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“Let there be

The Hong Kong

LOVE in our hearts
HARMONY in our homes, and
PEACE around the world.”

Published by International Desi

Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff, MH

Late Mr. Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE

2 3
Table of Content
Buying a car in Hong Kong 65 xiii. Home Essentials 106
MESSAGE 8 Basics of business Registration 38
Shopping 67 A. Decor 106
Foreword 9 Licenses and regulations in 39
WOWEN”S TREND IN 2024 67 B Food and Daily Needs 106
Guide and Printing information 10 Hong Kong
Medical care 73 i. Grocery 106
Benefits of Relocating to Hong 13 Accounting and Taxation 41
List of private Hospital 75 ii. Food and Catering Services 108
Kong Global Investments 44
Insurance 78 iii. Bakers 110
Relocating to Hong Kong 14 Job and career Housing 46
Car / Vehicle Insurance 80 C. Party Organizers 110
Pre-arrival Checklist 16 Renting an apartment 48
Travel Insurance 81 D. Gifts 111
Visa and Residency in Hong Kong 19 Laws about renting 50
Lifestyle and Recreation 82 E. Give Away 111
Marriage and Divorce in Hong 21 Home Essentials 51
Hindu Temples 86 xiv. Repair and Services 112
Kong Luxury Furniture 51
Hong Kong Parks 87 xv. Handyman, repairs and 113
Settling In 25 Grocery 54
Picnic Spots 88 movers
Education 28 Helpers 56
Barbeque Sites and Beaches 90 xvi. Helpers’ Training 115
Study Abroad 29 FDH Hiring Process 57
Main Tourist Attractions Local 93 xvii. Useful Networking places 115
Extra Curricular Activities 30 Furniture Disposal 61
Directory 95 xviii. Socio-cultural Activities 117
Business 33 Car or private vehicle 62
i. Visa and Residency 96 xix. Religious / places and 118
How To Launch A Home Business 33 Driver’s License in Hong Kong 63
ii. Education 97 services
In Hong Kong Options for Indians to obtain 64
iii. Activity Classes 98 xx. Fashion 119
Selecting the Business Structure 34 driving license
iii. Business 100 xxi. Jewellery 120

iv. Investment Services 101 XXII. Beauty Treatment 122

The Hong Kong Guide published by International Desi v. Best Banks for Start-ups 101 XXIII. Lifestyle 123
vi. Business Essentials 102 XXIV. Health 125
Publication, Editing, Design, and Production by International Desi vii. Marketing and Promotions in 103 XXV. Alternate Healing 126
To order copies, request advertising info, or for other inquiries, please email:
viii. Job and career 103 XXVI. Transportation and 127
[email protected]
The data is correct as of 15th Aug 2023. The publisher (International Desi) cannot accept any x. Professional Development 104 Travel Agent 127
responsibility for trouble occurring between customers and any of the shops, services, or
x. Housing 104 XXVII Indian Restaurants 127
businesses listed. The publisher makes no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of
this booklet’s contents, and is not liable for any damages or costs arising from its use. xi. Movers and Shippers 105 XXVIII Indian Palate friendly 129

xii. Car Rental 105 restaurants 130

4 5
Eating Out 130 Transportation (Travel within city) 152

Local Language 133 Local Travel (MTR, Star Ferry, Bus, 152

Traveling outside Hong Kong 139 Tram, Light Rail) 152

Airlines 139 Mass Transit Rail (MTR) 152

Trips and Holidays 139 Tram 152

Getting To and From The Hong 140 Buses and Mini Buses 152

Kong International Airport Taxi 152

Incredible India - Hampi 141 Car rental 153

Weekend Getaways 143 Emergencies 154

Visa for key nations 143 Typhoon 154

Essentials 152 Acknowledgement 157

Octopus – Lifeline of Hong Kong 152

A Well Known Philanthropist Mrs Shroff and Ms Manek are lighting the lamp to
inaugurate a new facility at Indian Chamber of Commerce. Mr and Mrs Raj Sital.

6 7
It gives me great pleasure to present the
I extend my heartiest congratulations
Hong Kong Guide for 2023 to you for your
to Hong Kong Desi, part of day-to-day information needs.
International Desi, for publishing the
Like our previous editions, Hong Kong
4th edition of the Hong Kong Guide, Guide 2020-23 was well received and
appreciated by readers.
which is a useful resource for all Hong
Kong residents. Once again - A Big Thank You!
As we emerge fully from the shadow
After the initial success of Hong Kong
of the pandemic and life returns to Guide editions, and providing continuous
services to the Indian community, we are
normal in Hong Kong, the year 2023-
unable to generate any advertisement
24 promises new beginnings and hope revenue. Some of the past advertisers did
not pay us. This has left us in debt and donations and creating a stronger support
for a healthier, successful future. The
under a lot of financial pressure. Without system for global Indians. In addition,
enterprising Indian community in the support of the Indian community, it is Indians craftsmen who will make our
impossible for us to move forward. products.
Hong Kong which has been the
foundation of the multifaceted India- Even though our services are useful to the
community, without support from
Hong Kong relationship will, I am
prominent community leaders, members Hong Kong Desi promoted local
confident, make the most of the and authorities, we cannot continue businesses for FREE on their platforms to
further. Unlike other communities, we support small businesses to expand
opportunities presented in the coming through social media and other digital
need strong bonds to uplift each other and
year to build further upon their thrive together.
I, once again, on behalf of the marketing modes. In addition, they helped
success and contribute to the India- the community find the most effective
Consulate General of India in Hong Hong Kong Desi has continued its support products or services.
Hong Kong ties. This latest edition of for the community through WhatsApp,
Kong extend my best wishes to the Facebook and other social media groups. A win-win-win situation!
the Hong Kong Guide will serve as a
team of Hong Kong Desi who have This support is not limited to quarantine,
useful reference book in all their but also extends to Hong Kong Desi’s As we mentioned last year, we have
worked tirelessly to bring out this localised groups for better networking and spread our wings beyond Hong Kong to
endeavours. Tokyo, London and New York with our
edition and to the larger Indian communication.
newly launched platform – International
diaspora in Hong Kong for a healthy Desi. We will use our US number to
This year onward, we will try to raise funds connect with all International Desi
and prosperous year ahead. for the Hong Kong Guide; in case of our members across the globe.
inability to do so, we will publish it in an
online format only, as printing costs have
increased significantly up.
Hoping to add more global cities to our
Alternatively, we have launched our e-
platform in the near future.
commerce website for healthy food, drinks
Consul General of India to Hong Kong SAR and Indian fashion. All the revenue Best Wishes
& Macau SAR
generated through this business will be Sandhya Jane
used for building community services,
8 9
Guide and Printing
to relocating to Hong Kong: education, job Distribution: Hong Kong Guide will be
seeking, and business know-how sections; available in print in Hong Kong, Macau, and
accounting and taxation, home essentials, select cities in Mainland China. It will also

socializing and outing options; about Hong be available online on various platforms,
Kong, etc. This will guide a reader in a making it accessible to everyone around
systematic way to a particular section. The the globe.
About Hong Kong Desi: Hong Kong Desi purely a directory, but a guide that details of services provided include
The brand is owned by International Desi, provides information we have compiled business name, address, telephone, and
a Hong Kong company. based on extensive research conducted website, as available. Additionally, we We welcome those with expertise, as well
Support services: Hong Kong Desi uses from various sources. have also added email, how to reach, as others who are interested, to add value
various channels, such as news, events, business hours, etc., as necessary. to the Hong Kong Guide in the form of
media, and digital marketing services We tried to refer information from various writing, marketing, connecting, or
through social media, WhatsApp, sources, such as directories, community To see what services are currently collaborating, etc.
Telegram, social media, email, YouTube, and business groups, websites, blogs, available, view the table of contents. Begin
and more to connect with its members. guides, and other objects linking large by selecting a content item of interest. For marketing, advertising, and
amounts of information to people, Once you do that, you'll be able to see the distribution opportunities, please contact
Digital Marketing Services: To support our community, places, businesses, and information that is currently available for us at [email protected]
community service efforts, we have also organizations. All these resources that section.
started offering customized commercial assembled here are mainly related to
services, such as marketing, branding, and Hong Kong SAR and can be referenced to Whenever you use a directory section, Disclaimer: Our team has tried its best to
corporate communications to small- and by anyone in need. however, it is essential to refer to the table present quality information, and it is valid
medium-sized businesses. of contents or header within the directory as per our knowledge. However, if the
However, the information is limited in section, showing data used in alphabetical information changes, you may refer to the
These services can be availed of on a long- scope and coverage for the topics due to order, usually following the name in each source of the information, such as website,
term or ad-hoc basis. Please contact us at space and budget, and we shall try to entry. email, or telephone to validate, if needed.
[email protected] improve over time.
Additionally, the information also includes
About Hong Kong Guide: Hong Kong Guide first-hand experiences of information
supports English-speaking people, providers. It also includes data on service
including immigrants and expats, to settle providers in a directory format in the last
comfortably in Hong Kong. This guide also section.
provides support and usefulness to
English-speaking locals, visitors, and Our team has sorted, verified, and
tourists. structured the data that can be referred to
in a useful and meaningful way in part or
This database collects useful information as a whole. However, if we missed any
about Hong Kong in a structured manner information in any form and you want us to
and present it under one umbrella. update, we would appreciate if you could
please contact our team at
Some information, such as a list of [email protected].
schools, hospitals, banks, government
offices or policies, etc., will remain Information Structure: There are several
unchanged unless updated. parts to Hong Kong Guide, from several
However, some parts of the information, perspectives. If analysed and interpreted
such as upcoming career options, newly properly, Hong Kong Guide’s annual
launched restaurants, new regulations, publication can provide you (by
etc., will change. implication) required information.

Why use the Hong Kong Guide? This is not We have created broad categories relative
10 11
Benefits of relocating
to Hong Kong

Relocating to Hong Kong can offer a range with a low crime rate compared to many
of benefits, but it's important to consider other major cities. This can provide peace
your personal circumstances and priorities of mind for individuals and families.
before making such a decision. Here are 2. Access to Healthcare: Hong Kong
some potential benefits of relocating to offers high-quality healthcare services
Hong Kong: with a mix of public and private options.
The public healthcare system is well-
1. Economic Opportunities: Hong Kong is regarded, and the city is home to reputable
a major financial hub and a gateway to medical facilities.
doing business in Asia. The city has a 3. Education Opportunities: Hong Kong
vibrant economy with numerous job has a range of international schools and
opportunities, particularly in finance, universities, making it a suitable
trade, logistics, and professional services. destination for families with children. The
2. Low Taxation: Hong Kong has a simple education system is generally of high
Presenting a copy of Hong Kong Guide to Khalsa Diwan Officials and favorable tax system. The maximum quality and diverse in terms of curriculum
personal income tax rate is relatively low options.
compared to many other developed 4. Proximity to Other Asian Countries:
countries, which can be advantageous for Hong Kong's central location in Asia makes
professionals seeking to maximize their it a convenient base for traveling to nearby
earnings. countries. This can be particularly
3. Cultural Diversity: Hong Kong is a appealing for those who wish to explore
melting pot of cultures, languages, and Asia while maintaining a stable home
cuisines. Living in such a diverse base.
environment can provide enriching 5. Cultural Experiences: From traditional
experiences and opportunities to connect festivals to modern art galleries, Hong
with people from all around the world. Kong offers a rich cultural scene. This can
4. Efficient Infrastructure: The city be an opportunity to engage with diverse
boasts a highly developed public art forms, performances, and events.
transportation system, efficient public
services, and modern infrastructure. This However, it's important to consider
can contribute to a high quality of life and potential challenges as well. Hong Kong
make daily commutes convenient. has experienced political and social
5. International Lifestyle: Hong Kong is changes in recent years that could impact
known for its cosmopolitan lifestyle, your experience living there.
offering a blend of Eastern and Western
influences. You can find a variety of dining, Additionally, the cost of living can be
entertainment, and recreational options relatively high, particularly when it comes
that cater to diverse tastes. to housing. Research thoroughly and weigh
both the pros and cons to determine if
Presenting Hong Kong Guide to Harindarpal Singh Banga, Founder, Chairman, and 6. Safety and Low Crime Rate: Hong relocating to Hong Kong aligns with your
CEO of The Caravel Group Limited Kong is generally considered safe, with personal and professional goals.
12 13

and weigh both the pros and cons to Source:
determine if relocating to Hong Kong aligns Delioitte)
with your personal and professional goals. com/content/dam/Deloitte/cn/Documents/

to Hong Kong
Aspiring professionals in Hong Kong are en-200806.pdf
highly recommended to learn Cantonese
and Mandarin in order to explore better job
and business opportunities.
National Holiday calendar (from September 2023 to August
The benefits of moving to 6. Safety and Low Crime Rate: Hong Kong 2024 )
Hong Kong. is generally considered safe, with Holida Dat Da
with a low crime rate compared to many
Relocating to Hong Kong can offer a range
other major cities. This can provide peace y e y
of benefits, but it's important to consider
of mind for individuals and families. The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival 30 September Saturday
your personal circumstances and priorities
7. Access to Healthcare: Hong Kong
before making such a decision. Here are
offers high-quality healthcare services The day following National Day 2 October Monday
some potential benefits of relocating to
with a mix of public and private options.
Hong Kong:
The public healthcare system is well- Chung Yeung Festival Monday
regarded, and the city is home to reputable
1. Economic Opportunities: Hong Kong
medical facilities. Christmas Day 25 December Monday
is a major financial hub and a gateway to
8. Education Opportunities: Hong Kong
doing business in Asia. The city has a
has a range of international schools and
vibrant economy with numerous job The first weekday after Christmas Day 26 December Tuesday
universities, making it a suitable
opportunities, particularly in finance,
destination for families with children. The
trade, logistics, and professional services. The first day of January 1 January Monday
education system is generally of high
2. Low Taxation: Hong Kong has a
quality and diverse in terms of curriculum
simple and favorable tax system. The Lunar New Year’s Day 10 February Saturday
maximum personal income tax rate is
9. Proximity to Other Asian Countries:
relatively low compared to many other The third day of Lunar New Year 12 February Monday
Hong Kong's central location in Asia makes
developed countries, which can be
it a convenient base for traveling to nearby
advantageous for professionals seeking to The fourth day of Lunar New Year 13 February Tuesday
countries. This can be particularly
maximize their earnings.
appealing for those who wish to explore
3. Cultural Diversity: Hong Kong is a
Asia while maintaining a stable home Good Friday 29 March Friday
melting pot of cultures, languages, and
cuisines. Living in such a diverse
10. Cultural Experiences: The day following Good Friday 30 March Saturday
environment can provide enriching
From traditional festivals to modern art
experiences and opportunities to connect
galleries, Hong Kong offers a rich cultural Easter Monday 1 April Monday
with people from all around the world.
scene. This can be an opportunity to
4. Efficient Infrastructure: The city
engage with diverse art forms, Ching Ming Festival
boasts a highly developed public 4 April Thursday
performances, and events.
transportation system, efficient public
services, and modern infrastructure. This Labour Day 1 May Wednesday
However, it's important to consider
can contribute to a high quality of life and
potential challenges as well. Hong Kong
make daily commutes convenient. The Birthday of the Buddha 15 May Wednesday
has experienced political and social
5. International Lifestyle: Hong Kong is
changes in recent years that could impact
known for its cosmopolitan lifestyle, Tuen Ng Festival 10 June Monday
your experience living there.
offering a blend of Eastern and Western
influences. You can find a variety of dining, HK Special Administrative Region Establishment Day 1 July Monday
Additionally, the cost of living can be
entertainment, and recreational options
relatively high, particularly when it comes
that cater to diverse tastes.
to housing. Research thoroughly
14 15
Social and Networking: – Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria,
PRE-ARRIVAL CHECKLIST Connect with expatriate communities or pertussis);
social groups in Hong Kong to help you – Chicken pox
Relocating to a new country like Hong Kong
requires careful planning and preparation. settle in and make new friends. – Shingles
Here's a pre-arrival checklist to help you – Pneumonia
get organized before your move: Travel Arrangements:
Book your flights and make necessary Housing
Relocating travel arrangements.
Visa and Immigration: Research transportation options from the Finding housing can be challenging in this
Research the appropriate visa or work airport to your accommodation. densely packed country. The high demand
permit you need for your stay in Hong and limited supply of living space have
Kong. Medications and Personal Care: resulted in high rents. The average
Apply for the visa or work permit well in Ensure you have an ample supply of any monthly rent for a one-bedroom
advance and ensure you have all the necessary medications or personal care apartment in the city centre, not including
required documentation. products that may not be easily available utilities, is HK$17,604.00 (US$ 2,260.68),
consulate, tax authorities, and any
in Hong Kong. while outside of the city centre is
memberships or subscriptions.
Housing: HK$12,220.90, as of Feb. 2020. Although,
Obtain necessary legal documents like
Research housing options, whether renting Pet Arrangements: the choice of selecting a fully furnished
an international driver's license, if
or purchasing, based on your budget and applicable. If you have pets, research the apartment with working utilities is
preferences. requirements for bringing them into Hong completely yours, it can cost you more.
Arrange temporary accommodations for Packing and Shipping: Kong and make necessary arrangements.
your arrival, such as a hotel or serviced Decide what items you will bring with Please check the housing section in this
apartment. you and what you will leave behind. Emergency Contacts: book for more details.
If shipping belongings, research Compile a list of emergency contacts, both
Finances: international shipping companies and in your home country and in Hong Kong. CHECKLISTS
Open a bank account in Hong Kong before customs regulations.
your arrival, if possible. Remember that each person's situation is Before relocating, you must plan for the
Documentation: unique, so tailor this checklist to your following:
Understand the local currency and banking
Gather important documents such as specific needs and circumstances. 1. Things you need to take with you, in-
passports, visas, birth certificates, Planning ahead will help ensure a cludes but not limited to documenta- tion,
Notify your current bank about your move
marriage certificates, academic
to prevent any disruptions in services. smoother transition to your new life in certificates, clothes, medicines, and basic
transcripts, and medical records.
Hong Kong. essentials.
Keep digital copies of these documents
Healthcare: 2. Things you need to send by courier,
in a secure cloud storage account.
Check if your current health insurance VACCINATION such as essential furniture, pet, and other
covers you in Hong Kong. If not, research Utilities and Services: essentials.
Vaccinations recommended for Hong 3. Things you need to keep and how to
and purchase a suitable health insurance Cancel or transfer utilities in your current
location, and set up new utility services Kong include the following: manage them. This includes your home,
Research local healthcare providers and in Hong Kong if necessary. renting options, your furniture, etc.
– Hepatitis A 4. List of documents and certificates
Language and Culture: – Hepatitis B you need to carry (school certificates;
Learn about the local customs, culture, – Typhoid health or vaccine certification; and
Employment and Education:
and language to ease your integration – Rabies insurance, if it is valid in Hong Kong;
If relocating for work, coordinate with your
into Hong Kong society. etc.) and arrange a safe custody for
employer regarding employment
Vaccinations required for Hong Kong other important documents.
contracts, relocation packages, and any
Technology and Communication: include the following:
required documentation.
Research mobile phone plans and
If you have children, research and secure internet providers in Hong Kong. – Meningitis
school admissions if needed. Unlock your phone if needed, or consider – Polio
Legal and Administrative Matters: purchasing a local SIM card upon arrival.
– Measles
Update your address with relevant
– Mumps and rubella (MMR)
institutions, such as your country's
16 17

Research the Area and Pre- Hong Kong offers a wide range of clubs,
groups, organizations, and associations
Join a Club
research and explore your new residential for you to join. You can find gender, niche,

for Hong Kong

area. Looking at all the nearby shops, religion, social issues, and recreational
grocery stores, restaurants, and cafes can need-specific clubs that resonate with
help prepare you for mealtimes when you your values and standards. Belonging to
are still settling in. Further, if you find a such groups and being a part of them can
club that piques your interest, and then make your relocation really smooth. You
you can go ahead and pre-register can get instant connections to all the right b) Working Holiday Scheme
people and all the right advice at all the
yourself. Some clubs offer support and
help for their fellow members during or right times. sas/working_holiday_scheme.htm
Please refer to the lifestyle and recreation Hong Kong Immigration
after the move as a means to welcome Address: Immigration Tower, 7
them. Expat groups, clubs, and section in this book for more details. c) Travel Pass:
Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
associations are quite helpful in this Website:
manner. Tel: (852) 2824 6111
Useful Reference: sas/hksar_travel_pass.html
•Professional animal importer
(Ferndale Kennels & Cattery) Visa Requirements:
• Visa Requirement Link: d) General Employment Policy (GEP) -
Address: Sai Kung Country Park, Fern- Employment as Professionals or
Hong Kong Immigration Department dale Kennels, SX-2031, Pak Tam Chung Investment as Entrepreneurs
Website: Nature Trail, Sai Kung Tel: (852) 2792 4642
List of countries that enjoy Visa Free GEP Professionals:
m Entry Link:
• Pet licenses and vaccination Link:
• Hong Kong Customs Department Link: sas/GEP.html
Website proper_care_of_pets/dogs/dog_li- - firstTab
cence.html. visas/visit-transit/visit-visa-entry- GEP Entreprenaurs:
go_clearance/prohibited_articles/in_air Link:
- trans/index.htm • Housing cost:
Link: a) Pre-arrival Registration
l Passenger Clearance: Information s/visas/investment.html living/in/Hong-Kong
senger_clearance/instruments/index. visas/pre- e) Employment under the Technology
html Visa Agency and other arrival_registration_for_indian_nationals. Talent Admission Scheme

