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Managing Supply Chain and Operations

An Integrative Approach 1st Edition

Foster Solutions Manual
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Chapter 7: Supplier Management
Chapter Outline

1. Identifying Needs
a. Identifying the Need for Materials
b. Identifying the Need for services
c. Identifying the Need for a Type of Relationship
2. Supplier Selection
a. Identifying Supplier Requirements with Weighted-Factor Analysis
Solved Problem 7.1 > Creating a Weighted-Factor Analysis
b. Searching for Potential Suppliers
c. Supplier Evaluation
Solved Problem 7.2 > Supplier Evaluation Using Weighted-Factor
d. Negotiating the Agreement
3. Supplier Development
a. Identifying Suppliers to Develop
b. Forming a Cross-Functional Team
c. Involving Top Management
d. Identifying Opportunities
e. Developing Key Metrics and Cost Sharing
f. Agreeing on Projects and Resources
g. Monitoring Status and Modifying

4. Providing Feedback: The Supplier Scorecard

a. Designing and Implementing the Supplier Scorecard
Solved Problem 7.3 > Supplier Scorecard Design
b. Delivery and Cost Assessment
c. Supplier Awards

Chapter Learning Objectives

1. Understand the Importance of Identifying and Applying the Correct
Specification for Materials, Services, and Type of Business Relationship
2. Make Informed Supplier Selection Decisions
3. Constructively Create and Develop Supplier Relationships
4. Provide Constructive Supplier Feedback

1. Identifying Needs
A specification is documentation that tells buyers what to buy and the suppliers what is
required of them. It is a descriptive document for the assigned supply manager. Supplier
management is the processes of forging strong links by identifying what is needed and then
selecting, developing and actively managing the supply base.
1. Identifying the Need for Materials

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a. A simple specification is given to meet a particular function but not
many other details.
b. A complex specification is one that details the exact quantities of each
material and the precise manner in which the item should be made.
They are generally very lengthy, sometimes more than a hundred
c. Simple specifications, which require fewer resources, are generally
used when there is a high confidence level in the supplier. Precision is
not important and or it is a brand name or product number.
2. Identifying the Need for Services
a. Specifications for services are called a scope of work.
b. It is more difficult to communicate what is needed in a service than in
a product.
c. Whether you are identifying materials or services, the specification
must include some type of metric for acceptable performance.
3. Identifying the Need for a Type of Relationship
a. Most buyer-supplier relationship now are collaborative as opposed to
relatively short term and arm’s length in nature, as in the past.
b. Transactional relationships are appropriate when the buyer has many
supplier choices, there is no need for sharing corporate information, a
routine item is being purchased, or technology innovation is not
required from the supplier. These relationships are also referred to
arms-length relationships.
c. Collaborative Relationships are appropriate when the buyer has
limited supplier options, is procuring a critical item, needs technology
innovation or supply availability is critical. These relationships do not
happen overnight and need nurturing. These relationships result in
many positive outcomes including improved performance and higher
productivity for the firm.

Describe the term “global collaboration” and its relevance to positive results in the automotive
industry, as outlined in the chapter.

2. Supplier Selection
1. Identifying Supplier Requirements with Weighted-Factor Analysis
a. Weighted-factor analysis (WFA) is a multi-criteria decision-making
method using weights and can be done by using a simple spreadsheet.
b. Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) is a tool that is simple and
used often in WFA analysis.

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c. An agreement by a cross-functional team of a weigh factors and their
importance in the process gives the first two steps in the process. Then
the search for a supplier can move forward.

2. Searching for Potential Suppliers-

a. Alternative sources for potential suppliers
i. Current suppliers
ii. Internet
iii. Trade registers
iv. Trade journals
v. Company personnel
vi. Trade shows
vii. Professional organizations

b. - A request for quote (RFQ) or a request for proposal (RFP) is

the formal document that has all the details for the prospective

3. Supplier Evaluation: Once the list is narrowed of possible suppliers, the

next step is obtaining a supplier self-assessment, which includes an
analysis of the supplier’s financial and operational operations.

4. Negotiating the Agreement

a. Preparation—90 percent of negotiating the agreement is in the
b. It is best to have a negotiation plan, which outlines all the
contract terms that needs to be negotiated.
c. Win-win is the term used of a healthy buyer-supplier relationship
achieved when negotiations are successful.
d. Debriefing session is when the team meets to discuss feedback
on the negotiating process.

Discuss the makeup and the interaction between team members in the selection process of a

3. Supplier Development
1. Identifying Suppliers to Develop: Supplier development is the process of helping
a supplier improves its performance. The first step is what supplier relationships
will benefit from this development.
2. Forming a Cross-Functional Team: includes all parties with interaction with the
3. Involving Top Management: Their support is absolutely necessary.

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4. Identifying Opportunities: factors such as volume or failures in the past of critical
5. Defining Key Metrics and Results: Determining at the beginning of the process
what success looks like.
6. Agreeing on Projects and Resources: The team must get the commitment for the
necessary resources and this step is where the process stalls.
7. Monitoring Status and Modifying: To achieve success, relationship management
is critical to supplier development success.

Stress the importance of a successful relationship management experience when working on
supplier development. The relationship must be especially trustful.

4. Providing Feedback: The Supplier Scoreboard

A supplier scorecard is a communication device that serves two roles.
1. It identifies the supplier performance metrics that are most critical.
2. It enables the evaluation of suppliers against these metrics.
3. Designing and implementing the supplier scorecard includes
a. Identifying how the supplier affects the firm
b. Ensuring that the first step is balanced and objective
c. Ensuring buy-in by the supplier by getting them involved at
the front end of the process
d. Training the suppliers in the metric final scores
4. The delivery and cost assessment includes an evaluation of on-time
delivery, an important performance metric for suppliers.
5. Supplier award programs, methods for identifying and rewarding
outstanding suppliers, use supplier scorecards as the documentation

Discuss the metrics you would list for this supplier scorecard.

In Class Activity
1. Ask the students why there should be such as emphasis on suppliers in a firm’s

Class Discussion Questions

1. Because many suppliers are out of the country, are supplier relationships and
supplier development still critical in the business process?
2. Discuss the issues of Apple and Foxconn in the supplier relationships. Why are
Foxconn’s operational problems Apple’s problems?

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Video Suggestion
Discussion Topic: What are the pros and cons of the Apple/Foxconn relationship?
Search the Internet for “Apple-Foxconn relationship probed by 'Sunday Morning'” on, for a video discussion of this mutually rewarding business relationship.
Running Time: 10:06 minutes.

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