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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Agusan del Sur
Prosperidad national High School
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur


I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
The learner understands the human person’s freedom.
B. Performance Standard:
The learner shows situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the
consequences of choices.
C. Learning Competency:
a. Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices
b. Realize that:
1. Choices have consequences.
2. Some things are given up while others are obtained in making choices
c. Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of their
choices (PPT11/12-IIb-5.4)
D. Specific Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the 2-hour period, with the use of multimedia, 80% of the
students will achieve 80% level of proficiency to:
a. understand the true essence of freedom;
b. exercise prudence in making choices;
c. rationalize that:
1. choices have consequences;
2. some things are given up while others are obtained in making choices; and
d. show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and its consequences.

II. Content: Freedom of the Human Person

III. Learning Resources:
A. References:
Baylon, C., et. Al (2020). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Person, Quarter 2 – Module 5: Freedom of the Human Person
Cervantes, M. E., et. Al (2020). Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person, Quarter 2 – Module 1: Freedom and Responsibility
Tolentino, P. Malaya Retrieved on November 21, 2022 from
B. Instructional Materials:
LCD projector/TV, laptop, speakers, charts, copies of the position paper

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A. PRELIMINARIES (3 minutes)

 Prayer

 Checking of Attendance

 Presentation of the Class Rules

Class Rules to Keep in Mind

 Keep our classroom clean.

 Set all cellular phone into silent mode.
 No using of gadgets, unless ask to do so.
 As much as possible, actively participate in every class

(The teacher will let the students read the class rules that students will follow as much
as possible. The teacher will rephrase the class rules for the students to better understand
the objectives.)

But because we are now in a pandemic, instead

having just the above-mentioned class rules, let
us add more of it. Some of the chairs in the classroom
has something on it, try to look under the desk of your
chairs. Those who can find something please raise your
hand and formulate a class rule we can adhere to based
on the picture your are holding. Are you ready class? Yes, teacher.

(The teacher will then facilitate the students who were tasked to explain the additional
class rules to adhere to.)

 Review

Now, this time, I would like you to recall what we

discussed yesterday. Is anybody who can remember our
lesson? Yes, Jean! Our lesson yesterday was
all about human person and
the environment.

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Very Good! And thank you very much Jean for
your answer.

Can you say something about our lesson yesterday? Answer may vary

Very Good!

Do you have any questions with regard to our previous

lesson? None Ma’am!

 Communicate Learning Competencies

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am Rose!

How are you today? We are great, teacher.
That’s good. Before we start our new lesson,
let us have a quick look on the objectives which
you are going to accomplish in the lesson.

Okay, so let us now proceed to our new

lesson today. But, before that may I introduce to
you first our lesson objectives.

By the way class, those who cannot see in the

distance, please come over here and sit in front
for you to see very well. And even those who
cannot hear well. You please come forward and
stay in front.

(The teacher will let the students read the lesson objectives of the session. The teacher
will rephrase the objectives for the students to better understand the objectives.)

B. MOTIVATION (10 minutes)

Task 1: Tell Me

Before we start our lesson class, let us have a

game first. This game is called Share, Share,
Share! The class will be grouped into four
groups. I already designated your group
according to table. Then, assigned each member
of the group a number. The following will be the
task of each member of the group:
Specific Task of Each Group Member
1- - - Group leader
2&3 - - Secretaries
4 - - Materials In-Charge
5&6 - - Presenters/Reporters
7 and up - Contributors/ Members

Let us start our lesson with an activity. We

will name this activity “TELL ME”. I have here
cut papers and what you are going to do is write
words as many as you can that will associate
with the word presented to you. You will be
given strips for you to write on. And after 2
minutes paste your answer on the board. Then

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one member of your group will present your
output. Now, if ever one of your members is
physically disabled we will not ignore them but
instead, we will give them a special task. They
will be the ones to dictate the words or if he or
she is good at writing let him/her write the words
in the strip. Did you understand, class? And
again, remember our classroom rules. Don’t
forget. The word is:


Whose group has plenty of words written? Answer may vary.

Very Good!

