE = } AC. Exercise 1.2 (Answers on page 606.) 1 Find the distance between the following pairs of points. [Where necessary give your answer correct to 2 significant figures.] (a) (1,2), (4,6) (b) (-1,-3), (2,1) (c) (-4,-5), (1.7) (d) (0,-3), (4,0) (e) (-1,-3), 2,5) () (2,1), 4,2) (g) (-5,0), (7-4) (h) (-5,-2), (0-3) @) (4,0), 0,2) @) @.a + b), (a — bby 2 A circle has centre at (1,2). One point on its circumference is (-3,-1). ‘What is the radius of the circle? 3 The vertices of a triangle are A(—4,-2), B(4,2) and C(2,6). (a) Is the triangle right-angled? (b) Ifa circle is drawn round this triangle, what are the coordinates of its centre? (c) Hence find the radius of this circle. 4 The vertices of triangle ABC are A(—1,3), B(2,7) and C(6,4). (a) Find the squares of the lengths of the sides. (b) Hence state completely what type of triangle ABC is. (c) Find the area of the triangle. 5 The vertices of triangle PQR are P(3,4), Q(5,8) and R(7.4). (a) What kind of triangle is POR? (b) State the coordinates of the midpoint S of side PR. (c) Find the length of QS and deduce the area of the triangle PQR. 6 The vertices of triangle ABC are A(—4,4), B(2,6) and C(O,-6). Find the lengths of the three medians of the triangle. 7 A(-6,3), B(2,5) and C(0,-5) form a triangle. D is the midpoint of BC. (a) State the coordinates of D. (b) Find the values of AC?, AB?, AD? and DC. (c) Hence show that AC? + AB? = 2(AD? + DC). 8 The vertices of triangle ABC are A(2,3), B(4,5) and C(8.-2). P and Q are the midpoints of AB and BC respectively. (a) State the coordinates of P and Q, (b) Find the values of PQ? and AC?. (c) What fraction of AC is PQ? 9 Circle C, has centre (~3,4) and radius 2 units. Circle C, has centre (1,7) and radius 3 units. Find the distance between the two centres and hence show that the circles touch each other. 10 The centre of a circle is (-1,3) and its radius is 10 units. The centre of a second circle is (2,7) and its radius is 5 units. Show that the two circles touch each other and make a sketch showing the positions of the circles. IL The vertices of triangle PQR are P(2,5), Q(4,3) and R(-2,-3). If S is the midpoint of PR, show that triangle PSQ is isosceles. 12 A circle has its centre at the origin and its radius is 3 units. P(x,y) is any point on the circumference. State an equation in x and y which is true for all possible positions of P. 13 A(-3,2) and B(4,3) are two fixed points. The point P(x,y) moves so that it is always equidistant from A and B (i.e. AP = PB). (a) Describe the locus of P . (b) Show that (x + 3)? + (v- 2) = (4)? + (y- 3). (c) Simplify this equation. (The result is called the equation of the locus of P). AREAS OF RECTILINEAR FIGURES (Optional) A rectilinear figure has straight line sides. The following method will be found useful but it is not essential in this Syllabus. It gives a quick way of finding the area of such a figure using the coordinates of the vertices, written in a certain way. We will start with a triangle with one vertex at the origin O (Fig. 1.7). The other vertices are AG,y,) and B(x,y,). Then the area of ASOAB = area of AOBC + area of trapezium CDAB - area of ODA. Verify that this is = 3 Fay, Fa, a AY, HY) = dqy,- xy) So, for example, the area of AOAB, where A is (6,3) and B is (4,5) will be 16 x 5 = 3 x 4) = 9. The vertices were taken in the order O - A - B, ie. anticlockwise. If we take them in the order O-B-A, ie. clockwise, the result would be -9 (check this). We now extend this to AABC (Fig. 1.8). Then the area of AABC = AOAB - AOAC - AOCB (taking each triangle anticlockwise) Fig. 1.8 52 AV) — FOya— ayy) — 30, — a) SEEN: + Ys FY, 2, — HY, — 499) This result can be easily calculated by arranging the coordinate pairs as columns of a matrix, repeating the first pair at the end: Ax) " us [the sum of the DOWNWARDS products = the Find the products shown, The area = sum of the UPWARD ~ products} This gives F1(x,y, +29, + x9,) — Gy, +4, +xy,)h Check that this is the formula given above. For example, the area of the triangle shown in Fig. 1.6 will be 8 7 ox << oe Area = 5[(0+9 + 12)- (18-10 +0)} = 244 units? “ 12 This method can te extended to give the area of a polygon, prov wags are taken in order anticlockwise. For example, the area of the quadrilateral whose vertices are (4,3), (-2,-3), (1,2) and (3,-I) is given by 4 at” 2d" 3% ° an 1 Draw a sketch to make sure the 2 we x x < vertices are taken in order. 2 “3 4 3 Xe Sa Se Xo Write the pairs as before repeating the first one at the end. Then the area = 1(8 +3 +2+9)-(-3 4-9 -4)] = 21 units? Optional Exercise Find the areas of the figures whose vertices are (a) 0.0), (3,7), (5.1) (b) (=1,-2), 2,3), (4,4) (©) (4,2), ©,-8), (5,11) (d) (5,3), (2,5), (10,-1), (-6,3) (e) (2,4), B,D, 1,5), (6-3) GRADIENT OR SLOPE OF A STRAIGHT LINE The rest of this Chapter deals with the coordinate geometry of straight lines. An important concept is the gradient or slope of a line. This is a measure of the steepness of the line relative to the x-axis. It corresponds to the slope of a path or road which we measure relative to the horizontal. Mathematically, if A and B are any two points on a line (Fig. 1.9) then the gradient is the value of the ratio vertical rise (or fall) j , ee in going from A to B. ‘horizomal distance ystep xstep Fig. 1.9 The x-step and the y-step must be taken parallel to the x-axis and the y-axis respectively and either may be positive, negative or zero. Then, as we shall see, a gradient can be zero, or a positive or negative number. In a special case, it may have no value. Example 6 Find the gradient of the line through (-2,-3) and (3,5) as shown in Fig. 1.10. 5) Fig. 1.10 (2-3) Gradient = 3-53) = § , a positive gradient, If the coordinates are taken in the reverse order, then the gradient is 32 = 5. giving the same value, The gradient is usually left as a fraction. (2.5) , Example 7 Figta4 What is the gradient of the line through the points (-2.5) and (4,-2) (Fig. 1.11)? 3 Gradient = 452 = 1 =~ a negative gradient. (4-2) LH 10 Hence, if the coordinates of A and B are (x,,y,) and (x,,y,) respectively, as in Fig. 1.12, then the gradient of AB is 2—*+ , or alternatively 4. (The coordinates must be subtracted in the same order). BUx,%,) ny, AUX), Fig. 1.12 Gradient of line through (x,,y,) and (ayy) = oo at As the steepness of a straight line is clearly the same at all points on the line, we can take any two points on it to calculate its gradient. Example 8 y (b) State the gradients of the following lines: (a) through (-2,3) and (5,3), (a) (b) through (3,-4) and (3,2), . 3-3 oO (a) Gradient = = 7 0 x As we see in Fig, 1.13, the line is parallel to the x-axis. (374) The gradient of any line parallel to the x-axis is zero. Fig. 1.13 (b) Gradient = 25-2 = ¢ which is undefined as division by zero is not possible. From Fig. 1.11, we see that the line is parallel to the y-axis. ‘The gradient of any line parallel to the y-axis is undefined. Angle of Slope In Fig. 1.14, the slope or gradient of the line AB is zostep = BE = tan ZBAC. xostep AC But ZBAC = 0 where @ is the angle between the line and the positive x-axis. So the gradient = tan 8. 6 is called the angle of slope and 0° < 6 < 180° (Fig. 1.15). Fig, 1.14 1 x @=0 zero gradient @< 90° Positive gradient g0°<@<180° BY negative gradient \ o @ = 90° gradient undefined Fig. 1.15 If @ = 0°, tan @ = 0; gradient = 0. The line is parallel to the x-axis. If 0° <6 < 90°, 6 is an acute angle; tan 0 is positive and the gradient is positive. The line slopes upwards from left to right. 