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INTRODUCTION Everyone has different needs and priorities for their healthcare coverage. A life insurance is a flexible plan to meet the requirements of people and even expatriates living around the world and will protect their family and/or specified dependents in the event of the policy holders death. In general it is an essential component in planning for the future. St Peter Life Plan, Inc. (SPLPI) is a Pre-paid Death Care Company, which offers traditional and affordable Life Plans to all segments of the society. SPLPI Continues to excel in its role in society as being The Death Care Experts by maintaining its leadership in the Death Care industry and in product development in the market such as, customized at-need and pre-need packages, Death Event Management and similar Pre-need Plans.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This research study is attempted to assess the plan holders perception of St. Peter Life Plan. Specifically it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents? 2. What are their perceptions in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan? 3. What family expenses are affected in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan? 4. Can the plan holder sustain the payment of their plan?

5. What are the problems met by plan holder in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan? 6. What kind of plan has more plan holders?

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study is significant to the following: STUDENTS This research will serve as a reference for future students who will conduct the same study. It provides important facts and data that will help them know the effect of patronizing St. Peter Life Plan. RESEARCHERS The researchers are to benefit from this study. They would have better opportunities to discover the effect of patronizing St. Peter Life Plan. COMMUNITY This research will serve as an eye opener for the people to show that patronizing St. Peter Life Plan help them in times of need.

ASSUMPTIONS People need to be insured. Life plan is fast becoming a necessity.

SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS In this, we tried to find out the effect of Patronizing St. Peter Life Plan to the plan holders. This study will gather information from the plan holders or policy holders. Our respondents are those plan holders residing in the Locality of Lopez,

Quezon New plan holders and old plan holders of St. Peter Life Plan will serve as respondents. The researchers choose plan holders as respondents because they are the ones who are affected by the plan. It will explain the true effect of the St Peter Life Plan to their plan holders. But since are so many plan holders, this study is limited because it uses some respondents selected from the population of Lopez. A sample size of 100 will be selected from the population. All respondents are residents of Lopez, Quezon.

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Insurance may be defined as a social device to protect the economic value of the life and other assets. Under the plan of insurance, a group of people are brought together and their share of money is pooled to manage the loss suffered by any of them. In its basic form it is defined as a contract between two parties whereby one party called insurance, the insurer who undertakes it in exchange for a fixed sum called premiums, to pay the other party called insured a fixed amount of money on the happening of a certain event. In simple terms it is a contract between the people who buys insurance and the insurance company who sold the policy. By entering into contract the insurance company agrees to pay the policy holder or his family members a predetermined sum of money in case of any unfortunate event for a predetermined fixed sum payable which is in normal term called Insurance premiums. Insurance is basically a protection against a financial loss which can arise on the happening of an

unexpected event. Insurance companies used premiums to provide for this protection; by paying a very small sum of money, a person can safeguard himself and his family financially from an unfortunate event.


St Peter Life Plan a. Price b. Availability

Use of Survey Questionnaire Interview &

Satisfaction of the Plan holder as to the price and availability of St. Peter Life Plan that motivate them to patronize this life plan

Plan holders A. Influence to have this Life plan B. Motivation to get this Life plan In the input, the factors that affected the plan holder are: price and availability and influence them to get this St. Peter Plan and for the plan holders as to what motivates them and who influence them to have this life plan. Through survey, questionnaires and interview, we were able to find out the perception of the plan holders towards St. Peter Life Plan.

DEFENITION OF TERMS ST. PETER St Peter Life Plan Inc. PLAN HOLDER The person who purchase and owns the plan POLICY Refers to the life plan contract between St. Peter and the plan holder providing the terms and conditions thereof. PRE-NEED PRICE The stipulated price of the life plan which may be paid either in lump sum or in installments. MODE OF PAYMENT The frequency of payments (monthly, quarterly, semi annually, annually, or spot cash payments) PAYING PERIOD The period within which the plan holder pays for the loan DUE DATE The date when the plan holders installment should be paid LEGAL BENEFICIARY The person designated by the plan holder in accordance with law to receive the plans insurance proceeds or benefits in the event of the plan holder demise GRACE PERIOD The time allowance given to the plan holder to update within 60days the unpaid premium payment as stipulated in the life plan contract. LAPSED PLAN A delinquent plan which has remained unpaid beyond the grace period of two (2) months from date of delinquency REINSTATEMENT The process of reactivating a lapsed plan CERTIFICATE OF FULL PAYMENT St. Peter duly signed certification stating that a plan has been fully paid

