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Course Structure for M.Sc. Chemistry
( Choice Based Credit System)
( with effect from the academic year 2016- 2017 onwards )
(44th SCAA meeting held on 30.05.2016)

Sub Subject Subject Title Hrs/ Cre- Marks

Sem No. status week dits
Maximum Passing
Int. Ext Tot. Ext. Tot
III 13 Core - 7 Organic Chemistry -III 5 5 25 75 100 38 50

14 Core - 8 Inorganic Chemistry- III 5 5 25 75 100 38 50

15 Core - 9 Physical Chemistry -III 5 5 25 75 100 38 50

16 Core – 10 Scientific Research 3 3 25 75 100 38 50
IV 17 Core - 11 Organic Chemistry- IV 5 5 25 75 100 38 50
18 Core - 12 Inorganic Chemistry -IV 5 5 25 75 100 38 50

19 Core - 13 Physical Chemistry -IV 5 5 25 75 100 38 50

20 Practical Organic Chemistry – II 4 4 50 50 100 25 50
– IV
21 Practical Inorganic Chemistry – II 4 4 50 50 100 25 50
22 Practical Physical Chemistry – II 4 4 50 50 100 25 50
-- VI
23 Project Project work and viva- 3 3 50 50 100 25 50

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / Ppr. No.13 / Core-7

Organic Chemistry – III


Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution : Mechanism of SN1, SN2, SNi, SN1‟, SN2‟ and SNi‟
reactions- Effect of substrate, nucleophile, leaving group and solvent on the rate of substitution-
Ambident nucleophile- NGP- Mechanism of esterifications and ester hydrolysis (BAC2 and AAC2
mechanisms only).

Elimination Reaction: E1, E2 and E1CB mechanisms- Factors influencing elimination

reactions- Hofmann and Satyzeff rules- Pyrolytic elimination- Chugaev and cope reactions-
competition between substitution and elimination reactions.


H1NMR spectroscopy: Basic Principle – number of signals – chemical shift – Factors

influencing chemical shift - spin–spin splitting– classification of spin systems – analysis of AX,
AMX and ABX systems – Geminal, Vicinal and long range couplings–NOE in stereochemistry –

C-13 spectroscopy: Principle of proton decoupled C-13 spectroscopy - comparison with

H NMR – chemical shifts (aliphatic, olefinic, alkynic, aromatic and carbonyl compounds).

2D NMR spectroscopy: H1–H1COSY, H1–C13 COSY, NOESY, DEPT and INADEQUATE



Basic Principles– Base peak – molecular ion – nitrogen rule – metastable ions – isotopic
peak - daughter ions – Mc–Lafferty rearrangement – RDA – General rules for fragmentation
pattern – Fragmentation pattern of simple compounds of hydrocarbons, alcohols, amines,
aldehyde, ketone, ether, acids, phenols ,nitro compounds, alicyclic compounds .

Alternative electron impact ionization technique– CI, FAB, ESI – MS, MALDI –MS,

One conjunction problem based on UV, IR, H1 NMR, 13C NMR and Mass
spectroscopic techniques is compulsory under section – c. Problems shall be based on the
reference books.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / Ppr. No.13 / Core-7


Organic photochemistry: Jablonskii diagrams-intersystem crossing-energy transfer process-

Photosensitization- alpha cleavage or Norris type-I and gamma hydrogen transfer or Norrish
Type II cleavage – Paterno-Buchi reactions- Barton reaction, photo oxidation and reduction
reaction - cis-trans isomerisation. - Di-π methane rearrangement.

pericyclic reactions: Atomic and molecular orbital‟s -Woodward-Hoffmann rules, FMO method
and correlation diagram approaches:

Electrocyclic reaction: con and dis rotatory motions for 4n and 4n+2system (butadiene and
1,3,5-hexatrienes)- Stereochemical course of electro cyclic reaction in terms of conservation of
orbital symmetry.

Cyclo addition: suprafacial and antarafacial, [2+2] and [4+2] cyclo addition reactions (ethylene
and butadiene)

Sigmatropic rearrangements - [i, j] shift of C-H and C-C bonds (1,3) and (1,5) carbon


Synthesis and reactions of indole, oxazole, imidazole, thiazole, Carbazole, chromans,

Chromons, pyrimidine, pyridazine, pyrazine, coumarins, benzopyrones and anthocyanins-
synthesis of flavones, isoflavones, flavonol, and quercetin -Biosynthesis of flavonoids. Synthesis

Pyranose and furanose forms of aldohexose and ketohexose-methods used for the
determination of ring size-A Detailed study on the structure of maltose, lactose and starch.


1. J.March, „ Advanced organic chemistry‟, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
Newyork, 2006.
2. Depuy, E.C.H. and Chapman, O.S., “Molecular reactions and photochemistry” ,
Prentice Hall, New York, 1988.
3. I.L. Finar, „Organic Chemistry‟, volume 2, sixth Edition, Pearson Education
Inc., Singapore, 2006.
4. Raj K. Bansal, „Organic Reaction mechanisms”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Third Editon,
5. Y.R. Sharma,‟Fundamentals of Organic spectroscopy‟.
6. S. Kalsi, „Spectroscopy of organic spectroscopy‟, second Edition , New Age International
publishers Limited, 1995 .

