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2 Grammar

Adverbs of frequency Present simple: Wh- questions

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs 3 Write questions for the underlined answers.
in the box and the adverbs in brackets.
1 Where do you play table tennis?
be (x2) do have phone get up tidy I play table tennis at my uncle’s house.
1 We always do our homework before 2
dinner. (always) My favourite writer is JK Rowling.
2 Maft and Sally late for 3
football practice. (hardly ever) He goes swimming on Monday evenings.
3 Yolanda early at weekends. 4
She lives in Istanbul.
4 Jane tired after school.
I’ve got an umbrella because it’s raining.
5 I my room on Saturdays.
(usually) 6
6 You your best friend. (often) The school football team has got
11 players.
7 My grandparents lunch with
us on my birthday. (always)
Grammar round-up
Likes and dislikes 4 Complete the dialogue. Use one or
two words in each gap.
2 Complete the text with the correct form
of the words in the box and a suitable A: 1 Can you take good photos, Luis?
verb. B: 2 I can, Noor. I’ve 3
a great camera. 4 you got a
 love  like  don’t mind good camera?
 don’t like  hate A: No, I 5 .
I 1 love going skateboarding, and I B: I love 6 photos! It’s my
2 basketball. My cousin, Kamil, favourite hobby.
3 exercise. He 4
A: I 7 ever take photos.
to music, and he 5 films with
his friends. I 6 to the cinema B: Well, here are my new photos. Take a look
with my friends at the weekend, too. at 8 .
Sometimes we go to a restaurant after A: They’re excellent! 9 is
the film. I 7 Italian food! that boy?
B: That’s my cousin, Oleg. He 10
live here.
A: Oh. 11 he live?
B: He 12 in Moscow.
A: Cool.

Influence 1 · © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 · Your Influence High


1 Vocabular

Daily routines School subjects

1 Write one word in each gap to 5 Complete the school subjects in the table.
complete the text.
Sciences Creative Foreign
Most days I 1 get up at 7:00 am.
subjects languages
I2 breakfast with my mum
and brother, and then I 3 to 1 biology art 6F
school. We 4 school at 8:00 am. 2c 4d 7G
I5 lunch at school at 1:00 pm. 3p 5m
Then we 6 school at four o’clock
and I 7 home. I 8 my Physical Technology Other
homework, then I 9 dinner. exercise
I 10 to bed at 10:00 pm. 8P 9d citizenship
and technology geography
2 Write the missing verbs to complete
the sentences. 10 h

1 I clean my teeth in the morning.

6 Complete the dialogue with
2 We changed when we
words from exercise 5.
get home.
3 I my bed in the morning. ‘What’s your favourite subject?’ ‘I love sport so it’sPE.’
4 Lily a shower after school. ‘Can you speak?’
5 Can you your room, please? ‘No, but I can speak German.’
‘What do you do in your
6 I to sleep at 10:30 pm. lessons?’
3 Write the prepositions to ‘We sometimes play the guitar or the piano.’
complete the sentences. ‘Do you like science?’

1 We wake up at 7:00 am.

2 Rob has a shower
the morning.
3 Jane packs her bag half ‘I like biology and physics but I think
past seven. is difficult.’
4 We have a chemistry lesson
5 The lesson starts ten o’clock.
6 I don’t go out night.

4 Rewrite the text in exercise 1 so that it is

true for you.

Influence 1 · © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 · Your Influence High

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