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EXeRcises| Build the adverbs. 4. crazy 2. typical 3 tidy 4 false 5. necessary 6. democratic 7. complete & true 9. angry 10. terrible 11, daily 12. funny 13. gentle 14. easy Colin and Brenda are brother and sister. But they're very different. Put in the adverbs. Colin is the perfect pupil. He’s good at all his school subjects. In a test he usually answers correctly (correct). In class he listens teacher, and at home he works. bed, he puts all his books away, (serious). When she has homework, she does it very (quick). She always carries her stereo around, and she sings (loud) to the music. She knows the words, (perfect). She sings computer games. She's very good because she gets lots of practice. When she plays with her friends, she wins Susan is a Sports reporter. She's doing a radio commentary about an athletics competition for schools. Complete the text with adjectives or adverbs. The runners look The girls are standing Max takes athletics very Gary is running a Karen is finishing Joanne must feel very She didn’t run very She is walking away very Karen ran ©CErNenrona (careful) to his (quiet) in his room. Before he goes to (tidy). Brenda doesn't take life so . (fantastic) Her other hobby is (easy) (nervous) (nervous) at the start. (serious). (good) race. (strong). (sad). (good). (sad). (fantastic). gaLIVEWORKSHEETS

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