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Unit 1 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read Amanda’s email and complete the chart.

To: International Email Club [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Hello
I am a new member of the club. My name is Amanda Wilson, but you can call me Mandy.
I’m from Boston and I’m married. My friend Andrew is also a member. Andrew’s last name is
Martel, and his nickname is Andy. He’s from Baltimore, but he’s in Boston now. He’s single.
We’re in the same English class.
Please write to me!

Nickname Hometown Married or single?


Your First Draft

A Complete the chart with information about you and a friend.
Nickname Hometown Married or single?
Your friend

B Imagine you and your friend are new members of the International Email Club.
Write an email to the club. Use Amanda’s email above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s email. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the email?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your email.

new words
draft email hometown international second

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 2 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the message on the message board. How does Alex organize the information?
Check () the correct diagram.

I walk dogs!
Posted by Alex Martinez on Monday, August 11 at 5:19 A.M.

I’m Alex and I’m from Mexico. I live in Guadalajara. I’m a freshman in college and I love dogs! I walk dogs
I have classes every weekday. I start at 9:00 A.M. and finish at 4:00 P.M. I walk dogs every weeknight after
school from 5:00 to 9:00. I study for two or three hours. Then I go to bed.
What do you do every day? Do you like dogs? Write to me.
1. □ 2. □
• Greeting • Greeting
• Daily schedule • Introduction
• Introduction • Daily schedule
• Closing • Closing

Your First Draft

A What do you do every day? Make notes about your daily schedule.
B Write a message for a message board. Include a greeting, an introduction, your daily
schedule, and a closing. Use Alex’s message above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s message. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the message?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your message.

new words
closing diagram message board notes organize posted walk dogs

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 3 Writing Worksheet

Before You Write
A Read the ad for a laptop. Write C (characteristics) or B (benefits) in the boxes.

B Read the ad again. Check () the correct boxes.

True False
1. The ad has a greeting. □ □
2. The ad has a phone number. □ □
3. The writer does not use complete sentences. □ □
4. The writer uses comparisons to describe the benefits. □ □
Your First Draft
A Choose an item to sell (for example, a watch, jeans, or a camera).
Write characteristics and benefits for the item.

B Write an ad for the item. Use the ad above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s ad. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the ad?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your ad.

new words
ad benefits characteristics hard drive laptop memory opportunity

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 4 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the surveys. Which survey is more general? Which is more specific?

Your First Draft

A Make a survey about music. Include three general questions and three
specific questions.

B PAIR WORK Read your partner’s survey. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the survey?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

A Use your partner’s answers to revise your survey.
B GROUP WORK Give six students your survey. Collect the completed surveys.

new words
band general neither secondhand specific survey

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Unit 5 Writing Worksheet


(Note: Complete the Unit 4 Writing Worksheet before you begin this lesson.)
Before You Write
Read the survey results and the survey report. Number the results
in the order they appear in the report.

Your First Draft

A Look at your completed surveys from the Unit 4 Writing Worksheet.
Write sentences about how students answered each question.

B Use your sentences to write a survey report. Use the survey report above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s report. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the report?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your report.

new words
order respondents

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Unit 6 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Look at the word web. Then read the paragraph. Number the topics
in the order they appear in the paragraph.

Your First Draft

A Make a word web about your favorite activity. Use the word web above as a model.
B Write a paragraph about the activity. Use the ideas from your word
web and the paragraph above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s word web and paragraph. Write answers
to these questions.
1. What do you like about the paragraph?
2. Do the word web and the paragraph have the same information?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your paragraph.

new words
biography magazine novel short story word web

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 7 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the email and complete the diagram.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Our vacation

Dear Sylvia,

How’s everything? We just came back from our vacation in Peru.

It was fantastic! Machu Picchu is an Inca city in the Andes
Mountains. We took a bus in Aguas Calientes and arrived in
Machu Picchu in the morning. We spent the day there and went
to Cuzco in the evening. In Cuzco we hired a Peruvian guide, and
we learned a lot about the Inca culture.

