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Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng.

(2021) 34:69 Chinese Journal of Mechanical


Practical Options for Adopting Recurrent

Neural Network and Its Variants on Remaining
Useful Life Prediction
Youdao Wang, Yifan Zhao* and Sri Addepalli

The remaining useful life (RUL) of a system is generally predicted by utilising the data collected from the sensors that
continuously monitor different indicators. Recently, different deep learning (DL) techniques have been used for RUL
prediction and achieved great success. Because the data is often time-sequential, recurrent neural network (RNN) has
attracted significant interests due to its efficiency in dealing with such data. This paper systematically reviews RNN
and its variants for RUL prediction, with a specific focus on understanding how different components (e.g., types of
optimisers and activation functions) or parameters (e.g., sequence length, neuron quantities) affect their performance.
After that, a case study using the well-studied NASA’s C-MAPSS dataset is presented to quantitatively evaluate the
influence of various state-of-the-art RNN structures on the RUL prediction performance. The result suggests that the
variant methods usually perform better than the original RNN, and among which, Bi-directional Long Short-Term
Memory generally has the best performance in terms of stability, precision and accuracy. Certain model structures
may fail to produce valid RUL prediction result due to the gradient vanishing or gradient exploring problem if the
parameters are not chosen appropriately. It is concluded that parameter tuning is a crucial step to achieve optimal
prediction performance .
Keywords: Remaining useful life prediction, Deep learning, Recurrent neural network, Long short-term memory,
Bi-directional long short-term memory, Gated recurrent unit

1 Introduction to predict the RUL of a component or a system in the

Remaining useful life (RUL) prediction is an engineer- industrial world, as it helps to prevent failures or acci-
ing discipline that works on the prediction of the future dents from happening. For example, the failure of the
state or response of a given system based on synthesis aircraft engine would often lead to major accidents and
observations, calibrated mathematical models, and sim- casualties [4]. Thus, it is essential to predict the RUL of
ulations [1]. It generally refers to the study of predicting the engine, implement maintenance accordingly and
the specific time at which the system or the component eventually prevent catastrophic failure. The degrada-
will no longer be able to have its intended functional per- tion process of an operating device is a process of grad-
formance. Salunkhe et al. [2] regard RUL as the time left ual deterioration and can be detected to a certain extent
before observing a failure. Okoh et al. [3] define RUL as through the measurement of covariate variables [5]. In
the time remaining for a component to perform its func- recent years, RUL prediction has attracted vast attention
tional capabilities before failure. It is of great importance from both academic researchers and industrial operators.
RUL prediction approaches are generally catalogued
into model-based (physics-based) methods, data-driven
*Correspondence: [email protected] methods and hybrid models, which is a combination
School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Cranfield University,
Cranfield MK43 0AL, UK
of the first two methods [5]. As the complex and noisy

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Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 2 of 20

working condition impedes the construction of the phys- (WPT) and DBN for consecutive identification of bearing
ical systems, it results in difficulties in developing the fault location and severity. Thus, research suggests that
modelling of complex dynamic systems [6]. In addition, CNN and RNN are generally used as predictive models
the difficulty to be updated with the online measured and have proved to outperform traditional prognosis
data, limits the effectiveness and flexibility of the phys- algorithms in RUL prediction. CNN based approaches
ics-based models. In contrast, data-driven approaches are used more in fault diagnosis and surface integration
are gaining popularity due to its quick implementation inspection [16]. RNN, on the other hand, gained much
and widespread deployment of low-cost sensors and more attention and achievements in the research of RUL
their connection to the internet, where RUL is computed prediction because of its ability to accommodate time
through statistical and probabilistic methods by utilis- sequence data [17]. Therefore, this paper systematically
ing historic information and routinely monitored data of reviews the applications of RNN and its variants for RUL
the system [7]. The precondition for setting up the data- prediction in recent years. Many novel RNN based meth-
driven models for RUL prediction is the availability of the ods have been proposed, and the performance of the RUL
multivariate historical data about the system behaviour, performance has been greatly improved. However, most
which must encompass all phases of the system opera- of these works just focused on how to achieve a better
tion and degradation scenarios under certain operating prediction performance using a certain approach. Very
conditions. In recent years, Artificial intelligence (AI) few researchers paid attention to some other factors that
techniques, particularly deep learning (DL) techniques also affect the prediction result such as the optimizer,
are becoming more and more attractive because of the activation function, neuron number and sequence length.
rapid growth in the industrial Internet of Things (IoT), Taking the optimizers as an example, they are used to
Big Data and increasing computing power [8]. Research- shape the model into its most accurate form through
ers have exploited applications of AI techniques for RUL futzing with the weights. To the best of our knowledge,
prediction as well. there is no research discussing how different optimizers
Deep learning is one of the sub-branches of machine affect the performance of RUL prediction using DL based
learning, which originated from the Artificial Neural Net- approaches, and what is the underlying principle to opti-
work (ANN) and featuring multiple nonlinear processing mise the selection. To fill these research gaps, this paper
layers. It intends to model hierarchical representations not only presents an evaluation of the basic RNN and its
and predicts patterns behind data through building variants on RUL prediction based on a case study in a
stacked multiple layers of information processing mod- publicly available dataset, but a specific investigation has
ules in hierarchical architectures. With the rapid develop- also been carried out on how different components (e.g.,
ment of computational infrastructure and the availability types of optimisers and activation functions) or param-
of a large volume of data, DL has become one of the main eters (e.g., sequence length, neuron quantities) of these
research topics in the field of prognostics, given its capa- approaches affect the overall performance (e.g., stability,
bility to capture the hierarchical relationship embedded precision, accuracy) of the RUL prediction.
in deep structures [9]. The published literature on DL The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
approaches for RUL prediction mainly focus on four rep- Section 2 briefly introduces the basic conception of RNN
resentative deep architectures, including Auto-encoder and its variants. Section 3 presents the different optimiz-
(AE), Deep Belief Network (DBN), Convolutional Neural ers that is normally used in DL. Section 4 explains how
Network (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) activation functions affect the training of the network
[10]. AE and DBN are often used for the pre-training of and demonstrate the advantages and drawbacks of differ-
networks. For instance, Jia et al. [11] developed a stacked ent activation functions. Section 5 presents a case study
denoising autoencoder (SDA) which is fed with the fre- that aims to evaluate the factors that influence the per-
quency spectra of time-series data to do the rotating formance of RUL prediction based on a publicly available
machinery diagnosis. Chen et al. [12] proposed an SDA dataset.
to identify the health state of certain systems with signals
containing ambient noise and working condition fluctua- 2 RNN and Its Variants
tions. Shao et al. [13] developed a deep AE based method 2.1 RNN
to diagnose rotating machinery fault. Liao et al. [14] pro- In a traditional neural network, inputs are independ-
posed to combine an enhanced Restricted Boltzmann ent, while in RNN, the front neurons pass the informa-
Machine (RBM) with a novel regularisation term to auto- tion to the following neurons. As illustrated in Figure 1,
matically extract the features which are suitable for RUL in contrast to a traditional feed-forward neural network,
prediction. Gan et al. [15] presented a hierarchical diag- an RNN can be regarded as numerous copies of the same
nosis network that combines a wavelet packet transform neural network cell, in which each cell passes the message
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 3 of 20