Congratulations to the winning group. You

will be receiving a reward after our class. Thank you, ma’am!

Based on the words you have written a while

ago class, As I read, you were able to write For me Ma’am, freedom is
words like; liberty, sovereignty autonomy, etc. the power to act, speak, or
Then what is freedom for you? And what do you speech as one wants without
think is the true essence of freedom? Do you hindrance or restraint. And the
think we have this freedom today? Yes, true essence of freedom is
anybody? freeing myself to be who am I,
no matter who I am.

Very well said, class. Thank you very much!

What a very nice answer!

So, Freedom is the ability to express ourselves

how we want. There is no uniform on how our
lives should be. With freedom, we can choose
our own moral compass, make our own
decisions, and make our own plans in life...
Being in a country for example with freedom
means, we can choose our own religion. With
freedom, we can say what we want. Nobody will
force us to do something. If we don’t like that
thing, they don’t mind us because we have the
freedom to choose.

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Task 2: Song Interpretation

To know more about freedom class, I would

like you to listen to the song entitled MALAYA
by Pauline Tolentino. Try to listen and
understand the message of the lyrics of the song.
And after which you are going to answer the
questions by Group. But of course, since we are
talking about freedom, you will be the one to
choose your question for you to answer. You
will answer the question in a unique way. After
that, the group will report their output through
the following:
 Consequences through cheering
 Freedom through rapping
 Choice through singing
 Prudence through poem reading
 Responsibility through choral reading Yes, teacher.

Is it clear? You are only given 2 minutes to

answer the questions.

Freedom Song 2014

- Malaya.mp4

Process Questions:
1. What is the message of the song?
2. How does the singing artist show the true
essence of freedom?
3. Why does the singer use the wave as her
freedom comparison?
4. If given a chance to choose and inform
the people of the whole world, what
particular thing do you want to do? And
5. How would you feel if you are not given
the freedom of choice?

(The presentation of outputs will then follow. The teacher will facilitate the
presentation of the outputs of the students. Then, the teacher will process the answers.)


Task 3: Traffic Lights Game (5 minutes)

(The teacher will distribute flaglets for each group. The flaglets contain red, green
and orange.)

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Do you like another activity class? Yes, teacher.

Class do you want another game?

Okay, this game is called Traffic Lights

Game. I have her class flaglets colored red,
yellow and green. Each of your group will be
given a set. What the group should do is that
you will select five members. Each member is
tasked to give his or her evaluation on the issues
that will be flashed on the screen. If the member
sees that the scenario is correct, he will raise the
green flaglet. If he thinks that there is “kakaiba”,
raise the red one and if he is undecided, he will
raise the orange one.
Each representative should come forward and Yes, teacher.
be ready to defend his answer. I will randomly
select representative to defend their answer. You
are only given 30 seconds to answer. Am I clear

Suggested situations to analyze:

 Selma continuously supports her friend Georgia in flirting someone else’s

 President Rodrigo Duterte orders several government agencies to continue
placing dolomite sands in a small portion of Manila Bay during pandemic.
 Mae-Mae is in verge of failing her exam in General Mathematics. While she is
taking the exams, she received a small piece of paper from his classmate Ben.
The piece of paper contains all the answers for the last portion of the exam.
 Ariel is an LTO Officer who has a lot of connections in the said office. He
usually accepts under the table transactions from the people who want to expedite
their application for driver’s license. His sister Amor once asked him whys he is
doing those kind of transaction. Ariel answered that he simply wants to help
people by avoiding the grueling application of the LTO.
 Molina is in-charge of the distribution of medicines in their barangay. The local
government of Prosperidad usually provides extra packages of medicines to
buffer stock or reserve in case of uncounted members of barangay. One day,
Josielyn, a citizen of Bayugan City, offers top buy the extra package of medicine
form Molina, because there is a shortage of medicines in Bayugan. Molina, in
turn, sold the extra medicines to Josielyn.

