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There is a secret way out, the Librarian or the Courier can tell them about it.

But would the

Chain run?

If the players hit upon the idea of finding some documents they can use/alter/forge to
demonstrate that Boot’s family are the rightful stewards of the Pellet, Angel can make it happen.
He’ll ask for the document they’ve been sent to grab.

They have the diplomat’s pouch

They can send the document they’re looking for to Angel.

He can use it to forge the document they need.

But this needs to be ​their​ idea.

What kinds of documents can be found down here?

Marriage certificates
Birth certificates
Death certificates
Property Deeds
Probate documents; the state declaring someone dead and naming their heir
Court documents; admitted evidence, affidavits
Law suits
Grants of Right and Title
Licenses to operate various businesses
One of Dyson’s maps, not reproduced here.

9. The Crypt of House Sibelius

Several bodies, ancient and dessicated, litter this long N/S corridor. Well-worn paths in the dust
made by many recent footprints wind their way between them going in all four directions.

The bodies all bear the raiments of tomb robbers or adventurers. None seem to be wearing
modern armor or riojan garb.

The wall opposite the stairs has the following text inscribed in Old Riojan (Not common, gonna
take a spell or something to decrypt) on the stone;




Inarguable the least challenging puzzle in the history of D&D. Those who do not bow before
they enter the Great Hall are attacked by the Caryatid Column.

The Caryatid Column

The entrance to the great hall (#31) is framed by a caryatid column. Which isn’t a thing in 5e, so
let’s just use two stone golems!

Spice​: Not a lot to this battle except hammering at some stone golems, so should they animate,
the corpses rise!

Stone Golem (2)
Spectre (6)
31. The Big Room
This massive, vaulted-ceiling, many-columned room depicts the heads of house Sibilus through
the generations. Three columns are bare, the other 12 have men and women shown in fine
Caelian garb, some sitting on a throne, some in armor, some wielding weapons.

Beneath each is a tale of their deeds.

There are documents piled on the pedestals and in the alcoves.

There is a BODAK organizing them. When it detects the PCs, it attacks and WRAITHS emerge
from the columns.

Bodak (1)
Wraith (6)

32. Archives
This hidden room was once an antechamber for the mausoleum, then converted to a small
office for the archivist when he was alive. In here might be Sumat Pol’s chest.

35. The Knight’s Chamber

More records in this room, a knight was buried here. Many records.

23. The Hall of Patronage

Paintings, vases, sculptures, all well-preserved. Many records. Records everywhere!

37. The Children’s Room

Buried here are the children of House Sibilius who died before the age of 3. Including paintings
of young men and women that depict how stillborn children might have looked, had they lived.
No idea how the players might learn this. Oh, the dates under them are just one date, not two!

There are many records in here, but it is also ​very cold​. This is either because of the ghost
here, or the Huge Black Pudding on the Ceiling!!

Ghost (1)
Huge Black Pudding (1)

It’s the spirit of Madame Dolones, she was a Governess of House Sibelius once. This would be
a good place to find the Prince’s Decree.
10. The Missing Courier
This can be any room, really.

In this room is young Illario de Brinizi. He’s basically starving to death. He’s 15, he hid in here
after the Bodak attacked him.

When he sees the PC, he starts and brandishes a dagger. “Begone spirits! Shades! I do not
wish to join you!!”

“I...I owe you my life! Please let me serve you!”

Illario is young and eager to make a name for himself. He hoped to become a herald for some
great house and so applied at the Royal Heraldric Society. But he ​meant​ to apply at the Society
of Royal Heralds. He realized his mistake too late, but he’s still eager. Now he is a failure and
would be ashamed to return.

“Better they think me dead and mourn my passing than know of my shame. But...perhaps I
could redeem myself, in my own eyes at least, and those of my family.”
Sumat Pol’s Chest
A heavy iron lockbox, apparently hundreds of years old. Rusted. If opened there are many items
inside, and a letter.

Oh hey, sorry we couldn’t get ahold of you, but we knew you’d end up here at the library
so we left your stuff here.

Yeah but we weren’t sure when exactly you’d come by and I think we’re a few days

Yeah give or take a couple of centuries.

Yeah give or take.

Anyway I know the Gith was looking for some insight, but like we said that stuff is hard to
find, so we threw in one of them vorpal weapons he was lookin’ for.

Yeah not like one of the real nasty ones, but a pretty good one!

Yeah pretty good, it’ll still lop off someone’s head which we figured was what you

If you don’t want it you can leave it in the chest and we’ll be back to pick it up, but if’n
you do want it do us a favor and leave your old sword in here and we’ll grab it next time
we’re in this solution.

Yeah either way we’re gonna keep looking for one of them enlightenment books, you
never know.

Also you folks were so nice and your Captain was so respectful we went ahead and
cooked up a little something for him. You know, IOUN stones come in all shapes and
sizes, this one’ll give you the magic resistance you’re lookin’ for.

Yeah but like only once per day.

Yeah you gotta let it bleed off the thaumic radiation.

