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Report On

Internal and External Factors of Nestle and Comparison with



Shaikh Afnan Birahim


An internship report submitted to the BRAC Business School in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

BRAC Business School

Brac University
September 2020

© 2020. Brac University

All rights reserved.

It is hereby declared that

1. The internship report submitted is my/our own original work while completing degree at

Brac University.

2. The report does not contain material previously published or written by a third party, except

where this is appropriately cited through full and accurate referencing.

3. The report does not contain material which has been accepted, or submitted, for any other

degree or diploma at a university or other institution.

4. I/We have acknowledged all main sources of help.

Student’s Full Name & Signature:

Shaikh Afnan Birahim
Student ID: 17264040

Supervisor’s Full Name & Signature:

Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed
Professor, BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Letter of Transmittal

Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed

BRAC Business School
BRAC University
66 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212

Subject: Submission of case study report on Internal and External factors of Nestle and
Comparison with Unilever.

Dear Sir,
I’m very glad for submitting my case study report on Internal and External factors of Nestle and
Comparison with Unilever. As it is an important part of MBA degree requirement, I have included
all the knowledge which I have gained from doing MBA courses in this case study. I tried my best
to prepare this case study report though had to face various challenges and obstacles while making
this case study report.

I would like to heartily thank my supervisor for guiding me to prepare the case study report.
Without your guidance it would be very hard to successfully complete this report. Hence, I hope
you will appreciate the information that I have provided in the report. However, this report shows
some limitation because of the shortage of time duration. Please inform me if you have any
inquiries about the report, I am glad to provide you any help to clarify on my report.

Sincerely yours,
Shaikh Afnan Birahim
ID: 17264040
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Date: 19 September, 2020


First of all, I would like to thank Almighty Allah for giving me the strength and will power for

the completion this case study report successfully.

I am very much thankful for the help given by my Academic Supervisor Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed

who guided me while preparing the case study report. Without his help it would have been

nearly impossible to complete this report.

Furthermore, my thanking goes to Syed M. Alamgir, who helped me with information so that

I can accelerate completing the report.

I would also like to thank Arifur Rahman Khan, for explaining me different parts of the case


Lastly, I would like to thank my friends Omar Saad, Akef Mozid, Sumona Akter, Nishat Jahan,

Sanjana Shahjahan, Shayeda Afsar Moumita and Bantee Rahman for helping me with different

matters while creating this report.

Executive Summary

In the food sector, Nestle is the largest company and also in terms of growth and revenue. It is

also a very trusted brand name and people use its products undoubtedly. Nestle continuously

is innovating through its R&D department to make new and attractive products. This paper

discusses the history of Nestle Bangladesh, its products and services, marketing strategies,

general management and financial management. Also, Nestle’s growth compared to Unilever’s

growth is compared as well as the comparison between Nestle and Unilever’s management is

also stated here.

Table of Contents


Letter of Transmittal ............................................................................................................... 3

Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................... 4

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 5

Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 7

Chapter 2 External Factors................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 3 Internal Factors ................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 4 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................... 31

Chapter 5 Management and Financial Management ………………………………….…36

Chapter 6 BCG Matrix…………………………….……………………………………….39

Chapter 7 Nestle and Unilever's growth and Comparison of Management……………...42

Chapter 8 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….57

References ............................................................................................................................... 58

Chapter 1


1.1 History and Background

Nestle is one of the most famous Multi-National Companies of the whole world. It’s very

famous for its variety of foods and drinks. In fact, it’s the world’s largest company if it’s

considered from the side of food and beverage. It’s also the largest food company if measured

by revenues. In Bangladesh, it also has laid its footprints too.

It’s main headquarter is in Vevey, Switzerland. Nestle is one of the most trusted names in the

industry of high-quality food products. Nestle has a variety ranges of products such as tea,

juices, cereals, baby foods, chocolates, dairy products, sports nutrition etc. From the beginning,

Nestle has emphasized on nutrition.

In 1992 Nestle started its operations on Bangladesh. Its one and only factory is located in

Sreepur of Gazipur. At 1998, Nestle S. A’s full subsidiary became Nestle Banlgadesh.

650 people work in Nestle Bangladesh. Other than that, another 1000 people are recruited by

Nestle’s suppliers and distributors. The products which gets the most sells in Banlgadesh are

Nescafe, Nido, Maggi, Maggi soup, Koko krunch and corn flakes cereals, coffee-mate and

many others.

Nestle is situated all around the world. All parts of nutrition such as infant formula, milk

products, culinary products, frozen foods, sports drinks etc. are covered by Nestle.

1.2 Product and Services

From the last 20 years, Nestle has given various types of products and services to the people

of all ages of Bangladesh. Nestle has helped people take care of themselves and also their

family members. Nestle has also engaged themselves deeply with the communities where

they function. They have ensured high quality training of the farmers and thus enhancing

livelihoods of the people they work with. Nestle is also educating children with their families

of right nutrition alongside environmentally sustainable operations promotions.