IN FORCE PLAN or Active Plan which refers to an up to date pre-need plan for which St. Peter has an outstanding obligation either for (1) delivery of benefits or services or (2) payment of termination value. MORTUARY TIE UP Also refers to the memorial servicing tie up or mortuary accredited with St. Peter which renders the memorial services stipulated hereunder

St Peter Life Plan, Inc. (SPLPI) is a Pre-paid Death Care Company, which offers traditional and affordable Life Plans to all segments of the society. Founded by Francisco Tatay M. Bautista on October 23, 1970, It is registered and licensed with the insurance commissions (IC) and is compliant with all Pre-Need regulations SPLPI maintains trust funds with the following trustee banks: Bank of the Philippine Island (BPI), Banco De Oro (BDO), Metro bank, United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB), and Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), with over 40 years of experience in Death Care services, SPLPI maintains branches and mortuary tie-ups or affiliations with funeral service companies, in every major city and key areas all over the Philippines. SPLPI Continues to excel in its role in society as being The Death Care Experts, by maintaining its leadership in the Death Care industry and in product development in the market such as, customized at-need and Pre-Need Packages, Death Event Management and similar Pre Need Plans. INSULAR LIFE Insuring the Filipino Dream Insular Life was established on November 25, 1910 at a time when the Philippines was flexing its wings as an independent country. Today as the Philippines leading and largest Filipino life insurance company, insular life prides itself with its role in securing the lives of Filipinos families for close to a country. Its roster of products from its ordinary whole life, endowments, limited payments, college education and

insular plans, to pension to invested plansnot only offers the best cost-benefits ratios among insurance life plans in the market. More importantly, these are designed to allow individuals to wield control over their and their family financial security. Insular life plan is anchored an fundamental corporate values; commitment to excellence, integrity to work, respect for the individual, and upliftment of the Filipinos through years of growth and of struggle, these values have remained constant, guiding generations of insular life officers and employers in sewing hundreds of thousands of it policyholders as one of the pioneering life insurance companies in the Philippines. Insular life is audited for introducing a number groundbreaking moves in the industry. In 1953, it introduced the first school of insurance in the Philippines. In 1958 Insular life introduced what waved soon be a hugely successful business line: industrial life insurance which was intended for lower income=earning Filipinos. Insular lifes most significant step, however, was its metallization, computed in 1987, which effectively made insular life policyholders part owners of the company. Insular life today is the only Filipino life insurance company among the top five industry leaders. It continues to deliver a solid performance, posting p21 billion in net incomes by end of 2008. A cornerstone of insular life financial stability is its strong asset base which has consistently increased through the years, reaching p57.9 billion in 2008. Its business-in-force of p209.2 billion reflects a growing number of policyholders. Beyond life insurance, insular life has diversified into related financial services through its subsidiaries and affiliate. Insular life health care, inc. (I-care), insular investment and trust corporation (IITC), home credit mutual building and loan association Inc. (home credit) and affiliate map of Insular Insurance Corporation.


RESEARCH DESIGN The research employs the descriptive method wherein the questionnaire is designed to gather the reaction, opinion and other information from the respondents. It describes with emphasis what actually exist such as, practices, current conditions situations or any phenomena. Since the present study was concerned on the perception of Lopez plan holders about the St. Peter Life Plan, the descriptive method of research was the most appropriate method to be used. Though this method, the researchers can easily interpret the reasons why Lopez plan holders patronize St. Peter Life Plan.

SELECTION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPONDENTS The method that the researchers used in the selection of the respondents for this study is the convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is a process of picking out people in the most convenient and fastest way to immediately get their reactions to certain controversial issues. The respondents in this research are the people who are plan holders of St. Peter Life plan.

A total of one-hundred (100) respondents from the old and new plan holders, were chosen as sample size for the research study. Plan holders New Old Total no of respondents no. of patronizes 19 81 100

THE RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS THE QUESTIONNAIRE The questionnaire is focused on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. The demographic data of respondents (age, sex, etc.) The fact as to whether family expenses affect in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan. If the occupation of the respondents sustain the payment of their plan. The common problems encountered in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan.

