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1. What is the value of current and total resistance if Vab = 40 V in the circuit of
Fig. 1?
A. 18 Ω, 0.53 A
B. 2 Ω, 0.83 A
C. 8 Ω, 0.83 A
D. 18 Ω, 0.83 A

Fig. 1

2. The parallel combination of a 470Ω resistor and a 680Ω resistor is in series

with the parallel combination of four 2kΩ resistors. The total resistance is
A. 1650Ω
B. 4.7kΩ
C. 2kΩ
D. 3.403Ω

3. Find the resistance and power as the circuit shown in Fig. 2?

A. 12Ω,48W
B. 48Ω,48W
C. 24Ω,40W
D. 12Ω,46W

Fig. 2

4. In a series circuit with unequal resistances

A. the highest resistance has the most of the current through it

B. the lowest resistance has the highest voltage drop
C. the lowest resistance has the highest current
D. the highest resistance has the highest voltage drop

5. Choose the incorrect statement.

A. A branch formed by the parallel connection of any resistor R and a short

circuit has the characteristic of a short circuit.
B. A branch formed by the series connection of any resistor R and an open
circuit has the characteristic of an open circuit.
C. A branch formed by the parallel connection of any resistor R and the
open circuit has the characteristic of an open circuit.
D. A branch formed by the series connection of any resistor R and a short
circuit has the characteristic of resistor R.

6. The circuit has resistors, capacitors and semiconductor diodes. The circuit will
be known as
A. non-linear circuit
B. linear circuit
C. bilateral circuit
D. none of the above

7. Calculate static resistance RD of a diode having ID = 30 mA and VD = 0.75 V

A. 25Ω
B. 40Ω
C. 0.04Ω
D. 0.025Ω

8. Each diode in a center-tapped full-wave rectifier is ……….. -biased and

conducts for ………. of the input cycle.

A. Forward, 90°
B. Reverse, 180°
C. Forward, 180°
D. Reverse, 90°

9. A device which used to couple the AC input from source to the rectifier is

A. Regulator
B. Modulator
C. Amplifier
D. Transformer

10. The circuit that converts AC voltage into DC voltage is called?

A. Rectifier
B. Modulator
C. Amplifier

D. Regulator
11. What best describes the circuit in Fig. 3?

A. Full wave rectifier

B. Half-wave rectifier
C. Clipper
D. Clamper
Fig. 3

12. The peak output voltage of half-wave rectifier is equal to?

A. Peak input voltage

B. Peak input voltage ˗1.4V
C. Peak input voltage ˗0.7V
D. Peak input voltage ˗0.2V

13. Two types of BJTs are NPN and?


14. Use the graph of collector characteristics in Fig. 4 to calculate ac at VCE =

15 V and IB = 30 µA?

Fig. 4
A. 100
B. 106
C. 50

D. 400
15. If the base current is 50 𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇 and collector current is 3.65 𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇 then emitter current
of BJT will be

A. 2.3 mA
B. 3.7 mA
C. 4.54 mA
D. 3.5 mA

16. If the internal emitter resistance of BJT is 20 Ω and the collector resistor of the
amplifier is 1200 Ω, then voltage gain will be?

A. 60
B. 1200
C. 12
D. 20

17. Based on the circuit in Fig. 5, calculate ICsat?

A. 35.29 mA
B. 5.45 mA
C. 1.86 mA
D. 4.72 mA

Fig. 5

18. If collector current is 64.5mA and base current is

430µA, then emitter current will be

A. 64.9 µA
B. 64.9 mA
C. 64.9 A
D. 649 A

19. Determine the values of VCB and IB for the circuit in Fig. 6.

A. 1.4V, 59.7 µA
B. −1.4V, 59.7 µA
C. −9.3V, 3.58 µA
D. 9.3V, 3.58 µA

Fig. 6

20. From Fig. 7, calculate ETh?

A. −12.12 V
B. 16.35 V
C. 4.23 V
D. 10 V Fig. 7

[CO1/PO1/C2] (10 marks)

(Each question – 0.5 mark)


(a) A schematic diagram of a series-parallel network circuit is shown in Fig. Q1(a). Given
that the resistance for 𝑅𝑅1 = 2Ω, 𝑅𝑅2 = 4Ω, 𝑅𝑅3 = 4Ω, 𝑅𝑅4 = 4Ω, 𝑅𝑅5 = 2Ω, and 𝑅𝑅6 = 8Ω
respectively. The supply voltage of the circuit is as follows, 𝑉𝑉1 = 20𝑉𝑉, 𝑉𝑉2 = 8𝑉𝑉 and 𝑉𝑉3 =
4𝑉𝑉. By using Thevenin’s theorem for the network between A and B, determine the

i) the equivalent voltage, 𝑉𝑉𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇

ii) the equivalent resistance, 𝑅𝑅𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇
iii) the current flow and voltage across 𝑅𝑅6 .
iv) the Thevenin equivalent circuit.

Fig. Q1(a)

CO2/PO2/C4] (10 marks)


(b) Fig. Q1(b) shows a load RL requires a voltage of 10 Volt. The load resistance can be
varied from 100 to 900 ohms. The available power supply fluctuates from 14 to
22 volts. It is found that the minimum Zener current, IZ is 5 mA.

(i) What is the required Zener voltage, VZ?

(ii) What is the required value of resistor Rs and its power?

(iii) Calculate the variation in the Zener current, IZ.

Fig. 1(b)

[CO2/PO2/C4] (10 marks)



(a) Fig. 2(a) shows the characteristics of a silicon BJT transistor. The figure defines a Q-
point at ICQ = 3 mA and VCEQ = 15 V as a point of operation. For an emitter-bias
configuration, if voltage supply, VCC = 26V and resistor of RE = 2.2K Ω. Determine

(i) The resistor of RC, β at the operating point and RB.

(ii) The power dissipated by the transistor.
(iii) The power dissipated by the resistor of RC.
(iv) Explain the emitter-bias configuration is more stable compared to fixed-bias

Fig. 2(a)

[CO2/PO2/C4] (10 marks)


(b) The Emitter-stabilized bias circuit of Fig. 2(b) is characterized as having a value of 37.4
µA for the base current, IB. Without the component of CE (unbypassed), perform the

(i) draw the AC equivalent circuit,

(ii) calculate the value of 𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑒 ,
(iii) determine the input and output impedances
(iv) compute the voltage gain, AV

Fig. 2(b)
[CO2/PO2/C4] (10 marks)

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