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Name_______________________________________________ Units 3-4 Form___6-A____

I. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1 He really wants to become / learn famous and be on TV and in lots of magazines.
2 The band I play in has got eight new songs and we want to give / record an album.
3 My father is a famous classical musician and gives / teaches concerts in our school every
4 My sister wants to become / learn a singer because she loves singing to all different types of
5 My best friend plays the drums really well and sometimes plays / records in a band with his
friends on Fridays at the music club.
6 You can make / play a music video for your school arts project.
7 My mother plays lots of instruments and she makes / teaches music at our school.
8 It can be hard when a band gives a concert / goes on tour visiting different cities every two or
three days.
II. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1 I my best friend. She lives by the sea, so we can go swimming. (love / visit)

2 I really a new book to read on holiday. (love / choose)

3 I really my sister play table tennis. She’s really very good. (love / watch)

4 My father to town in his new car. (quite live / drive)

5 My brother the guitar, but he isn’t very good at it. (like / play)

6 My friends to rock music, but I love it. (hate / listen)

7 My mum when she gets home from work in the evening, so my dad always makes supper.
(hate / cook)

8 I running in the park after school. (quite like / go)

III. Complete the words in the conversations.

1 A: The new Marvel film was t _ _ r _ _ l _.
B: Why? What was wrong with it?
2 A: How was your birthday surprise?
B: It was a _ _ s _ _ e. Dad took me skydiving!
3 A: Hello, Jane. How are you today?
B: I’m f _ _ e thanks, Mrs Jones.
4 A: I can’t believe it’s raining again today.
B: I know. The weather is h _ _ r _ _ _ e at the moment.
5 A: Look at my new phone! Isn’t it w _ _ d _ _ f _ _?
B: It looks great. Lucky you!
IV. Choose the right word to complete the conversations.
1 A: Where were / was you at 8 pm on Saturday?
B: I was at home watching a film.
2 A: Were you bored when you were at the concert?
B: No, I wasn’t / weren’t.
3 A: Where was your earring?
B: It was / were in my bedroom.
4 A: Was / Were you surprised to get your guitar back?
B: Yes, I was. I was very happy to see it again.
5 A: Where was your phone?
B: It wasn’t / was in my pocket, it was in the kitchen.
6 A: Where was / were Todd’s ring?
B: Inside a fish.
7 A: Were they hungry after the basketball game?
B: No, they were / weren’t, but they were very thirsty.
8 A: Were / Was you at school yesterday?
B: No, it was Sunday!
V. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of to be in the past.
1 I ______ very tired last night after playing football.
2 She______ hungry at lunchtime, but she was very thirsty.
3 A: ______ your friends interested in seeing the film?
B: Yes, they were.
4 I ______ at home yesterday evening. I was at my uncle’s.
5 We ______ very happy. The show was fantastic!

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