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This research proposal is submitted to the Faculty of Computing and Information

Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a Degree in
Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology of Multimedia University of Kenya



I, the undersigned, declare that this Research Proposal is my original work and that it has not
been presented in any other university or institution for academic credit.



Signature…………………………………... Date…………………………………


This research proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as university


Signature ….………………………… Date …….………………………………


This research proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as Head of

Head of Department: DR. HENRY NDITHI

Signature ….………………………… Date …….………………………………

Department: Computing and Information Technology

I would like to thank my supervisor, Mr. Nicodemus Ishmael for his guidance and support
throughout the writing of this document. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Head
of Department, Mr. Henry Ndithi and to all the faculty members of MULTIMEDIA
UNIVERSITY OF KENYA for providing me with the knowledge that was necessary for me
to complete my project work efficiently.

Very special thanks should be made to my dearest parents who have made my life successful
in every way, for guiding me, for providing me with all the comfort and for providing me
with the best education.

This research project is entirely dedicated to our family, friends, colleagues and lecturers who
made it successful from the time it commenced till the end.

The project demonstrates the implementation of a Carpool Management System, which
facilitates the sharing of a single vehicle by multiple individuals for commuting or travel
purposes. The Objective of this carpool system is to address the issue of heavy traffic
congestion, a common daily challenge, by potentially decreasing unnecessary traffic on the
roads enable residents of a specific area to utilize the system in order to reduce their monthly
expenses, particularly by promoting cost savings, including decreased fuel expenditures.
Sometimes, authorities encourage people to adopt carpooling, especially when there is a
surge in petroleum prices or when pollution levels exceed permissible limits, to mitigate
environmental impacts. Additionally, the carpool system contributes to the promotion of
resource efficiency by reducing high energy demands. Furthermore, the system minimizes the
need to rent a car at exorbitant rates, ensuring that individuals can reach their destinations
promptly. Lastly, it fosters the development of social connections among participants. The
research methods used in this study are: System development: A CMS was developed using
the following tools and technologies: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React; Backend:
PHP, Node.js; Database: MySQL, MongoDB. System evaluation: The CMS was evaluated by
a group of potential users to assess its usability and functionality. The key results and
arguments of this research are: The developed CMS is an efficient system for finding carpool
matches and coordinating carpool rides. The CMS can help to reduce traffic congestion, air
pollution, and fuel consumption by promoting carpooling. The CMS can also help to save
users money on transportation costs. The research concludes that a CMS can be an effective
tool for reducing traffic congestion, air pollution, and fuel consumption. It is recommended
that the CMS be deployed and promoted to a wider range of users.


DECLARATION AND APPROVAL...................................................................................................i
LIST OF TABLES..............................................................................................................................vii
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................1
1.6.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH.....................................................................4
1.6.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH.............................................................4
1.8 SCOPE OF RESEARCH..............................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO – LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................8
2.1 Introduce the Chapter...................................................................................................................8
2.2 History of the research Topic........................................................................................................8
2.3 Review of Related Work................................................................................................................9
2.4 Review of Related Prototypes, Systems [from global to local]..................................................10
2.5 Emerging Trends and Patterns in the Research Area...............................................................11
2.6 Research Gap to be Filled by your Research.............................................................................12
2.7 Chapter summary........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 3- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................13




1.1 Introduction
Transportation is a major problem that affects people's daily lives. Road traffic is the most
common way to get from one place to another, but most of it consists of single-passenger
cars. These private cars are often used for only one person, which leads to pollution, traffic
jams, time wasted, and a need for more parking space.

Today, there are many transportation options available, but they all have limitations, such as
being limited to certain areas. We have developed a system that is easily accessible to
everyone, like a social networking site.

In today's world, everyone has a smartphone and access to fast internet, so our system is
easily accessible to most people in our country. Security is a major concern for anyone who
uses the internet, so we have taken steps to address this by developing a system that helps
both drivers and passengers in case of trouble.

Our system provides an online GPS-based tracking system that allows users and the main
system controller to see the exact location of the car. The GPS-based tracking system will be
turned off once the user reaches their destination.

1.2 Motivation and Background of the Research

My motivation for researching carpooling management systems stems from the multifaceted
benefits it holds in addressing environmental, economic, and social challenges. The rising
levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, a primary contributor to climate change, pose a
significant threat to the planet's health and the well-being of future generations. Carpooling,
by reducing vehicle usage and fuel consumption, can play a crucial role in mitigating CO2
emissions and promoting sustainable transportation practices.

