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Jamini Astrology

Intro, Basics, Structure

Origins, Depth & Style of Jaimini Astrology
Jaimini astrology is one of the truly great Vedic astrology traditions.
Though there are many disagreements, controversies and unknown areas surrounding this
system, every scholars praise this system. B. V. Raman, K. N. Rao, P. S. Sastri and many
others have openly spoken this.
The knowledge that we have on Jaimini Astrology today is based on an ancient text known
as Jaimini Sutras, which is divided into four chapters or Adhyayas, where this unique system
of Hindu astrology has been explained in about 1000 sutras. In many cases the meaning of
these sutras are very confusing and difficult to understand. The sutras in themselves are
very short and concise in composition and a kind of coded language has been used.
Naturally, this has lead to some errors and misunderstandings in the different translations
and commentaries.
However, a deep and serious study leaves the impression that there is a huge and superior
intelligence behind these sutras. But since Jaimini-astrology is so much different from the
usual Parasari-concept some further explanation is needed.

Jaimini is predominantly practiced in Andhra

Jaimini is predominantly practiced in the Andhra Pradesh area of India, mostly as a
somewhat secret tradition.
However, Jaimini’s governing principles are also discussed in detail in Brihat Parasara Hora
Sastra (BPHS; the encyclopedic compendium of astrological techniques) and Jaimini Sutras.

How do we know they are Jaimini techniques?

Jaimini is predominantly practiced in the Andhra Pradesh area of India, mostly as a
somewhat secret tradition.
However, Jaimini’s governing principles are also discussed in detail in the encyclopedic
compendium of astrological techniques, Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (BPHS). The Jaimini
factors are not referred to specifically as Jaimini indicators in BPHS.
However, when one reads P. S. Sastri’s translation of the Jaimini Sutras, or either of Mr. K.
N. Rao’s texts on Jaimini Astrology, one realizes that these principles are, in fact, Jaimini
The Jaimini Aspects / Rasi Drishti / Sign Aspects
Signs have aspect!
In Jaimini astrology, signs, not planets, cast aspects.
Yes, what you read is correct! It will be shocking / surprising / annoying for everyone coming
from Parashara system. But, it is true. It may take a good amount of time to understand this
peculiar and highly advanced concept. But, until you understand this rasi drishti concept,
you can not make any predictions in Jaimini system – because it is an essential component
in Jaimini.

Graha drishti vs Rasi drishti:

In Parashari astrology, aspects are determined by the planets. Every planet casts an aspect
on the seventh house from it, and three planets -- Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn -- cast special
aspects (Jupiter: 5,9; Mars: 4,8; Saturn: 3,10).
However, in Jaimini astrology, it is the signs that cast aspects. It is a completely different
In other words, parashara system uses “planetary aspects (Graha Drishti)” while Jaimini
system uses “sign aspects (rashi drishti)”.

List of rules:
The rules are very simple:
1) Fixed signs aspect cardinal signs, except the adjacent signs.
2) Cardinal signs aspect fixed signs, except the adjacent signs.
3) Mutable signs aspect each other.
That’s it. We have to remember these 3 rules only.
The following is the way in which the sign aspects each other.
1. Aries aspects Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius
2. Taurus aspects Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn
3. Cancer aspects Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus
4. Leo aspects Libra, Capricorn, and Aries
5. Libra aspects Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo
6. Scorpio aspects Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer
7. Capricorn aspects Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio
8. Aquarius aspects Aries, Cancer, and Libra
9. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces aspect each other.

Ref – Types of signs:

a) Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
b) Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
c) Mutable signs (Common signs): Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

 Aries, a Cardinal sign, will aspect Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, but NOT Taurus, since
Taurus is next to it.
 Leo, which is a Fixed sign, will aspect Libra, Capricorn and Aries, but NOT Cancer,
which is the previous sign.
 Gemini, which a Common sign, will aspect Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, since they
are the other three Common signs.

Aspects are mutual

In Jaimini, all aspects between signs are mutual -- which is a major departure from
There are no one-sided aspects in Jaimini!

