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Acknowledgement........................... i Table of content............................... ii Introduction..................................... iii-iv Question 1........................................ 1 Answer 1......................................... 2 - 5 Question 2....................................... 6

Answer 2......................................... 7-11 Conclusion.......................................12-13 Reference......................................... 14


Diploma in Information Technology Olympia College Petaling Jaya Campus


Communication is neither transmission of message nor message itself and needs to be effective in business. It is essence of management. The basic functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling cannot be performed well without effective communication. Business communication involves constant flow of information. Feedback is integral part of business communication. Organizations these days are very large. It involves number of people. There are various levels of hierarchy in an organization. Greater the number of levels, the more difficult is the job of managing the organization. Communication here plays a very important role in process of directing and controlling the people in the organization. Immediate feedback can be obtained and misunderstandings if any can be avoided. There should be effective communication between superiors and subordinated in an organization, between organization and society at large, for example between management and trade unions. It is essential for success and growth of an organization. Communication gaps should not occur in any organization.

Diploma in Information Technology Olympia College Petaling Jaya Campus iii

Question 1

Business Communication is goal oriented. The rules, regulations and policies of a company have to be communicated to people within and outside the organization. Business Communication is regulated by certain rules and norms. In early times, business communication was limited to paper-work, telephone calls etc. But now with advent of technology, we have cell phones, video conferencing, emails, and satellite communication to support business communication. Effective business communication helps in building good will of an organization. Business Communication can be of two types:

1. Oral Communication - An oral communication can be formal or informal. Generally business communication is a formal means of communication like meetings, interviews, group discussion, speeches ant etc. An example of Informal business communication would be grapevine. 2. Written Communication - Written means of business communication includes agenda, reports, manuals and etc.

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Question 1

Question 1 Explain the communication process. How does one ensure that the intended audience has received the right message?

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Question 1 (Answer 1)

Communication is the process of sharing our ideas, thoughts and feelings with other people and having those ideas, thoughts and feelings understood by the people we are talking with. When we are communicating to some people, we are conceiving, encoding and observe to him or her. The way we communicate is a learned style. As children we are learning from watching our parents and other adults communicate. As an adult we can learn to improve the way we communicate by observing others who communicate effectively, learning new skills and practicing those skills which are people able to understand. By analyzing the parts of the process, we are better able to understand the whole. A communication process is a simple model that demonstrates all the factors that can affect communication. Communication is effective if the message that is received is the same one that is sent. The process of communication is dynamic and interactive. Someone sends, someone receives and in the between there is a message. As information flows, people place meaning and structure on the variety of message received from others. The communication process takes place in various situations for different reasons, with the potential for many interpretations. It has seven main elements such as sender, message, receiver, feedback, channel, context or setting and interface or noise. So, there are many models of the communication process. The diagrams presented in the following page are representations of how communication works. It should be stressed that they cannot be a complete guide. As a communication occurs, the sender and receiver interact by sending or known as encoding and receiving known as decoding messages. They take the most significant elements of the process and place these in a useful sequence.

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Question 1 (Answer 1

Diagram 1.1: The stage of communication

The communication process which is begins with the sender. Senders are individuals who react to situations from a unique viewpoint, interpreting ideas and filtering experiences through their own perception. Unique to individual senders and integral to all the communication they engage in, is a background of accumulated attitudes, experiences, skills, cultural conditioning and individual differences that influences how they communicate. The sender encodes an idea or feeling in words or signs that the receiver will recognize and transmits this message to the receiver.

The message is the idea or feeling transmitted from the sender to the receiver to achieve understanding. It makes a connection between sender and receiver.

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Question 1 (Answer 1)

The receiver receives or interprets the message to achieve understanding. So, the receiver is also acting as an individual from a unique vantage point, interpreting the idea according to a particular personal perception of the message. This perception is the result of the receivers unique background of experiences, beliefs, concerns and etc. Since perception has a significant influence on communication, it is useful to look closely at it. The way a message is encoded by the sender maybe quite different from the way the receiver decodes the message.

The receiver is simply the person whom receiving the message and making sense of it, or understanding and translating it into meaning. When receiver reacts, he is then the communicator. Communication is only successful when the reaction of the receiver is that which the communicator intended. Effective communication will takes place with shared meaning and understanding. Perception is the way people understand or give meaning to their environment. Perception and interpretation of the same message varies according to how each individuals perception is influenced by experience, attitudes and beliefs and a range of acquired skills or expectations. For example, one person may perceive the colour blue as cool, peaceful and comforting while another person may see blue as old-fashioned or formal. The particular or specific meaning is influenced by past experience. Even the context or setting of the communication affects perception. Blue may be calming and relaxing one day, too formal on another.

