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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Accurate GST reporting starts with having good practices and internal processes.

The ASK GST Practices questionnaire ("Questionnaire") is designed to help you assess the adequacy of your business' internal GST processes.

The Questionnaire will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. It comprises of 4 modules – People, Record-Keeping, Internal Controls and Risk Management and Systems. Each
module consists of a set of Essential Requirements and Good Practices that IRAS recommends a GST-registered business to adopt.

This Questionnaire is to be used for one GST-registered business only. If you are performing the review for multiple businesses, please use a separate Questionnaire for
each business.

You do not need to submit the completed Questionnaire to IRAS but it must be made available to us upon request. You can retain a copy by printing or saving
this document once you have completed the Questionnaire.

At any point in time, you may save your work in your own drive and return to the same page to continue with the Questionnaire.


IRAS shall not be responsible or held accountable in any way for any damage, loss or expense whatsoever, arising directly or indirectly from the use (whether by you or any third party) of the ASK Section 1.

The ASK Section 1 is correct as at 11 Jun 2021. While every effort has been made to ensure that this information is consistent with existing law and practice, should there be any changes, IRAS reserves the right
to vary our position accordingly. Please check the IRAS website at for the latest version.

The ASK Section 1 provides only estimates based on the stated assumptions and your inputs. It may not provide for all possible scenarios.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

For each of the four modules below, you will be asked questions classified under two categories – (1) "Essential Requirements" and (2) "Good Practices".

Essential Requirements refer to the minimum requirements that a GST-registered business is expected to adopt while Good Practices refer to the additional practices that
businesses are strongly encouraged to put in place.

A GST-registered business is expected to adopt all (i.e. 100%) of the Essential Requirements. If your business is already achieving this, you can work towards putting in
place Good Practices that are currently not present.

Internal Controls and

People Record-Keeping Systems
Risk Management
• Training • Keep complete records and documents • Treatment of exceptional transactions • Accounting system
• Regular update of GST supporting GST declarations • Second level of review • Collate information for GST
• Maintain GST documents • Periodic review
knowledge • Record transactions timely • Integrate risk management of Missing reporting
• GST knowledge transfer • Keep GST worksheets Trader Fraud into governance framework • Inventory system

Please indicate þ against the essential requirements / good practices that your business adopts. If there is no requirement / practice adopted, you are still required to
indicate þ against "None of the Above" in order to proceed.

While you are completing the Qestionnaire, the areas for improvement will be highlighted in yellow for your ease of identifying the areas to work on.

Your Score depends on the number of þ you have accumulated.

Score Overall Grading

Less than 100% for Essential Requirements We strongly recommend that you adopt those essential requirements which are lacking. Following that, you may look into
implementing good practices to strengthen your GST compliance. Each step you take will help you to achieve more accurate GST

100% for Essential Requirements AND You are on the right track! We recommend that you look into adopting additional good practices to strengthen your GST
less than 100% for Good Practices compliance.

100% for Essential Requirements AND 100% Fantastic and keep up the good work! You have put in place essential processes and good practices that will help you achieve
for Good Practices accurate GST reporting and strong compliance.

To begin the review, please fill in the following boxes and click "Start".

Name of GST-registered Business *:

UEN / GST Reg Number *:

Period of review *:
(dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy)
Name of reviewer *:

Date of review *:
You will not be able to proceed until you have provided
* Denotes compulsory fields Start the required inputs on this page

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Please answer the following questions:

1 My business appoints a GST return preparer and a separate GST return approver to review the work done by the GST return preparer.
Yes No

2 My business imports goods with GST suspended / deferred, or imports on behalf of overseas principals.
Yes No

Select any of the following modules and click "Next":

Internal Controls and Risk Management
Systems You will not be able to proceed until you have provided
Next the required inputs on this page

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

People – GST Preparer

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
My GST preparer:
✘ 1 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in preparing GST returns.
2 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses – GST Course "Overview of GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA
Professional Examination's Taxation Module or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation.
3 Knows about GST returns filing (e.g. when to e-file, how to e-file, how to correct past errors).
4 Knows when to make payment to IRAS / receive refund from IRAS.
5 Has knowledge of GST treatment for common transactions (e.g. nature of supplies, when to account for GST on supplies made based on the time of supply rules, type
of services that can qualify for zero-rating, export documents required before business can zero-rate the supplies, conditions for claiming input tax, conditions for
claiming bad debt relief).
6 Is aware of the requirements of the GST schemes that my business is on (e.g. Major Exporter Scheme, Import GST Deferment Scheme, Cash Accounting Scheme,
Hand-carried Exports Scheme, Discounted Sale Price Scheme etc).
7 Is aware of the GST resources that are available (e.g. e-Tax Guides, Ask IRAS function at the website, email alerts, e-Learning course "Overview of GST", tax courses
"Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST)").
8 Is aware of where and how to obtain GST updates (e.g. subscribe to the free service IRAS eAlerts to receive the latest content and updates to e-Tax Guides, media
releases, public consultations and events/seminars via email).

Good Practices
My GST preparer:
1 Is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited (SCTP).
2 Has a good understanding of areas where GST application rule are less straightforward (e.g. difference between reimbursement and disbursement, hire-purchase
transactions, treatment of sale and redemption of vouchers, significance of partial exemption and input tax apportionment).
3 Is able to recognise potential GST issues and seek clarification from IRAS or external professionals when in doubt.

None of the Above

I do not fulfil any of the above requirements / practices.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

People – GST Approver

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
My GST approver:
✘ 1 Is in a position of authority (e.g. Accounts / Finance Manager or Chief Financial Officer) AND is appointed to be responsible for the accuracy of the business's GST
return declarations.
2 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in reviewing GST returns.
3 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses - GST Course "Overview of GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA
Professional Examination's Taxation Module or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation.

Good Practices
1 My GST approver is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited (SCTP).