What about planets’ aspects in Jaimini?

In Jaimini system, planets don’t possess specific aspects. They just behave as the signs which
they occupy. The 3 rules mentioned for sign aspects are followed by planets too. In other
words, if a sign aspects something, planets in that sign also aspect the same thing.
Rule: The aspect of any sign carries the aspects of the planets located within that sign.
Example: If a planet is placed in say Aries, a Cardinal sign, then it will aspect Leo, Scorpio and
Aquarius, but NOT Taurus, since Taurus is next to it.
In simple words, the deciding factor in Jaimini is signs and not planets. That’s the difference
between Parashara and Jaimini.

Points to keep in mind:

 In Jaimini, the "Aspects" are always of Signs (and not of Planets).
 Jaimini Aspects are different from the Tajaka Aspects also (which is used in
Varshaphala and also in Prashna).

The Karakas
In Parashara system, we consider karakatwa or significations to be always the same in case
of each planet. We use the Sun for father, the Moon for mother, Mars for brothers, Jupiter
for children, Venus for wife etc. etc. This kind of Karakas is known as Sthira-Karakas,
meaning fixed significators.
This is used in Jaimini as well plus Jaimini has one more karaka system called Chara-karakas.

Chara-Karakas – Source 1
School 1 - Sapta-karaka School
This is also the case in Jaimini Astrology, and the karakas are also to some extent the same.
But Jaimini additionally suggest the use of Charaka karakas, meaning the seven changeable
In Charaka karaka system, the relative distance traversed by planets in different houses
determines their Karakattwa.
This system of karakas is based on the Upadesa Sutras in Chapter 1, First Foot/Subchapter
(which is known as Adhikaar Sutras or Rules to be Followed).
The following are seven Chara-Karakas:
(1) Atmakaraka (Own self, considered the strongest planet)
(2) Amatyakaraka (Career, profession, Service/Business)
(3) Bhratrukaraka (Brothers and sisters)
(4) Matrukaraka (Mother)
(5) Putrakaraka (Children)
(6) Gnatikaraka (Cousins and relations)
(7) Darakaraka (Husband, wife)
These seven Karakas are simply identified from the precise degree, minutes and seconds
obtained by the different planets. This way a planet at 29 degrees in any sign is considered
to be stronger than a planet, which is only at 25 degrees in any sign.
Except for Rahu and Ketu, the planet having most degrees in the sign occupied by him is
considered to be the strongest planet in the horoscope and therefore it become the
Following the same principle, the second strongest planet becomes Amatyakaraka, then
comes Bhratrukaraka followed by Matrukaraka, Putrakaraka, Gnatikara and finally the
Darakaraka, which is the planet having least degrees, minutes and seconds in the sign
occupied by him.

School 2 - Ashta-karaka School

Some schools add Rahu also to Chara Karakas and call them Ashta-chara-karakas.
This is another controversial element in Jaimini system.
Seven or Eight Karaka – which is correct?
There is some disagreement over whether Pitrukaraka should be included in the hierarchy
of karakas when assigning planets. Pitrukaraka exists in the ancient texts but it is not clear
that it should be given the same treatment as the others. Without Pitrukaraka, seven
planets are required for assignment. With Pitrukaraka, eight planets are required for
assignment so Rahu in included with the usual seven.
K. N. Rao’s School follows seven-karaka scheme.
Sanjay Rath’s SJC School follows eight-karaka scheme.
In the Jaimini Upadesa Sutras, both 7 and 8 karakas are mentioned, implies that both must
have some utility for interpretation.
Of course, AK is the most imporant karaka in Jaimini as it indicates one’s self.
These karakas are of extreme importance in judging a chart, especially in terms of career
potential and, especially, for judging spiritual potential, as indicated in both the Brihat
Parasara Hora Sastra and the Jaimini Sutram.

