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Charlie V.

A - 302

1. Summarize one (1) learning resource in 03 Readings: Jose Rizal's Retraction.
- Dr. Jose Rizal was arrested, hauled before a Spanish court martial, found guilty,
and sentenced to death after being recognized as a pivotal participant in the
Philippine Revolution. On December 30, 1896, Rizal supposedly renounced his masonic
convictions and returned to Catholicism after spending many hours being convinced
by the Jesuit priests. Just hours before he was assassinated, Rizal penned a
document titled "The Retraction," in which he professed his Catholic faith and
retracted all of his writings that had been critical of the church. In addition, in
the Manila archives of the Catholic hierarchy, Father Manuel Garcia discovered
Rizal's letter of retractions in 1935. On December 29, 1896, the letter was
written. Balaguer asserts that he went into Rizal's cell with Vilaclara on December
29, 1896. He mentioned that they had talked about some Catholic principles before
they met with Rizal in his letter and affidavit. Topics such as the superiority of
faith over reason and the theological differences between Protestants and Catholics
were discussed among them. They told him before they could administer the necessary
sacraments, he would need to sign a retraction letter and confess his beliefs. Once
midday arrived, the two Jesuits left Rizal's cell, leaving Rizal still unsure about
signing the retraction letter. The Jesuits rushed to the archbishop's palace as
soon as they had first contact with Rizal to tell their superiors what had
occurred. After returning to Rizal at around 3 p.m., Balaguer and Vilaclara worked
to persuade him to change his ways until dusk. They were still unable to get him to
write down his acknowledgment of the retraction. They gave Rizal the two retraction
templates that Fr. Pi had given them at their third meeting, which started at ten
that evening. Fr. Balaguer asserts that Rizal rejected the initial draft because it
was too lengthy and didn't accurately capture his voice in language and style.

2. State the viewpoint/s or argument/s in this resource.

- Arguments that support Rizal’s Retraction
• Fr. Vicente Balaguer’s testimonies
• It was deemed necessary proof of the Retraction itself that the 1935 "Document"
had been found.
• Eyewitnesses who were intimately involved in the events were present.

Arguments that oppose Rizal's Retraction

• Some historians claim that the Retraction letter itself is not legitimate;
• It is true that Josephine Bracken is single.

3. What particular viewpoint do you NOT believe in that resource? Explain why you
do not believe in this viewpoint.
- Fr. is the point of view or argument that I do not support. Juan Balaguer.
According to his testimony, he witnessed the reasonable Rizal experience multiple
unpleasant awakenings, confess, attend mass, receive Communion, and recite the
Rosary four times. concluding that he is connected to the Retraction and a
significant witness. On the day of the Execution, however, Spanish spies, according
to the Cuerpo de Vigilancia, recorded every individual who entered Rizal's cell;
remarkably, they did not record the presence of Fr. Vicente Balaguer was linked to
that particular day. It can be concluded that Fr. Fr. conducted a secondary source
interview with Balaguer. Together with Fr. March in order to express yourself.

Charlie V. Borja
A - 302

1. Summarize one (1) learning resource in 03 Readings: The Cavite Mutiny.
- The Cavite Mutiny was one (1) of the aftermaths of the civil war that erupted in
Spain during Queen Isabella II's reign. On 27 February 1767, King Carlos III of
Spain ordered the complete expulsion of the sect of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
from Spain and all her colonies. Then Governor-General Raon tried to help the
religious order in exchange for bribes. Once the Jesuits destroyed their documents
and hid all their possessions, there was a shortage of priests when Raon died
before being punished by his successor. Then Manila archbishop Basilio Sancho de
Santa Justa spearheaded the conversion and ordainment of Filipinos into the
priesthood, which was heavily opposed. This argument came to be known as the
secularization issue. Back then, news traveled slowly. When then Governor-General
Carlos Maria de la Torre was still in the country, he received a letter about his
reinstatement without knowing about the civil war in Spain. Upon his departure, his
liberal program was stunted upon the sudden arrival of Rafael Geronimo Cayetano
Izquierdo. Izquierdo noted that he would rule the Philippines "with a cross in one
hand and a sword in the other".

Thus, with a strict regime, the lives of the Filipinos began to crumble. When the
mutiny occurred, the Spanish friars accused Filipino priest Jose Burgos, along with
a few other secular priests, to be the masterminds of the event, despite being
truly driven by the Filipinos' desires of escaping polo in Cavite, the "Land of the
Brave". Due to the friar's influence, three (3) Filipino priests -- Mariano Gomez,
Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora -- were implicated in the trial by another fellow
Filipino, Francisco Zaldua (Saldua in other references). This event, among many
others, paved the way to drive out Spain

2. State the viewpoint/s or argument/s in this resource.

- Under the leadership of Sgt. Fernando La Madrid, the mutineers took control of
the Fort and murdered the Spanish officers. A regiment led by General Felipe
Ginoves was dispatched by the Spanish government in Manila to retake the Fort out
of fear of a wider uprising. Sgt. La Madrid was among the many rebels who were
killed when the besieged rebellion was put down.

Well-known Filipinos, including businesspeople, priests, and professionals, were

detained on spurious accusations and given prison, death, or exile sentences. The
Cavite mutineers were said to have taken their cue from Manila when they heard and
saw fireworks across Manila Bay, which were actually being used to celebrate the
feast of the Lady of Loreto in Sampaloc.

Fathers Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora were treasonously found guilty of inciting the
Cavite mutiny by the Spanish court-martial on February 15, despite Meliton
Martinez's refusal to comply and defrock the priests. The three priests were
executed by garrotte in Bagumbayan, which is now known as Luneta, two days later.

3. What particular viewpoint do you NOT believe in that resource? Explain why you
do not believe in this viewpoint.
- The idea that the Cavite Mutiny was solely a local occurrence is one I reject.
The Spanish authorities may have viewed the mutiny as a part of a larger threat to
their colonial rule because they implicated several intellectuals and reformists
from the Philippines in it. Furthermore, the severe suppression of the Filipino
nationalist movement that ensued from the mutiny implies that the Spanish
authorities were cognizant of the mounting dissatisfaction among the Filipino
people and were resolved to quell it.

It was in the Spanish government's best interest to depict the Cavite Mutiny as an
entirely local occurrence. They could minimize the mutiny's significance and avoid
resolving the Filipino people's fundamental grievances by doing this. Furthermore,
the Spanish government was keen to put an end to the burgeoning Filipino
nationalist movement. The Spanish authorities used the mutiny as an excuse to
suppress the nationalist movement and discredit intellectuals and reformists in the

The Cavite Mutiny, in my opinion, was a complicated incident with several

underlying causes. The complaints of the Filipino workers and soldiers at the
Cavite arsenal served as its catalyst, but it was also a part of a broader movement
that was fueled by the country's growing nationalism and dissatisfaction with
Spanish colonial rule.

Charlie V. Borja
A - 302

1. Summarize one (1) learning resource in 03 Readings: The Site of the First Mass.

2. State the viewpoint/s or argument/s in this resource.


3. What particular viewpoint do you NOT believe in that resource? Explain why you
do not believe in this viewpoint.

1. Choose two (2) learning resources in 03 Readings: The Katipunan's Cry.

2. For every resource, state its viewpoint/argument and explain whether you agree
to it or not.

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