controls the flow of the memory itself. To solve this prob-

lem, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, a
modified structure of the recurrent cell that incorporates
the standard recurrent layer along with additional “mem-
ory” control gates, has been proposed. The basic struc-
tures of RNN, LSTM and GRU are illustrated in Figure 2.
The original LSTM was developed by Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber [18] when researchers discovered a van-
ishing and exploding gradient issue in traditional RNNs.
LSTM uses storage elements to transfer information
from the past output instead of having the output of the
RNN cell to be a non-linear function of the weighted sum
of the current input and the previous output.
In another words, instead of using a hidden state h
only, LSTM adopts a cell state C to keep the long-term
information as shown in Figure 3. The main concept of
Figure 1 Basic Feed-Forward Neural Network structure and LSTM is utilising three gates to control the cell state C
Recurrent Neural Network structure (forget gate, input gate and output gate). The forget gate
is used to control the information from the previous
to the next through the hidden state. In other words, the cell state Ct−1 to the current cell state Ct ; the input gate
output from a recurrent neuron is connected to the next decides how many inputs should be kept in the current
one to characterise the current system state as a function cell state Ct ; and the output gate determines the output
of current sensing data and the preceding system state. ht from the current cell state Ct.
In an unrolled RNN, the sensing data (…xt−1, xt , The output of LSTM at step t is calculated using the
xt+1…) are fed simultaneously into the corresponding following equations:
neurons, which generate the corresponding neuron time  
series (… ht−1, ht , ht+1 …). The output of a single recur- it = σ U i xt + W i ht−1 + bi , (3)
rent neuron can be expressed as:
ht = σ (Wx xt + Wh ht−1 + b), (1) ft = σ U f xt + W f ht−1 + bf , (4)
yt = softmax Wy ht + c , (2) ot = σ U o xt + W o ht−1 + bo ,
where Wx , Wh and Wy represent the weight vectors
respectively. The symbol b and c denote the bias term and
 ∼ ∼

ct = tanh U c xt + W c ht−1 + b∼c , (6)
σ is the activation function, with the hyperbolic tangent
or Relu being commonly used in RNN. yt is the output
of the recurrent neuron based on the output of the hid- ∼
den state ht , which can be referred to as a memory space Ct = Ct−1 · ft + c ·it ,
containing the information of the current input and the
former hidden state ht−1. It is worth mentioning that all ht = tanh(ct ) · ot , (8)
the weight vectors are shared at every step, which means
that the same task is repeated at every step with different where W and b are the trainable weights and biases,
inputs and the memory is renewed accordingly. respectively, and i , f and o represent the input gate,
forget gate and output gate respectively. These three
gates have the same shape with different parameters U
2.2 LSTM and W , which need to be learned from the training pro-

The main issue of the standard RNN is the gradient cess. The candidate state c t cannot be used directly. It
exploring and the gradient vanishing. These issues might must pass through the input gate and then be used to
happen when the network is too deep. In other words, calculate the internal storage Ct . While Ct is not only
when the number of the time step is too large, the infor- affected by the hidden state but also by Ct−1 which is
mation carried in the front neuron will be lost because controlled by the forget gate. Based on Ct , a layer of
no structure in a standard recurrent layer individually tanh function is applied to the output information ht ,
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 4 of 20

Figure 2 Basic structures of RNN, GRU and LSTM

Figure 3 Cell state and three gates in LSTM

which is constrained by the output gate. The exist- Recurrent Unit LSTM (GRU-LSTM) and AdaBoost-
ence of the gates enables LSTM to fulfil the long-term LSTM showed improved performance in all cases. They
dependencies in the sequence, and by learning the developed a vanilla LSTM approach two years later
gate parameters, the network can find the appropri- which further improved the prediction performance
ate internal storage. Therefore, LSTMs are naturally significantly [20]. A multi-layer LSTM approach pro-
suited for RUL prediction tasks using sensor data with vided by Zheng et al. [17] investigated the hidden pat-
the inherent sequential nature due to their capability terns from sensors and operational data with multiple
of remembering information over long periods. Yuan operating conditions, fault and degradation models by
et al. [19] proposed an LSTM approach for different combining multiple layers of LSTM cells with standard
types of faults, where C-MPASS dataset was used as the feed-forward layers. The superiority of this approach in
case study. Compared to the traditional RNN, Gated RUL prediction was validated by three widely used data
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 5 of 20

sets, C-MAPSS Data Set, PHM08 Challenge Data Set multiple components, multiple states and a large number
and the Milling Data Set. of parameters.