Chara-Karakas – Source 2
The moveable karakas, or Chara karakas (from Sanskrit Chara, 'movable'), are the karakas
published by Jaimini in the Upadesa Sutras.
The assignment of karakas to planets is determined by the celestial longitude of the planet
relative to the beginning of the sign of the zodiac in which the planet is placed in the chart.
That is, the planet will move from 0° relative longitude where it enters the sign to 30° where
it crosses into the next sign of the zodiac. The Atmakaraka is the planet with the greatest
relative celestial longitude. The other karakas are assigned to planets in descending order of
relative celestial longitude according to the following table.

Name Karaka Lordship over Notes

Atma Atmakaraka Oneself, the soul Strongest influence in the horoscope

Amatya Amatyakaraka Mind, close associate

Bhratru Bhratrukaraka Brothers

Matru Matrukaraka Mother

Pitru Pitrukaraka Father Omitted by some sources

Putra Putrakaraka Children

Gnathi Gnathikaraka Relations

Dara Darakaraka Husband/Wife

Chara-Karakas – Source 3
In Parashari astrology the karakas of planets are fixed. But, Jaimini uses dynamic karakas.
For example, the planet with the highest degrees of longitude -- regardless of the sign it is in
-- becomes be atmakaraka for that chart. The atmakaraka, or "soul-indicator," is a very
important planet, akin to the Lagna Lord and Sun in Parashara astrology.
 Planet of highest degree = Atmakaraka which acts like the ascendant lord or the Sun,
indicating the native, 1st house matters;
 Planet of next highest degree = Amatyakaraka which indicates ups and downs in
career, 10th house factors;
 Planet of the next highest degree = Bhratrukaraka which acts like the 3rd house lord
or Mars, indicating siblings and other 3rd house affairs;
 Planet of next highest degree = Matrukaraka which acts like the 4th house lord or
Moon, indicating the mother or other 4th house affairs;
 Next Planet = Putrakaraka which acts like the 5th house lord or Jupiter, indicating
children or other 5th house affairs;
 Planet next = Gnatikaraka which acts like the 6th house lord, indicating diseases or
other 6th house affairs;
 Planet next = Darakaraka this acts like the 7th lord or Venus, indicating relationships.

The atmakaraka can be used as an indicator of the essence of the person. The relative
strength or weakness of the atmakaraka can indicate the overall strength of the horoscope.

What if two planets have the same longitude?

In the rare cases when two planets have the same relative celestial longitude to the nearest
second of arc then they are both assigned to the same karaka. To avoid the last karaka
(Dara) being left without a planet, Rahu is included with the usual seven planets. However,
because Rahu has retrograde motion, the relative celestial longitude of Rahu is measured
from the end of the sign it is in, not the beginning.
In the even rarer case when more than two planets share the same relative longitude, there
will be more than one karaka without a planet. After assigning Rahu to the leftover karaka
highest up the hierarchy, the remainder of leftover karakas are assigned the planet that has
the same lordship as in the fixed karakas.

Karakamsa Lagna or simply Karakamsa is an extremely important point in Jaimini system.
It is essential to make predictions in Jaimini.

Karakamsa [Lagna] - Calculation:

Karakamsa means Navamsa sign occupied by Atma Karaka planet.
It is also known as Karakamsa Lagna.
Atmakaraka is Chandra. It occupies Rishaba rasi in Navamsa.
Here, Rishaba is called Karakamsa.
Karakamsa Bhavas - Calculation:
The BPHS and Jaimini Sutram indicate that certain planets in certain positions (houses) from
the Karakamsa will produce specific effects and affiliations.
Disagreement -- Houses in Rasi or Navamsa?
Though the navamsa sign occupied by Atmakaraka is considered as Karakamsa Lagna or
Karakamsa Lagna, there is a disagreement on how to consider houses from Karakamsa
Lagna. This disagreement arises due to two reasons:
(1) There are no clear instructions given on this matter in classics, and
(2) The modern notion of considering houses in divisions (i.e. using divisions as
divisional charts) is not explicitly approved by classics.
Claim 1 - K. N. Rao’s chool:
Though Karakamsa [or Karakamsa Lagna] is identified in Navamsa, Karakamsha is used in the
birth-chart (Rasi Chakra) rather than the Navamsa Chakra. That is, we consider houses from
Karakamsa in rashi chart.
This was clearly explained for the first time in K. N. Rao's book “Karakamsha and Jaimini's
Mandooka Dasha”. This method is followed by many scholars.
Claim 2 – Sanjay Rath’s chool:
According to Sanjay Rath’s SJC School, Karakamsa houses should be considered in Navamsa
chart itself.