None of the Above

I do not fulfil any of the above requirements / practices.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices


Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
✘ 1 All accounting records and documents are kept for a period of at least five years to support all my GST declarations.
2 The record keeping processes are well documented and can be handed over in the event of a change in personnel handling GST matters.
3 Copies of my communication with IRAS and external consultants on GST treatment and / or other matters relevant to the business are maintained (e.g. approval letter
from IRAS on GST scheme, clarifications sought on GST treatment).
4a My business issues tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name) and address;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than one type of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of services and the amount payable, excluding GST;
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable excluding GST, the rate of GST and the total GST chargeable shown as a separate amount;
(j) The total amount payable including the total GST chargeable; and
(k) The breakdown of GST-exempt, zero-rated or other supplies, stating separately the gross amount payable in respect of each, if applicable.

4b My business issues customer accounting tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name), address and GST registration number;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than one type of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of services and the amount payable, excluding GST;
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable, excluding GST; and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST due and to account for this tax to IRAS on my behalf.

5 My business keeps the original tax invoice which was cancelled.

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6 My business is aware that when issuing sales invoices for zero-rated supplies, the sales invoice should contain the following details:
(a) My name / Business name, address, telephone number and business registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number;
(d) My customer’s name and address;
(e) The description of goods or services, quantity and price;
(f) Any cash discount offered; and
(g) The total price.

7a My business is aware that when issuing an invoice in a foreign currency, the following items on the tax invoice will be converted into Singapore dollar at the selling rate
of exchange prevailing in Singapore at the time of supply:
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST);
(b) The total GST payable; and
(c) The total amount payable (including GST).

7b My business is aware that when issuing a customer accounting tax invoice in a foreign currency, the following items on the tax invoice are to be converted into
Singapore dollar at the selling rate of exchange prevailing in Singapore at the time of supply:
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST); and
(b) The GST amount my customer is required to account for on my behalf.

8 My business is aware that a simplified tax invoice containing the following details can be issued for standard-rated supplies amounting $1,000 (incl GST) or less:
(a) My name / Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number;
(d) The description of the goods or services supplied;
(e) The total amount payable including tax; and
(f) The words “Price Payable includes GST”.

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9a My business is aware that a credit note can be issued to correct a genuine mistake or to give a credit to its customer under the following situations:
- correction of a genuine mistake (e.g. goods invoiced as standard-rated which should have been exempt or zero-rated)
- supply did not take place
- charges are partly or fully waived before/after delivery of the goods
- goods or services are accepted, but terms of the contract are not fully met (e.g. sub standard goods are accepted by the customer at a reduced price)
- goods are returned or services are not accepted
- goods and services are supplied for an unconfirmed consideration

The credit note shows clearly:

(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number ;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue;
(d) My customer's name and address;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item;
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The rate and amount of tax credited;
(j) The total amount credited, including tax; and
(k) The number and date of the original tax invoice (for transactions which I am unable to do so, I am able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by other means that I have
accounted for GST on the original supply).

9b My business is aware that for customer accounting transactions where a credit note is issued to correct a genuine mistake or to give a credit to its customer, the credit
note is to show clearly:
(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue;
(d) My customer's name and address and GST registration number;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item;
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The number and date of the original customer accounting tax invoice (for transactions which I am unable to do so, I am able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by
other means that the supply was subject to customer accounting); and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST credit given and to adjust for this tax to IRAS on my behalf.

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10 My business is aware that for importation and exportation of goods, the following documents are to be maintained in accordance to the GST e-Tax Guides “A Guide on
Exports”, "GST: Guide on Hand-Carried Exports Scheme" and "GST: Guide on Imports":
- Import and export permits, bill of lading / air waybill / cargo manifest / mate’s receipt or subsidiary export certificate/note of shipment issued by freight forwarder /
handling agent;
- Invoice, purchase order, packing list / delivery note, insurance documents and evidence of payment.
- Any other documents specified by the Comptroller in the above GST e-Tax Guides.

11 My business files all source documents (e.g. receipts / invoices from my suppliers and carbon / duplicate copies of tax invoices / receipts issued to my customers) on a
timely basis.
12 My business maintains its sales and purchase listings in accordance with the following format prescribed by IRAS:
Sales listings
Invoice Date Invoice Name of Description of Invoice Amount GST ($) Destination of
Number Customer Sales (excluding GST) (if applicable) goods
($) (if applicable)

Purchase listings

Invoice Date Invoice Name of GST Description of Invoice Amount GST ($)
Number Supplier Registration Expenses (excluding GST)
Number of ($)

Good Practices
1 Electronic records (instead of hardcopies) are kept for easy storage and retrieval.

None of the Above

I do not fulfil any of the above requirements / practices.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Internal Control and Risk Management

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
1 My business has put in place additional steps to review exceptional transactions that are not part of my usual business activities (e.g. disposal of fixed assets, sale of
properties, transfer of business as a going concern, changes in business structures like mergers, joint ventures).
✘ 2 Handover procedures are in place to ensure that GST knowledge and control practices are retained in the business even when there is a change in the GST preparer
and/or GST approver.
3 My business has a process/risk owner who is accountable for Missing Trader Fraud ("MTF") risk management and ensures that the risks are mitigated by
implementing a process to identify, assess and understand MTF risks.
4 My business takes reasonable steps to identify any exposure to MTF risks and performs ongoing monitoring of counterparties and transactions to identify risks which
may emerge after the initial assessment.

Good Practices
1 A second level of review is done before the GST return is submitted.
2 Periodic reviews are done on a yearly basis to assess the correctness of my GST declarations.
3 To facilitate effective handover, a database or library storing documentation of all internal procedures involved in GST reporting (e.g. GST treatment on complex
transactions, new business models, routine transactions) is maintained.
4 All new staff or staff who are new to GST reporting are sent for formal GST training (i.e. IRAS' e-Learning course "Overview of GST", GST courses conducted by Tax
Academy of Singapore (TA) or Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)).
5 Staff across all levels and functions are trained to recognise MTF risk indicators and know who to contact to prevent/minimise the impact of MTF to my business.

