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Class ____________________________


1 Match the questions and answers. 3 Match the questions in exercise 2 to the answers.
1 What does she look like? e. . a It’s much more delicious than the Mexican 2.
2 What’s Francisco like? _d___ you get here!
3 How’s your brother? __g__
b They are yellow – and there are many of _6__
4 What sports do you like? _h___
them in the streets.
5 Do you like Dong Liang? __b__
6 Do they like Chinese food? __a__ c They’re both tall, and they have beautiful _ 3__
brown eyes.
7 Do you like Mona? __c__
8 What’s the weather like? __f__ d It’s big and hectic, and surrounded by __1_
a Yes, they love it!
b No, I don’t. He’s rude and unfriendly. e When we were there, it was hot with __4_
c Yes, I like her a lot. beautiful blue skies.
d He’s tall, dark and has green eyes.
f They’re a mix of old and new. _5__
e She has long brown hair and she wears glasses.
f Beautiful! Blue skies and sunshine.
1 point for each correct answer 5
g He’s fine, thanks.
h I like swimming and cycling. 4 Complete the sentences using the adjective in
parentheses. You may need to add other words.
1 point for each correct answer 7
1 She’s (intelligent) more intelligent than her brother,
but I don’t think she’s (creative) as creative as him.
2 Write the questions using the notes.
2 We think London is (exciting) the most exciting city
1 what / Mexico City / like ? in Europe, and it’s also one of (important) the most
What’s Mexico City like? important financial centers.
2 what / the food / like ? 3 He’s (good) the best student in the class, but he’s
_What’s the food like? also (boring) , the most boring!
3 what / the children / look like ? 4 The Taj Mahal serves (good) better food than the
What do the children look like? Maharani, but it’s also (expensive) more expensive.
4 what / the weather / like ? 5 Philadelphia is usually (hot) hotterthan New York in
What’s the weather like? the summer, but it isn’t (hot) as hot as Washington
5 what / the buildings / like ? DC.
What are the buildings like? 6 His new job in the city is (hard) harder than his old
6 what / New York taxis / like ? one – he works very long hours. But his new salary is
What are New York taxis like? (good) the best he’s ever had.
7 My sister is (quiet) moodier than me. But she’s also
1 point for each correct answer 5 much (ambitious) more ambitious. She’s going to be
very successful!

1 point for each correct answer 12

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 1

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________


5 Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
1 I’m a little old than my sister. words in the box.
I’m a little older than my sister.
smart difficult loud terrible tiny wealthy satisfied
2 “What are the stores like?” “They are like
1 A My wife’s parents are rich.
_‘What are the shops like?’ ‘They are expensive.’
B Yes, they’re wealthy.
3 London isn’t as exciting than I hoped.
2 A Are you happy with your new job?
-London isn’t as exciting as I hoped.
B Actually, I’m not very pleased with the salary.
4 Today is the hotter day of the year.
3 A Our new neighbors are very noisy.
Today is the hottest day of the year
B Yes, they’re much louder than our old neighbors.
5 Tokyo has a bigger population from Osaka.
4 A He’s intelligent – he’s going to study medicine.
Tokyo has a bigger population than Osaka.
B I know. He’s the cleverest in the family.
6 Do you earn the more money in your family?
5 A We bought a Smart car because it’s smaller and
Do you earn the most money in your family? easier to park than other cars.
7 Who works longest hours in your company? B But it really is tiny. I like bigger cars.
Who works the longest hours in your company? 6 A That was the easiest test I’ve ever taken!
8 Let’s eat here. It’s most cheaper than the other B I agree. It wasn’t very difficult.
7 A The weather is awful this summer. The skies are
Let’s eat here. It’s cheaper than the other restaurant. always gray.
9 “What does Heinrich like?” “He’s really nice.” B Was it as terrible as last summer?
‘What is Heinrich like?’ ‘He’s really lovely.
10 Today is more warm than yesterday. 1 point for each correct answer 6

Today is warmer than yesterday.