2.3 GRU​ 2.4 Bi_directional LSTM

The shortcoming of LSTMs is that it is usually time-con- In recent years, there is another variant of RNN called
suming due to the forget gate, input gate and output gate Bi_directional LSTM (Bi_LSTM) that can be seen fre-
added to the structure of the memory blocks. To address quently in literature. The Bi-directional LSTM is pro-
this problem, an improved structure, named Gated posed with the information flowing back to the former
Recurrent Unit (GRU), was proposed [21]. LSTM cells. The forward flow of information can dis-
GRU is the latest generation of RNN, and it looks very cover the system variation, and it flows back to smooth
similar to LSTM. Instead of using the cell state, GRU uses the predictions as illustrated in Figure 4. The outputs of
the hidden state to transfer information. Moreover, it the forward path and the backward path are then concat-
only has two gates (a reset gate and update gate) instead enated. The governing equations of Bi-directional LSTM
of three. Similar to the forget and input gate of LSTM, the can be presented as:
function of the update gate is to decide what information  
to keep and what to throw away. The function of the reset h1i = f U 1 · xi + W 1 · hi−1 , (13)
gate is to decide what to keep from the past information.
The output of GRU at step t is calculated using the fol-  
lowing equations: h2i = f U 2 · xi + W 2 · hi−1 , (14)
zt = σ U Z xt + W Z ht−1 + bZ , (9)   
yi = softmax V · h1i ; h2i , (15)

rt = σ U r xt + W r ht−1 + br ,
(10) where Eq. (13) refers to the forward path and Eq. (14)
refers to the backward path, yi is the output of the Bi-
directional LSTM obtained by fusing the results from
 ∼ ∼

ht = tanh U h xt + W h ht−1 · rt + b∼ , (11) both directional paths.
As for the application, Zhao et al. [23] presented an
∼ integrated approach of CNN and bi-directional LSTM
ht = (1 − zt ) · ht−1 + zt · ht , (12) for machining tool wear prediction named Convolutional
Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (CBLSTM)
Since there are fewer tensor operations in GRU, it runs
networks. CNN was firstly used to extract local robust
relatively faster when training the structure than LSTM.
features from the sequential input. Then, Bi-directional
However, the accuracy is behind LSTM due to fewer
LSTM was utilised to encode temporal information. The
gates. Thus, when the computational resource is limited,
proposed CBLSTM’s capability of predicting the RUL
or fast training is required, GRU could be a good option.
of actual tool wear based on raw sensory data was veri-
For instance, Chen et al. [22] adopted a GRU network
fied with a real-life tool wear test. Zhang et al. [24] pre-
to predict the RUL for a complex system featured with
sented a Bi-directional LSTM network to discover the

Figure 4 A Bi-directional LSTM Structure

Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 6 of 20

underlying patterns embedded in time-series to track the robustness of SGD and do not need much manual tuning
system degradation. The Bi-directional LSTM network of the learning rate. These four optimizers are therefore
was implemented to track the variation of the health selected and discussed in more detail in this paper.
index, and the RUL was predicted by the recursive one-
step ahead method. Elsheikh et al. [25] built a Bidirec-
3.1 Adagrad
tional Handshaking LSTM (BHLSTM) network for RUL
Adagrad is a gradient-based optimizer that adapts the
prediction, where short sequences of monitored observa-
learning rate to the parameters, performing larger
tions were given with random initial wear. This method
updates for infrequent and smaller updates for frequent
was able to predict the RUL with a random start, which
updates. Thus, it is very suitable for sparse data. It uses
makes it more suitable for real-world application as the
a different learning rate for every parameter θi at every
initial condition of physical systems is usually unknown,
time step t, so the gradient of the objective function gt,i
especially in terms of its manufacturing deficiencies.
regarding the parameter θi at time step t is written as:
3 Optimizer gt,i = ∇θt J θt,i , (16)
Gradient descent by far is the most commonly used way
The SGD updates for every parameter θi at each time
to optimise neural network [26]. It is an iterative optimi-
step t following equation:
zation algorithm used to find the values of parameters or
coefficients of a function that minimizes a cost function. θt+1, i = θt,i − η · gt,i . (17)
Although various algorithms have been developed to
optimize gradient descent, they are usually used as black- Adagrad modifies the general learning rate η at each
box optimizers because it is hard to figure out the practi- time step t for every parameter θi based on the past
cal explanations of their strengths and weaknesses. gradients:
Different in how much data used to compute the gradient η
of the objective function, the gradient descent variants are θt+1,i = θt,i −  · gt,i , (18)
Gt,ii + ∈
classified into two categories: batch gradient descent (BGD)
and stochastic gradient descent (SGD). BGD is guaranteed where Gt ∈ Rd×d is a diagonal matrix where each diag-
to converge to a global minimum for convex error surfaces onal element i is the sum of the squares of the gradients
and a local minimum for non-convex surfaces. However, regarding the parameter θi at time step t, ∈ is a smoothing
BGD can be very time-consuming because it needs to calcu- term used to avoid division by zero.
late the gradients for the whole dataset to perform just one One of the main advantages of Adagrad is that it is not
update and thus it is intractable for datasets that do not fit required to manually tune the learning rate. The default value
in memory. In addition, BGD cannot be used to update the is set as 0.01. The main drawback of this optimizer is that its
model online. In contrast, SGD performs one update at a accumulation of the squared gradients in the denominator
time, and thus it will not have any redundant computations would result in the learning rate to shrink and become infini-
for large datasets as BGD does. As a result, SGD is usually tesimally small, which means that at a certain point, the algo-
much fast than BGD. Meanwhile, it can be used to learn rithm can no longer acquire additional knowledge.
the model online. The drawback of SGD is that the frequent
updates with a high variance would lead to a heavy fluctua-
3.2 Adadelta
tion to the objective function. While if the learning rate is
To reduce the monotonically decreasing learning rate,
slowly decreased over time, SGD shows the same conver-
an extension optimizer of Adagrad has been promoted,
gence behaviour as BGD, it almost certainly converges to a
named Adadelta. It uses a fixed-size window of accu-
local or the global minimum for non-convex optimization.
mulated past gradients instead of accumulating all past
Although SGD can often lead to good convergence, few
squared gradients. The sum of the gradient is recursively
challenges need to be addressed. For instance, it is diffi-
defined as a decaying average of all past squared gradi-
cult to determine a proper learning rate and an anneal-
ents. Thus, the running average of the squared gradients
ing schedule, or it is hard to update features to a different
of the objective function at time step t depends on the
extent avoiding suboptimal minima. Ruder [26] outlines
previous average and the current gradient:
some algorithms that are widely used by the deep learn-
ing community which can deal with these challenges E[g 2 ]t = γ E[g 2 ]t−1 + (1 − γ )gt2 , (19)
includes Momentum, Nesterov accelerated gradi-
ent, Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSprop, Adam, AdamMax where γ is the fraction of the update vector of the past
and Nadam. Ruder also stated that Adagrad, Adadelta, time step to the current update vector, which is normally
RMSprop and Adam can all significantly improve the set to 0.9 [26].
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 7 of 20