Sl. Segment Product


1. Dairy 1. Nestle Everyday

2. NIDO FortiGrow

3. Food 1. Maggi Noodles

2. Maggi Healthy Soup

3. Maggi Shaad-e-Magic

4. Beverages 1. Nescafe Classic

2. Nescafe 3in1

3. Nestle Coffeemate

4. Nestea

5. Breakfast Cereals 1. Nestle Koko Krunch

2. Nestle Milo

3. Nestle Honey Stars

4. Nestle Corn Flakes

6. Soft Drinks 1. Nestle fruita vitals

7. Baby Food 1. Cerelac

2. Lactogen

3. Nan

Table 1: Current Product Portfolio of Nestle Bangladesh [1]

1.3 Nestle Bangladesh Competitor Analysis

Nestle is still in its development stage in Bangladesh. So, its still facing competition from

other companies. Some of the companies it’s facing competition alongside their products are:

Unilever (Knorr soup, Lipton-Tea)

BRAC (Aarong)

New Zealand Dairy (Diploma, Red Cow)

Pran (Mr.Noodles)

Ispahani (Tea)

Kellogs (Cereal)

By observing carefully and through consumer feedback, the main culinary competition Nestle

Bangladesh is facing from Mama Noodles and Knorr Soup. Although its true that Maggi is the

most popular noodles and most people grew up eating it, many people say that its taste is not

quite up to the mark. Maggi provides with all the necessary nutrition, but the consumer wants

something tastier. Similar thing can be said about Maggi Soup. But Maggi is leading if seen

from the view of market share. Munch rolls are considered cheap but people still prefer Kitkat

which is priced higher. Kitkat is a nestle product but not made in Bangladesh. Kitkat is available

is available in the smallest shops but munch rolls are not. Many people questioned the quality

of chocolate in munch rolls because of its cheap price. It’s quite clear that people of low income

range wants to buy the national brands.

In breakfast cereals, Kellogg’s is a renowned name. Nestle cereals are quickly bought because

of their small size compared to Kellogg’s. But there is no complain about the taste. If we look

into baby food, we can see that cerelac is no.1 compared to other baby foods. And we can see

that Nescafe too is no.1 in terms of other coffee brands. Consumers claim that NIDO is a bit

expensive compared to other powdered milk brands. It’s been also called unhealthy and it was

quite controversial. So, people prefer Diploma, Red Cow over NIDO.

1.4 Vision and Mission Statement Narrative


Nestle’s tagline/mission statement is “Good food, Good life”. Nestle Bangladesh’s mission is

also aligned to it. Its mission is to be the whole world’s best nutrition leading, wellness and

health company. Nestle wants to claim this by making tasty, healthy foods and drinks. They

create this food for any time (day and night) and for any occasions.


The vision of Nestle is to be a leader in nutrition, health and wellness through improving the

value of the shareholders.

Nestle Bangladesh’s Vision

Nestle Bangladesh’s Vision is to be the leading food and beverage company of Bangladesh. It

wants to be so by creating sustainable and profitable growth and continuously improving results

for the benefit of shareholders and employees.

Current Guiding Principals

Nestle is currently working a lot for the development of rural areas. This is in alignment with

Nestle’s global creating shared value model. For other projects taken by Nestle are:

• Healthy Kids program, to ensure proper nutrition, education as well as physical

activities among children.

• Giving sanitation facilities like installing purifying water tanks

• Give support to NGOs to give training to the local farmers

Thus Nestle puts ethical business practices guided by corporate principles. And through this

Nestle gains respect from everyone.

Proposed Vision Statement

The proposed vision statement of Nestle Bangladesh is to be the best food and beverage

company of Bangladesh. And by doing this it will also ensure health and wellness alongside

profitability and growth. Any multinational companies’ main goal is to increase shareholders

share price. Nestle Bangladesh’s main goal is also the same. Nestle Bangladesh’s another aim

is to target suppliers selling targeted products. Nestle tries it best to make its vision real.

Proposed Mission Statement

The main tagline “Good food, Good life” is also same for Nestle Bangladesh. Its mission is to

produce various foods that can be eaten through morning to night. And, the foods and beverages

should be tasty and nutritious too.

Chapter 2

For the developed countries, external factors are much more important in role than internal

factors as by the saying of Industrial Organization (IO).

External factors of Nestle Bangladesh

Political Factors

Government intervention can easily affect the production of any company. Because of

government policy and its changes, many problems can arise like bottlenecks.

Nestle has to also follow the food standards and other regulations set by the Government.

If they don’t follow this, Government will intervene and thus it will not be a positive thing for


Economic Factors

Rate of Inflation

In 2019, the inflation rate in Bangladesh was almost 5.6% [2]. So, if it increases it will also

increase the prices of the product of Nestle.

Economic Growth Rate

The GDP growth of the fiscal year of 2017-2018 of Bangladesh was 7.9%. Nestle productivity

and sales has to face various effects for it.

