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Laerskool Oosterkruin Primary

Term 1 Baseline Assessment

Grade 4 District: EN
English FAL + HL ___January 2023
Examiner: Mrs. Millard Total: /20
Moderator: Miss. Norman Percentage:
Pages: 4
Parent/ Guardian signature: ________________
Name and surname: _____________________________ Grade: ____________

1. This paper consists of TWO sections.
2. Read all the instructions carefully.
3. Answer all the questions using FULL SENTENCES where possible.
4. Check spelling and sentence construction carefully.
5. Write neatly and legibly with blue pen.

Educator Moderator
Section A: Comprehension /10 /10
Questions 1
Sections B: Language structure /10 /10
Question 2 and conventions
TOTAL /20 /20

Analysis of Language structure and conventions:

2.1 Adjective (1)

2.3 Conjunction

2.5 Punctuation
2.4 Present and

2.7 Singular or
plural noun (2)
past tense (2)
2.2 Noun (1)

2.6 Verb (2)




SECTION A: Question 1 - Comprehension

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that follow.

1. “I am thirsty,” Ant said aloud.

2. “Why don’t you get a drink of water from the river?” cooed Dove from a nearby
tree in the forest. “Just be careful. Don’t fall in.”
3. Ant ran to the river and began to drink. Suddenly, a strong wind blew Ant into the
4. “Help!” cried Ant. “I’m drowning!”
5. Dove knew that he had to act quickly to save Ant. Dove broke a twig from the
tree. Dove then flew over the river and dropped the twig into the water. Ant
climbed onto the twig and floated safely to dry land.
6. Two days later, Ant saw a hunter setting up a trap to catch Dove. Ant knew that
he had to act quickly to save Dove, so he crawled up the hunter’s leg and bit his
7. “Ouch!” cried the hunter. Dove heard the hunter and flew away to hide safely in
the tree.
[Adapted from original by Ann McGovern]

1.1 Write a title (name) for the story.

__________________________________________________________ (1)

1.2 Circle the correct answer. (1)

The main characters in the story are…
A. Ant and Elephant
B. Ant and Mouse
C. Ant and Dove
D. Ant and Baby
1.3 Place a cross (x) in the box next to the correct answer. (1)
Ant and Dove lived in the …





1.4 Show the correct order of events in the story. (4)

Number the sentences 1 – 4 in the boxes to show the correct order.

“Why don’t you get a drink of water

from the river?”
Dove flew over the river and dropped
the twig.
“Help!” cried Ant. “I’m drowning.”
“I’m thirsty,” said Ant

1.5 Why did Ant bite the hunter’s ankle? (1)

Complete the sentence. Ant bit the hunter’s ankle because…

1.6 In your opinion, do you think that Ant and Dove became friends? Give a reason for
your answer. (2)

Total Section A : 10 marks

SECTION B: Question 2 – Language structure and conventions

Answer the following questions.

2.1 An adjective describes people or things. Circle one adjective in the following
sentence. (1)

The big dog played gently with the naughty kitten.

2.2 A noun identifies people, places or things. Circle one noun in the following
sentence. (1)

We are going to the zoo and the museum.

2.3 A conjunction joins two sentences . Circle the conjunction in the following
sentence. (1)

Ants like sweet things and they also like water.

2.4 Change the tense of the following sentences.

2.4.1 Present tense (1)

The kittens climbed the tall lavender trees.

2.4.2 Past tense (1)

The hungry dog barks at the tiny kitten.


2.5 Rewrite the sentences. Fill two punctuation marks in each sentence.
2.5.1 holly is such a playful hippo (1)
2.5.2 where is my puppy (1)

2.6 Fill in the past tense verb (doing word) in the spaces provided. (1)
2.6.1 The boys ride to school on horseback,
The boy ______________________ to school on horseback.
2.6.2 Underline the verb in the following sentence. (1)
The children play with their pets every day.
2.7 Choose and underline the correct word written in brackets. (1)
The children ( is / are ) very excited to play with the puppies.