The SGD update for parameter �θ t at each time step t 3.4 Adam

therefore becomes: Another method that computes adaptive learning rates
for each parameter was named Adaptive Moment Esti-
�θt = −η · gt,i , (20) mation (Adam) [27]. Adam not only stores an exponen-
tially decaying average of past squared gradients vt , but
θt+1 = θt + �θt . (21) also keeps an exponentially decaying average of past gra-
dients mt , as shown in Eqs. (29) and (30):
And according to the update rule, through simply replac-
ing the diagonal matrix Gt with the decaying average of mt = β1 mt−1 + (1 − β1 )gt , (29)
past squared gradients E[g 2 ]t , the parameter update vector
of Adadelta can be derived as:
vt = β2 vt−1 + (1 − β2 )gt2 , (30)
�θt = −    · gt,i . where mt refers to the estimate of the first moment
E g2 t+ ∈ (22)
(the mean) of the gradients and vt refers to the second
   moment (the uncentered variance) of the gradients. As
As E g 2 t + ∈ is the root mean squared (RMS) error the initial value of mt and vt are vectors of zeros, it is
criterion of the gradient, it can then be written as: observed that when the decay rates are small during the
η initial time, they are biased towards zero. The biases are
�θ t = − · gt,i . (23) counteracted by computing bias-corrected first and sec-
ond moment estimates:
Since the update should have the same hypothetical units mt
as the parameter, the exponentially decaying average of the m̂t = , (31)
1 − β1t
squared parameter should be used:
E �θ 2 = γ E �θ 2 + (1 − γ )�θ 2t , (24) v̂t = . (32)
t t−1 1 − β2t

RMS[�θ]t−1 Therefore, the update rule of Adam can be derived as:

�θt = − · gt , (25)
RMS[g]t η
θt+1 = θt −  · m̂t . (33)
v̂t + ∈
θt+1 = θt + �θt . (26)
The proposed values for β1, β2 and ∈ are 0.9, 0.999 and
Based on the update rule of Adadelta, there is no need for ­10−8, respectively.
setting a default learning rate.

3.3 RMSprop 4 Activation Function

RMSprop is an adaptive learning rate method designed The activation function is a function working on a neuron
for neural networks which have been growing in popular- in an ANN and mapping the input of the neuron to the
ity in recent years. Similar to Adadelta, the central idea of output. More specifically, each neuron node in the neural
RMSprop is to keep the moving average of the squared network adapts the output of the neuron in the upper layer
gradients for each weight and then divide the gradient by as the input and passes it to the next layer (hidden layer or
square root of the mean square. However, a good default output layer). Thus, the activation function refers to the
value of decay parameter γ and learning rate are set to 0.9 functional relationship between the output of the upper
and 0.001: node and the input of the lower node in the multilayer neu-
    ral network. Without an activation function, the input of
E g 2 = 0.9E g 2 + 0.1gt2 , (27) each layer will be linear to the output of the upper layer. No
t t−1
matter how many layers the neural network has, the output
is just a linear combination of the input, which is similar to
θt+1 = θt −    · gt,i . the original perceptron. To enable the neural network arbi-
E g2 t+ ∈ trarily to any nonlinear function, the activation function
introduces a nonlinear factor to the neuron. The nonlinear
activation functions allow the network to learn complex
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 8 of 20

form data and complex function mappings that represent Tanh function is the translation and contraction of sig-
nonlinearity between input and output. moid function: tanh(x)=2⋅σ(2x)−1. Tanh function often
There are three types of activation functions normally outperforms sigmoid in practice because its output is
used in the deep learning area: tanh & sigmoid, ReLU and zero mean. Nevertheless, it still suffers from gradient sat-
swish. In this section, the basic mathematical expression of uration and computational complexity.
these three types of activation functions is reviewed with
their advantages and drawbacks. The expression of these
activation functions and their variants are demonstrated in 4.2 ReLU
Figure 5. Rectification of linear unit (ReLU) is the most commonly
used deep learning neural network activation function. It
4.1 Sigmoid & Tanh is the default activation function for most of the feed-for-
Sigmoid function, expressed in Eq. (34), also known as ward neural networks. The ReLU function is written as:
Logistic function, is normally used for the output of the
hidden layer neurons: f (x) = max(0, x) (36)

