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• Zero tillage got successful because of – Herbicides (AFO 2022)
• Which is used in rear of tractor transmission part for attaching combine
harvester, mover, thresher etc., to tractor is - PTO (AFO 2022)
• An advanced method of minimum tillage in which primary tillage is completely
avoided and secondary tillage is reduced to row zone/seed bed zone only is –
Zero Tillage. (AFO 2022)
• The field capacity of 3 bottom plough of 25 cm mould board plough which is
working at 3km/hr is? – 0.225 (AFO 2022)
• Which among the following is Primary + secondary tillage implement is –
Rotavator (AFO 2022)
• Which of the following is a metal iron storage structure? PAU bin - Nabard 2021
• Which of the following Implement is used for harrowing which has several
rotating discs fitted on a single common shaft? – Disc harrow - Nabard 2020
• Mould Board is an implement which is used for? - Ploughing
• In which method of sowing dropping the seeds in furrow lines in a continuous
flow and covering them with soils as this method is very helpful in achieving
proper depth, spacing and number of seed that need to be sown In field. –
• What is the useful working hours of combine harvester? 6000 hrs
• In which method Crop residue remain undisturbed condition but during sowing
of seed and fertilizer injection – Conventional tillage.
• What is the subsidy for 15 hp mb plough for sc/st women according?
• Power harrow working capacity? 1.5 h/ha.
• What is the RPM of rotary tillage? 180-200 REV/minute
• In which type of tillage 15-30% residue left on the soil surface •Convectional
tillage – Reduced tillage.
• What is the subsidy for 15 hp mb plough for sc/st women and men for various
implements according to NABARD bankable projects and download Guidelines
from submission on agricultural mechanization website.

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What is Agricultural engineering?
• It means application of engineering in agriculture. In general, the farm power can
be either Mobile Power or the Stationary Power.

What is Agricultural implements?

• These are the devices attached to, pulled behind, pushed or otherwise used with
human, animal and mechanical power source to carry out an agricultural

What is Agricultural machinery?

• It is a general term used to describe tractor, combine, implements, machines and
any other device more sophisticated than hand tools which are animal or
mechanically powered.

What is Agricultural equipment?

• It generally refers to stationary mechanically devices such as irrigation pumpset,
sprayer, duster, Sheller etc.

What is farm power?

• Farm Power is an essential input in agriculture for timely field operations for
increasing production and productivity of land.
• Farm power is used for operating different types of machinery like tillage,
planting, plant protection, harvesting and threshing machinery and other
stationary jobs like operating irrigation equipment, graders etc.
Sources of farm power
There are different sources of farm power available in India which are classified as
1. Human power
2. Animal power
3. Mechanical power (Tractors + Power tillers + Oil engines)
4. Electrical power
5. Renewable energy (Biogas + Solar energy + Wind energy)

1) Human Power:

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A strong man can develop maximum power of about 75 watts (0.1 hp) for doing
farm work.
The average human power availability in sustained working is as follows:
✓ Male: 60 watts (0.06 kW)
✓ Female: 48 watts (0.048 kW)
✓ Children: 30 watts (0.030 kW)

2) Animal Power:
Draught animals:
The classification of draught animals based on the body weight is as follows:
✓ Small – 200 to 300 kg
✓ Medium – 301 to 400 kg
✓ Large – 401 to 500 kg
✓ Heavy – Above 500 kg.
The power available from draught animals is related to its body weight:
✓ Buffaloes: About 12% of the body weight
✓ Bullocks: About 10% of the body weight
✓ Camels: About 18% of the body weight
✓ Donkeys: About 32% of the body weight

3) Mechanical Power:
The following are the machines that use mechanical power for work:
✓ Tractors
✓ Power Tiller Self-propelled machines like:
✓ Combines
✓ Transplanters
✓ Reapers

Mechanical power means the power coming from machines:

I.C (Internal Combustion Engine)
• I.C (Internal Combustion Engine) is a good device for converting fuel into useful
The I.C engines are of two types:
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• Diesel engine
• Petrol or Kerosene engine
✓ In modern days, almost all tractors and power tillers are fitted with diesel
✓ Thermal efficiency of diesel engine varies from 32 to 38 %, whereas that of
petrol engine varies from 25 to 32 %.

4) Stationary power:
✓ This kind of power can be provided by either the Stationary engines or the
electric motors.
✓ Stationary oil engines can be used for pumping water, flour mill, cotton gins,
sugarcane crusher, Thresher, Winnower etc.

5) Electrical Power:
✓ Electrical power is used mostly in the form of electrical motors on the farms.
✓ Electrical power is used for water pumping, dairy industry, cold storage, farm
product processing, fruit industry, poultry industry etc.

