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Saliddumay-Genre: Entertainment
MUSIC OF CORDILLERA Description: This is sung in many occasions of the ethnic
The region is composed of six provinces, namely: Abra, groups such as weddings, ,festivals and rituals
Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga and Mountain 8. Oggayam-Genre: Poetry/Entertainment
Province. Its regional center is the highly urbanized city of Description: Used by a solo performer in counselling,
Baguio. (https:/// entertaining the community in any occasions
9. Sowe-ey (Bontoc)-Genre: Work song
Cordillera is located at the highest and largest mountain Description: Rice pounding song
range in the Philippines. The region is known for its best
and unique bamboo musical instruments that are used in Cordillera Musical Instruments
celebrating gatherings, festivals, rituals and ceremonies. 1. Gangsa-It is a flat gong that is played in an ensemble of
The highlights of the life of people in their places are two or more gongs of varying sizes. It is played either by
reflected in their music. striking with the palm while rested on the lap or beaten with
wooden mallet while held on the left hand.
Characteristics of Music of Cordillera 2. Bungkaka or Bilbil- It is played by striking against the
- Music is very much part of life and living palm of one hand.
- Have a rich variety of songs and music performed on 3. Tongali- It s a nose flute played with the extreme forward
instruments edge of the right or left nostril.
- Often performed in groups, all members of the community 4. Tongatong- These are bamboo tubes played by
are welcome and encourage to join the singing, dancing stomping each against the ground.
and playing of instruments 5. Ulibaw- It is a mouth-resonated bamboo instrument
- Their music is communal and participatory played with a flexible tongue fixed on end to a surrounding
Music of Cordillera may be categorized into: 6. Patteteg- These are made of bamboos of different sizes
A. Vocal Music for varied timbre. They are split in halves. Each produces
B. Instrumental Music sound by striking a wooden stick while the instrument is
C. Vocal Ensemble with instrumental accompaniment rested on the lap.
Musical Characteristics: MUSIC OF MINDORO
1. Music is very much part of life and living. Mindoro is an island located in Southwestern Luzon.
2. Have a rich variety of songs and music performed on It is composed of two provinces: Occidental Mindoro and
instruments. Oriental Mindoro. Tagalog is the main language of
3. Often performed in groups, all members of the Mindoro, though some parts are greatly influenced by the
community are welcome and encouraged to join the natives Visayan and Mangyan languages. Hanunuo
singing, dancing, and playing of instruments. language is the language spoken by the Mangyans.
Characteristics of Vocal Music
Musical Characteristics:
a. Melismatic - a sound in music that pertains to expressive
1. Music is part of their ordinary and festive occasions.
vocal phrase. It means to hold down one syllable while
2. Music used for communication with spirits in rituals and
moving through several notes
worships, weddings, works, courtship, festive occasions
b. Free Meter- musical meter without time signature
and lullabies
Vocal genres among the ethnic communities can be
Vocal Music
identified according to their social functions
1. Marayaw - Genre: Spirit Song
Vocal Music
Description: Use to communicate with spirits in rituals for
1. Ibaloi Badiw - Genre: Poetic Verses
healing the sick and protecting the community.
Description: Considered to be the signature form for
2. Pamuybuyen - Genre: Legend Song
specific cultures in Cordillera is the Ibaloi badiw, which
Description: Song about legends, which means the “fear of
means “people who live in houses”.
2. Owiwi (Kalinga)- Genre: Children’s song
3. Ambahan - Genre: Chanted Poem Song
Description: Lullaby of Kalinga that relates a child’s life
Description: Composed of a seven-syllable line ending in
3. Dagdagay (Kalinga)-Genre: Children’s song
Description: Song of Kalinga that foretells the baby’s
future. Ambahan is one of the indigenous vocal music of
4. Oppia (Kalinga)-Genre: Children’s song Mindoro. It is a rhythmic poetic expression with seven –
Description: Sung while cradling syllable lines with rhythmic end-syllables
5. Kawayanna (Kalinga)-Genre: Children’s song
Description: Infancy-related song Mindoro Musical Instruments
6. Hudhud (Ifugao)-Genre: Chanted Epic Poetry 1. Kudyapi- It is a lute with a long neck, and two strings
Description: Chanted epic poetry which is recited and that run from the neck to the base of a resonating chamber.
chanted only during four occasions: 2. Gitgit- It is an instrument with 3 to 4 strings with a
-The harvesting of rice wooden body and human hair for the bow.
- Bone-washing (bogwa) rituals 3. Kalutang- It is a pair of equal-sized wood stick struck
- Funeral wakes together.
- Wedding
Themes are about celebrations of the Ifugao heroes,
heroines, wealth, and culture.
Palawan is one of the largest provinces in the Philippines in These islands and their smaller neighbours make up the
terms of land areas. It is the home of one of the seven central group of the Philippine archipelago. They are the
wonders of the world, the Puerto Princesa largest ethnic groups in the geographical division of the
Underground River. country. Some of their ethnic groups are Sugbuanon,
Hiligaynon, Karay-a, Waray, Bol-anon and so on.
