Democratic Rights

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1. Mention the restrictions that can be imposed on various forms of freedoms granted by the
2. Mention the restrictions that can be imposed on various forms of freedoms granted by the
3. Mention the provisions of Fundamental Right against exploitation.
4. Why do we need rights in a democracy?
5. Which fundamental right is being violated under the following circumstances.
(a) A student belonging to SC category is not being allowed to use a public park.
(b) Citizens are not being allowed to hold a meeting.
(c) A women was sold to a rich landlord.
(d) You are being denied admission to a government college on the basis of your religion.
6. What was the Amnesty International’s report regarding the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay?
State the condition of prisoners according to the report of Amnesty International in
Guantanamo Bay.
7. Compare the situation of India and Saudi Arabia in terms of right to freedom in both the
‘The Right to Freedom is actually a cluster of several rights.’ Discuss.
9. Write three Constitutional provisions for the protection of women and children in India.
10. Dr Ambedkar called the Right to Constitutional Remedies, “the heart and soul of our
constitution”. Give reason.
11. Write a short note on the following fundamental rights:
(а) Right to Freedom of Religion.
(b) Cultural and Educational Rights.

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