Social factors

Consciousness of health

In present world people are being more and more health conscious. Nestle knows this and they

are trying to make their products healthier. Different elements of health are added to the Nestle


Quality of Work Life

Quality of work life is fast and getting better and better in the 21st century. Also, every MNC

is trying its best to offer high quality standards that are adaptive to the modern world.

Technological Factors

New Diversified Products

In the present world everything is all about competition. Nestle is also accustomed to it and

competing with other food and beverage companies. It knows that it can’t simply exist by a

number of simple products. So, its continuously diversifying itself. It’s diversifying to keep

pace with the trends as well as customer demands.

Innovation of Products

Innovation is the keyword in today’s world. Innovating the products is a must as customers

today know every basic thing about creating a product by the boon of internet. So, nestle is

keeping its products up to the mark by introducing new products.

Increasing productivity by Automation

Automation is a blessing. It has increased the number of productions of any type of product

rapidly. Efficiency is maintained through automation which can also be called economies of


Research and Development Expenses

Any company emphasizes on its R&D sector. As R&D is the division where technological

changes takes place. So, Nestle puts millions and millions of dollar for the improvement of

R&D sector.

Modern Communication Technology

Different ways of communication is being adopted by Nestle. Email, mobile phones and

modern ways of communication is being adopted. Nestle has its own website too. The website

includes recent news and other works of Nestle. Anyone can visit it and get a clear picture of

what’s going on in Nestle. Through this communicational changes, work can be quickly done

thus increasing the overall efficiency of the company.

Environmental Factors

In Bangladesh monsoon occurs frequently. It affects the transportation and thus delivery dates

of the completed products might change.

Due to climate change, some products might have high demand in one season and low demand

in another. Like Nescafe. It has high demand in winter in Bangladesh but few people like to

have it in the summer seasons. [3]

Nestle makes products being highly concerned about the environment. It’s cautious about the

mother earth and nature so that minimum pollution occurs while creating their products.

Legal Factors


Like other regulations, taxes put upon Nestle can be changed too. If high tax is put on Nestle,

then it’ll effect the sales as well as productivity of Nestle.

Laws like labor laws

Nestle imposes such laws to the workers that is good for them and it prospers the company.

Because labor law is directly affected by Nestle Management.

Protection Laws of Environment

Environment is one of the largest concerns of Nestle. Nestle manufactures products in such a

way that it harms the environment minimum. Environment is kept into mind by Nestle of any


Trade Regulations (Foreign)

Nestle mainly operates nationally. So, foreign trade regulations don’t affect that much as

foreign trade regulations affects internationally. Although seeing from the past couple of years

the economy of the overall world is not so great. So, it’s affecting slightly Nestle Bangladesh.

2.3 Key opportunities and Threats

Key Opportunities

Friendly Foreign Investment

In present times Bangladesh Government has taken initiatives that are helpful for foreign

investment. It’s helping the foreign investors in many ways. Some of the steps are: citizenship

facilities, tax holiday, double taxation treaty (with 32 countries), tax exemption, flexible

offshore loan policies etc.

Social Trends that are changing

Western culture is taking over our culture. Especially the young generation is heavily

influenced by it. People are eating oats, cereals as their usual breakfast. They are drinking juices

and coffee and drinking less tea. It’s a huge opportunity.

Health aware people

People are becoming more and more health-conscious day by day. Especially Bangladeshi

people are more than they were at the last decade. This is due to some reasons. Such as NGOs

and health organizations like USAID, UN, UNICEF, UKAID, DANIDO etc. has taken

initiatives and health awareness programs. The main goal of this programs is to make people

aware and create good food eating habits in them. People are responding well in this campaigns

and people are starting to eat oats, cornflakes etc. other than their usual rural diet. [4]

Growth of the Market

Nestle’s market growth is expanding at a fabulous rate. A new research shows that in 2012

people are drinking 85.5 liters of juice per year which now has certainly increased. People are

using more hygienic products than ever before. It’s because of the low hygienic environment

around them. Also, improved logistics has made possible to make the food products reach at

the farthest corners of the country. So, the market expanded from 60,649,009 (urban population

which is app. 35%) to it’s complete that is 166,368,149. So, market growth is increasing in case

of Bangladesh.

Joint Venture Opportunity

There is an opportunity to establish joint venture in Bangladesh because of relaxed regulations.

So, Nestle is able to form a joint venture if it wishes.

Gap of Market

A gap exists in some parts of Bangladesh especially in the rural areas. This is an opportunity

for Nestle to reduce the gap.

Government/Political Stability

The present government is a stable government and is going to rule for another 5 years too. So

the rules and regulations are relaxed and there is no risk of sudden change or hard rule


Economic Boom

Bangladesh’s economy is a booming economy. As per saying of Bangladesh Bureau of

Statistics the GDP growth of Bangladesh is 8.2% for the fiscal year 2018-19 and is expected to

increase. Also, it has achieved Millennium Development Goals 8 goals. The purchasing power

of people increased. So, customers are looking for standard and high-quality products.