Talk to you soon,

Peter and Julie

event 1 event 2 event 3 event 4 event 5

took bus in learned a lot

Aguas → → → → about Inca
Calientes culture

Your First Draft

A Make a diagram about a vacation. Use the diagram above as a model.
B Write an email about the vacation. Use the ideas from your diagram and the
email above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s diagram and email. Write answers
to these questions.
1. What do you like about the email?
2. Do the diagram and the email have the same information?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your email.

new words
culture fantastic hired

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 8 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the email and complete the maps.

Hi, Mom!
I arrived in Cambridge early this morning. Sally met me at the bus station, and we
went to her house. She lives outside Cambridge. It’s a very quiet neighborhood, and
all the houses have gardens. There are some shops across the street and a
restaurant around the corner. It’s very different from our neighborhood in New York!
In the afternoon we went to the center of town. We walked around Trinity Street and
St. John’s Street. There are some beautiful colleges such as St. John’s College and
Trinity College. Next to the colleges, there are some interesting gift shops and across
the street there’s a really old bookstore.
I’m having a great time here!

Your First Draft

A Draw maps of two interesting neighborhoods.
B Write an email describing the neighborhoods. Use the email above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s maps and email. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the email?
2. Do the maps and the email have the same information?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your letter.

new words
outside station

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Unit 9 Writing Worksheet

Before You Write
Read the description. Number the topics in the order they appear.

Your First Draft

A Complete the chart with your own information.

Name: Clothes:
Age: Hair:
Appearance: Height:
Eyes: Personality:

B Write a description of yourself. Use the information from your chart and
Rod’s description above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s description. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the description?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your description.

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 10 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the descriptive paragraphs and complete the chart.

I have done two things I am really happy about. First, I’ve traveled to several
countries. On these trips I learned a lot about other cultures. I also tried many
interesting foods and made many friends. Second, I’ve found a job in a law
office. This is good experience for me because I want to be a lawyer. Also, the
salary is good and the people are friendly.
There are two things I’ve never done that I’ve always wanted to do. First, I’ve
always wanted to travel to Egypt. I’ve never been there, but I love to read books
and watch movies about it. I think Egyptian history is fascinating! Second, I’d
like to learn to play the drums. I’ve always wanted to join a band because I think
it would be a lot of fun. It’s a good way to make some money, too!
Monica Lynch

Things she has done Things she wants to do

Your First Draft

A Make a chart about things you have done and things you want to do. Use the
chart above as a model.

B Write one paragraph about things you have done. Write another paragraph about things
you want to do. Use the information from your chart and the paragraphs above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s paragraphs. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the paragraphs?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your paragraphs.

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Unit 11 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Check () the correct answers.

FAQs about the Museum

1. Can I take photos?
You can use cameras and video equipment. However, you can’t use tripods.
2. Can I draw pictures of things in the museum?
You can use pencils, sketchbooks, and notebooks, but you can’t use paint.
3. Is there a restaurant in the museum?
Yes, there is. The Museum Café is next to the Museum Shop on the second floor.
4. Should I reserve tickets in advance?
Individuals don’t need reservations. Groups of ten or more should call (411) 555-3617.
5. Who should I call for further information?
You should call Visitor Services at (411) 555-3618.

1. What’s the purpose of the text?

□ a. to describe the museum □ b. to give information □ c. to describe the museum
and give information
2. How often do people ask the questions in the text?
□ a. always □ b. often □ c. hardly ever

Your First Draft

A Choose a park, museum, zoo, or another place you know well. Add three more questions to
the chart. Then answer the questions.

FAQs about
1. Can I take photos? 4.
2. Can I draw pictures of things? 5.
3. Is there a restaurant? 6.

B PAIR WORK Read your partner’s FAQs. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the FAQs?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your FAQs.

new words
advance Equipment paint sketchbook tripod

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 12 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the notice. Write the problem next to each health or safety tip.

the flu sore eyes bad posture stress head injuries


1. It’s important that all employees get a flu shot. __________________
2. It’s a good idea to wear your helmet at all times. __________________
3. You should take a five-minute break from your computer every hour. __________________
4. You should try to sit up straight. __________________
5. You should relax at our new health spa. __________________
Adapted from New Interchange Business Companion 1

Your First Draft

A What health and safety problems do students have? Complete the chart below.
Write advice for each problem.