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / Ppr. No.13 / Core-7

7.Jag Mohan, „Organic Analytical Chemistry Theory and Practice, „ Narosa Publishing
House, 2003.
8. W.Kemp, „Organic spectroscopy‟, Third Edition, Macmillan, 1994.
9. S.M. Silverstein, G.V.Bassler and T.C. Morril, „Spectrometric Identification of organic
compounds, sixth Edition, Wiley 2004.
10. D.H.Williams and Ian Fleming, „Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry,‟fifth
Editon, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1988.
11.F.W. Wherli and T. Wirthilin, „Interpretation of carbon – 13 spectra‟, Heyson and sons,
12. V.R. Dani, „Organic spectroscopy‟, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1995.
13 . J.R. Dyer, „Application of Absorption spectroscopy, prentice Hall, 1987.
14. Pavia, Lampmann, Kriz and Vyuyan, spectroscopy, cengage learning India Private Ltd.,
First Indian Reprint,2008.
15. D.H. William and R.D. Bower, „Mass spectrometry – principles and Applications,‟ I.
Howe, Mc Graw Hill.
16.R.M. Silverstein and F.X.Webster, „Spectrophotometric Identification of Organic
Compounds‟ John Wiley and Sons, Ine., Sixth Edition, 1997.
17.Singh, J., and Singh, J., “Photochemistry and Pericyclic reaction”, New Age
International, New Delhi, 2004.
18.H.O. House, „Modern synthetic Reaction,‟Second Edition , W.A. Benjamin, Inc.,
London, 1972
19.R.K. Mackie, M.M. Smith and R.A. Aitken,‟Guide Book to Organic Synthesis‟
Second Edition, Longman Seientific and Technical, Singapore, 1990.
20.Carrutherus , W., “ Some Modern Methods in Organic Syntheis”, Third edition,
Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997.
21.F.A. Carey and J.Sundberg,‟Advanced Organic chemistry „ part A and B, Plenum
Press, 2005.
22. Michael B. Smith, „Organic Synthesis,‟ Mc Graw Hill international Edition ,
23. P. Sykes, „A Guide book to mechanism in organic chemistry‟, Orient Longman,
24.Gurdeep R. Chatwal, „Reaction mechanism and Reagents in organic chemistry‟,
Himalaya publishing House, Bombay 1992.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / Ppr. No.13 / Core-7

25. R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd,‟Organic Chemistry‟ sixth Edition, Prentice Hall,
26. R.O.C .Norman, Principles of organic synthesis- Chapman and hall, London.
27. De Mayo, Molecular rearrangements
28. E.S. Gould, „Mechanism and structure in organic chemistry‟ Holt, Rinehart and
Winston Inc., 1959
29. F.A. Carey, Organic chemistry – Tata Mc Graw Hill, Delhi, 5th edition 2005.
30. Stryer, L., “Biochemistry”, Fifth edition, W.H.Freeman and company, San Francisco,
31. Jain, J.L., “Fundamentals of Biochemistry”,Fourth edition, S.Chand & Company
Limited, New Delhi.2007.
32. Bansal, K., “Heterocyclic Chemistry”, Fourth edition, New Age International, New
Delhi, 2005.
33. Organic chemistry by Clayden,Greeves, Warren & Wothers.
34. Pericyclic reactions by Ian Fleming.
35.Organic chemistry by John McMurry.
36. Organic chemistry by L.G. Wade. JR.
37. Named Organic reactions by Thomas laue & Andreas Plagens.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / / Core-8

Inorganic Chemistry - III

Definition - 18 e- and 16 e-rules and its correlation to stability - Synthesis and structures of metal
carbonyls, metal nitrosyls and dinitrogen complexes- Substitution reactions of metal carbonyls -
IR spectral applications– identifications of bridging and terminal CO groups –-Stretching mode
analysis of metal carbonyls–evidence for M-M bonds. Synthesis, properties and structural
features of metal complexes with alkene, alkyne, allyl and arene systems. Metallocenes -
synthesis, properties, structure and bonding with particular reference to ferrocene and
berryllocene- covalent versus ionic bonding in beryllocene.Template synthesis of macro cyclic


Organometallic compounds as catalysts and the requirements - Oxidative addition and reductive
elimination- insertion and elimination reactions - nucleophilic and electrophilic attack of
coordinating ligands - addition to bimetallic species and cyclo metallation reactions.
Homogeneous catalysis –Wilkinson‟s catalyst and hydrogenation reactions, Tollman‟s catalytic
loop; hydroformylation (oxo) reaction, Wacker and Monsanto acetic acid processes. Cluster
compound, polymer-supported and phase-transfer catalysis. Heterogeneous catalysis – synthesis
gas and water gas shift reactions; Fischer Tropsch process and synthetic gasoline, Ziegler-Natta
polymerization and mechanism of stereo regular polymer synthesis. Cyclo oligomerisation of
acetylenes (Reppe‟s or Wilke‟s catalyst)-Olefin isomerisation using Ni catalyst – olefin Meta
thesis catalysed by Schröck type carbene.



NMR Spectroscopy: 31P, 19F and 15N - NMR - applications in structural problems based on
number of signals, multiplicity, anisotropy (like [H Ni(PPh3)4]+, CFCl3, SF4, TiF4,PF5, HPF2,
H2PF3, PF3(NH2)2, P4S3, mer - and fac – Rh (PPh3)3Cl3, P3N3(CH3)2Cl4,P4N4Cl6(NHC6H5)2,NF3,
NH3- fluxional molecules (including organometallic compounds) and study of fluxionality by
NMR technique - NMR of paramagnetic molecules - contact shifts. Evaluation of rate constants -
monitoring the course of reaction using NMR.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / / Core-8

EPR spectroscopy: Zero field splitting and Kramer‟s degeneracy - Application of EPR in the
study of transition metal complexes based on number of signals, multiplicity, anisotropy (like bis
[CoF6]4-, [CrF6]3-, VO(acac)2, Fe(CO)5+, Fe(CO)5-, [Fe(CN)5NO]2-,[Mn(dppe)2],[MnF6]4-).
Applications in predicting the covalent character of M-L bond and Jahn-Teller distortion in
Cu(II) complexes. EPR spectroscopy of metallo biomolecules: copper and iron proteins.


Theory and principles of thermo gravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis and
differential scanning colorimetry – characteristic features of TGA and DTA curves-factors
affecting TGA and DTA curves- complementary nature of TGA and DTA – applications of
thermal methods in analytical chemistry - thermometric titrations - the study of minerals and
metal compounds. Principle and applications of colorimetry, spectrophotometry, nephelometry,
turbidimetry, fluorimetry, atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy
based on plasma sources.


