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Francis school, Indirapuram

Worksheet (with solution)
Class- 6
Periodic Assessment - 2 (2023-24)


Competency based questions:

1. A bar magnet is immersed in a heap of iron filings and pulled out. The amount of iron filing
clinging to the
(a) north pole is almost equal to the south pole.
(b) north pole is much more than the south pole.
(c) north pole is much less than the south pole.
(d) magnet will be same all along its length.

2. A freely-suspended bar magnet rests in:

(a) north-south direction
(b) east-west direction
(c) north-east direction
(d) any direction by chance

3. The two ends of the magnet are called

(a) poles
(b) strength
(c) north
(d) south

4. Attraction is maximum at the

(a) centre
(b) poles
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

5.Which of the following can be converted into a magnet?

(a) Iron
(b) Wood
(c) Stone
(d) Clay
6. Which of the following items cannot be picked by a magnet?
(a) Hair pins
(b) Paper clips
(c) Iron nails
(d) thermocol balls

7. Which of the following in a ship helps to move it in the right direction?

(a) A thermometer
(b) A speedometer
(c) An anchor
(d) A compass

8.What happens when we hit a magnet with a hammer?

(a) It gains more magnetic force
(b) It loses magnetism
(c) The north and south poles change positions
(d) None of the above

9.The magnetic properties of a magnet can be destroyed by

(a) hammering
(b) heating
(c) dropping
(d) all of these

10.We can use a magnet to separate

(a) rubber bands from pieces of aluminium foil
(b) pieces of copper wire from glass beads
(c) plastic pieces from sand
(d) iron filings from sand

11. The removal of waste substances from the body is called

(a) reproduction
(b) respiration
(c) breathing
(d) excretion

12. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a living thing?

(a) Growth
(b) Movement
(c) Do not need food
(d) Respiration
13.Which one of these animals can live on land as well as in water?
(a) Deer
(b) Giraffe
(c) Frog
(d) Fox

14. Primary function of scales on fishes is to

(a) help them to swim
(b) keep them warm
(c) attract other fishes
(d) protect themselves

15. Which of the following animals does not have gills?

(a) Shark
(b) Octopus
(c) Dolphin
(d) Fish

16. An animal lives on land and in water. It has a tail and its body is slimy. This animal is
(a) shark
(b) crocodile
(c) frog
(d) fish

17.Yaks have one of the following on their bodies to keep them warm. This one is
(a) feathers
(b) hair
(c) scales
(d) shells

18. Sunlight, water and air are

(a) habitats
(b) biotic components
(c) abiotic components
(d) adaptations

19.The non-living thing among the following is

(a) tree
(b) grasshopper
(c) log piece
(d) dog
20. The leaves of which of the following plants fold up on being touched?
(a) Mango plant
(b) Money plant
(c) Mustard plant
(d) Mimosa plant

Section- B

21.a) Who discovered magnet?

old shepherd who lived on Create Island named Magnes discovered it.
b) Name the country in which it (magnet) was discovered.

22.Differentiate between magnetic materials and non-magnetic materials.

Materials which get attracted by the magnet are called magnetic materials. Ex-iron, cobalt,
nickel. Substances which are not attracted by magnet are called non-magnetic substances.
Ex- Rubber, Cotton, Plastic, Wood, Button, Cloth, etc.

23.Make a list of given substances into two groups – magnetic and non¬magnetic.
Key, Wood, Glass, Alpin, Chalk, Pencil, Nail, Cup of tea, Book, Rubber, Needle, Fork.table

Magnetic substances Non-magnetic substances

Key, pin, nail, needle, fork (because all these stick Wood, glass, chalk, pencil, cup of tea, book, rubber. (non

to the magnet) of these sticks to the magnet)

24.What are the properties of a magnet?

It attracts iron pieces towards itself.
It always aligns itself in the same direction, if left to rotate freely.
It is composed of oxides of iron (Fe3O4).
25.Why does bar magnet always point in north-south directions?

Bar magnet always points in north-south directions when left freely suspended because
earth itself behaves like a magnet and north-pole of bar magnet is attracted towards

27. What will happen to the magnet when we cut it into two pieces?
When we cut a bar magnet into two pieces, both these pieces act as magnets and we get two

Section- C

28.How do the shipmen find the direction even when north pointing pole star is not visible?

Shipmen during navigation can find the direction with the help of magnetic needle. This is
believed to be first used by Chinese.

29.How should two-bar magnets be kept?

After using it, two-bar magnets should be placed inside a wooden box so that:

1. the poles of two magnets lie opposite to each other.

