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Amandeep Muskan Mohit Sethi

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
and and and
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Chandigarh University Chandigarh University Chandigarh University
Mohali, Punjab, India Mohali, Punjab, India Mohali, Punjab, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract-A cryptocurrency tracker is a software tool

that allows users to monitor and track the performance these currencies to get high returns.
of various cryptocurrencies in real-time. It provides up- Cryptocurrency tracker is a real tine web
to-date information on the price, market cap, trading application. The cryptocurrency web
volume, and other important metrics of different application monitors and provides the
cryptocurrencies. This abstract provides an overview of latest updates, value statistics, market cap,
the functionalities and features of a typical
supply and news regarding the
cryptocurrency tracker, as well as the benefits it offers
to traders, investors, and enthusiasts in the cryptocurrencies market.
cryptocurrency market. With the increasing popularity
of cryptocurrencies, the demand for cryptocurrency
trackers has been on the rise, making it an essential Units of cryptocurrency are created
tool for anyone looking to keep track of the dynamic through a process called mining, which
crypto market. involves using computer power to solve
complicated mathematical problems that
generate coins.
Index terms-Blockchain, Json, react js, Material UI,
Api’s, log monitoring.

I. INTRODUCTION What is a Cryptocurrency Tracker?

A cryptocurrency tracker is a tool that

Crypto currency, sometimes called crypto- provides real-time information on the
currency or crypto, is any form of prices, market capitalization, trading
currency that exists digitally or virtually volume, and other metrics of different
and uses cryptography to secure cryptocurrencies. It allows users to
transactions Crypto currency nowadays is monitor their favorite assets and stay
in most demand and many people are informed about the latest developments in
investing in these currencies to get high the market.
returns. Crypto currencies are digital
assets and decentralized systems that
allow for secure online payments. To track How does it work?
your favourite crypto currency prices in
order to get to know it’s performance, Cryptocurrency trackers obtain their data
prices, etc. from various sources, including
cryptocurrency exchanges, blockchain
networks, and other market data providers.
Cryptocurrency nowadays is in most This information is then compiled and
demand and many people are investing in presented in an easy-to-read format,
usually in the form of charts, graphs, or
Why is it important? •User Experience: The user experience of
the cryptocurrency tracker should be
The cryptocurrency market is highly intuitive and easy to use. The user
volatile, with prices fluctuating rapidly. A interface should be well-designed, and the
cryptocurrency tracker provides investors platform should be accessible on different
and traders with up-to-date information, devices and platforms.
enabling them to make informed decisions
about their investments. It also allows •Security: The project should prioritize
them to track their portfolio performance security, including secure login and
and monitor market trends. password management, encryption of
sensitive data, and other security measures
to protect user information.
•Data Accuracy: The cryptocurrency
Crypto currencies have become very tracker should be designed to provide
popular these days and have gained accurate and reliable data. This could
popularity all over the world. People are include working with reputable data
increasingly investing into these kinds of providers, implementing robust data
investments and are also using them for validation checks, and using advanced
their day-to-day transactions. The paper algorithms to ensure data accuracy.
focuses on secondary data collected from
various sources which depict the status of III. TASK IDENTIFICATION
the currency and its future aspects.
Secondary Data- Secondary data was Having a dependency management tool is
gathered from the source, articles from the foremost thing. These are libraries
scholarly diaries and books to have provided by third parties. React, React
thorough see of the subject and encourage DOM and almost all the build tools that
speak to and approve the study questions. we are going to use are dependencies.
Node's Package Manager, also known as
i)To understand the basic concept of NPM, is an essential build tool for
crypto currency that how it works. package and dependency management.