High Entry Barrier

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry depends on capital intensity. On the other

hand, there are many established local and foreign companies like Pran RFL, Unilever, Kazi

Foods, Akij Foods etc. These companies act as high entry barrier which makes an opportunity

for Nestle for not having to deal with new competitors.

Cheap Labor Cost

Bangladesh has one of the cheapest labor costs if compared with the whole world. Current

wage is 8000 BDT or app. 94 USD [5]. It’s very low if compared with other Asian countries

or the G20 countries. This can be an opportunity for Nestle.

Enormous Supplies of Agricultural Products

Being an agricultural country. Bangladesh has large supplies of agricultural goods. So, these

can be used in favor for the production and sales of Nestle.

Key Threats

Consumer Taste shifting to Supplementary Products

It’s variable that consumer taste shifts from one product to another. It’s a threat for Nestle that

people will shift their taste from one to another. Like from coffee to tea, cornflakes to oats etc.

Copy of Products (Counterfeit)

There is an intellectual property act in Bangladesh. But its implementation is very weak. So,

copy products of the original ones remain unnoticed in the country. Some people slightly

reverse engineer and bring products into the market. For example, Coca cola’s 2-minute

noodles can be mentioned. It has the same packaging as Maggi Noodles. Another manufacturer

introduced Nescoffee to mislead customers. It’s a very big threat for the original brands because

other small manufacturers are creating fake products and stealing their market share. It’s

creating negative brand image and consumers are thinking they are buying the original ones.

Cultural Differences and Beliefs

Bangladesh is a unique country with people with different religious beliefs and norms. The

population can be divided into 3 major religions: Muslims, Hindus and Christians. Any product

that has conflict to any religious beliefs may face difficulty in the market. For example once

there was a rumor that pig fat was used by Unilever to manufacture one of its soap brands

Aromatic. Then people stopped using it and there was huge market loss for Aromatic. People

here like to eat rice other than cereals. Also, they prefer to eat spicy food. Any MNC who is

trying to enter this market has to face these kinds of potential threats.

Local Manufacturer’s Unethical Means

Sabotage of the market and sales, different espionages of the industry are to name a few of the

unethical means adopted by local manufacturers of the country. It often goes unnoticed by the

legal body of the country.

Fluctuation of Foreign Exchange

The devaluation of currency of Bangladesh is in a great pace. From Jan 18- April 19 the

currency has devaluated by BDT 1.75/USD (Bangladesh Bank). It increases the risk of

currency exchange loss of any company. Imported raw materials and supplies cost is also

increased through this devaluation.

2.4. External Factor Evaluation Matrix


External Factors Weight Rating Score

Sl# Opportunities

1 Friendly Foreign Investment 0.025 3 0.075

2 Social trend that are changing 0.05 2 0.1

3 Health Aware People 0.025 3 0.075

4 Growth of the Market 0.05 2 0.1

5 Joint Venture Opportunity 0.05 1 0.05

6 Gap of the Market 0.025 1 0.025

7 Government/ Political Stability 0.1 4 0.4

8 Economic Boom 0.1 4 0.4

9 High Entry Barrier 0.1 4 0.4

10 Cheap Labor Cost 0.025 2 0.05

11 Enormous Supplies of Agricultural Products 0.025 4 0.1

Sl# Threats

1 Consumer Taste shifting to Supplementary Products 0.05 1 0.05

2 Copy of Product (Counterfeit) 0.05 3 0.15

3 Cultural Differences and Beliefs 0.025 1 0.025

4 Local Manufacturer’s Unethical Means 0.05 1 0.05

5 Fluctuation of Foreign Exchange 0.25 4 1

Total Score 1 3.05

Chapter 3

3.1 Identifying key strengths and weaknesses

3.1.1 Identifying strengths of Nestle Bangladesh

Parent company’s financial support

A strong support from the is gotten by Nestle Bangladesh. As it’s the world’s largest processed

food and beverage company, it’s a huge matter. Nestle Bangladesh has access to the benefits

and various products of the parent company.

Image of the company

Nestle is a very much known and renowned name. It has worldwide reputation for it’s quality

products. So, it helps Nestle a lot to retain market share in difficult situations and hard times.

Strength of Individual Brands

There are lots of known strong brands of Nestle here in Bangladesh. Maggi Noodles, Corn

flakes, Nescafe are just to name a few. These items are generic of their respective product

sections. So, the position is very strong in terms of competitiveness.

Product Control System of High Quality

Nestle has high ideals for its quality. It doesn’t compromise its quality given any situation. It

wants to give its customers 100%. Most of the competitors of Nestle lack this type of control


High quality and Innovative R&D

The company spends a lot in R&D department. So, it’s giving its customer various types of

new products. With cutting edge technology Nestle copes up with any difficult market


3.1.2 Weakness of Nestle Bangladesh

Restricted to making limited products and unavailability of products

The products here made in Bangladesh is not the complete list of products made by Nestle.

Some products like Kitkat, sweet leaf tea etc. are not made in Bangladesh. They have huge

demand here. So, the company is not adopting to its true potential.