None of the Above

I do not fulfil any of the above requirements / practices.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices


Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
✘ 1 My business uses an accounting system to consolidate all my sales and purchases.
2 My business is able to collate information easily from various sources to file my GST return (e.g. compile information from sales, purchases and financial records to
prepare my GST worksheets).
3 Separate inventory records are maintained for goods that belong to me and that which belong to others (e.g. goods belonging to overseas principals and goods under
4 The subsequent sale or movement of the imported goods delivered to local address or exported out of Singapore is tracked.
5 My business maintains documentation on the movement of goods:
Received by me: Goods received notes, acknowledged delivery orders, import permits, etc.
Delivered by me: Export documents, packing list, delivery orders, invoices, written instructions from overseas principals, etc.

Good Practices
1 My business uses a professional accounting system with coded table to classify sales and purchases transactions. The system also has in-built logic or auto checks
function to prevent duplicate entries, and is able to recognise discrepancies in GST rates and GST values keyed in, and unauthorised manual amendment to data.

2 My computerised accounting system is able to generate a softcopy GST report to be used for filing GST returns. This report is in accordance with the prescribed format
by IRAS and can be saved in Microsoft Excel format.
3 My accounting software supports filing of GST returns and/or listings directly to IRAS via Accounting Programming Interface ("API").

4 My business performs annual stock-take / inventory audit and reconcile results to inventory records and / or overseas principals' records. The results are verified by
auditors and discrepancies are investigated and follow-up actions taken.
5 My business uses an electronic inventory system and bar coding to track movement of goods within my premises, goods received from suppliers and goods delivered
to my customers.

None of the Above

I do not fulfil any of the above requirements / practices.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices


Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
✘ 1 My business uses an accounting system to consolidate all my sales and purchases.
2 My business is able to collate information easily from various sources to file my GST return (e.g. compile information from sales, purchases and financial records to
prepare my GST worksheets).

Good Practices
1 My business uses a professional accounting system with coded table to classify sales and purchases transactions. The system also has in-built logic or auto checks
function to prevent duplicate entries, and is able to recognise discrepancies in GST rates and GST values keyed in, and unauthorised manual amendment to data.

2 My computerised accounting system is able to generate a softcopy GST report to be used for filing GST returns. This report is in accordance with the prescribed format
by IRAS and can be saved in Microsoft Excel format.
3 My accounting software supports filing of GST returns and/or listings directly to IRAS via Accounting Programming Interface ("API").

None of the Above

I do not fulfil any of the above requirements / practices.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Name of GST-registered Business:

UEN / GST Reg Number:


Your Score: 0% 100%

Note: As a minimum requirement, your business
Essential Requirements 0% needs to achieve a Score of 100% for Essential
Requirements to be deemed to have put in place
adequate GST internal processes. It would be a
Good Practices 0% bonus if you have high scores on Good Practices.

Modules Essential Requirements Good Practices How Do You Fare

People 0/8 0% 0/3 0%
Record-Keeping 0 / 15 0% 0/1 0%
Internal Control and
0/4 0% 0/5 0%
Risk Management
Systems 0/2 0% 0/2 0%
Total 0 / 29 0% 0 / 11 0%



People – GST Preparer

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions Yes / No / NA Follow up Action
My GST preparer:
1 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in preparing GST returns. No
2 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses – GST Course "Overview of
GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA Professional Examination's Taxation Module No
or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation.
3 Knows about GST returns filing (e.g. when to e-file, how to e-file, how to correct past errors). No
4 Knows when to make payment to IRAS / receive refund from IRAS. No
5 Has knowledge of GST treatment for common transactions (e.g. nature of supplies, when to account
for GST on supplies made based on the time of supply rules, type of services that can qualify for zero-
rating, export documents required before business can zero-rate the supplies, conditions for claiming No
input tax, conditions for claiming bad debt relief).

6 Is aware of the requirements of the GST schemes that my business is on (e.g. Major Exporter Scheme,
Import GST Deferment Scheme, Cash Accounting Scheme, Hand-carried Exports Scheme, Discounted No
Sale Price Scheme etc).
7 Is aware of the GST resources that are available (e.g. e-Tax Guides, Ask IRAS function at the website,
email alerts, e-Learning course "Overview of GST", tax courses "Executive Tax Programme Level I / II No
8 Is aware of where and how to obtain GST updates (e.g. subscribe to the free service IRAS eAlerts to
receive the latest content and updates to e-Tax Guides, media releases, public consultations and No
events/seminars via email).

Good Practices
My GST preparer:
1 Is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore Chartered Tax
Professionals Limited (SCTP). No

2 Has a good understanding of areas where GST application rule are less straightforward (e.g. difference
between reimbursement and disbursement, hire-purchase transactions, treatment of sale and
redemption of vouchers, significance of partial exemption and input tax apportionment). No

3 Is able to recognise potential GST issues and seek clarification from IRAS or external professionals
when in doubt. No

People – GST Approver

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions Yes / No / NA Follow up Action
My GST approver:
1 Is in a position of authority (e.g. Accounts / Finance Manager or Chief Financial Officer) AND is
appointed to be responsible for the accuracy of the business's GST return declarations. No

2 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in reviewing GST returns. No
3 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses - GST Course "Overview of
GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA Professional Examination's Taxation Module No
or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation.

