Valve Trims

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Valve Trim – What It Is, Plug Profiles, Parts,

Chart, and Selection Process

Valve trim refers to the operating parts of a valve that are usually exposed to the process
fluid. In this article, you will learn more about the meaning of valve trim, review a valve trim
chart, learn about the material selection process, and review the selection process in action
by comparing two common trims: trim 5 vs. trim 8.

What is Valve Trim?

Globe Valve
The trim, particularly the mating elements that regulate the stream to the controller’s
demands, is at the heart of the control valve. Each process is distinct in its own right,
necessitating particular flow control features. Valve trim includes the stem, plug, disc,
seating surface, etc. It’s also the plug and seat arrangement’s actual shape. The flow
properties of the valve are determined by the shape of the valve plug.

Valve Trim Plug Characteristics

Shaping the valve trim changes the operating characterization of the valve itself. For
example, a stem-guided globe valve’s plug profiles can be specified to be either quick-
opening, linear, or equal-percentage.
Plug Profile
Quick Open

A quick opening valve plug significantly increases flow with a minor initial change in stem
travel. Thus, a modest percentage of stem lift achieves near maximum flow. Quick open
plugs can quickly create full flow for on-off applications.

Regardless of plug position, the linear profile delivers step-wise identical changes in flow
per unit of valve stroke. Linear plugs are used in systems where the valve pressure drop is a
significant fraction of the total system pressure drop.

Equal Percentage

The equal percentage valve plug generates the exact percent change in flow per fixed
increment of valve stroke at any point along its characteristic curve. This type of valve trim
sees frequent use in high specification applications.

The valve’s flow characteristic curve describes the relationship between valve stem position
and flow rate through a control valve. The curve plots the valve opening percentage vs. the
maximum flow coefficient (CV). This is established by monitoring the flow rate at several
points along the valve’s passage while maintaining a constant differential pressure across
the valve. A variant of the generalized Control Valve CV equation computes the CV value at
each valve position.

Valve Trim Parts

The valve trim parts are usually made by a lathe machine and they include the back seat,
glands, spacers, guides, bushings, retention pins, and internal springs.


A disc is the initial valve trim component. The disc is the component that, depending on its
position, enables, throttles, or stops the fluid flow. The name of the valve often originates
from the type of disc. Examples include gate, ball, plug, and needle valves, which have discs
that are the same shape as the name.
Courtesy: Thomasnet
A valve disc can be forged, cast, or manufactured. The sealing face of the valve disc is
occasionally hardened to improve wear resistance. The disc required a smooth machine
surface to reduce friction with a seat; the valve disc is a pressure-maintenance component.

In the closed position, a disc rests against the stationary valve seat. The stem may move via
manual or automated actuation.


The seat provides the disc with a place to set and seal against. A valve may have more than
one seat. There is only one seat on a globe valve and a swing-check valve. A gate valve and
a ball valve, on the other hand, have two seats, one upstream and the other downstream.
Courtesy: Valve Channel
The efficiency of the seal between the valve disc and seat is directly proportional to the seat
leakage rate. Valve seats can be permanent or removable rings. Seats on valves are often
screwed, welded, or integrally cast or forged, and are toughened through heat treatment or
hard facing.

For optimal sealing, the seating area must have a fine surface polish. For non-critical
applications, non-metallic seats were utilized in some ball valves and plug valves. Valve
manufacturers produce numerous styles of combination valve seats that combine elastomer
and metal seats to attain the requisite leak tightness that metal seats alone cannot achieve.

Back Seat

The back seat comprises a shoulder on the stem and a mating surface on the underside of
the bonnet. When the stem is entirely open, it forms a seal. It inhibits media leakage into the
packing chamber and into the environment. Note: For safety reasons, it is NEVER
recommended to change the packing while the valve is under pressure.


The stem links the handwheel/actuator and the disc. The valve disc moves and positions
from the stem movement. The valve stem delivers the required motion to the disc, plug, or
ball for the valve’s opening, closing, or setting. The stem connects the valve’s actuator,
handwheel, or lever at one end to the disc at the other.