(The teacher will present various propositions to the class one at a time. The students are
given 10 seconds to decide whether or not they agree on the given scenarios. The teacher
will ask at least 1 student from every color of the flaglet raised to justify his/her stand,
then allow the students to either stay or raise another flaglet if they want to. Note that no
one is allowed to stay undecided at this point.)

D. ANALYSIS (20 minutes)

Class, what did you learn from the activity? We learn how to evaluate

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decisions on the different activity
Very good. How do you feel about
evaluating decisions or scenarios? It helps us know which is the
correct decision to make in the
different situation.
Well said, so now class, what do you call
the ability to make choices and perform the
choices you have chosen? It is called a freedom, teacher.

Very good!
(The teacher will then discuss what is freedom of the human person is through a using
a jigsaw activity among the students.)


1. Each group will be given a text to read and analyze them within the group for 5
minutes. This grouping is what we called the “EXPERT Group”.
2. After the Expert group have discussed within the group about the text given to
them, two or three members of the group will be re grouped to other members of
the group. These now becomes what we call as the “JIGSAW Group” where each
Expert Group members take turns in discussing their concepts so that they will be
able to put together the Jigsaw pieces. This phase will be done in 15 minutes.
3. After the Jigsaw group are done, the members will return to their Expert Group.
4. Each group will then fill-out the graphic organizer that was given to them to be
able to assess the knowledge they have learned from the Jigsaw Group.

Group Consequences
 The ability to make choices and perform those actions.
 The ability to be what we want and to decide and create oneself.

Two Concepts that will help us fully understand freedom:

1. Freedom Itself
 According to Merriam Dictionary, it is the quality or state of being free.
 It is the capacity to choose of what we wanted and an inner awareness of what
is right and wrong that is traced to our free will according to Aristotle.
 It is also the intrinsic and an essential property of a human person which
basically means, it is part of our human nature
2. Free Will
 Our free will allows us to decide on things we do depending on the situation.
It is our ability to choose two different possible courses of action,
independently. Simply put it, free will is our ability to choose things
according to our moral reasoning.

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Group Freedom
1. Physical Freedom
 This refers to the absence of any physical restraint.
 The person has freedom of mobility to go where he or she wants to go.
 He or she is not impeded in his or her actions by any physical force.
 Granted that the person has natural limitations, physical freedom allows
him/her to act and move in determined manner.
 You cannot be everywhere at once, but your freedom allows you to move one
place to another and to go whenever you want to go.
2. Psychological Freedom
 This is also called as freedom of choice.
 The person is free to perform actions that he or she considers right and wise.
 A person is also free to act or not to act.
 Psychological freedom is innate and cannot be denied to a person.
 No outside force or influence can compel a person to take action against his or
her will.
3. Moral Freedom
 Moral freedom refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human
dignity and goodness.
 Freedom is not an object that a person may use in whatever way he or she
 A person must use his or her freedom to grow as a person. A person becomes
freer when he or she uses freedom well, but becomes less free when he or she
uses it in a bad way.
 Humans have a natural inclination for what is true and good, and when a
person uses his or her freedom to do acts that violates human dignity and
goodness, he or she dehumanizes himself or herself and effectively negates
human freedom.

Group Choice
Two Elements of Freedom

1. Voluntariness
 It is the ability of a person to act of his or her own free will and self-
 A person may decide to do things or not to do it according to his own free
 It also means that even though she/he is not required to do such things
he/she could still do it or take action on it.
 Voluntary acts are free acts which can be assigned a corresponding moral
 One must always remember that in every action we make, in every choice
we make there is an equivalent consequence.
 These consequences affect not just the individual who does the decision
but also other people in their surroundings.
 With that, one must always accept the consequences that results from his
or her decisions or actions and take responsibility for them.
2. Responsibility
 Responsibility refers to the person being accountable for his or her action
and their consequences.
 Taking responsibility can mean either you take responsibility to your
action voluntarily or other people will hold you responsible.
 For example, if you made a bad action it’s either you take responsibility of
it or other people will hold you responsible for it.
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Group Prudence
Two Factors to Consider in Exercise of Freedom

1. Prudence
 It is the ability to govern and discipline oneself with the use of reason; it is
having caution and giving good judgments in making decisions.
 It is the ability of a person to act of his or her own free will and self-
 Because once we made a decision there is no turning back, there is no
rewind, so we should always reflect first on the possible outcomes of the
choices that we are going to make. Self-reflection is very important in
exercising freedom.
2. Self-Reflection
 It allows us to be more rational in making choices, because sometimes
human beings tend to be slaves by their emotions and moods whenever
they act certain things.
 As free beings, exercising our freedom responsibly is very important.
 Thus, it requires us to reflect on the actions that we are going to make by
considering its possible effects and the benefits it has to the people
affected by it.