Good Practices
1 My GST approver is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore
Chartered Tax Professionals Limited (SCTP). No

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Name of GST-registered Business:

UEN / GST Reg Number:


Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions Yes / No / NA Follow up Action
1 All accounting records and documents are kept for a period of at least five years to support all my GST
declarations. No

2 The record keeping processes are well documented and can be handed over in the event of a change
in personnel handling GST matters. No

3 Copies of my communication with IRAS and external consultants on GST treatment and / or other
matters relevant to the business are maintained (e.g. approval letter from IRAS on GST scheme, No
clarifications sought on GST treatment).
4a My business issues tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name) and address;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than one type
of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of services
and the amount payable, excluding GST; No
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable excluding GST, the rate of GST and the total GST chargeable shown as a
separate amount;
(j) The total amount payable including the total GST chargeable; and
(k) The breakdown of GST-exempt, zero-rated or other supplies, stating separately the gross amount
payable in respect of each, if applicable.

4b My business issues customer accounting tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name), address and GST registration number;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than one type
of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of services
and the amount payable, excluding GST;
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable, excluding GST; and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST due and to account for this tax to IRAS on my

5 My business keeps the original tax invoice which was cancelled. No

6 My business is aware that when issuing sales invoices for zero-rated supplies, the sales invoice should
contain the following details:
(a) My name / Business name, address, telephone number and business registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number;
(d) My customer’s name and address; No
(e) The description of goods or services, quantity and price;
(f) Any cash discount offered; and
(g) The total price.

7a My business is aware that when issuing an invoice in a foreign currency, the following items on the tax
invoice will be converted into Singapore dollar at the selling rate of exchange prevailing in Singapore at
the time of supply:
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST); No
(b) The total GST payable; and
(c) The total amount payable (including GST).

7b My business is aware that when issuing a customer accounting tax invoice in a foreign currency, the
following items on the tax invoice are to be converted into Singapore dollar at the selling rate of
exchange prevailing in Singapore at the time of supply:
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST); and
(b) The GST amount my customer is required to account for on my behalf.

8 My business is aware that a simplified tax invoice containing the following details can be issued for
standard-rated supplies amounting $1,000 (incl GST) or less:
(a) My name / Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number; No
(d) The description of the goods or services supplied;
(e) The total amount payable including tax; and
(f) The words “Price Payable includes GST”.

9a My business is aware that a credit note can be issued to correct a genuine mistake or to give a credit
to its customer under the following situations:
- correction of a genuine mistake (e.g. goods invoiced as standard-rated which should have been
exempt or zero-rated)
- supply did not take place
- charges are partly or fully waived before/after delivery of the goods
- goods or services are accepted, but terms of the contract are not fully met (e.g. sub standard goods
are accepted by the customer at a reduced price)
- goods are returned or services are not accepted
- goods and services are supplied for an unconfirmed consideration

The credit note shows clearly:

(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number ;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue; No
(d) My customer's name and address;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item;
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The rate and amount of tax credited;
(j) The total amount credited, including tax; and
(k) The number and date of the original tax invoice (for transactions which I am unable to do so, I am
able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by other means that I have accounted for GST on the original

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Name of GST-registered Business:

UEN / GST Reg Number:

9b My business is aware that for customer accounting transactions where a credit note is issued to correct
a genuine mistake or to give a credit to its customer, the credit note is to show clearly:
(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue;
(d) My customer's name and address and GST registration number;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item; No
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The number and date of the original customer accounting tax invoice (for transactions which I am
unable to do so, I am able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by other means that the supply was
subject to customer accounting); and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST credit given and to adjust for this tax to IRAS on
my behalf.

10 My business is aware that for importation and exportation of goods, the following documents are to be
maintained in accordance to the GST e-Tax Guides “A Guide on Exports”, "GST: Guide on Hand-
Carried Exports Scheme" and "GST: Guide on Imports":
- Import and export permits, bill of lading / air waybill / cargo manifest / mate’s receipt or subsidiary
export certificate/note of shipment issued by freight forwarder / handling agent; No
- Invoice, purchase order, packing list / delivery note, insurance documents and evidence of payment.
- Any other documents specified by the Comptroller in the above GST e-Tax Guides.

11 My business files all source documents (e.g. receipts / invoices from my suppliers and carbon /
duplicate copies of tax invoices / receipts issued to my customers) on a timely basis. No

12 My business maintains its sales and purchase listings in accordance with the following format
prescribed by IRAS:
Sales listings
Invoice Date Invoice Name of Description of Invoice Amount GST ($) Destination of
Number Customer Sales (excluding GST) (if applicable) goods
($) (if applicable)

Purchase listings

Invoice Date Invoice Name of GST Description of Invoice Amount GST ($)
Number Supplier Registration Expenses (excluding GST)
Number of ($)

Good Practices
1 Electronic records (instead of hardcopies) are kept for easy storage and retrieval. No

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Name of GST-registered Business:

UEN / GST Reg Number:

Internal Control and Risk Management

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions Yes / No / NA Follow up Action
1 My business has put in place additional steps to review exceptional transactions that are not part of my
usual business activities (e.g. disposal of fixed assets, sale of properties, transfer of business as a No
going concern, changes in business structures like mergers, joint ventures).
2 Handover procedures are in place to ensure that GST knowledge and control practices are retained in
the business even when there is a change in the GST preparer and/or GST approver. No

3 My business has a process/risk owner who is accountable for Missing Trader Fraud ("MTF") risk
management and ensures that the risks are mitigated by implementing a process to identify, assess No
and understand MTF risks.
4 My business takes reasonable steps to identify any exposure to MTF risks and performs ongoing
monitoring of counterparties and transactions to identify risks which may emerge after the initial No

Good Practices
1 A second level of review is done before the GST return is submitted. No
2 Periodic reviews are done on a yearly basis to assess the correctness of my GST declarations.