71 If @ = 90°, tan @ and the gradient are undefined. The line is parallel to the y-axis. If 90° <@ < 180°, @ is an obtuse angle; tan 0 is negative and the gradient is negative, The line slopes downwards from left to right. ~~, PARALLEL LINES y Fig. 1.16 In Fig. 1.16, the lines AB and CD are parallel. Then the angle of slope of each line is @, Hence they have the same gradient. Parallel lines have equal gradients. Lines with equal gradients are parallel. Example 9 A(2,3), B(S,7), €(0,-1) and D(-3,-S) are four points. (a) Which of the lines AB, BC, CA and Da are parallel? (b) What type of quadrilateral is ABCD? (a) The gradients of AB, BC, CA andDA are 4, 8 ,2and 8 respectively. Hence BC is parallel to DA. (b) As it has 2 parallel sides, ABCD is a trapezium. Example 10 Two lines are drawn from A(—1-3), one to B(4,2) and the other to C(=4,2). What are their angles of slope? Gradient of AB = 3 = 1 = tan ®, so @ = 45°. Gradiemt of AC = 5 = tan 8, so 0 = 121°. COLLINEAR POINTS Do the points A(-3,-5), B(O,-1) and C(3,3) lie in a straight line, i.e. are they collinear? If they are, then the gradient of AB must be the same as that of BC or AC, as these will be segments of the same line. Gradient of AB = 4 and gradient of BC = q. (Check gradient of AC). Hence the three points are collinear. Example 11 If C(p.q) is @ point on the tine AB, where A is (2,1) and B is (3,2), find a relationship between p and q. ‘The three points are collinear. Hence the gradient of AC = the gradient of AB. -1 1 Then 457 =5- Now verify that this gives 5g —p = 7, which is the relationship required. Exercise 1.3 (Answers on page 606.) 1 State the gradient of the line through the following pairs of points: (a) 2,3), (1,5) (b) (0,3), G,0) © (2,2), (5.5) ) (3-9), -D ©) 4,4), 3,4) © 34), B-D (g) C1-2),2-4) th) 4.0), G2) @ (a,0), a) G) (ab), (ba) (k) (Pp? (Gg) 2 A-4,-2), B(5,-2), C(0,3) and D(,0) are four points. State the gradients of (a) AB, (b) CD, (c) AC and (d) BD. 3 Which of the lines through the following pairs of points are parallel? (a) 1,3), 4.5) (b) B-2), 6.1) ©} (43), (=I) () (7.4), (2,4) (e) ©-4), 2-1) () (ab- 1, (45,6 +1) 4 Find the angle of slope of the line through the following pairs of points: (@) 2.1), 3.4) (b) 2-1), 2-5) (©) (1,3), G,7) 5 Are the points (-7,5), (-5,8) and (1,17) collinear? 6 AC-6,-3), B(-2,8), C(0,5) and D(2,2) are four points. (a) Show that B, C and D are collinear. (b) P, Qand R are the midpoints of AB, AC and AD respectively. Show that P, Q and R are also collinear. 7 If the point (a,b) lies on the line joining (-2,3) and (2,1), find a relationship between and b. 8 If the points (~2,-3), (3,5) and (13) are collinear, find the value of p. 9 The coordinates of a point are given as (¢ - 1, 2f + 1). Show that the points where t= 0, | and 2 are collinear. 10 (a) If the line joining the points (2,4) and (5,-2) is parallel to the line joining (~1,-2) and (p.6) find the value of p. (b) The line joining (~1,-4) and (a,0) is parallel to the line joining (a,1) to (11,3). Find the value of a. 11 (a) Show that the points (2,4), (5,0) and (8,4) are collinear. (b) The point (d,d — 2) also lies on this line. Find the value of d. 12 If the points (-3,-2), (-1, a - 2) and (a, 7) are collinear, find the two possible values of a. PERPENDICULAR LINES The vertices of triangle ABC are A(-4, -2), B(4, 2) and C(2, 6). Verify that this triangle is right-angled. Which two sides are perpendicular? Now state the gradients of these sides. If you multiply the two gradients, what result do you obtain? The result is surprising so we investigate it further. Given the points A(-S, -4), B¢-2, 3) and C(-16, 9) show by using Pythagoras’ theorem that AB and BC are perpendicular. Now find the product of their gradients. We can show that this result is true in general excluding undefined or zero gradients, In Fig. 1.17, AB is a line with gradient m, and CD a line with gradient m,. The lines intersect at right angles at T. The small triangle PQR shows that m, = ¢ Fig. 1.17 Now imagine that line AB is rotated through 90° about T to lie along CD. Then triangle PQR takes a new position P’Q'R’. This shows that m, = 2, as.a and b are now both positive. Then myn, =— 3 x & =—1 and this will be truc for any pair of perpendicular lines (except for lines parallel to the x- or the y-axis). If m,, m, are the gradients of two perpendicular lines, 1 then m,m, = —1 orm, =~ (mm, # 0, m, # 0). Conversely, if m, and m, arc the gradients of two lines (m, #0, m, # 0) and ‘mm, = =1, then the lines are perpendicular. Example 12 The vertices of triangle ABC are A(-2,-4), B(2,-1) and C(5,-5). (a) Show that the triangle is right-angled. (b) State the gradient of the altitude through B. (a) This could be done using the Pythagoras’ Theorem but here we use gradients. The gradients of AB, BC and CA are 3, - 4 and - + respectively. As } x (— 4) =-1, AB is perpendicular to BC. Hence the triangle is right-angled (2B = 90°). (b) The altitude through B will be perpendicular to AC. Hence its gradient Exercise 1.4 (Answers on page 607.) I Which of the lines through these pairs of points are perpendicular? (a) (4-2), (-1,0) (b) (0,-5), (4-2) (e) (2,1), (1,5) (d) (-1,-4), (2-8) (e) (1,2), 64) (A) (-2.3), (-2,7) 15 2 State the gradient of a line which is (a) parallel, (b) perpendicular, to AB where (i) Ais (3,-2), B is (0,4) Gi) Ais (0-1), B is (2,1) (iii) Ais 3), B is (2.4) (iv) A is (4,1), B is (3,0) 3 Is the triangle formed by the points (-3,2), (0,4) and (4,2) right-angled? 4 Find the gradient of a line perpendicular to the longest side of the triangle formed by A(-3,4), BOS,2) and C(0,-3). 5 (a) Show that the triangle formed by A(-2,-3), B(2,5) and C(10,1) is right-angled and isosceles. (b) State the gradients of the three altitudes. 6 Find the angle of slope of a line with gradient $ and that of another line perpendicu- ar to it. 7 Find the gradient of a line perpendicular to the line joining the points (a,3¢) and (2a,-a). 8 CD is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining A(2,3) and B(5,7). (a) State (i) the coordinates of the point where CD intersects AB and (ii) the gradient of CD. If the point (p,q) lies on CD, find a relationship between p and q. (b 9 (a) Show that the point (7,1) lies on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining (2,4) and (4,6). (b) ‘The point (a,4) also lies on this bisector. Find the value ~ 10 A semicircle with centre O (the origin) and radius 5 units, meets Ox at A and B and the pasitive y-axis at C. (a) State the coordinates of A, B and C. (b) If a point (x,y) lies on the semicircle, show that x° + y? = 25. (c) Verify that the point P(-3,4) lies on the semicircle and show by using gradients that ZAPB = 90°. TL A(-1,—2), B(6,1) and C(6,-3) are three points and AB is perpendicular to BC, (a) State, in terms of b, the gradients of AB and BC. (b) Hence show that (5 + 1)(b - 6) = -12. (c) Now find the two possible values of 6. EQUATION OF A STRAIGHT LINE y Fig. 1.18 The point P(x,y) lies on the line through A(—2,3) and B(4,-1) (Fig. 1.18). Can we find a relationship between x and y? (Note that we use the coordinates (x,y) as P is any point on the line). Since the three points are collinear, the gradient of AP = gradient of AB. ye3 1-4 2 Then FT 6 T5 Le. 3(y — 3)'=—2x + 2) or 3y + 2e= 5. This relationship is called the equation of the line through A and B. If the coordinates (x,y) of a point are substituted in the equation and both sides are equal, then the point lies on the line, We say the coordinates satisfy the equation. Conversely, if the point lies on the line, its coordinates must satisfy the equation. For example, the point (3,-5) lies on the line 2x + 3y = -9 because 2 x 3 + 3 x (-5) =~9. The coordinates (3,-5) satisfy the equation. The point (2,3) does not lie on the line because 2 x 2+ 3x 34-9, The coordinates (2,3) do not satisfy the equation. Such an equation is called a linear equation, as it is the equation df a straight