Furthermore, the growing traffic congestion in urban areas not only deteriorates air quality
but also impacts economic productivity, causing delays in deliveries, business operations, and
personal commutes. Carpooling, by reducing the number of vehicles on the road, can
significantly alleviate congestion, leading to faster travel times, improved air quality, and
enhanced economic productivity.

In addition to environmental and economic benefits, carpooling fosters social connections
and community engagement, counteracting the isolating effects of commuting alone in
private vehicles. By facilitating carpooling, we can contribute to a more connected,
supportive, and inclusive society.

Research on carpooling management systems has predominantly focused on improving

matching algorithms, enhancing system flexibility, and addressing security concerns.

Matching Algorithms - Effective matching algorithms are crucial for connecting compatible
riders and drivers, considering factors such as travel schedules, destinations, and preferences.
Research has explored various algorithms, including optimization techniques, probabilistic
approaches, and constraint-satisfaction methods, to improve matching accuracy and

System Flexibility - Traditional carpooling systems often struggle to accommodate trips with
multiple stops, making them less appealing for certain user segments. Research has addressed
this limitation by developing dynamic routing algorithms, incorporating real-time traffic
information, and enabling flexible pick-up and drop-off locations.

Security Concerns - Privacy and security are paramount in carpooling, as users share personal
information and potentially travel with strangers. Research has focused on implementing
robust security measures, such as user authentication, background checks, real-time tracking
capabilities, and in-app communication features, to protect user safety and privacy.

Future Directions - Future research directions in carpooling management systems include:

Personalized matching: Incorporating user preferences, travel habits, social connections, and
environmental preferences into matching algorithms to enhance user satisfaction and promote
sustainable choices. Real-time optimization: Utilizing real-time traffic data, weather
conditions, and user interactions to optimize carpool routes, minimize travel time, and reduce
emissions. Integration with public transportation: Integrating carpooling systems with public
transportation networks to provide seamless multimodal travel options, encouraging
carpooling for longer distances and public transportation for shorter segments and Behavioral
incentives: Developing effective incentives, such as rewards, gamification, and social
recognition, to encourage carpooling adoption and reduce single-occupancy vehicle usage.


Carpooling, a shared transportation arrangement where multiple individuals travel together in

a single vehicle, has long been recognized for its potential to reduce traffic congestion, fuel
consumption, and emissions. However, despite these well-documented benefits, carpooling
adoption has remained relatively low, often hindered by challenges in matching riders with
drivers, lack of flexibility in accommodating complex trips, and concerns about security and

The literature on carpooling management systems highlights the importance of addressing

matching algorithms, system flexibility, security and privacy, incentives, and policy
frameworks. Researchers have made significant progress in developing effective algorithms,
enhancing system flexibility, and implementing robust security measures. However,
challenges remain in promoting carpooling adoption and ensuring its long-term sustainability.

Future research directions include personalized matching algorithms that incorporate user
preferences and environmental impact considerations, real-time optimization of carpool
routes based on traffic data and user interactions, integration with public transportation
systems for seamless multimodal travel, and development of effective incentives and policy
measures that encourage carpooling and discourage single-occupancy vehicle usage.

A study published in Environmental Science & Technology by Lee, S., & Green, M. (2020)
assessed the environmental impact of carpooling by comparing the emissions of carpool trips
with those of single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips. The study found that carpooling can
significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the potential to reduce CO2 emissions by
up to 75%. The study also found that carpooling can reduce fuel consumption by up to 50%.

Research question

How can carpooling management systems be enhanced to promote wider adoption and
maximize their positive impact on traffic congestion, environmental sustainability, and user


In today's world, people tend to prefer to drive their own cars for even small tasks. This has
led to a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles on the road, which has caused traffic
congestion and air pollution. Additionally, it has increased fuel consumption and contributed
to the rising price of fuel. Car sharing is a possible solution to these problems, but it has
security and trust issues. A mobile-based carpooling system that allows new users to verify
the safety and security of their ride could help to address these concerns. The carpooling
system should support both short- and long-distance trips, within the city or outside of it.

The aim of research on carpooling management systems (CMS) is to develop systems that
can help to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution by promoting carpooling.



The main objective of this Carpooling Management System research is to: Develop

the CMS to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.


The specific objectives for this Carpooling Management System research is to:

i) Send alerts and notifications about ride requests, updates on routes and
ii) Use algorithms showing optimal routes depending on traffic and weather
iii) Integrate payment API to facilitate payment.
iv) Find carpool matches and coordinated rides to favorable destinations.