Frank Condon and thermally equilibrated excited (THEXI) states - properties of excited states of
metal complexes (life time, redox potential etc.) – charge transfer excitation – bimolecular
deactivation (quenching) and energy transfer – photochemical path ways : oxidation-reduction,
isomerisation and substitutional processes – photochemistry of Cr(III), Co(III) complexes –
Photochemical reactions of metal carbonyls. Photo physical and photochemical properties of
[Ru(bpy)3]2+and comparison with [Fe(bpy)3]2+– Applications of inorganic photochemistry:
photochemical conversion and storage of solar energy – inorganic photochemistry at semi-
conductor electrodes - Catalyzed photo reduction of CO2 and CO – TiO2as a green photo catalyst
in removing air and water pollutants.


1. JamesE.Huheey, Ellen A. Keiter and Richard L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry,

Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 4th Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers,
2. F.Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Carlos A.Manic and Manfred
Bochman,Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Interscience Publication, 6th edition,
3. D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, ELBS, Oxford
University Press, 1994.
4. G.S.Manku, Theoretical Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill, 12th
reprint 2004.

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5. K.F.Purcell and J.C.Kotz,Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Saunders Golden

6. B.E.Douglas, D.H.McDaniel and J.J.Alexander, Concepts and Models of Inorganic
Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.,II Edition, 1983.
7. J.D.Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Blackwell Science Ltd., 5th Edition, Reprint
8. M.C.Day and J.Selbin.,Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, East West
Press, 2000.
9. R.S. Drago, Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry, Chapman and Hall Ltd.,
London, 1965.
10. R.S. Drago, Physical Methods in Chemistry, Saunders Golden Sunburst series.
11. E.A.V. Ebsworth David, W.H.Rankin Stephen Credock,Structural Methods in
Inorganic Chemistry, ELBS, 1988.
12. D.A. Skoog, F.J. Holler and T.A. Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis,
Saunders 1992.
13. D.A. Skoog, D. M. West, F.J. Holler, S.R.Grouch, Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, Thomson Asia Pvt.Ltd., Eighth Edition, Third Reprint, 2005.
14. H.H. Willard, L.L. Merritt and J.A.Dean, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, CBS
Publishers, 6th edition, 1986.
15. A.W. Adamson and P.D. Fleischauer, Concepts of Inorganic Photochemistry, John
wiley and sons, New York, 1975.
16. Journal Chemical Education, Vol. 60, No.10, 1983.
17. K. Kalyanasundaram, Photochemistry of polypyridine and phorphyrin complexes,
Academic Press, London, 1992.
18. V. Balzani, F. Bolletta, M. Ciano and M. Maestry, J.Chem. Edu., Vol.60, 447, 1983.
19. V. Balzani and A. Juris, Coord. Chem. Rev., 211, 97–115, 2001.
20. Inorganic chemistry by Catherine E. Housecroft.
21. Inorganic chemistry by Miessler.
22. NMR, NQR, EPR & MOSSBAUER spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry by
23. Biological inorganic chemistry: An introduction by Robert R.Chrichton.
24. Bioinorganic chemistry: A short course by Rosette M. Roat – Malone.
25. The Organometallic chemistry of the transition metals by Robert H. Crabtree.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / / Core - 9

Physical Chemistry- III

UNIT-I : GROUP THEORY ISymmetry elements and operations. Groups-Types of groups
abelian, non-abelian cyclic and sub-groups. Similarity transformations and classes of symmetry
operations. Point groups and Schoenflies symbols. Representation of groups-Matrix
representation of symmetry operations-reducible and irreducible representations. Direct product
representation. Rearrangement theorem. Construction of multiplication tables for C2v, C3v and
C2h. The Great Orthogonality theorem and its consequences-Character table - construction of
character tables for C2V, C3V, C4V, C2h, and D2 point groups.

UNIT-II: GROUP THEORY II Standard Reduction Formula. Symmetry selection rules for
infrared, Raman and electronic Spectra and Mutual exclusion principle. Determining Symmetries
of normal vibrational modes for non linear molecules H2O, NH3 and trans-N2F2. Projection
operators and construction of Symmetry Adopted Linear Combinations. Determination of Hybrid
orbitals in non-linear molecules (BF3, CH4, XeF4, BF3, PF5, and SF6). Electronic Spectra of
Ethylene and formaldehyde- Simplification of HMO calculations using group theory. Calculation
of delocalization energy for ethylene, cyclo propenyl, 1,3-butadiene, and benzene systems.


Principle of NQR spectroscopy - nuclear charge distribution and quadrupole moment.
Quadrupole nucleus and its interaction with electric field gradient, nuclear orientations, the
asymmetry parameter, quadrupole transitions in spherical and axially symmetric fields,
quadrupole energy levels and field gradient. NQR spectra-effect of magnetic field on the spectra,
relationship between electric field gradient and molecular structure.
Mössbauer spectra-Principles and experimental technique- sources, absorber, calibration.
Doppler shift, recoil energy, isomer shift, quadrupole splitting, magnetic hyperfine interaction,
Chemical applications- Quadrupole splitting in iron complexes.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / / Core - 9


Theory of NMR spectroscopy: nuclear spin and magnetic nuclei, nuclear magnetic moment,
behavior of a bar magnet in a magnetic field, the NMR transitions, the Bloch equations,
relaxation mechanisms. Parameters of NMR: measuring the chemical shift, shielding and
deshielding of magnetic nucleus, chemical shifts in aliphatic and aromatic compounds, factors
affecting chemical shift-inductive effect, anisotropy of chemical bonds , hydrogen-bond,
temperature, solvent. Spin-spin splitting : effect of spin-spin splitting on the spectrum,
mechanism of spin-spin splitting, chemical exchange, coupling constants; application of spin-
spin splitting to structure determination- geminal- vicinal- long-range coupling; factors
13 19 31
influencing geminal and vicinal coupling. C, F, P NMR-range of chemical shift values,
spectra of typical examples.
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy: theory of EPR spectroscopy, presentation of
the spectrum, nuclear hyperfine splitting in isotropic systems. EPR spectra of anisotropic
systems: anisotropy in g- values causes of anisotropy, anisotropy in hyperfine coupling, EPR
spectra of triplet states and zero field splitting.


