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BMS for Project Team Members

Version 1.34 – 13/01/22
— Welcome

— Please check that your full name and e-mail address is recorded
correctly in GoToMeeting

— Asking questions

— Copies of the slides

— Work Order for this session is:

99900011-001 Training Received: Other
Induction Programme

IND3 BMS For Project Team Members (overview of BMS)

60 min webinar
Prerequisite for IND04

IND04 Introduction to Project Leadership at WSP

3 hrs virtual training
Project Directors
Project Managers
Work Order Managers
Strengthening Certain supporting roles
Purpose of Today’s Session

— For new employees who are / will be involved in delivering projects

— To provide an overview of the UK Business Management System
— To provide an introduction of WSP’s approach to work winning and
project delivery

At the end of this webinar, you should…..

— Understand the principles and requirements of the BMS
— Be aware of the requirements of the Project Life Cycle (PLC)
— Know where to go to get any additional support that you need
— Know how to contribute to project success!

1. Business Management System (BMS)

2. Document Management

3. Project Life Cycle (PLC)

4. Summary & Close

Business Management System

— WSP is one of the world's leading engineering professional

services consultancies
— In the UK, at any one time:
— around 14,000 live projects
— led by a community of approx. 3500 Project Leaders

— All UK prospects and projects are governed by the Business

Management System (BMS)
What is the BMS?

— Set of policies, procedures, tools and guidance that underpin

how we operate as a business
— Covers both the ‘Project Life Cycle’ and a number of
indirect/supporting activities
— Provides the framework for our integrated Quality,
Environmental, Health & Safety and Collaborative Business
Relationships system
— Hosted electronically on SharePoint, accessed via our intranet
— Applies to all projects, regardless of size or complexity
Why do we need a BMS?
— Enables us to manage our business risks, more specifically to:
— protect our staff and other stakeholders
— get our deliverables “right first time”
— delight our clients
— exceed our financial targets
— limit our environmental impacts

— Supports our certification to:

— ISO 9001 (Quality)
— ISO 14001 (Environmental)
— ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety)
— ISO 44001 (Collaborative Business Relationships)
Where To Go For Support
— Make use of User Guides
— BMS related news items on
the intranet
— BMS Bulletins issued six
— SPL intranet pages
— Ask for help:
— Business Excellence Team
— Finance Business Partners
— Billing Support
BMS Document Types
Mandatory Controls (MC)
— the ‘must do’ requirements for a given activity or
topic, outlining key policies and/or steps to be
taken. Can be combined with GNs.
Guidance Notes (GN)
— more detailed guidance on how mandatory
activities are carried out
Tools (T)
— the forms, registers, checklists etc… that allow
us to efficiently and effectively undertake
required activities
— predominantly MS Excel or MS Word; AutoPLC
for certain key tools
— toolkits (TK) which group together relevant tools
associated with a particular activity
User Guides (UG)
— short, visual guides on how to perform certain
key activities in our tools and systems
Accessing the BMS
Navigating the BMS Using the Search facility
Via the graphics (or “tiles”) on the
Via the menu structure main page
BMS Structure

Move through the Click on tile to reveal

PLC stages responsibility, evidence and
activity details

Hyperlinks to
relevant documents
at foot of page
Knowledge check activity 1

Open the BMS and go to Stage 3 of the Project Lifecycle.

— Who is responsible for the ‘Obtain Client Feedback’ activity?
BMS Structure
Safety, Health and Wellbeing (SMS) Portal

— People
Click tiles for all process and
— Projects documents
— Premises Mouse-over menus
BMS Structure
Environmental Management Portal
BMS Structure
Collaborative Business Relationship Management
Document Management
Document Management Fundamentals

— A dedicated project folder must be established when a prospect

/ project is registered in Business World

— The folder can either be created on:

— Central Data Projects Share
(either by using the Prospect Set Up form or the FSC)

— Teams / SharePoint (using the Project Workspace Automator (PWA)

— Standard folder structure should be used (GN691-01)

— It is of critical importance that project related emails are saved
to the relevant project folder
'Central Data Projects Share'
Preferred Data Storage Options
— Compass > Good Habits > Guidelines > UK
— All UK & iCRC employees have access to 'Central Data Projects
Share‘ by default
— Where required the PM can ask the IT Service Desk to set up
restrictions on access e.g. in the event that:
— the contract or Client requires a higher standard of data / document security
e.g. the contract may have requirements pertaining to GDPR
— there are potential conflicts of interest with other teams within WSP

— Access to Teams sites created via Project Workspace Automator

must be individually assigned to project team members
— A separate Teams site must be created if there is a requirement
on a project to share documents with 3rd parties
Creating Project Folders
Filing Structure Creator (FSC) App
Email Management - Filer App

— All project related emails must saved to the relevant project

folder (Central Data Projects Share or Teams)
— Sub folders ‘01 Comms / 1A Emails’ are provided in the
standard folder structure
— ‘Filer’ App is available to assist. Use proactively.
— You can retain originals in Outlook for convenience while your
project is 'live’.
— Saves in .msg format
— Enforces standard naming convention
— Multiple emails can be saved at once
Filer App
Project Life Cycle (PLC)
The Project Life Cycle (PLC)