Centralized control system’s limitation

To control the overall management system, the topology of Nestle is centralized. Meaning the

main top management in the headquarters are responsible to take important and large actions.

Although it has enabled uniformity across globe but there are some demerits too. As decisions

are to be taken by central authority it takes a lot of time for implementation. But in any economy

and especially here in Bangladesh any product launch, promotions, marketing etc. are to be

done very fast. If Nestle doesn’t maintain this it has to face unimaginable losses.

3.1.3 Evaluation Matrix for Internal Factor

Weigh Ratin Weighted

Internal Factors t g Score


# Opportunities

1 Parent Company’s Financial Support 0.1 3 0.3

2 Image of Company 0.1 3 0.3

3 Strength of Individual Brands 0.1 2 0.2

4 Product Control System of High Quality 0.25 4 1

5 High Quality and Innovative R&D 0.2 4 0.8


# Threats

1 Restricted to making limited products and

unavailability of products 0.15 2 0.3

2 Centralized Control System’s limitation 0.1 2 0.2

Total Score 1 3.1

Chapter 4

4.1 SWOT Analysis

Nestle Bangladesh’s SWOT Analysis is given below:

The Organization Strengths-S Weaknesses-W

I. Parent company’s I. Restricted to making

financial support limited products and

II. Image of the company unavailability of

III. Strength of Individual products

Brands II. Centralized Control

IV. High Quality and System’s limitation

innovative R&D

V. Product control system

of high quality

Opportunities-O SO Strategies WO Strategies

I. Friendly foreign I. Introducing a I. Enter New division of

investment Completely New Market with Existing

Product Segment

II. Social Trends that are II. Takeover of Local Products like Water,

changing Brands for Reducing Chocolate, Juices etc.

III. Health aware people Market Competition

IV. Growth of market III. Introduce CSR

V. Joint Venture Programs that

Opportunity Concentrates on the

VI. Gap of the market Local Farmers for

VII. Government/ Political Making them Suppliers

Stability IV. Strengthen Rural

VIII. Economic Boom Market Section

IX. High Entry Barrier

X. Cheap Labor Cost

XI. Enormous Supplies of

Agricultural Products

Threats-T TO Strategies WT Strategies

I. Consumer Taste shifting I. Concentrate Public I. Introducing De-

to Supplementary Relations to promote centralized Operational

products the High Standard and Decision-Making

II. Copy of Products Quality of NBL’s System by the

(Counterfeit) Products Introduction of

III. Cultural Differences II. Make More Physical Management By

and Beliefs Promotions like Objectives (MBO)

IV. Local Manufacturer’s Providing Free Samples

unethical means of Product, Create

Flyers, Posters etc.

V. Foreign Exchange III. Use Forward Call

Fluctuation Option to Alleviate Risk

of Currency Exchange


4.2.1. Strength-Opportunity Strategies

1. Introducing a Completely New Product Segment.

2. Takeover of Local Brands for reducing Market Competition.

3. Introducing CSR Programs to concentrate on the Local Farmers to turn them into


4. Strengthen Rural Market Division

4.2.2. Weakness-Opportunity Strategies

Enter New Segment of Market with Existing Products ie. Water, Chocolate, Juice etc.:

4.2.3. Strength-Threat Strategies

1. Concentrate Public Relations to Promote the High Standard of NBL’s Products:

2. Make More Physical Promotions e.g. Providing Free Samples of Product, making posters

and flyers etc.

3. Use Forward Call Option to Alleviate Risk of Currency Exchange Fluctuation.

4.2.4. Weakness-Threat Strategies

Introducing De-centralized Operational Decision-Making System by Introducing Management

by Objectives (MBO).

4.3 Internal/External Factor Matrix

The IFE Total Weighted Score

High Medium Low

3.0-4.0 2.0-2.99 0.00-1.99


Nestle’s Position
(IFE 3.01, EFE





Figure__: Internal and external Factor Matrix

Recommendation: EFE 3.05 and IFE 3.01 accordingly the strategies are “Grow and Build”

which includes Horizontal and Vertical Integration, Market Penetration, Market Development,

Product Development

Chapter 5

Management of Nestle Bangladesh

Nestle’s management structure is pretty much the same all over the world. Usually

management structure can be divided into these types: Matrix, Hierarchical, Horizontal.

Nestle follows the matrix type. Nestle is a decentralized organization. As Nestle is a

decentralized organization its branches have freedom to work freely. [6]

The important decisions are usually taken from the top management and the subordinate

divisions usually implement it. The operating decisions are done by local groups. It is one of

the effective management structures of the 21st century.

Day by day the works done by Nestle are getting complex. It started its journey from a small

village and now conquering the whole world. It established itself as one of the leading food


There are 3 levels of management and their work are as follows [6]:

Top Management

• Giving policies and objectives.