Use 1 – General predictions
A number of important predictions can be given based on Karakamsha.
Jaimini himself is very specific about this and has explained about the meaning of the
planets in the 12 houses from Karakamsha in a very elaborate manner covering almost a
complete chapter in his Jaimini Sutras.
Use 2 – Birthtime rectification & Fixing Lagna:
In some cases where the birth time was doubtful and I could not find out the correct
Ascendant, I have depended completely on the Karakamsha-Lagna and got some very nice
delinations from that. (Ref: Rohini Ranjan, Wandahl and few other astrologers.)

The Special Lagnas

In Jaimini astrology a number of different Ascendants or Lagnas are involved obviously for a
lot of different purposes.
There are Arudha-Lagna, Upapada-Lagna, Chandra-Lagna, Bhava-Lagna, Hora-Lagna,
Ghatika-Lagna, Nisheka-Lagna, Karakamsha-Lagna and Varnada-Lagna just to mention some
of them.
Lagna-Arudha / Arudha Lagna
In Jaimini astrology, Arudha Lagna, or Lagnarudha, is more important than ascendant.
Arudha Lagna is obtained by counting as many signs from the lord of the ascendant as this
lord is removed from the ascendant itself.

Pada / Arudha
Source 1:
The "Padas" (or Arudhas) of Houses (which correspond to as many signs away from the
Ascendant, as they are from the Ascendant) also of considerable influence in Jaimini
Source 2:
Padas are indicators in the signs.
The best way to explain a pada is to illustrate it.
Suppose we are looking for the marriage pada in a chart. The seventh house is the marriage
house in a standard chart. Let us assume we have a Libra ascendant. Aries is the seventh
house in this chart. The ruler of the seventh house is therefore Mars. Then let us assume
that the Graha Mars is in the sign Capricorn. This sign is ten signs away from Aries. We then
count ten signs from Capricorn to get the pada for marriage matters. Thus, the sign Libra is
the marriage indicator for this chart. Issues connected with marriage (and partnerships in
general) will be reach fruition during the mahadasa or bhuktis of Libra.

Upapada / Upapada-Lagna
The Upapada-Lagna is found by counting as many signs from the 12th-lord as the 12th-lord
is removed from the 12th house. This way, if the 12th house falls in Libra and Venus is in
Capricorn, the 4th house from the 12th, then Upapada will be in Aries, which is the 4th from
In other words, Upapada Lagna (UL) is the sign as apart from the 12th lord as the latter is
from the 12th sign itself.
Upapada works like a kind of relationship-axis. It can be used in cooperation with the
normal Ascendant to get a second opinion about elder and younger coborns from the 3rd
and 11th house and about children from the 5th and 9th houses. In the same way the 2nd
and 7th houses from Upapada can be used profitably in connection to marriage and family.
The 5th and 9th house can be used as a second opinion on children by employing Jaimini's
special system of children-planets from both Ascendant and Upapada:
1) Bahuputra grahas: Sun, Jupiter and Rahu (children producing planets)
2) Ekaputra grahas: Moon (Giver of only one son - meaning mostly daughters)
3) Anapatya grahas: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars (Not children producing)
However, I only think Upapada should be used in connection to relations like marriage,
sibling and children. To find out about profession, educations, land and house etc., I would
use the Karakamsha.