Electronic spectra of molecules: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Franck-Condon
Principle, selection rules, intensity of electronic transition, Vibronic coupling, types of electronic
transitions. Chemical analysis by electronic spectroscopy: assignment of electronic transitions,
application to the study of organic compounds. Emission spectroscopy: state of electronically
excited molecules- dissociation, reemission, emission spectra of molecules.
Photo electron spectroscopy (PES): principle and technique of PES, ultra violet PES, X-ray
PES. Lasers: nature of stimulated emission-coherence and mono chromaticity, population
inversion, cavity and mode characteristics, Q-switching, mode locking; types of lasers-solid-
state, gas, chemical, and dye lasers

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / / Core - 9

1. George Davidson,Introductory Group Theory For Chemists.
2. F. Albert Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory,Third Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Singapore, 2003.
3.V. Ramakrishnan and M. S. Gopinathan,Group Theory in Chemistry, Vishal
4. Robert L. Carter, Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, 1998.
5. R.L. Flurry, Jr, Symmetry Groups – Prentice Hall, New Jersy 1980.
6. K. V. Raman,Group Theory and its applications to Chemistry.
7. K.Veera Reddy,Group Theory and Spectroscopy.
8. B.K. Battacharya,Group Theory and its Chemical applications
9. C McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000. N. Banwell and E. M. McCash, Fundamentals of
Molecular Spectroscopy, 4th ed., Tata
10. K. V. Raman, R. Gopalan and P. S. Raghavan, Molecular Spectroscopy, Thomson and
Vijay Nicole, Singapore, 2004.
11.P. Atkins and J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry, 7th ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford,
12. I N. Levine, Molecular Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974.
13. A. Rahman, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Basic Principles, Springer-Verlag, New York,
14. D. L. Andrews, Lasers in Chemistry, 3rd ed., Springer-Verlag, London, 1997.
15. K. Nakamoto, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and coordination Compounds, Part
B: 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1997.
16. R. S. Drago, PhysicaI Methods in Chemistry; Saunders: Philadelphia, 1977.
17. J. A. Weil, J. R. Bolton and J. E. Wertz, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance; Wiley
Interscience: 1994
18.McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1988. D. H. Williams and I.Fleming,
Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., Tata.
19.R. M. Silverstein and F. X. Webster, Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds,.
6th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.
20.I. N. Levine, Molecular Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974
21. G. Aruldhas, Molecular structure and spectroscopy

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-III / 16 / Core-10

Scientific - Research Methodology


Source of chemical information – primary, secondary, tertiary sources-literature survey-

Indexes and abstracts in science and technology – Applied science and technology index,
chemical abstracts, chemical titles, current chemical reactions, current contents and science
citation index.

Classical and comprehensive reference works in chemistry-synthetic methods and techniques,

treatises, reviews, patents and monographs.


Current awareness searching: CA weekly issues, CA issue indexes.

Retrospective searching: CA volume indexes-general subject index, chemical substance

index-formula index, index of ring systems, author index, patent index.

CA collective indexes: collective index (CI), decennial index (DI)

Access points for searching CA indexes- Index guide, general subject, terms, chemical
substance names, molecular formulas, ring systems, author names, patent numbers.

Locating the reference: finding the abstract, finding the original document chemical abstract -
service source index.


Identification of research problem – assessing the status of the problem - guidance from
the supervisor – actual investigation and analysis of experimental results – conclusions.

Scientific writing-research reports, thesis, journal articles and books.

Steps to publishing a scientific article in a journal – types of publications-communications,

articles, reviews, when to publish, where to publish, specific format required for submission.

Documenting- Abstracts-indicative (or) descriptive abstracts, informative abstract,

footnotes, end notes, referencing styles-bibliography-journal abbreviations (CASSI),
abbreviation used in scientific writing.

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Sample preparation of UV, FT-IR, TEM, SEM, EDAX, AFM and XRD techniques -
Characterization of observed results – Data analysis - Report.

Errors in chemical analysis – classification of errors – determination of accuracy of

methods – improving accuracy of analysis – significant figures – mean, standard deviation –
comparison of results : “t” test, “f” test, Q test and “chi” square test – rejection of results –
presentation of data.


ASAP – Alerts, CA Alerts, scifinder, chemport, science direct, STN international, journal
home pages. Online browsing of research articles – online submission of research papers in
various Journals (ACS, RSC, Elsevier, Springer etc.) –Instructions to the authors – Impact
factors. Writing project proposal to funding agencies (UGC, DST etc.).


1. R.T. Bottle, The use of Chemical literature, Butterworths, 1969.

2. A.J. Durston, Thesis and assignment writing.
3. R.O.Bullet, Preparing thesis and other manuscripts.
4. R. L. Dominoswki, Research Methods, Prentice Hall, 1981.
5. J. W.Best, Research in Education, 4th ed. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1981.
6. H. F. Ebel, C. Bliefert and W. E. Russey, The Art of Scientific Writing, VCH, Weinheim,
7. B. E. Cain, The Basis of Technical Communicating, ACS., Washington, D.C., 1988.
8. H. M. Kanare, Writing the Laboratory Notebook; American Chemical Society:
Washington, DC, 1985.
9. J. S. Dodd, Ed., The ACS Style Guide: A Manual for Authors and Editors; American
Chemical Society: Washington, DC,1985.
10. J.Gibaldi, W. S. Achtert, Handbook for writers of Research Papers; 2nd ed.; Wiley
Eastern, 1987.
11. Joseph, A. Methodology for Research; Theological Publications: Bangalore, 1986.
14. R.M. Silverstein, G.C. Bassler and Morril, Spectrometric identification of organic
15. D.L.Pavia, G.M.Lampman and G.S.Kniz Jr., Introduction to spectroscopy – A guide for
students of organic chemistry.
16. H.Willard, L.MerritJr.andA.Dean, Instrumental methods of analysis.
17. D.A.Skoog and M.West, Principles of instrumental analysis.

