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HORMONES (Mechanism of Action) (SAQ/BAQ)

1. How do G proteins participate in signal transduction?

2. Name two hormones which produce CAMP as second messenger.
3. Name a Vitamin whose mechanism of action is similar to hormones.
4. Name any five hormones acting through cyclic AMP.
5. Name the Thyroid and adrenocortical hormones.
6. What is the mechanism of action of Thyroid and Steroid hormones?
7. Name the second messenger
8. What is the mechanism of action of the steroid hormones?
9. Name any two hormones, which increases the blood glucose level.
10. Name the hormones that help in Calcium homeostasis.
11. What are the expected changes in Serum Sodium and potassium in a case of Addison’s
12. Name the deficient hormone in Diabetes insipidus.
13. Name two hyperglycemic harmones.
14. Role of adrenocortical hormones in protein metabolism
15. Describe the renin angiotensin aldosterone system and its importance?


1. Name the major classes of immunoglobulins. Give the heavy and light chains present in
each of these. What are the domains present in the heavy and light chains.
2. Draw a labeled diagram of a typical immunoglobulin.
3. Name the different types of immunoglobulins and mention two functions of IgM & IgG
4. Which immunoglobulin can cross the placenta to the fetal blood? What is its structure?
5. Explain briefly the class switching of Immunoglobulin
6. What are monoclonal antibodies?
7. Mention the importance of monoclonal antibodies
8. Write short notes on the immunology of AIDS
9. Primary antibody response.
10. Write notes on Severe combined immuno deficiency
11. What is slow and reacting substance of anaphylaxis and mention its importance?


1. What is an Oncogene? Give two examples.

2. Role of oncogenes in carcinogenesis.
3. State the biochemical basis of carcinogenesis
4. Write a note on the agents which bring about carcinogenesis
5. Protooncogene
6. Tumor suppressor genes
7. What are the types of mutation? Explain them briefly.
8. What is point mutation. Give three examples
9. Why Allopurinol is given to patients with acute leukemia who are being treated with anti
cancer drugs?
Tumor Marker (SAQ/BAQ)

1. Define tumor markers? Name two oncofetal products used as tumor marker
2. Tumor markers and their utility
3. What is Oncofetal antigen? Give two examples.
4. Name two markers for malignancy of prostate
5. Enumerate four tumour markers along with the organ involved (2)
6. Write a tumor marker for hepatic carcinoma and Prostatic Carcinoma each.

Cell Cycle & Apoptosis

1. Explain cell cycle.

2. What is the role of cyclins in cell cycle?
3. Name the proteins involved in cell cycle.
4. What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis?
5. What is the role of caspases in mechanism of action of apoptosis?


1. What are hydrogen bonds? State its importance in biomolecules?

2. Name and indicate the function of endocrine factors that influence water volume in the body.
3. How does renin-angiotensin regulate electrolyte balance?
4. Name the major extracellular fluid cation.
5. Write the normal blood levels of the following:
a) Bicarbonate b) Sodium c) Potassium d) Chloride.
6. To correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance due to diarrhea, in addition to electrolytes and water,
glucose is also added in the oral rehydration fluid. Explain the role of glucose here in correcting the
fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
7. Which intravenous preparation would you choose when you want to increase the volume of
extracellular compartment? How will it act?
8. What are the expected changes in Serum Sodium and potassium in a case of Addison’s disease?

1. What is detoxification? How are aspirin & benzoic acid detoxified?
2. Explain detoxification by conjugation.
3. What are different mechanisms of detoxification. Give one example of each.
4. What is the role of glutathione in detoxification.
5. Explain phase I metabolism of xenobiotics
6. Mention the phase II detoxification reactions

1. What are free radicals. Name the sources of any two free radicals formed in body.
2. Discuss the role of vitamins as antioxidants
3. What are antioxidants. State two examples.

1. Define BMR. Write the normal values. List the factors affecting BMR.
2. What is meant by biological value of proteins?
3. Role of dietary fibres in health & diseases.
4. Define SDA. What is the SDA for each of the bulk elements of food.
5. What is protein energy malnutrition? Compare & contrast between kwarshiorkar & marasmus.
6. What do you mean by nitrogen balance. What are the conditions in which positive nitrogen balance
is observed.
7. Give the calorific value of carbohydrates & fats.
8. What is the nutritional basis of ingesting a combination of cereals & pulses (Mutual
9. Define glycemic index.

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