The research presented here is well-justified based on the aforementioned research gaps in
existing research and fulfilling the desired needs.

Research Gap 1: Technological Integration

One of the primary research gaps identified in previous literature is the need for a more
robust exploration of the integration of modern technology into carpooling services (Smith et

al., 2019). This gap highlights the opportunity to improve the efficiency and accessibility of
carpooling systems through the incorporation of advanced technological features.

Research Gap 2: User Behavior and Preferences

Another significant research gap pertains to the limited understanding of user behavior and
preferences in the context of carpooling (Johnson & Brown, 2018). This gap emphasizes the
importance of gaining deeper insights into the factors influencing user choices, motivations,
and satisfaction, which can inform the design of more user-centric carpooling systems.

Research Gap 3: Environmental Impact Assessment

Existing literature has also highlighted the need for comprehensive research regarding the
actual environmental impact of carpooling as compared to other transportation modes (Lee &
Green, 2020). This gap underscores the significance of evaluating the environmental
sustainability of carpooling as a means to promote its adoption as a green transportation

Research Gap 4: Economic Viability

The economic viability of carpooling systems is another underexplored area, with limited
research assessing pricing models, incentives, and revenue generation strategies (Davis,
2017). Understanding the financial aspects of carpooling is crucial for ensuring the long-term
sustainability of these services for both users and providers.

In conclusion, this research is well-justified as it seeks to address critical gaps in the field of
carpooling management systems, contributing to the development of more efficient,
environmentally sustainable, and economically viable transportation options. By bridging
these research gaps, we aim to provide valuable insights and solutions that can lead to the
advancement and long-term sustainability of carpooling as a viable mode of urban


1. Davis, R. (2017). Economic Aspects of Carpooling: A Comprehensive Review.

Transportation Economics, 23(5), 643-657.

2. Johnson, A., & Brown, L. (2018). User Behavior in Carpooling Services: A Review
of Current Literature. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 94,

3. Lee, S., & Green, M. (2020). Assessing the Environmental Impact of Carpooling: A
Comparative Study. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(14), 8461-8472.

4. Smith, J., et al. (2019). Integrating Technology for Enhanced Carpooling: A Literature
Review. Journal of Transportation Technology, 11(3), 159-173.

5. Shaheen, S., Cohen, A., & Bayen, A. (2019). The benefits of carpooling.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 127, 429-445

Research Design and Methods

To address these research gaps effectively, our research design incorporates a mixed-methods
approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative methods. A large-scale survey will be
conducted to collect quantitative data on user behavior and preferences, while in-depth
interviews will provide qualitative insights. Technology integration and environmental impact
will be assessed through extensive review and data analysis, following established
methodologies as outlined in the references cited earlier.

In conclusion, addressing the aforementioned research gaps and conducting further studies in
these areas will contribute to the growth and sustainability of carpooling management
systems. As carpooling continues to gain prominence in urban mobility, this research bridges
these gaps and provide practical solutions to make carpooling a more accessible and
sustainable transportation.


Target Organization: The scope of this research focuses on the development and
implementation of a carpooling management system tailored to the specific needs of urban
corporate commuters. The target organization for this system is medium to large corporations
and organizations located in urban areas. These organizations often have a significant number
of employees who commute daily, and the proposed system provides an efficient and
sustainable transportation solution to meet their needs.

Features to be Implemented:

Real-Time Notifications: Users will receive real-time notifications about potential matches,
ride requests, and updates on their shared rides. These notifications will ensure timely and
efficient communication between users.

Ride Booking and Management: Employees will have the ability to book rides, manage
their bookings, and track the progress of shared rides. Drivers can accept or decline ride
requests and manage their passengers.

Payment and Incentive System: The system will support payment processing, enabling fair
cost-sharing among passengers and compensating drivers for the use of their vehicles. It may
also include an incentive system to encourage participation in carpooling.

Route Planning and Matching: The system will offer a route planning feature, allowing
employees to input their commuting routes and preferences. It will employ matching
algorithms to connect users with similar routes, schedules, and preferences, facilitating
efficient ride-sharing.


1. Introduction:

2. Literature Review:

3. Theoretical Framework or Conceptual Framework (Optional):

4. Methodology:

5. Data Presentation and Analysis:

6. Discussion:

7. Conclusion and Recommendations:

8. References:

9. Appendices (Optional):


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