Services html
Visa Applications (Employment, Link:
Agriculture, Fisheries, Conservatives
Dependant, Domestic Helper, Visit), To check the details if you require a visa
Department (AFCD) Import and Export
Address: Flat P, 4/F, Cheong Lok information/admission-schemes-
Division Website: or are entitled to visa waiver at the
Mansion, 1G Baker Street, Hung Hom, talents-professionals- website:
Kowloon entrepreneurs.html - techtas
Tel: (852) 5412 0541
ipab_idc/qua_ie_ipab_idc.html visas/visit-transit/visit-visa-entry-
Email: [email protected]
f) General Employment Policy (GEP) -
Types of Visa for Hong Here is the link for the article for your
FORM LINK: Employment as Professionals or
Kong Investment as Entrepreneurs

There are various types of visa available as

GEP Professionals:
per the category. Please check the link for dex.html clientconfig/checkClientConfig.jsp?
the details articles for the same. applicationId=712&language=en&countr
services/index.html sas/GEP.html - firstTab
18 19
o) Residence as Dependent (Dependant
sas/investment.html sas/residence_as_dependant.html

g) Employment under the Technology p) Right of Abode

Talent Admission Scheme Permanent Residency Registration
Link: i) To check eligibility Link:
We covered a detailed article on visa and reference:
residency in Hong Kong Guide 2021-22. and-residency-for-hong-
professionals-entrepreneurs.html - a/eligible.html
techtas ii) Right to Abode Form link:
Here is the link for the article for your
h) Immigration Arrangements for Non- Process and Paperwork Needed to register
local Graduates q) Marriage Registration marriage and file divorce in Hong Kong
rmation/admission-schemes-talents- i) Marriage celebrants: Hong Kong's marriage and divorce laws individually. The form requires
professionals-entrepreneurs.html - iang are governed by the Marriage Ordinance personal details such as names,
(Chapter 181) and the Matrimonial 3.addresses, occupations, and
i) Employment as Imported Workers Causes Ordinance (Chapter 179), passport or Hong Kong Identity Card
Link: ii) To give the notice to the marriage
respectively. Here are some key points information. registry in person, link is:
regarding these laws: 4.Gather supporting documents.
Along with the completed Notice of
tion/bdmreg/marriage/bookgivingmarriage Marriage: In Hong Kong, marriage can be Intended Marriage form MR21B (name
j) Employment as Foreign Domestic .htm conducted either by civil ceremony or by and surname, marital condition (i.e.,
Helpers: religious rites. The minimum age for whether you are a bachelor/spinster;
Link: Immigration e-Services Hotline at (852) marriage is 16, but parental consent is widower/widow; a divorced person; or 3128 8668 between 7 am and 11 pm required for individuals under 21 years previously married by any form of
sas/foreign_domestic_helpers.html daily. old. marriage), occupation, age, residential
You can also make an appointment for address, the full name of your parents,
giving of notice through the 24-hour Marriage Registration: Couples must and, in the case of either party being
k) Training Visa
telephone booking system (telephone register their marriage with the Hong under the age of 21, the name, address,
number: 3102 3883) Kong Marriage Registry within three and capacity of the person consenting to months of their wedding ceremony. the marriage (i.e., the relevant person or
sas/training.html persons specified in the Third Schedule
Here is a step-by-step guide (based on to the Marriage Ordinance), the couple
l) Capital Investment Entrant Scheme
information) to the marriage registration needs to gather supporting documents,. arriage.html
process in Hong Kong. DOCUMENT REQUIREMENT
sas/capital_investment_entrant_scheme. 1. Obtain the Notice of Intended
html r) Birth and death registration: Marriage (Form MR21): The couple
Tel: (852) 2598 0888. Identity proof: originals and photocopies
must first obtain the Notice of of passports or Hong Kong Identity Cards of
m) Student Visa: Link: Intended Marriage form (Form MR21) both parties from the Marriage Registration and For Foreigners: Passport and entry visa, for
sas/study.html rth-death-marriage-registration.html Records Office (MRRO), which is part foreigners or travellers
of the Immigration Department in Proof of marital status: originals and
Dead Body Removal Hong Kong. The form can be obtained photocopies of documents proving the
n) Quality Migrant Admission Scheme:
Link: online or in person at the MRRO. termination of any previous marriages, such 2. Complete the Notice of Intended as divorce certificates or death certificates
rthdeath/Apply_for_a_permit_to_remove_ Marriage form: Both parties must of former spouses.
tml complete the Notice of Intended
a_dead_body_from_Hong_Kong.html Photographs: Recent passport-sized
Marriage form (Form MR21) photographs of both parties
20 21

Step-by-step process How to Seek A Divorce Desertion: The other party has deserted granted, the marriage is legally
Submit the Notice of Intended the petitioner for a continuous period of dissolved, and both parties are free to
the latest updates, if any. at least two years immediately remarry.
Marriage: The couple needs to submit Divorce in Hong Kong is based on the
the completed Notice of Intended preceding the divorce petition. It's important to note that the divorce
"irretrievable breakdown" of the marriage. Separation: The parties have lived apart process can vary depending on the
Marriage form and supporting There are several grounds for divorce,
documents in person at the MRRO. The for a continuous period of at least one complexity of the case and any specific
including adultery, unreasonable behavior, year, and both parties consent to the circumstances involved. Consulting with a
processing time for giving Notice of desertion for at least two years, separation
Intended Marriage at the counter in a divorce. family lawyer is crucial to understanding
for at least one year with consent, or Separation without consent: The parties the details and requirements specific to
marriage registry is around 30 separation for at least two years without
minutes. It may take longer for some have lived apart for a continuous period your situation. Also, laws can change over
consent. of at least two years immediately time, so it's advisable to consult updated
complicated cases.
The office is located at 3/F, Low Block, preceding the divorce petition. and official sources or seek professional
Queensway Government Offices, 66
DIVORCE PROCESS: Filing the Divorce Petition: Once you legal advice for the most accurate and
The divorce process in Hong Kong typically have identified the grounds for divorce, current information on the divorce process
Queensway, Hong Kong.
involves filing a petition for divorce with your lawyer will help you prepare and in Hong Kong.
Pay the fee: There is a HKD 305, a fee
the court. If both parties agree to divorce, file the divorce petition at the Family
associated with the marriage USEFUL REFERENCE:
it can be a relatively straightforward Court. The petition should include
registration process. The fee can be For Registration of Marriage or Filing
process. However, if there are disputes, details about the marriage, grounds for
paid at the MRRO office during the
the court may need to intervene and make divorce, and any claims regarding
submission of the Notice of Intended Registration Office to file a Notice of
decisions regarding child custody, financial children, assets, or financial matters. Marriage.
Marriage. Payment can be made by
matters, and property division. Service of Divorce Petition: The filed The Marriage Registration Office :
cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS, crossed
It's important to note that laws can change divorce petition must be served on the 3/F, Queensway Government Offices,
check, or cashier's order in Hong Kong
over time, so it's advisable to consult other party (respondent) by an Low Block, Hong Kong
dollars payable to "The Government of
updated and official sources or seek authorized process server or through a (MTR Admiralty Station - Exit C1)
the Hong Kong Special Administrative
professional legal advice for the most solicitor. The respondent then has a Tel: (852) 2867-2787
Region". Post-dated checks will not be
accurate and current information on specified period to respond to the
marriage and divorce laws in Hong Kong. petition. Monday-Friday : 8:45 am to 4:45 pm
Choose a marriage registry and
The process of obtaining a divorce in Hong Response and Ancillary Matters: The Saturdays : 9 am to 11:30 am
appointment: Once the Notice of About Closed on Sundays and General Holidays
Kong typically involves several steps. Here respondent can choose to contest the
Intended Marriage is accepted, the
a step-by-step guide based on the divorce or agree with its terms. If the
couple can choose a marriage registry General Enquiries
information available: divorce is contested, the court may hold
and schedule an appointment for the Hotline : (852) 2824 6111
Consultation with a Family Lawyer: Before hearings to resolve disputes related to
marriage ceremony. The marriage Fax : (852) 2877 7711
initiating the divorce process, it's advisable children, assets, and finances. This
ceremony can take place at any of the Email : [email protected]
to consult with a family lawyer who stage involves negotiations, mediation,
marriage registries in Hong Kong.
specializes in divorce cases. They can and, if necessary, court proceedings to An appointment booking:
Attend the marriage ceremony: On the
provide guidance and advice tailored to reach a settlement. ( or
scheduled date and time, both parties
your specific situation. Decree Nisi: If the court is satisfied with by telephone (852) 3102 3883
need to appear in person at the chosen
marriage registry with two witnesses the grounds for divorce and the (You should make the appointment within
present. The marriage registry officer GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE: settlement of ancillary matters (if 14 days before the 3-month period from the
will conduct the marriage ceremony, In Hong Kong, divorce is based on the applicable), it will grant a Decree Nisi. date of marriage.)
and the couple will exchange vows and "irretrievable breakdown" of the marriage. This is a provisional decree of divorce,
There are several grounds for divorce: indicating that the court intends to grant
sign the marriage register.
the divorce unless valid reasons for not therfacilities/marriageregistry.html
Obtain the marriage certificate: After Adultery: One party has committed
the marriage ceremony, the marriage adultery, and the other party finds it doing so are presented.
Decree Absolute: After a certain waiting Registration of marriage at immigration
registry officer will issue the marriage intolerable to live with them.
certificate. The couple can collect the Unreasonable behavior: The other party period (usually six weeks), the petitioner
marriage certificate in person or has behaved in such a way that the can apply for the Decree Absolute,
request that it be mailed to them. petitioner cannot reasonably be expected which is the final decree of divorce.
Please refer to the official website for to live with them. Once the Decree Absolute is gistration_of_a_Marriage.html#a&lastTab
22 23


Settling In en or mobile service provider outlets can
offer you a prepaid card.
Hong Kong Immigration
Post-Move Checklist
Address: Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Rd, Mobile service providers in Hong Kong are:
Wan Chai, Hong Kong Hong Kong is an ideal place to reside. • China Mobile (China Telecom)
Website: e) Employment under the Technology Talent However, relocating to Hong Kong has
• CSL (Telstra)
Tel: (852) 2824 6111 Admission Scheme several requirements, some of which are
mentioned below: • New World Mobility (Telstra)
• 3 (Hutchison Whampoa)
Visa Requirements:
Renting a place: • PCCW Mobile (PCCW)
Link: mation/admission-schemes-talents-
• SmarTone-Vodafone (Vodafone) professionals-entrepreneurs.html - techtas We have covered this extensively in the
uire/general/index.htm Home Section.
f) Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Using your foreign handset
List of countries that enjoy Visa Free Entry Graduates Convenience Store
Link: Please check if your phone works in Hong mation/admission-schemes-talents- Kong. If it doesn’t, due to compatibility,
/visit-transit/visit-visa-entry-permit.html professionals-entrepreneurs.html - iang you need to buy a new one.
If your phone is locked, you can visit a mo-
a) Pre-arrival Registration g) Employment as Imported Workers bile service centre to unlock it. Please
Information Link:
refer to the computer repair section for
contact details.
/pre- s/imported_worker.html
h) Employment as Foreign Domestic Hong Kong has good options when it comes
To check the details if you require a visa or are Helpers: to convenience stores. 7-Eleven and Japan
entitled to visa waiver at the website: Link: Home Centre can be a good starting point to buy your essentials. 7-Eleven is your go-to
/visit-transit/visit-visa-entry- s/foreign_domestic_helpers.html convenience store for food, snacks, hot and
permit.html#part2 cold beverages, pre-paid calling cards,
i) Training Visa basic toiletries, first aid supplies, and so
Form link:
Link: much more. It also offers convenient
services such as Octopus top-up, ticket
sales, donations, bill payment ser-
applicationId=712&language=en&country=U s/training.html vices, and self-pick-up services. 7-Eleven
S has around 900 stores across the cities,
j) Capital Investment Entrant Scheme which are generally open most of hours Hong Kong ID card
b) Working Holiday Scheme during the day. s/capital_investment_entrant_scheme.html
All Hong Kong residents aged 11 years or
over are required to register for an identity
k) Student Visa: card. Therefore, if you plan to stay longer,
c) Travel Pass:
s:study.html JHC, formerly known as Japan Home for instance, six months or more, then you
Centre, is a convenience store that offers need to submit an application for an offi-
low-priced housewares, such as ironing cial Hong Kong ID card within 30 days of
l) Quality Migrant Admission Scheme:
boards, cleaning equipment, and random
d) General Employment Policy (GEP) - landing. To get your ID, you would need to
kitchen appliances, tableware, station-
Employment as Professionals or Investment s/quality_migrant_admission_scheme.html ery, bath-ware, and much more. JHC has book an appointment online, have your
as Entrepreneurs around 360 stores in Hong Kong. passport, a valid visa, and a duly complet-
GEP Professionals: m) Residence as Dependent (Dependant ed application form.
Link: Visa): Mobile Phone Hong Kong mobile service providers offer [Please note that if you are on a temporary
/GEP.html - firstTab s/residence_as_dependant.html prepaid and post-paid services. Prepaid resident visa, it will be mentioned as
are valid for 180 days from the date of last “HONG KONG IDENTITY CARD” instead of
recharge and are more expensive. 7-Elev- HONG KONG PERMANENT IDENTITY
24 CARD.] 25
Bank Account accept bonus points offered by stores, and standards. Belonging to such groups
such as Wellcome grocery stores. Being a truly vast and diverse international and being a part of them can make your
hub, Hong Kong offers a wide range of relocation really smooth. You can get
The best thing about Hong Kong, apart
Utility Bills: clubs, groups, organizations, and instant connections to all the right people
from the low tax rates, is that there is no
associations for you to join. You can find and all the right advice at all the right
limit to choices when it comes to banking Once you complete the renting process, you gender, niche, religion, social issues, and times.
options. Most banks offer the general need to ensure that all the utility bills
recreational need specific clubs that
services of savings, current, payroll, and (electricity, water, gas, internet, etc.), if
applicable, are transferred to your name. resonate with your values
time deposit accounts. Therefore, you
would need to look into your personal The details are mentioned in the Home
needs and wants with a banking system to
make the decision. The most popular
Town Gas Website:
Town Gas supplies cooking gas facilities in Hong Kong ID Card
banks in Hong Kong are HSBC, Citibank, major parts of Hong Kong and the Kowloon To registration: started/?
Standard Chartered, Bank of China, and area. Tel: (852) 183 3888
Hang Seng Bank Limited. It is not /person-registration.html Email: [email protected]
surprising that they have the most ATMs Electricity
and branches all over the city. HKelectric has a record of providing a highly For information:
reliable electricity supply to Hong Kong and Real TV (for Indian channels)
The minimum balance requirement may
Lamma Islands. hkid/general_info.html Tel: (852)
vary from bank to bank and this could be
one of the deciding factors for new
Octopus: Newspaper and online News Resources
Although the specificity may differ from · South China Morning Post
bank to bank, the general requirements er/index.html
for opening an account remains the same. Tel: (852) 2266 2222
These are:
For household towngas connection · The Standard
• A valid visa
Website: Website:
• Your official ID (your passport can also
Tel: (852) 2880 6988 Hong Kong Post office:
• Proof of address (utility bills can work)
Please check post office in your location
For new Electricity connections:
and other details.
Octopus Card Address: 9/F, Electric Centre, 28 City
Octopus is extremely useful in daily life in Garden Road, North Point Hong Kong
Website, Website:
Hong Kong because it is accepted widely
Hotline: (852) 2887 3411
in shopping, convenience stores, and all International Couriers
public transportations systems, including Water Supply Department
MTRs, tram, buses, etc. Enquiry Hotline: (852) 2824 5000 · DHL Hong Kong
This also helps you keep your wallet light Website -
and coin free. You can buy an Octopus
Water Supplies Department public service html en/home.html
card from any MTR or airport express Tel: (852) 2400 3388
arranges the water supply across the city.
customer service
for paying HK$50 for Octopus and add
To connect or make an enquiry, please use Media
its hotline. · Real TV Television Broadcasts · FedEx
value through any MTR station customer Limited Website:
service centre, automated recharge Email: [email protected] hk/home.html
machine, or in any convenience store. Mail and Courier Services Website: Tel: (852) 2730 3333
Some credit cards, such as CitiBank, offer Postal service in Hong Kong is quite
cards linked with an Octopus card that is efficient for local and international courier · Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
Address: Broadcasting House, 30 · UPS Hong Kong
recharged automatically when the stored services.
Broadcast Drive, Kowloon Website:
value reaches the threshold. Please check the post office in your
Tel: (852) 3691 2388
You register your card online on the locality or visit Hong Kong Post Office
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2735 3535
Octopus website. This will enable you to website for more information.
26 27
strong emphasis on creativity,

