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Civilization Arts and Literature Architecture Agriculture Others

Mesopotamians The art of Mesopotamia Some of the most Due to seasonal The Sumers
includes everything from important cities in flooding it made the soil created the first
the earliest ceramics, Sumer were Uruk, fertile. To avoid the wheeled vehicles
which were decorated Eridu, Kish, Lagash, destruction of their and the first formal
with abstract patterns. Nippur and Ur. Ur. being crops during floods, school called
The Sumerians one of the oldest city- early settlers developed “edubba”. The
developed a system of stage. The Chaldeans a system of irrigation. Akkads used
writing called were responsible for cuneiform to write
"cuneiform". The making one of the 7 their own
Sumer's used clay Ancient Wonders of the languages by
tablets and a stylus in World, which is the 2500 BCE.
writing. Hanging gardens of

Indus Valley The Indus Script is the They had massive Agriculture was one of The invention of
writing system citadels that protected the reasons why the different modes of
developed by the Indus the early inhabitants Indus Valley survived transportation like
Valley Civilization and it from floods and long. The irrigation carts and boats
is the earliest form of attackers. They also system and water enabled the
writing known in the had cities similar to supply the people have people to trade
Indian subcontinent. Mohenjodaro, and is developed helped them within and outside
More than 400 Indus comparable to New in growing crops such of the Indus
symbols have been York City today. as wheat, barley, lentils Valley.
found on seals or and more.
ceramic pots and other

Chinese There are 2 important The Qin dynasty The Huang Ho and The Han dynasty
rivers in the Chinese constructed a defensive Yangtze rivers were invented paper,
civilization, the Huang wall that spanned to a their source in growing iron casting, crop
Ho river and Yangtze length of 5,000km, and fresh foods and water. rotation,
river. The rivers were is now known as the acupuncture,
subjects of poetry, art, Great Wall of China. steel, compass,
literature and folklore. The Han dynasty made and porcelain.
The Qin people were a trade route from China They also made
able to standardize to Europe, named the Confucianism
currency, size and wheel “Silk road”. which teaches
of axle, system of writing them to do good
and law. deeds.

Egyptian The Egyptians used To show the lasting The flooding in the nile The Egyptians
Hieroglyphics as writing. power of the Egyptian makes the soil rich and learned the
Hieroglyphics used kings, they built excellent for farming. bronchial tubes
symbols and pictures to pyramids as their Ancient Egyptians built ran under the
represent ideas, such as tombs, like the great reservoirs to store collarbones, from
a person or event. pyramids of Giza. These water and canals as a the throat to the
Egyptian art is known for monumental structures water passage into the lungs. They were
its distinctive figure were erected primarily fields. They also came also able to
convention used for the with the help of skilled up with methods in diagnose different
main figures in both Egyptian architects, tracking the time of the illnesses or
relief and painting. engineers, and flood occurrence. injuries and
thousands of laborers. provide their

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