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This CONTRACT made and entered into the City of Manila, by and between:


PROPERTY, represented by Joselito A. Vargas, married, of legal age, Filipino, and resident of
1027 Domingo Santiago St., Sampaloc, Manila, hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR;
____________________________, of legal age, Filipino, and resident of
____________________ hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE.
That the LESSOR is the owner of a Commercial Unit 1025 located at Domingo Santiago
St., Sampaloc, Manila;
That the LESSOR hereby agrees to lease unto the LESSEE subject to the following terms,
covenants, conditions and restrictions, to wit:
1. That the terms of this Contract of Lease shall be for a period of One (1) year
commending on ___________ in the amount of Php_________ and expiring on
2. PAYMENT OF LEASE- The parties herein agree that the rental of the leased premises
throughout the period of lease shall be Php__________ Philippine Currency, per month
payable every 15th day of the month;

Upon signing of this Contract of Lease, the LESSEE agrees to pay the LESSOR the sum of
Php_________, Philippine Currency, to be applied as follows:

2.1 Php__________ shall be applied as ADVANCE RENTAL for the first month;
2.2 Php__________ shall be applied as RENTAL DEPOSIT to be applied only on the
last month of units usage. (NON-REFUNDABLE). Shall be forfeited if breach of contract;
2.3 The sum of Php__________ shall be deemed as SECURITY DEPOSIT which shall
be held by the LESSOR and to be refunded only after the expiration of this Contract of
Lease without interest. Said deposit can also be applied to damages incurred in the
leased premises through the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, members of his
household and guests. Electricity and Water bill, any such damages shall be deducted
from this deposit. And the balance, if any, shall be refunded to the LESSEE, normal wear
& tear exempted. Non-refundable of security deposit, if contract terminated before due
2.4 The LESSOR has the right to appreciate the monthly rental amount in every three
(3) years. (the amount is only based on LESSOR’S discretion)

3. LESSEE- shall be limited to 21 square meters only and not allowed to display anything
outside the premises;

4. The LESSOR has the right to padlock and take possession of the premises if it will be
abandoned for a period of one (1) month with two (2) months unpaid rental;

5. In case the LESSEE abandoned the rented room for a period of one (1) month or more,
the LESSEE shall make a written notice to the LESSOR or to his representative;

6. In case of non-payment for accumulated back rental, the LESSOR has the right to the
possession of LESSEE’S belongings or property equivalent to back rental plus interest.

7. Electric bills, water bills and garbage’s collection shall be to the account of the LESSEE.
8. LESSEE should maintain cleanliness inside his room and his surroundings.

9. Nature of business shall be limited to ____________________________________.

10. Alternation, improvement and additional carpentry work must be first be approved by
the Lessor or its authorized representative.

11. Selling of any kind of Liquor is PROHIBITED;

12. MAINTENANCE- the LESSOR shall be responsible for all major repairs to be made on the
premises provided the LESSEE shall notify the LESSOR in advance within a reasonable
time and specifying and describing such major repairs to be made, caused by ordinary
wear and tear, repairs that are due to the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, members of
his household, guests or visitors. Minor repairs shall be for the account of the LESSEE.
For purpose of clarifying this version, major repairs are those repairs costing less than
the LESSEE’S monthly rental;

13. UTILITIES – Payment of all utilities bills including electric bills, telephone bills, water bills,
shall be for the account of the LESSEE;

14. WATER CONSUMPTION excluded from the monthly rental;

15. Drinking of Liquor, gambling and drug trafficking, public scandal or other illegal activities
are not allowed inside the premises;

16. That this Contract is renewable upon the option of the LESSOR;

17. That after the period of this contact the LESSEE shall evacuate voluntarily the leased
premises, unless a new contract of made prior to expiration of this contract, subject to
the terms and conditions that may be agreed upon by the contracting parties;

18. If any case that could not pay and rental deposit has been applied, the LESSOR or
representatives has the right to eject LESSEE as soon as he/she could not pay after one
(1) week grace period for the late payment;

19. PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT – Payment made after due date will be charge P50.00 per

20. Sub-lessee is not allowed without the written consent of the LESSOR;

21. THIRTY (30) DAY WRITING NOTICE – LESSEE is required to give at least (30) day written
notice to the LESSOR of his desire to renew contract for another term or to vacate the
premises and terminate this Lease of Contract.

22. Any violation of the part of the LESSEE of the terms and conditions provided for in this
Contract shall be sufficient ground for the termination and revocation of this Lease of
Contract; and

23. The rented premises shall only be use in accordance with the law.
24. RIGHT TO INSPECT – The LESSOR or its authorized person shall be allowed by LESSEE to
enter the rented premises anytime to do inspection on property’s condition.

25. The LESSEE shall not sell, transfer, and/or rent the premises and its portion to other
party. Violation of this, the LESSOR has the right to terminate the signed contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto affixed their signatures, this ___ day of
________ at City of Manila.

_____________________ ________________________
Representative Lessor

CTC No._____________
Issued on___________
Issued at____________

_______________________ _______________________
Lessee Lessee
CTC No.___________ CTC No.___________
Issued on_________ Issued on__________
Issued at__________ Issued at___________

Signed in the presence of:

____________________ ____________________
Witness Witness




BEFORE ME, personal came and appeared the above-named persons, known to me to
be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that the same
constitute their own free will and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, this ____ day of _______, 2022 at the City of Manila.

Doc. No.______;
Page No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 2022

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