Group Responsibility
Three Consideration in Having Freedom of Choice

1. Freedom should be exercised with control and reasonable limits.

 As humans, we enjoy freedom, but we need to understand that it is not
absolute. Meaning, we should exercise our freedom with control and
reasonable limits.
 Giving limits to our personal freedom simply means sacrificing certain
self-interest and accept that there are things beyond our control. Our
ability to think and know what is right and what is wrong serves as guide
in recognizing and deciding the limitations of our freedom.
2. Freedom should be exercised with regard for knowledge and truth.
 As a rational being, it is natural for us to think before we act. We use our
freedom to acquire knowledge, which in turn are useful in making right
and sound decisions essential in dealing with our life situations.
 We should also be equipped with the ability to acquire information and
truthful knowledge because it will aid us in making wise and informed
3. Freedom should be exercised to uphold the freedom of others.
 Freedom is recognized and guaranteed right for all persons.
 Meaning, freedom should be enjoyed by all.
 But it is important to remember that freedom should be exercised not as a
tool to restrict the freedom of others, but as a means to enable others to
fully enjoy their own freedom.

Are you done my dear students? Yes teacher!

Now that you are done with our jigsaw activity,

I will now let the group representative to answer a part
of the graphic organizer they assigned to. Please give a
explanation of your answer to the class.

Are you all ready reporters? Yes, teacher!

So, let us start.

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(Give 2 words that best describe it.)






E. ABSTRACTION (8 minutes)

Task 4: Freedom with Consequences?

(The teacher will give a scenario to each group. They will decide on what are the
consequences, obligation and what has been given up in the different decision done in the

Class, still with your group, you will have to

analyze a certain scenario to be given to each
group. I will be giving each of the group a
graphic organizer to fill in the consequences,
obligation and what has been given up in the
scenario given. You are given only 5 minutes to Yes teacher.
do the task. Assign a repertoire to present the
output of the students. Am I clear class?


Consequences Obligation What has been given up

because of the choice

10 | P a g e COT-RPMS for Master Teachers I-IV (Classroom Observation 1)

Suggested situations:
 Patrick drove his car without registration and license.
 Erwin used all his income in upgrading his motorcycle.
 Janzen entered in a no-label relationship.
 Nadine copied someone’s song just to please her mother.
 Mark relies his capacity in finishing his studies on using digital devices.

(The teacher will then facilitate the reporting of each group guided with the questions
so that the scenario will be analyzed. Then, the teacher will process the answers of each

F. APPLICATION (18 minutes)

Task 4: Let’s Create What We Decide

(The teacher will let the students go to their group. Each group will be given a certain
situation wherein they will also show the consequence of the decision they have made.
Each group will create a slogan, two stanza- four lines poem, a song or a 2-minute
creative drama based on the situation assigned to each group.)

Class, now that you already know how to

determine the consequences, obligations and
what has been given up in the previous activity,
now you will make a slogan, two stanza, four
lines poem, a song or a 2-minute creative drama
based on the situation assigned to each group.
Re-decide on the choice made by the person in
the situation task to you. You are given only 10
minutes to create make and practice for your

Your output should:

 give accurate facts;
 convey your decision clearly;
 have a “catchy phrase” and use
appropriate language
 use appropriate dialogue to help aid in
understanding of content.

Make sure that each member of the group

contributes to the output. Am I clear class? Yes, teacher.

Before you start crafting your output, please

be guided with the rubric which will be the basis
of scoring for your group’s output. Are there any
modification or suggestion that you want to have
with your rubrics? None, teacher.