6) Renewable energy:
✓ It is the energy obtained from biomass, sun and wind.
✓ The energy obtained from these renewable resources, which are naturally
replenished on a human timescale is used for many agricultural and domestic
✓ The examples are: Used for lighting, cooking, water heating, water distillation,
food processing, water pumping, diesel engine operation with supplementary
fuel and electrical generation on small scale.

Farm Mechanization
✓ Farm mechanization is the application of engineering and technology in
agricultural operation to do a job in a better way to improve productivity.
Various stages/categories in which mechanization is involved:
Mechanization in farming operations is classified under following heads:
✓ Land leveling
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✓ Seed bed preparation
✓ Sowing
✓ Weeding and inter-culture operations
✓ Fertilizer application and
✓ Harvesting and threshing.

Renewable energy
✓ It is the energy mainly obtained from biomass; biogas, solar and wind are mainly
used in agriculture for power generation and various agricultural processing
✓ It can be used for lighting, power generation, water heating, drying, greenhouse
heating, water distillation, refrigeration and diesel engine operation.
✓ This type of energy is inexhaustible in nature.
✓ The availability of wind energy for farm work is quite limited. Where the wind
velocity is more than 32 Kmph wind mills can be used for lifting water.
✓ Main limitation for this source is uncertainty. Average capacity of a wind mill
would be about 0.5 hp. It is the cheapest sources of farm power available in
✓ Plant matter created by process of photosynthesis is called biomass. The gas
produced by biomass is called biogas. (Methane + Carbon dioxide)

Biogas Plant
✓ 1937: Shri. S.V Desai of IARI was a pioneer man who worked on biogas.
✓ 1952: Shri Satish Chandra das Gupta had studied in detail the different aspects of
✓ 1962: Khadi and village industries commission started a project on biogas.
✓ 1964: Prof N.V Joshi of IARI is of great significance

Two types:
1) Digester
• Below the ground level it is made of masonry and having animal waste in form
of slum.
• Diameter 1.2-6 meters with depth 3-6 meters.
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Note: masonry is a structure built of stone or brick by a mason.

2) Gas Holder
• It is made of mild steel sheet.
• Contains 55% methane + 45 % CO2
• Present acid formers bacteria Feeding process of slurry.
• Mix Cattle dung with water in the ratio of 4:5 respectively

Dung per day

• Buffalo - 15 kg/day
• Cow/ bullock - 10 kg/day
• Calves - 5 kg/day
Note: Slurry Ph Should be 7-8 in digestion chamber for gas production. Above 8
PH bacteria may be killed.
• Gas production rate higher at > 35° c
• Gas production rate low when temp is < 15° c

✓ Fertigation is a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated
within the irrigation water by the drip system.
✓ In this system fertilizer solution is distributed evenly in irrigation.
✓ The availability of nutrients is very high therefore the efficiency is more. In this
method liquid fertilizer as well as water soluble fertilizers are used.
✓ By this method, fertilizer use efficiency is increased from 80 to 90 per cent.
✓ In an unlevelled field, high spots might not be covered by irrigation water, and
the dissolved nutrients and/or pesticides might percolate unused into the soil.
✓ In case of low spots, water and the dissolved nutrients and chemicals might
accumulate there and create zones of water logging and nutrient or pesticide
✓ This in turn will disturb soil aeration and water uptake by crops.
✓ In either case, the uniformity of the crop cover is disturbed, and yields might

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Seed bed preparation:
• Seed bed preparation is done to provide a suitable environment for the seeds to
Why is a good seedbed necessary?
✓ A key to plant growth rests in the concept that there must be good seed to soil
✓ Good seed to soil contact helps the seed to utilize the moisture in the soil and
later the emerging plant can utilize the nutrients in the soil.
✓ This concept usually assumes that a firm seedbed will be helpful. It may
necessitate a more finely pulverized soil for smaller seeds.
✓ There are many seemingly small ways that seed to soil contact can be enhanced.
The characteristics of a good seedbed are:
✓ Uniformly firm soil to depth of 5 inches (12.7 centimeters), adequate soil
moisture, and weed free.
✓ Each of these characteristics help the seed to have the best chance to germinate
and flourish.
✓ A seedbed that is weed free allows the desired crop to grow without the fierce
competition for nutrients, space, and sunlight. Adequate soil moisture triggers
the enzymatic changes needed to grow.
✓ The seedbed needs to be firm because that indicates that moisture down in the
soil can be brought up for seed germination.
✓ Fluffy soil at the surface usually means too much air is trapped in the soil and
that will dry out the conditions and seeds will not germinate.
✓ So, in order to prepare the seedbed, tillage operations are carried out.

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