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Put the following sentences into passive voice.

1. Many people read this writer's articles.

2. Jackie milks the cows every morning.
3. Everyone follows the rules.
4. Kids love candies.
5. The American people elect the members of Congress.
6. Does the mechanic check the brakes regularly?
7. The gardener waters the owers every evening.
8. Helen doesn't drink anything in parties.
9. Who sells umbrellas?
10. My mother doesn't paint the walls.
Use the words in the following list to complete the sentences. All of the sentences are
passive. Use simple present tense.
build make confuse divide expect frighten invent kill
o er order report spell surprise surround wear
1. Sometimes, major inventions ____________________ by accident.
2. An island ____________________ by water.
3. The -ing form of "sit" ____________________ with a double t.
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory ____________________ every year.
5. When the class becomes too large, it ____________________ into two sections.
6. A bracelet ____________________ around the wrist.
7. Soap ____________________ of oil and lye.
8. Ben____________________ to pay a ne of $100 whenever he drives recklessly .
9. Hunting is a dangerous job, because sometimes hunters ____________________ by a wild
10. Fatal accidents ______ always ______________ in the newspaper.
11. I never expect Lisa to come to the meeting. I ____________________ to see her here.
12. I ______ sometimes ______________ a job in the farm.
13. The children ____________________ whenever they hear strange noises in the house.
14. Could you try to explain this math problem to me again? I ____________________ by the
teacher's explanation.
15. A: Is the plane going to be late? B: No. It ____________________ to be on time.
Complete the sentences below, using the phrasal / prepositional verbs in the table. Make
the necessary changes concerning tenses.
Pass around Pick out Let up Look back on Look forward to Look like
Stand out Stand for Wait on Get over Run into
1. Many celebrities used to ____________________ tables before they became famous.
2. The basket ____________________ for everyone to give their contribution to help the homeless
3. The Dumbo Crows ____________________ everything that is o ensive in the Afro-American
4. Given the choice between The Little Mermaid and Aladdin, he ____________________ the
latter for his project work.
5. Racism clearly ____________________ in Fantasia.
6. The re ____________________ as the last tree burnt down.
7. As he was coming down the hill, he ____________________ a woman inside a car parked on
the railroad.
8. When he ____________________ his childhood, he misses the years he spent in Hungary, with
his foster parents.
9. The family was really ____________________ their Christmas holidays, when they would travel
back to their homeland, in Ireland.
10. She never ____________________ the trauma of seeing her father get shot by German soldiers
in a cafe in Warsaw.
11. The cats in Chip’nDale ____________________ Chinese people.
Rewrite the given sentences in passive voice.
1. The teacher corrected the mistakes.
2. Lauren didn't eat any apples.
3. He didn't give the wallet.
4. Did the little boy sell all the candy bars?
5. Who wrote this book?
6. How did they steal her car?
7. The children rang the bell a few minutes ago.
8. The kids forgot the whole story in a few days.
9. Did the president make an important speech last night?
10. The police didn't question him very closely.
I. Write one or two words only in each gap.
Remote-control ships with no crew or captain on board
We already have ‘drones’ (planes with no crew) and cars without drivers – so why not ships too?
• Ships with no crew would be greener, cheaper, and (1) ____________________.
• Most accidents at sea happen because of (2) ____________________.
• A captain’s job mostly involves (3) ____________________ these days.
How would the ships operate?
• A captain would control several ships from an o ce.
• The ships would have many (4) ____________________ on them.
• If there was a problem on board, a captain would (5) ____________________ the ship until
someone arrived.
II. Write one or two words, or a number in each gap.
Ships with no crew on board
Bene ts:
Remote control would reduce costs by up to (1) ____________________.
With no crew, there would be no need for (2) ____________________ or lifeboats.
There would be more (3) ____________________ on board the ships.
(4) ____________________ would be less interested in the ships.
The technology:
(5) ____________________ is the country where it is being developed.

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