The linear motion of the disc opens or closes the valve in gate and globe valves, whereas
the disc rotates to open or close the valve in the plug, ball, and butterfly valves. Stems are
typically stainless steel and typically attach to the disc via connections or other mechanical

Valve Trim Chart

Trim materials such as discs, seats, stems, back sheets, and sleeves are grouped together
and assigned one number called trim number or combination number. This defines the
material grade for each component.

This system, provided by API, allows for a range from 1 to 18.

API Trim
Material Seat Disc Backseat Stem Notes

1 410 410 410 410 410

2 304 304 304 304 304

3 F310 310 310 310 310

Hard Seas 750 BHN

4 Hard 410 410 410 410
410 min.

5 Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 410 410

5A Hardfaced Ni-Cr Ni-Cr 410 410

6 410 and Cu-Ni Cu-Ni Cu-Ni 410 410

Hard Hard Seas 750 BHN

7 410 and Hard 410 410 410
410 410 min.

8 410 and Hardfaced Stellite 410 410 410

8A 410 and Hardfaced Ni-Cr 410 410 410

9 Monel Monel Monel Monel Monel

10 316 316 316 316 316

Monel and
11 Stellite Monel Monel Monel

12 316 and Hardfaced Stellite 316 316 316

Alloy Alloy Alloy

13 Alloy 20 Alloy 20
20 20 20

Alloy 20 and Alloy Alloy

14 Stellite Alloy 20
Hardfaced 20 20

15 304 and Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 304 304

16 316 and Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 316 316

17 347 and Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 347 347

Alloy 20 and Alloy

18 Stellite Stellite Alloy 20
Hardfaced 20
API Trim Materials (1 through 18)
Material Selection Process
Understanding the material selection process is critical to engineering any application
and/or part design. All valve applications are built on the foundation of material selection.

Trim Material Selection

The most economical trim material is stainless steel. Available in different grades, this
material provides strong resistance to erosive, corrosive, and temperature impacts and
provides an excellent all-around choice.
Courtesy: QRC – Ampo
In addition to stainless steel, more expensive materials such as Monel, Alloy 20, and Cu-Ni
may be selected. These materials, sometimes referred to as exotic materials, generally are
more expensive and have longer lead times than stainless.

Manufacturers’ guidelines should be followed for trim selection. One must consider trade-
offs between the initial cost and the estimated service life. For instance, it may be a poor
decision to select Stellite trim if it extends the valve’s service life by 20% but doubles the
price. It’s essential to think about reliability, downtime, and labor costs.

Applications engineers should not try to correlate operating pressures to anticipated wear.

Hardened Trim

Hardened trim suits most high-pressure applications. Although solid hard plugs are more
cost-effective for valves under 1 inch in diameter, a hard material overlay is more cost-
effective for larger sizes. These overlays work well for services such as superheated steam,
two-phase flow, and high temperatures over 600°F (315°C).

Example of Trim Selection Criteria

Usually, a few front-runners emerge in the trim material selection. For example, two similar
trims are Trim 5 and Trim 8 which may be paired against each other. To determine which is
the best choice, compare the characteristics of each trim number.

Details Trim No. 5 Trim No. 8

Nominal Trim 410 – Full Hard faced 410 and Ni-Cu

Trim Code F6HF F6HFS

Stem and other trim

410 (13Cr) (200-275 HBN) 410 (13Cr) (200-275 HBN)

F6+St Gr6 (CoCr Alloy) (350 Monel 400® (NiCu Alloy) (250
HBN min) HBN min)

410+St Gr6 (CoCr Alloy) (350 Monel 400® (NiCu Alloy) (175
Seat Surface
HBN min) HBN min)

Trim Material Grade 13Cr-0.5Ni-1Mn/Co-Cr-A 13Cr-0.5Ni-1Mn/Ni-Cu

Trim number 5 provides strong service in high pressure, slightly erosive, and corrosive
service between -265°C and 650°C. It is a great fit for high-pressure water and steam
service. Trim number 8 provides long service life up to 593°C. It suits moderate pressure
applications and corrosive conditions. Generally, trim 5 is considered superior due to the
higher degree of hardening.

In this example, determining whether trim 5 vs. trim 8 is the best fit is a matter of
understanding the service conditions, but also an exercise in product availability and
calculating both the initial capital investment and expected service life. This exercise holds
true for all valve trims and all service conditions.

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