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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

5 November 2023 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A


e have just started the month of November and we are all invited to
remember with special love all the departed, especially those most
dear to us. In this Eucharistic celebration we will pray in a special man-
ner for our leaders who have already gone to their eternal reward.
But while praying for the dead, let us not forget our present leaders, both
religious and civil. We need leaders who can guide us with gentle firmness to the
attainment of the common good. We need leaders who lead us by their example,
who are deeply honest, humble and sincere; leaders who put the interest of the
people before their own. But as we raise this intention to the Lord, let us renew
our commitment to become ourselves the good persons we expect others to be.

to mind our sins, especially the est, and on earth peace to people
sins of negligence in the fulfill- of good will. We praise you,
ment of our duties. (Pause) we bless you, we adore you, we
P –For the times we have been glorify you, we give you thanks
Entrance Antiphon a cause of scandal and dis- for your great glory, Lord God,
(To be recited only when no couragement to others, heavenly King, O God, almighty
Entrance Hymn is sung.) Lord, have mercy! Father.
Forsake me not, O Lord, All – Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
my God; be not far from me! P –For the times our actions
gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
Make haste and come to my have fallen short of the
God, Son of the Father, you take
help, O Lord, my strong salva- demands of our faith and
away the sins of the world, have
tion. baptismal commitments,
mercy on us; you take away the
sins of the world, receive our
Greeting Christ, have mercy!
prayer; you are seated at the right
All –Christ, have mercy!
P – In the name of the Father, hand of the Father, have mercy
P –For the times we have used on us. For you alone are the Holy
and of the Son, and of the Holy
the sins and shortcomings One, you alone are the Lord, you
of our leaders to justify our alone are the Most High, Jesus
All – Amen! own, Lord, have mercy!
P –The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
All – Lord, have mercy! in the glory of God the Father.
Christ, the love of God the Father
and the fellowship of the Holy P –May almighty God have Amen!
Spirit be with you all! mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
All – And with your spirit! and bring us to everlasting life. Collect (Opening Prayer)
All – Amen!
P – Almighty and merciful
Penitential Act God, by whose gift your faithful
P –As we prepare to celebrate offer you right and praiseworthy
the Sacred Mysteries, let us call All – Glory to God in the high- service, grant, we pray, that we

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may hasten, without stumbling, Gospel Acclamation
to receive the things you have All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
promised. You have but one Father
Through our Lord Jesus in heaven and one master,
Christ, your Son, who lives and the Christ.
reigns with you in the unity of the Alleluia! Alleluia!
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and
All – Amen! Gospel Mt 23:1-12
The confrontation between
Jesus and his opponents is
now about to reach its climax.
* O Lord, my heart is not With scathing criticism of their
proud, nor are my eyes haugh- shortcomings, Jesus warns his
ty. I busy not myself with great disciples not to imitate the bad
1st Reading Mal 1:14-2:2.8-10 things, nor with things too sub-
At the time of the prophet example given by many scribes
lime for me. R. and Pharisees.
Malachi (5th century BC), most
of the religious leaders of Israel * Nay rather, I have stilled P –The Lord be with you!
led many astray with their wrong and quieted my soul like a All –And with your spirit!
teaching and bad example. It is weaned child. Like a weaned P –A proclamation from the
against such a background that child on its mother’s lap, so is holy Gospel according to
we hear the Lord’s very severe my soul within me. R. Matthew
rebuke addressed to them in to- * O Israel, hope in the Lord, All ­– Glory to you, O Lord!
day’s First Reading. both now and forever. R. Jesus spoke to the crowds
R – A proclamation from the and to his disciples, saying,
Book of the Prophet Mala- 2nd Reading 1 Thes 2:7-9.13 “The scribes and the Pharisees
chi In this short excerpt from have taken their seat on the
the First Letter to the Thessa- chair of Moses. Therefore, do
“A great King am I,” says lonians, we have the striking
the Lord of hosts, “and my and observe all things whatso-
portrait of a selfless and tireless ever they tell you, but do not fol-
name will be feared among the apostle. For their part, the re-
nations. low their example.
cipients of his labors responded For they preach but they do
And now, O priests, this with exemplary docility and gen-
commandment is for you: If not practise. They tie up heavy
erosity. burdens hard to carry and lay
you do not listen, if you do not
lay it to heart, to give glory to R – A proclamation from the them on people’s shoulders, but
my name,” says the Lord of First Letter of Paul to the they will not lift a finger to move
hosts, “I will send a curse upon Thessalonians them. All their works are per-
you and of your blessing I will Brothers and sisters: We formed to be seen. They widen
make a curse. You have turned were gentle among you, as a their phylacteries and lengthen
aside from the way, and have nursing mother cares for her their tassels. They love places
caused many to falter by your children. With such affection of honor at banquets, seats of
instruction; you have made for you, we were determined honor in synagogues, greetings
void the covenant of Levi,” says to share with you not only the in marketplaces, and the saluta-
the Lord of hosts. Gospel of God, but our very tion ‘Rabbi.’
“I, therefore, have made selves as well, so dearly be- As for you, do not be called
you contemptible and base loved had you become to us. ‘Rabbi.’ You have but one
before all the people, since you You recall, brothers and sis- teacher, and you are all broth-
do not keep my ways, but show ters, our toil and drudgery. ers. Call no one on earth your
partiality in your decisions. Working night and day in or- father; you have but one Fa-
Have we not all the same der not to burden any of you, ther in heaven. Do not be called
father? Has not the one God we proclaimed to you the Gos- ‘Master’; you have but one
created us? Why then do we pel of God. master, the Christ. The great-
break faith with one another, And for this reason we, too, est among you must be your
violating the covenant of our give thanks to God unceasing- servant.
fathers?” ly, that, in receiving the word Whoever exalts himself will
The Word of the Lord! of God from hearing us, you be humbled; but whoever hum-
All – Thanks be to God! received not a human word bles himself will be exalted.”
but, as it truly is, the word of
The Gospel of the Lord!
God, which is now at work in
Responsorial Psalm Ps 131 All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
you who believe.
R –In you, Lord, I have found The Word of the Lord!
my peace! All – Thanks be to God! Homily

