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JEE (Advanced)-2024
TEST DATE: 19-11-2023


Physics PART – I


1. D
Sol. balance the torques.

2. B
Sol. The mass on the right will oscillate because the tension in the string oscillates; however, it cannot
oscillate horizontally because there is no torque exerted on it. Suppose it oscillates vertically with
no net motion. Then the average y-component of the tension acting on the mass on the left is
equal to mg, but the x-component of the tension is nonzero; then the average magnitude of the
tension is greater than mg, a contradiction. Thus the right mass must instead oscillate and move

3. A
Sol. The motion is the superposition of two motions: uniform translation of both masses with speed
and circular motion about the common center of mass, where the first mass has
m1  m2 
m2 v
speed . The second mass comes to rest again after one period of the circular motion.
 1  m2 
Lm2 v 2L
The radius is , giving a period of t  .
m1  m2  v

4. D
Sol. The problem can be solved using only momentum conservation, without knowing the friction
between the ball and bowl. Work in the frame originally moving with the cart, where the
momentum is zero. When the ball is at the bottom of the bowl, the ball and bowl have relative
velocity vb. This is only consistent with momentum conservation if the velocity of the bowl and ball
m Mc
are  vb , v b respectively. Transforming back to the original frame, the final velocity
m  Mc m  Mc
(m  Mc )v 0  mv b
of the bowl is
m  Mc

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024 2

5. A, B
Sol. Let the angle formed from the mass, the center of the cylinder O,
and the vertical be θ. By summing forces on the mass, we get
mgsin   mgcos   0    tan  R
This is unsurprising, as it is the typical condition for an object to not  
slip. You can verify yourself that the effective angle of the incline is
equal to the angle the normal force makes with the vertical, θ. Next,  
we sum up the torques with respect to the contact point between the B
ramp and the cylinder. The moment arm for the cylinder is R sin α
and the moment arm for the block is R sin θ −R sin α. Therefore, we
can write the torque balance equation as:
M  m  gsin   mgsin 

Because tan θ = µ, we have sin   Substituting this result into our equation of sum of
 1
torques at point P gives us

M  m  gsin   mg 2
 1
Which gives
 m  
  sin1   = 30
 M  m  2  1 
 
So, angle must be less than 30

6. C, D
Sol. Consider what happens when the applied force approaches infinity. C
To maintain equilibrium, the friction force between the rod and the
board must also increase. This friction force will also approach
infinity. When dealing with large forces, we can ignore constant
forces such as the weight of both the board and the rod.
As a result, since the weight of the rod is negligible we can pretend 
it’s a mass-less rod. We also know that the forces at the ends of a h
massless rod will always point along the rod. For example, the force
exerted on the rod by the board must point along the rod as well. N
The angle of this force is solely dependent on the friction coefficient
µ1. Therefore:
N l2  h2 A B
tan   1 , 1   2  h2
N h

7. A, B, C, D
Sol. The key insight is noting if the net vertical forces of the normal and friction forces were directed
downwards then the stopper would be blocked. Let us then try to calculate the vertical
components of forces that are involved. Let the normal force directed on the wedge be N.
We then know that the vertical component of the normal force is clearly either N cos α or N sin α.
We can figure the component by chasing angles around, but an easier way is to imagine α → 0.
In this case, the horizontal component of the normal force also goes to zero, which is the
behavior of a sine function, so the horizontal component is N sin α. This in turn means that the
vertical component of force involved is N cos α. We now try to find the vertical component of
friction involved. The friction force directed downwards on the direction of the wedge is µN
(because N is already perpendicular, you do not have to manipulate it with trigonometric
functions). This means that the vertical component of friction is µN sin α. We now equate these,
with an inequality where the vertical component of the normal force greater than the friction force
for the wedge to pass through. N cos α > µN sin α

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3 AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024


