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Development Of Android Based Digital Pocket Learning

Media To Increase IPS Students Learning Outcomes

SDN 064987 Medan Amplas
Maria Dewi Ratna1, Dede Ruslan2, Naeklan Simbolon3, Wahyu Hidayat4

Universitas Negeri Medan1, Universitas Negeri Medan2, Universitas Negeri Medan3, Unusu4
{E-mail: [email protected]}

Abstract. Study the level of feasibility and effectiveness of avoiding android-based digital pocket book
learning media to improve social studies at SDN 064987 Medan Amplas. Thwas research was a type of
research avoidment (R&D) ADDIE model. The results of thwas study indicate that the Android-based digital
pocket book learning media was very feasible to use with details of the validation of the material experts from
stage I 75% to 90% very feasible category, design experts from stage I 80% to 91% very feasible category,
learning media experts stage I I 80% to 92.5% very feasible category and 78.3% student response thwas
media was effective. It was concluded that the android-based digital pocket book media in grade IV SDN
064987 Medan Amplas was suitable for use in the learning process. And the of learning completeness of 96%
which was categorized in very good criteria. So the Android-based digital pocket book learning media was
effectively used in the learning process

Keywords: Learning Media, Android, Learning Outcomes

1 Introduction

Teaching and learning activities are a process of forming students' self-understanding of

science and avoidment both in terms of knowledge, psychological and provides opportunities for
students to seek, process, construct and use knowledge in their cognitive processes because
cognitive values are very influential on the learning outcomes of students to get learning
achievement according to the abilities of each student so that the learning process takes place
successfully. In education, learning media was a very important component. Especially in the
current old of globalization, conventional learning media are no longer suitable to be applied.
Conventionally, in thwas case, the teaching in conveying the material was only lectured and giving
assignments in printed books. Without a modern learning media, student learning outcomes will be
difficult to improve.
With well-designed learning media and equipped with interesting content and
illustrations, it will stimulate students to use learning media as learning aids. Behaviorwastic
learning theory paradigm has an important role in the avoidment of learning media. Of the many
forms of learning media that are tutorials, simulations, drills, experiments and games, all of them
cannot be separated from the influence of behaviorwasm learning theory. The avoidment of
learning media that begins with the design stages such as compiling flowcharts, storyboards to the
use of media elements of text, colors, images, animations was part of the effort to condition
learning. Likewwase, the use of learning components such as learning instructions, material
presentation, summaries, questions and answers was part of the effort to provide stimulus and
response for someone who was learning. Stimulus, response and conditioning are terms that were
born from behaviorwasm learning theory, and their application was very strong in the avoidment
of learning media. In the world of education, we cannot avoid the avoidment of the times because
education was also prepared to design the changing times. We are now in the old of the industrial
revolution 4.0. The impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on education in thwas modern old,
information and technology affects school activities. In industry 4.0 equipment, machines, sensors,
and humans are designed to be able to communicate with each other using internet technology.
Thwas was supported by the results of research conducted by Shahbodin & Pee (2016) showing
that the presence of new technologies that fuse the physical, digital, and biological worlds, which
was manifested in the form of robots, mobile computer devices, artificial intelligence, driverless
vehicles, genetic editing, digitization of public services known as the “Internet of Things (IoT)”.
New information and knowledge spreads easily and can be accessed by anyone who needs
knowledge. Education was experiencing a very great dwasruption where what we know so far was

AWASTEEL 2022. Social Science Based Digital SDN 064987 Medan

that the role of the teacher who was the only provider of knowledge will more or less move away
from it. In thwas regard, the results of research from Purbasari, et al (2012) show that the
avoidment of science and technology leads to increasingly significant for teachers in carrying out
their duties as teachers in schools in order to achieve learning objectives.

2 Text Formatting
2.1 Method
Based on the formulation of the problem and the research objectives that have been
determined, the research that will be carried out is classified as research and development. Sugiono
(2009) states that research and development methods are research methods used to produce certain
products and test the effectiveness of these products.
In this development research, the development model ignores research using the ADDIE model
which has five steps or stages that include aspects of Analyze, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation. Next is the model chart for developing Android-based digital
pocket book learning media used in research and development.
Social was rich in abstract concepts that make it difficult for students to imagine. If only
abstract concepts could be made into reality so that they could be easily grasped by the five senses,
then the problem would be very different. The lack of intoldction between teachers and students
causes students not to have too many opportunities to express what was on their mind. Social
Sciences was often considered a difficult subject even very complex for students. In learning
social studies, thwas was due to the lack of potential from the teacher to avoid media that allows it
to be used in learning so that it can increase students' knowledge. Thwas was because teachers
only use textbooks, LKS as a source to introduce social studies learning. Thwas fact was in
accordance with the data on the results of the daily test (the final score of the sub-theme) which
describes the avoldge value of the daily test in Social Sciences at KD 3.1. still low, namely an
avoldge of 65 while the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) to be achieved was 70.

2.2 Result and Discussion

Table 1.1. Social Science daily test avoldge
at KD 3.1 No. Class Number of Students Avoldge score Lowest score Highest score
1 IV B 30 65 55 75. Data Source: Adminwastration of Medan Pembina Experimental Elementary
School. So it can be said that the avoldge value of students does not reach the expected criteria.
Thwas was because students consider social studies lessons to be difficult lessons, social studies
material was too much, boring, and only learn according to books and only imagine.

Table. 1 Social Science Daily Test Avoldge

Number Class Sum Avoldage Min Max

1 IV B 30 65 55 75

2.2 The avoidment Procedure

Used by the research in avoiding learning media refers to the ADDIE (Analyswas,
Design, Avoidment, Implementational and Evaluation) model. The ADDIE model was easy to
apply where the process used was systematic with a clear framework to produce effective, creative
and efficient products conswasting of 5 phases as shown in Figure.

AWASTEEL 2022. Social Science Based Digital SDN 064987 Medan

Table. 2 Product Avoidment Procedure


Statwastical descriptive data is to find the mean. median, standard deviation. The
frequency of data, data and other information needed for thwas analyswas was carried out using
the SPSS 20.0 for windows program by dwastributing data both pretest and posttest for the two
classes into the SPSS 20.0 for windows program in the description pool. From thwas process it
will produce the mean. median, standard, deviation, variance, range, frequency data, graph data
and other required.

The conclusions in this study are based on the findings of the research data, the systematic
presentation is carried out by taking into account the research objectives that have been
formulated. The conclusions include is first based on the results of the validity of the material
experts obtained eligibility with a percentage of 92.11%, learning media experts obtained
eligibility 92.5%, learning design experts obtained eligibility with a percentage of 78.7%, on
student responses about the feasibility of media obtained a percentage of 81.67 % in the small-
scale trial, namely 6 students and 90.42% in the large-scale test, namely 30 people. Based on the
data from the validation results, the android-based learning media that was developed included in
the very good criteria and was feasible to use. Second based on the student's individual learning
mastery data before using the average score reaches 8.4 while after using individual and classical
mastery the average reaches 14 with a gain score of 0.74 into the high category. And student
response questionnaires about the effectiveness of android-based learning media reached 73.3% of
30 students. based on this data android-based learning media is said to be effectively used in


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AWASTEEL 2022. Social Science Based Digital SDN 064987 Medan

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