• Giving subdivisions schedule, projects, budgets etc

• Preparing plans and strategies

• Controlling other departments

• Provides contact to the customer world

• Gives proper guidance and direction to other departments

• Taking care of shareholders

Middle Management

• They do work given by the top management

• Making plan for lower management

• Gives explanation of policies to lower division

• Inspiring low-level management so that they can perform better

• Give training and give employees position

Lower level Management

• Workers are given jobs by them

• They are directly related to production. Quality as well as quantity is related to their


• Daily schedule of workers is given by them

• Maintaining good relationships in the organization is also on their shoulders

• Complain of the workers are solved by them

Financial Management of Nestle

Finance is one of the most essential part of any company and especially for MNCs. The finance

management of Nestle delivers many things such as [7]:

• Supporting essential pillars like the operations pillar

• Taking advantage of financial matters

• Delivering the best possible financial solution

Nestle financial management helps to make the best decisions of the company. Various

innovative plans are undertaken by them. Growth optimization, cash flow optimization,

shareholder returns etc. are just to name a few.

The finance sector has many parts like the taxes section, treasury section, risk management

section, audits section, taking care of internal controls etc. [7]

The role of financial management is diversified and can be extended to supply chains, sales

and factory controllers.

In a nutshell, it can be said that the overall business performance, analyzation of strategic

issues, completion of projects are the issues undertaken by the finance department of Nestle.

Chapter 6

BCG Matrix

BCG matrix is one of the most renowned charts that is made to analyze business units. Bruce

Doolin Henderson invented it in 1970. It’s a 2x2 matrix. It analyzes the market position of

strategic business units (SBUs). Industry growth rate as well as relative market share are the

factors that this matrix is made of.

NBL’s BCG Matrix

The BCG Matrix of NBL is given below:


Stars point out any company’s best opportunities for growth and also profitability. Stars have

big market shares.

In the context of Bangladesh, Nescafe and Cerelac can be regarded as stars. Nescafe, Cerelac

have no rivals. Nescafe is arguably the best coffee brand of Bangladesh. On the other hand,

Cerelac is the most renowned baby food available. There are many variations of Cerelac

available. Both market share and sales are continuously increasing from their launches.

Mainly Nescafe and Cerelac are popular in Dhaka and Chittagong. But they can be popularized

in other districts too. These stars can do well more. All it needs is proper marketing strategies.

Cash Cows

Cash cows cover a large position of market share in the industry. They need small investment

and they make a good amount of cash.

Maggi Noodles can be regarded as cash cows in Bangladesh. It can be considered the primary

choice of children when it comes to instant foods. Its market growth is not that much high. The

usual purchasers usually buy this product but there are very few new purchasers.

NBL should take initiatives to make these products convert into stars.

Maggi Noodles is made targeting children only, but it should be made for elders kept in mind

too. Like office going people, housewives, young adults etc.

Question Marks

Question marks generate very low cash. It has a very small market share compared to the high

growth market. That much of money is not made by them. Question marks is named to them

because the company doesn’t know whether to keep them or diminish them through selling.

Kitkat, Maggi Soup, Nestle Milk can be regarded as question marks in the framework of

Bangladesh. These items are of very high quality but the market share is not much. The price

is much high but they are not selling like the other popular products of Nestle. Maggi soup has

not significant market share because there are other popular soup brands. Kitkat is liked by

many people because its tasty and crispy. But it has very low market share. The same can be

said about Nestle milk (Nido). Kitkat is not made here and is imported from India.


Dogs means low growth market share or no growth at all. They can’t make a significant amount

of cash. Also, they don’t consume a good amount of cash. Dogs are named to them because

their position (both internal and external) is weak.

In Bangladesh, Munch, Koko Krunch, Nestea etc. are dogs. Although they are popular

worldwide, Bangladeshi people still don’t like them much. Nestea is not gaining its market

share because of Taza, Ispahani Zareen Tea, Lipton etc. are popular in Bangladesh. Munch is

a tasty chocolate bar but it’s not much known to the Bangladeshi children. And in case of Koko

Krunch, it’s quite a bit expensive. Nestle should take steps to convert these dogs into stars.

Chapter 7

7.1 Nestle’s Growth

Nestle’s growth is implemented in many strategic ways. They deal with the expectation of

customers, they compete with other brands, they trade on harsh landscapes and what not.

Everything they do is to deliver their mission statement properly. And it’s delivered by

applying expertise on nutrition, meeting modern consumers’ needs, offering plant or grain

typed foods etc. Nestle has a model and it’s for creation of long-term value. It’s first step is to

increase growth. If the portfolio of the seen it can be seen that its ever growing. Nestle is present

in 187 countries and has more than 2000 brands. At retail level, 34 of these brands generate

more than 1 billion CHF.[9] And it’s happening in the retail level only. Nestle allocate their

resources for growth for creating the most value. It generates organic growth for Nestle. Which

is about 40%. [8]

Sales of Nestle

The Sales of Nestle for the past 2016, 2017 and 2018 is shown here [23] [24]:

Sales of Nestle 2016 2017 2018

In Millions of CHF

89469 89590 91439

As it can be seen from the bar chart and line chart, Nestle’s sales increased by a slight amount

from 2016 to 2017. But from 2017 to 2018 it increased to a drastic amount which was very

good for Nestle.

