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Concept of Entrepreneurship The word “entrepreneur” was derived from the French
verb enterprendre, which means “to undertake.” This is pinpointing to those who
“undertake” the risk of enterprise. The enterprise is created by an entrepreneur and the
process is called “Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurs are innovators. They are willing to take
the risks and generate unique ideas that can provide profitable solutions to the needs of the
market and the society.

Entrepreneurship is a science of converting ideas into business. It is a process of

actions of an entrepreneur who is always in search of something new to exploit new ideas into
gainful opportunities by accepting the risk and uncertainty of the enterprise. It is about execution
of ideas. It refers to the concept of developing and managing a business venture in order to gain
profit by taking several risks in the corporate world.

Entrepreneurial idea is a specific innovative way to satisfy want, overcome a problem,

or meet a challenge.

Entrepreneurial opportunity is defined as a want, problem, or challenge that can be

addressed, solved, and/or satisfied by an innovative initiative.

Entrepreneur derived from the French verb enterprendre which means “to undertake”.
They are innovators, willing to take risks and generate new ideas to create unique and
potentially profitable solutions to modern-day problems. They are those who “undertake” the risk
of new enterprise.

Enterprise is an organization that is engage in commercial activities – the trade of

goods or services, or both, with consumers. Its goal basically, is to earn profit. Profit is the return
or compensation to the entrepreneur for taking on the risk of developing an idea into an actual
business venture. It is created by an entrepreneur and the process of its creation is called

Types of Enterprises According to Concept:

1. An enterprise can involve a new concept. This usually means creating or stumbling on a
new idea or concept and creating or inventing something radically new. The inventor then
builds a new business around this product. An example of a keen innovator who had the
uncanny knack of creating new products that captured people’s imaginations and convinced
that they needed these products is the genius maverick Steve Jobs.

2. An enterprise can be built on an existing concept, but giving rise to a new business.
This usually means creating a new business based on the existing concept. An example of
this is Mang Inasal. It offers chicken in a new light: grilled chicken as fast food. With this new
concept, Mang Inasal, which started in the Visayas, took the country by storm because its
founder, Edgar “Injap” J. Sia, correctly perceived a need of people for affordable, quick-
serve inihaw or grilled chicken. Thus, this business was founded and flourished, to the
extent of offering very real competition to the Jollibee’s popular Chicken Joy.
3. An enterprise can involve an existing concept and an existing business. An
entrepreneur can have a laundry business. Dean of Clean, for example, had three
branches in Metro Manila, mostly in the center and south areas of the metropolis. The son of
the owner, while still in college, was permitted by his parents to set up a fourth branch in
Quezon City. Although the new store was built on an existing business – it is still a laundry
shop, it required the young entrepreneur to take some personal, family, and financial risks.
The setting up of branches or franchises can be considered an example of this type of

Thus, in summary, an entrepreneurial enterprise can involve:

a. New concepts and/or a new business

b. Existing concept and/or new business

c. Existing concept/existing business

The Traits/Qualities of an Entrepreneur:

a. Initiative does things before being asked

b. Proactive identifies and utilizes opportunities

c. Perseverance works against all odds to overcome obstacles and is never complacent
with success

d. Problem-solver introduces innovative solutions to any obstacles and problems in the


e. Persuasion convinces customers and financiers to patronize his business

f. Self-confidence makes decisions and sticks to his decisions

g. Self-critical learns from his mistakes and from experiences of others


h. A planner collects information, prepares a plan, and monitors performance

i. Risk-taker willing to take calculated risks

j. Creativity the ability to come up with clever, workable solutions

k. Business like Attitude possessing the knowledge of your chosen business and having
the savvy to conduct business.

l. Confidence having a firm belief in your own capabilities and your chances of success.

m. Relation Skills the ability to get along with others, to inspire cooperation, confidence and

n. Communication Skills the ability to express yourself and to understand others so that
ideas can be shared.

o. Ability to Make Decisions the talents to analyze complex situations and draw
conclusions that will make the business succeed.

Relevance of Entrepreneurship

a) Development of managerial capabilities

■ Entrepreneurship helps in identifying and developing managerial capabilities of


■ Studying a problem, identifying its alternatives, comparing alternative in terms of cost

and benefit implication, and choosing the best alternative help in sharpening the decision-
making skills of an entrepreneur.

■ Besides, these managerial capabilities are used by entrepreneurs in creating new

technologies and products in place of older technologies and products resulting in higher

b) Creation of organizations

■ Entrepreneurship results in the creation of organizations when entrepreneurs

assemble and coordinate physical, human, and financial resources and direct them towards
achievement of objectives through managerial skills.

c) Improving standard of living


■ Entrepreneurship helps in making a wide variety of goods abd services

available to the society which results into higher standard of living for the people.
Possessions of luxury cars, computers, mobile phones, rapid growth of shopping malls, etc.
Point tp the rising living standrd of people. All these are due to the efforts of entrepreneurs.

d) Means of economic development.

■ Entrepreneurship involves creation and use of innovative ideas, maximization of output

from given resources, and development of managerial skills. All these factors are essential
to the development of a country.

Entrepreneurship is a reality that has already become a buzzword in the lives of most
Filipinos. Entrepreneurs, who are the founders and builders of enterprises and businesses,
are often called the new heroes, who with their vision and hard work, and with their efforts to
provided jobs and opportunities to many people, hope to move the country towards
progress. Entrepreneurship has been hailed as one of the tools to fight poverty. The
entrepreneurial spirit has been called the flame or rive that inspires people to start new
endeavors and projects, to innovate, and to strive against obstacles in order to achieve

Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship

1. Economic and Dynamic Activity - Entrepreneurship is an economic activity because

it involves the creation and operation of an enterprise with a view to creating value or wealth
by ensuring optimum utilization of limited resources.

2. Innovative – The entrepreneur constantly looks for new ideas, thus he needs to be

3. Profit Potential - The entrepreneur can be compensated by his profit coming from the

4. Risk bearing – The entrepreneur needs to gamble but wise enough to offset

Types of Entrepreneurs

1. Innovative Entrepreneurs - They are those who always make new things by thinking
of new ideas. They have the ability to think newer, better and more economical ideas.

2. Imitating Entrepreneurs - They are those who do not create new things but only
follow the ideas of other entrepreneurs.

3. Fabian Entrepreneurs - They are skeptical about changes to be made in the

organization. They do not initiate but follow only after they are satisfied.

4. Drone Entrepreneurs - They are those who live on the labor of others. They are die-
hard conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of business.

5. Social Entrepreneurs - They are those who initiate changes and drive social
innovation and transformation in the various fields such as education, health, human rights,
environment, and enterprise development.

Career Opportunities of Entrepreneurship

1. Business Consultant - with the expertise of in the field of entrepreneurship, he can

be a very good source of advice to other entrepreneurs and would be businessmen.

2. Teacher - a graduate of an entrepreneurship can use his knowledge in teaching.

3. Researcher - the entrepreneur can be employed as a researcher by an enterprise.

4. Sales - the entrepreneurship graduate can apply as a salesman.

5. Business Reporter - the entrepreneur being expert in the field, can be employed as a
business reporter.

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