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Ardjoun Maamer Secondary School 2019 / 2020

Level: 2 Year Literary & Philosophy Stream Date :18 / 11 / 2019
Full Name : ……………………………………………………… Class : ………………


Read the text carefully then do the activities.

What is peace? People often say that peace is opposite of war. However, there are many other ways

to define peace. Some people say that peace means more than ‘no war’. Every year many people die in wars, but
more people are killed in many other ways.
Each year millions of children and poor people die because they do not have enough food. These hungry
people cannot afford to buy food they need. These people are not fighting in a war but they do not have peace in
their life either. Therefore, peace can also be the opposite of hunger.
Another cause of death for millions of people every year is disease. Many mortal diseases can be prevented
by clean water or cured by medicine. Few people die of dysentery in developed countries, but many people in poor
countries die of it and many other preventable diseases. So peace can also be the opposite of preventable diseases.
There are many wars between countries. However, people are also killed by people fro their own country.
Whenever there are political or religious conflicts, which often results in riot , some people get killed. Therefore,
peace can be the opposite of lacking freedom in religious beliefs.
Adapted from: “Success English”

1. Choose the main idea of the text.
a) The causes of wars b) The different meanings of ace c) The killer diseases

2. Are the following statements “true” or “fals ”?

a) People are killed only in wars. ………………
b) Peace can be the opposite of hunger. ………………
c) Disease kills millions of people every year. ………………
d) In riots, people do not get killed. ………………

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) What are the different definitio s of peace?
b) Can hunger be a cause of death? Justify.
c) What can be prevented by clean water?

4 What o who do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) they (§2) …………………… b) their (§2) ……………………
c) it (§3) …………………… d) which (§4) ……………………

B/Text Exploration:
1. A/ Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
a) struggling (§2) = …………………… b) banned (§3) = ……………………
B/ Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:

a) wealthy (§3) ≠ …………………… b) few (§4) ≠ ……………………

2. Complete the following table:
Words able safe organize live die
Nouns ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …………………………

3. Spot the mistakes and correct them.

a) Some countries couldn’t settled conflicts peacefully. ………………………………………
b) Would you mind present the project of peace? ………………………………………

4. Complete the following sentences with:

hasn’t been able to - could - will be able to - can - were able to
a) He.............................................join the anti-war association soon.
b) Yesterday, the students.............................................solve the problem easily.
c) The UNO.............................................put an end to the Middle East crisis yet.
d) Nowadays, ideas and opinions in peaceful dialogues.
e) I wonder if you.............................................give the meaning of the word peace.

5. Fill in the gaps with the following words:

individuals - try - disputes - lead

People often ………………………… to make peace because conflic

icts an war always ………………………… to bad
consequences such as casualties, suffering and destruction. P ace
e is v ry important between countries and
…………………………. Therefore some people do their best to stop
p the conflicts and settle …………………………
in a peaceful way.

Written Expression:

What does the word peace mean to you?


Peace cannot be kept by force.

It can only be achieved by understanding.
~ Albert Einstein


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