5 November 2023
Profession of Faith C –For the Holy Father and the Preface
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) other leaders of the Church: May
they continue to be an inspira- P –The Lord be with you!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- All –And with your spirit!
tion to all the believers and even
ther almighty, maker of heaven
the non-believers through their P –Lift up your hearts!
and earth, of all things visible
teaching and good example. Let All – We lift them up to the Lord!
and invisible. P –Let us give thanks to the
us pray! R.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Lord our God!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son C –For all parents, Religion All –It is right and just!
of God, born of the Father be- teachers, catechists, and com-
fore all ages. God from God, munity leaders: May they be the P – It is truly right and just,
Light from Light, true God from first to practise the good quali- our duty and our salvation, al-
true God, begotten, not made, ties they teach to their children, ways and everywhere to give
consubstantial with the Father; students, and members. Let us you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
through him all things were pray! R. mighty and eternal God, through
made. For us men and for our Christ our Lord.
salvation he came down from C –For those who are inclined For out of compassion for
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy to seek privileges and marks of the waywardness that is ours, he
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- honor: May their first concern humbled himself and was born of
gin Mary, and became man.* be always the greater good of the the Virgin; by the passion of the
For our sake he was crucified people entrusted to their care and Cross, he freed us from unend-
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- not their personal advantage. Let ing death, and by rising from the
fered death and was buried, and us pray! R. dead, he gave us life eternal.
rose again on the third day in And so, with Angels and
C –For our parish community: Archangels, with Thrones and
accordance with the Scriptures.
May we all be one heart and one Dominions, and with all the
He ascended into heaven and is
soul with our spiritual leaders hosts and Powers of heaven, we
seated at the right hand of the sing the hymn of your glory, as
and thereby become the leaven
Father. He will come again in without end we acclaim:
of the civil society. Let us pray!
glory to judge the living and the All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
dead and his kingdom will have of hosts. Heaven and earth are
no end. C –Let us pray in silence for our full of your glory. Hosanna in
I believe in the Holy Spirit, personal intentions. (Pause) the highest!
the Lord, the giver of life, who Let us pray! R. Blessed is he who comes in
proceeds from the Father and the name of the Lord. Hosanna
the Son, who with the Father P –Lord Jesus, our Divine in the highest!
and the Son is adored and glori- Leader, guide and protect our
fied, who has spoken through leaders from any form of selfish-
the prophets. Memorial Acclamation
ness and pride. Guide them and
I believe in one, holy, cath- us to the attainment of the lasting P –The mystery of faith!
olic and apostolic Church. I reward in the Kingdom where All –We proclaim your Death,
confess one Baptism for the you live and reign for ever and O Lord, and profess your
forgiveness of sins and I look ever. Resurrection until you
forward to the resurrection of All – Amen! come again!
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen!