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18. B.K.Sharma, Instrumental methods of chemical analysis.

19. D.A. Skoog and M.West, Fundamentals of analytical chemistry.
20. J.D.Dick, Analytical chemistry.
21. S.M.Khopkar, Basic concepts of analytical chemistry.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-IV / / Core-11

Organic Chemistry – IV


Reaction under Carbanion Intermediate: Clasien, Knoevenegal, Stobbe, Darzen, acyloin

condensation Shapiro reaction and Julia olefination.
Reaction through carbene intermediate: Bamford – Stevens and simmons-smith reactions
Reaction under Carbocation intermediate: Oxymercuration, halolactonisation, Baeyer-villiger
Reaction following Radical intermediate: Mc Murray coupling, Gomberg-Pechmann and
Pschorr reactions.
Reaction involving Ylide intermediate: Wittig reaction and Peterson olefination.


Conformation and configuration-conformational free energy-conformational analysis of

mono substituted (alkyl, halogens) and 1,1-disubstituted (alkyl) and 1,2-1,3-and 1,4-dimethyl
substituted cyclohexanes -compounds existing in boat form-conformation of cyclohexanone,
decalin and perhydrophenanthrene-curtin-Hammett principle- conformation and reactivity of
acyclic and cyclic compounds (6membered).


Synthon-synthetic equivalent-Functional group interconversions -use of protecting groups for

alcohols, amines, acids, carbonyl compounds- use of activating and blocking groups-Robinson
annulations reaction-carbon skeletal complexity-Role of key intermediates in organic synthesis.
Reterosynthetic analysis of the following compounds: Twistane, cis - Jasmone, Baclofen,
phenanthrene , Trihexyl phenydyl, S-propanediol, R and S – Epichlorohydrin, Abietic acid,
Isonootkatone, cascarillic acid, camphor and 2,4-dimethyl-2-hydroxy pentanoic acid.


2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ), DMSO, Super hydrides- Dess-martin-

periodinane-Osmium tetra oxide.

Modern Reagents: Introductory treatment of the application of silicon (Tri alkyl silyl
halides, organo silanes), Boron (9 – BBN, borane, and alkyl borane), phosphorus
(phosphoranes), palladium (Still coupling, Suzuki Coupling, Heck and Negishi reactions)
samarium(SmI2),Ruthenium(RuO2,Ru-Binap Complex), Rhodium(Wilkinson‟s Catalyst), and
platinum (PtO2, Adam‟s Catalyst) reagents in organic synthesis.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester-IV / / Core-11


Classification- structural elucidation of cholesterol, irradiated products of ergosterol.

Conversion of cholesterol to androsterone, progesterone, testosterone, 5α- and 5 β-cholanic
acids. Conversion of Oestrone to Oestriol, Oestrodiol and vice-versa. Structural elucidation of
equilenin (synthesis not expected). Conformational structure of cholestane and Coprostane.
General study of Bile acids and Prostaglandins.


1.J.March, „Advanced organic chemistry‟, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Newyork,
2. R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd,‟Organic Chemistry‟ sixth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1994
3. Michael B. Smith, „Organic Synthesis,‟ Mc Graw Hill international Edition , 1994
4. R.O.C. Norman, Principles of organic synthesis- Chapman and hall, London.
5. Carrutherus , W., “ Some Modern Methods in Organic Synthesis”, Third edition,
Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997.
6. P. Sykes, „A Guide book to mechanism in organic chemistry‟, Orient Longman,
7. J.M.Swan and D.St.C.Black, Organometallics in Organic synthesis
8. Gurdeep R. Chatwal, „Reaction mechanism and Reagents in organic chemistry‟,
Himalaya publishing House, Bombay 1992
9. E.L. Eliel, stereochemistry of carbon compounds – Mc Craw Hill, 1999
10. Gurdeep R. Chatwal, „Reaction mechanism and Reagents in organic chemistry‟,
Himalaya publishing House, Bombay 1992.
11.R.C.Mehrota and A.Singh, Organometallic chemistry-a unified approach-Wiley
12.F.A. Carey and R.A Sundberg, „Advanced Organic Chemistry‟ (part A and B)
plenum publishers, 2000.
13.B.M.Trost & I Fleming. Comprehensive Organic Synthesis. Vols 1-9, Pergamon
14. I.L. Finar, Organic Chemistry , Vol. II. ELBS
15. L.Fieser and Mary Fieser, Steroids-Reinhold
16.A.L. Lehninger, D.L.Nelson and M.M.Cox-Principles of Biochemistry-Worth
Publisher Inc. USA,1993.
17. F.A Carey,‟Organic Chemistry, Tata Mc Graw Hill, fifth reprint, 2005.
18. A.Burger, Medicinal chemistry-Acdemic press.
19.R.E. Ireland,Organic Synthesis-Prentice Hall of India (P)Ltd.
20.S.Warren,A Programmed Synthon approach-John Wiley & Sons.
21.R.K.Mackie & D.M.Smith, Guide book t organic syntheisi-ELBS.
22.Progress in chemistry of Natural products, Vol.19,1961, JCSC Lon., 869, 1952

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23.Michael B.Smith, Organic Synthesis-McGraw Hill International Edition.

