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Original Article ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts

ISSN (Online): 2582-7472 July - December 2020, Vol 1(2), 1–13


Mitali Pandey Minare 1

1 Handicrafts and Product Designer, 7, Hollywood Gardens, Hayes, London, (UK) Ub4 0dx

The world of arts and handicrafts represents a great saga of culture, traditions and
historical legacy associated with each particular region. India, in general and Madhya
Pradesh, in particular are known for the impressive range of hand-made artifacts that
enthrall onlookers, buyers and collectors of art.
The innate are honored with the characteristic specialty of cutting and make extremely
appealing things. There are wooden chowkies made for estimating grains. Wedding
mainstays of Bharia and wooden entryways of Gonds and Korku’s are extremely
appealing and unordinary. Machines turned and lacquered toys in splendid hues and
at moderate costs are famous everywhere throughout the state. Cut wooden toys, dolls
and elephants displaying the abilities of the craftsman are likewise made.
The Woodcrafts of Madhya Pradesh are self-viable and have contributed to maintaining
the environment healthy by using all the natural colors and polishes. Moreover, it
generates the employments to the artisans, which encourages them to design and
Received 19 May 2020 produce the products as per the market demands. And as per the demand it encourages
Accepted 15 December 2020 the social distance which is much need in present scenario.
Published 30 December 2020
Corresponding Author Keywords: Woodcraft, Lathe-Turned, Lacquered Craft, Lac, Craft, Craftsmen, Eco-
Mitali Pandey Minare, Friendly
[email protected]
Funding: This research received no
specific grant from any funding agency in Taking an excursion along the core of India we go over entirely saved
the public, commercial, or not-for-profit medieval urban communities, invigorating and captivating natural life havens,
sectors. and probably the holiest and most venerated traveler habitats that pull in the
Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s). This pioneer profound into its reality. Madhya Pradesh is the core of India, and
is an open access article distributed geologically involves conclusive spot in the nation's gather in territories which
under the terms of the Creative
are creating different items like handloom fabric, silk, and fleece. Woodwork
Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and finish product of Madhya Pradesh are likewise extremely acclaimed. Coal
and reproduction in any medium, and iron are generally significant of the minerals found in Madhya Pradesh. For
provided the original author and source the creation of concrete, limestone is required which can be found in excessive
are credited. sum in Madhya Pradesh. In a few regions of the state, Marble is likewise

How to cite this article (APA): Minare, M. P. (2020). Lacqured Craft of Sheopur- A Sustainable Craft of Madhya Pradesh. ShodhKosh: 1
Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 1(1), 1-13. doi: 10.29121/shodhkosh.v1.i2.2020.5
Lacqured Craft of Sheopur- A Sustainable Craft of Madhya Pradesh

Figure 1 Madhya Pradesh (District Map)


Madhya Pradesh is the home ground for most of innate populace of India which
by and large, live away from the standard India. Traditional village crafts such as
Chanderi sarees, leather, clay toys make it famous. It is especially known for its
lacquer-ware products. Being centrally located amidst a vast span of forest covered
land some of the areas like Sheopur, Reiwa and Gwalior have exposure to a wide
range of the available wood, which nurtures the art of lacquer-ware in these areas.
In spite of the infringing impact of twentieth century urban life, the clans have to a
great extent figured out how to hold their own specific manner of life, generally
immaculate by modernization. District Sheopur (2020)


Sheopur town likewise called Sheopur kalan, is situated in the northwestern
part of Madhya Pradesh state in central India. The town and stronghold were
established in 1537 by gaur Rajput’s and filled in as capital of the previous Sheopur
regal state. A street intersection and rail end, it is a significant market known for its
lacquered woodwork and playing a game of cards. Jeffrey Y (1991)


Sheopur is situated at the northwestern part of Madhya Pradesh. The region is
all around associated by Road and Railway Network. It is associated by normal
transport service with Gwalior, Morena, and Kota. Sheopur is 210 km away from

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Mitali Pandey Minare

Gwalior and 230 km away from Morena. The significant streams like Chambal, Seep
and Kuno are famous in the area. Jeffrey Y (1991)

Figure 2 Sheopur (Madhya Pradesh)


The specialty of woodcarving has prospered in the area of Sheopur and the
wonderfully decorated wooden roofs, entryways and lintels with finely cut plans are
quiet tributes of its greatness. The wood carvers of Sheopur, with extraordinary
affectability and aptitude change various assortments of wood. The specialty people
of Sheopur make pipes, covers, toys, entryways, stands, windows, wooden
remembrances, blossom jars, bedposts, and support posts etc. Madhya Pradesh


Lacquer-craft is the utilization of enamel on wood in satisfying shades to make
a particular allure. This art creates an enormous assortment of beautifying just as
utility things. Lacquering is done on a machine, hand or machine worked. For
turning thin and fragile things, the hand-machine is liked. Lac is applied in a dry
state. The lac stick is squeezed against the woodenware to be lacquered. As the last
continues spinning the warmth from erosion mollifies the lac, empowering the
shading to stick. Plans are painted with a brush on figures, protests, and toys.