Diploma in Information Technology Olympia College Petaling Jaya Campus 4

Question 1 (Answer 1)

After that, there is feedback information from the people as you interact with. As well as making the speaker to continue sharing, listeners respond in a way that shows their comprehension and acceptance or not acceptance of the message. A response is an essential part of successful interpersonal communication. It is the receivers response to the senders message, and can be deliberate or not deliberate. Both of the sender and the recipient need feedback. As a communication occur, check with your recipients to establish that their understanding of the message is correct. Ask the recipient to repeat what has been said and acknowledge your agreement or disagreement.

Fortunately, it is importance to the speaker to determine whether the message is correctly being received and helps receivers understand. Feedback can help or hinder your communication and climate you create. In the workplace most people communicate face to face with their leaders, supervisors and colleagues. So, the ability to provide appropriate feedback can assist the development of good working relationships and the productivity of the business or also can build an effectiveness working relationships. A gossip conversation is also known as grapevine in business field.

Besides that, audience are playing an important role in communication process. An audience is communicating based on its knowledge or experiences. No matter how effectively you communicate, your message will be unsuccessful if a significant part of it is untranslatable by the audience. The audience isnt just an important consideration when you communicate. It is the most important elements in the communication process.

Diploma in Information Technology Olympia College Petaling Jaya Campus 5

Question 2

Question 2 As the Product Manager of a soon-to-belaunched product, explain the methods, the mediums, and the vehicles that you would use to communicate with your target audience to persuade them to buy your product. Produce one advertisement for your product. *student may decide on whatever product that they wish.

Diploma in Information Technology Olympia College Petaling Jaya Campus 6

Question 2 (Answer 2)

In the terms of business, we are looking at the four methods which are product, place, promotion and the price of a thing. So, as a product manager of a company, is to investigates, selects and develops products for an organisation, performing the activities of product management. A product manager considers numerous factors such as intended demographic, the products offered by the competition and how well the product fits with the company's business model. Generally, a product manager manages one or more tangible products. However, the term may be used to describe a person who manages intangible products, such as music, information, services and etc. There are many products selling in the market now a day. I am taking a laptop as an example for my assignment.

First and foremost, the steps that a product manager will taken to completes the task are planning, researching, surveying and etc. A plan that been selected by the department have to think of the target of audiences, the location, the way an advertisement be shown to the people and etc. For example, the product is more to students and office users, then we are going to shown the product informations at the school areas, highway signboard, public transport such as taxi, bus and also Light Rail Transit also known as LRT. Additional, the effectiveness of an advertisement is very important and it is affect the sales of the project.

Next, the project team have to do some research among the areas to check which society are more often going there, giving flyers and doing survey to the people. This is the starts of an project before it successfully done. The market of the year 2011 is about to vehicle advertisement, banner, computerized ways, electronic methods are used by many society to attract their customers and etc.

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Question 2 (Answer 2)

A method that used is signboard banner, which are located at many location that cars are passing by. This method is working and attracted for any types of audiences such as child, adults and others. The reason is because of everyone are also attracted from the colorful and special designed banner as we are in the traffic jam or on the highway and etc.

So, I am taking a laptop as my product and a vehicle as an example of my advertisement, to bring out the messages to everyone. This is because now a day everyone are going to carry a laptop to work, study or even business matters. Its helping people to completes their tasks in an easier and faster manner which are no limit time, real time, easy carry and etc. For example, an architechture will always carry their laptop to work because it is a compulsary device, helps them to handle the works without any doutb such as forget to bring the proposal, the graph or drawing is too heavy or any others inconvenience.

Moreover, a laptop is being uses anytime and anywhere by anyone. Another method they are also looks at the brand of a laptop such as Dell, Acer, Toshiba, HP, Lenovo and etc. These are the few brands which are hot selling in the market and the way they always uses are giving free gifts, offer nice package of a laptop, give the flyer through daily newspaper and also hire promoters and give them a training to push them to become the professional or expert in any types of question. So that, they can gain more sales and also increase the user to uses their laptop. In the next page, there is a taxi diagram and shows the advertisement paste on the car surfaces.