Total Section B: 10 marks

Total: [20]
Ekurhuleni North

English HL+FAL Grade 4

Baseline Assessment
Term 4


Question 1 Answer Marks Level

1.1 Any suitable answer. 1 1
1.2 C 1 1
1.3 Forest 1 2

1.4 2, 5, 4, 1 4 3
1.5 Ant bit the hunter’s 1 3
ankle because he
wanted to distract the
hunter from setting up
a trap to catch Dove.
1.6 Yes or No. A 2 3
meaningful and
suitable reason.
Question 2 Answer Marks
2.1 Big/ Naughty 1
2.2 Zoo/ Museum 1
2.3 And 1
2.4 2.4.1The kittens 2
climb the tall
lavender trees.
2.4.2 The hungry dog
barked at the tiny
2.5 2.5.1 Holly is such a 2
playful hippo.
2.5.2 Where is my
2.6 2.6.1 rode 2
2.6.2 play
2.7 are 1

Laerskool Oosterkruin Primary

Term 1 Baseline Assessment
Grade 4 District: EN
English HL + FAL ___January 2023
Examiner: Mrs. Millard Total: /10
Moderator: Miss. Norman Percentage:
Pages: 1 Writing and Presenting
Parent/ Guardian signature: ________________
Name and surname: _____________________________ Grade: ____________

1. Write a paragraph in the present tense about why you love school.
2. Your paragraph must have 4-5 sentences (30 - 40words).
3. Give your paragraph an appropriate title.







Number of words: ___________

Criteria 0 1 2
Content Content does Some effort is made Content is very
not match the to write creatively. creative and
topic. Learners Content is topic matches the
copied related. topic well.
Spelling, grammar, More than 5 spelling 1-5 spelling errors. No spelling, grammar
and punctuation errors. Difficult to Reading not affected and punctuation
read. mistakes.
Title No title or title is not Strong title. Title is relevant to
relevant to the paragraph.
Number of words Less than 30 words. 30 - 35 words. 30 – 40 words.
Paragraph structure One word only. Acceptable Excellent paragraph
Sentences paragraph structure structure.
numbered. Not a
Laerskool Oosterkruin Primary
Term 1 Baseline Assessment
Grade 4 District: EN
English HL + FAL ___January 2023
Examiner: Mrs. Millard Total: /10
Moderator: Miss. Norman Percentage:
Pages: 1 Unprepared reading
Parent/ Guardian signature: ________________
Name and surname: _____________________________ Grade: ____________

1. Make sure to focus on reading with emotion.
2. Make use of punctuation marks.

Criteria 0 1 2
Tone of voice Does not change Keeps required Reads with
tone of voice. Does tone. Does not emotion.
not understand sound artificial or Understands what
what is being read. monotone. is being read.
Enjoys it.
Pronunciation and More than 5 words 1 – 4 words Pronounces all
clarity mispronounced. mispronounced. words correctly.
Fluency Does not keep to Keeps at an Keeps at an
the appropriate appropriate speed. appropriate speed.
speed. A lot of Few lapses and No lapses or
lapses and wavering. wavering.
Volume Reads soft and it is Reads soft but Reads loud and
difficult to hear. audible and clear. clearly.
Confidence Not confident or Not confident or Very confident and
comfortable. comfortable most of comfortable.
the time.
Total /10
The Playground
1) Molly and her friend Bella were playing on the playground. They were supposed
to be taking turns on the swing. Molly counted to 100 while Bella was on the
swing. Bella didn’t get off the swing. “Bella ! I counted to 100, it’s my turn!’ said
Molly. “You counted too fast, it’s still my turn, “ said Bella. Molly was upset. She
wanted a turn on the swing, too! What could she do?

2) Molly could tell the teacher, but her teacher always wanted them to try and solve
the problem first. What could she try? She decided to try using an “I message”.
That means to tell the other person who you’re feeling, why you feel that way and
what they can do to make it better.

3) “Bella, I feel sad because we are supposed to take turns after 100 seconds.” Will
you please get off?” Molly asked. Finally, Bella got off the swing. Molly was
happy because she solved her problem all by herself.

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