Questions have different options (check on the box corresponding to the answer). The last item in the questionnaire seeks the common problems that the plan holders met. Validation of questionnaire is undertaken before commencing with the actual survey, taking into consideration the length of time of accomplishing the survey, the effectiveness/ clarity of the question and the choices provided the presentation of the questionnaire and other observations/ comments from the trial respondents.


DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE The data gathering will be carried out in selected plan holders, observing the required sample size and random selection of respondents to whom the questionnaire will be distributed. Prior to the start of questionnaire distribution, the person administering the survey identified those who have any plan with St. Peter Life Plan The researchers then distribute the questionnaire with some explanation on the objective of the study. The researchers were ready to answer inquires regarding the survey, and reminded the respondents to return the accomplished survey after finishing transaction and/ or accomplishment of the form, in same event to make sure that the questionnaire will completely one hundred (100) percent be returned. The researchers waited for the respondents, until they finish answering the question.

STATISTICAL TREATMENT Statistics is the science of the classification and arrangement of facts based on number or assurance for the deduction of general assertions. Statistical data are concerned with quantitative or any kind of numerical data such as figures on patronizing, age, sex, tax return, population births and deaths.

One of the roles of statistics on research is: Statistical manipulations organize raw data systematically to make the latter appropriate for study. Unorganized data cannot be studied because no inferences or deductions can be made from that data. Statistics organized data systematically by ordered arrangements, ranking, scores, distributions or cumulative frequency. These make the data appropriate for the study which helps in the research study. Statistics are very useful especially in giving meaning and interpretation of data. It also helps test the hypothesis, whether the hypotheses are to be accepted or rejected.


To facilitate and to have reliable interpretation of data, the following statistical formulas will be used.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution


where: % = percentage F = frequency N = total no. of respondents

Weighted Mean

Xw =

where: f = weight of each item value w = respondents each item value Ef = total no. of respondents


The chapter consists of the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data prepared by the researchers. To have a clear understanding and easier interpretation of the result, the researchers presented the table followed by their respective interpretation. All of the contents here were gathered and collected from the response given by the plan holders, of the old plan and new plan here in Lopez, Quezon. The first part of this chapter is the profile of the respondents and the last part is the factors that affect and problems met in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan.

Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Age AGE OLD PLAN F 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 2 6 5 12 PD 2% 6% 5% 12% NEW PLAN F 5 3 5 0 PD 5% 3% 5% 0 TOTAL F 7 9 10 12 PD 7% 9% 10% 12%


38-42 43-47 48-52 53-57 58 and above TOTAL

11 14 9 7 15 81

11% 14% 9% 7% 15% 81%

2 1 0 2 1 19

2% 1% 0 2% 1% 19%

13 15 9 9 16 100

13% 15% 9% 9% 16% 100%

Table 1 shows that there are 7 plan holder of respondents who belong to 18-22 age bracket, (2 in old plan and 5 in new plan) with the total percentage of 7%, 9 plan holders of respondents in the 23-27 age bracket (6 in old plan and 3 in new plan) and 48-52 age bracket (9 in old plan), with the percentage of 9% as well as the plan holders of 53-57 age bracket (7 in old plan and 2 in new plan), 10 for 28-32 age bracket (5 in old plan and 5 in new plan) with the total percentage of 10%, 12 for 33-37 age bracket only in old plan with the percentage of 12%, 13 plan holders of respondents in 38-42 age bracket (11 in old plan and 2 in new plan) with the percentage of 13% , 43-47 age bracket there are 15 plan holders (14 in old plan and 1 in new plan) with the total percentage of 15% and 16 for 58 and above (15 in old plan and 1 in new plan) with the total percentage of 16%.


Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Gender GENDER OLD PLAN F Male Female TOTAL 21 60 81 PD 21% 60% 81% NEW PLAN F 5 14 19 PD 5% 14% 19% TOTAL F 26 74 100 PD 26% 74% 100%

Table 2 shows that there are 74 female plan holders (60 in old plan and 14 in new plan) with the percentage of 74% and 26 male plan holders (21 in old plan and 5 in new plan) with the percentage of 24% and the total of 100% percent.