Argala means a fastening latch; something intervening as an impediment; planets affecting
the fructification or otherwise of another sign or planet.
1) Planets in the 4th, 2nd, 11th, and 5th positions from an aspecting planet (except
Ketu) become Argalas.
2) Lords which are in the 9th house from Ketu become Argalas for the sign which they
3) When planets becoming Argalas are benefices, their results are auspicious; malefic in
the position produce impediments.
4) The Argalas produced by planets in the 4th, 2nd, 11th, and 5th positions get
neutralised by the presence of planets in 10th, 12th, 3rd, and 9th respectively.
The "Argalas" (Mukhya, Gouna, and Vishesha) and 'Virodha-Argalas' are of special
importance for delineation of results.

Jaimini Dashas
For finding "Timing of Events", we use nakshatra dasas such as Vimshottari dasa in
Parashara system.
But, in Jaimini we use rashi dasas such as Chara dasha.
In Jaimini astrology, the Dasa systems are based on Rasis or signs and not on Nakshatras
and planets like in Vimsottari Dasa etc.
There are many different Dasas in Jaimini like Chara Dasa, Sthira Dasa, Trikona Dasa, Shoola
Dasa, Varnada Dasa, Navamsa Dasa, Brahma Dasa, Yogardha Dasa, Drig Dasa and Mandooka
Dasa just to mention a few of them.
However, with many of these Dasas there seem to be certain conditions like planetary
patterns that have to be fulfilled, meaning that many of the Dasa-systems should not be
used unless their particular conditions are present in the horoscope under consideration.
Only four of these dasa systems seem to be for universal use for all horoscopes:
1) Chara Dasa
2) Sthira Dasa
3) Niryana Shoola Dasa
4) Navamsa Dasa
These rashi dasas are the backbone of the timing of the events in Jaimini Astrology.
Jaimini Yogas
Jaimini astrology uses a variety of yogas or special combinations which do not exist in other
types of Jyotish.
The two most unusual (but, in their own way, very logical) are the special combinations
which have to do with Saturn and Venus.

Venus yogas:
Venus, in combination with, aspected by or aspecting the Moon, produces a special
auspicious combination in Jaimini which manifests during the mahadasa of one of the signs
in which the planet sits. (Remember the sign aspects which are unique to Jaimini).

Saturn yogas:
Likewise, there is a special combination in Jaimini astrology which makes use of Saturn. In
standard Parasara astrology, the planet Saturn is often interpreted as a bringer of hardship,
but in the tenth house or when casting an aspect on the Moon, Saturn produces a
phenomenal rise to power or intense charisma, respectively.
Likewise, there is a really positive influence when Saturn aspects the Karakamsa sign in the
Rasi (natal birth chart). The Karakamsa sign is the sign in which the Atmakaraka planet sits in
the Navamsa chart, transferred to the natal chart.
To use an example from my chart, the planet Mars is my atmakaraka planet. It is placed in
the sign Pisces in my navamsa chart. Saturn sits in Virgo in my natal chart, fully aspecting my
Karakamsa sign in the natal chart.
This tends to give me some degree of recognition quickly in any field I enter. Without
seeming egotistical, it has been my experience that I have become relatively well known
within a short period of time in whatever field I pursue, even in fields which normally
require decades of work for even small recognition (such as Jyotish!). (Well known does not,
by the way, mean movie star famous--It just means well known within a certain circle or

Conjunctions and aspects of Chara-Karakas:

Conjunctions or aspects which involve the atma karaka (1st house indicator), the amatya
karaka (second and tenth house indicator), matri karaka (fourth house indicator), the putra
karaka (fifth house indicator) and the dara or stri karaka (seventh house indicator) produce
special combinations in Jaimini astrology similar to the Raja Yoga combinations in Parasara
The gnati karaka (sixth, eighth and twelfth house indicator) likewise produces difficult
patterns in a chart, and the bhatri karaka, as a representative of the third and ninth houses)
produces mixed (mutable) results.
It is considered very favorable if the atmakaraka is in Kendra to the amatyakaraka.
The Jaimini karakas, as a whole, work very much in the way that the house lords work in
Parasara astrology.

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