The indigenous groups of Palawan:
1. Tagbanwa –people from the Northern and Central part of The Visayan music is highly-influenced by Spanish culture.
Palawan They colonized the Philippines long time ago. Spanish
2. Palawano - native lowland dwellers and occupy the musicians introduced new styles of music which has also
Southern Palawan Western musical traditions.
3. Agutayanen – from Center Island of Cuyo and
Balitaw, a musical style of the Visayan, is a song-and-
considered as the elite among Palawan tribes
dance debate between a man and woman. The theme of
4. Taaw’t bato –means “people of the rock”; they reside in
the musical style is about love and marriage and is usually
the mouth of an extinct volcano
performed by good singers as well as dancers and actors.
5. Batak – called “mountain people of Palawan” who live in
the northeastern part of Palawan Musical Characteristics:
6. Cuyonen-indigenous tribe 1. Music is generally perceived as rich in Spanish colonial
music tradition influence.
Palawan music is characterized by imitation of sounds 2. The instrumental music shows the rich diversity of the
from nature and the environment. It is also highly influenced musical culture of the Visayan region.
by the native language of the province. 3. The different collections, with their respective sounds,
Music is usually performed by gong ensembles. Music has display the enthusiastic musical involvement of the loving
an important role in life of the community because it is expressive Visayans.
performed in rituals such as the tambilaw and the tinapay.
Vocal Music
Musical Characteristics: 1. Matud Nia - Type of Song: Love song
1. Sounds of nature are important to the people of Palawan. Descrption: It expresses love against all odds.
These include the sound of insects, chirping of birds and 2. Rosas Pandan - Type of Song: Courting song
sound of the wind and rain. Descrption: A song of joy and love, it tells about a pretty
2. Makes use of different musical forms like repetition and mountain maid who loves to dance the balitaw.
syncopation (off beat) 3. Condansoy - Type of Song: Drinking song
Descrption: A name of a boy who is being asked to drink
Vocal Music Laloy’s tuba, a coconut wine.
1. Kulial-Genre: Lyrical Poem 4. Ilo Nga Bata - Type of Song: Children’s song
Description: A lyrical poem expressing love. Descrption: It is about a child whose parents are dead or
2. Tultul- Genre: Chanted Song have abondoned their child permanently in this world.
Description: A chanted vocal music about epic heroes and 5. Dadansoy (Ilonggo) - Type of Song: Farewell song
usually chanted at night, ending at daybreak. Descrption: This song is about the singer leaving her man
3. Lantege- Genre: Love Song whose name is Dandansoy in order to go back to her
Description: Love song of Tagbanuas and People of hometown.
Palawan. 6. Ili-ili Tulog Anay (Ilonggo) - Type of Song: Lullaby
4. Sandaw- Genre: Lullaby Descrption: It is a folk song which is sung to put a baby to
Description: Used either pentatonic or diatonic scale sleep.
5. Cancion song- Genre: Love song 7. Ako Kini Si Anggi - Type of Song: Work song
Description: Popular serenade Descrption: A work song that tells about a woman who
-to sing or play song for someone works very hard as a dressmaker.
6. Koirdas de la Bordon- 8. Si Pelimon - Type of Song: Work song
Description: Song sung during the wake Descrption: Folk song that tells of a fisherman whose only
7. Pa Hesus- Description: Song about death catch is a single mudskipper. He then sells the fish, earning
just enough to buy coconut wine.
Palawan Musical Instruments
Rondalla Instruments
1. Basal- It is a gong ensemble consisting of a set of one or
1. Bajo de Arco- The number of strings varies from the
two big gongs, an agung and a pair of small ringed gongs,
stranded 4-stringed to the rare 6-stringed, and can have
sanang, and drum called gimbal.
pitches three octaves lower than middle octave.
2. Gimbal- It is a drum instrument with a wooden body
It plays the bass part or the musical piece.
covered with an animal skin.
2. Bandurria- 14-string instrument with 16 frets and a
3. Pagang- It is made of one whole node of bamboo partly
shorter neck.
split with its skin partly lifted out.
3. Guitar- Popular musical instrument classified as a
chordophone with 6 strings. It is typically played by
Rondalla - is a string ensemble which originated in Spain. It
strumming or plucking the strings. It plays the rhythm or
is a group of stringed instruments played with a pick or
beat of the musical piece.
plectrum. There are many Filipino musicians who were able
4. Laud- It comes from Spanish word which means “lute”. It
to lead the way in rondalla ensemble and one of them was
is a plectrum-plucked chordophone that has 12 strings in
Juan Silos, Jr., known as “Father of Rondalla”.
pairs, similar to bandurria, but with a longer neck.
5. Octavina- It has shorter neck compared to the guitar,
with 14 strings and 16 frets.

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