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Lacqured Craft of Sheopur- A Sustainable Craft of Madhya Pradesh

Figure 3 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare

For its application lac is warmed to get a semi fluid state then it is worked and
colors are added, at that point attracted to be made into sticks and afterward
covered over the wooden articles. It is a reasonable or shaded covering that dries by
dissolvable dissipation and frequently a restoring cycle too that creates a hard,
tough completion in any sheen level from super matte to shiny and that can be
additionally cleaned as required. Madhya Pradesh (2020)
The specialty delivers a huge assortment of improving just as utility things
including little models of kitchenware, toys, seats, table lights, etc. Mathematical and
botanical examples are usually utilized in the plans. These plans are painted in a few
blends as indicated by the craftsman extravagant. Among the most well known
veneer product are the lac bangles. Heretofore studded with gold and valuable
stones, today they are likewise accessible with dots, glass, stones, mirrors and that's
just the beginning.
Colored lacquer ware is made in Sheopur, Rewa Budhi, Bhopal, Gwalior, Ratlam
and Sabalgarh in Madhya Pradesh. Etikoppaka in Andhra Pradesh is one of the most
important centers of this craft. The lacquerware of Savantvadi, once a princely state,
is a traditional craft. Chennapatna Venkatesh (2020) in Karnataka state holds an
honored place in the lacquer ware world.


The lacquer industry can be divided into:
1) independent workshop units,
2) small scale enterprises and
3) medium scale industries.
1) Number of family members which incorporates men, ladies and kids may
create polish product. They have around 2-3 machine worked either by
hand or lathe machine in their homes or little workshops developed close
by. The vast majorities of them are independently employed and are
showcasing their items to neighbourhood market or obliging greater

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Mitali Pandey Minare

2) Limited scope undertakings are set-up in specialists’ houses with a base 5

machines. The recruited specialists deal with per piece rate premise.
These limited scale undertakings sell their items straightforwardly to
exporters. These limited scale ventures don't have an enormous edge of
benefit as the specialists are generally government driven organizations
which utilize weighty charges and manipulative commissions.
3) Medium scale ventures are set up or possessed by exporters as it were.
Significant urban communities like Bangalore possessing colossal edges
of benefits as the transportation and work charges are exceptionally less.
There are a couple of exporters in Bangalore who have contracts with
craftsmen for the ideal amount of creation of the given things. Exporters
give particulars depicting the ideal items with a severe spotlight on
quality. These ventures are available to new and innovative thoughts of
plan and imaginativeness as they take into account a lot higher objective
market. Venkatesh (2020)


The craftsmen are solely dependent on this art for their livelihood. The women
in the housework as bidi makers to support the house financially. When these
craftsmen source their products to the neighbouring villages, they get a much higher
amount of work than the amount they get after selling the products in main cities as
there is no taxation taking place during the transport and handling of the products.
Due to their one-track traditional designs, they have been following since a long time
their products have not yet reached the corporate market or the main arena of
creative lacquer design. Fare items should meet and satisfy to new requests and
particulars. These new items need to keep up all the more demanding principles of
value and may require more mind boggling and complex work of art or completing
than different items which are sold in nearby business sectors. There were 15
families following the tradition of making lacquer-ware products. These families
have been inheriting this art as their hereditary trait and all the boys in the families
are presumed to do the same. Craft Processes and Other Details of 32 Crafts (2020)


3.1. LAC
Lac is the resinous discharge delivered by the insect Technadria lacca. It is
found on a huge number of the wood’s trees, especially in Kusum (Schleichera
oleosa). At present, it is gathered in different states like Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh
and West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
There are three distinct assortments of lac that are being utilized in the enamel
product measure. The exceptional quality lac is referred to as catch lac for what it's
worth in the catch structure. It is light and brilliant in hued and can cost up to Rs.
450/kg. The second is in medium earthy coloured tone and accessible in Rs. 300/kg.
The third and the least fortunate quality lac is in dull dark tone and is Rs 250/kg.
Lac sticks are manufactured on a domestic basis by the women folk or the
craftsmen themselves in the village. They buy the raw lac that is in the form of
crystals according to the requirement of the work. The crystal material is usually
light brown in colour. Water is boiled at a very high temperature in a pot and the
crystals are then put into it for melting. The crystals melt into a sticky elastic
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Lacqured Craft of Sheopur- A Sustainable Craft of Madhya Pradesh

substance which is then handled with the help of long wooden sticks. When the lac
becomes soft, it is taken on the ground and with the help of wooden sticks is
stretched and batted on the floor till it turns into a thick lac stick. This takes a time
span of 15-20 minutes.

