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Participant Guide to Webex


Join a Webex Meeting ..................................................................................................................... 2

Connecting your Audio ................................................................................................................... 2

Webex Meeting Interface ............................................................................................................... 3

For Presentation Purpose - Share Content ............................................................................... 4

Share your screen........................................................................................................................ 4
Share only a specific application ............................................................................................. 4
Share a file ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Share a whiteboard ..................................................................................................................... 5
How to share ................................................................................................................................ 5

Audio Best Practices......................................................................................................................... 6

Video Best Practices ......................................................................................................................... 6

Join a Webex Meeting

Web Mobile
Use the web app to join a Webex meeting If you're on the go, you can join your meeting
from your browser. This is the easiest way to from your Apple or Android phone, tablet or
join if you're using a computer or laptop. Apple watch using Webex mobile app.

You may test your meeting environment here before joining.

01. Open your email and click 01. Open email on your mobile and tap

02. Webex starts preparing to connect you to 02. Tap Download to install the Cisco Webex
your meeting. Select Join from your Meetings app.
If the download did not load, search for
Cisco Webex Meetings in the App Store /
Google Play Store and install it.

03. Tap Open after the app is installed and

accept the Terms of Service and Privacy

04. Tap Join Meeting. Enter the meeting

number (in the email) and tap Join.
03. Choose how you connect to audio - Refer to
Connecting your Audio as below. 05. Enter the meeting password (in the email
too) and tap OK.
04. View your video preview before joining the
meeting. Once ready, Click Join meeting. 06. Choose how you connect to audio - Refer
to Connecting your Audio as below.

07. View your video preview before joining the

meeting. Once ready, tap Join.

Connecting your Audio

Web Mobile

 Use Internet for audio / Call Over

Internet (default) – Use your phone

 Use computer for audio (default) – Use with a headset or speakers to connect
your computer with a headset or to audio using VoIP.
speakers to join audio over the internet.
 Call in – Choose this option if your
 Call in – If you prefer to use your phone Internet connection is slow. Dial in with
for audio, dial in with one of the phone one of the phone numbers under Join
numbers under Join by phone in the by phone in the meeting details when
meeting details when the meeting starts. the meeting starts. When prompted,
Choose this option if your Internet enter the access code and press pound
connection is slow. [#].

 Call me – Depending on your Webex

 Call me – Depending on your Webex
plan, you may or may not see this
plan, you may or may not see this
option. Enter a phone number in the
option. Enter a phone number in the
text box and WebEx calls you after you
text box and WebEx calls you after you
Join meeting. You will be prompted to
Join. You will be prompted to press 1 to
press 1 to connect.
 Don't connect audio̶ – Use this option
when you need to join a meeting and  Don't connect audio̶ – Use this option
share content, and don't need audio. when you need to join a meeting and
share content, and don't need audio.

Webex Meeting Interface


Microphone Share View Chat More options Leave

Video content participants meeting
Click on this Click on this icon
By default, your Click on this Shows who is icon to start a to bring up a
microphone and video are icon to share in the text chat with menu to change
turned off. your content meeting. any attendee or your Audio

To join with your video on (i.e. screen, with the whole settings, Camera
or microphone unmute, file, group. settings, take
click on the icon. whiteboard) down Notes.

View participants and

Mobile Chat with any attendee or
the whole group.

To send a private chat

message, tap your message
recipient. Tap Chat, enter
your message, and tap Send.

To send a message to all

Leave meeting participants, tap Chat > Chat
with Everyone. Enter your
message and tap Send.

Tap Back to close the chat


Microphone Video More options

By default, your microphone Tap on this icon to bring up a
and video are turned off. menu to change your settings,
Audio connection, share content,
Tap on the icon to on the video
and access meeting info.
or unmute microphone.

For Presentation Purpose - Share Content

Open the application / content that you want to share before you join the meeting.

Share your screen

When you share your screen, everyone sees what you can see on your screen. Before your meeting,
mute notifications and close any personal or sensitive documents.

Share only a specific application

When you share a specific application, others cannot see anything other than the shared application.
For example, if you are sharing Powerpoint application and have several presentations open, you can
switch between them and they will still be shared. You can also edit slides as you share them.

If you accidentally click on an application that is not shared, others will see a gray screen.

Share a file

Sharing files allows you to share a single file. It could be anything, like a document or video file stored
on your computer. File sharing may not work when you are trying to share a PowerPoint presentation
with embedded video.

Share a whiteboard

Create a whiteboard to visually share your ideas with a blank work area where you can collaborate
with the other meeting participants using both text and graphics tools. Whiteboards shared during a
meeting are not automatically saved. Remember to save your whiteboard.

How to share

Web Mobile

Start Sharing: Start Sharing:

iPhone/iPad Screen Sharing
Click on and select the content you want 1. Open Control Center.
to share accordingly: Screen / Application / 2. Hard press the screen recording icon.
Share File / New Whiteboard. 3. A menu will pop up indicating where you
want to share your screen. Select Webex
Share a Video: Meet.
4. Tap Start Broadcast.
Click on , select Optimize for motion
and video from the drop-down menu, before Android Screen and Content Sharing &
sharing your Screen / Application. iPhone/iPad Content Sharing

Options / Actions while sharing: Tap More > Share Content .

Then, tap on the content you want to share
accordingly: Share Screen / Whiteboard /
Hover to the floating bar at the top of the Photos / Google Drive files / OneDrive files /
screen for the available actions / options. Box files.
Assign – another participant as presenter for
the current content. Annotate Shared Screen / Content:
Pause – the content sharing with the sharing To start annotating on Shared Screen, tap
still running. Others will see a gray screen until Webex icon > Annotation.
you resume the sharing. For content, tap Annotate.
Annotate – to highlight, explain, or point out
information on the content. To stop annotating, tap Back / End, and then
Share – if you want to start sharing another choose whether to save your current
application / whiteboard / file. annotation.

Stop Sharing: Stop Sharing:

Hover to the floating bar at the top of the For screen sharing, tap Webex icon > Stop
screen and click on Stop Sharing. Sharing.

For Whiteboard, click Back, and then choose For Whiteboard, tap Back, and then choose
whether to save your whiteboard. whether to save your whiteboard to your
device's gallery.

For content, tap Stop Sharing at the top of

the screen.

Audio Best Practices

Join from a quiet place

If you have a very noisy background, participants will struggle to hear you

Use a good headset

The best audio experience is achieved with a good internet connection and a
good quality headset. Earphones can be used but tend to pick up a lot of
background noise, so they are not recommended.

When using a headset, place the microphone in front of your chin, not in
front of your mouth, to avoid heavy breathing sounds.

Video Best Practices

Find your light

Good lighting can make all the difference. Get it just right by
adjusting your curtains or blinds and having a warm light on
your desk.

Get your angles right

Position your camera just above eye level. This gives a warm,
open look.

You might also want to place the camera slightly left or right from your face so that you appear from
your favourite angle.

What's behind you

Think about what’s behind you and in the view of the camera.

Clear the clutter. Your background is a great conversation starter and a window to your personality.

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