ii)To develop the ability to invest in crypto Other than a dependency management
currency. tool, we can use a bundler to generate
modular code. If the code is modular, it
To develop the ability how to select best will have multiple files containing code
crypto from huge number of existed for different parts of the app performing
crypto currency. their own functionality. Webpack, for
To make simple and easy to use platform. example, is a bundler that is very useful
To identify a potential project for a when we need to send split files to the
cryptocurrency tracker, one should browser. Some of the browsers do not
consider the following factors: support multiple files and even if they do,
we cannot send multiple requests for these
•Target Market: The project should be files.
designed to target a specific market
segment or user base. For example, the Finally, a server is required to run and test
tracker could be designed for casual the code on our local computer.
investors who want to stay updated on the Some of these can be very confusing for a
cryptocurrency market or for professional beginner. But luckily, there is tool
traders who need advanced technical developed by the React team to create
analysis tools. apps that support all the points we
discussed above, and we do not need to
•Features: The cryptocurrency tracker configure anything manually. That special
should have a range of features that meet tool is Create React App. It is important to
the needs of the target market. These could note that you should leave the NPM server
include real-time price tracking, portfolio running so that all the changes in the code
management tools, news aggregation, can be observed immediately. It is
alerts, and technical analysis tools. important to discuss some of the main files
and folders.
Tasks for a cryptocurrency tracker can be important task. This requires building
broken down into several categories: secure user authentication and
authorization systems, storing and
•Data Collection and Aggregation: retrieving user data securely, and
Collecting and aggregating real-time data designing user interfaces for portfolio
on the prices, volumes, and other metrics management.
of various cryptocurrencies is a crucial
task for a cryptocurrency tracker. This •Notifications and Alerts: Creating
requires working with reliable data notifications and alerts for users based on
providers, implementing secure data various triggers such as price changes,
storage and retrieval, and processing large news events, and other market events is
volumes of data in real-time. also a crucial task. This requires working
with external APIs, designing and
•User Interface Design and Development: implementing notification systems, and
Designing and developing an intuitive and ensuring user privacy and data security.
user-friendly interface for the
cryptocurrency tracker is also important. •Testing and Maintenance: Finally, testing
This requires understanding the needs and and maintenance are essential tasks for a
preferences of the target market and cryptocurrency tracker. This includes
creating a visual and interactive interface performing regular updates, addressing
that provides relevant information and security vulnerabilities, testing new
features. features, and fixing bugs to ensure the
platform is stable and reliable for users.
•Technical Analysis Tools: Implementing
technical analysis tools such as charting, Overall, building a successful
indicators, and other analysis tools is cryptocurrency tracker requires a team
another critical task for a cryptocurrency with a range of skills, including software
tracker. This requires expertise in data development, data analysis, user
analysis, mathematics, and software experience design, and security. The team
engineering to build robust and accurate must be able to work collaboratively and
analysis tools. effectively to deliver a high-quality and
reliable product.
•Portfolio Management: Developing
portfolio management tools that allow
users to track their holdings, monitor
performance, and set alerts is another
IV. METHODOLOGY testing. This testing is typically done on
testing environments, whether local or on
After completing above steps, the the cloud.
production manager reviews the software For a complete breakdown of the step, you
and approves it for deployment. At this should take during the critical pre-
stage, the software goes live. deployment process, check out our pre-
deployment primer.
Depending on your deployment strategy,
you may release the software to a select 2. Deployment
group of users or your entire base at once. After completing pre-deployment, the
production manager reviews the software
The Three Stages of Deployment: and approves it for deployment. At this
stage, the software goes live.
1. Pre-deployment Depending on your deployment strategy,
The pre-deployment process involves you may release the software to a select
verifying testing, manually verifying group of users or your entire base at once.
functionality, and performing end-to-end
3. post-deployment platform is functioning correctly and to
monitor market data in real-time. Here are
The next phase is post-deployment. And in some monitoring tools that are commonly
many ways, this is where the real work used in cryptocurrency trackers:
During post-deployment, you’ll retest •Server Monitoring: Monitoring the
features, collect feedback, and monitor cryptocurrency tracker's servers is crucial
software to ensure it runs optimally. to ensure that the platform is running
Post-deployment continues throughout the smoothly and to identify any potential
entire life cycle of the software. To clarify, issues before they affect users. Tools like
the aim is to continuously develop and Nagios, Zabbix, and Datadog can help
launch new features to keep the software monitor server performance, uptime, and
fast, secure, and profitable. availability.


Real-time Access of Systems •Performance Monitoring: Performance

Your tech infrastructure, its network and monitoring tools can help identify
your deployed web application is always bottlenecks, slow queries, and other issues
kept under a check (or rather supervision). that could impact the user experience.
Consistent reviews and analysis happen all Tools like New Relic, AppDynamics, and
the time, ensuring organization of your SolarWinds can help monitor the
tech resources. Thanks to this, system cryptocurrency tracker's performance and
speed, utilization of RAM, server accesses identify areas for optimization.
and more are optimized, which in-turn
check in real time any problems that may •Log Monitoring: Log monitoring tools
spring up and offer preventive solutions to are used to monitor system and application
stop breaches and exploitation of logs to identify errors, security issues, and
vulnerabilities. other issues that could impact the
cryptocurrency tracker's performance or
Easy Detection of Errors security. Tools like ELK Stack, Splunk,
Because the systems are always monitored and gray log can help monitor logs and
for anomalies and errors, reports are provide real-time alerts.
constantly generated at the backend. Also,
there are some automation-based web •Market Data Monitoring: Monitoring
testing tools which can detect glitches real-time market data is critical for a
easily. You can retrieve them anytime and cryptocurrency tracker to provide accurate
look for patterns and understand the and up-to-date information to users. Tools
source of attacks or bugs. With such like Crypto Compare, CoinAPI, and
reports, you can come up with action plans Comarkets can help monitor market data
for problems and deal with them more and provide real-time updates to the
efficiently. cryptocurrency track.

Provides Immediate Website Downtime VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK

Web application downtime can be harmful The Conclusion of this project is to make
to your business. That’s why having more a simple and easy platform where users
than one check to supervise web app can track the crypto currencies by
performance is always recommended. analyzing the price and past performance
With web app monitoring tools, you can of that coin. Most of the websites are
have instant alerts when your web app is charging money to provide data about
down or even getting a notification about crypto currency some of them are Kubra,
probable downtimes. Lunch Money, etc. … But our website is
free of cost so users can feel happy to use
Monitoring tools are essential for a our webs.
cryptocurrency tracker to ensure that the
A cryptocurrency tracker is a tool that allows you to monitor the price, volume, and other metrics of
various cryptocurrencies in real-time. With the help of a cryptocurrency tracker, you can stay up to date
on the latest news and trends in the cryptocurrency market.

Most cryptocurrency trackers allow you to set price alerts and receive notifications when a particular
cryptocurrency reaches a certain price level. This can be helpful for traders who want to buy or sell a
particular cryptocurrency at a specific price.

In addition to price tracking, many cryptocurrency trackers also provide other features such as portfolio
management, news aggregation, and analysis tools. Some popular cryptocurrency trackers include
Comarkets, Coin Gecko, and Crypto Compare.

Overall, a cryptocurrency tracker can be a valuable tool for anyone who is interested in
cryptocurrencies, whether you are a casual investor or a professional trader. By staying informed about
the latest market trends and price movements, you can make more informed decisions about buying,
selling, or holding cryptocurrencies.


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