1 The advantage of ReLU function is that the SGD algo-

σ (x) = , x ∈ (0, 1), (34) rithm converges faster than sigmoid or tanh. When the
1 + e−x
weight is larger than zero, there are no problems like gra-
The advantage of Sigmoid function is that the output of dient saturation and gradient disappearance. Since there
the activation function is limited between 0 and 1, which is no need to carry out the exponential operation, the
results in a stable optimization and thus good to be used as computational complexity is relatively low. A threshold
the output layer. The drawback is that the function could is needed for achieving the activation value. The limita-
be very insensitive to small changes in input when a vari- tion of ReLU function is that the output is not zero mean
able takes a very large positive or negative value. During the either. Besides, the Dead ReLU Problem will occur when
backpropagation, the weight will hardly be updated when the weight is in the negative field. During the train-
the gradient gets close to zero. Therefore, the gradient will ing, when x is less than zero, the gradient of the current
disappear, and the network will be able to complete its neuron and the neurons after it is always zero. In other
training. In addition, the output of sigmoid function is not words, it will no longer respond to any data and the cor-
zero mean, which leads to the input of neurons in the back responding parameters would never be updated. To solve
layer being non-zero mean, and then affects the gradient. this problem, Leaky ReLU, Parametric Rectified Linear
Besides, due to the exponential form in the sigmoid func- Unit (PReLU) and Exponential Linear Unit (ELU) were
tion, the computational complexity is very high. introduced.
Tanh function, expressed in Eq. (35), is also called the Leaky ReLU function:
hyperbolic tangent function:
f (x) = max(0.01x, x). (37)
sinh x ex − e−x
f (x) = tanh x = = x , PReLU function:
cosh x e + e−x
f (x) = max(αx, x). (38)
x ∈ (−1, 1) (35)

α e − 1 , x ≤ 0,
f (x) =
x, x > 0. (39)

The Leaky ReLU uses a small value of 0.01 to initialize

the neuron so that the ReLU function can be activated
in the negative region. The difference between Leaky
ReLU and PReLU is that α of PReLU function is learned
through backpropagation. ELU has all the advantage of
ReLU and no Dead ReLU Problem. It can make the aver-
age activation mean value of neurons close to zero and
at the same time, which suggests that it is more robust
to noise. However, because of the exponential form, the
Figure 5 Different activation functions
calculation complexity is relatively higher.
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 9 of 20

4.3 Swish condition. FD004 refers to the engine failure from both

Swish is a self-gated activation function proposed by Pra- high-pressure compressor and fan under six operation
jit [28], who attempted to use an automated search conditions. In this study case, FD001 was used because
technique to find novel activation functions to replace the data volume is relatively small, therefore it is more
the ReLU function without changing the network archi- time-efficient to do the test.
tecture. By a combination of exhaustive and reinforce-
ment learning-based search, they found a number of 5.2 Data pre‑processing
novel promising activation functions and named the best The raw sensor data were normalised to [0, 1]. No dimen-
one of them as Swish. sion reduction and feature extraction have been taken
The Swish function can be written as: place in this case study and the entire sensor data stack
was used as inputs for training. In addition, since there is
f (x) = x · sigmoid(βx), (40) no target output in raw datasets, the RUL was labelled at
where β is a constant or trainable parameter. every cycle for each sample before training the models.

5.3 Performance Evaluation
5 Case Study In this case study, the mean square error (MSE) was used
5.1 Benchmark Dataset Overview to evaluate the performance of the trained neural net-
The case study focuses on the investigation of the influ- works. The mathematical expression is:
ence of various practical options of optimizers, acti-
vation functions and other parameters like sequence 1 2
length and neuron number when adopting RNN and
MSE = di , (41)
its variants on RUL prediction. We selected the NASA’s
Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simula- where n is the total number of true RUL targets in the
tion (C-MAPSS) dataset, aiming at modelling the dam- related test set and di refers to the difference between the
age propagation of aircraft gas turbine engines [29]. This true RUL and the predicted RUL.
engine simulator produced four datasets which are con- The RNN algorithm and its variants were tested with
sisted of three operational condition indicators. Each the dataset FD001, and three different layer structures
subset has different numbers of engines with varied oper- for each method were used. Each algorithm and struc-
ational cycles. ture have been tested five times to achieve the statistical
In the dataset, engine profiles were simulated with dif- result, which was illustrated in the form of a box chart.
ferent initial degradation conditions. The maintenance The results were presented and discussed according to
was not considered during the simulation. The dataset four main factors: optimizers, activation functions, neu-
includes one training set and one testing set for each ron numbers and sequence lengths against three assess-
engine. The training set consists of the historical run- ment criteria: stability, precision and accuracy. The ranks
to-failure measurement records of the engines from 21 for precision and accuracy for these four factors will be
on-board sensors. The objective is to predict the RUL of presented. As for the stability, if the network can produce
each engine based on the given sensor measurements. a reliable result, it will be marked as 1, otherwise, it will
The information of the four subsets is listed in Table 1. be marked as 0.
Specifically, FD001 refers to the engine failure arising
from the high-pressure compressor under a single oper- 5.3.1 Optimizers
ating condition. FD002 refers to the engine failure from Different neural network structures were tested with the
the high-pressure compressor under six operation condi- fixed activation function of ReLU, the neuron number of
tions. FD003 refers to the engine failure from both high- 128, the sequence length of 50, four different optimizers
pressure compressor and fan under a single operating including Rmsprop, Adam, AdamGrad and AdamDelta.

