IME-251 Social and Ethical Aspects in Engineering

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IME-251 Social and Ethical Aspects in Engineering

Introduction: Ethics and various ethical theories
Ethics and Professionalism: Overview and scope, accepting and sharing responsibilities.
Moral Reasoning and Codes of Ethics: Ethical dilemmas and making moral choices,
importance, limitations, abuse ad justification of codes.
Moral Frameworks: Utilitarianism, right, duty and virtue ethics.
Engineering, Society, & Environment: Socially Conscious engineering, engineering, ecology
and economics, ethical frameworks.
Commitment to Safety: Safety and Risk, assessing and reducing risk.
Workplace Responsibility and Rights: Team work, confidentiality and conflict of interest.
Honesty: Truthfulness and trustworthiness, expert witnesses and advisors, research integrity.
Global Issues: Technology transfer, computer ethics and internet
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
Learning outcomes indicate knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established
principles and practice in social and ethical aspects. It includes and understanding of the
boundaries in a field of work or discipline, encompassing a broad and coherent body of
knowledge and concepts.
It also covers:

 CLO1: Understand basic ethical theories, moral frameworks, social values and beliefs.
(Cognitive 1)
Assessment Tools: Written Exams/Quizzes
PLO 6: The Engineer and Society

 CLO2: Recognize the issues and impacts related to specific ethical problems.
(Cognitive 1)
Assessment Tools: Case Studies Assignments
PLO6: The Engineer and Society

 CLO3: Analyze ethical and moral frameworks by using prevalent and acquired personal,
ethical and societal aspects.
(Cognitive 4)
Assessment Tools: Written Exams
PLO 8: Ethics

 CLO4: Presents views effectively while dealing with the ethical issues related to
professional lives.
(Affective 2)
Assessment Tools: Presentations/Class Discussions
PLO 10: Communication

 CLO5: Appraise the environmental and sustainability issues in engineering.

(Cognitive 5)
Assessment Tools: Complex Engineering Problem
PLO 7: Environment and sustainability

Sr Learning
CLO PLO Assessment Tools
No. Domain
Understand basic ethical theories, PLO 6: The
1 moral frameworks, social values Engineering and Written Exams
and beliefs. Study
Recognize the issues and impacts PLO 6: The
(Cognitive Assignments/Written
2 related to specific ethical Engineering and
1) Exams
problems. Study
Analyze ethical and moral
frameworks by using prevalent (Cognitive
3 PLO 8: Ethics Written Exams
and acquired personal, ethical and 4)
social aspects.
Present views effectively while
(Cognitive PLO 10:
4 dealing with the ethical issues Presentations
2) Communication
related to professional lives.
Appraise the environmental and PLO 7: Complex
5 sustainability issues in Environment and Engineering
engineering. Stability Problem

Rubrics for Assessment of CLOs:

Grading Rubrics (A+, A, B, C, D and F are letter grades for every assessment tool; subject grade
shall be calculated based on weighted average of earned grades in all assessments)

A+ A B C D F
Clear and Reasonably Adequate Developing Little mastery; No mastery;
consistent consistent mastery; mastery; shows one or shows one or
mastery, may mastery; lapses in shows one or more of the more of the
have a few occasional quality more of the qualities qualities
minor errors errors or qualities below below
lapses in below
Critical Effective and Effective Adequate Some Vague or No

insightful development development development limited development
development of a point of of a point of of a point of development of a point of
of a point of view on the view on the vie on the of a point of view on the
view on an issue. Strong issue. issue. Some view on the issue. No use
issue. critical Competent critical issue. Weak of examples
Outstanding thinking; use critical thinking; critical and other
critical of thinking; use inconsistent thinking; evidence to
thinking; use appropriate of adequate use of insufficient/ support the
of clear and examples examples examples and inappropriate position.
appropriate and other and other other evidence use of
examples and evidence to evidence to to support the examples and
other evidence support the support the position. other evidence
to support the position. position. to support the
position position.
Well Well Generally Limited Poor Disorganized
organized and organized organized organization organization and
clearly and focused. and focused. and focus. and focus. unfocused.
focused. Show Shows some Shows lapses Shows serious No coherence
Show clear coherence coherence in coherence problems with and
coherence and and and and coherence and progression
smooth progression progression progression of progression of of ideas.
progression of of ideas. of ideas. ideas. ideas.
Skillful use of Competent Adequate Some Inadequate use Fundamental
language; use of use of adequate use of language; errors in
varied, language; language; of language; limited vocabulary.
accurate and appropriate generally vocabulary vocabulary or
apt vocabulary. appropriate may be weak incorrect word
vocabulary. vocabulary. or choice.
Leadership Regularly Frequently Adequate Sometimes Inadequate Never takes a
and takes a lead takes a lead contribution contributes contribution to lead role;
teamwork role in role in tasks to assigned new idea or ideas, tasks poor team
framing tasks and group tasks and helps to and member
and in group discussions; discussions; organize tasks; discussions;
discussions; Exceedingly performs Lacks well- poor team role
Exceedingly performs his adequately defined team
performs his role as a team role role and little
role in the team and takes initiative.
team and member but initiative.
takes lacking a

initiative. little in

Tools for Assessment:

 Presentations
 Assignments
 Quizzes
 Mid and Final Term
Recommended Textbooks:
 Martin M.W., Schinzinger R,, Ethics in Engineering, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill.
 Harris CE, Pritchard MS, Rabins MJ, James R, Englehardt E, Engineering Ethics: Concepts
and Cases, 4th Ed.
Class Requirements:
Students are expected to:
 Attendance: Attend every class (or at least 75%)
 Read the required material.
 Provide solutions to all homework assignments. No plagiarism allowed.
 Satisfactorily complete the semester project.
Grading Policy:
Quizzes/Presentations/Participation 30%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 40%


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