The Top Primary Schools in Hong
collaboration, and communication, Beacon
Kong Hill School prepares students for the
1. Diocesan Girls' Junior School: challenges of the 21st century.
Renowned for its holistic approach to
5. German Swiss International School:
education, Diocesan Girls' Junior School
The Landscape of integral part of the learning process in Hong focuses on nurturing well-rounded
The German Swiss International School
(GSIS) offers a bilingual education,
Primary Education Kong. Students are regularly evaluated
through assignments, quizzes, tests, and
individuals. The school offers a broad
providing students with an opportunity to
curriculum that includes academic
examinations. The Territory-wide System become proficient in both English and
Introduction: subjects, sports, arts, and community
Assessment (TSA) is conducted at various German. With a rigorous academic
In Hong Kong, primary education plays a service. With a strong emphasis on
grade levels to assess students' learning curriculum and a wide range of
vital role in shaping the future of young character development, students at
progress. The Primary School Leaving extracurricular activities, GSIS aims to
learners. With a strong emphasis on Diocesan Girls' Junior School are
Examination (PSLE) is administered at the develop well-rounded individuals who are
academic achievement, a well-structured encouraged to become confident,
end of primary education to determine culturally aware and globally minded.
curriculum, and a nurturing learning students' placement in secondary schools. compassionate, and responsible global
environment, primary education in Hong citizens.
Choosing the right primary school for your
Kong is known for its excellence. This blog 2. St. Paul's Co-educational College
Learning Environment: child is an important decision. The primary
post will delve into the key aspects of Primary School:
Primary schools in Hong Kong provide a schools mentioned here are known for
primary education in Hong Kong, exploring safe and supportive learning environment St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary their academic excellence, holistic
the curriculum, teaching methods, and the for students. Class sizes are relatively School is widely recognized for its approach to education, and commitment
overall educational landscape. small, allowing teachers to provide academic excellence and innovative to nurturing students' personal growth. By
individual attention to students. The teaching methods. The school provides a providing a strong foundation and a
Curriculum: schools are well-equipped with modern stimulating learning environment, supportive learning environment, these
The primary education curriculum in Hong facilities, including libraries, computer labs, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and schools play a vital role in shaping the
Kong is comprehensive and covers a wide and sports facilities, which enhance the problem-solving skills. With a diverse future of Hong Kong's young generations.
range of subjects. The core subjects learning experience. Moreover, schools extracurricular program, students have the
often organize extracurricular activities and USEFUL RESOURCES:
include Chinese language, English opportunity to explore their interests and
field trips to enrich students' learning
language, mathematics, and general talents, ensuring a well-rounded
beyond the classroom. List of Kindergarten in Hong Kong
studies. These subjects are designed to education.
Parental Involvement:
provide a solid foundation in language, Parents play a crucial role in their child's 3. Hong Kong International School:
numeracy, and general knowledge. In List of DSS Schools:
primary education in Hong Kong. They are As one of the leading international schools
addition to the core subjects, students encouraged to actively participate in their in Hong Kong, Hong Kong International
also study subjects such as music, child's learning journey by attending School (HKIS) offers a world-class
physical education, arts and crafts, and parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and education. With a focus on inquiry-based List of International Schools
moral and civic education. school events. Parental involvement fosters learning, HKIS encourages students to be
Teaching Methods: a strong partnership between parents and active learners and critical thinkers. The government-schools-in-hong-kong/
Primary education in Hong Kong focuses teachers, ensuring the holistic development school provides a supportive and inclusive
on developing students' critical thinking, of the child. environment, promoting cultural List of Government Schools:
problem-solving skills, and creativity. understanding and global awareness.
Teachers employ a variety of teaching Challenges and Future Directions: HKIS also offers a robust extracurricular international-school-in-hong-kong/
methods, including lectures, group While primary education in Hong Kong is program, allowing students to explore
discussions, hands-on activities, and highly regarded, it also faces certain STUDY ABROAD
their passions and develop leadership
challenges. The intense academic pressure Most of the schools in Hong Kong offer
project-based learning. This diverse range skills.
and the emphasis on rote learning have counselling sessions about study abroad to
of teaching methods ensures that students 4. Beacon Hill School:
been subjects of concern. Efforts are being their students as well as parents. Most of
are actively engaged in the learning Beacon Hill School is known for its
made to shift towards a more holistic and the schools also offer preparation sessions
process and encourages them to think commitment to personalized learning and for their students.
student-centered approach, focusing on
independently. fostering a love for learning in its students.
promoting creativity, critical thinking, and
problem-solving skills. The school follows the International However, there are few organizations who
Assessment and Examinations: Primary Curriculum (IPC), which promotes offer specialized and personalized
Assessment in primary education is an a thematic approach to learning. With a services.
The children will be given the opportunity it offers three-day camps during major
Education USA Advising Center
Address: U.S. Consulate General, 26
Extra Curricular Activities to finesse their public and persuasive holidays. The academy operates in three
Hong Kong is a vibrant international city speaking as well as develop core math and branches:
Garden Road Central, Public Affairs
where residents are always busy with their life skills to help them succeed both now Sheung Wan: 5/F, Gee Tuck Building,16-
Section, Hong Kong SAR China
work or some other activities. People and in the future. Beyond Schooling’s 20
Phone: 2841 2402
coming from all over the world bring their programs (for ages 6 to 14+ years) are Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
culture, competencies, and creativity, available online. Tel: (852) 27722108
Study in UK which directly reflect on various classes
British Concil These skills are offered to kids at a tender Yau Ma Tei: Unit 404, 4/F, Kowloon
and extra-curricu- lar activities offered age to adopt these skills at a tender age Building, 555 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei,
throughout the city for children starting and prepare themselves for the future. Kowloon
from toddler age as well as adults until Needy children can opt for scholarships. Tel: (852) 27722161
nineties plus. These activities in- clude, art Big-hearted people can donate the classes Fortress Hill: Unit 11B, 11/F, KP Tower,
classes, dance classes, music classes, to needy children or gift the classes to the 93-95 King’s Road, North Point
Yocket cultural activities, brain teasers, sports,
It is platform that brings people together relative’s kid anywhere in the world. Tel: (852) 27723077.
martial arts, cooking, baking, exhibi- tions, Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
through their forum to discover and fashions, etc.
discuss study abroad related topics. Website:
Through multiple forums and students can Chinmaya Mission: This is part of Global Cobo Academy:
shortlist country, university, degree etc. Chinmaya Mission. The goal of the Bala It offers classes to kids between the ages
Website: Vihar (Exploration program for children) is of 4-15. It also provides a quality; project-
to “wake up the sleeping giant” within and based learning system to kids of all levels
inspire them to reach their maximum and offers autumn camps and winter
Litz USA Student Service
potential. This is achieved by imparting a camps for kids, with good discounts.
Tel. (852) 2391 9713
value-based education through a specially Address: Yam Tze Commercial Building,
Address: Room 1601-03, 655 Nathan
designed, age-approprivate curriculum 6/F, 23 Thomson Road, Wan Chai, HK
Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
that has been carefully developed by Tel: (852) 3905 1111
expert Chinmaya Acharyas (teachers) Email: [email protected]
Ivy League Admissions Experts delivered across Hong Kong and Kowloon Website:
Email: [email protected]
in English. For coding, you can look at few more insti-
Tel: +852 397-5741/+852 3703 5160
Address: 11/F, Ocean View Court, 43 Mody tutes: Coding 101, Koding Kingdom, Tiny
Address: Central27/F, Wing On Centre111 LEARNINGS OUTSIDE SCHOOL: Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui Code, and Creative Coding
Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan,
Beyond Schooling: As part of community Tel: (852) 2367 3390
Hong Kong
service, Beyond Schooling (non-profit Children classes by Metropolis Museum:
venture launched by International Desi) Coding: As technology is catching up These are interesting story telling
offers a variety of classes, such as Vedic faster with kids these days, you may want sessions, art exploration, and other
math, competitive math, creative writing, to keep your kids up to the mark and make interesting classes for children 2 years and
IDP–International Education debating and influencing, critical thinking, them go with the pace around. That’s up.
Specialists problem solving, mind-mapping and clear when Story telling sessions are offered in English
Tel: (852) 2179 3600 thinking, independence, yoga, meditation, coding classes come in, if your kids are as well as in Mandarin.
Email: [email protected] healthy eating, etc. more technology inclined. They also offer varieties of social interac-
Address: Room 2807 - 09, Harbour Centre, tion classes to develop a child’s inquisitive
25 Harbour Road, Wan chai, Hong Kong Character building classes through vedic First Code Academy: Coding is like a mind, critical thinking, and high EQ.
values, Sanskar Shibir, Dinacharya class- language; it takes commitment and prac- To register for any of these online activi-
Quantum Prep-Hong Kong Admissions es are conducted online on a regular basis tise to master this concept. The First Code ties, download and sign into the Metrop-
Consultants throughout the year. Academy offers a suitable curriculum, for olis Museum app and you may be able to
Tel: (852) 2778 2118 all levels. Through their core programs and get some discount that is announced time
Address: Beautiful Group Tower, 702 7/F If you want to improve your children’s project-based learning, students build a to time by the Museum.
and 2202 22/F, 74-77 Connaught Rd confidence, communication, and critical strong coding, design thinking, and Recommended apps, podcasts, and
Central, Central, Hong Kong thinking and overall mental thinking computational thinking. For the ones educational material, etc. You can hire a
Website: pattern, this will be your one-stop-shop. looking for crash courses tutor or select a course.
30 31

Metropolis Museum Address:33-35 Wong Address: Amazed, G02-03, G15 &L02,
Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, Leighton Center, 77 Leighton Road,
Tel: (852) 9161 2105, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Email: [email protected], Tel: (852) 9228 2617
Website: Email: [email protected]
HOME BUSINESS OPTIONS Hong Kong's growing GDP makes starting
website: a home business a positive option. Hong
Growing IQ FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN Kong is currently ranked as the 5th
Helping your kids to build a strong Lifelong Labs: This is the place for all HONG KONG country with the highest business
mathematical foundation, critical thinking budding architects, artists, visionaries, ecosystem in the world.
skills and a growth mindset for kids from photographers, and directors, to name a The purpose of this section is to provide
2.5 to 12 years through hand-on few. comprehensive details required for BENEFITS OF HAVING A HOME
experiential learning. starting a new business. BUSINESS IN HONG KONG
Address:m1-3 wing Lok street,m14th floor Hong Kong is recognized worldwide as
The purpose of this section is to provide an attractive business location. It has
Address: Growing IQ, 4/F, China Hong Cheung’s Building, Hong Kong.
comprehensive details required for starting some of the lowest tax rates in the world
Kong Tower, 8-12 Hennessy Road, Tel: (852) 66903044,25402484.
a new business. Hong Kong is a famous with no sales tax or VAT and a corporate
Admiralty, Hong Kong, Email: [email protected]
city for its rustic charm, sophisticated met- tax rate of just 16.5%. There is no capital
Tel: (852) 2323 9899 Website: ropolitan lifestyle, shopping, and extremely gains tax or wealth tax applicable to
Email: [email protected], delicious food. But there’s one other thing home businesses in Hong Kong. Home
Website: for which Hong Kong is Additionally, this businesses generally look to minimize
Music Lessons in Hong Kong section will also cover the entire process of their tax burden, so having a legal home
Active Kids: The activities at Active Kids Link: starting any business in general. The business in Hong Kong is a good
are educational but fun at the same time. lessons-in-hong-kong/ process will cover how to start a business, business decision.
It has programs ranging widely for some of the best banks for startups,
science, cooking, chess, coding and Dance classes in Hong Kong accounting and tax information for Hong Kong is also known for its vibrant
robotics, arts and crafts, design and show, business, licenses, and regulations required and favourable business environment for
language, and culture for kids. Please visit following link for more details: for business. Additionally, it also covers entrepreneurs. It is recognized as one of marketing and promotion options available the world's most competitive economies
Address: Unit A, 1/F, Nan Sang Building, classes-in-hong-kong/ for business. by the World Economic Forum. According
86 Belcher's Street, Kennedy Town, Hong to the World Economic Forum’s
Even though it offers a good starting point Competitiveness Index 2019, Hong Kong
Kong Art Classes
for the first step, we recommend you to is the 3rd most competitive economy.
Tel: (852) 3480 4199, 8143 0070
refer to additional information if you are
Email: [email protected] Please visit following link for more details: launching a new business in Hong Kong. OPTIONS AND EXAMPLES OF
Lifelong Labs: This is the place for all How To Launch A Home BUSINESS IN HONG KONG
Qurio Education budding architects, artists, visionaries,
Offers classes to help children build a solid photographers, and directorsetc Business In Hong Kong Choosing a home business in Hong Kong
requires deliberate consideration of
foundation in Chinese, English and Address:m1-3 wing Lok street,m14th floor factors such as target audience,
Mathematics. Cheung’s Building, Hong Kong. available market, competition, etc.
Tel: (852) 66903044,25402484. "A big business starts small." - Richard Here are some of the growing sectors
6/F, The Eastmark, 21 Sheung Yuet Road, Email: [email protected] Branson. and industries in Hong Kong from which
Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Website: The above quote supports the fact that you can create your home business idea:
Tel: 2667 9370 home businesses are normally small in ü Information & Technology
Email: [email protected], Performing Arts their early stages. Starting your own ü E-commerce
home business in Hong Kong or ü Hardware
anywhere else is not easy, as there are ü Financial Technology some hurdles to tackle head on.
Amazed kong/ ü Professional services
However, having the required business
It is a one-stop learning hub for kids and List of Collage and Universities ü Healthcare
skills, knowledge and complying with the
ü Data analysis
parents. The interactive learning space for relevant legal requirements is critical in
ensuring that your home business’ ü Education and learning, etc.
makers and multidimensional talents. collage-and-universities-in-hongkong/
ecosystem is sustainable. In your search for a new retail business,
32 33
you can look into options such as e- when choosing the appropriate business so long as the required information and documents address in a private home or apartment.
commerce, logistics technology, supply structure for your home business. These are presented before the Companies registry.
chain management, and retail factors range from the target market, the Step 4: Decide on the company officers'
technology. product or service, niche, marketing Step 1: Select the appropriate company structure
strategies, business location, capital
On the other hand, if your focus is on investment, size of business, business type for your home business To set up a home business through the LLC
innovative services, depending on legal requirements, etc. The decision on what company type is required option, your business must have at least
should be based on the business’ needs, size, one director and shareholder who is either
available skills, you could venture into
financial ability, etc. a natural person or body corporate. Note
design, professional and consultancy Hong Kong home businesses use Limited
that the person must be at least 18 years
services, data analytics, etc. Company, Sole Proprietorship and
Hong Kong business entity types include; Sole old and above and body
FUNDING FOR HOME BUSINESS IN Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability
corporates serving as directors are only
HONG KONG LIMITED COMPANY Company (Private Company Limited by Shares,
allowed under strict circumstances.
It is imperative to have sufficient This business structure is suitable for Public Company Limited by Shares, or Company
Shareholders can be Hong Kong residents or
funding for starting a home business in home businesses that are small and Limited by Guarantee)
non-residents. Also there are no limits to the
Hong Kong. However, the amount of medium-sized enterprises. At least one number of directors your home business can
funding required will mostly depend on director and 1 shareholder are required to In Hong Kong, foreigners and locals most have.
the business nature. set up a limited company. There is also no commonly choose a private company limited by However, note that you are required to
minimum capital requirement for shares for home-based businesses. appoint a company secretary by law for your
Based on a questionnaire survey and registering 'a limited company.' business. The secretary also needs to be a
in‑depth interviews conducted by the Step 2: Choose your home business name Hong Kong resident or a legal entity. Note
Hong Kong Trade Development Centre SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP In choosing a company name it is worth noting that that the sole director cannot also serve as
a company name can be in English (must end with company secretary.
Research on local start‑ups around mid- A sole proprietorship has a single owner. It
“Limited”), in traditional Chinese (must end with You can register your home business with a
2020, it was discovered that start‑up is most suitable for small home businesses
“ ”), or an English name and a Chinese minimum of HKD 1.00 and the maximum
capital for businesses in Hong Kong can and firms. The owner of the home
name. English and Chinese character combinations shares allowed are unlimited.
range from hundreds of thousands of business, who is regarded as the sole
Hong Kong dollars up to several million. proprietor is responsible and liable for all in a name are forbidden.
Step 5: Proceed to submit the application to
Note that capital for home businesses the debts of the business. He is also register the company in Hong Kong
may be sourced mainly from personal entitled to all business profits after The Hong Kong Companies Registry does not give
This last stage of applying to register a
savings, government funding and bank deducting tax. provisional approval, or reservation of a company
home business in Hong Kong requires the
loans. The HKTDC Research shows that name. So, the CR has the powers under the filing of an application for approval of the
85% of local start‑ups in the survey PARTNERSHIP Companies Ordinance to change a company name proposed company name with the Company
relied partly on their personal savings A partnership involves two or more people in specified circumstances. Registry and submitting all required
for the funds to start a new business, coming together to jointly start a home documents too.
30% received government grants and business in collaboration under a legal You can use this Hong Kong CR guide to The application form is to be duly filled in by
subsidies, 22% obtained bank loans, agreement. A partnership could be general understand the criteria for choosing a suitable providing the following details:
and 20% acquired part of their start‑up or limited depending on the level of name. 1. The name of your home business.
2. The home business’s registered address.
funds from family and friends. liability for partner actions relating to the
Step 3: Choose the registered address 3. A description of the home business'
Please remember some rules when choosing a activities.
Other private sources of funding to start
registered address for your home business. This is 4. Details of the home business’s directors,
a legal home business in Hong Kong STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR shareholders, and the resident company
include incubators and accelerators, REGISTERING A HOME BUSINESS IN because this address will be used on all official
secretary. (Note that you will need to
re‑investment, angel investing, HONG KONG documents and correspondence from the
provide copies of their identity cards and in
crowdfunding and venture capital. company. Some of the rules are: That the address
the case of corporate shareholders, you will
The Business Registration Ordinance cannot be a P.O. Box or virtual office, rather, it
need to provide a copy of the company
SELECTING THE RIGHT BUSINESS (Chapter 310, Laws of Hong Kong) (“BRO”) must be a physical office accessible to the public registration for the parent company.)
STRUCTURE FOR YOUR HOME is administered by the Business during business hours. 5. Liabilities of company directors.
BUSINESS IN HONG KONG Registration Office. The procedure for 6. Share capital.
Different factors must be considered registering a business in Hong Kong is Also, the address must be in a business or The required documents to be submitted
simplified and not too cumbersome. This is industrial building. It must not be a residential
34 35
along with the application for registration average of 83% of their revenue coming
are as follows: from Hong Kong, 9% from mainland China,
1. Hong Kong CR application form and the remaining 8% from overseas
2. A copy of the Articles of Association markets.
3. A copy of each passport and proof of It is advisable that a home business
residential address for foreigners establish a firm foothold in the local
4. A copy of each Hong Kong ID card for market first before venturing out to
Hong Kong residents overseas markets.Home business owners
5. Copies of all company documents for interested in scaling up their business by
corporate shareholders. delving into the overseas market may
access the Southeast Asian market. The
SCALING A HOME BUSINESS IN HONG Southeast Asian market is generally seen
KONG as less fierce in terms of competition than
According to a survey by the Hong Kong other regions of Asia. It is also an
Trade Development Centre, most attractive option as it presents a lesser
businesses focus on the Hong Kong problem with language barriers in
market at inception. This is with an business.

In order to establish a sustainable home business in Hong Kong, it is critical to research
business and related government regulations and laws. It is also necessary to have a
comprehensive business plan that details the home business’ goals, marketing plans,
budget plans, team outline, scaling plans, etc.
Let’s take off...

The International Desi website was launched by the Minister of State for External Affairs and the Minister of State for Culture Hon. Smt.
Presnenting a copy of Hong Kong Guide to Mr Natu, President of India Club in Hong Kong Meenakshi Lekhi at her office in New Delhi on 24th May, 2022.

36 37

Basics of business iand found at

en/electronic/csc/general.htm Licenses and regulations Establishments to operate retail pet shop.

registration in Hong Kong: in Hong Kong e. Education Business

There are several kinds of business that i. Download and complete form NNCI or The Hong Kong agencies have
A business license is required to run a recommended specific entry requirements
can be started in Hong Kong. incorporation form from business in Hong Kong. The agencies or to streamline the education sector. The
ny.htm departments of Hong Kong are the ones education business is perceived as a
1. Limited Company lucrative business. A Certificate of
iii. Download and fill form IRBR1, which that issue licenses.
A limited company is the most popular Registration must be acquired from the
is the notice to the Office of Business
business in Hong Kong. Limited compa- Education Bureau.
Registration. However, the Companies Registry first re-
nies benefit from:
iv. Submit the filled forms electronically quires the registration of a business before f. Travel Agencies
i. Free trade contracts with China. alongside a copy of the business Articles applying for a business license. This arti- A Travel Agent's License is required to op-
ii. Similar tax benefits are enjoyed, just of Association to the Companies Regis- cle will explain the most common licenses erate a travel agency. The license
like the local entrepreneurs. try at and regulations in Hong Kong and, where authorizes the arranging and selling of
necessary, links are provided for detailed transporta- tion tickets and organizing
2. Branch Office Registering a business information. package tours or group tours.
A branch office of another company that is
registered elsewhere can be opened in Business registration is done at the same g. Employment Agencies
time as when applying for incorporation at Generally, it takes two to eight weeks to The Labour Department issues an
Hong Kong. However, it comes with a spe-
the Inland Revenue Department. get a business license in Hong Kong. The Employment Agency license to operate a
cific set of instructions, and it is dependent
a. The Inland Revenue Department re- license requirements and regulations for business that offers placement and
on the parent business.
quires payment of HK2000 dollars per operating various businesses are as recruitment services in Hong Kong.
year or HK5200 dollars for three years described below.
3. Representative Office as a business registration fee, as indi- h. Restaurant Business
There is a limitation on establishing a cated on its website. The Department of Food and Environmen-
a. Trading Company
repre- sentative office in Hong Kong. The b. The Protection of Wages on Insolvency tal Hygiene issues a license for a General
The need to obtain any export or import Restaurant to sell drinks and food. The in-
business is not allowed to participate in Fund requires a business owner to pay license depends on the type of goods in- spection of the premise is done before the
activities that generate profit within the HK250 dollars per year or HK750 dollars volved. Controlled goods need the perti- issuance of the license. The license is not
scope of taxation, hence is appropriate to for three years as a levy. nent export or import license associated sufficient condition to operate other busi-
non-sales firms like marketing and support c. Collection of business registration cer- nesses, like selling liquor. Additional licens-
with the goods.
staff. tificates es, such as a Liquor License, are required.
A word caution is a Representative Office It takes just an hour to register a business The licensing procedure and regulations
b. Event Management Business
does not have independent legal standing online if all the documents are approved, in Hong Kong are straightforward. Howev-
but it takes up to four days when the doc- Regulations and licenses for event man- er, you need to comply with all criteria and
in Hong Kong. Therefore, the foreign par-
uments are mailed. agement depend on the type of events. For documentation requirements and follow
ent company remains fully responsible for
example, the Liquor Licensing Board the licensing procedure. All said and done,
its debts and liabilities.
Useful Resources: issues liquor licenses to sell liquor for there will be no reason for license rejection.
consumption during an event.
4. Sole proprietorship
Appropriate for small businesses with a
Revenue Office: Useful Resource:
Address: 4th Floor, Revenue Tower, 5 c. Financial Services Firm
sin- gle owner. It is a low-risk business,
Gloucester Rd, An entrepreneur is required to obtain
but own- er is liable for its assets and howtoseries/forms/new/A_
Wan Chai, Hong Kong relevant licenses depending on the kind of
businesses. Guide_to_Restaurant.PDF
Website: financial services to be provided. The Hong
Tel: (852) 2824 1482 Kong Police issues a Money Lenders
5. Partnership
Operated with at least two persons. It is
General enquiry: (852) 2519 9316 License to carry out a money-lending Best Banks for a Start-
the least favourite because each partner is
ups in Hong Kong
Website for business registration
liable for the firm. Although Hong Kong offers a busi- ness-
d. Retail Shop
Procedure friendly environment, it is very difficult to
Website: Requirements depend on the type of ser-
i. The selection of a name is the first step open a bank account, especially if you
Company of Registry: vices and goods sold. The Department of
to start a limited business. The name have a start-up business in Hong Kong.
Website: Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation
must be legally available in Hong Kong
issues licenses on Animal Boarding
38 39
Unlike the USA, India, or European coun- d. Non-HK Dollar deposit account gives the 50,000 to avoid monthly fee of The Bank of East Asia Limited
tries, where you can open a bank account client a wide range of options to hold finances HK$ 100 per month. You to maintain minimum HK$
easily within a week, Hong Kong takes 6-8 in foreign currencies Website: 10,000 balance to avoid bank
weeks. This is extremely discouraging pro- e. Integrated account consolidates different fees HK$ 100 per month.
Address: 1 Queens Road, Hong Website:
cess to new businesses. bank accounts into a single account
Kong Address: 10 Des Voeux Road
We compiled a partial list of local banks f. Investment account Tel: (852) 2748 8288 Central Hong Kong
in Hong Kong that are start-up friendly. Indian Overseas Bank Tel: (852) 3609 2928
In addition to the regular documentation It helps to sell or buy bonds, trade stocks, and Website: General banking services 24 hrs.
process, these banks may have their own unit trusts. Tel: (852) 2211 1333
pre-conditions, such as the owner having 3F, Ruttonjee House
a saving account, maintaining a minimum For more details on types of accounts and 11 Duddell Street, Hong Kong More banks are listed in the di-
the requirements, access the website: Tel: (852) 2522 7157 rectory section.
deposit, or any other condition that a bank
may think suitable as well as can be appli-
cable to start-ups owners. More banks are listed in the directory section. Accounting and Tax in Hong Kong
Although, Hong Kong offers a busi- Accounting and tax in Hong Kong rely on to pay salary tax. The salary is taxed either
ness-friendly environment, however it is British standards. For example, all busi- based on standard rate of 15 % or
very difficult to open a bank account, es- nesses are required to file an annual tax between 2% and 17%, depending on the
return with the Hong Kong Inland level of income. You are required to pay a
pecially when you are launching a new
business in Hong Kong. Unlike USA, India Useful Revenue for their profits. Independent stamp duty of 15 % when you buy
certified public accountants perform property in Hong Kong. Returns are filed
or Europe, where you can open a bank Resources yearly audits for the business accounts. before the second day of June, whereas
account easily within a week, Hong Kong Hong Kong Monetary Hong Kong is cautious about tax fraud and sole proprietors for unincorporated or-
takes about six-eight weeks (and some- Authority (HKMA) accounting. Offenders are subjected to ganizations have until the second day of
times up to three months) to open Account opening tips: strict sanctions from banks and the local August.
business Link: government. Fundamentally, all accounts
are filed attentively and professionally to Maintaining a compliant account is
account. To facilitate the entrepreneurs,
mitigate issues that are likely to arise from important to the imminent success of
the Hong Kong Monetary Authority estab- rt-consumers/account-opening/mr- businesses in Hong Kong. Non-
the audited annual accounts.
lished a dedicated task force. opens-blog/tips-for-start-ups-to- compliance is likely to impact business
Individuals who have resided in Hong
open-bank-accounts-offered-by- Kong for about two months are expected reputation with banks and government.
Documentation Requirements to Open an-entrepreneur/
Bank Accounts
To appeal against bank application Net Chargeable Income (in HK$ currency) Rate
a. Identity documents and notarized rejection case: email ac-
proof of residence of all directors [email protected]
b. Corporate documents that are certi- 0 – 50,000 HK$ 2%
c. Notarized proofs of business address 50,001 – 100,000 HK$ 6%
Bank of China (Hong Kong)
d. Past three months’ statement copy
of Ultimate Beneficiary Owner (UBO) Minimum balance requirement: you
personal bank information
100,001 – 150,000 HK$ 10%
need to maintain HK$ 50,000 to
e. Latest financial statements that are avoid monthly fee of HK$ 120.
audited Website: Address: 1
Garden Road, Hong Kong
150,001 – 200,000 HK$ 14%
Types of bank accounts
Tel: (852) 2826 6888
a. Savings account offers interest not
Customer Service Hotline +852 3988
provided on the current account Above 200,001 HK$
2288 17%
b. Current account allows payments us-
ing cheques, but does not pay interest HSBC
Minimum balance requirement: you
Net total income (no allowances) Standard rate 15%
c. Time/Fixed deposit account; a sum of
money is left for a specified period need to maintain HK$