3 To facilitate effective handover, a database or library storing documentation of all internal procedures
involved in GST reporting (e.g. GST treatment on complex transactions, new business models, routine No
transactions) is maintained.
4 All new staff or staff who are new to GST reporting are sent for formal GST training (i.e. IRAS' e-
Learning course "Overview of GST", GST courses conducted by Tax Academy of Singapore (TA) or No
Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)).
5 Staff across all levels and functions are trained to recognise MTF risk indicators and know who to
contact to prevent/minimise the impact of MTF to my business. No

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Name of GST-registered Business:

UEN / GST Reg Number:


Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions Yes / No / NA Follow up Action
1 My business uses an accounting system to consolidate all my sales and purchases. No
2 My business is able to collate information easily from various sources to file my GST return (e.g.
compile information from sales, purchases and financial records to prepare my GST worksheets). No

3 Separate inventory records are maintained for goods that belong to me and that which belong to others
(e.g. goods belonging to overseas principals and goods under consignment). No

4 The subsequent sale or movement of the imported goods delivered to local address or exported out of
Singapore is tracked. No

5 My business maintains documentation on the movement of goods:

Received by me: Goods received notes, acknowledged delivery orders, import permits, etc.
Delivered by me: Export documents, packing list, delivery orders, invoices, written instructions from No
overseas principals, etc.

Good Practices
1 My business uses a professional accounting system with coded table to classify sales and purchases
transactions. The system also has in-built logic or auto checks function to prevent duplicate entries,
and is able to recognise discrepancies in GST rates and GST values keyed in, and unauthorised No
manual amendment to data.

2 My computerised accounting system is able to generate a softcopy GST report to be used for filing
GST returns. This report is in accordance with the prescribed format by IRAS and can be saved in No
Microsoft Excel format.
3 My accounting software supports filing of GST returns and/or listings directly to IRAS via Accounting
Programming Interface ("API"). No

4 My business performs annual stock-take / inventory audit and reconcile results to inventory records
and / or overseas principals' records. The results are verified by auditors and discrepancies are No

5 investigated
My business and
usesfollow-up actions
an electronic taken. system and bar coding to track movement of goods within
inventory No
my premises, goods received from suppliers and goods delivered to my customers.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

CS View

People – GST Preparer

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
My GST preparer:
1 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in preparing GST returns.
2 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses – GST Course "Overview of GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA Professional
Examination's Taxation Module or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation.
3 Knows about GST returns filing (e.g. when to e-file, how to e-file, how to correct past errors).
4 Knows when to make payment to IRAS / receive refund from IRAS.
5 Has knowledge of GST treatment for common transactions (e.g. nature of supplies, when to account for GST on supplies made based on the time of supply rules, type of
services that can qualify for zero-rating, export documents required before business can zero-rate the supplies, conditions for claiming input tax, conditions for claiming bad
debt relief).
6 Is aware of the requirements of the GST schemes that my business is on (e.g. Major Exporter Scheme, Import GST Deferment Scheme, Cash Accounting Scheme, Hand-
carried Exports Scheme, Discounted Sale Price Scheme etc).
7 Is aware of the GST resources that are available (e.g. e-Tax Guides, Ask IRAS function at the website, email alerts, e-Learning course "Overview of GST", tax courses
"Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST)").
8 Is aware of where and how to obtain GST updates (e.g. subscribe to the free service IRAS eAlerts to receive the latest content and updates to e-Tax Guides, media releases,
public consultations and events/seminars via email).

Good Practices
My GST preparer:
1 Is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited (SCTP).
2 Has a good understanding of areas where GST application rule are less straightforward (e.g. difference between reimbursement and disbursement, hire-purchase
transactions, treatment of sale and redemption of vouchers, significance of partial exemption and input tax apportionment).
3 Is able to recognise potential GST issues and seek clarification from IRAS or external professionals when in doubt.

People – GST Approver

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
My GST approver:
1 Is in a position of authority (e.g. Accounts / Finance Manager or Chief Financial Officer) AND is appointed to be responsible for the accuracy of the business's GST return
2 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in reviewing GST returns.
3 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses - GST Course "Overview of GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA Professional
Examination's Taxation Module or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation.

Good Practices
1 My GST approver is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited (SCTP).

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices


Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
1 All accounting records and documents are kept for a period of at least five years to support all my GST declarations.
2 The record keeping processes are well documented and can be handed over in the event of a change in personnel handling GST matters.
3 Copies of my communication with IRAS and external consultants on GST treatment and / or other matters relevant to the business are maintained (e.g. approval letter from
IRAS on GST scheme, clarifications sought on GST treatment).
4a My business issues tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name) and address;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than one type of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of services and the amount payable, excluding GST;
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable excluding GST, the rate of GST and the total GST chargeable shown as a separate amount;
(j) The total amount payable including the total GST chargeable; and
(k) The breakdown of GST-exempt, zero-rated or other supplies, stating separately the gross amount payable in respect of each, if applicable.

4b My business issues customer accounting tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name), address and GST registration number;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than one type of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of services and the amount payable, excluding GST;
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable, excluding GST; and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST due and to account for this tax to IRAS on my behalf.

5 My business keeps the original tax invoice which was cancelled.

6 My business is aware that when issuing sales invoices for zero-rated supplies, the sales invoice should contain the following details:
(a) My name / Business name, address, telephone number and business registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number;
(d) My customer’s name and address;
(e) The description of goods or services, quantity and price;
(f) Any cash discount offered; and
(g) The total price.

7a My business is aware that when issuing an invoice in a foreign currency, the following items on the tax invoice will be converted into Singapore dollar at the selling rate of
exchange prevailing in Singapore at the time of supply:
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST);
(b) The total GST payable; and
(c) The total amount payable (including GST).

7b My business is aware that when issuing a customer accounting tax invoice in a foreign currency, the following items on the tax invoice are to be converted into Singapore
dollar at the selling rate of exchange prevailing in Singapore at the time of supply:
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST); and
(b) The GST amount my customer is required to account for on my behalf.