Table 3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Civil Status CIVIL STATUS Single Married Widow/ widower OLD PLAN F 9 60 11 PD 9% 60% 11% NEW PLAN F 3 5 4 PD 3% 5% 4% TOTAL F 17 65 15 PD 17% 65% 15%


Separated/ annulled Others TOTAL

1 0 81

1% 0% 81%

1 1 19

1% 1% 19%

2 1 100

2% 1% 100%

Table 3 shows the distribution of respondents according to civil status. Single has a frequency of 17 (9 in old plan and 8 in new plan) with percentage of 17%, married has a frequency of 65 (60 in old plan and 5 in new plan) 15 widow (11 in old plan and 4 in new plan) with percentage of 15%. 2 separated/ divorced, annulled (1 in old plan and 1 in new plan) with percentage of 2% and 1 for others only in new plan with percentage of 1%.

Table 4: Frequency and Percentage of Distribution of Respondents According to Social Status SOCIAL STATUS Student Unemployed Self-employed Employed OLD PLAN F 0 10 45 19 PD 0 10% 45% 19% NEW PLAN F 3 0 8 8 PD 3% 0 8% 8% TOTAL F 3 10 53 27 PD 3% 10% 53% 27%


Others TOTAL

7 81

7% 81%

0 19

0 19%

7 100

7% 100%

In this table the researchers analyzed about the distribution of social status. For the student there are 3 plan holders of respondents only in new plan with the total percentage of 3%, for unemployed we have 10 plan holders only in old plan. 53 in self employed (45 in old plan and 8 in new plan) with the percentage of 53%. For the employed plan holders there are 27 respondents (19 in old plan and 8 in new plan) with the total percentage of 27% and last are others with 7 respondents only in old plan with the percentage of 7%.

Table 5: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Average Monthly Income AVERAGE MONTHLY INCOME Below 5000 5000-9999 10000-14999 15000-19999 20000-24999 25 33 15 3 3 25% 33% 15% 3% 3% 6 5 2 3 1 6% 5% 2% 3% 1% 31 38 17 6 4 31% 38% 17% 6% 4%




25000-29999 30000 and above TOTAL

2 0 81

2% 0 61%

1 1 19

1% 1% 19%

3 1 100

3% 1% 100%

Table 5 shows the distribution of respondents according to average monthly income. There are 31 respondents with income of below 5000 (31%), for 5000-9999 have 38 respondents (38%), for 15000-19999 with the percentage of (41%) in 2500029999 there are 3 respondents with (3%) and 1 in 30000 and above had (1%) with the total of 100 respondents and also 100%.

Table 6: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Type of Plan TYPES OF PLAN St. Dorothy St. Christopher St. Andrew St. Hyacinth St. Francis St. Paul St. John TOTAL F 70 4 0 7 17 2 0 100 PD 70% 4% 0 7% 17% 2% 0 100%


In this table, the researchers analyzed what kind of plan has more respondents and the result is St. Dorothy with the total percentage of 70%. Table 7: Frequency and Percentage of Distribution of Respondents According to Mode of Payment MODE OF PAYMENT Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually annually Spot cash TOTAL OLD PLAN F 76 5 0 0 0 81 PD 76% 5% 0 0 0 81% NEW PLAN F 19 0 0 0 0 19 PD 19% 0 0 0 0 19% TOTAL F 95 5 0 0 0 100 PD 95% 5% 0 0 0 100%

Table 7 shows that the mode of payment is usually monthly with 95 respondents and the percentage of 95% (75 in old plan and 1 in new plan). 5 in quarterly which is 5% (only in old plan.)

Table 8: Frequency and Percentage of Distribution of Respondents to whether their Occupation can sustain the Payment of their Plans OPTIONS OLD PLAN F PD NEW PLAN F PD TOTAL F PD


yes no TOTAL

77 4 81

77% 4% 81%

16 3 19

16% 3% 19%

93 7 100

93% 7% 100%

This table shows the distribution of respondents to whether their occupation can sustain the payment of their plan. Many respondents answered yes with the percentage of 93% (77 in old plans and 16 in new plans) and for the no only 7% (4 in old plan and 3 in new plan).