— The philosophy underlying the Project Life Cycle is underpinned

by three elements

Risk Based Culture of
Approach Trust
Project Leadership Roles
Project Director
Project Director (PD)
— accountable for the performance and Billing
Project Manager

success of the project and for its

delivery in accordance with the BMS
Work Work Work
Order Order Order
Project Manager (PM) Manager Manager Manager

— undertakes activities delegated by the

PD (typically leading the day to day
running of the project)

Work Order Manager

— responsible for delivery of part of a project defined by a work order
for the agreed budget of the work order (or better) and carry the risk
for that delivery
PD and PM roles must be held by different individuals
Billing Support

Stacey Transport &

Graham Infrastructure
Andrea Planning & Advisory
Hulme South Africa
Property & Buildings
Water, Energy &
Complex Billing
Risk Based Approach
What are the typical sources of risk on our projects?
— Scope and programme — No. of disciplines / suppliers involved
— Location — Type of / relationship with Client
— Type of contract — Type of work
— H & S Environment / Risks — Reputation / Profile

Roles that Hold Business Authority (listed in T404 UK Business Authorisation Levels)
Risk Level
Principal Engineer / Consultant / Planner – P05 (<5k); Associate – P06 (<10k), Associate Director – P-
0 07; (<50k) or Nominated Authoriser (<100k)

1 Service Line / Lead / Area or Nominated Director or above

2 Head of Discipline / Operations Director / Discipline Commercial Director or above

3 SBU Managing Directors, SBU Commercial / Operations Directors or above

UK Chief Executive Officer, UK Chief Finance Officer, UK Chief Operating Officer, UK Strategic Growth
4 Director, UK Commercial Director

5 Group (Canada)
Defined Events, Hard Gates and Mandatory Tools
Revenue earning
Decision to Bid / Proposal Decision (by PD) work orders live in
Pursue Proposal submitted to client to initiate set-up Business World Defined Events

Billing Coordinator Checks

Authority to Pursue Hard Gates
Authority to Submit PD Authorisation

Risk Grading Tool (RGT)

Concise Project Plan (CPP) Mandatory Tools

AutoPLC Project Set Up

Stage 1 – Assess Prospect

To ensure we make a considered decision whether to spend any
significant effort pursing an opportunity.

— Initial assessment
— Enter prospect on Business World and consider conflict of interest
— Explore client requirements and opportunities
— Complete the Risk Grading Tool (RGT)
— Obtain authority to pursue (as per UK Business Authorisation Levels)
Knowledge check activity 2

Open Stage 1 of the Project Life Cycle on the BMS. One of the
key activities is completing the Risk Grading Tool (RGT).
— What is the number of the User Guide for Risk Grading Tool?
Stage 2 – Develop Proposal

To develop a winning proposal that addresses any risks and that
forms the basis of successful delivery.

— Confirm formal bidding has started
— Confirm contractual arrangements
— If a new client, request set-up
— Plan delivery
— Prepare the proposal
— Obtain review of the proposal
— Obtain ‘authority to submit’ and issue to the client
Stage 3 – Client Decision

To ensure any negotiations to the original submission are managed
and to validate that, upon client acceptance, the offer is still valid
and achievable prior to entering into the contract.

— Maintain details of prospect in Business World
— Client decision and WSP acceptance
— Obtain client feedback
— Obtain formal appointment from client
— Complete handover from “Bid” to “Delivery” team (if relevant)
— Project Director decision to initiate set-up
Stage 4 – Project Set-up

To ensure that the project is set-up in a way that addresses all key
risks, and allows the team to deliver the project efficiently and

— Notify the project team and finalise plan for delivery
— Agree and confirm work packages Finalise Plan for
Project Delivery
— Complete Concise Project Plan (CPP)
— Complete commercial set up & authorisation
— Share final plan for delivery with the project team
Stage 5 – Project Delivery

To deliver the project’s objectives efficiently and effectively,
managing any change and risks as required.

— Project monitoring & control
— Technical delivery
— Financial management Project Management
— Risk and opportunity management
— Change management
Stage 6 – Project Close

To ensure projects are closed in a timely manner and that delivery
has been completed effectively to ensure client satisfaction.

— Confirm deliverables have been verified against contract, issued and
— Confirm financially complete
— Ensure client is satisfied and record lessons learnt
— Final check that project documentation has been managed correctly
— Request financial closure on Business World
— Request project to be archived
Knowledge check activity 3

Open the Safety, Health and Wellbeing page of the BMS. One of
the tiles on the page is titled ‘Specific Subjects’ .
— What is the first item listed under the Specific Subjects tile?
Summary & Close
Your Feedback

— BMS is continuously evolved to reflect your feedback

— ‘Opportunity For Improvement (OFI) Input Form’
[email protected]
— Intranet Quick Links or BMS pages submit facility

— Understand the principles and requirements of the BMS

— Awareness of the Project Life Cycle (PLC) and key activities
— Know how you can contribute to project success!
— Know where to go to get any additional support that you need
— Get in touch if you have any further queries
— Also, give us your feedback on our ways of working
Thank you for your time
I will be pleased to take any questions

SurveyGizmo course feedback

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