24.Paula Yurkanis Bruice, Organic Chemistry-Third Edition-Pearson Education Asia
25.Seyhan Ege, Irganic chemistry-A.I.T.B.S.Publishers & Distributors (Regd.) Delhi.
26. Organic chemistry by Clayden,Greeves, Warren & Wothers.
27.Organic chemistry by John McMurry.
28. Organic chemistry by L.G. Wade. JR.
29. Named Organic reactions by Thomas laue & Andreas Plagens.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc.(Chemistry) / Semester-IV / / Core-12

Inorganic Chemistry- IV



Mossbauer spectroscopy: Principle – isomer shift (IS) – splitting of resonance lines: quadrupole
splitting and magnetic hyperfine splitting. Applications: MB spectra of iron compounds/
complexes – structural elucidation, π- bonding effect, HS and LS determination, spin state
crossover determination, cis–trans determination – nature of the complexes - mixed valence
complexes. Tin compounds: MB spectra of Sn(II) and Sn(IV) compounds, oxidation states of Sn
in its different compounds. MB spectra of iodine and 129Xe containing compounds.

ORD AND CD - Optical isomerism in octahedral complexes– absolute configuration of chelate

complexes from ORD and CD.



Photo electron spectroscopy :Theory – types of PES –origin of fine structures – shapes of
vibrational fine structures – adiabatic and vertical transitions – PE spectra of homo (like N2, O2)
and hetero nuclear diatomic molecules (like CO) - polyatomic molecules like H2O, CO2,
CH4,NH3.Evaluation of vibrational constants – Koopman‟s theorem - application and limitation
of the theorem. XPS (ESCA): structure of N3-ion, CCl3CH3, N(1s) spectrum of
[Co(en)2(NO)2]NO3,C(1s) spectrum of C2H5COOCF3.Shake-up and shake-off processes –
Structural and bonding information in metal carbonyls – Auger (OhJay) electron spectroscopy.

NQR spectroscopy - Applications of NQR spectroscopy -finger print technique. Investigating

the electronic structure of molecules - information about EFG of nuclei - ionic character and
hybridization of the bonds - structure of change transfer complexes - Phase transition - hydrogen


Non-metals and metals in biological systems, essential and trace elements; classification of
metallo-biomolecules, coordination environment and entatic state. Metallo porphyrins–
chlorophyll and photo synthesis; cytochromes, hemoglobin, myoglobin and dioxygen binding,
vitamin B12 and co-enzyme - in vivo and in vitro nitrogen fixation. Iron storage and transport:
ferritin, transferrins and siderophores - iron proteins: hemerythrin, cytochrome P450 enzyme,
ferredoxin and rubredoxin.

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Copper proteins and Enzymes: plastocyanin, azurin, hemocyanin and ascorbic oxidase - different
types of Cu present in proteins and enzymes. Zinc enzymes: carboxypeptidase A, carbonic
anhydrase and superoxide dismutase. Inhibition and poisoning of enzymes illustrated by xanthine
oxidase and aldehyde oxidase. Toxicity of metals and the role of metallothionins - excess and
deficient levels of Cu and Fe and the consequent diseases - chelate therapy – metal complexes as
drugs, anticancer and antiarthritic agents. Metal complexes as probes of nucleic acids.

Synthesis of inorganic materials – high temperature reactions and experimental methods –

precipitation, gel, solution and hydrothermal methods, synthesis in sealed tubes and special
atmospheres. Low temperature methods. Insertion compounds of metal oxides – Intercalation
compounds of graphite and transition metal disulphides. Zeolites: structures and properties –
pillared clays – fullerenes and fullerides.


1. R.S. Drago, Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry, Chapman and Hall Ltd., London,
2. R.S. Drago, Physical Methods in Chemistry, Saunders Golden Sunburst series.
3. E.A.V. Ebsworth, D.W.H. Rankin and S.Cradock, Structural Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry, ELBS, 1988.
4. B.P.Straughan and S.Walker, Spectroscopy Volume 3, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
Newyork, 1976.
5. G.H.Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham and R.C. Denney,Vogel‟s Textbook of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis, Revised 5th edition, ELBS, 1989.
6. James E.Huheey, Ellen A.Keiter and Richard L.Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Priciples of
Structure and Reactivity, 4th Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993.
7. F.Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Carlos A.marilo and Manfred Bochman, Advanced
Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Interscience Publication,6th Edition, 1999.
8. K.F.Purcell and J.C.Kotz, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Saunders Golden Publishers.
9. D.E.Fenton, Bio-coordination Chemistry, Oxford Science Publications, 1995.
10. I.Bertini, H.B.Gray, S.J.Lippard and J.S.Valantine, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Viva Books
Pvt. Ltd., 1998.
11. Mark.T.Weller, Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Oxford Chemistry Press, Oxford Science
Publications, Reprint 1996.
12. Inorganic chemistry by Catherine E. Housecroft.
13. Inorganic chemistry by Miessler.
14. NMR, NQR, EPR & MOSSBAUER spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry by R.V.Parish.
15. Biological inorganic chemistry: An introduction by Robert R.Chrichton.
16. Bioinorganic chemistry: A short course by Rosette M. Roat – Malone.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc.(Chemistry) / Semester-IV / / Core-13

Physical Chemistry- IV


Potential Energy surfaces-energy of activation. Thermodynamic treatment-statistical
mechanism and chemical equilibrium- Kinetics of some reactions. Theories of reaction rates:
Collision theory-steric factor. Absolute Reaction Rate Theory (ARRT)-derivation of rate
equations and application of ARRT to bimolecular processes. Comparison between collision and
Absolute Reaction Rate theories. Unimolecular reactions; Lindemann - Christiansen hypothesis,
Hinshelwood, RRK, RRKM and Slater theories. Rate expressions for opposing, parallel and
consecutive reactions. Chain reactions and its characteristics-steady state treatment, kinetics of
H2-Br2 reactions, formation of Phosgene-decomposition of N2O5. Rice-Herzfeld mechanism,
Explosive reactions: H2-O2 reaction.