8. 5
Sol. When the wedge has moved through a distance y, let the point of contact of cylinder have moved
down the plane through x (with respect to wedge). Let F be the friction between the cylinder and
the plane. Since there is no horizontal force on (wedge + cylinder system)
d2 y  d2 y d2 x 
M 2  m  2  cos  2   0 (1)
dt  dt dt 

 d2 y d2 x 
m  2 cos   2   F  mgsin 
 dt dt 
Also , 
ma d2 x ma2 d2 
  Fa
2 dt 2 2 dt 2
d2 y  d2 x 
This gives : 2 cos   3  2   2gsin  (2)
dt 2  dt 
Equation (1) and (2) implies acceleration of the centre of the cylinder down the face, and relative
to the wedge, is
2gsin  M  m  m
5 2
3M  m  2m sin  s

9. 1
Sol. There is no external force in the horizontal direction, F1 F2
ma2  ma3  4ma1
The component of acceleration of the top mass along
the left rod must be the same as the component of
acceleration of the left mass along the left rod. This ay
a2 cos 450  a y sin 450  a3 cos 450 a3 a1
 a2  ay  a3
The same is true along the right rod, giving
F2 F1
a y  a2  a1
Solving these three equations, we get:
a y  2a1
a2  a1
a3  3a1
Using Newton’s Second Law on the rightmost mass, we have
F1 cos 450  4ma1
For the left mass
F2 cos 450  ma3  3ma1
For the top mass in the vertical direction. We get:
mg  (F1 cos 450  F2 cos 450 )  ma y  2ma1
Substituting in F1 and F2 from above gives
mg  7ma1  2ma1
 a1  1

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AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024 4

10. 2
Sol. Let's denote the speed of the small body at the top point of the semicircle v 1 .Since leaving the
half circle, the body makes a horizontal throw starting from height 2 R , during this time it travels a
distance L in horizontal direction, it can be written that
gt 2
2R  and L = v1t
from where v12  1
Comment. This is the speed at the moment before leaving the forced orbit
v12  L 
a   g  4g
R  2R 
corresponds to centripetal acceleration. Since a > g , the body neither then nor before leaves the
semicircular path, it slides along it.
applying the work energy theorem:
1 1  L2  m
mv12  mv0 2  2mgL  2Rmg  v 0    4L  4R  g  8.4
2 2  4R  s
 

11. 3
Sol. COM will be at
12. 4
Sol. COM will be at from centre
13. 12
Sol. vo cos300  v cos 450
 v  vo
Now using conservation of energy
 
m v 2  v 02  mgh

14. 600.00

15. 1130.00
Sol. (Q.14-15):
Cruising speed of train is 72 km/h = 20 m/s .Train moving with an acceleration of 1 m/s reaches
its maximum speed in time t1 = v 0/a =20 sec and needs the same amount of time to
decelerate. During this time, the train travels 400 m .
Total number of stops = 7
Total number of journeys = 8
Total distance covered by the train while accelerating or decelerating = 400 x 8 = 3200m = 3.2 km
Distance travelled at cruising speed = 15.2 km – 3.2 km = 12 km
(During the calculation, we did not assume that the distance between the stations is the same,
which is not true anyway.)
Total time covered by the train while accelerating or decelerating = 40x8 = 320 sec
Time for which the train travelled at cruising speed =  600 sec
Total time of journey between Delhi and Gurugram = 600+320+(30x7)= 1130 sec

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5 AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024

16. 13.00
Sol. When the block is at rest relative to the box, they have the same (final) velocity v relative to the
lab frame. Since there are no external forces, the total momentum is conserved and we
have, 2mv  mv 0  v  0
Since the box and the block have the same mass and the collision is elastic, the relative velocity
of the block relative to the box change sign after every collision and the block decelerates
between collisions due to the friction.
Hence, the total distance travelled by the block before it stops (relative to the box) is,
1 1 v 2
mgs  mv 02  2x mv 2  s  0  12.76m
2 2 4 g
The block collides with the box at distances 0.5 m, 1.5 m, ..., 12.5 m. Hence the number of
collisions is 13.