40 41
Hong Kong is a country with one of the n offering tax and accounting services in
lowest tax rates in the world for both Hong Kong. It is essential to identify SKYBESTCPA USEFUL RESOURCES:
corporations and personal income. appropriate consultants who can
Corporations have a flat tax rate; manage auditors and ensure timely Skybestcpa is another firm that Marketing and Business Promotions
however, the salary tax rates are completion of the annual returns and specializes in tax and
progressive, with five tax brackets: 2%, accounting services in Hong International Desi
financial statements of firms.
Kong. Entrepreneurs get the
6%, 10%, 14%, and 17%.
opportunity for a no-strings and International Desi offers one- stop-
Thus, making it an attractive destination
Useful Resources: preliminary consultation about marketing solution for all content and
for expats to live. business goals. marketing (both digital as well as print
The financial year in Hong Kong runs media) needs.
from the first day of April to the thirty- TAX Website:
first day of March of the subsequent Website:
Inland Revenue Department Website: Email: [email protected]
year. Companies incorporated in Hong Address: Unit 2307, 23/F Enter-
Kong should make the audited financial htm prise Square Three,
statements as required by law. Firms 39, Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon
are required to keep proper accounts Revenue Department: Bay, Hong Kong Search engine optimization and search
and records of business transactions. engine marketing
The compliance reports for certified For businesses, please check the link: Email: [email protected] Create a google adword account to
public accountants could have Tel: (852) 3904 2460 launch a campaign.
Address: Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Website:
extensive impact on businesses,
Rd, Wan Chai
including the ability to obtain business Website: eng/
loans. Auditors should be expert Tel: (852) 187 8088
enough to understand a business.
Business owners or professionals can eTAX
engage tax consultants who are skilled
in offering tax and accounting services dents/taxes/etax/index.htm
in Hong Kong. It is essential to identify
appropriate consultants who can Hong Kong Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (To find CPA)
manage auditors and ensure timely
completion of the annual returns and a-CPA
financial statements of firms.
Thus, making it an attractive destination Address: Hong Kong Institute of
for expats to live. Certified Public Accountants:
The financial year in Hong Kong runs
from the first day of April to the thirty- 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan chai,
Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2287-7228
first day of March of the subsequent
Email: [email protected]
year. Companies incorporated in Hong
Kong should make the audited financial
statements as required by law. Firms Buttar Group of Companies: Buttar
are required to keep proper accounts Group of Companies:
and records of business transactions. For all accounting and tax services to
The compliance reports for certified small and medium business at very
reasonable fees.
public accountants could have
extensive impact on businesses, Website:
including the ability to obtain business Address: Mau Lam Commercial
loans. Auditors should be expert 100th episode of Honble Prime Ministers Mann Ki Baat at Indian Consulate in
Building, 16-18 Mau Lam St,
enough to understand a business. Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon Hong Kong
Business owners or professionals can Email: [email protected]
engage tax consultants who are skilled i Tel: (852) 2312 0148

42 43

on short-term market movements, such appropriate investment strategies and anytime, anywhere. Investors who are
as day trading or swing trading to take investment manage auditors and ensure unable to find a U.S. stockbroker may be
advantage of price fluctuations. timely completion of the annual returns and able to open accounts with international
The global investment landscape offers
financial statements of firms. financial institutions that allow them to
a plethora of opportunities for investors
INTERNATIONAL MARKETS access U.S stock exchanges. There are also
looking to diversify their portfolios and
It offers diversification benefits and has employ technical analysis and strategies to some U.S. companies that list their stocks
access a diverse range of assets.
the potential to generate higher returns. time their entry and exit points. Short-term on foreign exchanges for investors who are
Investing in global markets not only
However, investing in international investment strategies can be profitable but interested in investing in U.S. stocks
provides exposure to different
markets also carries certain risks and require a deep understanding of market
economies and sectors but also offers
considerations. dynamics and significant capital to execute. American companies' stocks can be
the potential to generate higher returns.
owned by anyone, regardless of
However, it is important to consider
Firstly, it is essential to understand the INVESTMENT VEHICLES citizenship.
both the benefits and risks before
political and economic environment of Stocks, Bonds, Debt funds, International Investing in U.S. stocks has some
making any investment decisions. In
the countries in which you are investing. mutual funds, and Real Estate. crypto additional requirements that non-U.S.
this post, we will explore the global
Different regions may experience currencies (please check the local law citizens may have to meet before
investment landscape, the different
varying levels of volatility and risk. before considering this options), investing. This is because foreign
investment strategies and vehicles
Conducting thorough due diligence and Acquisition of foreign securities by way of owners and holders of U.S.-based
available. We will also delve into the
conducting thorough research can help inheritance, Acquisition of foreign securities assets are subject to an array of U.S.
advantages of investing in international
mitigate these risks. by way of gift, Investment in entities laws intended to protect U.S. interests.
markets and the risks that need to be
located in IFSC (GIFT City in Gujarat), Some brokerage firms may require non-
Another challenge is the differences in Acquisition of sweat equity shares issued U.S. citizens to produce additional
laws and regulations between by foreign entities, shares or interest under identification documents to comply with
INVESTING STRATEGIES countries. Investors need to ensure their individual policies.
employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) or
When considering investment compliance with local regulations and There are some U.S. companies that list
employee benefits scheme, minimum
strategies, it is important to choose an understand any tax implications for their stocks on foreign exchanges for
qualification shares of foreign entity,
approach that aligns with your their investments. It is essential to work investors who want to invest in the U.S.
vehicles, you can maximize the potential for
investment objectives and risk with reputable financial advisory firms but encounter entry barriers.
success in global investing. Remember to
tolerance. There are two common and professionals who specialize in conduct thorough research and seek advice
investment strategies: long-term and international investments to navigate from experienced financial advisors when
short-term. these complexities. venturing into international markets.
Long-term investment strategies Furthermore, currency fluctuations can US Stock Market: USEFUL RESOURCES
involve investing in assets for an impact returns from international Opening a Brokerage Account 1. Zerodha - Great discounted trading
extended period, more than two year. investments. Fluctuations in exchange A U.S. stockbroker can assist novice platform in India.
This type of investment strategy seeks rates can affect the value of investors in managing their investments. 2.
to generate consistent returns through investments held in currencies other The services of a brokerage firm can help 3. Money Control: Offers excellent
market fluctuations and economic than the investor's home country ensure that all laws are followed when resources for investing in India.
downturns. Long-term investors currency. Investing in currency-hedged making investments. In addition, a U.S.- 4. Alpaca Trading - Great API trading
typically focus on building a diversified funds or actively managing currency based broker is familiar with the nuances of service. Free stock & ETF trading.
portfolio that includes stocks, bonds, exposure can help mitigate this risk. American stock markets. There are even Fantastic charting tools.
and real estate. By holding these assets In conclusion, investing in global brokerage firms that specialize in working 5. tastytrade - Low trading fees. Great
for an extended period, investors can markets offers opportunities for with international investors. educational materials. Good
take advantage of long-term growth diversification and potentially higher Non-U.S. investors should check with the research tools.
opportunities and potentially earn returns. However, it is essential to brokerage firm if it accepts investors from 6. Fidelity - Low trading fees. Great
higher returns. understand both the benefits and risks their country; some educational materials. Good
associated with global investments. By firms have geographic restrictions. Many
On the other hand, short-term research tools.
carefully considering your investment brokerage firms offer online portals where
investment strategies aim to capitalize objectives, risk tolerance, and choosing investors can monitor their investments 45
JOB AND CAREER their work, they use
technologies and databases.
big data TOP JOB SITES:

1. CTgoodjobs
Businesses hire AI consultants to
understand their needs and recommend
Complete Steps to Hunt for Your AI solutions that maximize efficiency, 2. Indeed Hong Kong
productivity, and growth. In addition to
Dream Job in Hong Kong (
providing AI strategy, implementation,
Hong Kong is slowly but steadily and optimization services, they also 3. JobsDB
recovering its job market that was hit by provide consulting services.
political issues and global pandemic.
CONCLUSION: 4. Foundit (Monster) Hong Kong
Job boards, company websites, and
JOBS AND CAREER IN ARTIFICIAL professional networking platforms are 5. eFinancialCareers
excellent places to find the best AI jobs
INTELLIGENCE (AI) in Hong Kong. Keep up with industry

news and attend conferences and events 6. JobMarket

As a major global financial and technology developing applications that understand, related to technology and artificial
center, Hong Kong is experiencing AI- process, and generate human language. intelligence to connect with potential
related job growth. Please note that the They work on AI employers. Incubators, accelerators, and 7. Glassdoor Hong Kong
tech events may also offer AI-related
job market can change rapidly, so it's
roles in Hong Kong's tech ecosystem.
essential to research the latest trends and 5. projects such as chatbots, sentiment
job openings. Here are some AI-related analysis, language translation, and text 8. Recruit
"Job hunting is not just about
job roles in demand in Hong Kong: generation.
finding a source of income; it's
1. The data scientist analyzes large 6. A computer vision engineer develops
datasets to uncover valuable patterns systems that interpret and understand about finding an opportunity to 9. LinkedIn
contribute, to learn, and to grow."
and insights. They use machine visual information from the world around
learning and statistical modeling them. As part of their work, they recognize
techniques to make predictions and images, detect objects, recognize faces,
inform business decisions. and use augmented reality.
2. The machine learning engineer 7. The task of an AI product manager
designs and implements algorithms involves bridging the gap between the
and models that are used in machine technical teams and the business
learning. They develop and optimize objectives. Their responsibilities include
AI-driven applications such as defining AI-driven product strategies,
recommendation systems, natural overseeing development, and ensuring
language processing, and computer products meet customer requirements.
3. AI researcher: AI researchers 8. AI Ethics and Governance Specialist:
conduct innovative research to With the growing importance of ethical
advance artificial intelligence. The considerations in AI, specialists in AI
team works on cutting-edge projects ethics and governance work to ensure that
involving deep learning, neural AI systems are developed and deployed
networks, reinforcement learning, responsibly, avoiding biases and potential
and other technologies related to harm.
artificial intelligence. 9. In AI and machine learning projects,
4. Natural Language Processing (NLP) data engineers are responsible for
Engineer: NLP engineers specialize in capturing, storing, and processing data. In Presenting a copy of Hong Kong Desi to MOHAN BHARWANEY, SBS SC (RETIRED HIGH

Renting an apartment
Hong Kong is known for its high cost of 4. Suburbs and Outlying Islands:
living, including expensive real estate and Rental prices in the suburbs and
rental prices. However, rental prices can outlying islands tend to be more
vary significantly based on factors such as
5. affordable compared to central areas
location, property type, size, and
like Hong Kong Island or Kowloon.
amenities. It's important to note that
rental prices can change over time due to It's important to consider your budget
economic conditions and market trends. and priorities when searching for rental
Here's a general overview of rental prices properties in Hong Kong. Additionally,
in Hong Kong based on different property keep in mind that rental prices can be
types: affected by factors such as proximity to
public transportation, schools, shopping
1. Apartments:
districts, and local amenities.
Studio/1-bedroom apartments:
Rental prices for these smaller For the most accurate and up-to-date
units can range from HKD 10,000 information on rental prices in Hong Kong
to HKD 25,000 or more per month, in 2023, I recommend using local
depending on the location and property listing websites, consulting with
quality of the building. real estate agents, and considering recent
market reports or news articles related to
2-bedroom apartments: Rental
the Hong Kong real estate market.
prices for 2-bedroom apartments
can range from HKD 20,000 to
HKD 40,000 or more per month,
depending on the area. USEFUL REFERENCE: Square Foot
Larger apartments: Rentals for Useful website to check out rental
larger apartments with 3 or more Renting Options in Hong kong: options.
bedrooms can start from HKD Website:
30,000 and go up significantly ing-apartment-in-hong-kong/
based on the size and location.
City Loft Hong Kong Home
2. Luxury Apartments: Website: This is a useful place to search
High-end luxury apartments in Address: Lin Wai Building, 13-15 your luxury dream home options.
prestigious areas such as Mid- Hillier St, Sheung Wan Website:
Levels or Repulse Bay can have Tel: (852) 2881 7979
rental prices that exceed HKD Facebook Group:
100,000 per month or more, Dash Living Hong Kong Rent Apartment
Website: Link:
depending on the size and quality
Address: Lin Wai Building, 13-15 groups/641131289324938/
of the property. Hillier St, Sheung Wan
3. Serviced Apartments: Tel: (852) 2881 7979 groups/834480980283746
Serviced apartments offer more
amenities and services, such as Midland Realty Rent a flat, apartment, rooms or
cleaning and concierge, and are This is one of the leading real estate house in Hong Kong (Expats)
generally more expensive. Monthly agencies in Hong Kong that offers Link:
services across the city. Website: groups/21952356 1 8 1 1 8 6 5 /
rates can vary widely but often
Service Apartment
start from HKD 20,000 or more.
48 49

LAWS RELATED TO RENTING AN 1997. The Rent Ordinance regulates the
APARTMENT IN HONG KONG rental increases and sets limits on how
much landlords can charge. Rent
In Hong Kong, renting a property involves increases are generally allowed once a
certain laws and regulations that govern year and are limited to either 15% of the
beds, dining tables, chairs, cabinets, and
the renting of apartments and ensure that annual rent, or the residential price index
(RPI), whichever is lower.
LUXURY FURNITURE more in both traditional or modern luxury
both parties - tenants and landlords - have In Hong Kong, luxury furniture is a symbol furniture options.
their rights protected. We aim to provide a of status and taste for aesthetics and
There are, however, certain limitations and
comprehensive overview of the rental laws comfort but also reflects the lifestyle and
exceptions to rent control. For example, COST OF LUXURY FURNITURE
in Hong Kong, including the rights and personality of its beholder. In this blog
landlords can apply for an exemption from The price of luxury furniture in Hong Kong
limitations of both landlords and tenants. the rent control regime if the property has post, we will explore the world of luxury can vary significantly depending on the
undergone significant improvements or furniture in Hong Kong, looking at its brand, design, and materials used.
TENANCY AGREEMENTS renovations. Additionally, if the tenancy overview, the factors that influence its Additionally, the craftsmanship, finishing,
A valid tenancy agreement is essential to agreement has expired and the tenant price, and the best places to shop for it. and time and efforts that goes into
ensure a smooth renting process and continues to occupy the property without a
creating each piece.
protect the interests of both parties for a written agreement, the landlord can
valid tenancy agreement. increase the rent without limit.
When it comes to luxury furniture, there is Another influencing factor is the brand
a wide range of options to choose from. itself. Popular and prestigious luxury
Firstly, the agreement must be in writing It is important to note that rent control
does not limit the right of tenants to Two major types that are commonly furniture brands often carry a higher price
and signed by both the landlord and the available in Hong Kong are traditional and
negotiate a lower rental rate with the tag due to the brand's reputation and
tenant. It should include details such as modern. Traditional luxury furniture is
landlord. Tenants must discuss rental exclusivity.
the rental amount, tenancy duration, and characterized by its timeless elegance and
terms and conditions with the landlord
any conditions that the landlord may craftsmanship. It is often handcrafted by
and seek a fair and reasonable rent. Furthermore, the size and complexity of
require, such as keeping the apartment skilled artisans using high-quality the furniture also play a role in
clean and paying utility bills on time. materials and intricate designs. Traditional
TERMINATION OF TENANCY determining its price. Larger and more
Termination of a tenancy by either party, is luxury furniture often incorporates complicated pieces tend to be more
In addition to the terms of the tenancy governed by specific laws and regulations. elements of ornate carvings, intricate, expensive due to the time and effort
agreement, tenants and landlords also There are several causes for termination, inlays, and ornate finishes. required to produce them.
have certain responsibilities to uphold. as well as rights and responsibilities that
Tenants are required to pay the rent on each party must adhere to. On the other hand, modern luxury On average, the cost of luxury furniture in
time and in full, maintain the property in a furniture embraces sleek lines and Hong Kong can range from a few thousand
reasonable condition, and comply with any If the tenant fails to comply with the terms minimalist aesthetics. It often features dollars to hundreds of thousands,
rules and regulations stated in the and conditions of the tenancy agreement,
clean and simple lines, with attention to depending on the brand, design, and
agreement. Landlords, on the other hand, such as failing to pay the rent on time, the
detail and craftsmanship. Modern luxury materials used. Apart from cost, the value
are responsible for providing a safe and landlord may have the right to evict the
furniture often incorporates the latest and quality of the piece should take
habitable environment, conducting tenant by providing a written notice
specifying the breach and giving them a technology and materials, providing a precedence.
necessary repairs, and respecting the combination of functionality and elegance.
reasonable amount of time to remedy the
privacy of the tenants.
situation. In conclusion, luxury furniture in Hong
Brands of luxury furniture Kong is a symbol of prestige and elegance.
RENT CONTROL If the landlord fails to fulfill his/her In Hong Kong, there are several renowned It not only enhances the aesthetics of a
Rent control is a measure implemented in obligations, such as neglecting brands that offer luxury furniture with home but also reflects its owner's taste
Hong Kong to control the amount repairs/maintenance, the tenant can exceptional quality and craftsmanship. and style. Understanding the different
landlords can increase rental rates. It aims terminate the tenancy and claim a refund Some of the most popular luxury furniture types of luxury furniture, the brands that
to strike a balance between the interests of any rent paid in advance by providing a brands include Armani Casa, Bentley offer it, and the cost involved can help in
of tenants and landlords and ensure that written notice to landlord and fulfill any Home, Fendi Casa, Louis Vuitton Maison, making informed decisions when shopping
rental increases are reasonable and conditions stated in the agreement.
Ralph Lauren Home, and Versace Home. for luxury furniture. So, take your time and
affordable. Each of these brands has its own distinct explore the world of luxury furniture in
In Hong Kong, rent control applies to most It is important for both tenants and
style and unique identity. They offer a wide Hong Kong, and let your home reflect your
private residential properties built before landlords to understand their rights and
obligations of the termination of a tenancy. range of furniture options, including sofas, unique style and sophistication.
50 51
Armani Casa IKEA (budget)
hk/experience/armani-casa It has four stores in the city and they are
located at:
Bentley Home - Causeway Bay Store (Upper Basement, Parklane Hotel, 310 Gloucester Road,
entley-home Causeway Bay)
- Kowloon Bay Store (L4, MegaBox, 38
Fendi Home Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay) - Also check out their Shatin and Tsuen
Wan Store
LOUIS VUITTON Furniture Website: hk/en/
living/home/furniture/_/N-trwa3z9? Pricerite (mid range furniture)
page=2 They have chain of affordable furniture
stores across Hong Kong Island and
Ralph Lauren Kowloon side.
Causeway bay Store: Base- ment, Hong
Versace Home Kong Mansion, 1 Yee Wo St., Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
lifestyle/ Tel: (852) 2923-7010