Table 9: Frequency and Percentage of Distribution of Respondents to whether there are still Family Members who have in St. Peter Life Plan. OPTIONS OLD PLAN F PD 52 29 81 52% 29% 81% NEW PLAN F PD 11 8 19 11% 8% 19% TOTAL F PD 63 37 100 63% 37% 100%

yes no TOTAL

Table 9 shows that there are more still family members are under in St. Peter Life Plan with the percentage of 63% (52 in old plan and 11 in new plan) and for no is 37% (29 in old plans and 8 in new plans) with the total percentage of 100%.

Table 10: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to how many other Family Members are under St. Peter Life Plan NO. OF FAMILY MEMBERS OLD PLAN F PD NEW PLAN F PD TOTAL F PD


1 2 3 4 5 or more TOTAL

24 8 5 5 10 52

24% 8% 5% 5% 10% 52%

3 1 1 0 6 11

3% 1% 1% 0 6% 11%

27 9 6 5 16 63

27% 9% 6% 5% 16% 63%

In this table the researchers find out that the number of family members under in St. Peter Life Plan has the total percentage of 63% (52 in old plan and 11 in new plan).

Table 11: Respondents as to how Family Expenses are affected by Sustaining a St. Peter Life Plan FAMILY EXPENSES Food education Utilities Clothing 1 2 1 VMA 4 2 A 3 3 SA 2 5 3 5 4 NA 1 90 97 93 94 WM 1.17 1.03 1.09 1.09 RO 4 1 2.5 2.5 DI Not affected Not affected Not affected Not affected

The effect in family expenses is shown in this table. The food, education, utilities, and clothing are all not affected. Table 12: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents Common Problems Encountered in Patronizing St. Peter Life Plan


COMMON PROBLEMS Poor collection Non-remittance of payment by the collector Delayed payment due to lack of fund Poor service others TOTAL

OLD PLAN F PD 14 2 7 2 1 26 14% 2% 7% 2% 1% 26%

NEW PALN F PD 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1% 0 1% 2%

TOTAL F PD 14 2 8 2 2 28 14% 2% 8% 2% 2% 28%

Table 12 shows the distribution of respondents about the common problems encountered in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan, all in all there are 28% of respondents (26 in old plan and 2 in new plan) encountered these common problems.



SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Based on the following information gathered, analyzed, interpreted, and presented in the subsequent chapter the following findings are realized: Majority of the 100 respondents are holders of old plans and most plan holders are females. There are least respondents who encountered common problems in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan. Poor collections topped as the most common problem that a plan holder encountered. Following the list is delayed payment due to lack of fund, while the non-remittances of payment by collector, poor service and others are all the same. St. Dorothy ranked first as the most wanted plan for the old plan and St. Frances for new plan St. Hyacinth and St. Christopher ranked behind St. Dorothy and St. Francis. The list preferred plan is St. Paul while no one has preference for St. Andrew and St. John. All family expenses are not affected in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan. Most of the respondents can sustain the payment of their plans.

Most plan holders answered that there are still other family members under in St. Peter Life Plan.

CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings presented, the following conclusions are derived: The findings provide the fact that the majority of the plan holders are member of an old plan. Thos supported by the result of the computation using the frequency and percentage distribution with the total percentage of 81%. This indicates the fact that almost all of the plan holders are members of an old plan. There are only 28% of respondents who encountered problems in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan. The facts also provide that there is no such sales person or collector or even the service of the St. Peter that have perfect quality. As to the problem that a plan holders faces, poor collections had become the most common among the respondents, which is 14%. Next is delayed payment due to lack of fund which is 8%, and last are non-remittance of payment by collector. Poor service and others which all 2%. The plan holders have different ideal on what is the best plan, but some plan holders are choose plan for what they can. St. Dorothy ranked first as the most wanted plan which is 70%, following St. Francis which is 17%. This both plan are the cheaper plans. Family expense are not affected in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan most especially education. There are 93% of respondents who can sustain the payment of this plan. 63% of the plan holders answered that are still other family members who are plan holders of St. Peter Life Plan.


RECOMMENDATIONS In view of the findings and conclusion of the study the researchers would like to recommend that: 1. St. Peter should provide continuous development program in customer relations among its sales force to maintain and enhance further the ability to deal with the customers who would contribute to the creation of public relation image for the company. 2. The salesmen should practice greater patience, persistence and tact in handling customer complaints or objections. In order to accomplish this task, they should orient or provide personality development program. 3. For the plan holders if they havent taken the time yet to understand their insurance policy, they should do so as soon as possible. Life insurance is an asset if they know how to make the most of it.