8 My business is aware that a simplified tax invoice containing the following details can be issued for standard-rated supplies amounting $1,000 (incl GST) or less:
(a) My name / Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number;
(d) The description of the goods or services supplied;
(e) The total amount payable including tax; and
(f) The words “Price Payable includes GST”.

9a My business is aware that a credit note can be issued to correct a genuine mistake or to give a credit to its customer under the following situations:
- correction of a genuine mistake (e.g. goods invoiced as standard-rated which should have been exempt or zero-rated)
- supply did not take place
- charges are partly or fully waived before/after delivery of the goods
- goods or services are accepted, but terms of the contract are not fully met (e.g. sub standard goods are accepted by the customer at a reduced price)
- goods are returned or services are not accepted
- goods and services are supplied for an unconfirmed consideration

The credit note shows clearly:

(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number ;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue;
(d) My customer's name and address;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item;
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The rate and amount of tax credited;
(j) The total amount credited, including tax; and
(k) The number and date of the original tax invoice (for transactions which I am unable to do so, I am able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by other means that I have
accounted for GST on the original supply).

9b My business is aware that for customer accounting transactions where a credit note is issued to correct a genuine mistake or to give a credit to its customer, the credit note is
to show clearly:
(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue;
(d) My customer's name and address and GST registration number;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item;
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The number and date of the original customer accounting tax invoice (for transactions which I am unable to do so, I am able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by other
means that the supply was subject to customer accounting); and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST credit given and to adjust for this tax to IRAS on my behalf.

10 My business is aware that for importation and exportation of goods, the following documents are to be maintained in accordance to the GST e-Tax Guides “A Guide on
Exports”, "GST: Guide on Hand-Carried Exports Scheme" and "GST: Guide on Imports":
- Import and export permits, bill of lading / air waybill / cargo manifest / mate’s receipt or subsidiary export certificate/note of shipment issued by freight forwarder / handling
- Invoice, purchase order, packing list / delivery note, insurance documents and evidence of payment.
- Any other documents specified by the Comptroller in the above GST e-Tax Guides.

11 My business files all source documents (e.g. receipts / invoices from my suppliers and carbon / duplicate copies of tax invoices / receipts issued to my customers) on a timely

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

12 My business maintains its sales and purchase listings in accordance with the following format prescribed by IRAS:
Sales listings
Invoice Date Invoice Name of Description of Invoice Amount GST ($) Destination of
Number Customer Sales (excluding GST) (if applicable) goods
($) (if applicable)

Purchase listings

Invoice Date Invoice Name of GST Description of Invoice Amount GST ($)
Number Supplier Registration Expenses (excluding GST)
Number of ($)

Good Practices
1 Electronic records (instead of hardcopies) are kept for easy storage and retrieval.

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Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK): Section 1 - GST Practices

Internal Control

Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
1 My business has put in place additional steps to review exceptional transactions that are not part of my usual business activities (e.g. disposal of fixed assets, sale of
properties, transfer of business as a going concern, changes in business structures like mergers, joint ventures).
2 Handover procedures are in place to ensure that GST knowledge and control practices are retained in the business even when there is a change in the GST preparer and/or
GST approver.

Good Practices
1 A second level of review is done before the GST return is submitted.
2 Periodic reviews are done on a yearly basis to assess the correctness of my GST declarations.
3 To facilitate effective handover, a database or library storing documentation of all internal procedures involved in GST reporting (e.g. GST treatment on complex transactions,
new business models, routine transactions) is maintained.
4 All new staff or staff who are new to GST reporting are sent for formal GST training (i.e. IRAS' e-Learning course "Overview of GST", GST courses conducted by Tax
Academy of Singapore (TA) or Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)).


Essential Requirements
S/No. Questions
1 My business uses an accounting system to consolidate all my sales and purchases.
2 My business is able to collate information easily from various sources to file my GST return (e.g. compile information from sales, purchases and financial records to prepare
my GST worksheets).
3 Separate inventory records are maintained for goods that belong to me and that which belong to others (e.g. goods belonging to overseas principals and goods under
4 The subsequent sale or movement of the imported goods delivered to local address or exported out of Singapore is tracked.
5 My business maintains documentation on the movement of goods:
Received by me: Goods received notes, acknowledged delivery orders, import permits, etc.
Delivered by me: Export documents, packing list, delivery orders, invoices, written instructions from overseas principals, etc.

Good Practices
1 My business uses a professional accounting system with coded table to classify sales and purchases transactions. The system also has in-built logic or auto checks function to
prevent duplicate entries, and is able to recognise discrepancies in GST rates and GST values keyed in, and unauthorised manual amendment to data.
2 My computerised accounting system is able to generate a softcopy GST report to be used for filing GST returns. This report is in accordance with the prescribed format by
IRAS and can be saved in Microsoft Excel format.
3 My accounting software supports filing of GST returns and/or listings directly to IRAS via Accounting Programming Interface ("API").

4 My business performs annual stock-take / inventory audit and reconcile results to inventory records and / or overseas principals' records. The results are verified by auditors
and discrepancies are investigated and follow-up actions taken.