line, Its general form is ax + by = ¢ where a, b and c are constants, For example, 2x — 3y = 1, y = 3x—5 are linear equations. Note that y = 2 (no x term) or 2x + 1 =0 (no y term) are also linear equations. We now look at various forms of a linear equation and how to find them. The position of a line can be fixed in two ways. 1 Given one point A(x,,y,) om the tine and its gradient m. If P(x.y) is any point on the line (Fig. 1,19), then its gradient is 22> =m. Y= y gradient m x Ale) Fig. 1.19 OK, So the equation of the line is yoy Sime —x) one-point, gradient form 7 Example 13 (a) What is the equation of the line through (3,-1) with gradient 2 ? (b) Does the point (2,3) lie on this line? (c) Find the coordinates of the points where this line cuts the axes. Using the one-point, gradient form, the equation of the line is y- (C1) = 3 3) ie. 30 + 1) = 2x-3) which simplifies to 3y = 2x - 9 or 3y - 2x =-9. Substituting in the equation, 3x 3-2 x 2 = 5. But 5 #—9 so the coordinates do not satisfy the equation and hence the point (2,3) does not lie on the line. The y-coordinate of any point on the x-axis is 0. “Substitute y = 0 in the equation of the line. Then 0 = 2x -9 giving x = 4}. The line cuts the x-axis at (44,0). Similarly, to find where the line cuts the y-axis, put x = 0 in the equation. Verify that this gives the point (0,-3). H Given nwo points A(x,,y,) and B(x,,y,) Let P(x,y) be any point on the line (Fig. 1.20). Fig. 1.20 Then by gradients, =?! =3, Rewriting this in a more symmetrical form, the equation of the line is two-point form (note the order of the terms) Example 14 Find the equation of the line through (2,-3) and (-1 4). It does not matter which point is taken as (x,,y,). Take (2-3). y-3) | x-2 4-H ~ 1-2 Using the two-point form, the equation is =f? 3 Now remove the fractions to get -3(y + 3) = 7(x— 2), which simplifies to 3y + 7x = 5. Lines Parallel to the x- or y-axis Equations for these lines are special cases. Example 15 Find the equation of the line through (a) (-3,2) and'(5,2), (b) (3,-1) and (3,5). (a) If we use the two-point form, we get et = w which is not defined. We can see however that the line is parallel to the x-axis (Fig. 1.21). Every point of the line will have coordinates of the form (x,2) so its equation will be y = 2 as y is always = 2, whatever the value of x. Fig. 1.21 (b) Similarly this line is parallel to the y-axis. Every point will have coordinates of the fotm (3,y). So the equation is x = 3. Hence, if k is a constant, then y = kis the equation of a line parallel to the x-axis x = kis the equation of a line parallel to the y-axis I 1 Exercise 1.5 (Answers on page 607.) wn wn a ~ oe 0 1 Find, in its simplest form, the equation of the line (a) through (2,3) with gradient | 3 (>) through (-1,-1) with gradient (©) through (1,3) with gradient —2 (d) through (1,0) and (-2,3) (e) through (0,1) and (1,3) (0 through (3-2) and (7,-2) (g) through (—2,4) parallel to the y-axis (h) through (1,2) and parallel to a line with gradient 2 (i) through (-3,-1) and perpendicular to a line with gradient — G). through (-1,2) and (-1,7) (k) through (0,-3) and (0,5) Find the coordinates of the points where each of the lines in Question | cut the axes. A line cuts the x-axis at (3,0) and the y-axis at (0,-2). Find the equation of the line. P(O,9) and Q(6,0) are two points, A line is drawn from the origin perpendicular to PQ. Find the equation of this line. Find the equations ofthe lines through (1-4) which are (a) parallel and (b) perpen- dicular to another line with gradient — 2 The gradient of a line is 2 and it cuts the y-axis at (0,3). Find its equation and the coordinates of the point where it cuts the x-axis. Find the equations of the sides of triangle ABC where A is (-2,3), B is (0,5) and Cis ,-1). The points A(4,4), B(-2,0) and C(6,-2) form a triangle. (a) Find the equations of the medians of this triangle. (b) If AD is an altitude of the triangle, find the equation of AD. From the point (2,5), a perpendicular is drawn to the line joining (~1,~4) and (5,2). Find the equation of this perpendicular. ABCD is a parallelogram where A is (2,-1), B is (6,2) and C is (11,-2). (a) State the coordinates of the midpoint of AC. (b) Hence find the coordinates of D. (c) Find the equations of the diagonals of the parallelogram. A(-1,2) and C(3,4) are opposite vertices of a rhombus ABCD. Find (a) the coordinates of the point where the: diagonals intersect, (b) the gradient of AC, (c) the equation of the diagonal BD. 20 GRADIENT-INTERCEPT FORM Suppose the equation of a line is 2x — 3y = 5. How can we find its gradient? To do this we convert the equation to a special form — the gradient-intereept form. Fig, 1.22 shows a line with gradient m which cuts the y-axis at C(Q,c). ¢ is called the y-intercept of the line, Let P(x,y) be any point on this line. Then the gradient of the line = 2=£ =msoy-c= mx. y=zmx+e ie. i t gradient-intercept form Hence, if an equation is written in this form, the gradient is given by the coefficient of x and the y-intercept by the constant term, To verify this, suppose the equation of line is y = 2x = 3 (gradient-intercept form). This line cuts the y-axis where x = 0, so y = -3 (the constant term). The points (2,1) and (5,7) lie on the line (check this). The gradient is A = 2 which is the coefficient of x. Example 16 Find the gradients of the lines (a) 2x — 3y = 5, (b) 2y +x = 4. (a) Convert to the gradient-intercept form, y = mx + c: ~By =-2r +5 Then y= $x- 2% (dividing by —3) tT fT gradient y-intercept So the gradient is 3 (and the y-intercept is - 3), (b) 2y+x=-4 ie, 2ys-x—4 50 y=—px-2 The gradient is -4. It is useful to practise this conversion, i.e. making y the subject of the equation. ‘The gradient is then obtained quickly. 21 Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Example 17 Find the equations of the tines through the point (1,2) which are (a) parallel, (b) perpendicular, to the line 2x — 3y = 4. {a} The gradient of the line 2x~3y=4 is 3. So the gradient of any parallel line is also 3. Hence its equation will be y = fate To find c, we substitute the coordinates (1,2) in the equation as (1,2) lies on the line, Then 2= 3 +c giving ¢ = 4. The equation is y= 3x4 9 ie, 3y=2e+4, (b) The gradient of any perpendicular line will be -3 so its equation is y = -}.x +c. Substitute (1,2) to find c and verify that the required equation is 2y =-3x + 7. Exercise 1.6 (Answers on page 607.) 1 State the gradients of the following lines: (a) xty=2 (c) y-2r=3 (@) +y=l (f Sx-2y=5 (g) y=4 (h) x-2y=0 @) 2x+3y=1 @) 2x-3y=4 (k) 4x = 3y-2 () 5x-2y= 10 (mpte- yer (n) py +x = 2p (0) ax+by=1 2 Find the equation of the line which is (a) parallel to x — y = 1 and passes through (2,3) (b) parallel to 2x + y = 3 and passes through (0,1) (c) perpendicular to 2x + y = 0 and passes through (-1,-2) (d) perpendicular to 3x + y = 5 and passes through (-2,-1) (e) parallel to y = 4 and passes through (0,1) (0) perpendicular to x - 3y = 1 and passes through (-3,0) (g) perpendicular to x = 2 and passes through (—2,3) 3 Find the equations of the lines parallel and perpendicular to (a) x+y =3 passing through (~1,2) (b) 2x— y = 4 passing through (0,3) (c) 4x + 3y= 1 passing through (0,-2) (a) x-3y = 1 passing through (-1,-1) 4 A line is drawn through the point (—1,2) parallel to the line y + 5x =2. Find its equation and that of the perpendicular line through the same point. 