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Exercise 2

Read the following article about silver, and then answer the questions on the opposite page.

Silver has been regarded as something precious for thousands of years. There is evidence that it
was highly prized in ancient times, and was used for making plates for rich people. By 700 BCE, it
was used to make coins. The production of silver grew over the centuries, but when Europeans first
went to America, silver began to be used in many new and different ways.
Discoveries of silver across the world and new technologies meant that the mining of silver continued
to grow rapidly everywhere. The weight of silver is measured in troy ounces. By the 19 th century,
nearly 120 million troy ounces were being produced annually. Now, more than 5000 years after
ancient cultures first began to mine this precious metal, an average of 671 million troy ounces is
mined every year.
Countries Producing Silver
millions of troy ounces per year

Kazakhstan Turkey Morocco Indonesia Iran India

In earlier times, silver was thought to have magical properties and it was considered to be useful in
keeping bad spirits away. Nowadays, most people think of silver in relation to jewellery. The fact is,
however, that silver has many more uses than just looking decorative. It is probably only now that we
are discovering all the possible ways in which silver can be used.
People have known about the anti-bacterial properties of silver for a long time. The ancient
Phoenicians kept water, wine and vinegar in silver vessels to ensure freshness. It is only recently,
however, that scientists have discovered how silver works. Quite simply, silver destroys the ability of
bacteria to form the chemical bonds which are essential to their survival. When bacteria and silver
come into contact, the bacterial cells fall apart. Today, there are bandages and ointments that use
silver as an active ingredient. Silver promotes the growth of new cells, which in turn increases the
rate of healing. This makes silver especially valuable for treating burns and wounds.
Another key use for silver is in the millions of water purifiers that are sold each year. Silver prevents
bacteria from building up in filters so that they can work effectively. Research has shown that silver,
together with oxygen, cleans water. This means that other chemicals, such as chlorine, do not have to
be used. Silver is therefore starting to be added to water purification systems in hospitals, community
water systems and swimming pools. Scientists hope that silver will be able to be used in helping to
produce clean drinking water in countries where water-borne illness is a problem. Current research
shows that this use of silver is an exciting development for the global water supply.
In the past, silver was often used to decorate places of worship, and many people saw it when they
went to pray. Today, there is probably much more silver around us, but we do not necessarily see it.
For example, every time you travel in a motor vehicle you are surrounded by pieces of silver. Every
electrical action in a modern car is activated with silver-coated contacts. Basic functions such as starting
the engine and opening power windows all need a special switch that has a silver covering. Another
important feature for our driving safety is the silver-ceramic lines fitted into the rear window. The heat
created by these lines clears the rear window of mist and ice so that we can see clearly out of it.
Silver is just as valuable today as it has been throughout human history.
(a) When did silver start to be used for more things than plates and coins?

when Europeans first went America


(b) How long ago was silver first mined?

more than 5000 years


(c) According to the chart, which are the highest and lowest silver-producing countries, and how
much silver does each of these countries produce per year?

Highest: .....................................
17 millions of troy ounces
Amount: .............................................................................
Lowest: ...................................... 3 millions of troy ounces
Amount: .......................................................................... [1]

(d) What do most people today associate silver with?


(e) How does silver destroy bacteria?

silver destroys the ability of bacteria to form the chemical bonds


(f) Why is silver useful in treating skin injuries?

Silver promotes the growth of new cells

(g) What does silver help to do in water purifiers? Give two details.
Silver prevents
bacteria from building up in filters and when silver together with oxygen
cleans water

(h) What health problem might silver prevent in some countries?

Water-borne illness

(i) How are electrical actions in cars started?

in a modern car is activated with silver-coated contacts

(j) Why is silver used in the rear window of a car?

for our driving safety is the silver-ceramic lines fitted into the rear window

(k) What was silver used for in the past? Give four details.

-decorate places of worship


-keeping bad spirits away

-to make coins
-plates for rich people

[Total: 15]
Exercise 4

Read the following article about the possessions people take with them when they have to leave home
quickly because of a disaster, and then complete the notes on the opposite page.

Precious Objects

Mount Vesuvius, a volcano in Italy, had stood quietly for 700 years until the day in 79CE when it
erupted and killed most of the citizens of Pompeii. Evidence shows that the eruption caught the
local population completely unprepared. When Vesuvius began emitting black clouds of ash and
the danger became more obvious, most people must have tried to run away. So what did they try
to take with them in the hours before the fatal eruption? Archaeologists have discovered many
fascinating objects found with the citizens’ bodies.

There were many practical items found, such as lanterns. Even before nightfall, the city could have
been plunged into darkness before the main eruption, which came shortly after midnight. Some
people had their keys, clearly hopeful that they would be returning home. One young girl was
discovered with a charm bracelet, with more than 40 charms from all over the Roman Empire. “She
may have hoped it would bring her good luck,” says Augusto Berardi, an expert on Pompeii. “It is a
very beautiful object.”

A doctor was found with his medical kit, which included scalpels, forceps and a needle. “We can
never know if this was to save the tools of his trade, or a brave attempt to help the wounded,” says

The possessions of one young woman, found outside Pompeii’s Nola gate, suggest that superstition
and faith played their part as the victims tried desperately to escape from the rising heat and falling
rocks. The ‘Porta Nola’ girl carried a statuette of an Egyptian goddess, which she would probably
have looked at when praying. The girl also wore protective bangles, including one in a special shape
which was thought to protect against the evil eye. It is impossible to know whether she, or any of the
other victims, grabbed those objects at the last minute, but she had clearly tried to protect herself
from bad fortune.

The people of Pompeii were ordinary people, but they died in an extraordinary way. They were living
their lives as usual when they were interrupted by a force beyond their control. Their reactions may
not have been so different from those of people caught up in recent catastrophes.

Following floods in the UK in 2007, a sociologist, Trevor Miles, studied what possessions people took
with them as they left their homes. Residents had little time to choose what to take with them when
they were evacuated. Afterwards, he says, they would either laugh at or regret their choices. One
woman snatched up her constant companion, a parrot, as fire fighters rescued her. Unfortunately,
she forgot to take the bird’s cage and had to spend hours in the rescue centre holding her pet in her
arms. Others picked up their very expensive televisions, but wished later that they had taken their
favourite family photos.

Another survivor of disaster, from Iran, has learned a vital lesson from his experience of running
away after an earthquake. If he ever needs to run from his home again, Ahmad only has to reach
into his cupboard where his belongings are neatly stored in separate piles. Emergency items such
as a torch to light the way and a first-aid kit to help others are on the left in the cupboard, and his
precious possessions are on the right.
You are going to give a talk to your class about the objects people take with them in a disaster situation.

Prepare some notes to use as the basis of your talk.

Make short notes under each heading.

Objects taken by the residents of Pompeii, and possible reasons for their

• Lanterns, to see in the darkness

• Charm Bracelet-for good luck


• Medical kit - to help the wounded


• Statuette of Egyptian goddess - for praying


• Bangles - to protect from eveil eye


• Keys - hope they would return home


Objects valued by modern disaster survivors, and reasons for their choice

• parrot- as a companion

• Television because its expensive


• torch to help light the way


• First aid to help others


[Total: 9]

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