Insurance is an integrated part of any personal financial plan the type of insurance and the amount of coverage they obtain all depends on their unique financial and family circumstances, and must be evaluated carefully. When considering purchasing coverage, they should review all the potential risks and the financial impact of these risks on their financial health. This will help them determine what options to take for and what questions to ask. What they need to keep in mind is that they do not want to be under in secured or over in secured.



PLANHOLDER INFORMATION DIRECTION: please put a check mark (/) on the box that best describe you.

1. Age: 18-22 23-27 28-32 2. Gender: Male Female 3. Civil status: Single Married Widow/ widower 4. Social status: Student Unemployed Employed Others. Please specify ____________

33-37 38-42 43-47

48-52 53-57 58 and above

Separated/ divorced/ annulled Others. Please specify ____________

5. Average monthly income Below 5000 5000-9999 10,000-14,999 15,000-19,000

20,000-24,999 25,000-29,999 30,000 and above

Old _ St. Dorothy _ St. Christopher _ St. Andrew New _ St. Francis _ St. Paul _ St. John


_ Quarterly _ Monthly _ Semi-annually _ Annually _ Spot cash _ Terms-year (s) Can your occupation sustain the payment of your plan? _ Yes _ No Are there still other family members under a St. Peter Life Plan? _ Yes _ No If yes, how many? _____________ How the following, family is expenses by sustaining a St. Peter Life Plan? (check the column) Family Very much affected Slightly Not affected expenses affected affected food education




utilities clothing What are the common problems encountered in patronizing St. Peter Life Plan? _ Poor collection _ Non- remittance of payment by collector _ Delayed payment due to lack of fund _ Poor service _ Other, please specify ___________

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Jenny Ann A. Escobido

Brgy. Burgos Lopez, Quezon [email protected]

PERSONAL DATA: Birthday Age Height Civil Status Languages Spoken : : : : : December 19, 1991 18yrs. old 54 Single Filipino and English

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: 2008-2012 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Lopez Campus-Lopez, Quezon LOPEZ NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL With honor Lopez, Quezon LOPEZ WEST CENTRAL School (EAST-SECTOR)



Lopez, Quezon

SEMINAR ATTENDED: December 15, 2009 December 14, 2009 Advantage URC: Building a cluster of Competitive Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Marketing Career: An Impetus for Competitive PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon December 9, 2009 December 10, 2008 November 27, 2008 September 29, 2009 Make Money: Practice Social Responsibility PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Success Beyond E-Marketing and Exporting PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon the Gold Behind Product Innovation PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon HRO the heart and soul of Management Pacific Mall Event Theater, Lucena City December 11, 2010 Marketing Professionals: Reinventing the future

And Image Management marketing yourself PUP Gymnasium Lopez, Quezon September 4, 2010 Real Estate Assessment PUP Conference Room Lopez, Quezon


Jessica Joy O. Villafane

Brgy. Danlagan Lopez, Quezon [email protected]

PERSONAL DATA: Birthday Age Height Civil Status Languages Spoken : : : : : March 25 1992 18yrs. old 52 Single Filipino and English

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: 2008-2012 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Lopez Campus-Lopez, Quezon LOPEZ NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL With honor Lopez, Quezon Don Emilio Salumbides Elementary Schools



Lopez, Quezon SEMINAR ATTENDED: December 15, 2009 URC: Building a cluster of Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Competitive

December 14, 2009

Marketing Career: An Impetus for Competitive Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Make Money: Practice Social Responsibility PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Success Beyond E-Marketing and Exporting PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon the Gold Behind Product Innovation PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon HRO the heart and soul of Management Pacific Mall Event Theater, Lucena City

December 9, 2009 December 10, 2008 November 27, 2008 September 29, 2009

December 11, 2010

Marketing Professionals: Reinventing the future

And Image Management marketing yourself PUP Gymnasium Lopez, Quezon September 4, 2010 Real Estate Assessment PUP Conference Room Lopez, Quezon


Arlyn C. Paloma
Brgy. Talolong Lopez, Quezon [email protected]

PERSONAL DATA: Birthday Age Height Civil Status Languages Spoken : : : : : April 7, 1992 18yrs. old 51 Single Filipino and English