5 The side BC of a triangle ABC lies on the line 2x — 3y = 4. A is the point (2,3). Find the equation of the altitude through A. 22 INTERSECTION OF LINES At what point do the lines 2x = 3y = =7 and 3x + 8y = 2 intersect? This point lies on both ‘these lines so its coordinates must satisfy both equations. Hence its coordinates will be the solution of the simultaneous equations 2x -3y=-7 (0) and 3x+8y=2 di) ‘These can be solved by any of the methods you have leamt previously. We use the elimination method here. Multiply (i) by 3: 6x-9y =-21 Multiply (ii) by 2: 6x + 6y =4 Subtract: ~25y =-25 soy =1 Substitute in (i): 2x—-3 =-7 sox =-2 The point is (-2,1). Suppose the lines were 2x — 3y = -7 and 4x — 6y = 3. What happens in the solution? Explain this. Example 18 From the point P(-I,3), a perpendicular PQ is drawn to the line joining A(-4,-8) and B(44). Find (a) the equations of AB and the perpendicular, (b) the coordinates of the point where they intersect, (c) the distance of P from the line AB. A sketch diagram should always be drawn to help in such questions (Fig. 1.23). Fig. 1.23 23 (a) The equation of AB is 2*# = **4 ie, 3x-2y=4, 12 8 Now check that the equation of PQ is 2x + 3y =7. (b) Solving the equations 3x — 2y = 4 and 2x + 3y = 7, we get (2,1) as the coordinates of Q. (c) The distance of P from AB is PQ. PQ? = (1-28 + B- 1 = CBP +22= 13 soPQ= VIB Example 19 ABCD is a rectangle where A is (-3,2), D is (2,5) and B lies on the y-axis. Find (a) the equation of AD, (b} the equation of AB, (c) the coordinates of B, (4) the coordinates of C. Fig. 1.24 Fig. 1.24 shows the facts given (@) Equation of ADis =? = £42 jue, 3x-Sy=-19. (b) AB is perpendicularto AD. The gradient of AD is 2 so the gradient of AB is ~ § Knowing the gradient and the point A, verify that the equation of AB is 3y = Sx -9. (©) AB meets the y-axis where x= 0. Hence y = -3. The coordinates of B are (0,-3). (d) Let the diagonals meet at M. M is the midpoint of BD, so M is (1,1). As M is also the midpoint of AC, therefore C is (5,0). 24 Example 20 The line 2x + 3y = 6 meets the y-axis at A and the x-axis at B. C is the point such that AB = BC. CD is drawn perpendicular to AC to meet the line through A parallel to Sx+y=7atD. (a) Find the coordinates of A, B and C. (b) State the equations of CD and AD, and hence find the coordinates of D. (c) Catculate the area of the triangle ACD. Fig. 1.25 Do (a) The line meets the y-axis where x= 0, y = 2, so A is (0,2). It meets the x-axis where y = 0, x = 3, so B is (3,0). Since B is the midpoint of AC, then C must be (6,-2). (b) CD is perpendicular 0 AC. Therefore its gradient is 3 and it passes through C. Verify that the equation of CD is 3x - 2y = 22. AD is parallel to 5x + y = 7. Therefore its gradient is —5 and it passes through A. Verify that the equation of AD is Sx + y = 2. Solving these two equations gives x = 2 and y = -8, So the coordinates of D are (2,-8). (c) As ACD is a right-angled triangle, its area = $x ACx DC = | x ¥52 x V52 = 26 units’. Exercise 1.7 (Answers on page 607.) 1 The line 4x — 3y = 12 meets the axes at A and B. Find the length of AB. 2 Find the equation of the line through the point of intersection of 2x + 3y = 5 and 3x—y = 2, and which is parallel to 4y — x = 14. 25 3 Through A(2,3) two lines are drawn with gradients —1 and 2. These lines meet the line x—2y = 5 at B and C. Find (a) the equations of AB and AC, (b) the coordinates of B and C. 4 The lines x + 3y = 1 and 2x — Sy = 9 intersect at A. Find the equation of the line through A and the point (-1,~2). 5 A line through A(5,2) meets the line 3x + 2y = 6 at right angles at B. Find the coordinates of B and calculate the length of AB. 6 (a) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line joining A(-3,3) and + BUI-5). (b) If this bisector meets the x-axis at C, find the coordinates of C. 7 The sides of a triangle lie on the lines y =—1, 2x + y = I and 4x — 3y =—13. Find the coordinates of the vertices and show that the triangle is isosceles. & The intersections of the lines Sx + 6y = 36, x -2y=4 and 7x + 2y = 12 are the vertices of a triangle. (a) Find the coordinates of these vertices. (b) Obtain the equation of the altitude drawn to the longest side. 9 OABC is a parallelogram where O is the origin and B is the point (5,7). C lies on the line x ~ 2y =O and A lies on the line 2x - y = 0. Calculate the coordinates of A and C. 10 The sides of a triangle lie on the lines y = 1, x + y= 6 and 3x-y = 2. (a) Calculate the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle. (b) Find the equations of the three altitudes, (c) Show that these altitudes intersect at a point and find the coordinates of this point. 11 AG,1) and B(0,6) are two points. BC is perpendicular to AB and meets the x-axis at C. Find (a) the equation of BC, (b) the coordinates of C, (c) the area of triangle ABC. 12 The diagonals of a rhombus meet at the point (~1,5) and one of them is parallel to the line 2x - 5y = 3. (a) Find the equations of the diagonals. (b) If two of the vertices of the rhombus are (3,10) and (9,9), find the coordinates of the other two. 13 A is the point (-1,6). Lines are drawn through A with gradients 3 and -2, meeting the x-axis at B and C respectively. BD is perpendicular to AB and CD is perpendicular to AC. (a) Find the coordinates of B and C. (b) State the equations of BD and CD. (©) Find the coordinates of D. (qd) Calculate the ratio BD:CD. 26 14 A(1,2) and C(5,4) are two vertices of the rectangle ABCD. AB and CD are parallel to the line y-x=5. (a) Find the equations of AB and BC. . (b) Find the coordinates of B and D. (c) Hence find the area of the rectangle. 15 ABCD is a rectangle where A is (1,3) and D is (5,5). AC lies on the line 3y = 4x + 5. Find (a) the equation of DC, (b) the coordinates of C, (c) the coordinates of B, (d) the area of ABCD. 16 The point B(a,b) is the reflection of A(5,-2) in the line 2x — 3y = 3. (a) Find the equation of AB and show that 3a + 2b = IL. (b) State the coordinates of the midpoint of AB in terms of a and b and show that 2a - 3b =-10. (©) Hence find the values of a and b. SUMMARY © Midpoint of (x,,y,) and (x,,y,) is io . ae 5 © Distance between (x,.y,) and (x,y,) is Va, — a? + 04-9) © Gradient of line through (x,.y,) and (x) is 2 © Parallel lines have equal gradients. @ Three points A, B and C are collinear if the gradient of AB equals the gradient of BC. © Ifm, and m, are the gradients of perpendicular lines, mm, =—1. If m, and m, (m, 0, m, # 0) are the gradients of two lines and m,m, = —I, then the lines are perpendicular. © Equation of line through (x,,y,) with gradient m is y — y, = m(x ~x,). @ Equation of line through (x,,y,) and (x,,y,) is @ The form y = mx +c gives the gradient (m) and the y-intercept (c). 27 REVISION EXERCISE f (Answers on page 607.) A 1 Find the equation of the line (a) through (—2,3) with gradient —! (b) through the points (-3,2) and (-1,-5), (c) through (-1,-1) perpendicular to the line 3x - 2y = 1. 2 A and B are the points (-2,-1) and (4,1) respectively. BC is perpendicular to AB. (a) Find the equation of BC. (b) If the gradient of AC is 1, find the equation of AC and the coordinates of C. (c) Hence find the area of triangle ABC. 3 A(-1,1) and B(3,4) are two vertices of triangle ABC. If the area of the triangle is 15 units’, find the distance of C from AB, 4 The line y= 2x + 3 intersects the y-axis at A. The points B and C on this line are such that AB = BC. The line through B perpendicular to AC passes through the point D(-1,6). Find (a) the equation of BD, (b) the coordinates of B, (c)_ the coordinates of C. (Cc) 5 (a) The line 7 - 3 = 1 meets the axes at A and B. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB and the length of AB. (b) A circle is drawn with its centre at the origin. If the point P(4,3) lies on this circle, find the equation of the tangent to the circle at P. 6 Fig. 1.26 shows a triangle ABC with A(1,1) and B(-1.4). The gradients of AB, AC and BC are —3m, 3m and m respectively. y, (a) Find the value of m. c (b) Find the coordinates of C. (c) Show that AC = 2AB. (c) B (1,4) Fig. 1.26 7 A(-3.4) and C(4,-10) are opposite vertices of the parallelogram ABCD. ‘The gradients of the sides AB and BC are — } and 3 respectively. Find (a) the equations of AB and BC, {b) the coordinates of B and D. 8 Three points have coordinates A(1,-3), B(5,5) and C(5,9). Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of (a) AB, (b) BC. Hence find the coordinates of the point equidistant from A, B and C. (C) 9 (a) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB, given that A is (2,7) and Bis (6-1). (b) The bisector meets the y-axis at C. Find the coordinates of C and the area of triangle ABC. 10 A(0,6), B(1,3) and C(4,6) are three points. D is the foot of the perpendicular from A to BC. Find (a) the coordinates of D, (b) the length of AD. i Fig. 1.27 In Fig. 1.27, ABCD is a rectangle, and A and B are the points (4,2) and (2,8) respectively. Given that the equation of AC is y= x - 2, find (a) the equation of BC, (b) the coordinates of C, (c) the coordinates of D, (d) the area of the rectangle ABCD. (c) 12 Two points have coordinates A(1,3) and C(7,7). Find the equation of the perpendicu- lar bisector of AC. Bis the point on the y-axis equidistant from A and C and ABCD is a rhombus. Find the coordinates of B and D. Show the area of the rhombus is 52 units? and hence calculate the perpendicular distance of A from BC. «c) C15 .1) 13 D 8 parallel to ACLS) y+Sx=2 ABCD is a parallelogram, lettered anticlockwise, such that A and C are the points (-1,5) and (5,1) respectively. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AC. Given that BD is parallel to the line whose equation is y + 5x = 2, find the equation of BD. Given that BC is perpendicular to AC, find the equation of BC. Calculate (i) the coordinates of B, (ii) the coordinates of D, (iii) the area of ABCD. (C) 29 14 A(-2,2) and C(4,-1) are opposite vertices of a parallelogram ABCD whose sides are parallel to the lines x = 0 and 3y =x. (a) Find the coordinates of B and D. (b) If P and Q are the feet of the perpendiculars from D and B respectively to AC, find the coordinates of P and Q and show that PQ = 3 AC. 15 Fig. 1.28 shows a quadrilateral ABCD in which A is (2,8) and B is (8,6). The point C lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB and the point D lies on the y-axis. The equation of BC is 3y = 4x - 14 and angle DAB = 90°. Find (a) the equation of AD, (b) the coordinates of D, (c) the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB, (@) the coordinates of C. Show that the area of triangle ADC is 10 units? and find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD. c) 16 The line.x + y=3 meets the y-axis at A and the x-axis at B. AC is perpendicular to AB and the equation of BC is y = 3x -9. (a) Find the equation of AC and the coordinates of C. AD is parallel to CB where D lies on the x-axis. (b) Find the coordinates of D. (©) Hence find the area of the trapezium ACBD. 17 Fig. 1.29 shows the quadrilateral OABC. The coordinates of A are (k,2k) where k> 0, and the length of OA is +/80 units. (a) Calculate the value of k. AB is perpendicular to OA and B lies on the y-axis. (b) Find the equation of AB and the coordinates of B. The point C lies on the line through O parallel to y + 3x = 5 and also on the perpendicular bisector of AB. (c) Calculate the coordinates of C. Calculate the area of the quadrilateral OABC. © 30 18 The vertices of a triangle are (3,5), (4,-2) and (6,2). (a) Find the equations of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides. (b) Show that they meet at the same point and find the coordinates of this point. (c) Find the radius of the circle passing through the vertices. 19 A and B are the points (2,4) and (4,0) respectively. (a) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB. (b) The bisector meets the line through B parallel to the y-axis at C, Find the coordinates of C. (c) Calculate the radius of the circle which passes through A and touches the a-axis at B. 20 The sides AB, BC and CA lie on the lines 2y = x—4, x+y = 5, and y = mr respect- ively. If the origin O is the midpoint of AC, find the value of ma. 21 A(h,k) lies on the line y + 3x = -10. B lics on the line x + y = 4. If the origin is the midpoint of AB, find the value of h and of k. 22 A(1,5) lies on the line y = 2x + 3. P lies on the perpendicular to that line through A. (a) Show that the coordinates of P can be written as (11 — 2a,a). (b) If OP = ¥34, where O is the origin, find the possible values of a. 23 A line with gradient m passes through the point P(3,2) and meets the y-axis at A. A line perpendicular to the first also passes through P and meets the x-axis at B. (a) Express the coordinates of A and B in terms of m. (b) If AB = 65, find the possible values of m. 31 24 P and Q are the points of intersection of the line 5 + } = 1 with the x— and y-axes respectively. The gradient of QR is 4 and R is the point whose x-coordinate is 21, where r is positive. Express the y-coordinate of R in terms of and evaluate ¢ given that the area of triangle PQR is 21 units? © 25 A line through (3,1) has gradient m et ). It meets the x-axis at A and the y-axis at B, From A and B, perpendiculars to the line are drawn to meet the y-axis at C and the x-axis at D respectively. Show that the gradient of CD is 3. 26 ACx,.y,), B(r,y,), Clx,y,) and D@x,.y,) are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD. (a) Show that x, +x, =, +x, andy, +y,=y, 49) (b) If ABCD is a rhombus show that (x, ~ x,)(x,- x) + @, -9,)0,- ¥,) = 0. (c) If however ABCD is a reetangle show that £,x, + y,), = x,", +94), 32 Simultaneous Equations Two linear equations, say 3x + 4y = —5 and 2x — 3y = 8, can be solved to find values of xand y which satisfy both equations simultaneously. As we have seen, this solution gives the coordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines represented by the equations. In this Chapter we consider two simultaneous equations where one of them is not a linear equation but is an equation of the second degree such as xy = 8 or x? +»? = 10, etc. ‘These are the equations of curves. Example 1 Solve the foliowing equations: xtys9 @ nya 8 (ii) Equation (i) represents a straight line but equation (ii) is the equation of a hyperbola, a curve with two branches (Fig.2.1). Fig2.1 33 ‘The line meets the curve at two different points (A and B) so we expect to obtain two solutions, giving the coordinates of A and B. The usual method is to eliminate one of the variables, Make one variable the subject of the linear equation and then substitute this in the other (non-linear) equation. This will lead to a quadratic equation, which can usually be solved by factorization. From (i), x=9 = y. Then substituting for x in (ii), O-yya8 ie, y-9y +8 =0 or (y- 8)y- 1) = 0. Hence y = 8 or L. Now find the corresponding values of x from (i). When y = 8, x= 1; when y=1,x=8. So the solutions are orx 8 (coordinates of A) 1 (coordinates of B). Find the coordinates of the points where the line 2x + By =-l (i) meets the curve xx=y) = 2 (ii) We use the same method but the algebra will be more complicated as neither x nor y in (i) has a coefficient of 1. Choosing y as the subject, we obtain from (i) ys cg2e, Then substituting for y in (ii), x(e— 1524) =2 or x(Sette2r) =2 =0. which simplifies to x(Sx + 1) = 6 or Sx? +x — Hence (Sx + 6)(x— 1) = 0 giving x =—$ or 1. From (i), when x= -$,- 2 + 3y=-1 so y= 5’ and when x = 1, 2 +3y =-1 soy =-1. Hence the coordinates of the two points are (-$, 74 ) and (1,-1). 34 Example 3 Solve the equations x+y and 4yey What is the geometrical meaning of your answer? (i) tii) From (i), choosing x as the subject for simplicity, x = 7 — 2y. Then substituting for x in (ii), (7 -2y?