Prayer of the Faithful

P –Today’s readings remind
our leaders to be humble and Preparation of the Gifts All – Our Father . . .
faithful to their duties. They are P –Pray, brethren . . . P ­–Deliver us, Lord . . .
also an indirect reminder to us All – May the Lord accept the All –For the kingdom, the pow-
to pray for them that they may sacrifice at your hands, for the er, and the glory are yours,
live up to God’s expectations and praise and glory of his name, now and for ever.
ours. Let us keep this in mind as for our good and the good of all
we say together: his holy Church. Sign of Peace
All –Lord Jesus, hear our
prayer! Prayer over the Offerings Breaking of the Bread
C –For the entire community of P – May these sacrificial offer- All – Lamb of God, you take
the baptized: May they keep fol- ings, O Lord, become for you a away the sins of the world: have
lowing the Christian way of life, pure oblation, and for us a holy mercy on us. (2x)
even when some leaders disap- outpouring of your mercy. Lamb of God, you take
point them with their behavior. Through Christ our Lord. away the sins of the world:
Let us pray! R. All – Amen! grant us peace.

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Communion power, O Lord, increase in us, All – Amen!
P –Behold the Lamb of God, we pray, so that, renewed by
P –May He give you a compas-
behold him who takes away the these heavenly Sacraments, we
sionate heart, especially
sins of the world. Blessed are may be prepared by your gift for
toward those who are suf-
those called to the Supper of the receiving what they promise.
fering and in need, and may
Lamb. Through Christ our Lord.
you help them with your
All –Lord, I am not worthy All – Amen! prayers and good works.
that you should enter under All – Amen!
my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed. P –May He protect you from
all dangers and lead you to
Communion Antiphon everlasting life.
(To be recited only when no P –The Lord be with you. All – Amen!
Communion Hymn is sung.) All – And with your spirit! P – May almighty God bless
You will show me the path you: the Father, and the Son,
P –Bow your heads and pray
of life, the fullness of joy in and the Holy Spirit.
your presence, O Lord. for God’s blessing. (Pause)
All – Amen!
– May the Lord give you the
Prayer after Communion grace to be always faithful P –Go in peace and be instru-
to your duties and lead oth- ments of God’s love for all.
P –May the working of your ers close to Him. All – Thanks be to God!

Leadership by Vision and Example

• Jess P. Balon

E very people, nation or group needs

leaders – persons who set goals,
formulate and enforce just laws . . . people
Jesus wanted his Church to be guided
by people like Peter and the rest of the
Twelve. They were not perfect, nor would
who inspire their fellow citizens with the their successors be perfect. And yet,
clarity of their vision and the consistency authority and leadership in the Church are
of their actuations. part of God’s plan for it. Their mission is
When forming His Chosen People in to lead the People of God with wisdom and
the desert, the Lord did not neglect this their good example.
important aspect of their becoming a nation. History documents the failures of a
He gave them spiritual, religious, political number of leaders of the Church, even at
and military leaders in the persons of the highest levels. But it also documents that
Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and their associates. many did live up to the ideal and example
Unfortunately, Israel often lacked a
set by Jesus, thanks to the unfailing
righteous and inspiring leadership, not
assistance of the Holy Spirit. It is He who
only in the political but also in the religious
spheres. We have an example of this both raises great leaders in the Church, and
“failure in leadership” in our First Reading. continually challenges and empowers all
This situation of crisis in the religious those in authority to follow the example of
leadership was quite severe even in the Jesus: to lead by vision and example, in a
time of Jesus. Hence, his scathing remarks spirit of service, with humility, consistency,
about the behavior of the scribes and the and dedication even unto death. All through
Pharisees, whose bad example the faithful the centuries Jesus remains the ideal and
should not imitate. (See Mt 23:3.) real leader of his People. The closer our
But, in spite of this practical failure in leaders follow his example, the greater will
many of the religious leaders of his time, they be in the eyes of God and their flock.e.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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