Table 1 C-MAPSS dataset

Dataset FD001 FD002 FD003 FD004

Data for training 100 260 100 249

Data for test 100 259 100 248
Operating conditions Single Multiple Single Multiple
Fault conditions Compressor Compressor Compressor & fan Compressor & fan
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 10 of 20

The prediction results are displayed using box plots so The assessment of the four optimizers have been made
that the stability, precision and accuracy of these opti- for all network structures such as the example set in
mizers can be evaluated. Table 2, and all the optimal optimizers have been summa-
As indicated in Figure 6, gradient exploring or gradi- rized in Table 3. In this case, AdaGrad can be regarded as
ent vanishing took place when adopting AdaGrad in the optimal optimizer for most of the network structures.
LSTM_3LAYERS and GRU_3LAYERS and AdaDelta 5.3.2 Activation Functions
in RNN_LAYERS, Bi_LSTM_3LAYERS. This observa- In this section, the evaluation of five activation func-
tion suggests that RMSprop and Adam are less sensible tions is performed with the fixed optimizer (Adam),
to the parameters than AdaGrad and AdaDelta, which neuron number (128) and sequence length (50). Both
means they are more workable in this case. More spe- Sigmoid and Tanh functions have also been tested, but
cifically, AdaGrad and AdaDelta are more likely to lose these two activation functions were found to be greatly
their stability when the network gets more complicated.
In terms of accuracy, generally speaking, AdamGrad can
help to achieve the most accurate prediction result in
most network structures, regardless of the stability. As Table 2 Assessment of different optimizers using network
for Rmsprop, the change in the structure layers would structure RNN-1LAYER
make a great difference to the prediction performance. In Optimizers Stability Precision Accuracy Assessment
contrast, this influence can hardly be seen when adopting
Adam and AdaDelta as the optimizers. As for the preci- RMSprop 1 4 4
sion, Rmsprop has the worst performance among these Adam 1 3 3
four optimizers where the other three can all produce AdaGrad 1 1 1 √
relatively precise outcomes. AdaDelta 1 2 2

Figure 6 Performance of different optimizers on the testing dataset

Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 11 of 20

Table 3 Optimal optimizers for different algorithms Swish in both precision and accuracy. However, gradi-
Algorithms Optimal optimizers
ent exploring, or gradient vanishing occurred when
adopting ReLU, PReLU and ELU in RNN_1LAYER and
RNN_1LAYER AdaGrad GRU_3layer, which suggests that Swish and Leaky_
RNN_2LAYERS Adam ReLU are more stable than these three activation func-
RNN_3LAYERS Adam tions. The Optimal activation functions in this case for
LSTM_1LAYER AdaGrad different algorithms are listed in Table 4.
LSTM_3LAYERS Adam, AdaDelta
Bi_LSTM_1LAYER Adam, AdaGrad, AdaDelta 5.3.3 Sequence Length
Bi_LSTM_2LAYERS AdaGrad In this section, the impact of different sequence length
Bi_LSTM_3LAYERS AdaGrad on the prediction result has been compared with a fixed
GRU_1LAYER Adam, AdaGrad optimizer (Adam), activation function (ReLU) and neu-
GRU_2LAYERS AdaGrad ron number (128). As indicated in Figure 8, generally
GRU_3LAYERS AdaGrad the longer the sequence length uses, the better perfor-
mance the algorithms achieved. In this case, gradient
vanishing happened when adopting GRU_3LAYERS
network structure which suggests that the choice of the
affected by the gradient vanishing and gradient explor- sequence length may also affect the workability of GRU.
ing problem. Therefore, these two functions are not The optimal sequence length for different algorithms is
discussed in this section. As demonstrated in Figure 7, listed in Table 5 considering the workability, precision
the performance of ReLU, Leaky_ReLU, PReLU and and accuracy.
ELU is quite similar, and they are generally better than

Figure 7 Performance of different activation functions on the test dataset

Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 12 of 20

Table 4 Optimal activation functions for different algorithms different neuron number varies significantly using differ-
Algorithms Optimal activation functions
ent algorithms. Taking the LSTM network structure as
an example, the influence of different neuron numbers
RNN_1LAYER Leaky_ReLU is smaller when using LSTM_1LAYER than the other
RNN_2LAYERS Leaky_ReLU, ELU two. In addition, for LSTM_3LAYERS, the observation
RNN_3LAYERS ELU shows that the more neuron number is used, the less
LSTM_1LAYER ReLU accurate the result turns out to be, while this tendency
LSTM_2LAYERS PReLU cannot be found in the other two network structures.
LSTM_3LAYERS ELU As only three different neuron numbers were tested, the
Bi_LSTM_1LAYER PReLU optimal neuron for each network structure could not be
Bi_LSTM_2LAYERS ReLU, Leaky_ReLU achieved. Nevertheless, the optimal neuron number for
Bi_LSTM_3LAYERS PReLU different algorithms in this case is listed in Table 6 just for
GRU_1LAYER ReLU reference.
5.3.5 Overall Performance of Each Algorithm
Figure 10 demonstrates the performance of different
algorithms using a certain group of parameters. As in this
5.3.4 Neuron Number case, gradient exploring, or gradient vanishing occurred
Figure 9 shows the influences of different neuron num- when using RNN_1LAYER and GRU_3LAYRES. It seems
ber has on the performance of RUL prediction with a that generally, the performance of LSTM, Bi_LSTM and
fixed optimizer (Adam), activation function (ReLU) and GRU network structures seems to be relatively close and
sequence length (50). Gradient exploring, or gradient significantly better than RNN. The accuracy of LSTM is
vanishing occurs in this case when using network struc- close to Bi_LSTM and GRU, but the precision is relatively
ture RNN_1LAYER and all GRU structures which may poor. GRU turns out to be very accurate and precise,
suggest that neuron number is a sensitive parameter for but it suffers from stability problems. Thus, a Bi_LSTM
RNN and GRU in terms of stability. The performance of structure might be a better option in this case.