-4(7 - 2y) +e ie, 49 — 28y + 4y°— 28 + By +5 which reduces to \° - 4y +450 or (y - 2)(y- 2) = 0. giving y = 2 or 2. Then x = 3 or 3. ‘We obtain two equal solutions. This means that the line is a tangent to the curve. It touches the curve, which is a circle, at the point (3,2) as shown in Fig.2.2. Example 4 A straight line through (0-1) meets the curve x + y' - 4x -2y + 4 = Oar the point (3.1). Find the coordinates of the second point where this line meets the curve. First we find the equation of the straight line: yell 1-0 T+#l ~ 3-0 which gives 2x = 3y + 3orx= 223, Then substitute for x in the equation of the curve: ( 3y+3 2 3y+3 y = (Beyer -4Bp) 2 44-0 ie. cess) + y'-6y -6-2y #4=0, Clearing the fraction, 9)? + 18y +9 + 4y? — 24y — 24 - By + 16 =0 and so 13y?= I4y + 1 =0 or (13y = IMy = 1) = 0. Hence-y = 5 ory=1. The corresponding values of x are then 3 or 3. So the second point is (23 . 35 Example 5 If the line 3x —Sy = 8 meets the curve } — + = 4 at A and B, find the coordinates of ithe midpoint of AB. First remove the fractions from the equation of the curve: By -4 = Any ® From the linear equation, x = 24>", Substituting for x in (i), ay 25% = ay(25%) Clearing the fraction, we have 9y - 8 - Sy = 4y(8 + Sy) = 32y + 20)? or 20y' + 28y + 8 =0, ie. Sy + Ty+2=0 orGy+2)y +1) =0 Hence y =~ 2 or -1. Then x =2 or 1. ‘The coordinates of A and B are (2, — 2)and (1,1) and the coordinates of the midpoint are therefore (13, — 76 )- Example 6 If the sum of two numbers is 4 and the sum of their squares minus three times their product is 76, find the numbers. Suppose the numbers are x and y. ‘The sum of the numbers is x + y. Then xtyed @ ‘The (sum of the squares) — (3 x the product) is x? + y? — 3xy. Then x+y? - xy = 76 ii) We solve these equations. From (i), x=4-y Substituting in(ii): (4 -y¥ + — 394 -y) = 16 = By +? +? 12y + 3y? or Sy? —20y - 60 =0 Hence y? — 4y — 12 = 0 which gives (y — 6)(y + 2) = 0 and y = 6 or -2. Then from (i), the corresponding values of x are -2, and 6. ‘Therefore the two numbers are 6 and -2. Arithmetically, there is only one solution. Geometrically, the line x + y = 4 meets the curve given by equation (ii) in two points (6,-2) and (-2,6). 76 which is then expanded. 6 36 Exercise 2.14 (Answers on page 608.) 1 Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations: (a) xe y=S,xryext3 (b) x-y= 2,407 +2) =9 (c) x+y=5,e4+y?=10 () 2x +3y=5, yy-a) =5 () 3x-2y=7, 8 y= 10 (@g) Bx-ya7ety-yel (h) x4 3ye1,e-ayty'=21 (i) ax 4 4y=2,8- 3" =1 () 3x+2y= 13,384 y?=31 ) $-$=14, 34353 () 4-¥21,843 =3 (m) 3x- 2y= 11, = Q+3)=4 2 The line y =x +2 meets the curve y’ = 4(2x + 1) at A and B. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB. 3 Show that the line x + y = 6 is a tangent to the curve x + y? = 18 and find the coordinates of the point of contact. 4 A line through (2,1) meets the curve x* — 2r — y = 3 at A(-2,5) and at B. Find the coordinates of B. S What is the relationship of the line 3x — 2y = 4 to the curve y = 1-2? 6 The perimeter of a rectangle is 22 cm and its area is 28 cm*. Find its length and breadth. 7 The line through (1,6) perpendicular to the line x + y = 5 meets the curve y = 2x + 4 again at P. Find the coordinates of P. 8 A(3,1) lies on the curve (x - I)(y + 1) = 4. A line through A perpendicular to Xx + 2y = 7 meets the curve again at B. Find the coordinates of B. 9 The difference between two numbers is 2 and the difference of their squares is 28. Find the numbers. 10 Fencing is used to make 3 sides of a rectangle: two pieces each of length a m and one piece of length b m. The total length of fencing used is 30 m and the area enclosed is 100 m?, What are the values of a and 6? 4A The line x - y = 7 meets the curve x? + y?— x= 21 at A and B. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB. 12 The line through (~3,8) parallel to y = 2x — 3 meets the curve ae 3)ty- 2) = 8 at A and B. Find the coordinates of the ‘midpoint of AB. 37 SUMMARY @ To solve simultaneous equations, one linear, the other of the second degree: (a) make one of the variables the subject of the linear equation, (b) substitute in the second degree equation, (c)_ simplify and then solve the quadratic equation obtained, (a) find the corresponding values of the second variable. If two equal solutions are obtained, the line is a tangent to the curve given by the second degree equation. REVISION EXERCISE 2 (Answers on page 608.) A 1 Solve the simultancous equations 4x — 3y = 11 and 16x? — 3y? = 61. 2 The line y — 2x — 8 =O meets the curve y* + 8x = 0 at A and B. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB, (C) 3 A straight line through the point (O,-3) intersects the curve x? + y? - 27x +41 =O at (2,3). Calculate the coordinates of the point at which the line again meets the curve. (©) 4 Calculate the coordinates of the points of intersection of the straight line 2x + 3y = 10 and the curve ? + 3 =5. (© 5 Solve the simultaneous equations 2x + 3y = 6 and (2x + 1)? + 6(y-2' = 49. (C) 6 The perimeter of the shape shown in Fig.2.3 is 90 cm and the area enclosed is 300 em?, All comers are right-angled. Find the values of x and y. Fig.2.3 7 The point A(Op) lies on the curve y = (x — 2)%. A line through A perpendicular to y =x +3 meets the curve again at B. Find (@) the value of p, (b) the coordinates of B. 38 8 Two quantities w and y are connected by the equation u + 2v = 7. A third quantity P, is given by P = u(v = 3). Find the values of w and v when P = -3. 9 The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is (2y — 1) cm long. The other two sides are x cm and (y + 5) cm in length. If the perimeter of the triangle is 30 cm, find the possible values of x and y. 10 Solve the simultaneous equations 2x + 4y = 9 and 4x° + 16y? = 20x + 4y — 19. (C) B 11 Solve the simultaneous equations 3x — 2y = 11 and x7 +.xy +? =7. 12 AQG,4) and B(7,8) are two points. P(a,b) is equidistant from A and B such that AP = 26, (a) Show thata + b= 11. (b) Find the values of a and b. 13 In Fig.2.4, ABE is an isosceles triangle and BCDE is a rectangle. The total length round ABCDEA is 22 cm and the area enclosed is 30 cm?. (a) State the distance of A from BE in terms of x. (b) Find the possible values of x and y. A 5x 5x B E y y Fig.2.4 S &x ° 14 Solve the simultaneous equations x+y =6and z+; => +4. 15 The point P(a,b) lies on the line through A(—1,—2) and B(3,0) and PA = V125. Find the values of a and b. 16 A circle has centre (4,2) and radius V5 units. P(x,y) is any point on the circumference. (a) Show that x7 + y? — 8x —4y + 15 =0. (b) Find the coordinates. of the ends of the diameter which, when extended, passes through the origin. (c) Find the coordinates of the ends of the perpendicular diameter. 39 Functions RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS A relation links the members of two sets together. Relations can be of many kinds, e.g. “is the father of”, “is a divisor of”, “is the same age as”, “is the square of” etc. Fig. 3.1 illustrates the relation “is the father of” linking the set of men {A, B, C, D} and the set of children {p, q, r, s,t, u, v). An arrow identifies the relation between a father and child. The diagram shows that A has two children (p and q), B has | child (1), C has 3 children (r,s and u) and D 1 child (v). So 2 arrows leave from A, | from B, 3 from C and 1 from D. Men Children Fig. 3.1 is the father of In our work the relation will usually be some mathematical operation. Fig. 3.2 shows the relation “y = 1 + x°” where the starting values (the inputs) are chosen values of x. These are linked to the values of y produced by the relation (the outputs), i.e. the set {1, 2, 5, 26}. Fig. 3.2 yal4x Note that only ONE arrow leaves each input, unlike the relation in Fig. 3.1. In Fig. 3.2 each input produces a unique output. This is a special type of relation called a function, one of the most important concepts in Mathematics. The relation in Fig. 3.1 is NOT a function. 