Problem Advice
1. stress go to the gym regularly
2. headaches

B Write a notice. Use the information from your chart and the notice above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s notice. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the notice?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your notice.

new words
helmet injury posture safety shot tips

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 13 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
A Read the letters to the editor of a magazine. Who is in favor of fast food? Who is against it?
Dear Editor, Dear Editor,
I just read your article about fast food, and I Young people eat fast food for three reasons.
am shocked. More than 70 percent of First, it is easy to find. Second, it is often
children in this city eat fast food several times cheaper than other food. Third, they love it!
a week, and so do teenagers! This is a You say fast food makes children fat. I’m sure
serious risk to their health. Fast food has a lot that’s not true. My son and daughter eat fast
of calories, but it doesn’t have much protein. food every day. My son is thin and so is my
Someone should do something about this daughter. They’re very healthy, too!
problem. Nadia Champion
George Kent

B Read the letters again. Check () the correct boxes.

Fact Opinion
1. More than 70 percent of children eat fast food several times a week. □ □
2. This is a serious risk to children’s health. □ □
3. Fast food is often cheaper than other food. □ □
4. I’m sure that’s not true. □ □
Your First Draft
A Choose a statement that you agree with. Then write facts and opinions that support it.
1. Eating at home is better than eating out. 2. Health food is boring.

Statement: ______________________________________________________________

Facts: __________________________________________________________________

Opinions: _______________________________________________________________

B Write a letter to the editor. Use your statement, facts, and opinions and the letters above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s letter. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the letter?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your letter.

new words
against article calories editor in favor of protein shocked

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 14 Writing Worksheet

Before You Write
Read the tourist brochure and complete the sentences.

Your First Draft

A Choose a tourist attraction in your city or town. Answer these questions.
Why should you visit this place?
What can you see there?
Where is it located?
What are the hours?

B Write a tourist brochure. Use the information in part A and the brochure
above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s brochure. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the brochure?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your brochure.

new words
brochure choir imperial palace treasury

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 15 Writing Worksheet

Before You Write
Read the notes. Match each note with the correct purpose in the box.

to apologize to ask about someone

to complain to invite
to give information to make a request

Elizabeth – Jin – Luke –

I’m not coming to the office I can’t go out with you anymore. You used my phone to
tomorrow. I’m going to be out all I have a lot of problems and I download movies again! Now I
day visiting customers. need to be alone. I’m sorry. have a $200 cell phone bill!
Bert Mina Ethan

1. to give information 2. 3.

Hiro – Tracy– Monica –

Could you ask Martha to call me Are you doing anything this How are you? I haven’t seen
early tomorrow? I’m going to be evening? Would you like to you for a long time. Are you
at home until 10:30 A.M. have dinner at my place? OK?
Laura Cynthia Glenda

4. 5. 6.

Your First Draft

A Write three notes with different purposes. Use the notes above as a model.
B PAIR WORK Read your partner’s notes. Write answers to these questions.
1. Can you guess the purpose of each note?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your notes.

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

Unit 16 Writing Worksheet

Before You Write
Read the email and complete the word webs.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Congratulations!

Hi Liliana,
I heard you just graduated. Congratulations on getting your degree! What are you
going to do now? Do you still want to find a job at a museum? Or do you want to
study more?

I’m going to visit Mexico City on business in May. I plan to spend about a week
there. Are you going to be around? I’d like to see you. I can’t believe I haven’t
seen you for three years!

All the best,


Your First Draft

A Imagine a friend just started a new job. You want to write a congratulations email. Make a word web
with questions for your friend. Then make a word web with your plans.

B Write a congratulations email. Use the ideas from your word webs and the email above as a model.

C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s email. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about the email?
2. What information is unclear?
3. What else do you want to know?

Your Second Draft

Use your partner’s answers to revise your email.

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable

A1 level - Writing tasks

Encuesta estudiantil

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