17. 12.64
Sol. Since there are no external forces acting on the system, the center of mass (CM) always moves
v t
with the constant velocity v. Hence the distance travelled by the CM is xcm  vt  0 . where t is
the time for the block to decelerate from v 0 to v.
Consider the frictional force acting on the block, we have
1 v
mgt  mv  mv 0   mv 0  t  0  5.1s
2 2g
v t
xcm  0  12.76m
Initially, B is at the midpoint of A. At distances 0.5 m, 2.5 m, ..., 12.5 m, the block collides with the
right wall of the box. Hence when the block stops, it lies at 0.26 m from the right wall. So finally it
will stop at 0.24 m to the right of the midpoint. Hence the CM is shifted to 0.12 m to the right of
the midpoint when the block B is at rest relative to the box. The distance of the box travelled is
x A  xcm  0.12  12.64m

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AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024 6

Chemistry PART – II


18. D
Sol. (I) Na does not react with N2 to form Na3N.
(II) LiH is more stable than NaH.

19. C
Sol. In Borax two Boron atoms are sp3 hybridised and two Boron atoms are sp2 hybridised.

20. D
Sol. Hybridisation of Br in BrF  is sp3d2.

21. B
Sol. (I) BaSO4 is less soluble in water than CaSO4.
(II) 2Mg NO 
3 2

 
 2MgO + 4NO2 + O2

22. C, D
Sol. 
K P  PNH3  P  CO2

23. C, D
Sol. (I) Solubility of AgCN in NH3 solution will be higher due to complex formation.
(II) AgCN is more soluble in acidic buffer solution.

24. B, D
Sol. logk  log A 
log A = 4,
A = 104
 3000
Ea  3000  2.303  2
= 13818 cal
= 13.818 Kcal


25. 3
Sol. SF3 Cl, XeO2F2 , SF4

26. 4
Sol. N2 , H2 , N2 , O2 are paramagnetic.

27. 4
Sol. Zn  OH 2 , Al  OH3 , Pb  OH2 and Sn  OH 2 are amphoteric, hence they are soluble in excess of
NaOH solution.

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7 AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024

28. 50
Sol. Milli moles of H2 SO 4   0.05
Milli moles of HCl   0.1
Milli moles of HNO3   0.05

 H  
 2  0.05   0.1  0.05
V  ml
5  105 
V  ml 
V  ml    5000 ml
5  105
V 5000
   50
100 100

29. 56
Sol. A  g  2B  g  C  g 
t0 Po 0 0
t  5 min P x 2x x
t 0 2P Po
 when t   , 3Po  240 mm
 Po  80 mm
At t = 5, Po  x  2x  x  128
Po  2x  128
80  2x  128
x = 24
Partial pressure of A(g) at the end of 5 min y  Po  x  80  24  56 mm
 y  56

30. 6
Sol. 9SO2  3K 2Cr2 O7  3H2SO 4  3K 2 SO4  3Cr2  SO4 3  3H2O
x  3, y  3
xy  33  6


31. 41.25
Sol.   2.3  0.70   1.6  1019 J

6.6  10 34  3  108
3  1.6  10 19
  41.25  108 m
 y  41.25

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32. 19.95
Sol.  h 0  KEmax

6.6  1034  3  108
KEmax   4.8
500  1010  1.6  10 19
 24.75  4.8
= 19.95 eV

33. 47.52
Sol.  2Ca HSO3 2  6H3BO3
Ca2B 6 O11  11H2 O  4SO2 
P  Q
Strong heating
2H3BO3  B2 O3  3H2 O
R  S 
B 2O3  P2 O5 
 2BPO4
T 
Compound P is Ca HSO3  2
% mass of oxygen   100  47.52

34. 6.00
Sol. Compound ‘T’ is BPO4.