Expenses of Nestle

The expenses of Nestle for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018 are shown below [23][24]:

Expenses of Nestle 2016 2017 2018

In millions of CHF

5228 4389 5473

As it can be seen from the charts, that the expenses of Nestle decreased by 839 million CHF

from 2016 to 2017. But it increased a lot to 5473 million CHF by 2018 which was much more

than the year 2016

Profit of Nestle

The profits of Nestle for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018 are as follows [23] [24]:

Profit of Nestle 2016 2017 2018

In terms of CHF

6448 8585 12268

From the charts, it can be seen clearly that the profits of Nestle is ever increasing from the past

couple of years. From 2016 to 2017 it was about 2000 units change. But from 2017 to 2018 in

changed to about 3700 units clearly states that it was a huge profit year for Nestle.

From looking at the sales, profit and expenses; it is clear that Nestle sales and expenses has

increased over the years but so has its profits. That means that Nestle is growing than ever

before from each and every aspect.

If the 2017-2018 fiscal years annual report is analyzed, it can be seen that [20]:

For Income statement:

• Operating profit increased by 35.4%

• Depreciation and amortization decreased by 0.25%

• Other income grew by 14.58%

• On year by year basis Net Profit grew 42.9%

For Balance sheet:

• Total current liability was 5427 in 2017 and 4738 in 2018. It means that current liability

decreased by 12.7%

• Current assets have increased from 28.6% from the previous year (2017). While fixed

assets decreased by 5.24% in year 2018 from 2017.

• Then it can be seen that total assets and liabilities and equity was 133210 in 2017 and

137015 in 2018 that means slightly increasing by 2.86%

For Cash flow:

• From 2017 to 2018, the operating cash flow increased by 8.44%

• Free cash flow (FCF) increased by 15.03% on year to year basis.

Some other notable findings:

• The earnings per share (in CHF) was 2.32 in 2017 and 3.36 in 2018

• ROE2017 = 11.4% and ROE2018 = 17.1% [21]. This means the ROE of Nestle increased

from 2017-2018. ROE of Nestle is in a healthy position. As a FMCG industry, Nestle’s

ROE is good. [22]

Unilever’s growth

If we see through Unilever’s growth, we see that it has a unique growth of its own. Unilever’s

growth makes a very good amount of profit and its sustainable too. Unilever has 18 successful

sustainable brands. The sustainability delivered 60% [10] of Unilever’s growth. Unilever is

also doing women empowerment. They helped about 1 million women so that they can

establish themselves, hone their skills and make and sell their products. Unilever also works

for health and people’s hygiene. Unilever also helps 650000 small farmers to improve their

business as well as their income too.

Unilever also tries its best to less pollute the environment. It emphasizes on releasing less

amount of greenhouse gas. It has also cut CO2 emissions, using groundwater and total amount

of its wastages. Its total amount of wastages is reduced by 96% per ton.

Comparison of Nestle and Unilever’s growth

Unilever makes household products like utensils, toiletries, food items etc. On the other hand,

Nestle focuses on manufacturing various food items.

Nestle focuses its growth by corporate wellness unit for bringing great food items, whereas

Unilever focuses on the real need of their customers

The two MNCs growth from market also differs. Unilever’s mission is to add vigor to life. So,

it doesn’t hesitate to eliminate products. And in case of Nestle it’s creating new and newer

products every day. Nestle enhances its products in many ways. Packaging plays an important

role for Nestle.

Unilever looks for the future of their made products. They emphasize on hygiene and are

making products for pregnancy issues, brain diseases eradication, getting fat etc. and their

products will help their consumers in these problems.

Comparison of Nestle and Unilever’s Sales, Profit and Expenses

Nestle and Unilever’s Sales

2016 2017 2018

Total sales of Nestle 82082 80494 79237

in Euros

Total sales of 52713 53715 50982

Unilever in Euros

Note: The values are converted from CHF to Euros from the given weighted average annual

rates in the annual reports of Nestle. [23][24][26][27]

From looking at the charts above, it is clear that Nestle’s sales are much larger than Unilever’s

sales. Nestle’s sale remain pretty much the same throughout the 3 years (2016, 2017, 2018).

On the other hand, Unilever’s sales were much less than Nestle’s and were pretty much same

and remained slightly above the 50000 units (Euros) mark.

Nestle and Unilever’s Profit

2016 2017 2018

Total profit of Nestle 5916 7713 10631

in Euros

Total profit of 5547 6486 9808

Unilever in Euros

Note: The values are converted from CHF to Euros from the given weighted average annual

rates in the annual reports of Nestle. [23][24][26][27]

It can be seen that Nestle here too has more profits than Unilever. Both of their profits are

increasing from 2016 to 2017. For Nestle, it increased a little bit more from their 2016 profits

in 2017 in comparison with Unilever. For the year 2017 to 2018 Nestle’s profit increased much

more than it was from 2016-2017. On the other hand, Unilever’s profit also increased in an

increased pace than its previous year’s pace.