Horizon Plaza Decor8 Modern Furniture Hong Kong

(mid-range to high-end) This 25-storied Address: Shun Pont Commercial Building,
outlet mall in South Horizon is home to 5-11 Thomson Rd, Wan Chai
niche décor stores who sell unique, Tel: (852) 5981 1636
international home furnishing brands.
EMOH Furniture Store
Address: 2 Lee Wing St, South Horizons Address: Room 1001, Century Centre 44-
Tel: (852) 2554 9089 46, 10/F Hung To Rd, Kwun Tong
Tel: (852) 3621 0751

52 53
from countries like Japan, Korea, the Sheekha Trading
International Grocery Stores
United States, and Europe. Customers can
Top International Grocery Stores in Hong find everything from fresh produce to Sheekha Trading offers quality Indian gro-
Kong: snacks, beverages, and household cery items on wholesale and retail bases.
Hong Kong is a vibrant city that attracts products. It is conveniently located in Miradoor
people from all over the world. With its
Mansion in TST next to exit N2. It’s likely
diverse population and cosmopolitan 6. Fusion: Fusion: to be your regular shop for over hundreds
atmosphere, it's no surprise that there is a is a unique grocery store that specializes in
of Indian products, including reliable
wide range of international grocery stores offering products from different regions
groceries such as rice, lentils, spices,
available. These stores cater to the needs around the world. They have a diverse
imported Indian vegetables, fruits, snacks,
of different communities and offer a range of international foods, including
Asian, European, and Middle Eastern confectionery and more! They do home
variety of imported products from various
products. Customers can find a variety of deliveries, too.
countries. Here are some of the top
international grocery stores in Hong Kong: ingredients to cook authentic dishes from
Opening and closing timing: 11 am to 10
different cuisines. Tel: (852) 5177 2940
pm daily
Opening and closing timing:
1. City'super: Known as a premium
10 am to 8 pm daily.
lifestyle supermarket, City'super offers a Park n Shop:
wide range of high-quality imported goods This list wouldn’t be complete without the
Spice Store:
from all over the world. From fresh mini-empire of ParknShop.
Located in the heart of Hong Kong, Spice
produce to gourmet foods and beverages, You can find almost everything in
Store is a renowned Indian grocery store
customers can find a diverse selection of ParknShop’s outlets, from bakeries
offering a vast selection of spices, lentils,
international products here. and deli counters to fresh meat and fish
rice, and other essential ingredients used
7. Wellcome: counters. You can also get pre-prepped
in Indian cooking. They stock a range of
2. Great Food Hall: Located in the Pacific Wellcome is a well-known supermarket
regional spices and specialize in sourcing
Place shopping mall, Great Food Hall is a chain in Hong Kong that offers a wide Apita Hong Kong
high-quality products directly from India.
popular destination for food lovers. This range of international products. They have This is Japanese high quality department
a dedicated section for imported goods, Whether you need Indian spices for curries
upscale grocery store offers a curated store carrying wide range of international
where customers can find products from or ingredients for making traditional Indian
selection of international foods, including groceries & prepared food alongside
countries like Japan, Korea, the United sweets, Spice Store has got you covered.
fresh produce, meats, seafood, and clothes, gifts & household items. It also
Kingdom, and the United States.
specialty items. offers eateries, bakeries items and servers
These are just a few of the top
all types of customer needs.
Market Place by Jason: international grocery stores in Hong Kong.
3. Oliver's: With multiple locations across
This is a chain of upmarket grocery stores Whether you're looking for specialty items,
Hong Kong, Oliver's is a go-to grocery catering to international as well as affluent Address: Citiplaza, 18 Tai Koo Shing Rd,
organic products, or imported goods from
store for those seeking organic and natural residents of Hong Kong. You will find Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
your home country, these stores have you
products. They offer a wide range of signature stores at select locations and covered. So, next time you're in Hong Kong
international organic foods, as well as mini-stores across Hong Kong City. Graham Street
and craving a taste of home, be sure to
gluten-free, vegan, and other specialty Although some of the stores open at 7 am, It is located between Hollywood Road and
visit one of these international grocery
items. most of the stores are open by 9 am Queen’s Road in the central district.
stores for an authentic and diverse
Graham Street is more of a street market
shopping experience.
4. ThreeSixty: ThreeSixty is a high-end Marks & Spencer: than a grocery store, but you can get fresh
supermarket chain that focuses on Mark & Spencer is located in central Hong groceries from here nonetheless. The price
offering sustainable and organic products. Kong, with branches all over Tsuen Wan range offered here for imported and or-
They have a wide range of imported and Kowloon. You can find really high- ganic fresh food is remarkably reasonable.
products, including gourmet food, health quality fresh, frozen, pre-prepped, and
Local housewives and even chefs high- ly
gluten-free food, including vegetables,
supplements, and household items. recommend Graham Store for grocery
meat, fish, sandwiches, baked products,
ready meals, sweets, and collocates. The
5. Gateway Supermarket: Located in Tsim
grocery store also displays its own prod-
Sha Tsui, Gateway Supermarket is a ucts that are all imported from the UK. The Opening and closing timings:
popular choice for expats and locals alike. prices are a bit on the expensive side, but 8 am to 6 pm, daily
They offer a wide range of imported goods the genuine UK authenticity is intact. .
54 55
HELPERS Abroad ID(E969) published by
showing her personal particulars, date Requirements:
Immigration at
of expiry; Employers must satisfy the Immigration
Hong Kongers are quite fortunate to have
v) Copy of the helper’s Hong Kong ID Department that:
the luxury of hiring domestic helpers from 969.html
Card if she held it previously. He is financially able to pay the helper;
varied locations to suit their needs. This is v) Copy of the employer’s Hong Kong ID He has entered into an employment
a boon for most of us. However, selecting STEPS: Card. contract in standard Form (ID407) with
the correct helper and managing him or Contract : vi) If an employer is not a permanent the helper;
her can be a daunting task. i) The contract needs to be collected from resident, copy of his passport pag-
the Information and Liaison Sec- es showing his personal particulars, He will ask the helper to perform do-
FDH HIRING PROCESS: tion of the Immigration Department Hong Kong visa, and date of entering mestic duties only that as household
on the 2nd Floor, Immigration Tower, Hong Kong. chores: cooking, looking after aged
7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong vii) Proof, eg., Employment letter, Bank people, babysitting, and looking after
Live-In Foreign Domestic Helpers
Kong. statement, Tax assessment, etc., to children as per the “Schedule of
(FDH) ii) Both the employer and helper should prove the employer’s financial capacity. Accommodation and Domestic Duties”
In Hong Kong, many families employ full-
sign and complete 4 copies of the Currently, the requirement is that attachment to the “Standard Employ-
time live-in domestic helpers. In 1969,
Standard Employment Contract (con- employer must have a household in- ment Contract” (ID 407).;
some Foreign Domestic Helpers (helpers)
tract) (ID 407). come of not less than HK$15,000 per He will not allow or ask the helper to
were allowed by Immigration Director
iii) Check with the consulate about the month or assets of an equal amount, take up work with any other person
(Director) to come for work in Hong Kong
nationality of the helpers and, if neces- i.e., HK$ 350,000, to support the em- during the contract period.
with their employers, depending on
sary, get the contract attested by them. ployment of the helper for the whole
individual case.
Immigration Forms: contract period of 24 months. He will pay the helper at least minimum
iv) The helper should file the “Visa/Exten- viii) Proof of employer’s residence in salary of the minimum allowable wage as
However, in 1970s, the Government has
sion of Stay Application Form for Domestic Hong announced by the HKSAR Government at
come out with Foreign Domestic Helpers
Helper from Abroad” (ID 988A) togewith Kong; example: latest demand for the time of signing of employment contract
Scheme for the employment of full-time
helper’s photo affixed on the rates, rent receipts, and utility bills for contracts signed on or after 28
foreign domestic helpers.
application form. showing his name. Septem-
v) The employer should file the “Applica- ix) Letter of helper’s work experience for ber 2019; the salary is $4,630 per month
However Chinese domestic helpers from
tion for Employment of Domestic Helper at least 2 years showing the name and and for the contracts signed between 29
the Mainland, Macau, or Taiwan and
from Abroad” (ID 988B) address of the certificate writer if the September 2018 to 27 September 2019,
Foreign Domestic helpers from
Submission: Immigration officer wishes to check. the salary payable was $4,520. The cur-
Afghanistan, Albania, Cambodia, Cuba,
vi) The application can be submitted to Application for renewal of Helper Visa: rent salary rate can be found in the FDH
Laos, North Korea, Nepal, or Vietnam are
Immigration by post or in person with Portal of the Labour Department
not allowed to be employed in Hong Kong
necessary documents. Employers who want to renew contracts (
under the current scheme.
vii) Immigration will send letter acknowl- of their helpers who have finished a two-
edging the receipt of the application. year contract need to again submit the The helper will work only at the address
ITo employ helpers, Parties need to
viii) Even if the employer submits all the fresh application within eight weeks prior given in the contract;
observe Immigration Ordinance Cap 115
documents, he may be asked to go to the completion of their existing The employer will allow the helper to live
(IO), the Employment Ordinance Cap
for an interview or other documents may contract, with all the above documents at the address written on the contract only
57EO), the Employees’ Compensation
be required by the Immigration, except experience letter by post, drop-in unless he is given permission in advance
Ordinance Cap 282 (ECO), and Standard
depending upon the case. box, or by online submission. to allow her to stay at any other address.
Employment Contract (SEC) ID 407 for
ix) If the application is approved, Immigra- Employers who were given permission by
employing the helpers.
tion will require the employer by letter If employment is not with the same the Immigration to allow their helpers to
or by phone to collect the visa. employer and if the helper has completed live out before 1 April 2003 can to do so if
Employers can employ helpers directly or
two years of contracts, she can submit in they continue to employ helpers without a
with the help of employment agencies. If
they employ directly, they shall submit the
Documents to be submitted: person the application for a change of break of more than 6 months. However, it
i) ID Forms 988A and 988B duly employer in Hong Kong 4 weeks before is very rare cases.
necessary documents and fees directly to
completed. completion of the contract. In addition to
the Immigration Department.
ii) Original contract duly attested. the above documents, the helper needs He will give the helper suitable
For details, you refer the Guidebook for
iii) Copy of the helper’s travel document to submit a release letter obtaining the
the Employment of Domestic Helpers from
56 date of termination or release. 57
accommodation with some privacy; for method, employers should keep a record documents for the inspection of the the children to school or activity classes or
example, if the helper has to sleep on of salary payments and also ask the help- helper. any aged or household person for buying
made-do beds in the corridor or share a ers to acknowledge receipt in writing to vegetables or household items or going to
room with another adult/ teenager of the avoid future disputes because, in case of Medical expenses: the hospital.
opposite sex, such accommodation will disputes, it would be mainly the obliga- Employers should arrange free medical
The employers asking the helpers to drive
not be accepted by Immigration. tion of the employer to prove the payment. treatment, including medical consultation, them to the office, transport goods, etc., is
Samples of payment receipts in different hospital treatment, and emergency dental not allowed.
He is a bona-fide resident of Hong Kong languages can be downloaded from the treatment to the helper during the contract
and the bona fides of his and helper from the FDH Portal of LD period if sick or suffers an injury. There- Contract period:
employment are not in doubt, which ( for employers’ fore, it’s best that employers should take Please note that the expiry date of the
means the employer needs to satisfy that reference. out comprehensive insurance policies for standard Employment Contract (ID 407) is
not the last date of the helper’s stay in
helper is genuinely required to work at his the helper to cover both medical insurance
Hong Kong or the last day written in the
home for domestic work. The employer Food: and employees’ compensation insurance. Contract.
and the helper have no bad record of any Employers are required to provide helpers
previous breaches regarding the free food daily or should pay the food Leave and Rest Days: Rest days: The actual last date is the Visa standard
employment of the helper. allowance at the prevailing rate. According Under the EO, helpers are entitled to rest Employment Contract (ID 407) is not the
to the current rate of the food, allowance days (one rest day in every period of seven last date of the helper’s stay in Hong Kong
According to part 3B of the “Schedule of is not less than $1,173 per month for all or the last day written in the Contract. The
Accommodation and Domestic Duties,” contracts signed on or after (October 1), Number of Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
the employer must give basic see HKSAR government press release Leave Days 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
requirements to the helpers free of charge, “Minimum Allowable Wage and food
such as electricity, water, toilet and allowance for foreign domestic helpers,” days), statutory holidays, and paid annual actual last date is the Visa she returns
bathing facilities, bed, blankets, or quilt, last revised on 30 September 2021, leave. home, Besides, employers should keep
pillows, wardrobe, etc. records of helper’s leave and leave
Windows Cleaning: Under no circumstances helpers can be payment to avoid future disputes.
If there are material changes to the From 1 January 2017, if the employer required to work during such leave, such
employer’s residence, e.g., his address or requires a helper to clean the outside as to clean the household before he/she Statutory holidays
number of persons , facilities to be window which is not on the ground floor or leaves home or wash the dishes after Irrespective of the period of service,
provided, or domestic duties, the employer near the balcony common corridor, this he/she returns helper is entitled to statutory holidays. The
should submit a copy of the amended must be done only under the following two statutory holidays announced for 2023 are
Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic circumstances: Maternity leave : 13 and details can be found at Reference
Duties (ID 407G) signed by both helper A female helper is entitled to 14 weeks of section of this article:
and employer to the Immigration. a. The window should be fitted with a grille maternity leave if she has given the
that can be locked or secured employer notice of pregnancy and if is Annual leave:
Duties of Employer: from being opened. employed for not less than 40 weeks Employers should give helpers paid annual
Payment of salary: before such maternity leave and has leave for every 12 months that the helpers
Employers should pay the salary to the b. helper’s body should not be required produced a medical certificate specifying have been employed. The paid annual
helper at least once every month and not to go across the window ledge except the expected date of confinement if so leave will depend on the years of service
later than seven days after the end of the the arms. required by the employer produced a from seven days to a maximum of 14 day
month. If an employer fails to pay wages medical certificate specifying the expected according to the helper’s length of service:
to the helper on time, he is required to pay Insurance: date of confinement if so required by the
interest on the unpaid wages to the helper. According to Section 40 of the Employees’ employer. on the helper’s passport. So please read
Compensation Ordinance, Chapter 282 of and pay attention to visa given by the
Methods of salary payment employers can the Laws of Hong Kong, employers have to Driving Duty: Immigration on the helper’s Passport.
pay the salary to the helper by cheque, take insurance to cover their liabilities If the helper is needed to do driving du-
bank transfer, or cash. However, payment both under the ECO and at common law ties, employer must apply to the Direc- tor Termination:
by cheque or bank transfer is better to for injuries at work, and, if requested by of Immigration for special permission. According to Clause 10 of the Contract,
secure payment records as proof of his employee, he should show the Such permission will not be given unless it either party can terminate the contract
payment. Irrespective of the payment insurance policy and any related is for domestic reasons; example: driving before its expiry by giving one month’s
58 59

notice in writing or by paying one duties. The helper can terminate without FURNITURE DISPOSAL: furniture shops and donate part of the
month’s wages in place of notice. any notice or one month pay if she Disposing of furniture responsibly is a big money to charity organizations. When you
reasonably worries about physical harm part of environmentally friendly city living. donate, you recycle and you help in
Only under special circumstances can or disease or is subjected to ill- reducing the pollution and space taken by
the contract can be terminated without treatment by the employer, etc. Few organizations can help you declutter landfills, and ultimately contribute toward
notice or payment in place of notice. your home by removing your furniture. They improving the environment.
Employer can terminate without notice Upon termination by either party, will charge you a fee for disposing of
or pay if, for example, if the helper employer must pay all the applicable unusable furniture. This can save you the Following is the partial list of places where
willfully disobeys a lawful and dues of the helper, including unpaid w
headache of waste disposal and help make you can donate old books, wearable
reasonable order of the employer, wages, notice pay, air ticket,
a move easier. clothes, food, toys, etc.
misconducts, commits fraud or unconsumed leave pay, long service or
f you have time, you can sell your reusable
dishonesty, or habitually neglects severance pay, etc.
They sell the furniture in second-hand furniture at various sites mentioned under

Donate your used household items 2nd Chance
These links provide all the details public/ecd/geci.pdf 2nd Floor, Unit 14, Kin Fat Industrial
you need to know about helpers,
Facebook Marketplace: Centre, 13 Kin Fat Street, Tuen Mun
salary, terms and condition, and HIRE HELPERS
salary certificate. Website: Hong Kong
Facebook Groups to find a helper
com/marketplace/hongkong/ Link:
Practical Guide For Employment Of Te;: (852) 2496 1222
Hong Kong Domestic Helper
Foreign Domestic Helpers – What - carousell hong kong
foreign domestic helpers and their ngkongdomestichelper This is a platform to meet buyer and - Caritas Community Centre
employers should know Link: sellers for buying or selling usable Caritas Community Centre items including furniture, electronics emphasises the needs of the “3 English.pdf 7424190467506/ items, books etc. Ls” – the last, the least, and the
lost. You can drop off your items
FHD: Melinda Wong - Clutter to cash Items to donate: All wearable clothing.
Tel: (852) 9830 8458 Whatsapp – (852) 9753 0087
Caritas Community Centre, 2/F,
Link to download a Sam- Tel: – (852) 8191 6698
Caritas House, 2-8 Caine Road,
ple receipt ( kong- HELPER TRAINING - Green Dot Home
Mid Levels, Hong Kong, Superhelper Website:
uploads/2018/10/Wage-Re- ceipt- For home management and cooking Tel: (852) 2328-3901.
Tel: (852) 2843 4652
for-Foreign-Domes- tic-Helper.pdf) workshops for domestic workers.
Website: Geoexpat Donate Clothes at ABreak93
Website: Address: 36A Island Rd., Deep Water
Bay, Second Hand Shops - Proper Furniture
, Tel: (852) 2812-0446 (852) 5442-3000.
or the FDH Portal of LD (www.fdh. [email protected] - Castaways Charity Shop TOWNGAS COOKING Donation are accepted Wednes-
Statuary Holiday for helper for 2022 Local cooking: Classes are conducted - Happy Shop day and Saturday mornings.
Link: in English and Cantonese. Tel: (852) 6387-1255. Items to donate: Clothing, shoes,
Website: handbags, books and household
WINDOW CLEANING Address: Shop 9A, Lee Theatre linens Plaza, 99 Percival St., Causeway Donate your used household items - Address: St John’s Cathedral, 4-8
201611/14/P2016111400643.htm Bay, Flow Book Shop Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2576-1535, Website:
Tel: (852) 2523 4157
60 61

Car or private vehicle Driver’s License in Hong Kong

CAR RENTAL IN HONG KONG THE PROCESS OF RENTING A CAR The Department of Transport in Hong Kong A driving license is compulsory when
issues driving licenses. operating vehicles and the full level is valid
Hong Kong is a compact city with an a. Have a minimum age of 21 years for ten years, unless the bearer is
extensive public transport system. The approaching seventy years old. The Hong
MTR metro system is exciting. The MTR is b. Hold a valid Hong Kong license or foreign Kong driving license con- tains less
safe, air-conditioned, clean, and new. driver’s license. There is the option of information because it is used together
Therefore, the need to hire a car is renting a car with a driver with an identity document. The li- cense
relatively low. More than 80 % of all does not have the driver’s photo. The
journeys are through public transport in c. Pay a deposit when picking up a car, and current version mainly includes the date of
Hong Kong. Interestingly, residents who it is refundable when returning it. issue, driving entitlements, identity
own vehicles prefer to use the metro The amount varies with the type of number, and the holder’s name.
system. company, but can be similar to the price for
car rental i. Full license
Some highlights of driving conditions in A driver applies for this license after com-
Hong Kong d. Local firms do not permit vehicles across pleting the probation period. It is valid for
a. Less space in the city the boundary to China. However, ten years lest you approach seventy-years
b. Narrow roads, but well maintained international firms provide cars with drivers old. A driver applies for the license, after
c. Heavy traffic because of small road who are able to cross borders. passing a driving test, to be allowed to
space drive commercial vehicles.
(Source: Department of Transport)
d. Hong Kong has greatly limited space e. You pay the price depending on the
for cars period, time of the week (slightly higher on
e. Parking is expensive weekends), type of cars (expensive for
f. The British style of driving that high-end vehicles), and location (cheaper
involves using cars with left-handed within Hong Kong but expensive for
drive crossing the border)