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9 AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024

Mathematics PART – III


35. C
 g  0  h   g  0   g0  2
Sol. h  0    lim
 h 0
 h

 e


 f  0  g  0   e   f 2  0   2e   f 0  f   0  g  0 

For h(0) to be exist either f(0) = 0 or g(0) = –1

36. C
 x  2 y2
Sol. Point P moves inside the ellipse  1
9 5
 x  2
(–2, 0) (2, 0)
and outside the ellipse 1 
9 5
Required area is shown in the figure
1   x  2 2 
= 3 5  4  5  1   dx
 9 
0  
4 2 20 2 20  2
= 3 5  5  9   x  2  dx = 3 5   3 5   6 8 sin1 =  6 5 sin1  
3 0 3 3 3 3

37. C
x x
Sol.  cosec 2r 1  cot 2n  cot x
r 1

Hence, fn  x   tan1   cot x 

 
f5    tan1  1  
  4
 3  
f5    tan1 1 
 4  4

38. D
loge 1  x 
is a decreasing function and its graph is as follows 1

–1 0

39. A, B, C
Sol. lim f  x   1, lim f  x   1, lim f  x   1
x 2 x 2 x 1

40. A, B, C
2 3 2 3
Sol. f(x) + f(x ) + f(x ) = f(x + x + x ) differentiate w.r.t x, we get
f(x) + 2xf(x ) + 3x f(x ) = (1 + 2x + 3x 2)f(x + x2 + x3)
2 2 3

Put x = 1  6f(1) = 6f(3)  f(1) = f(3)

Put x = –1  4f(–1) – 2f(1) = 2f(–1)  f(–1) = f(1)

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Put x = 1 in given relation 3f(1) = f(3)

Put x = –1 in given equation 2f(–1) + f(1) = f(–1)  f(–1) + f(1) = 0
 3f(–1) = –f(3)

41. B, C
Sol. f(x) = sin x  periodic
g(x) = x + sin x  non-linear and non-periodic
f(g(x)) = sin(x + sin x)  periodic with period 2
Hence, option (A) is incorrect and option (B) is correct
f  x   sin x 3 non-periodic
g  x   x 3 non-periodic
f(g(x)) = sin x periodic with period 2
Hence, option (C) is correct but option (D) is incorrect


42. 0
Sol. Let AOQ =  and radius of circle = r
Area of sector AOQ = r 2 
1 r2 r2
Area of AOP = r  r tan   tan   Area of curvilinear triangle APQ =  tan    
2 2 2
S2 tan     tan  
Also, A  Q    0. Now, lim  lim  lim   1  0
A Q S 
 0  0
  

43. 2
r dA
Sol. Area of triangle will be A 

16  r 2  2 for maximum area
0 r=2

44. 1
Sol. By using AM  GM, we get maximum value of f(x) = 1

45. 7
Sol. f  x   x 1  f  x  1 by solving, we get f(x) = x(x + 2)

46. 0
Sol. 
f  x   ln e1/ x  e1/ x 
lim f  x   0
x 

47. 0
dy 1  ln x 1  ln x
Sol.  2 2
 y 2 dx
dx x  ln x x  ln2 x
1  1  ln x  1  ln x 
 y 
2  2  dx  y  tan  c
 ln x   x   x 
1  
 x 
 
Given y 1   c
2 2

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11 AITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/2024

 1  
Now, y    tan1  e   =  tan1 e 
e 2 2
  1 
  y    0
  e 


48. 4.00

49. 1.14
Sol. (Q.48.-49.):

If AOB = , then for Smax   and Smax = 4
Also, in this case area which is common to ECD and inner circle will be =  2  1.14

50. 12.56

51. 0.00
Sol. (Q.50.-51.):
f(g(x)) = sin(x – sin x) period = 2
g(f(x)) = sin x – sin(sin x) period = 2
Hence, T1 + T2 = 12.56

  sin  x  sin x   sin x  sin  sin x   dx


FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

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