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Essential=E / Good
S/No. Question Response Question Count Score

General Modules Essential Requirements Good Practices Essential Requirements Good Practices
1 My business appoints a GST return preparer and a separate GST return approver to review the
work done by the GST return preparer. - People 8 3 0 0
2 My business imports goods with GST suspended / deferred, or imports on behalf of overseas
principals. - Record-Keeping 15 1 0 0

People – GST Preparer Internal Control and Risk Management 4 5 0 0

Essential Requirements Systems 2 2 0 0
My GST preparer: Total 29 11 0 0
1 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in preparing GST returns.
E Assessment Chart Rating
2 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses – GST Course We strongly recommend that you adopt those essential requirements which are lacking. Less than 100% for
"Overview of GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA Professional E 0% Following that, you may look into implementing good practices to strengthen your GST Essential Requirements
Examination's Taxation Module or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation. compliance. Each step you take will help you to achieve more accurate GST reporting.
3 Knows about GST returns filing (e.g. when to e-file, how to e-file, how to correct past errors). You are on the right track! We recommend that you look into adopting additional good 100% for Essential
practices to strengthen your GST compliance. Requirements AND
E 100% less than 100% for Good
4 Knows when to make payment to IRAS / receive refund from IRAS. Fantastic and keep up the good work! You have put in place essential processes and 100% for Essential
E Both E and G 100% good practices that will help you achieve accurate GST reporting and strong compliance. Requirements AND 100% for
Good Practices

5 Has knowledge of GST treatment for common transactions (e.g. nature of supplies, when to
account for GST on supplies made based on the time of supply rules, type of services that can
qualify for zero-rating, export documents required before business can zero-rate the supplies, E
conditions for claiming input tax, conditions for claiming bad debt relief).

6 Is aware of the requirements of the GST schemes that my business is on (e.g. Major Exporter
Scheme, Import GST Deferment Scheme, Cash Accounting Scheme, Hand-carried Exports
Scheme, Discounted Sale Price Scheme etc). E

7 Is aware of the GST resources that are available (e.g. e-Tax Guides, Ask IRAS function at the
website, email alerts, e-Learning course "Overview of GST", tax courses "Executive Tax E
Programme Level I / II (GST)").
8 Is aware of where and how to obtain GST updates (e.g. subscribe to the free service IRAS
eAlerts to receive the latest content and updates to e-Tax Guides, media releases, public E
consultations and events/seminars via email).
Good Practices
My GST preparer:
1 Is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore Chartered Tax
Professionals Limited (SCTP). G
2 Has a good understanding of areas where GST application rule are less straightforward (e.g.
difference between reimbursement and disbursement, hire-purchase transactions, treatment of
sale and redemption of vouchers, significance of partial exemption and input tax apportionment). G

3 Is able to recognise potential GST issues and seek clarification from IRAS or external
professionals when in doubt. G

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Section 1 - GST Practices
People – GST Approver
Essential Requirements
My GST approver:
1 Is in a position of authority (e.g. Accounts / Finance Manager or Chief Financial Officer) AND is
appointed to be responsible for the accuracy of the business's GST return declarations. E

2 Has accounting qualification with at least one year of experience in reviewing GST returns.
3 Has attended and attained at least a pass in one of the following courses - GST Course
"Overview of GST", Executive Tax Programme Level I / II (GST), ISCA Professional E
Examination's Taxation Module or ISCA ATTS Specialist Certificate in Taxation.
Good Practices
1 My GST approver is an Accredited Tax Practitioner or Accredited Tax Advisor with Singapore
Chartered Tax Professionals Limited (SCTP). G

Essential Requirements
1 All accounting records and documents are kept for a period of at least five years to support all
my GST declarations. E
2 The record keeping processes are well documented and can be handed over in the event of a
change in personnel handling GST matters. E
3 Copies of my communication with IRAS and external consultants on GST treatment and / or
other matters relevant to the business are maintained (e.g. approval letter from IRAS on GST E
scheme, clarifications sought on GST treatment).
4a My business issues tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name) and address;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than
one type of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of
services and the amount payable, excluding GST; E
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable excluding GST, the rate of GST and the total GST chargeable
shown as a separate amount;
(j) The total amount payable including the total GST chargeable; and
(k) The breakdown of GST-exempt, zero-rated or other supplies, stating separately the gross
amount payable in respect of each, if applicable.

4b My business issues customer accounting tax invoices with the following details:
(a) The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
(b) An identification number;
(c) The date of issue of the invoice;
(d) My name/business name, address and GST registration number;
(e) My customer’s name (or trading name), address and GST registration number;
(f) A description of the goods or services supplied and the type of supply, if there is more than
one type of supply to the same customer;
(g) For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods or the extent of
services and the amount payable, excluding GST;
(h) Any cash discount offered;
(i) The total amount payable, excluding GST; and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST due and to account for this tax to IRAS
on my behalf.

5 My business keeps the original tax invoice which was cancelled. E

6 My business is aware that when issuing sales invoices for zero-rated supplies, the sales invoice
should contain the following details:
(a) My name / Business name, address, telephone number and business registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number;
(d) My customer’s name and address; E
(e) The description of goods or services, quantity and price;
(f) Any cash discount offered; and
(g) The total price.

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Section 1 - GST Practices
7a My business is aware that when issuing an invoice in a foreign currency, the following items on
the tax invoice will be converted into Singapore dollar at the selling rate of exchange prevailing
in Singapore at the time of supply:
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST); E
(b) The total GST payable; and
(c) The total amount payable (including GST).

7b My business is aware that when issuing a customer accounting tax invoice in a foreign currency,
the following items on the tax invoice are to be converted into Singapore dollar at the selling rate
of exchange prevailing in Singapore at the time of supply: E
(a) The total amount payable (excluding GST); and
(b) The GST amount my customer is required to account for on my behalf.
8 My business is aware that a simplified tax invoice containing the following details can be issued
for standard-rated supplies amounting $1,000 (incl GST) or less:
(a) My name / Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) The date of issue of the invoice;
(c) An identification number, e.g. invoice number; E
(d) The description of the goods or services supplied;
(e) The total amount payable including tax; and
(f) The words “Price Payable includes GST”.

9a My business is aware that a credit note can be issued to correct a genuine mistake or to give a
credit to its customer under the following situations:
- correction of a genuine mistake (e.g. goods invoiced as standard-rated which should have
been exempt or zero-rated)
- supply did not take place
- charges are partly or fully waived before/after delivery of the goods
- goods or services are accepted, but terms of the contract are not fully met (e.g. sub standard
goods are accepted by the customer at a reduced price)
- goods are returned or services are not accepted
- goods and services are supplied for an unconfirmed consideration

The credit note shows clearly:

(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number ;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue;
(d) My customer's name and address;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item;
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The rate and amount of tax credited;
(j) The total amount credited, including tax; and
(k) The number and date of the original tax invoice (for transactions which I am unable to do so,
I am able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by other means that I have accounted for GST on
the original supply).