Nestle and Unilever’s Expense

2016 2017 2018

Total expenses of 4796 3943 4743

Nestle in Euros

Total expenses of 2485 2544 3056

Unilever in Euros

Note: The values are converted from CHF to Euros from the given weighted average annual

rates in the annual reports of Nestle. [23][24][26][27]

Clearly, it can be seen that Nestle’s expenses are more Unilever’s. Nestle’s expenses were close

to 5000 units in 2016 and it went down to about 4000 units in the year 2017. On the other hand,

the expenses increased from 4000 units to the amount of 5000 units from the year 2017 to 2018

being the value pretty much same like the year 2016.

From looking at the charts and discussion it can be clearly realized that Nestle is a bigger MNC

than Unilever. Hence, it’s profits, sales and expenses are much more. Unilever is not that much

low; it’s also increasing at its own pace and becoming larger day by day.

Some another comparing is given below [21][29]:

• For the year 2018, Nestle’s Free cash flow (FCF) was 9470 Euros (Converted from

CHF) and Unilever’s FCF was 4962 Euros Usually people who invest like to invest in

such companies where FCF is high. High FCF of a company denotes that that company

is easily able to pay its debts. It also states that it can pay dividends and also buy back

stocks. The company can take various measures for the growth. Nestle, as a bigger

company has higher cash flow than Unilever, so investors tend to invest more on


• ROE of Nestle was 17.1% and Unilever 74.5% (For the year 2018). It shows that

Unilever is using more of its equity capital. Nestle is using less. It also says that

Unilever is generating high profit without the usage of capital [30]. However, it should

be stated that Nestle is only a food and beverage company and Unilever is not only food

but also is a product of cleaning, beauty, medicine, personal care etc. company [31].

That’s why the ROE is different.

• ROA for the year 2018 of Nestle was 7.50% and Unilever was 15.7%. A 5% or above

is a good value [32]. Nestle and Unilever both crossed the mark. High ROA means that

how effectively the assets are used of that company for bringing profits. Unilever is

doing slightly better in this case. Unilever is performing slightly better in terms of

finance and operations. As Unilever is a slightly different company this difference is


However, in the recent covid 19 situation both Nestle and Unilever has seen decline in their

sales. On the half yearly analysis of Nestle, it can be seen that organic growth of Nestle reached

2.8% and throughout the whole year it’s expected to be in 2-3%. Real internal growth (RIG) of

2.6% and pricing of growth drastically reduced to 0.2%. Total sales (reported) decreased by

9.5%. [18]

Unilever on the other hand have a sales flat with a volume of only 0.2% and with a negative

price = 0.2% in the first quarter of 2020. Emerging markets declined by 1.8% but turnover

slightly increased by 0.2% [19]

Nestle has taken steps so that their employees work hard and safe in this situation to deliver

necessary quality food items to the consumers. Nestle has donated taka worth 10 million to the

affected people of Sreepur. [16] Unilever is doing notable work too in this situation, they are

donating medical equipment to the people. They have donated breathing equipment as well as

covid-19 testing kits to 2 famous organizations. [15]

Comparison of Nestle and Unilever’s Management

The management of Nestle and Unilever is pretty much the same. But in case of both of them,

there are some uniqueness.

Unilever has its own unique policies such as:

• In terms of revenue, cash control, different business processes, they have an

organizational model and it targets new things

• Their organizational chart is built in such a way that it is cost cutting, definition of target

is given here as well as headcount etc.

• Develop policies of reward as well as develop talent

• Planning to integrate corporate culture [12]

Unilever promotes leadership. It’s ever evolving. For the last 20 years it’s evolving from

traditional leadership models. These leadership style has grown for various factors such as

because of international markets, leadership competition etc. [13]

Unilever makes its mission, vision and goals clear to build effective leaders.

Nestle has its own strategy on leadership. They emphasize on innovativeness. They say that

their leaders can make mistakes but they have to be willing to learn from their mistakes. [14]

Both Nestle and Unilever encourages teamwork because each have a joint goal. They think of

their employees as families and tries to give a friendly and family environment as office culture.

These are their mottos to gain maximum output from their employees.

Chapter 8


From the studies discussed above it can be seen that from the SWOT analysis and BCG matrix

is that Nestle is gradually developing and maintaining its operations properly in Bangladesh.

In its 150 years, Nestle target has always been to deliver quality food all over the world. And

it has been a success. Foods are produced for different cultures, religions and ethnicity by them.

Its main approach is to creating sustainable value for long term for consumers, employees,

shareholders that means each and every people connected with Nestle.

Nestle and Unilever have an enormous growth. But Nestle is clearly ahead of Unilever in terms

of sales, expenses and profit. On the other hand, Unilever has better ROE and ROA. But these

drastically changed due to coronavirus pandemic. Nestle and Unilever’s management is quite

the same but they have different policies. It can be said that Nestle is a good food oriented

MNC and Unilever focuses more on sustainable living.


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