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Page 1 of 5 Spanish Adjective Placement Adjectives That Go Before The Noun Spanish adjectives are usually placed after

the noun. They agree in gender and number with the nouns that they modify.

El libro rojo.

Las zapatillas rojas.

But, there are some Spanish adjectives that are placed before the noun. For example, bueno and malo go before the noun. They also agree in gender and number with the nouns that they modify.

Hace buen tiempo.

Hace mal tiempo.

Adjectives of quantity are placed before the noun. mucho poco bastante a lot of, much, many a little, a few, not much, not many enough Isabella tiene muchos amigos. Tengo poco dinero. En estos momentos ya tengo bastantes problemas. Ambas hermanas tienen ojos azules. Yo me levanto a las siete cada da. Hay varias posibilidades. Algn da lo comprender. No tengo ningn hijo. Isabella has a lot of friends. I dont have much money. Right now I already have enough problems. Both sisters have blue eyes. I get up at seven oclock every day. There are several possibilities. Some day you will understand. I dont have any children.

ambos cada varios alguno ninguno

both each, every several some, any none, not any, any (any is used in a negative sentence) other, another enough all, every

otro suficiente todo

Jorge quiere otra taza de caf. No ganan suficiente dinero. Alfonso trabaja todo el da.

Jorge wants another cup of coffee. They dont earn enough money. Alfonso works all day long.

(Note that bueno, malo, alguno, and ninguno drop the o before a masculine singular noun. Algn and ningn add an accent mark. Photos: Flicker Creative Commons/ Esther Gibbons, Iain Cuthbertson, D. H. Parks, Highways Agency

Page 2 of 5 Spanish Adjective Placement Adjectives That Go Before The Noun Practice. Choose an adjective from the box to fill in the blank of each sentence.

algn, ambos, bastante, buenos, cada, mala, muchos, ningn, otra, pocos, toda, varios

1. Pedro y Juan son ____________________ estudiantes. (Pedro and Juan are good students.) 2. El profesor dar el examen a ____________________ estudiantes. (The professor will give the exam to both students.) 3. La biblioteca tiene ____________________ libros sobre la historia de Espaa. (The library has many books about the history of Spain.) 4. Es una ____________________ idea. (Its a bad idea.) 5. Ella tiene ____________________ amigos. (She has only a few friends.) 6. Rudolf trabaja ____________________ la noche. (Rudolf works all night.) 7. No tengo ____________________ pluma. (I dont have another pen.) 8. ____________________ casa tiene una piscina. (Each house has a swimming pool.) 9. Hay ____________________ sitio para todos. (There is enough room for everyone.) 10. ____________________ alumnos estn ausentes. (Several students are absent.) La biblioteca tiene muchos libros sobre la historia de Espaa.

11. Llmame si tienes ____________________ problema. (Call me if you have any problems.)

12. Ellos no nos compran ____________________ regalo. (They dont buy us any gifts.)

Photo: Flickr Creative Commons/ aikijuanma

Page 3 of 5 Spanish Adjective Placement Adjectives That Go Before The Noun The adjectives proximo, nico, and ltimo are placed before the noun.

Vamos a Barcelona el prximo mes. (We are going to Barcelona next month.)

Ella es la nica francesa aqu. (She is the only French woman here.)

La Nochevieja el ltimo da del ao. (New Years Eve is the last day of the year.)

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers are placed before the noun.

Tengo diez libros. (I have ten books.)

El da de Ao Nuevo es el primer da del ao. (New Years day is the first day of the year.)

(Note that primero, tercero, and uno drop the o before a masculine singular noun.) When an adjective is used to express the subjective judgment of the speaker, it is placed before the noun.

Hay bellas flores en la colina. (There are beautiful flowers on the hill.) This is the opinon of the speaker. Others may not find the flowers to be beautiful.

Practice. Translate the adjective to Spanish and write the correct form of the adjective in the blank. 1. Me bajo en la _____________________ (next) parada. (Im getting off at the next stop.) 2. Juan es el _________ (only) estudiante que no tiene un iPad. (Juan is the only student who doesnt have an iPad.) 3. El viernes es el ___________ (last) da laborable de la semana. (Friday is the last work day of the week.) 4. Tengo __________ (two) perros. (I have two dogs.) 5. El __________ (first) da de mi trabajo fue terrible. (My first day at work was terrible.) 6. Tenemos que leer una __________ (long) novela. (We have to read a long novel.)(hint: largo/larga)

Photos: Flickr Creative Commons/ Bert Kaufmann, Tostie 14, babasteve, sleepyneko, respres

Page 4 of 5

Spanish Adjective Placement Adjectives That Go Before The Noun

A descriptive adjective is placed in front of the noun when it emphasizes an inherent characteristic or quality of a noun.

La blanca nieve cubre las montaas. (The white snow covers the mountains.)

A descriptive adjective is placed before the noun in order to enhance a specific quality of the noun. In this case the adjective is not used to compare the noun to other nouns of the same kind.

Es un blanco caballo. (Its a white horse.) The speaker wants to emphasize the color of the horse.

Es un caballo blanco. (Its a white horse.) The speaker is comparing this horse to other horses.

Place the adjective in front of the noun in expressions that begin with qu.

Qu mala suerte! (What bad luck!)

Practice See if you can match the Spanish sentence with the English translation.

1. _____ El generosa mujer le dio el dinero. 2. _____ Qu hermosa plaza! 3. _____ El stano es un oscuro lugar. 4. _____ Ella es una buena madre. 5. _____ Eduardo es un alto muchacho. 6. _____ Qu divertida pelcula! 7. _____ Es una fea herida. 8. _____ Es un gran jardn.

a. What a funny movie! b. Its a big garden. c. The generous woman gave him the money. d. Its a bad wound. e. What a beautiful plaza! f. The basement is a dark place. g. Eduardo is a tall boy h. She is a good mother.

Photos: Flickr Creative Commons/Alaskan Dude, sarniebill1, zaxl4

Page 5 of 5 Spanish Adjective Placement Adjectives That Go Before The Noun

Some adjectives change their meaning depending on their placement before or after the noun. Adjective antiguo cierto grande nuevo pobre puro viejo mismo Before The Noun former certain great new, different unfortunate mere (just) old (a long time) same After The Noun ancient sure large brand new penniless pure (uncontaminated) old (elderly) myself, yourself, himself, etc.

(Note that grande becomes gran in front of a masculine singular noun.) Match the Spanish phrase with the English translation. 1. ____ su antiguo novio 2. ____ una civilizacin antigua 3. ____ cierto da 4. ____ una cosa cierta 5. ____ un gran hombre 6. ____ un hombre grande 7. ____ es pura leche 8. ____ es leche pura 9. ____ una pobre mujer 10. ____ una mujer pobre 11. ____ una nueva casa 12. ____ una casa nueva 13. ____ el mismo libro 14. ____ el doctor mismo a. a brand new house b. its pure milk c. a penniless woman d. the doctor himself e. an unfortunate woman f. a new house g. a large man h. an ancient civilization i. a great man j. the same book k. its just milk l. her former boyfriend m. a certain day n. a sure thing

All Photos: Flickr Creative Commons/ Esther Gibbons, Iain Cuthbertson, D. H. Parks, Highways Agency, aikijuanma, Bert Kaufmann, Tostie 14, babasteve, sleepyneko, respres, Alaskan Dude, sarniebill1, zaxl4

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