Figure 8 Performance of different sequence length on the test dataset

Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 13 of 20

Table 5 Optimal sequence length for different algorithms Table 6 Optimal Neuron number for different algorithms
Algorithms Optimal Algorithms Optimal
sequence Neuron
length number


RNN_2LAYERS 50,75,100 RNN_2LAYERS 32
GRU_1LAYER 75,100 GRU_1LAYER 128

A more detailed comparison of different algorithms is global optimal parameters cannot be selected for the
displayed in Table 7. The optimal parameters (with the dataset based on this table since it has not considered all
base parameters) for this subset are highlighted using a combinations, it provides a level of useful options with
yellow hatch for every network structure. Although the certainty.

Figure 9 Performance of different Neuron number on test dataset

Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 14 of 20

6 Conclusions
A systematic review of the applications of RNN and
its variants for RUL prediction in recent years is pre-
sented in this paper. An evaluation of these algorithms
has been conducted using the NASA’s C-MAPSS data-
set, where different parameters, such as optimisers,
activation functions, neuron quantities, and sequence
length are discussed using a sensitivity analysis. It can
be seen that some of the network structures are very
parameter sensitive from the result of the evaluation.
The influence of these parameters on the performance
of RUL prediction is different according to differ-
ent network structures. Instead of giving the optimal
parameters and the network structures for the data-
set, the result of this case study offers some practical
choices of parameters for different network struc-
tures. Although the conclusions achieved above from
this case study could not be applied to other cases
directly, it at least suggests the influence of these fac-
tors on the RUL prediction. Moreover, it provides
Figure 10 Performance of different algorithms on Dataset FD001, some options for researchers when they consider
where Optimizer: Adam; Activation function: ReLU; Neuron Number:
adopting DL to carry out the similar prediction task
128; Sequence Length: 50
for their own cases.

Table 7 The average MSE recorded with regards to different parameters

Optimizer Activation function Neuron Number Sequence Length

Algorithms ReLU L_ReLU PReLU ELU Swish Rmsprop Adam AdaGrad AdaDelta 128 64 32 25 50 75 100

RNN_1L 569 871 569 487 286 478 533 553 994 478 596

RNN_2L 651 491 710 488 646 494 406 476 651 494 444 930 476 565 425

RNN_3L 547 563 539 440 831 325 572 547 547 531 493 670 547 570 431

LSTM_1L 310 443 439 382 725 566 397 260 464 310 419 379 836 464 196 181

LSTM_2L 432 526 391 464 670 398 358 396 432 522 369 632 396 221 199

LSTM_3L 515 460 480 531 872 411 375 397 515 458 436 617 397 284 209

Bi_LSTM_1L 526 458 423 516 562 718 422 362 428 526 473 385 714 428 294 185

Bi_LSTM_2L 423 431 538 507 672 441 413 228 513 423 465 467 557 513 243 286

Bi_LSTM_3L 508 492 494 611 673 473 434 285 508 508 435 450 512 508 253 198

GRU_1L 363 393 356 392 450 457 383 389 540 363 360 658 540 220 166

GRU_2L 336 415 383 423 486 417 365 535 405 336 459 570 405 179 231

GRU_3L 458 410 417 398 414 160

Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 15 of 20

Appendix 1. Performance evaluation—Optimizers Bi_LSTM-1LAYER

Recommended optimizers for different structures. Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

RNN-1LAYER Rmsprop 1 4 4
Adam 1 1 3 Recommended
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
AdaGrad 1 3 1 Recommended
Rmsprop 1 4 4 AdaDelta 1 2 2 Recommended
Adam 1 3 3
AdaGrad 1 1 1 Recommended
AdaDelta 1 2 2
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

RNN-2LAYERS Rmsprop 1 2 2
Adam 1 4 3
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
AdaGrad 1 1 1 Recommended
Rmsprop 1 3 2 AdaDelta 1 3 4
Adam 1 1 1 Recommended
AdaGrad 0 0 0
AdaDelta 1 2 3
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

RNN-3LAYERS Rmsprop 1 3 3
Adam 1 1 2
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
AdaGrad 1 2 1 Recommended
Rmsprop 1 1 1 Recommended AdaDelta 0 0 0
Adam 1 2 2
AdaGrad 0
AdaDelta 0
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

LSTM-1LAYER Rmsprop 1 3 3
Adam 1 1 2 Recommended
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
AdaGrad 1 2 1 Recommended
Rmsprop 1 4 4 AdaDelta 1 4 4
Adam 1 1 2
AdaGrad 1 2 1 Recommended
AdaDelta 1 3 3
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

