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Time allowed – three hours
Answer any FIVE questions – all questions carry equal marks
Please read the questions carefully before answering

1. Answer BOTH parts of the question.

a) Define a General Average (GA) act and state the essential features which must exist
to constitute GA.

b) A marine hull policy provides that a risk of fire is an insured peril. A fire breaks out
on board a vessel, and after investigations the insurer comes to know that the
assured deliberately set the vessel on fire. Will the assured be successful in their
insurance claim for total loss?

2. Answer BOTH parts of the question.

a) What is the doctrine of ‘proximate cause,’? Discuss with suitable case law reference.
b) What is the ‘duty of fair presentation,’ and why was it introduced in 2015 under the
Insurance Act? Discuss with suitable case law reference.

3. Answer BOTH parts of the question.

Using suitable case law reference

a) What is insurable interest?
b) What is the doctrine of subrogation


4. A vessel is badly damaged by fire (an insured peril), and the assured, the shipowner,
estimates that the cost of repairs will exceed the value of the ship when the repairs have
been completed. Discuss, i) the options available to the shipowner, ii) the procedure to be
followed to claim under the policy, and iii) the position of the underwriters.

5. With suitable case laws, discuss the legal liabilities which may devolve upon a shipowner
where their ship is held entirely responsible for a collision with another ship, and explain to
what extent these liabilities are recoverable under a policy subject to Institute Time Clauses
– Hulls 1/11/95.

6. Under what circumstances may a ‘sue and labour’ expense be justified, and how is it
different from general averages and a salvage claim?

7. Answer BOTH parts of the question.

a) What is a floating Policy under S.29 of the Marine Insurance Act 1906?
b) What is an Open Cover under the Marine Insurance Act 1906?

8. Explain the purpose and function of a Shipowners’ Protection & Indemnity Club, and how it
benefits the shipowners.

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