Reactions in solution: factors determining reaction rates in solutions, effect of dielectric

constant and ionic strength, cage effect, Brønsted-Bjerrum equation, primary and secondary
kinetic salt effect, influence of solvent on reaction rates, significance of volume of activation.
Fast reaction kinetics- Flow techniques - relaxation theory and relaxation techniques -
Temperature, Pressure, electric field and magnetic field jump methods; Flash photolysis and
pulse radiolysis. NMR and ESR methods of studying fast reactions.


Introduction: Adsorption- Physisorption and chemisorptions. Adsorption isotherms:

Freundlich, Langmuir, BET and Gibbs adsorption isotherms. Surface area dertermination. ARRT
to surface reactions. Micelles: Micelles and reverse micelles- micro emulsion-solubilisation.

Catalysis: Homogeneous catalysis- acid-base catalysis- van‟t Hoff and Arrhenius

complexes for protropic and protolytic mechanisms. Bronsted catalysis law- Hammett acidity
function. Heterogeneous catalysis. Chemical reactions on solid surfaces. Enzyme catalysis:
Michaelis - Menton kinetics- Rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction- effect of substrate
concentration, pH and temperature on enzyme catalyzed reactions.

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UNIT-IV: POLYMER CHEMISTRY Polymers – definition – types of polymers – liquid

crystalline polymers. Molecular mass- number and mass average molecular mass – determination
of molecular mass (osmometry, viscosity, diffusion, light scattering, and sedimentation
methods). Visco-elasticity, Rubber elasticity. Kinetics and mechanism of linear stepwise
polymerization – addition polymerization – free radical, cationic and anionic polymerization.
Kinetics of co-polymerization. Polymerization in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.
Stereochemistry and mechanism of polymerization.


Photochemistry- Introduction. Laws of photochemistry, Quantum yield and its

determination. Physical properties of electronically excited molecules: excited state dipole
moment, acidity constant and redox Potentials. Photo physical processes in electronically excited
molecules: Jablonskii diagram – Intersystem system crossing internal conversion, fluorescence,
phosphorescence and other deactivation processes. Photo sensitization chemiluminescence and
bioluminescence-Stern-Volmer equation and its applications – mechanisms of quenching –
electron transfer – energy transfer–experimental techniques in photochemistry –chemical

Radiation Chemistry-Differences between radiation chemistry and photochemistry –

sources of high energy radiation and interaction with matter – radiolysis of water, solvated
electrons – Definition of G-value- Dosimetry and dosimeters in radiation chemistry- applications
of radiation chemistry in industries and biology.


1. Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics; Jeffrey I Steinfeld, Joseph S. Francisco and William L.
Hase. Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1998.
2. Laidler, K. J.; “Chemical Kinetics", 3rd Edition 1997 , Benjamin-Cummings. Indian
reprint - Pearson 2009.
3. R.G.Frost and Pearson, Kinetics And Mechanism, Wiley, New York,1961.
4. W.J.Moore and R.G.Pearson, Kinetics And Mechanism,1981.
5. C.Capellos and B.J.J.Bielski,Kinetics Systems,Wisely Inter Science,New York, 1972.

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6. Ambur and G.G.Hammes, Chemical Kinetics, Principles And Selected Topics, Mcgraw
Hill, New York, 1968.
7. G.M.Harris, Chemical Kinetics, D.C.Heat And Co.,1966.
8. G. L. Agarawal, Basic Chemical Kinetics, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990.
9. G. D. Billing & K. V. Mikkelson, Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics, John
Wiley, 1996.
10. G. D. Billing & K. V. Mikkelson, Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics, John
Wiley, 1996.
11. A.W. Adamson, A.P. Gast, Physical chemistry of surfaces, Wiley, 1997.
12. H.-J. Butt, K. Graf, M. Kappl, Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, Wiley-VCH, 2006.
13. D.K. Chakrabarty and B. Viswanathan, Heterogeneous Catalysis, New Age, 2008.
14. H. Kuhn, H.-D. Forsterling, D.H. Waldeck, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Wiley, 2009.
15. G.A. Somorjai, Y. Li , Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (2n ed.), 2010.
16. J.J Bikertman, Surface Chemistry: Theory and Applications, Academic Press, New York

17.A.Zangwill, Physics at surfaces, Cambridge university Press (1988).

18. Manas Chanda, Advanced Polymer Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, Inc.New York 2000.
19. J. R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
20. F. Rodriguez, Principles of Polymer Science, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2 nd Edn.,
21. F.W. Billmeyer Jr., Text Book of Polymer Science, John Wiley and sons, New York, 1984.
22.Premamoy Ghosh, Polymer Science and Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2 nd
Edn., 4th Reprint, 2005.
23.V.R.Gowarikar, N.V.Viswanathan and J. Sreedhar, Polymer Science, Wiley Eastern, New
Delhi, 1988.
24. C.E.H. Bawn, The Chemistry of High Polymers, Butterworth and Co., London, 1948.
25.E.A. Collins, J. Bares and E.W. Billmeyer, Experiments in Polymer Science, Wiley
Interscience, New York, 1973.
26.G.S. Krishenbaum, Polymer Science and Guide, Gordon Breach Science Publishing, New
York, 1973.
27.P.J. Flory, Principles of Polymer Chemistry, Cornell Press, Ithaca, 1971.
28.Degennes, P.G. Scaling, Concepts in Polymer Physics, Cornell University Press, 1979.
29.Young, R.J. and Lovell, P.A. Introduction to Polymers, 2nd Edn., Chapman Hall,1991.
30.H.K. Moudgil, Text Booj of Physical Chemistry, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2010.
31. Fundamentals of Photochemistry, K.K. Rohatgi Mukhergee, Wiley Eastern Limited (1986)
32. Photochemistry, Carol E Wayne and Richard P Wayne, Oxford University Press (1996)
33. Molecular Reactions and Photochemistry, C H Deputy and D S Chapman, Prentice Hall
India, New Delhi ( 1st Edition) , 1972.
34. R.P.Wayne, Photochemistry, Butterworths,London(1970)
35. G.Hughes, Radiation Chemistry, Oxford University Press (1973)
36. J.W.T Spinks and R.J. Woods, Introduction to Radiation Chemistry, 2nd edn., John
Wiley & Sons (1976).
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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester III & IV / Ppr. No.20 /