Figure 4 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare


The lac with no extra colour pigment gives natural colour to the wood. For
obtaining different colours, oxides of iron, zinc and magnesium are added during the
process of batting the lac on the floor. Colours like turquoise, red, green, black, white,
and purple are obtained.

Figure 5 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare


Talegiri (Pandanus odoratissimus) is otherwise called screw pine and privately
known as "keware ka patta" among the neighbourhood specialists. This evergreen
tree has palm-like leaves which can either have lots of long thick leaves or have an
unmistakable bole up to 6 meters in stature. The screw pine frequently has flying
roots and are horse regularly found on the coast and along banks of waterways,
trenches, fields and lakes, The leaves are the significant embellishment in enamel
product creation and are chiefly utilized for cleaning and give reflexive completion
to the item. A heap of 100 leaves costs around Rs. 20. Jeffrey Y (1991)
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Mitali Pandey Minare


Many of the craftsmen still engage in traditional methods, evolving suitable
kinds of hand lathes called parties in their local language. This consists of a heavy
block of wood and stone which act as the object holder and the rotating shaft which
is made by a bow string. This prevails as a popular method as the older craftsmen
find it more convenient, easier, and faster to work on hand lathes rather than the
fast-moving modern lathe machines, as hand lathe gives them the freedom of speed
of the work according to the art on the object and they can adjust it easily according
to their sitting positions.

Figure 6 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare

The hand lathe arrangement is very precisely calculated and then developed,
the distance of the stone holding the object is manually adjusted according to the
size of the foot from one of the corners of the supporting wood. The angles are kept
such that the object does not fly off while the rotation process, this analysis helps
them work more efficiently and creatively.


With the expanding market for polish product the electric force machine has
been presented. A force machine has a head stock that comprises of a rotating pivot
connected to two belt pulleys. The belt runs over a pulley mounted on a spinning
shaft that is driven by an electric engine.

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Lacqured Craft of Sheopur- A Sustainable Craft of Madhya Pradesh

Figure 7 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare

The creation time impressively lessens on the power lathe machine, as both the
hands are allowed to work turning devices. Force machines are for the most part
situated in little processing plant settings, where there is no or less issue of power.
Also, the modern lathe machine helps the young craftsmen of the community to
mass produce the products at a much faster speed. The craftsmen in Sheopur had
been trained by a professional craftsman in Bangalore about the proper use of the
machines. The young members of the community use the lathe machines to produce
more commercially viable and intricate designs which helps them take their craft
one step further from the traditional designs and techniques. Jeffrey Y (1991)

The work is carried out in a workshop and in places where the artisans have
turned one part of their house into a workshop. Their workshops are so small that
it can only adjust at the most 2-3 people inside apart from the person working on
his machine. Working space per worker is 2 X 3 ft. The same condition is in the entire
workshop. The space is very less yet it has every possible thing required by them in
that area.

Figure 8 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare

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Mitali Pandey Minare

Every worker has his own set of tools which is spread on the ground at an arms
distance. The lighting condition is bad as they have only one source of light that is
placed wrongly in many cases. So, when the natural light is not strong it become
darker and hence difficult to work with perfection. This happens mostly between
evening hours.
Those workshops which are situated in the market get affected by the other
activities in the surrounding. The work also gets hampered in the works hops which
have a retail counter in front of the workshop. This is due to the fact that craftsmen
would be required to attend to the customers.
They do not have any recreational or entertaining activities taking place around
them as the only source of entertainment is to keep talking to the person beside you
or the women of the family who keep sitting beside and making bidis. Z. Hussain,
personal communication, December 16, 2020)


The production of lacquered items consists of a series of processes. This work
is accomplished on a hand or mechanized lathe machine placed within the house
and is turned into a workshop. The arrangement of log wood for lac-turnery starts
with preparing.

Figure 9 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare

1) Logs are cut into little pieces (billets) and put away in a airy spot away from
warmth and daylight for around ten days to a month, contingent on the
dampness substance of the wood.
2) The edges of the prepared billets are then etched until a chamber is framed.
Presently the wood is fit to be turned on a machine.
3) Cutting instruments are utilized to the rotating wood-piece with the goal
that undesirable flimsy ceaseless chips are scratched off. Gifted specialists
can eliminate uniform and dainty layers of wood to frame it into wanted

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Lacqured Craft of Sheopur- A Sustainable Craft of Madhya Pradesh

4) Once the ideal shape is accomplished, it is sanded with sandpaper on

pivoting machine, until the surface is smooth and uniform.