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: 2008-2012 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Lopez Campus-Lopez, Quezon Eastern Tayabas College Lopez, Quezon LOPEZ WEST CENTRAL School (EAST-SECTOR) Lopez, Quezon

2004-2008 2000-2004

SEMINAR ATTENDED: December 15, 2009 URC: Building a cluster of Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Competitive

December 14, 2009

Marketing Career: An Impetus for Competitive Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Make Money: Practice Social Responsibility PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Success Beyond E-Marketing and Exporting PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon the Gold Behind Product Innovation PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon HRO the heart and soul of Management Pacific Mall Event Theater, Lucena City

December 9, 2009 December 10, 2008 November 27, 2008 September 29, 2009

December 11, 2010

Marketing Professionals: Reinventing the future

And Image Management marketing yourself PUP Gymnasium Lopez, Quezon September 4, 2010 Real Estate Assessment PUP Conference Room Lopez, Quezon


Ma. Ysabel D.Angeles

Brgy. Sta Maria Calauag, Quezon [email protected]

PERSONAL DATA: Birthday Age Height Civil Status Languages Spoken : : : : : July 19, 1987 22yrs. old 51 Single Filipino and English

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: 2008-2012 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Lopez Campus-Lopez, Quezon Calauag National High School


Lopez, Quezon 2000-2004 Calauag East Central School Calauag, Quezon

SEMINAR ATTENDED: December 15, 2009 URC: Building a cluster of Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Competitive

December 14, 2009

Marketing Career: An Impetus for Competitive Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Make Money: Practice Social Responsibility PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Success Beyond E-Marketing and Exporting PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon the Gold Behind Product Innovation PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon HRO the heart and soul of Management Pacific Mall Event Theater, Lucena City

December 9, 2009 December 10, 2008 November 27, 2008 September 29, 2009

December 11, 2010

Marketing Professionals: Reinventing the future And Image Management marketing yourself PUP Gymnasium Lopez, Quezon

September 4, 2010

Real Estate Assessment PUP Conference Room Lopez, Quezon


Heidy F. Dimarucot
Brgy. Aloneros Guinyangan, Quezon [email protected]

PERSONAL DATA: Birthday Age Height Civil Status Languages Spoken : : : : : July 20, 1991 18yrs. old 55 Single Filipino and English

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: 2008-2012 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Lopez Campus-Lopez, Quezon


Lamon Bay School of Fisheries Guinyangan, Quezon Aloneros Elementary Schools Guinyangan, Quezon


SEMINAR ATTENDED: December 15, 2009 URC: Building a cluster of Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Competitive

December 14, 2009

Marketing Career: An Impetus for Competitive Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Make Money: Practice Social Responsibility PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Success Beyond E-Marketing and Exporting PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon the Gold Behind Product Innovation PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon HRO the heart and soul of Management Pacific Mall Event Theater, Lucena City

December 9, 2009 December 10, 2008 November 27, 2008 September 29, 2009

December 11, 2010

Marketing Professionals: Reinventing the future And Image Management marketing yourself PUP Gymnasium Lopez, Quezon

September 4, 2010

Real Estate Assessment PUP Conference Room Lopez, Quezon


Dyesebel O. Nova
Brgy. Danlagan Lopez, Quezon [email protected]

PERSONAL DATA: Birthday Age Height Civil Status Languages Spoken : : : : : September 29, 1991 18yrs. old 53 Single Filipino and English

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: 2008-2012 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Lopez Campus-Lopez, Quezon LOPEZ NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL With honor


Lopez, Quezon 2000-2004 Don Emilio Salumbides Elementary Schools Lopez, Quezon

SEMINAR ATTENDED: December 15, 2009 URC: Building a cluster of Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Competitive

December 14, 2009

Marketing Career: An Impetus for Competitive Advantage PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Make Money: Practice Social Responsibility PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon Success Beyond E-Marketing and Exporting PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon the Gold Behind Product Innovation PUP Gymnasium- Lopez, Quezon HRO the heart and soul of Management Pacific Mall Event Theater, Lucena City

December 9, 2009 December 10, 2008 November 27, 2008 September 29, 2009

December 11, 2010

Marketing Professionals: Reinventing the future

And Image Management marketing yourself PUP Gymnasium Lopez, Quezon September 4, 2010 Real Estate Assessment PUP Conference Room Lopez, Quezon



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