Organic Chemistry Practical

 Estimations, two stage preparations and chromatographic techniques have been

included as the practical components.
 Microscale preparations are recommended for the simple reason, they are both
economic-friendly and eco-friendly

A. List of Estimations
1. Ethyl methyl ketone
2. Glucose-Lane Eynon and method
3. Glucose-Bertrand‟s method
4. Saponification value of oil
5. Iodine value of oil
6. Determination of Percentage purity in an unsaturated acid.
7. Purity of Glucose
B. List of Two stage preparations
1. Benzaldehyde Benzoic acid m-nitro benzoic acid
2. Acetanilide p-acetanilide p-Bromoaniline
3. Methyl benzoate m-nitro methyl benzoate m-nitro benzoic acid
4. Acetanilide p-nitro acetanilide p - nitroaniline
5. Benzophenone Benzo phenone oxime Benzanilide
6. Benzophenone Benzpinacol Benzpinacolone
7. Phthalic acid Phthalic anhydride Phthalimide
8. Thiourea s-benzyl isothiuronium chloride s- Benzyl-isothiuronium
9. Aniline Tri bromoaniline Sym-Tribromobenzene
Students are expected to submit at the time of practical examination at least eight
recrystallised samples of the final products, for evaluation by the examiners.

C. For Class Work Only

(I)Chromatographic techniques
1. TLC of Nitroaniline
2. TLC of Analgesic Drug
3. Column Chromatography-Separation of leaf pigments
4. Paper Chromatography-Analysis of Inks and Dyes

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester III & IV / Ppr. No.20 /

(II)Spectral analysis:
5. Interpretation of H1 NMR spectra of pure ethyl alcohol and aqueous ethyl alcohol.
6. DEPT spectra of isopentyl acetate.
7. Mass spectrum of Anisole, Phenol and Crotonaldehyde
N.B: 1.Section -C is course work only.
2. It is for the purpose of internal assessment only.


1.F.C.Mann and B.C.Saunders, Practical organic chemistry, Fourth edition, ELBS,1970

2.A.I. Vogel, A Text book of Practical organic chemistry.
3. A.I. Vogel, A Text book of Quantitative Organic Analysis,1989.
4. Raj K. Bansal,Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry,Second Edition,Wiley Eastern
Ltd., 1990.
5.Moore, Dalrympk and Rodig, Experimental methods in organic chemistry, 3rd edition,
Saunders College publishing, The Oxford Press,1982.
6.Bassett, A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis,ELBS, 1986
7.Roberts, Gilbert, Reidwald-Wingrove An Introduction to Experimental Organic
Chemistry, 1969 .
8.V.K.Srivastava and K.K.Srivastava, Introduction to Chromatography-Theory and
Practice, S.Chand & Co., 1987.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc.(Chemistry) / Semester III & IV / /


Inorganic Chemistry Practical

I . Quantitative estimation of a mixture containing two metal ions (Volumetric and Gravimetric
Estimations ).

1.Estimation of Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions.

2 . Estimation of Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions.
3 . Estimation of Fe2+ and Cu2+ ions .
4 . Estimation of Fe2+ and Ni2+ ions .
5. Estimation of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions.
6. Estimation of Ca2+ and Ba2+ ions .
7. Analysis of ores and alloys (course work only )

Note: For examination , a mixture may be given from which one cation is to be estimated
volumetrically and the other gravimetrically .

II . Preparation of single stage inorganic complexes (a minimum of 10 complexes).

Note : Characterisation of any two metal complex prepared during the practicals by UV or IR
spectral techniques (course work only )

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc.(Chemistry) / Semester III & IV / /

Practical- VI

Physical Chemistry Practical

I. Potentiometric titrations-
(a) Acid alkali titrations.
(b) Precipitation titrations (a) Mixture of Cl-and I- vs Ag+
(c) Redox titrations (a) Fe2+ vs Cr2O7 2-
(b) Fe2+ vs Ce4+
(c) I- vs KMnO4
(d) Determination of dissociation constant of weak acids.
(e) Determination of solubility product of sparingly soluble silver salts.
(f) Determination of activity and activity coefficient of ions.
(g) Determination of pH of a buffer solution using a quin hydrone electrode.
II. Titration using pH meter
(a) Determination of dissociation constant of dibasic acid.
III. Freundlich Adsorption isotherm
(a) Adsorption of oxalic acid/acetic acid on charcoal.

IV. Kinetic studies

(a) Kinetics –acid hydrolysis of ester –comparison of strength of acids.
(b) Kinetics –Persulfate –Iodide –clock reaction-primary salt effect.

REFERENCES: ( Practical I and II )

1. J.B.Yadav, “ Advanced Practical Physical chemistry”, 20th Edn., GOEL publishing House,
Krishna Pakashan Media Ltd., (2001).
2. Findlay‟s “Practical Physical Chemistry” Revised and edited by B.P. Levitt 9 th Edn.,
Longman, London, 1985.
3. J.N. Gurtur and R.Kapoor, “Advanced Experimental chemistry”, Vol.I. Chand & Co., Ltd.,
New Delhi.
4. W. J. Popiel, Laboratory Manual of Physical Chemistry, ELBS, London, 1970.
5. D.P.Shoemaker and C.W.Garland, Experiments in Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1967.

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MSU / 2016-17 / PG-Colleges / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Semester IV / / Project

Project work and viva – voce

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