That’s great! So all of you are amenable with

our rubrics.

Your time starts now.

11 | P a g e COT-RPMS for Master Teachers I-IV (Classroom Observation 1)

Suggested situations:
 Patrick drove his car without registration and license.
 Erwin used all his income in upgrading his motorcycle.
 Janzen entered in a no-label relationship.
 Nadine copied someone’s song just to please her mother.
 Mark relies his capacity in finishing his studies on using digital devices.

(After the 10-minutes time, the group presentation of the different output will follow.
The teacher will facilitate the presentation.)

Indeed you are very good in your each

presentation. Congratulations! Let’s give a round
of applause to everyone.

G.VALUING (2 minutes)

(The teacher will ask questions to the students about how important to have freedom
of choices. Then, the teacher will lead the students to respect the decision of the person in
different situations.)

How did you find all our activities class? It was enjoying and made us
think of freedom of choices.

Well said, Janna. How is it important to really

have the freedom of choice Having freedom of choice
knows what is right from wrong in
making decisions in life.

Very good, Vanessa. So, each of us can

decide on our own in different situation. But,
there are times that we opted to choose the It is important to weigh the
wrong choice, what should we do to be able to consequences of both sides of the
avoid making wrong decision? situation before making a decision.

You are right, Jearah. But, class, there are It is up to you as an individual
choices that almost of the both side have same which is which. In every decision
weight to you as an individual. What shall you we make, there will always be
do? something to be given up. And we
should make sure that we can
accept it after making the decsision.

(The teacher will ask the students to make a reflection about a decision they make.
The teacher will let the students to write them on their reflection notebook.)
Wow! Very good students! Now, for your
assignment. You are going to make a reflection
of a decision you make as a student. Write it on
your reflection notebook.

Lastly, you are going to write your reflection

in a cursive way.

12 | P a g e COT-RPMS for Master Teachers I-IV (Classroom Observation 1)

Am I clear class? Yes, teacher.

a. No. of students who earned 80% in
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remedial
c. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
d. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
e. What innovation or localized
materials did I use / discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Designed by:

Head Teacher I

Junior High School Master Teacher I

Senior High School Master Teacher I


November 22, 2022
Grade 12 – Mijeno Classroom

Observed by:


Principal III, School Head

13 | P a g e COT-RPMS for Master Teachers I-IV (Classroom Observation 1)

Attachment no. 1



Criteria Rating
The slogan clearly conveys the information and message. 1 2 3 4 5
The slogan shows effective use of technique and good choice of material. 1 2 3 4 5
The slogan is creative and artistic. 1 2 3 4 5
The students show effective time and work management in making the
1 2 3 4 5
The slogan is submitted to the teacher on time. 1 2 3 4 5
TOTAL (25 points)


Criteria Rating

The poem clearly conveys the information and message. 1 2 3 4 5

The poem shows effective use of technique and good choice of words. 1 2 3 4 5
The poem is creative and with rhyme and rhythm. 1 2 3 4 5
The students show effective time and work management in making the
1 2 3 4 5
The poem is submitted to the teacher on time. 1 2 3 4 5
TOTAL (25 points)

Criteria Rating

The song clearly conveys the information and message. 1 2 3 4 5

The song shows effective use of technique and good choice of words. 1 2 3 4 5
The song is creative and with rhyme and rhythm. Words fit with the melody
1 2 3 4 5
The students show effective time and work management in making the
1 2 3 4 5
The song is submitted to the teacher on time. 1 2 3 4 5
TOTAL (25 points)


Criteria Rating

The drama clearly conveys the information and message. 1 2 3 4 5

The drama shows effective use of technique and good choice of words. 1 2 3 4 5
The drama is creative and acting of the characters are effective. 1 2 3 4 5
The students show effective time and work management in making the
1 2 3 4 5
The drama is submitted to the teacher on time. 1 2 3 4 5
TOTAL (25 points)

14 | P a g e COT-RPMS for Master Teachers I-IV (Classroom Observation 1)

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