40 In Fig. 3.3, each member of set A is squared to praduce the set of outputs B. As each input Fig. 3.3 has a unique square, Fig. 3.3 illustrates a function f. f is “square the input”. So, if x is the input, the output is x’. A function is also called a mapping and we say that.x is mapped onto x hy the function f. We symbolize this as fix —= ¥ Read this as ‘f is the function which maps_.x onto." f operates on the input x to produce «7 so we write f(x) =.°. Hence the image of 2 is f(2) 4. The image of —3 is f(-3) = (-3)* = 9. The image of a is f(a) =a’ and so on. What is the image of 5? What is (6), f(x) and (2x)? If f(x) = 49, what is the value of x? Now look at the relation illustrated in Fig. 3.4(a). a) (Fe —— the Fig. 2.4 @ (0) Is this a function? As you can see, each input has wo outputs (2 arrows from each input). So this operation (taking the square roat, x +» Vx) is NOT a function. It does not produce a unique image as x has 2 square roots +x and —vx. However, if we defined to mean the positive root only, then f(x) = + Vx would be a function (Fig, 3,4(b)). 4 Summarizing, + a function fis a process or operation which takes an input x and maps it onto a unique output f(x), the image of x; + free fa; + todefine f, we write, for example, f(x) = 27 or fx) = +x or f(x) = sin x etc. f and x are the usual letters for the function and the input respectively, but other letters can be used e.g. F(x), g(x) or A(r), etc. A function need not be defined algebraically. It may be stated in words, such as the function ‘Y is the father of x’, or given in the form of a table such as a table of sines. Example 1 A function f is given by f > x +—» -x +1. Find (a) £(2), (b) f(-3), (c) the image of -2, (d) f(r), (e) f 4). f@)=x-x4+1 (a) f@)=2-24+1=3 (b) £3) =(-3P - (3) +1 =13 (c) ‘The image of -2 is f(-2) = (-2)?- (-2) +1 =7. @ f()=P-r+1 © )=()-(@)+1= S344 Example 2 The function h is given by h(x) = 4*4,x#1. Find (a) n(2), (b) WS ), (c) h(x + 1) (a) WQ)= Fp =3 i () WZ) = 47> =-3 () h@+l)= t+} = 42 x20 z+? Note: A function may not produce an image for certain values of the input. In this example,x #1. Ifx=1,h(1)= }*} which is impossible as division by zero is undefined. Hence | has no image under this function. 42 Example 3 Fa) =P +x 1. If F(x) = 5, find the values of x. F(x) = 5 is the equation x? + x -1 = 5 i.e. x +x — 6 = 0 which we can solve for the values of x. P+x-6=0 («+ 3)e-2)=0 Hence x = =3 or x = 2. These are the two values of x which have an image of 5. Check by finding F(-3) and F(2). DOMAIN AND RANGE There are special names for the sets of inputs and outputs. The set of inputs is called the domain and the set of outputs the range. Fig. 3.5 shows the domain and range for the function f(x) = (1 =x). The domain is the set {-1, 0, 2, 4} and the range is the set {1, 4, 9). x ts ee Fig. 3.5 The domain can be any set of numbers which have images. It could be just a few selected numbers or all positive numbers or all real numbers, etc. If it is not specified it is taken to be all real numbers, However, as we saw in Example 2, some numbers may have no image and these must be stated. They are excluded from the domain. Example 4 State the domain for the function f(x) = 4. Every real number will have an image under this function except x= 0. So the domain will be (all real values of x, x # 0}. This is often briefly stated as f(x) = t,x #0. xt 4B Example 5 State the domain for f(x) = Vx (positive root). Every positive number and 0 will have a square root but negative numbers will not. ‘These must be excluded. So the domain is {all positive numbers and 0} or just. x 20. Example 6 What values of x must be excluded from the domain of the function fa) = itty? This function will always produce an image except when x? +x — 2 = 0 or (x + 2) (x — 1) = Oi. when x =-2 or x = 1, These values must be excluded from the domain. Hence the domain is {all real values of x, x #-2 or 1} Exercise 3.1 (Answers on page 608.) 1 For each of the following functions, find the images of -3, -1, 0, 1, 2, 4: (a) fl) = -x-5 () g@)=(r +1? (© ha) = 254 @ Fw=@+ D@-2 2 What value of x must be excluded from the domain of the function in Question 1 part (c)? 3 State the values of x which must be excluded from the domains of the following xl functions: (a) f(x) = (b) ge) = 33 (©) bi) = = @ Fa)=3- 225 4 fis the function “square x and add 2’, (a) Write f in the form f(x) = ... (b) Find f(1), f(-1), £(0). (c) If f(x) = 27, find the values of x. 5 Fis the function ‘add 2 to x and then square’. (a) Write F in the form F(x) = ... (b) Find F(1), F(-1), F(0). - (c) If F(x) = 25, find the values of x. (d) IS‘this the same function as f in Question 4? 6 If f(x) = 3x + 2, what is the value of x which is mapped onto 87 7 A function such as f(x) = 5 is a constant function. State the values of f(0), f(—1) and (5). 44 8 The function E, where E(x) = 2', is an exponential function. (a) Find the values of E(1), E(2) and E(5). (b) If E(x) = 16, state the value of x. 9 fa) = a3 (a) What value of x must be excluded from the domain of this function? (b) Find the positive value of x for which f(x) = x. 10 If f(x) = 243 742" find the values of x for which f(x) = 2x to 2 decimal places. 11 Given that g(x) = 7 - 4x — 6 solve the equation g(x) =x. 12 Given that f(x) = 2° - 4x + 1 solve the equations (a) f(x) =x-3, (b) f(2x) = 13. 13 For the linear function f(x) = ax + b, where @ and b are constants, f(-2) = 7 and (2) = -1. Find the values of a and 6. 14 f(x) = ax + by +c, where a, b and c are constants. If {(0) = 7, what is the value of c? Given also that f(1) = 6 and f(-1) = 12, find the value of @ and of b. 15 For the function f(x) = px? + gx +r, where p, q and r are constants, (0) = 4, f(-1) = 8 and f(-2) = 18, Find the values of p, q and r. 16 F(x) = x* - 2x. What values of x have an image of 15? 17 The function h is given by h(t) = 7¢ — 2. Find the values of t whose image is 5, 18 f(x) = thy (a) Find f(2) and £(3). {b) Find x if f(x) = 0. (c) What values of x must be excluded from the domain? 19 The number of diagonals in a polygon with ni sides is given by the function D(n} mn = 3) (a) State the domain of this function. (b) Find the number of diagonals in polygons with 4, 5 and 10 sides. (©) If D(n) = 20, find the value of n. 20 The domain for the function f(x) = 2x7 + L is (-2,-1, 0, 1, 2}. Find the range. 2st 21 The domain of the function f(x) = 2&4! is (0, 2, 4}. Find the range of the function. 22 If the range for the function g(x) = x — 2 is {-2,-1, 7], find the domain. 23 The range of the function f(x) = 1 - 2 is {-1, 2, 4}. Find the domain. 24 S is the function Sx +» sin x°, 0 P- x43 Find f(p), f(-2p) and f(p - 1) in their simplest forms. 30 If f(x) = 3x + 1, find f(a), f(b) and f(a + b). Is f(a + 5) = f(a) + £(6)? 31 If f(x) =x? + x — 3, find f(x + A) where A is a constant. Hence express “+=. in its simplest form. 32 If f(—x) = f(x), f is called an even function, but if f(—x) = -f(x), f is called an odd function. Which of the following functions are even, which are odd and which are neither? (a) 2r (b) 3x7 (ce) (@) I-x © } @#0) @) x- } #0) GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS A simple way of illustrating a function graphically is to use two paralle] number lines, one for values of the domain, the other for the range. Fig. 3.6 shows the function f(x) =x—-2,x=-1, 0, 1, 2,3, 4. An arrowed line joins x in the domain to f(x) in the range. -1 oO 1 2 3 4 -1 oO 1 2 3 4 3-2 domain x range f(x) Fig. 3.6 46 Example 7 Ilustrate the function f(x) = ° - x +2 on two number lines for the domain {-2,-1,0, 1, 2,3}. Verify that the range is {2, 4, 8). Fig. 3.7 shows the result. 