2. a wooden piece should be kept between the two magnets.
3. metallic caps should be put on the poles, otherwise they will attract other
magnetic objects.

30.How can you show that unlike poles attract each other while like poles repel each other?
Suspend a magnet on a stand with the help of a string. Now it rests in N-S directions. Take
another magnet which has been marked N-S on it and bring N-pole of this magnet near the
N-pole of the suspended magnet. You will find that the suspended magnet rotates and
moves away showing that like poles repel each other . The same can be repeated by
bringing south-pole of one magnet near south-pole of suspended magnet.

31.Write any two features which makes a fish well adapted to live in water.
Presence of gills to breathe
Presence of fin and tails for swimming

32. Boojho dipped a bar magnet in a heap of iron filings and pulled it out. He found that iron filings
got stuck to the magnet.

(i)Which regions of the magnet have more iron filings sticking to it?

(ii) What are these regions called?

(i) A magnet’s strength is concentrated in its ends. Hence its ends will contain more iron
fillings concentration attached to them.
(ii) The ends of the magnet are called the North pole and the South pole, respectively

33.Match the following:

34.What are terrestrial habitats? Give examples.

The plants and animals that live on land are said to five in terrestrial habitats. ‘
For example, forests, grasslands, deserts, coastal and mountain region.

35. What adaptation of desert animals protect themselves from deficiency of water?
Animals living in hot places such as desert, for example, snakes, desert rats and lizards are
not able to get sufficient water. So these animals have thick skin, which prevents
evaporation. Since they do not sweat, they can survive without water for longer period.

36.How is a fish adapted to live in water?

Fish has the following adaptations to live in water:

• In all the fish, the head and tail portions are smaller than the middle portion,
that is, the body tapers at both the ends. This shape of the body provides least
resistance to the fish when they swim in water.
• Skin of fish is covered with scales. These scales are slippery, the slippery scales
help the fish in swimming.
• We have lungs, which is an organ for respiration. Similarly, fish has gills for
respiration. It utilises oxygen dissolved in water and releases carbon dioxide
into the water.

Draw the diagram of a compass needle and explain how it works?

37. Give one word for the following:

• The process of taking food by organisms. Nutrition

• The process of getting rid of wastes. Excretion.
• The factors like food, water, light, temperature to which organisms respond. Stimuli
• Production of new organisms of own kind. Reproduction
38. Why do desert snakes burrow deep into the sand during the day?

Snakes in the desert burrow deep into the sand during the day time when it is very hot
because the deeper layers of sand are cooler. This allows them to stay away from heat of
the desert that persists through the day time as well as prevent loss of water from their

39. Identify the adaptation:

1. In camels to keep their bodies away from the heat of sand.

2. In frogs to enable them to swim.
3. In dolphins and whales to breathe in air when they swim near the surface of water.

1. Camels have long legs to keep their bodies away from the heat of sand in
2. Frogs have webbed feet that enable them to swim.
3. Dolphins and whales have blowholes which help them to breathe in air when
they swim n

40.Given below are the features with respect to their corresponding type of plant:

1. Thick waxy stem – desert plant

2. Short roots – aquatic plant
3. Cone-shaped plants – mountainous plant
4. Sloping branches – mountainous plant
5. Small or spine-like leaves – desert plant
6. Hollow stem – aquatic plant


41. The place where organisms live is called habitat. Habitat means a dwelling place (a
home). The habitat provides food, water, air, shelter and other needs to organisms. Several kinds
of plants and animals live in the same habitat. The plants and animals that live on land are said to
live in terrestrial habitats. Some examples of terrestrial habitats are forests, grasslands, deserts,
coastal and mountain regions. On the other hand, the habitats of plants and animals that live in
water are called aquatic habitats. Lakes, rivers and oceans are some examples of aquatic habitats.
There are large variations among terrestrial habitats like forests, grasslands, deserts, coastal and
mountain regions located in different parts of the world.
The organisms, both plants and animals, living in a habitat are its biotic components. The non-
living things such as rocks, soil, air and water in the habitat constitute its abiotic components.
a) Define adaptation and acclimatization.
Adaptation- The specific features which enable a plant or animal to live in a particular habitat.
Acclimatisation- The small term changes to overcome small problems due to change in
b) Differentiate between biotic and abiotic components.
Biotic components- the living things such as plants and animals in habitat are called biotic
Abiotic components- the non living things such as soil, air, water are called abiotic components
c) State the adaptations of animals and plants living on mountains
Mention few adaptations given in chapters.

42.Observe the picture and answer the following questions:

a) Identify the process shown in the picture.

This picture represents making of a magnet.

b) Explain the activity.

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