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Implementation of Chinook-AI Software in the Processing of Immigration

Applications in Canada- A Boon or Bane

The visions of 20th Century of being technologically sufficient have finally been fulfilled in
21st Century with Artificial Intelligence software acting almost like humans. One such AI tool
is the infamous Chinook which is a Microsoft Excel-based tool developed by Immigration,
Refugees and Citizenship Canada for temporary resident application processing.1 IRCC is
primarily responsible for facilitating arrival of immigrants, protecting refugees, offering
programming granting citizenship and travel documents. With an aim to welcome around
410,000 to 505,000 new permanent residents in 2023 and further its digital modernization
initiatives, the department got ready to launch the procurement of a new digital platform to
replace its Global Case Management System2. The Attainment of Immigration Goals has been
a vital vision in the processing of applications.3 To relieve the burden of huge pendency of
cases, the IRCC began the use of Chinook in assessing temporary rent visas, study, and work
permit applications. It was considering these deliberations that the landmark judgement of
Haghshenas v. Canada4 came into being which extensively discussed the question of
assistance of AI in Immigration Law.

AI can serve as auxiliary to human intelligence but not replacement. Acknowledging the
fundamental reality that AI is a product of human creation is of utmost importance. Within an
evolving legal landscape, particularly Common Law jurisdictions like Canada, the reasoning
of judges and the inherent emotions they bring to their decision- making process are
significant, carrying equivalent weight to written statutes. These elements cannot be
supplanted by AI. AI operates through rigid programming thus rendering it insufficient in
adapting to a transformative society. While AI offers a means to expediate tasks, its utilization
lacks guarantee of accuracy. The excessive reliance on AI poses a detriment to societal
interests and therefore can be deemed a bane.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Departmental Plan 2023-2024
Division 10, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C. 2001, c. 27)
Haghshenas v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2023 FC 464

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