REQUIREMENTS TO RENT A CAR f. You can extend the time for renting a car
Renting a car follows a similar process, where necessary; otherwise you are
as in other parts of the world. Drivers supposed to return the vehicle before the
are expected to be at least twenty-one set deadline and obtain a refund of the
years of age. It is preferable to be deposit when the vehicle is in good
above 24 years. Some car rental firms condition
rent specific make of cars to clients
below the age of 25. The rates vary
Hong Kong Automobile Association
according to the type of companies, are accessed at:
where small firms provide the most
affordable rates. Large firms of- fer Website:
promotions and deals with attractive Tel: 3583-3615/3469
rates. Most companies provide email: [email protected]
chauffeur services, and also allow self-
Regent Limousine Service:
drives. Prices are calculated on an
hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Website:
Email: marketing@regentlimo. On 9th Nov 22, Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple (HK), a proud member of the CHIA
Tel: (852) 2314 7946 Committee (The Indian Chamber of Commerce, HK), had the privilege of welcoming
Chris Y H SUN, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare.
62 63
PROCEDURE TO APPLY FOR A DRIVING International Driving License means a Department has all the information and issued.
LICENSE translated copy of the original driver’s the licence exchange application form • Or, there was a license for at least five
Relocation to a new country also entails Licence issued by the State licensing (TD63A) can be downloaded. years before applying for the temporary
securing important documents including a authority in India. All Indian states issue The following documents are required: license
driving license that can also double up as International Driving License via the local • Or, a passport of the country where
an ID proof to access local services and RTO office or Motor Vehicle Department. • The original and photocopy of the the license was issued
other facilities. It is important to know the overseas driving licence with a certi- fied • The Transport Department website has
procedures and rules involved in obtaining HONG KONG DRIVING LICENSE AND translation if the language is other the temporary license application form
driving license in Tokyo or Hong Kong. PROCEDURES than English or Chinese. (TD181) available for download.
In Hong Kong, the procedures are unique • Hong Kong Identity Card and any oth- • Documents for a temporary license
a. Complete all the necessary application for new Driving Permits or converting a er documentary proof of compliance • The application should be submitted in
forms that could be obtained from Driving Permit into the Hong Kong pattern. with the above criteria person to the Hong Kong Licensing
the Internet. The forms are also available • Applicants above the age of 70 must Office with the following documents:
in Licensing Offices and available Post Visitors not planning to stay in Hong Kong have a medical certificate under form • Original passport
Office, Public Enquiry Service Centres, for more than one year are allowed to drive TD256 • Overseas driving licence and an officially
Department of Home Affairs, and the using foreign driving licenses. If the stay • Address proof issued in the last three certified translation if the language is other
Department of Transport. exceeds that period, they must exchange months than English or Chinese
their overseas driving licence for a Hong • Required fee as specified • Hong Kong Identity Card
b. Forward the completed forms along Kong version provided the licence has • Passport • Proof of address issued within the last
with other supporting documents by been issued by one of the approved • All supporting documents both in orig- three months
post or in person to licensing offices, countries. inal and photocopy. • Any other documentary proof of com-
after paying the required fee. Temporary Driving Licences pliance with the above criteria
The licensing services in Hong Kong can In case the driving licence is not from an • A temporary driving licence will be is- • A medical certificate for those appli-
be accessed at this link: https:// approved country, a temporary driving sued if the applicant’s overseas driv- ing cants aged 70 or above licence will be issued, until the Hong Kong licence was issued by a country • Those not satisfying the above criteria
es_and_permits/driving_licences/index. driving test is cleared. not on the approved list. will have to take a driving test in Hong
html • A temporary driving licence will be Kong.
Tel: (852) 2804 2600 / (852) 1823 Citizens holding valid (not expired and valid for 12 months before taking a
obtained after passing the test at issuing driving test. Even though the procedures may appear
Hong Kong attracts lots of people for place) overseas driving licenses in Hong hard and time-consuming, it is ideal to
tourism and professional purposes and Kong can apply for a full-fledged Hong WHEN TO APPLY FOR DRIVING follow the guidelines while applying for
many also relocate. For them an Kong driving license without the driving TEST fresh driving permits or converting to the
established government ID proof like test if the driving license was issued by an For the Hong Kong driving test, the format of the country into where you have
Driving License will be useful for a approved country. appli- cation should be submitted within moved.
hasslefree life style. three months from the date of arrival in
For issuing a Hong Kong driving licence of Hong Kong. If the applicant fails in any BUYING A CAR IN HONG KONG
OPTIONS FOR INDIANS TO OBTAIN the same class/category as the existing part of the driving test, the temporary Owning a vehicle is not a priority in Hong
DRIVING LICENSE licence, an applicant must satisfy one of license will be withdrawn and no fresh Kong. The city is well-connected and
Get an International Driving License the following conditions: license will be issued. small, making car ownership an unnec-
An Indian citizen who wants to drive a car • The applicant must have lived at least essary luxury. Hong Kong has an environ-
or motorbike in a foreign country must six months in the place where the licence ment-friendly, economical, and efficient
obtain an International driving license or was issued. public transport system. Therefore, it is
International Driving Permit from the local • He must possess the licence for at easy to get by without owning a car. How-
RTO office. least five years before applying for the ever, purchasing a car appears attractive
exchange. when an individual decides to live away
To receive a temporary licence, one of
An international driver’s license will come • He must possess passport of the from the city or as families grow. Some
these re- quirements are compulsory:
in handy for an Indian to rent vehicles or country where the licence was issued precautions need to be taken before de-
drive in foreign lands, like Japan and Hong If the above requirements are not met, a ciding on buying a car.
Must have lived for at least six months
Kong, during their visit. test will be compulsory. The Transport
in the place where the license was
64 65

a. You have to be a resident to purchase HONG KONG AUTOMOBILE
a new or used car in Hong Kong ASSOCIATION IS ACCESSED AT
b. You need a local driving license and
Hong Kong identity card
(852) 3583-3615/3469
c. You need to take an extra precaution
while checking the mileage and histo- HONG KONG SHOPPING WORLD 2. Oversized Blazers: Oversized blazers
Practical steps when purchasing a car will dominate the fashion scene in 2024.
ry of vehicles 1. Decide on affordability
Even though the retail market in Hong This trend combines comfort and style,
d. Conduct search on the internet about Consider whether you have enough
finances, especially when intending to Kong has been hit hard due to the pan- allowing individuals to effortlessly elevate
the car mileage, condition, age, and
take out a loan. demic, the supermarkets, grocery, and any outfit. Whether paired with jeans or a
model before initiating the purchase
2. Select the car of your choice A proper food stores remain rather unaffected. The dress, oversized blazers will add a chic and
car needs to be fuel efficient and in good reason behind this is that during lockdown, sophisticated touch to any look.
e. Ask for a drive-in showroom or garage
condition, particularly for second-hand
to check and test drive the vehicle to people had developed a habit of stocking
vehicles 3. Statement Sleeves: Dramatic statement
ensure it is in good condition 3. Source for funds to purchase the car large quantities of essential items at
home. Also, with the restaurants and other sleeves will continue to be a fashion staple
f. Pay for a trusted mechanic or get one There are two options: The first is to get a
loan through in-house financing. The food joints being shut, cooking different in 2024. From bell sleeves to puffed
from the Hong Kong Automobile As-
second option is to get a loan from a bank, items at home became a national hobby. sleeves, these eye-catching details will
sociation, who does the following:
which can either be a secured vehicle loan Due to these factors, the grocery stores add flair and personality to otherwise
i. Organize road test
or personal loan. It is good to read and and su- permarkets got a boost. simple garments. Get ready to make a
ii. Check suspension, brakes, tires,
understand the terms and conditions. fashion statement with your sleeves!
and wheels 4. Obtain insurance coverage
iii. Inspects steering system, trans- It is mandatory to have insurance before Shifting toward online shopping:
According to a few surveys on online 4. Neon Colors: The vibrant and bold neon
mission, and air conditioning driving off. Hong Kong requires all mo- tor
vehicles to have insurance covers for shopping behaviour, during COVID, most- trend will make a comeback in 2024.
iv. Checks the cooling system, fuel
third-party risks. Select insurance that purchased items online were food, Expect to see neon colors taking over the
system, and engine ignition
satisfies your driving style. groceries, personal hygiene products, and runway and street style. From neon green
v. Inspects electrical equipment, and
For further details, explore the insurance masks in Hong Kong. In food items, dry to electric pink, incorporating these vibrant
the structure and body of the car
section in this book. hues into your wardrobe will undoubtedly
food items were in demand the most.
Some of the best websites for buying make you stand out from the crowd.
groceries, greens, medicines, and other
essentials in Hong Kong. 5. Athleisure Couture: The fusion of
To know more details about shopping athletic and couture wear will continue to
essential online, please visit following link: be a major trend in 2024. Athleisure outfits, such as stylish leggings, sporty
ping-after-covid-times/ dresses, and elevated sneakers, will be a
go-to choice for those seeking both
comfort and style.
After pushing away the dark cloud and
warming up last year, it is time to indulge 6. 3D Printed Fashion: With technological
in fashion, food and fun time. Let’s start advancements, 3D printing will
with upcoming fashion trends before we revolutionize the fashion industry in 2024.
welcome 2024 with a bang.1. Designers will create intricate and unique
Sustainability Chic: In 2024, sustainable pieces using this innovative technique.
fashion will take center stage. Designers Expect to see avant-garde and futuristic
will focus on creating eco-friendly and designs that push the boundaries of
ethically produced clothing, using recycled traditional fashion
materials and innovative manufacturing However, when it comes to the Y2k the
techniques. Consumers will prioritize fashion trends people are going for have to
brands that align with their values of do with placing butterflies on all things,
preserving the environment. candy-colored sunglasses, and even
asymmetric hemlines. .
66 67

7. Headscarves: Adding a touch of cater to all individuals. Unisex designs, LANDMARK: available in the high end mall. It is a
elegance and sophistication, headscarves fluid silhouettes, and gender-neutral color located in the heart of Central this high mixture of most of the high priced brands
will be a must-have accessory in 2024. palettes will dominate the fashion end shopping mall is home to over 200 top and also a few moderate priced stores.
Whether worn as a headband or tied landscape. tier luxury brands and flagship fashion The main highlight of this mall is the big
around the neck, headscarves will not only outlets with fine dining options such as Nicholas Harvey outlet.
elevate your outfit but also protect you 10. Bold Prints: In 2024, bold and vibrant Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA, a world class
from the elements. prints will reign supreme. From animal Italian restaurant with three Michelin Address: 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
prints to abstract patterns, incorporating stars. This is a proud host to Louis Vuitton, Tel: (852) 2844 8988
8. Metallic Accents: Metallic accents will statement prints into your wardrobe will Fendi, Harvey Nicholas, Tiffany and Co. How to reach: there are many buses
be a popular choice for adding a ensure you stay ahead of the fashion Prada, TOD’s and the like. stopping opposite to pacific place: 1, 5B,
glamorous touch to outfits in 2024. From curve. Don't be afraid to mix and match Address: 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong 6, 6X, 10, 23, 23A, 25, 111, 113, 115,
metallic shoes to shimmering handbags, different prints for a truly fashion-forward Kong 260, 681, 690, 960, 961, 962, 968, 969,
incorporating metallic elements will look. Tel: +852 2500 0555 A11 and E11.
instantly elevate any look and make a bold In conclusion, the top 10 fashion trends Website: By MTR: reach admiralty station and walk
statement. for 2024 encompass sustainability, How to reach: By MTR: reach central towards Exit -F.
comfort, and individuality. From oversized station and take Exit-G
9. Gender-Neutral Fashion: The blurring of blazers to bold prints, these trends will
gender boundaries in fashion will continue allow individuals to express their personal HARBOUR CITY:
to gain momentum in 2024. Expect to see style while staying on-trend. Embrace THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCE
Located in the centre of Tsim Sha Tsui, a
more gender-neutral clothing options that these fashion-forward choices and step CENTRE(IFC): flourishing recreational and shopping area
into 2024 with confidence and style. in Hong Kong. Known as one of the largest
This skyscraper Located at the waterfront shopping malls in the city. This big
of centraL Hong Kong is a world class shopping complex is three malls in one
business and leisure centre and forms a Gateway Arcade, Ocean Terminal, Ocean
prominent landmark in the city. This Centre and is home to more than 450
arcade has several shopping brands shops and more than 50 restaurants. Don’t
spread out on different floors but the main forget to pick a map once you are inside
highlight of the mall is the flagship Apple the mall to avoid confusion.
store and Lane Crawford, the city's best Address: 3-27 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
known departmental store and also a host ,Hong Kong
to the world’s only Agnes b store. The Tel:2118 8666
fourth floor of the building has an open
terrace which gives a good view of Victoria How to reach: Reach TsimSha Tsui Mtr and
harbour. Take Exit L6
Address: 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong
Tel: (852) 2295 3308
How to reach: By MTR reach Hong Kong INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL
Station take Exit F. CENTRE(ICC):
This is situated in the budding business
centre but its location and a famous Ritz
PACIFIC PLACE: Carlton above the shopping place makes it
Nestled in the heart of admiralty this place one of the sought after luxurious places.
is one of the oldest shopping malls in This is home to famous designer luxury
HongKong. This huge building has three fashion brands, electronics,watches and
five star hotels in the premises the Conrad, jewelry outlets.
Indian Chamber of COmmerce in Hong Kong’s Networking Cocktails
Shangri La, and JW Marriott. Address: 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha
with Bank of China on 20 September 2023 Starting from optical shops to top fashion Tsui, Kowloon
brands and flowers to antiques all are Service Hotline : 2735 5234
68 69
away to reach the market. Or reach Yau Ma
Website: fifteen storey building which is the LIST OF STREET MARKETS Tei station and take Exit C. Walk on Man
How to reach: By Bus: fashionable landmark of Kowloon. This
Ming street to reach the market.
8,11,215X,203E,259B,270P,281A,296D. mall has a labyrinth of shops to choose These markets are the heart of the
All these buses reach to Kowloon Mtr bus from which include good international traditional Hong Kong life. Walking around
terminus. brands and food outlets and so on. the street markets gives you a local feel STANLEY MARKET:
By Mtr: Reach Kowloon station walk out Address: L1 & L4 Customer Service Centre, with all the open shops selling clothes Located very near to the beautiful Stanley
of the station and follow the mall Langham Place Shopping Mall, 8 Argyle antique pieces watches shoes electronics beach this market is the best place to buy
directions displayed on the info board. Street, Mongkok, Kowloon you name it. You can bargain at these authentic Chinese souvenirs for friends and
Tel: 852 3520 2888, 852 3520 2800 (24- shops as such shopping here does not family. This a place to buy traditional
come heavier on your pocket. Take a look Chinese dresses, Chinese art and crafts,
at a few famous street markets listed silk garments and the like. After all the
This mall started in 1998 was the biggest Website:
below. shopping walk along the beach and enjoy
mall in Hong Kong when it started until the best food in the stalls on the beach.
other bigger ones came up. This mall is TIMES SQUARE (CAUSWAY BAY):
seven storeyed building with all This is the vibrant place in Hong Kong for LADIES MARKET:
How to reach:Reach Causeway Bay station
international brands and very less of local shopping. This place has a variety of This is one of the most famous street
from ExitB take bus no 40 to the beach or
markets in Hong Kong flocked by the
brands. middle range shopping outlets. It is spread take bus numbers 6, 6A, 6X, 66 or 260
tourists and residents alike. This is a best
over 16 floors it boasts of over 230 brands (from Exit D of Bus Terminal in Exchange
bargain shopping place mostly for clothes.
Address:Level 3, Festival Walk Tower, and electrical outlets. Square, Chung Wan.
As the name says the market has goods
80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, mainly for women but there are clothes
Kowloon Address: 1 Matheson Street | Causeway available for men and children. Other than JARDINE’S CRESCENT:
Tel:28442200 Bay, Hongkong clothes accessories, hand bags, household Among the big buildings in the microcosm tel: 852 2118 8900 items and souvenirs are also available. called causeway bay nestled is this small
How to reach: Take either Kwun Tong Website, Open Hours: these stalls are open from street market. Here you can find goods
Line or East Rail Line to reach Kowloon noon until midnight. To get a real feel of common to all open markets, shoes, bags,
Tong Mtr and take Exit C to reach the the hustle and bustle of a local market household items and accessories.
mall. visit after 7pm. Shops here are Open from noon till
It‘s located in the heart of west kowloon,
just outside Olympic station, is this
How to reach: take MTR reach Mongkok
MID-RANGE SHOPPING MALLS premium shopping mall which has all
subway station. Take Exit E2. Walk two How to reach: Take the MTR and get to the
trusted brands like H & M ,Zara, UNIQLo Causeway Bay MTR station. Get out of the
crossings to reach the market. Or take Bus
and the like. station through exit F and turn right.
SOGO: no 6 to reach Nathan Road and stride
It is situated in the vibrant city of along the road to reach market.
Address: 18 Hoi Ting Road, West Kowloon,
causeway bay, this outlet is the largest AP LIU STREET MARKET OR
Hong Kong
Japanese style departmental store which
Tel: (852) 27404108
is home to all kinds of cosmetics like MARKET: It is located in Sham Shui Po this market is
Shiseido, Lancôme and the like is the famous for selling a variety of old and used
How to reach: By Mtr reach Olympic station It is placed in Jordan this iconic street
home to mid range and decent enough markets in Hong Kong is the best place to electronic products. One may be fooled by
shops to pick from. and exit via ExitA.
go at the end of the day. This is the best this to be a normal market like other open
place to enjoy the feel of shopping unlike ones but the sellers here are mostly
Address: 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway CITY GATE OUTLETS: the other open markets. Spread across the technology experts. Good electronic
Bay, Hong Kong Island This shopping arcade is the main attraction small street are small stalls selling a products are sold here for much cheaper
Tel:D2, D3, or D4 of Tung Chung. It is directly connected to variety of items ranging from T-shirts, tea prices but ones needs to watch out for the Novotel citygate. sets, embroidered purses, antiques and tricksters. Available in the shops inside the
How to reach To reach the mall. : By MTR fake copies of Branded items are available street are some toys, gifts , coins and
reach Causeway baY station take Exit no Address: 20 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung, at a cheaper price. watches for children.
Lantau This is Open from afternoon 4pm till Open from Noon till midnight.
D2, D3, or D4
Tel:(852) 2109 2933 midnight but the best time to visit is
Website: around 8pm to enjoy the feel of crowds. How to reach: Take the MTR to Sham Shui
LANGHAM PLACE: How to reach: reach Jordan subway Po station. Reach temple street. Either
Located in the centre of Mongkok is this How to reach: Take mtr to Tung Chung
station and take Exit A. Walk three streets walk till the Apliu street or take a taxi to
station and take Exit C

the market. It’s a three kilometer walk temple street. Either walk till the Apliu
from temple street. Open from Noon till street or take a taxi to the market. It’s a
midnight. How to reach: three kilometer walk from temple street.
Take the MTR to Sham Shui Po station.

Useful References:
U Buy: For Electronics
Online Shopping Aanya
For Indian Fashion
Website: website:
Fashion for women
Website: Zalora
Fashion for men and women
Marks & Spencer Website:
Fashion for family and imported
Food items
Website: More Hong Kong Designers and Custom Tailors are listed in
directory section of this book.