LSTM-2LAYERS Rmsprop 1 2 2
Adam 1 1 1 Recommended
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
AdaGrad 1 3 4
Rmsprop 1 3 3 AdaDelta 1 4 3
Adam 1 1 1 Recommended
AdaGrad 0 0 0
AdaDelta 1 2 2
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

LSTM-3LAYERS Rmsprop 1 2 2
Adam 1 1 1 Recommended
Optimizers Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
AdaGrad 0 0 0
Rmsprop 1 3 3 AdaDelta 0 0 0
Adam 1 2 1 Recommended
AdaGrad 0 0 0
AdaDelta 1 1 2 Recommended
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 16 of 20

2. Performance evaluation—Activation functions LSTM-3LAYERS

Recommended activation functions for different Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
structures. functions

ReLU 1 4 4
Leaky_ReLU 1 3 2
Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment PReLU 1 2 3
ELU 1 1 1 Recommended
ReLU 0 0 0 Swish 1 5 5
Leaky_ReLU 1 1 1 Recommended
PReLU 0 0 0
ELU 0 0 0
Swish 1 2 2 Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

ReLU 1 4 3
Leaky_ReLU 1 3 2
Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment PReLU 1 2 1 Recommended
ELU 1 1 4
ReLU 1 5 5 Swish 1 5 5
Leaky_ReLU 1 1 1 Recommended
PReLU 1 4 4
ELU 1 3 2 Recommended
Swish 1 2 3 Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

ReLU 1 2 1 Recommended
Leaky_ReLU 1 1 2 Recommended
Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment PReLU 1 4 4
ELU 1 3 3
ReLU 1 4 3 Swish 1 5 5
Leaky_ReLU 1 2 4
PReLU 1 3 2
ELU 1 1 1 Recommended
Swish 1 5 5 Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

ReLU 1 3 3
Leaky_ReLU 1 4 1
Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment PReLU 1 1 2 Recommended
ELU 1 5 5
ReLU 1 2 1 Recommended Swish 1 2 4
Leaky_ReLU 1 4 3
PReLU 1 1 2
ELU 1 3 4
Swish 1 5 5 Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

ReLU 1 1 1 Recommended
Leaky_ReLU 1 4 3
Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment PReLU 1 2 2
ELU 1 5 4
ReLU 1 1 2 Swish 1 3 5
Leaky_ReLU 1 3 4
PReLU 1 2 1 Recommended
ELU 1 5 3
Swish 1 4 5
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 17 of 20

Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
functions length

ReLU 1 1 1 Recommended 25 1 4 4
Leaky_ReLU 1 4 3 50 1 3 3
PReLU 1 3 2 75 1 2 2
ELU 1 5 5 100 1 1 1 Recommended
Swish 1 2 4

GRU_3LAYERS Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
Activation Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment length
25 1 4 4
ReLU 0 0 0 50 1 3 3
Leaky_ReLU 1 1 2 75 1 2 2
PReLU 0 0 0 100 1 1 1 Recommended
ELU 0 0 0
Swish 1 2 1 Recommended
Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
3. Performance evaluation—Sequence length length
Recommended sequence length for different structures.
25 1 4 4
50 1 1 3
75 1 2 2
Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment 100 1 3 1 Recommended

25 1 3 3
50 1 1 1 Recommended
75 0 0 0 Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
100 1 2 2
25 1 4 4
50 1 3 3
75 1 2 2
Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment 100 1 1 1 Recommended

25 1 4 4
50 1 2 2 Recommended
75 1 1 3 Recommended Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
100 1 3 1 Recommended
25 1 4 4
50 1 2 3
75 1 1 1 Recommended
Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment 100 1 3 2

25 1 2 4
50 1 3 3
75 1 1 2 Recommended
100 1 4 1
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 18 of 20

Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment Neuron Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
length number

25 1 4 3 128 1 3 3
50 1 3 4 64 1 1 2
75 1 1 2 32 1 2 1 Recommended
100 1 2 1 Recommended

GRU_1LAYER Neuron Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment number
128 1 2 3
25 1 4 4 64 1 3 2
50 1 3 3 32 1 1 1 Recommended
75 1 1 2 Recommended
100 1 2 1 Recommended
Neuron number Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
128 1 3 1 Recommended
Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
length 64 1 2 3
32 1 1 2
25 1 4 4
50 1 3 3
75 1 2 2 LSTM-2LAYERS
100 1 1 1 Recommended Neuron number Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

128 1 1 2
GRU_3LAYERS 64 1 2 3
Sequence Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment 32 1 3 1 Recommended

25 0 0 0 LSTM-3LAYERS
50 0 0 0 Neuron number Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
75 0 0 0
100 1 1 1 Recommended 128 1 3 3
64 1 2 2
32 1 1 1 Recommended
4. Performance evaluation—Neuron number
Recommended Neuron number for different structures.
RNN-1LAYER Neuron number Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment
Neuron Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment 128 1 3 3
64 1 2 2
128 0 0 0 32 1 1 1 Recommended
64 1 2 1 Recommended
32 1 1 2 Recommended
Wang et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2021) 34:69 Page 19 of 20

Bi_LSTM-2LAYERS Authors’ Contributions

YZ was in charge of the whole trial; YW wrote the manuscript; SA assisted with
Neuron number Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment editing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

128 1 3 2 Funding
64 1 2 1 Recommended Supported by U.K. EPSRC Platform Grant (Grant No. EP/P027121/1).
32 1 1 3
Competing Interests
The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Bi_LSTM-3LAYERS Received: 6 October 2020 Revised: 17 June 2021 Accepted: 22 June 2021
Neuron number Workability Precision Accuracy Assessment

128 1 3 3
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