9b My business is aware that for customer accounting transactions where a credit note is issued to
correct a genuine mistake or to give a credit to its customer, the credit note is to show clearly:
(a) My name/Business name, address and GST registration number;
(b) An identification number (e.g. a serial number);
(c) The date of issue;
(d) My customer's name and address and GST registration number;
(e) The reason for the credit given - for example, "returned goods";
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods and services for which credit is being allowed;
(g) The quantity and amount credited for each item; E
(h) The total amount credited, excluding tax;
(i) The number and date of the original customer accounting tax invoice (for transactions which I
am unable to do so, I am able to satisfy the Comptroller of GST by other means that the supply
was subject to customer accounting); and
(j) A statement to inform my customer of the total GST credit given and to adjust for this tax to
IRAS on my behalf.

10 My business is aware that for importation and exportation of goods, the following documents are
to be maintained in accordance to the GST e-Tax Guides “A Guide on Exports”, "GST: Guide on
Hand-Carried Exports Scheme" and "GST: Guide on Imports":
- Import and export permits, bill of lading / air waybill / cargo manifest / mate’s receipt or
subsidiary export certificate/note of shipment issued by freight forwarder / handling agent; E
- Invoice, purchase order, packing list / delivery note, insurance documents and evidence of
- Any other documents specified by the Comptroller in the above GST e-Tax Guides.

11 My business files all source documents (e.g. receipts / invoices from my suppliers and carbon /
duplicate copies of tax invoices / receipts issued to my customers) on a timely basis. E

12 My business maintains its sales and purchase listings in accordance with the following format
prescribed by IRAS:
Sales listings

Invoice Date Invoice Name of Description of Invoice Amount GST ($) Destination of
Number Customer Sales (excluding GST) (if applicable) goods
($) (if applicable)

Purchase listings

Invoice Date Invoice Name of GST Description of Invoice Amount GST ($)
Number Supplier Registration Expenses (excluding GST)
Number of ($)

Good Practices
1 Electronic records (instead of hardcopies) are kept for easy storage and retrieval. G

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Section 1 - GST Practices
Internal Control and Risk Management
Essential Requirements
1 My business has put in place additional steps to review exceptional transactions that are not part
of my usual business activities (e.g. disposal of fixed assets, sale of properties, transfer of
business as a going concern, changes in business structures like mergers, joint ventures). E

2 Handover procedures are in place to ensure that GST knowledge and control practices are
retained in the business even when there is a change in the GST preparer and/or GST E
3 My business has a process/risk owner who is accountable for Missing Trader Fraud ("MTF") risk
management and ensures that the risks are mitigated by implementing a process to identify, E
assess and understand MTF risks.
4 My business takes reasonable steps to identify any exposure to MTF risks and performs
ongoing monitoring of counterparties and transactions to identify risks which may emerge after E
the initial assessment.

Good Practices
1 A second level of review is done before the GST return is submitted. G
2 Periodic reviews are done on a yearly basis to assess the correctness of my GST declarations.
3 To facilitate effective handover, a database or library storing documentation of all internal
procedures involved in GST reporting (e.g. GST treatment on complex transactions, new G
business models, routine transactions) is maintained.
4 All new staff or staff who are new to GST reporting are sent for formal GST training (i.e. IRAS' e-
Learning course "Overview of GST", GST courses conducted by Tax Academy of Singapore G
(TA) or Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)).
5 Staff across all levels and functions are trained to recognise MTF risk indicators and know who
to contact to prevent/minimise the impact of MTF to my business. G

Essential Requirements
1 My business uses an accounting system to consolidate all my sales and purchases. E
2 My business is able to collate information easily from various sources to file my GST return (e.g.
compile information from sales, purchases and financial records to prepare my GST E
List Q3 - 5 if answer Yes to Qn “My business imports goods with GST suspended / deferred, or
imports on behalf of overseas principals.”
3 Separate inventory records are maintained for goods that belong to me and that which belong to
others (e.g. goods belonging to overseas principals and goods under consignment). E

4 The subsequent sale or movement of the imported goods delivered to local address or exported
out of Singapore is tracked. E
5 My business maintains documentation on the movement of goods:
Received by me: Goods received notes, acknowledged delivery orders, import permits, etc.
Delivered by me: Export documents, packing list, delivery orders, invoices, written instructions E
from overseas principals, etc.

Good Practices
1 My business uses a professional accounting system with coded table to classify sales and
purchases transactions. The system also has in-built logic or auto checks function to prevent
duplicate entries, and is able to recognise discrepancies in GST rates and GST values keyed in, G
and unauthorised manual amendment to data.
2 My computerised accounting system is able to generate a softcopy GST report to be used for
filing GST returns. This report is in accordance with the prescribed format by IRAS and can be G
saved in Microsoft Excel format.
3 My accounting software supports filing of GST returns and/or listings directly to IRAS via
Accounting Programming Interface ("API"). G

List Q4 & 5 if answer Yes to Qn “My business imports goods with GST suspended / deferred, or
imports on behalf of overseas principals.”
4 My business performs annual stock-take / inventory audit and reconcile results to inventory
records and / or overseas principals' records. The results are verified by auditors and G
discrepancies are investigated and follow-up actions taken.
5 My business uses an electronic inventory system and bar coding to track movement of goods
within my premises, goods received from suppliers and goods delivered to my customers. G

None of the Above

I do not fulfil any of the above requirements / practices.

Assisted Self Help Kit (ASK):

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Section 1 - GST Practices

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