8 Complete the sentences to agree politely.
11 “What do the people like?” “They’re very
cosmopolitan.” 1 A I’ve got the messiest children in the world!
‘What are the people like?’ ‘They’re very B Yes, they aren’t very neat, are they?
cosmopolitan.’ 2 A I’m sorry the house is so dirty.
B Don’t worry. My house is never very clean either.
1 point for each correct answer 10
3 A Should I turn the TV off? This show is
6 Match the adjectives in A with an antonym in B.
B OK. It isn’t very interesting.
There is one adjective in B you don’t need.
4 A I’m really angry with Max. Sometimes he’s so
1 small sad
B Yes, sometimes he isn’t too clever, is he?
2 happy big
5 A Cheer up! You look miserable.
3 easy poor B I know. I’m not feeling particularly cheerful
4 intelligent stupid today.
5 rich cheerful 6 A Bill has no imagination! I don’t think he’s very
6 awful difficult good at art.
B Well, you’re right, he’s not very creative.
7 noisy quiet

1 point for each correct answer 6

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Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________


7 A The waiters in this restaurant can be rude 10 Choose the correct options to complete the
sometimes. conversation.
B I agree. They’re not always polite. 1 A What do you want to do today?
8 A My food is cold. This restaurant is awful. B a Never mind.
B You’re right. It isn’t very cheap, is it? b I’m not sure.
2 A Do you like art galleries?
B a I don’t really feel like painting.
2 points for each correct answer 14 b Yes, I’m very interested in art.
3 A Would you like to go to an art exhibition?
9 Complete the text with the appropriate form of the
B a That sounds interesting!
words in the box.
b Mmm… I don’t really feel like seeing a movie.
4 A It’s a big Picasso exhibition of his most famous
fed up rude awful good (x3) noisy loud messy
exciting friendly paintings.
B a Is it any good?
Dear Susanna, b That sounds like a very big business!
As you can see from my new address, I’m now in Rio de 5 B What time is it open?
Janeiro! A a From ten till six.
I arrived two days ago. My plane took off very late so I b It’s at the Museum of Modern Art.
was (1) fed up by the time we left the airport. The 6 B Can we go on the subway?
people from the airline were (2) rude. They were not A a Green Park station.
polite! Anyway, I finally got to Rio, and the weather b It’s probably quicker to go by bus.
was (3) awful – not much (4) better than the grey clouds
7 B How much is it to get in?
and rain at home! But it got better quickly, and soon
A a That’s very expensive!
there were beautiful clear blue skies again.
b It’s free!
I’m sharing an apartment with two other girls. They’re
8 B OK! Great idea!
both nice, but they can be very (5) noisv – they play
(6) lourder music than my roommates back home. And A a Let’s go!
the apartment isn’t very neat – in fact, it’s (7) messier b Let’s see a movie!
than my eight-year old brother’s room!
1 point for each correct answer 7
But Rio is the (8) most exiting city I know. It’s busier
and more hectic than New York. But the people are
polite and (9) friendly, too. I’m studying Portuguese at
the university. The classes are going (10) better than I
expected – but I’m not as (11) good as some of the other
students in the class.
Write soon, and tell me your news.
With love,

1 point for each correct answer 10

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 3

Name _____________________________
Class ____________________________


11 Translate the sentences.

1 “She isn’t as smart as you.” “That’s kind of you!”
Ella no es tan inteligente como tú". "¡Ese eres amable de tu
2 “It’s awful weather today, isn’t it?” “Yes, it’s
"Hoy hace un tiempo horrible, ¿no?" "¡Sí, es terrible!"
3 “Did you hear what that rude woman said?” “Yes, it
wasn’t very polite, was it?”
—¿Has oído lo que ha dicho esa mujer grosera? "Sí, no fue
muy educado, ¿verdad?"
4 “There’s a Monet exhibition at the art museum.”
“What time is it open?”
"Hay una exposición de Monet en el museo de arte". —¿A
qué hora está abierto?
5 I love Kenya. I wouldn’t think of living anywhere
Me encanta Kenia. No pensaría en vivir en otro lugar.

6 “What’s your nationality?” “I’m a British citizen.”

—¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad? "Soy ciudadano británico.
7 People are more interested in herbal medicine now.
It’s becoming more and more popular.
La gente está más interesada en la medicina herbal ahora.
Se está volviendo cada vez más popular.
8 Things are very organized in this country. It was an
enormous culture shock.
Las cosas están muy organizadas en este país. Fue un
choque cultural enorme.
9 My wife isn’t as smart as me – but she earns more
Mi esposa no es tan inteligente como yo, ¡pero gana más

2 points for each correct answer 18

Total 100

Editable © Oxford University Press 2015 4

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