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Original Text by Darul Huffaz Islamic Junior High School

The Speaker : Jacinda Kalyca Putri

Theme : The Spirit of Scouting

Asalamualaikum Warohmatullahiwabarakatu,

Good morning everyone. First of all, I would like to thank God Allah SWT who has
been giving us blessing and mercies so we can attand today in a good condition and we can meet
together in this gloriuos place. Secondly, let us prise to our Majesty the Prophet Muhammad
SAW the person who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness, from the dark days to the
bright days.

Respectable to the jurres, Horoable to all teachers who attend in this event and to all of my
beloved friends.

I also to thank the master of ceremony for giving me the oppportunity to deliver my
speech. My name is Jacinda Kalyca Putri. I’m from MTsS Darul Huffaz Lampung.

Well, on this occusion, I’m going to talk about the spirit of scout. As we know scout is
one of curricular in our school. Which we must follow it or join it. Scout or Pramuka is an non
political movement where young genaration are voluntarily involved. The membership of scout
distinct without gender, race or origin in accordance with the principles of its founder, Lord
Baden Powell.

Scout has the main purpose. With the purpose we can find the spirit of pramuka. The
purpose of scout is to contribute to the development of young generation in achieving their
intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual pontentials as individuals, responsible citizens and
member of their local, national and international communities.

Pramuka or scout is not simply a means for playing, but also a place to abtain skills,
agility, physical strenght including character building for Indonesia young generation. ( Kak
Sultan Hamangku Buwono said).

From that statment, we know that scout is give us so many spirit. We as a boyscout must survive
wheneever we are, confident to do something. Spirit of Pramuka is needed in this era, why,
because now days so many teenegers do bad habit like bullying etc. To avoid that habbit we
should have good emotional, responsible to other.

Pramuka or scout learn us about leadership, discipline, farmess, solidarity and love for the
homeland. Pramuka is describe who are you hisself. So we are as boy scout must be proud and
uphold value of pramuka.
Every big dream is start from a dreamer, always remember if you have power, patient, and
ambition to hold the stars to change the world.

Well, I think this all about my speech. Thank you very much for your great attention, thank you
for your listening, I hope all those I have shared be usufull for all of us. And the last I want to

Wasalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatu.

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