Hong Kong is known for its efficient and In addition to the public sector, Hong Kong
comprehensive healthcare system. With a also boasts a robust private healthcare
strong emphasis on public health, the sector. Private hospitals and clinics offer a
government provides accessible, wide range of services, including specialist
affordable and high-quality healthcare consultations, elective surgeries, and
services to its residents. alternative medicine options. While private
healthcare services may be more
1. Public Healthcare System: expensive, they often provide shorter
The public healthcare system in Hong waiting times and a higher level of
Kong is managed by the Hospital Authority personalized care.
(HA), which operates the majority of public
hospitals and clinics. These facilities are
equipped with advanced medical
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at Indian Chamber of Commerce at Hong Kong technology and staffed by highly trained
healthcare professionals. Hong Kong
residents can access these services at a
subsidized cost, with fees based on a
means-tested scale.
72 73
Queen Elizabeth Hospital: This is one of Moreover it is a teaching hospital to the Address: 15 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen
the biggest public hospitals opened in medical faculty of Chinese University of Mun, NT
RUTTONJEE HOSPITAL: Hong Kong. Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, NT
1963. It has 15 clinical departments, three
This comes under Hong Kong East cluster
specialist clinics and six outpatient clinics. Address: 30-32 Ngan Shing Street, Shatin, Tel: (852) 2456 7111
of hospitals and has a 24-hour accident
It is also. Teaching hospital to NT E-mail: [email protected]
and emergency service.
undergraduates training for nurses and Tel: (852) 3505 2211
doctors. E-mail: [email protected] LIST OF PRIVATE HOSPITALS
Admission: patients should have an
appointment slip for scheduled
Address: 30 Gascoigne Road, KLN
appointment or they should register at the Their mission is to provide quality holistic
Tel: (852) 3506 8888
hospital’s admission office. Patients need medical facilities to the community. This
to provide their HKID or a valid travel
E-mail: [email protected] SHATIN HOSPITAL: catholic hospital is committed to
Website: It’s opened in 1991. This hospital has a
document at the time of admission to be promoting wellness among the patients by sleep assessment unit and emphasizes on
able to use the government subsidy or working in harmony with patient groups
ex.htm surgery and adult psychiatry.
they will end up paying full charges. and their families.
Tseung Kwan O: It was opened in 1999 Address: 33 A Kung Kok Street, Ma On
Address: 266 Queen's Road East, Wan Appointment: Place a call on the number
has a Chinese Medicine outpatient service. Shan, Shatin, NT
Chai, HK provided and check the availability of the
This has opened a day surgery centre. Tel: (852) 3919 7500
Tel: (852) 2291 2000 doctor(s) needed.
Address: No. 2 Po Ning Lane, Hang Hau, E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Tseung Kwan O
Website: Admission: for getting admitted it is
Tel. (852) 2208 0111 TAI PO HOSPITAL: mandatory for the patient to:
Email: [email protected]
Queen Mary Hospital: located in Hong This Hospital was purposefully built to - Produce an admission letter duly signed
Kong west cluster started in 1937. It is a provide extended medical care and by the doctor attending
Kwai Chung Hospital: Located in the
teaching hospital to Li Ka Shing Faculty of rehabilitation to the elderly, chronically ill - Reserve a bed through the attending
western side of Kowloon this Hospital
Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. patients and patients with acute doctor.
started in 1981. It runs five psychiatric
Address: 102 Pokfulam Road, HK psychiatric problems. This hospital is also - Take an infection assessment by nurses
outpatient clinics and aims at building a
Tel: (852) 2255 3838 home to one of the three designated at the infection triage.
reintegrating community to the mentally
E-mail: [email protected] Spinal Cord Injury rehabilitation centres. Patients with serious psychiatric illnesses,
Website: Address: 9 Chuen On Road, Tai Po, NT contagious diseases and police cases will
Address: 3-15 Kwai Chung Hospital Road,
Tel: (852) 2607 6111 not be admitted for safety and operational
Tung wah Hospital: Established in 1870 E-mail: [email protected] reasons .
Tel: (852) 2959 8111
this is the first public hospital, which got a Website: Address: 1 Old Peak Road, Hong Kong.
E-mail: [email protected]
subvention from the Hospital Authority to Email: [email protected]
provide an outpatient service on Chinese TUEN MUN HOSPITAL: Tel: (852) 2522 2181
Medicine. It is located in New Territory. It aims at
Princess Margaret Hospital: coming under
Address: 12 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, providing a varied range of acute and HONG KONG BAPTIST HOSPITAL:
the kowloon west cluster of HA(hospital
HK ambulatory services for the new This is a developed high scale private
authority) is known as a special trauma
Tel: (852) 2589 8111 territories. hospital that delivers quality medical care
centre for the HA.
E-mail: [email protected] Address: 23 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen since years.
Address: 2-10 Princess Margaret
Website: Mun, NT
Hospital Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
Tel: (852) 2990 1111 Tel:(852) 2468 5111 For Appointment: call on the number
Kowloon Hospital: Located in central E-mail: [email protected] provided and make an appointment with
E-mail: [email protected]
Kowloon this hospital provides multi Website: the specialist needed and remember that
speciality services. It has one of the first time visit requires basic registration at
country’s largest chest centres. CASTLE PEAK HOSPITAL: the reception. Passport or Hong Kong ID is
Prince of Wales Hospital: located in New
Address: 147A Argyle Street, KLN mandatory for registration.
Territories this hospital opened in public in This western new territory hospital opened
Tel: (852) 3129 7111 Admission: If advised patients can be
1984. It has two major cancer treatment in 1961 and manages a network of
E-mail: [email protected] admitted upon producing:
centres for children and boasts of top psychiatric day hospitals and clinics.
quality paediatric surgical wards. 75
-The admission letter, duly signed by the over thirty Centres offering diagnosis and complex surgeries. Gleneagles is also a ST TERESA’ HOSPITAL:
doctor who has examined and assessed therapeutic care. private teaching hospital with accreditation Founded in 1940 this Hospital aims at
the patient's condition. For appointment and admission make sure and provides training to health care providing cost effective facilities to its
to get HKID, birth certificate if it’s a child professionals. patients.
-Patient’s HKID or passport.
-HKID of the person-accompanying or a valid travel document Address: 327 Prince Edward Road,
Address: 1 Nam Fung Path,Wong Chuk Kowloon, Hong Kong
patient. Address: Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hang, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2200 3434
-Medical insurance details or medical if Hospital Tel: (852) 2122 1333 / Mainline: (852) Email: [email protected]
any. 2 Village Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong 3153 9000
Tel: (852) 2572 0211 Appointment: fill the online form provided P.s call on the numbers to check
Address: 222 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Email: [email protected] or call on the hospital number for availability of appointments.
Hong Kong.
Admission: the requirements are the same UNION HOSPITAL:
Tel: (852) 2339 8888 Admission make sure to get HKID, birth
for all the hospitals - a referral letter, HKID Located in New territories, this hospital
Email: [email protected] certificate if it’s a child or a valid travel and a letter from the insurance company if aims at becoming a model sustainable
document you have insurance. hospital. Providing affordable services,
Address: Hong Kong Sanatorium & Email: [email protected]
Matilda International Hospital:
Hospital Address: 18 Fu Kin Street, Tai Wai, Sha
A world famous hospital for outstanding
2 Village Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong ST. PAUL’S HOSPITAL: Tin, New Territories
patient care and modern equipment has Located in causeway bay this private
Tel: (852) 2572 0211 Tel: (852) 2608 3388
been serving patients for 110 years now. hospital is serving people since 1898. It Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
They cater to all medical problems but are deep rooted in strong religious beliefs and
specialized in orthopaedics and spine, provides quality health services to the sick. EVANGEL HOSPITAL:
HONG KONG ADVENTIST HOSPITAL: Address: 2 Eastern Hospital Road,
maternal care and ENT. It’s a non-profit community hospital.
It’s a top quality private hospital they Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Address: 222 Argyle Street, Kowloon
operate in two branches in main locations Tel: (852) 2830 8888, (852) 2890 6008 Tel: (852) 2711 5222
For appointment: Call on the hospital Email: [email protected]
of Hong Kong. It works towards providing Email: [email protected]
number or there is an option for online For appointment and admission call the
quality medical care to the expat Appointment: refer to the hospital contact
booking on their website. Fill the form for numbers provided.
community. info for booking appointment.
booking. The staff will get back to you.
Address: 199 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen
Admission: patients can do an online
Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
check in prior to the admission to ensure
Tel: (852) 6018 2809 / 2275 6888
and easier admission. No card or bank
Email: [email protected]
details will be collected. It is Mandatory to
furnish HKID before admission even for
Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Stubbs
children. No surgery or medicine will be
administered until then.
40 Stubbs Road, Hong Kong
Address: 41 Mount Kellett Road, The Peak,
Tel: (852) 3651 8888
Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Appointment: online booking is available
Tel: (852) 2849 0111
for few medical services prior to two days.
For outpatient services place a separate
Outpatient Department, Matilda
call on the numbers provided.
International Hospital
Admission: patients can be admitted upon
Address: 41 Mount Kellett Road, The Peak,
producing the admission letter and HKID
Hong Kong
or a valid travel document.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (852) 2849 1500
This is one of the newest private hospitals.
Hong Kong Sanatorium Hospital: Chair Yoga session participants. It was organized with Naveda Wellness on 15 June
It has a specialized critical care unit and
Established in 1922, it is one of the leading 2023 in the run up to the International Day of Yoga
uniquely equipped operation theatres for
private hospitals in Hong Kong, which has
76 77

INSURANCE It’s never too early to start thinking about

life insurance and getting the financial
security you and your family •need and
deserve. It is better to buy insurance while


LIFE INSURANCE – ALL YOU protection for your whole life. They you are young and don't need it. This is
intend to protect your loved ones because when you do require it, it’s too
permanently, as long as you pay your late and you cannot get
In legal terms, life insurance is a contract home/helper/
between policyholder and insurer. This premiums. There are many different
Tel: (852) 2233 3000
contract is where the insurer pays a payment options, such as paying yearly
with a limited pay period of 10-20 years.
specified sum to the insured’s family upon
Many of these policies accumulate cash INSURANCE IN HONG KONG Website:
his/her death. The life insurance sum is hk/en/general-insurance/ domestic-
paid in exchange for a specific amount of values and dividends over time.
Hong Kong has over 150 authorized worker-protector. html?
premium paid in advance, over time. insurers, including over 70 licensed to Tel: (852) 2232-8888
How much life insurance do you need? provide long-term insurance, such as life
More specifically, life insurance is insurance. Hong Kong is Asia's insurance
designed to minimize the impact of The answer to this question depends on hub!
economic loss on your family. It provides your income and family protection. The
Life insurance should be purchased via a hk/personal/domestic-worker-
replacement income and security for your goal is to develop an insurance plan that
trustworthy insurance intermediary, such protection?
loved ones after you die. For compensates for your economic loss. It
as a broker or agent. This intermediary can Tel: (852) 3555 0000
breadwinners, one of the biggest assets is always better to cover higher. You help you determine what type and amount
they provide for their family is income, so should work with a reputable insurance of protection is needed. Above all, Cigna:
maintaining this income is imperative. intermediary who can help determine choosing a reputable insurer that provides
Tel: Website: (852) 8100 3975
the amount of life insurance you need, an excellent product and excellent service
is of the utmost importance.
Moreover, you can rest assured that by considering:
wealth preservation is already taken care In the event of a claim, life insurance is Mr. Lal Hardasani
of for the next generation. Is it a back-up plan for life, i.e., being
one of the most liquid assets to which your Lal’s Insurance Brokers Ltd.
prepared financially under any and every beneficiaries will have access. This is T: +852 2850 5666 | F: +852 2851 7061
Life is beautiful, but also uncertain. The circumstance? It ensures that your especially true if you have outstanding E: [email protected] | www.lals-in-
only certainty in life is death, and it pays family receives financial support if you debts. Most insurers pay within 30 days of 5/F, Wah Yuen Building,149
well to insure it in advance. are unable to generate income for In the event of a claim, life insurance is
one of the most liquid assets to which your Queens Road Central, Hong Kong
beneficiaries will have access. This is 149 5
TYPES OF HEALTH INSURANCE especially true if you have outstanding
• Replacement income needs, i.e., the
There are so many options available like financial contribution you expect to
Traditional, Universal, Investment Linked, make toward your family from now until
Jumbo Life, but I prefer two main types of retirement. It should generally take into
life insurance. account salary, company benefits

1. A term life insurance policy is a (if any, such as medical insurance),

temporary insurance policy for a time retirement savings, etc.
period usually between 1 and 30 years,
that is intended to protect you for the • Survivor needs analysis, i.e., the
short term only. If you stop paying amount of income needed for your
premiums, insurance stops. These policies family to maintain a desired level of
pay out if you die during the policy term. income and lifestyle.
This policy has more reasonable premiums
and does not accumulate cash value. • Inflation, i.e., protection values should
be adjusted for inflation.
2. Whole Life Insurance offers you Bharatanatyam Dance Performance on 06 July 2023 organized by
78 Consulate General of India, Hong Kong and Macau

Car / Vehicle Insurance a. Life Insurance

Travel Insurance
It includes China Life, AIA International,
Motor vehicle users must insure liability Buying travel insurance becomes nec-
Prudential, and HSBC Life
for bodily injury or death of third parties. essary in order to travel without worrying
b. Non-life insurance
The Special Administrative Region (SAR) about health, personal injury, lost baggage,
It includes Bupa, Zurich Insurance, Local delays, etc.
government in Hong Kong is mandated to
CTPI Hong Kong, and AXA General.
the issuance of Third-Party Risks
concerning the Motor Vehicle Insurance. Useful Reference: AIG
Under Hong Kong law, it is mandatory for BENEFITS OF CAR INSURANCE Tel: (852) 3666 7022 / 3555 0000
every vehicle to be insured against liability Car insurance helps in protecting against Link:
the likely damages to a car, despite being
for bodily injury or death to third parties. Manulife
a requirement in regulatory laws. el-insurance
The minimum coverage required by law on Link:
a Third-Party Policy is HK$100,000,000 Additional benefits are:
Blue Cross
for any one event resulting in death or a. Protects against legal liability involving others/general-insurance/travel-
third-party car accidents insurance-and-others.html
bodily injury.
b. Covers damage or loss of car with Tel: (852) 2510 3941
The insurance include personal accident sometimes free depreciation for repairs of
new vehicles Tel: (852) 3608 2988
coverage of the driver or owner, damage or Link:
loss of the insured car, and/or third -party c. Replace an old car that has suffered hk/english/insurance/travel- If you have time, you can
liability for death or bodily image. Most complete loss because of accidents or insurance/index.htm compare the travel insurance
insurance firms in Hong Kong provide a theft. Replacement can either be for the Tel: (852) 2860 0111 plan at various websites such
comprehensive package. same model or make of car. as Moneysmart here:
The policy helps to protect the car, d. Protection with No Claims Discount Link:
passengers, and the driver or owner from (NCD) hk/en/travel-insurance/
risks while on the road. e. People enjoy safe driving in the knowl- insurance-plans?
edge that the insurance covers risks.
There are three major types of car Insurance information:
insurance in Hong Kong.
1. Comprehensive Motor Insurance AXA
It covers car damage or accidental loss Website:
and all losses to third parties. Tel: (852) 2867 8688
2. Third-Party Liability Insurance Email: [email protected]
It covers property damage for third HSBC via AXA (Third party)
parties, including the minimum legal Tel: (852) 2233 3000
requirements for death or bodily injury of Website:
third parties. hk/insurance/products/car/
3. Act only Insurance Zurich
It covers only the death and bodily injury Website:
of third parties. It is the minimum hk/en/individuals/motor-insurance
requirement for the car to be permitted to Tel: (852) 2903 9391
operate on the road. AIG
PROVIDERS IN HONG KONG Tel: (852) 3666 7033
Hong Kong has attracted the majority of Blue Cross
the leading insurance firms in the world. Website:
Therefore, the city has one of the most Information
advanced insurance markets. Tel: (852) 3608 2988 Jewels Unbounded Gems and Jewellery Fashion Show
80 81

Lifestyle and Recreation

Networking is an ongoing process that locality.
requires consistency and persistence.
Follow up with new contacts promptly, 9.1. Bars and nightclubs
send thank-you notes after meetings or Do you love to party? An interesting place
industry-specific groups, and actively
Building Networks In Hong Kong events, and stay in touch periodically. for you to meet cool-headed people in
participate in discussions. Connecting with
Introduction: Demonstrating professionalism and Hong Kong is LFK; Lan Kwai Fong. You can
professionals through these platforms can
Networking is an essential aspect of showing genuine interest in others will go to any bar or nightclub at LFK and begin
lead to valuable connections and potential
professional and personal growth, help solidify your network and foster long- talking with people.
particularly in a bustling metropolis like term relationships.
Hong Kong. Building a strong network can 4. Join Professional Associations: 9.2. Hobby circle
open doors to new opportunities, 7. Volunteer and Charity Groups: Joining a hobby circle such as cooking,
Hong Kong is home to numerous
partnerships, and valuable connections. In Hong Kong has a strong culture of giving painting, decorating, reading, gardening
professional associations and industry-
this guide, we will explore effective back to the community, with numerous etc. would create a great bonding.
specific organizations. Research and
strategies and tips for networking in Hong volunteer and charity organizations. This
identify the relevant ones in your field.
Kong. social circle comprises individuals who are 9.3. Nature and Hiking Enthusiasts:
actively involved in volunteering and Despite being a concrete jungle, Hong
These associations often organize
1. Understand the Cultural Context: making a positive impact in society. Kong boasts stunning hiking trails and
networking events, seminars, and
Hong Kong has a unique blend of Western the first step in expanding your business picturesque landscapes. This social circle
workshops, providing a platform to meet
and Chinese cultures, which influences network and social circle. It will be worth brings together individuals who enjoy
like-minded professionals. Active
networking practices. It is important to your time. exploring the city's natural beauty, hiking,
involvement in these associations can help
familiarize yourself with the local customs expand your network and enhance your and outdoor adventures.
and etiquette to make a positive 8 Sports Fanatics:
professional reputation.
impression. Respect for hierarchy, Hong Kong hosts various sporting events, Conclusion:
professional titles, and maintaining a from rugby and football matches to annual By understanding the cultural context,
5. Engage in Business Networking Clubs:
polite demeanor will go a long way in marathons. This social circle gathers actively participating in networking events,
Business networking clubs offer a more
building meaningful relationships. sports enthusiasts who enjoy watching leveraging social media platforms, joining
structured approach to networking in Hong
and participating in sports activities such professional associations and business
Kong. These clubs bring together
2. Attend Networking Events: as: networking clubs, seeking referrals, and
professionals from various industries and
Hong Kong offers a plethora of networking • Swimming maintaining professionalism, you can
provide a platform for building connections
events catering to various industries and • Badminton effectively build a strong network in this
through regular meetings and events.
interests. These events provide excellent • Football, and even; vibrant city.
Joining a business networking club can
opportunities to meet professionals from • Basketball ___________________________
help you establish a strong network and
diverse backgrounds. Research and It is best to know that sport is a huge deal
gain exposure to potential business
in the city. And, if you have no idea where
identify relevant events such as industry opportunities.
to begin, some amazing choices are YWCA t was in year 2012, Mr Rajkumar Sabnani,
conferences, seminars, trade fairs, and
and YMCA. who is a well-known personality in the In-
business networking groups. Engage in 6. Build Relationships through Referrals: dian community of Hong Kong, came up
conversations, exchange business cards, Referrals play a significant role in Hong
9. Ladies Groups: Hong Kong has several with the idea for creating a group different
and follow up with new contacts Kong's business culture. Cultivate
Indian ladies groups in almost every from the other social groups in Hong Kong
afterward. relationships with your existing contacts
locality. They are suitable for stay-at-home and took it upon himself to be the perma-
and seek referrals from them. Personal nent President and Founder of the group.
3. Leverage Social Media Platforms: moms and enjoy parties, clubbing,
introductions can often open doors that
In today's digital age, social media has festivals, kids get togethers, small
might otherwise remain closed. AMIGOS, is a non-profit, social organiza-
become a powerful networking tool. shopping events etc.
Additionally, offering referrals yourself can tion with an object to promote social, reli-
Platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and strengthen your network and build trust
Some of the groups may be useful to you. gious and cultural integration of its mem-
WeChat are widely used in Hong Kong for among your connections.
Hong Kong Desi offers WhatsApp groups bers, mainly the persons of Indian origin.
professional networking. Create an
engaging and professional profile, join for each locality in Hong Kong. These
. Maintain Professionalism and Currently, Amigos family consists of 150
whatsApp groups are great source of
Persistence: members and 12 committee members
knowing fellow Indians in the same
continues to grow in size

Useful References The Indian Chamber of 18 Grams Tel: (852) 2694 3788
Please use the link below to read the Commerce Hong Kong Address: 15-27 Hoi To Court, Cannon
article published in 2020 St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Girly Book Club dos-and- 2/F., Hoseinee House, 69 Wynd- Tel: (852) 2893 8988 This is biggest book club that has over
donts-when-travelling- to-hong-kong/ ham St., C., Hong Kong
2000 members.
Email – [email protected] Elephant Grounds
Address: 8 Wing Fung St, Wan Chai, The Hong Kong Girly Book Club
For Ladies: This is biggest book club that has over
MR. NANU P. LACHMAN, PRESIDENT 24, Tel: (852) 2778 2700 2000 members.
Kowloon Indian Ladies Group Link:
EMAIL: [email protected] Mrs. Deepa Gidwani Address: 34 Graham Street, Central Hong-Kong-Girly-Book-Club/
President Tel: N/A
INDIAN RECREATION CLUB C/o Sigma Electronic (HK) Ltd.
16/Fl. Unit 527, Block “A”, 34-36
63 Caroline Hill Rd, So Kon Po, Hong Kong Craft Coffee Roaster LIST OF BEST MUSEUMS IN HONG
Au Pul Wan Street, N.T. Hong
Tel: (852) 2576 6583 Kong Email: [email protected] Address: 29 Tai Kok Tsui Rd, Tai Kok KONG
Tsui, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Indian Women’s Tel: (852) 5109 6770
Hong Kong Museum of History
“AMIGOS THE YOUNG MILLIONAIRES Address: 100 Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha
Mrs. Indra Banga, President Omotesando Koffee
GROUP, has successfully completed 9 HKIWC, GPO BOX 3167 Tsui, Hong Kong
Address: Shop 24 - 25, 200 Queen’s Tel: (852) 2724 9042
years and has proudly entered into its 10th Email - [email protected]
Rd E, Wan Chai
year in 2022.
ONLINE GROUPS: Tel: (852) 2601 3323 Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Amigos – The Young Millionaires Group
Mr. Rajkumar Sabnani Hong Kong Moms: This is widely Address: 1 Man Lam Rd, Sha Tin, Hong
popular among women and men, Libraries and Book Clubs Kong
as well as where residents write Hong Kong Central Library
901 Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, TST, Tel: (852) 2180 8188
their queries and seek a reply. Address: Hong Kong Central Library,
Kowloon, Hong Kong Email: HK Indian Mom for Indian moms
66 Causeway Rd, Causeway Bay Hong Kong Space Museum
[email protected], in Hong Kong. If you wish to join,
please send the request here Tel: (852) 2921 0503 Address: 10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha
[email protected]
many small business owners Tsui, Hong Kong
including event managers and City Hall Public Library Tel: (852) 2721 0226
HONG KONG DESI restaurant owners are advertising Address: City Hall, Edinburgh Pl, 5,
If you are looking to promote your their products and services here. Central, Hong Kong Tai Kwen Centre for the Art
business, or buy items on discounted rate, Address: 10 Hollywood Central, Hong
you will find Chi Lin Buddhist Library Kong
Hong Kong Desi’ Mom’s What’s up Address: 5th Floor, 5 Chi Lin Dr, Tel: (852) 3559 2600
Hong Kong Desi also provides WhatsApp Sheung Yuen Leng, Hong Kong Tel:
group and telegram group services to sup- (852) 2354 1740 Hong Kong Science Museum
port their members for their daily needs/ GeoExpats Address: 2 Science Museum Rd, Tsim
queries. If you wish to join the group, Hong Kong community forum for The Kowloon Public Library Sha Tsui East, Hong Kong Tel: (852)
please contact admin at – jobs, business, networking, Address: 5 Pui Ching Rd, Ho Man Tin,
classifies and more… Website: 2732 3232
[email protected] Hong Kong
To join the group, please send the request
Hong Kong Maritime Museum
here: The Sha Tin Public library
hongkongdesi/ MORE ASSOCIATIONS AND Address: 11 Man Kwong St, Central,
Address: 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, Hong
Kong Tel: (852) 3713 2500 LISTED IN DIRECTORY
groups/1513865288927648/ SECTION IN THIS BOOK.