Figure 10 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare

5) At this stage the article is fit to be lacquered. The nature of the eventual
outcome relies upon the ability with which finish is applied to the turning
wood. A lac stick of the picked shading is squeezed to the spinning wood.
The contact makes the lac dissolve and spread consistently over the region
on which it is applied.
6) Final completing is finished utilizing a screw pine leaf to help spread the lac
on the turning wood and finish the article. Polishing by kewra leaf loans a
clarity to the completed item.
7) The lacquered article is isolated with a cutting instrument and eliminated
from the machine. Now, a few articles are additionally ornamented with
paint. S. Ahmed, personal communication, December 16, 2020)

Figure 11 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare

1) The process of preparation of enamel from lac starts with warming and
2) Lac is adhered on to the finishes of two wooden sticks which are warmed
until the lac gets plastic and pliant.
3) The warming cycle is sometimes rehashed to look after versatility. A
particular measure of lithophane is then added to the mellowed lac and is
constantly beaten until a white colour shows up.

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Mitali Pandey Minare

4) A little part of powdered colour is blended in with a little bit of water and
this is added to the warm white lac.
5) The blend is then beaten until the right shade develops. The lac at that point
starts to expect the consistency of elastic.
6) The lac is warmed and is taken out from the splinters before it sets. A long
flimsy stick of coloured lacquer of 1 cm thick and 3 cm wide is moulded and
afterward cut into 15-20 cm lengths.
7) Around Four to five sticks of one tone can be set up at an equivalent time.
These sticks have a time span of usability of just a single month before they
become hard and unsuited for lacquering.

Figure 12 Picture by Mitali Pandey Minare


The design development program was conducted in the direction of Mr. Sarkar
Ahmed. He was the master craftsmen of this program. He is 65 yrs. old and is
associated with this traditional craft sector since 45 yrs. He is continuing the
heritage art of his forefather which is 500 yrs. old. He also encourages his sons to
take forward this craft.
He has registered himself with MPHSVN, DCH and many other Govt.
organizations and attended many workshops and training program organized by
them. He also has showcased his craft in many exhibitions held at Bhopal, Jaipur,
and Delhi. He himself had made various products according to the market demand

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Lacqured Craft of Sheopur- A Sustainable Craft of Madhya Pradesh

and change but his best works out of this craft is Corner table, dolls, saras lamp, wall
plate (painting), and cannons.
The products which are now seen in the market were very different as
compared to the previous ones. Mr. Sarkar Ahmed adds to this that earlier they
made products which were widely used like toys or kitchen items or decorative
stuff. Which includes Itradaan, Kamal ka pool, shatranj, chaupad, shahnai, surme-
dani, fan, in toys- aeroplane, chidiya gadi, jhunjhuna, tricycle, bat-ball, in decoration
stuff they made- lantern, flowerpot, doll lamp, keyring, peacock. dancing dolls, bangle
stand etc. At this age also he is very proactive and attends workshops being
organized and participates in exhibitions.

Sheopur has a vast potential in lathe-turned wood craft. Since ages this craft is
flourishing in this area and has gradually astonished the potential buyers of
handicrafts. Craftsmen have evolved this craft from the basic household items like
chair, table, and toys for kids to the home-décor and souvenir products. On my field
work, I figured out the challenges and the strength of the craft. The kind of patience
it demands and the way it portray its uniqueness in terms of self-sustainability.
Many Govt. organizations are coming forward to promote and uplifting this craft as
it is eco-friendly and has no hazardous impact on the environment; furthermore, it
provides employment for the craftsmen and Wood-turned craft is therefore
attracting not only the Indian craft lovers but also the foreign buyers from different
countries. Moreover, in today’s context it promotes the new campaign started by the
Govt. called “VOCAL FOR LOCAL”

Bhatnagar, S. (2017, January 31) Arts & Crafts Heritage of Madhya Pradesh.
Campbell, Jeffrey Y (1991). “Lac-Turnery and the Lacquerware Industry”, Chapter 3,
Case Study 2, in “Women's Role in Dynamic Forest-Based Small Scale
Enterprises. Case Studies on Uppage and Lacquerware from India”, FAO
(Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) Corporate
Document Repository, Forestry Department, Rome.
Campbell, Jeffrey Y (1991). “Lac-Turnery and the Lacquerware Industry”, Chapter 3,
Case Study 2, in “Women's Role in Dynamic Forest-Based Small Scale
Enterprises. Case Studies on Uppage and Lacquerware from India”, FAO
(Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) Corporate
Document Repository, Forestry Department, Rome.,%20t
Craft Processes And Other Details of 32 Crafts (2020).
District Sheopur (2020, December 5).

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Mitali Pandey Minare

District Sheopur (2020, December 6).

Lalitha (2020). Case Study 2 - Lac-Turnery And The Lacquerware Industry.,%20t
Lathe (2020, December 7). In wikipedia.
Madhya Pradesh (2020, December 7). In wikipedia.
Venkatesh, B. (2020) Wooden Lacquerware of Chennapatna, Karnataka.

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