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Question 2 (Answer 2)

Diagram 2.1: Side views

Diagram 2.2: Plan views

Diagram 2.3: Back views *Shaded areas are for advertisement.

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Question 2 (Answer 2)

Next, the audiences are going to search the product either on the internet or straight visit the brand shop of the selected brand which is located in the certain areas. As an audience, they are always being the smarter and rational in selecting a good and suitable for themselves. For instance, Acer laptop is offering RM2299 for an Intel Core I5 processor, 500GB Hard Disk Drive, Blu-Ray Optical Disk Drive and Dell laptop also offer such components but the price is RM2599, so as a customer mostly they are going to buy Acer instead of Dell. That is because customer will choose cheaper price rather than the Dell laptop which costly RM2599.

Therefore, in the flyer we needed to state the price bigger, not more than 3 colours in the terms of multimedia, state where can they get the product and telephone number, there are terms and conditions applied, got how many colours and etc. A customer likes to saw something new and also more creativity such as full details, not complicated, easy to carry, the paper not big in size and if the paper with aroma will be better because will increases the impacts to customer buying the product from you. Other than that, the flyer should be giving through communication although one word such as Mr, Acer are offering nice and cheap laptop. This can makes the customer keep on looking the flyer that you gave him or her. Additional, some of them will straight ask some question to the promoter. So, that is the golden time to makes sales. In the next page got an example of flyer which is made by through above methods.

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Question 2 (Answer 2)

New Product!

Acer Aspire 4820TGL

Intel Core i7-970M Quad Core CPU. 6GB of DDR3 RAM. 1TB of 2.5Hard Disk Drive. 2GB DDR5 Nvidia 480M GTX Dual SLI graphics. Gigabit Ethernet and 802.11n wireless are provided by Atheros. 2.1 Bluetooth with remote control. Altec Lansing speaker. Blu-ray Optical Disk Drive 14.1 Acer CrystalBrite FullHD LED Display 6x3.0 USB ports & FireWire HDMI Output & 7.1 Dolby Surround

Diploma in Information Technology Olympia College Petaling Jaya Campus 11


In question 1, a communication is a two-way process that involves getting your message across and understanding what others have to say. Communication involves active listening, speaking and observing. Now that you have learned the communication process, you can begin to evaluate your communication skills. Begin to watch yourself in action. Each time you communicate observe what you do, how it went, what went well and what could have been better. The ability to effectively communicate is a critical skill. The more you become an effective communicator the more likely you are to achieve what you want. Remember, you can improve your communication skills by observing people who communicate effectively, learning new skills, and practicing those skills. Acquiring effective communication skills will help you be a better student, parent, family member, worker and citizen.

Besides that, question 2 is talking about methods that will used by a product manager to create a good sales and attracting more consumers to purchase our product in such ways, advertising on vehicle, building, sign board and etc. This is because customer needs to know the specification of the product and they are also requesting something such as high end specification which is not possible to find it in the market. For example, dell giving such services and preassemble specification personal computer.

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In this assignment, I had learned How does one ensure that the intended audience has received the right message? and Method used by product manager to improve sales. It is something like how the communication process helps us to bring out the output with an easier manner and effectively.

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Reference Internet TaOtCY3IrQeH0rCZBw&usg=AFQjCNHQ5RTGsde7G48urVF-U47pkC-wXQ

Excellence In Business Communication (6th Edition) by John Thill, Courtland L. Bovee, Paperback: 656 pages, Publisher: Prentice Hall Burnett, M.J., & Dollar, A. (1989). Business Communication: Strategies for Success. Houston, Texas: Dane. Ivancevich, J.M., Lorenzi, P., Skinner, S.J., & Crosby, P.B. (1994). Management: Quality and Competitiveness. Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin. Gibson, J.W., & Hodgetts, R.M. (1990). Business Communication: Skills and Strategies. NY, NY: Harper & Row. Bovee, C.L., & Thill, J.V. (1992). Business Communication Today. NY, NY: McGraw-Hill. Berko, R.M., Wolvin, A.D., & Curtis, R. (1986). This Business of Communicating. Dubuque, IO: WCB. Wright, P.M., & Noe, R.A., (1995). Management of Organizations. Chicago, IL: Irwin.

Human Resource
Miss Suga, Olympia College Petaling Jaya Campus, Business Communication lecturer, Jan - April 2011.

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