Oh and we got some boots for that there guy with the boots.

Oh right! Yeah hey will you quit crowdin’ me it don’t take three people to write a letter.
Anyway these used to belong to the Mooncat, famous burglar here in Capital we figured
his boots were right up your alley.

Oh hey hang on, hang on how do we know they did belong to him, maybe they WILL
belong to him.
Oh you’re talking about some kind of causality interference but that can’t happen, the
solution here isn’t non-zero.

Oh I thought it WAS non-zero.

No it’s NOT not-zero.

Well then why don’t you just say it’s zero?

Well, because it could be infinite or irrational, but we know it’s not because the universe
hasn’t ended.

Oh good point, ok anyway it’s not non-zero so we’re safe from any kind of causality

Anyway enjoy the boots and the other stuff!!

-Sumat Pol

Then there’s another much shorter letter.

Hey we found one of them books for you!

Tome of Understanding

+1 Vorpal Sword

Blue Jade IOUN Stone​; Grants magic resistance. When you save against a spell or magic
effect while wearing this, it loses its power until you take a long rest.

The Mooncat’s Boots​: Extra 10; of movement, Ignore difficult terrain Cannot be knocked prone
Always land on your feet, Reduce falling distances by 30
Angel’s Communique
After the players find the document, King gets a message from Angel.


Something big is going on. I think someone’s gonna trying something while you’re in the library. Maybe hold off on this
contract until I can get more intel.


Fuck, ok. Welp. Shit.



Alright here’s what’s going on. You need to read fast.

The Red Falcons think you’re making a play to t​ ake​ the library. They think you’re in Vorona’s pocket and this is Duke Marco
getting the game started. Ah, the Red Falcons are the Prince’s troops on the Pellet, they’re sort of the law.

You might be able to talk your way out of that, you didn’t bring the troops or anything, you got those courier seals. But here’s
where shit gets complicated.

I think House Alvaro has someone in the Falcons. Which means Alvaro knows what the Red Falcons know. House
Alvaro thinks you’re trying to take the Pellet. They’re sending Duke Prospero’s best knights, the Order of Twelve Dragons.
Those’re not gonna be able to talk your way past them. If they show up and there’s only six of you, they’ll invent a
reason to start a fight and solve the problem right there and you’re only there under courier seals! It is ​actually​ illegal for you
to be on the Pellet with your weapons!

Also, Boss...that document you’re looking for? I think it p​ roves​ the Island belongs to House Brunadetti, and the Fulcrum are
prepared to produce an heir to the House that works for them. Boss, they’re trying to make the Pellet ​legally theirs​. And no
one, not the Red Falcons, not the Twelve Dragons, are going to let us deliver that document to the Fulcrum, if they know what
it is.

You may have to fight your way out, boss.

Orders, boss?
The Librarian
When the heroes emerge from the Mausoleum, they find the library strangely quiet. Where once
there were dozens of people doing research, no one’s around.

They’re all at the front desk. The Librarian is standing on the marble countertop brandishing her

“If you have a request you’ll have to fill out the form on the yellow pad!”

There are six members of the Red Falcons in the Library.

The Red Falcons

The Prince’s soldiers on the Pellet. They don’t know what the Fulcrum is up to. As far as they’re
concerned if the Chain of Acheron surrender their weapons, pay a fine, and permit themselves
to be escorted off the island (where their weapons will be returned to them) then everything’s
fine. They just don’t want to see the Chain try and take the library.

Captain​: Lady Antonia de Vicenne

Lieutenant​: Sir Viresse de Je’carte

The lieutenant knows about the Chain of Acheron. He worked with the Tower of Dis years ago.
“The helltroopers are brutal...but honorable.”

The Order of Twelve Dragons

All twelve members of the order arrive and they are impressive. A few minutes later, their troops
arrive. A unit of elite light infantry (heavy infantry couldn’t have got here in time).

Knight-commander Lord Valerius de Corano

Sir Servius de Alvaro

Sir Livius de Nor’onde

12 Dragons know what the Fulcrum is up to. “Produce that document, and the Red Falcons can
do what they like with you.

“The Falcons! The pigeons more like! Useless even when the Prince was alive! Why don’t you
go back to your family farms, stop pretending to be knights. What knights would be led by a
woman. Lady Antonia. A faint echo of your great father. I knew your father.”

“You knew my father. Tell me, did you know your own?”
A duel. He throws down his glove, she picks it up and slaps him with it.

Lord Valerius cuts down Lady Antonia.

Je’carte: “What do you want me to do? In case you hadn’t noticed, they brought an army! We’re

“Says who?”

The Seventh Company of Foot

The Chain of Acheron’s Seventh Company of Foot arrives. A unit of super-elite heavy infantry.
They’re armed and armored. (“Navy guys let us through. Why?”)

“Sir. We figured Sweet would retreat to Capital. We made our way here as fast as we could.
Sorry it took so long. Still not sure how you got here before us.”

“Anyway we’re rested, fed, and ready for a fight. Hey who are these assholes?”

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