20-4 2 4 domain range This method is only suitable if the domain consists of a few values. If the domain, was all real numbers for example, it would be impossible to show all the arrowed lines. Furthermore, the pattern of the arrowed lines gives no idea of the type of function. A far better method is to use a Cartesian graph, with which you are already familiar. Here we use two perpendicular lines, the x-axis and the y-axis (Fig. 3.8). Values of the domain are placed on the x-axis and the range on the y-axis. Then x and its image f(x) give the coordinates (x,y) of a point. If sufficient points are plotted and joined up, we have the graph of the function. y = f(x) is the Cartesian equation of the curve. Fig. 3.8 Using this method of representing a function, we find that the graphs of various kinds of functions have characteristic shapes. Hence functions can be recognized from their graphs. 41 Common Functions And Their Graphs Fig. 3.9 shows the graphs of some common functions. y x oO} (b) Two quadratic (a) Linear function functions y x ° (d) Sine (¢) Exponential Fig. 3.9 ©) function function (a) is a linear function such as y = -3x + 4. (b) shows two quadratic functions such as y = x7 - x + 4 (upper graph) and ye2-x-¥, (c) is an exponential function such as 2". (@) is the graph of y = sin x (see Chapter 7). Example 8 Which of the graphs in Fig. 3.10 is the graph of a function? y y 7 " (a) (b) 48 Fig. 3.10 For a function, each value of x in the domain must give just one and only one value of y. If there is more than one value of y for the same value of x in the domain, the graph does not represent a function. (a) is not the graph of a function, as there are 2 values of y for each value of x. (b) is the graph of a function. (c) is the graph of a constant function y = 3. The domain is the set of all real numbers but the range is just 3. (d) is the graph of a function provided x = 0 is excluded from the domain. (e) is the graph of a function for the domain {—3,-2,-1,0,1,2). The graph consists only of the points marked and these must not be joined up. The range is (2,1,0-1}. 49 GRAPHS OF TRANSFORMED FUNCTIONS Example 9 Fig. 3.11 shows part of the graph of a function y = f(x). Sketch the corresponding Parts of the functions (a) y, = -£(x), (b) y, = f(x), (c) y, = 2 + f(x), (d) y, = 3 — f(x), fe) ys = fix +1), Ay, = flx- 2). y Fig. 3.11 (a) For each value of x, y, =—y. So the graph of of y, is the reflection of y = f(x) in the x-axis (Fig. 3.12(a)). Points where y = f(x) meets the x-axis are unchanged. Fig. 3.12(a) 50 (b) When x = a, y = f(a) and y, = f(a). Now f(-a) is the value of y when x = ~a. For example when x = 2, the value of y, is the same as the value of y when x = -2. So the graph of y is reflected in the y-axis to produce the graph of y, (Fig. 3.12(b)). Points where y = f(x) meets the y-axis will be unchanged. Fig, 3.42(b) (c) Here 2 is added to each value of y. So the original graph is shifted upwards through 2 units (Fig. 3.12(c)). Yn 2 +t) yao Fig. 3.12(c) Si @) y,=3-flx) =3 + Cy =3 +9, So the graph of y, is shifted upwards through 3 units to obtain the graph of y, (Fig. 3.12(d)). Fig, 3.12(d) (e) Suppose x= 1. Then y, = (1 + 1) = f(2), which is the value of y when x= 2. Again when x = 3, y, = {3 + 1) = {(4), whieh is the value of y when x = 4. All the values of y have been shifted 1 unit to the left to obtain y, (Fig. 3.12(e)). Jy= thee 1% ? T T £ 4-3 Fig. 3.12(e) 52 (f) You will be able to work out that y, is the original curve shifted 2 units to the right (Fig. 3.12(1). Fig. 9.42(f) It would be useful to summarize such transformations of the graph of a function y= fo. + y=-f(x) is the reflection in the a-axis. «y= f(x) is the reflection in the y-axis. + y =a + f(x) shifts the graph through @ units upwards if @ is positive, and downwards if a is negative. + y = f(x-+ a) shifts the graph through a units to the left if a is positive, but to the right if a is negative. Exercise 3.2 (Answers on page 609.) 1 Which of the following are graphs of functions? y y (a) rs} Fig. 3.13 53 2 Each of the diagrams in Fig. 3.14 showspart of the graph of a function f(x). Copy each diagram and sketch the corresponding parts of @) y= fx) Gi) y, = f@-1) (ii) ¥, =f + 1) (iv) y= 1+ f+ 1) y i Joke d ‘(@) (b) Fig. 3.14 © 3 On another copy of the diagrams I in Fig. 3.14, sketch the corresponding. parts of @) y,=f-2) (ii) y, = 2 - f(x - 2) Gi) y, = £0 -) 4 Fig. 3.15 shows part of the graph of y = f(x) with three graphs denved from it. State y,, y, and y, in terms of f(x). Fig. 3.15 5 The domain of a function f(x) is -1 to 4 inclusive. What would be the corresponding domain for the following? fa) y, = fox) (b) y, = f(x - 2) © y= f+ 1) 6 The range of the function y = f(x) is 0 to 5 inclusive. What is the corresponding range for the following? @) y, =f) (b) y,= 1 +10) (©) y,= fx -3) (d) y, = fx) -3 THE MODULUS OF A FUNCTION If y=x, the values of y are negative when x is negative. They can be converted to positive values by using the modulus y = |.x|, read as ‘y = mod x’. |x| gives the numerical or absolute value of x. For example |-3.5] = 3.5. It does not alter 0 or any positive number: lol =0, 12] =2 etc. Ixl is never negative. So we define the modulus of x as Similarly the modulus of a function f(x) written | f(x)| is the numerical value of f(x). Example 10 State the values of | 1 —x | for x = -3, 2,4. When x= -3, [1 -x| = [143] =4. When x=2, [1-x] =|1-2| =b. When x= 4, [1-x]=|1-4 Example 11 f(x) = 2 -x-6. Find the values of | f(x) | for x = -i, 0,2, 4. 55 Example 12 What is the least value of x if |2x — 3 | = 2x - 3? | 2x -3 | will be equal to 2x - 3 if 2x— 3 is 0 or greater than 0. Hence the least value of x will be when 2x — 3 = 0, ie. when x = 1}. Example 13 Draw the graph of y = {x — 1 | for the domain -2 < x $ 3 and state the range of y. -2 $x $3 means that x can take any value between -2 and 3 (inclusive). We make a table for the integer values of x: Plotting the points given by x and y, the graph is seen to consist of the two lines AB and AC (Fig. 3.16), The range is OS y $ 3. Fig. 3.16 56 However, if we extend BA to D (shown dotted) where D is (-2, -3) we see that the part AC is the reflection of AD in the x-axis. Soa quicker method of drawing the graph is to draw y =x 1 for the given domain first and then reflect any negative part in the a-axis, To draw a graph of the type y = | f(x) |, draw y = f(x) first and then reflect any negative part in the x-axis. Example 14 Draw the graph of y = [2 -x | for the domain -1 S$ x S 3 and state the range of y. Draw the line y = 2 — x first (Fig. 3.17). (The negative part is dotted). Fig. 3.17 Then reflect the negative part in the x-axis. The graph consists of two lines meeting on the x-axis where x = 2. The range is OS y $3, MODULAR INEQUALITIES Suppose we know that | x | > 3. Suggest some values that x could take to satisfy the inequality. From the definition of a modulus, | x | > 3 means that either x > 3 or -1 > 3. —v > 3 means that x < 3 (dividing by —1 and reversing the inequality sign). So the range of x is x <3 or x> 3. We can show the range on a number line: 9 37 x must lie on the thick lined parts. o means this value is excluded. Soif | x | >k thenx <-korr>k. Next suppose | x | <3. Then x <3 or x < 3 ie. x >-3. Hence x lies between —3 and 3 (not inclusive) and we write -3 x So if | x | <& then-4 4, (b) {1 -2x /$5. (a) From the above, if |x + 1 | > 4 then x + 1 <—4 orx +1 > 4, Hence x<—Sorx>3. ee 6 3 x (b) If | 1 - 2x | $5 then -5 < 1 - 2x < 5. Taking each part, -5 < 1 - 2x gives 6 $-2 or 32x Le. x < 3; 1-2" S 5 gives -2x$ 4 ie. x 2-2. So-25 ) 2AIs4 () j2]22 @ [1-3]<3 58

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