84 85
Art Galleries Address: No.35 Aberdeen Street, Central,
HINDU TEMPLES Useful References
Hong Kong offers arrays of options and Hong Kong
Hong Kong has several Hindu Temples.
Hindu Temples: opportunities to artists as well as art
They serve the community by bringing
HINDU TEMPLE (HAPPY VALLEY) lovers. These options include art THE MILLS
devotees together for prayers, celebrating
Address: 1B Wong Nai Chung Rd, Happy exhibitions, art jamming, and art galleries It is former cotton mill located in Tsuen
major festivals and conducting private
Valley, Hong Kong and art competitions for budding artists. Wan, and is must visit place for textile and
pujas. Phone: (852) 2572 5284 fashion lovers. Many heritage items and
The following Hindu festivals are
ART EXHIBITIONS facilities have been preserved to their
celebrated at these temples: Website Art Basel is a for-profit, privately owned original shape.
and managed, international art fair staged You can book a free guide on its website
Hindu Mandir Kowloon annually in Basel, Switzerland; Miami in advance before you plan your trek there.
Address: 2F, 8-10 Carnarvon Rd, Tsim Beach, Florida; and Hong Kong. Art Basel Address: 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen
Sha Tsui, Hong Kong works in collaboration with the host city’s Wan, Hong Kong
local institutions to help grow and develop
F. HANUMAN JAYANTI Hours: Open 6 am-⋅Closes 8 pm
Art Parties and Art Jamming: It is a popular venue in the centre of the
Timings: Daily 8 am to 1.30 and 4.30 to Choco L’ART Studio hosts art parties and city that offers interesting architecture,
7.30 pm art jamming, painting course and class permanent art pieces, sculpture, and a
Monday: full day open for shiva Abhishek Chocolart Hong Kong café. It also offers a venue for short-term
Tuesday: Mata’s chowki 6.30 to 8.00 pm Address: 2B, Yan King Court, 119-121 exhibitions in the Chantal Miller gallery
L. NAVARATRI Sunday: 9.00am to 10.30 Guru Nanak’s Queen’s Rd E, Wan Chai, Hong Kong throughout the year.
M. DUSSEHRA As- adivar satsang
Artjamming, Address: 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong
Sunday: to 12.30 pm Nirankari Address: 4D Yally Industrial Building 6 He-
satsang. Celebrations: All other festival ung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong HONG KONG PARKS
are celebrated as per Hindu calendar Kong, +852 2541 8816; Hong Kong is filled with lush gardens and
Happy Valley Temple offers ritual as well
every year. Aura Art, beautiful parks. There are many spaces
as religious services to Hindus living in
Address: 1/F, 16 Matheson Street, Cause- where you are able to relax and look at all
Hong kong island. SAI BABA TEMPLE way Bay, Hong Kong, +852 2886 3359; the amazing plants and trees. Even though
Address: 7th Floor, Minden House, 13-15 there are so many skyscrapers, there are
HINDU MANDIR KOWLOON Minden Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3954 5719 Oscary Art, just as many parks. One park you should
Kowloon Hindus Temple as popularly
Address: S511 Block A PMQ No. 35 visit is Hong Kong Park – sort of the
known in Hong Kong caters to religious
ISCON TEMPLE Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong, Tel: Central Park of Hong Kong. It’s nestled in
and spiritual needs of the residents of
Address: Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, (852) 9588 1514; the centre of the city and surrounded by
Hong Kong. The temple organizes various
Chatham Rd S, 27 , Ocean View Court, 6 https://
festivals and functions throughout the year tall skyscrapers.
Canova Art
as per Hindu calendar. Tel: (852) 2739 6816
Address: Kowloon Park. An army fortress turned
Mr Notan Tolani Ji is president of Hindu
temple committee in Hong Kong. THE SUN TEMPLE into a park, has beautiful mazes, Chinese
Admiralty Commercial Building ART GALLERIES: gardens, and even a swimming pool. With
Regular Activities / Functions of Hindu
, Hong Kong lPlease visit their websites before you plan over 13 hectares of park, this one is defi-
Mandir Kowloon
TEl: (852) 2528 2930 your trip to these galleries in advance. nitely worth a visit.
Other Hindu temples details are
PMQ is a historical building that is convert- Victoria Park is the biggest park on Hong
mentioned in Useful Reference section. KHALSA DIWAN, SIKH TEMPLE
ed into a creative centre for art and design Kong Island, featuring just over 19
Address: Hong Kong, Wan Chai, Stubbs
Rd, genius. This place offers a unique blend hectares of park.
Tel: (852) 2572 4459 of tasteful design as you come across
Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple is a Gurdwara
Timings: Mon - Sun : 4:30 AM to 8:00 PM over 100 independent fashion, modern art, Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gar-
in the Wan Chai District of Hong Kong.
email: [email protected] handmade jewellery, and home ware, dens is one of the oldest zoological and
home décor, etc. It is also place for botanical parks in the world; the perfect
exploring delicious food options. park for every nature lover. Sung Wong Toi
86 87
Park is a small, often-forgotten patch in TAMAR PARK: VICTORIA PARK:
Hong Kong. Located in the Admiralty, this park with its This park is located in the heart of washrooms, changing rooms, kids play
elegant green spacious lawns is a busy Causeway Bay. Even though it’s nestled in areas, clean shower spaces, small food
And last, but not least, Tsing Yi Park – spot where most of the Hong Kongers end such a bustling place this park still scores kiosks and even a few barbecue pits . It is
featuring a waterfall, tennis courts, a up. It’s a common place for organising as one of the best places to chill as a a good place for one day of family fun.
soccer pitch, an amphitheatre, and more, public events, free sports activities and family. The sprawling stretch of green Remember to pack your swimwear,
this park is beautiful and a must-have on many such leisure activities. grass makes it a serene place to lie down frisbees and balls to play on the sand.
your list. These parks are just the tip of the and gaze at the blue sky or snooze below
iceberg and Hong Kong is a city meant to The vast stretches of grassy spaces make the shade of trees with your favourite
be explored. You will find many more it the most sought place for picnicking. Fill novel sipping on a drink. Kids can take LOK FU PARK:
beautiful and amazing parks; we suggest your bags with your favourite food grab a turns to play in one of the many parks with Also known as the Lok Fu Reservoir Rest
you stop for a while and enjoy nature. comfortable rug and enjoy your day with swings and other playing facilities. This Garden this park where people can go as a
your family in this lovely place with the has become one of the common picnic family for outing. Here people can do
PICNIC SPOTS beautiful backdrop of Victoria Harbour. spots in the city. sports, kids can scooter around and biking.
Come nice weather and people in Hong As it’s a huge park you can rest your picnic
Kong are seen flocking outdoors either LION ROCK COUNTRY PARK: WETLAND PARK: paraphernalia under the shade and take a
taking a run, trailing on the hiking routes or Located in Shatin this scenic place is a all Located in Tin Shui Wai this park is more of walk around the beautiful grassy land to
the best, chilling with family on the open time favourite for tourists and local people an ecological site but still can be a good explore. There is a huge meadow and can
green stretches ubiquitous to Hong Kong. be it hikers or picnickers. Head on to this family outing and an interesting way of be a comfortable place to nestle under.
So readers if you are up for a picnic time beautiful park with all your picnic stuff in spending a day together. Entry is priced at People picnicking and camping in the cosy
with family or friends all you need to do is place early in the day. You can go trekking a reasonable $30 per person. You can buy corners of the park is a common sight.
fill your picnic baskets with your favourite on the trails of the beautiful hills or jog a family pass at the ticketing counter
wine, cheese and kid friendly foods and around the two long jogging trails near the which gives you access to all the zones GRASS ISLAND:
head on to one of the picnic spots listed reservoir which is a common spot for all which you can enjoy as a family like parent Located to the north of Sai Kung this place
below for you. Don’t forget to pack your morning walkers and fitness lovers or just child activities based on themes and is a beautiful island which takes you away
mats or rugs to sit on. walk around the park and enjoy its scenic seasonal activities and a kids corner for from the hustle and bustle of the society
backdrops. And finally choose a cosy spot the little ones and can wind up at their cafe and teems with the lush grassy lands and
INSPIRATION LAKE: to curl with your people and dig into your where you will get kid friendly clear water. If you are up for some hiking
This place is our family favourite spot to food basket to enjoy a happy picnic. meals to relish as a family. you can head on to it’s breathtaking trail
relax. Located in the Penny’s Bay of Lantau starting from the Tap Mun pier. On your
Island this lake is a relaxing recreation SUN YAT SEN MEMORIAL PARK: way up you can see the ancient Tin Hau
centre very near to the iconic Disneyland. This a waterfront park located in Sai ying It’s a peaceful green space which makes temple and settle your bags midway near
The entry here is free and it’s easily Pun. It is a lovely place for family fun with way for cyclists, Morning walkers and the hilltop pavilion which is by far the best
accessible by taxi. It’s a big park with a its wonderful big green lawns spread out joggers. meadows seen. Most of the picnickers will
beautiful lake and a big fountain in the against the backdrop of lovely harbour Pack up your picnic baskets with your be seen unpacking their stuff and snoozing
centre, though artificial. It takes about an view. This place has a lot to keep every favourite food and tread to this beautiful under the sky at this spot.
hour to walk around the whole stretch. member of your family amused from kids spot. If you want to spare yourself the
to oldies. pain of packing then good news for you is SHEK O, DRAGON’S BACK:
There is a facility to hire bikes or you can there is a Recharge cafe at the park’s po- Located in Shek O this place gets its name
go paddle boating to cover the whole lap Kids can take along their skateboards and dium which offers a package with assorted from the way it’s shaped. It is known as
of water. The park also has vast green scooters as they have paths specially for cookies and a picnic rug for a price. one of the best trekking trails and a superb
stretches to sit on and picnic or just relax these. Kids can enjoy some indoor sports picnic spot. Rest at the sightseeing
on a beautiful sunny day. There is a beau- in the indoor sports centre. platform to enjoy your food and soak
tiful kid’s play area for the children to have This is a small 70 meter long beach yourself in the beautiful views of southern
fun. There are enough shaded sit outs if he located near Sai Wan Ho MTR. It is Hong Kong and its lovely shore line. Get
weather turns unfavourable and what considered as one of the grade1 beaches along your swimwear for you might get
more you have a seven-eleven under the LCSD. Though small the beach tempted to dip in
convenience store and few other shops. has all facilities like well equipped

88 89
the Big wave Bay beach which looks invit- ine of trees to rest under. The park is now How to Reach: By MTR, reach Teun Mun How to Reach:
ing with its lovely waves. the most sought barbecue location after its station and take Exit C2 to reach Bus ter- Reach Central station via MTR. Take Exit D
recent renovation. It has 26 barbecue pits minal. From there take Bus No:K52 and to reach Exchange Square Bus Terminal
BARBEQUE SITES right under the landmark Lion Rock with a get and take Bus No’s: 6, 6A, 6X, or 260 and
When the weather is beautiful lighting up set of big tables and benches fixed near down at Butterfly Beach Park Bus stop.By ride for about an hour to reach Stanley
the grill, feasting with your family and each pit. There are accessible toilets Bus: bus numbers KMB 59X, 59M or 59A Village Bus Stop and walk about 5 minutes
friends is the perfect thing to do with all nearby and a children’s play area for the pass by the Butterfly Beach Park stop. to reach the beach.
the roasting on the hot hot barbecue pit. kids to keep the kids engaged while you Silvermine Bay Beach: Located in Mui
There are a few barbecue spots in Hong are busy with roasting. There are pavilions Wo, a place in south Lantau this beach Another option to taxi from but it’s not rec-
Kong that can’t go amiss with their lovely for shade in case it gets rainy or too sunny. scores as one of the top five places for ommended as it can get expensive. More-
backdrops. Read on to zero on the one you They don’t supply charcoal like any other barbecue with its huge charcoal pits and over there’s only one road leading to the
like. open barbecue spots. You need to bring long marble seats. Pack your stuff and beach which can make your ride
along your necessities and pack your leave for the beach in the day to make inconvenient.
supplies beforehand as there are no the most of the sunshine. Soak yourself
This park boasts being the largest in the convenience stores near to hunt. in the sun while taking turns at the barbe- DEEP WATER BAY:
city and is home to four big water cue or even better you can light up your Located in the south side of the Hong Kong
reservoirs. Best known for its How to reach: Reach Wong Tai Sin sta- charcoal in the evening after sunset, when Island this beach is one of the cleanest in
scenic trails to trek on this place also has tion via MTR. Take Exit B3 and walk to- the beach comes to life. People here the city. The beach can be sparsely
large jogging tracks, children’s play area, a wards the right to reach Minibus terminal. crowd the beach mostly in the evenings. crowded on weekdays but during the
garden specially for the morning walkers. From the terminal take left to reach Shatin Roasting your snack on this beach is per- weekends it gets difficult to find yourself a
This is where picnickers flock for its beauty haps one of the best ideas as Mui wo is barbecue pit if you don’t reach before
and what more it abounds 4 barbecue Pass Road. From the Pass Road you either a barbecue havens it spares you the pain people start flocking. There are about 33
sites with 55 pits to use. There is one rain walk or take a taxi to the park. of packing all the stuff. There is a line of barbecue pits around the beach with a
shade to rush under in case it starts to rain shops near the pier selling a large range beautiful backdrop of the Lamma channel.
untimely. Bring along your barbecue BUTTERFLY BEACH PARK: of marinated meats and vegetables good It’s recommended to come all prepared
paraphernalia as it gets convenient to light Located in Tuen Mun this beach is to go in the grill. with all the barbecue necessary stuff as
up your pit right away. There is one Fusion breathtakingly there are not many stores nearby.
supermarket near the Parkview entrance beautiful as its name with picturesque How to Reach:Take a ferry from the
though in case you forgot to pack views. Though beautiful and nice to re- central ferry terminal at pier 6 to Mui Wo. How to Reach:
something, this depends again on which treat this is not a very crowded beach. Alight at the Pier and turn right and walk By MTR, reach Admiral-
pit you choose. But it is always People come here mostly for camping so straight to find Ngan Shek Street. It’s a ty station. Take the South Island Line(Light
recommended to come all loaded just so it’s common to find a lot of campsites with long stretch leading to Tung Wan Tau Road Green) and alight at Ocean Park station.
that you don’t miss on the fun of roasting pitted tents in summer. There are about 80 near the beach. Take Exit C and walk about 20 minutes to
by taking trips to the shops. barbecue pits to choose from. If you are reach Deep Water Bay Beach. By Bus: You
up for some overnight fun. You can pack STANLEY MAIN BEACH: can hop on Bus Numbers 260,40,6X,973.
How to Reach: your camping stuff to bring along with This is one of the busiest beaches in Hong All of these pass by the Deep Water Bay
Reach Central Station. Take Exit A to your barbecue necessities for a night out Kong and also the best spot to fire up your Beach stop.
emerge on Connaught Road. with your family. Worry not if you missed grill. Its scenic
Take Bus No 6 from the Exchange Square out on packing some of your stuff as there beauty is unmissable. If you choose this UPPER CHEUNG SHA BEACH:
bus terminal to alight at Wong Nai Chung is a Wellcome supermarket very nearby beach for barbecue make sure you reach Huddled somewhere in the Lantau Island
Reservoir Park bus stop and walk to the in the Butterfly Plaza . There are jogging a little earlier before the crowd builds up. is this beau- tiful beach. Even though it has
barbecue spots. You can also take a taxi to tracks,volleyball and basketball courts for There are around fifteen Charcoal pits and just seven pits to barbecue on this still is a
the area if you have a lot of stuff to carry. game lovers with accessible toilets and can get really crowded. There are super- good place to be as per us. This long beach
few fitness corners for the elderly as well. markets and a few shops in case you run is definitely a treat to eyes with a relatively
So this beach is an all in one and can defi- out of your supplies. There are no shaded cleaner coastline. There are washrooms
nitely be the best place for outing. Only places to retreat so make sure to check and small refreshment shops near the
Located in Shatin this place is a beautiful
thing missing is a place to shade under the weather before you make plans. beach. Come prepared with your basic
place to enjoy the smoky smell from your
when sunny or rainy. barbecue necessities like charcoal and the
barbecue with its sprawling gardens, and l

90 91

like as there is no charcoal supply on the They come for a price but you get charcoal MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS USA, Grizzly Gulch, Mystic Point,
beach but you do not need to drag all the included in the price and there’s no time Hong Kong is a beautiful place to be, with Tomorrowland, and Toy Story Land.
stuff along, there is provision to buy from limit to the pit usage. It’s advisable to diverse places to explore from street
the stores nearby. If you are looking for a come all prepared with the necessary markets, theme parks, historic landmarks, What to See: the park has more than thirty
calm and serene barbecue experience this supplies as there are not many shops temples, and the never-ending trekking attractions to explore. Your walking tour
is the place to be. nearby. trails leading to breathlessly beautiful begins at the Main Street USA. Spread
views. With such endless options from across this street are an array of photo
How to reach: By MTR reach Tung How to reach: which to pick, it can be a dicey task to shops inspired by olden-day America.
Chung Station(Orange Line) and Take Bus Reach Shau Kei Wan station via MTR. From figure out what to do and how to plan. Walk past the majestic castle to reach
No 11 or 23 from the bus terminal there take red minibus or Bus Number 9 to Read on to find the top sightseeing Fantasyland.
opposite the beach. highlights and explore your way into this
to the station. Get down at Lower Cheung Taxis are also available to the beach. vibrant city. It is full of slow rides even smaller kids can
Sha village and walk down for about 5 min- Choose as per your convenience. enjoy. Jump on to Jungle River cruise next
utes to the beach. BIG BUDDHA (NGONG PING CABLE to get a real jungle feel. The enthusiastic
By Ferry: From the Central Ferry pier take LO SO SHING BEACH: CAR RIDE): ones can head to some high thrill rides in
the Mui Wo ferry at pier no 6. Alight at the This gorgeous beach is located on the This beautiful attraction is located in the the Toy Story Land and the super-fast
Mui Wo Pier and hop on to bus numbers beautiful Lamma Island. beautiful remote village of Ngong Ping. roller coaster in Tomorrowland. It’s worth
1,2 or 4 to reach Lower Cheung Sha Village This island being very near to the central Lurking under the luscious green staying a little longer to cover the three
and walk about 5 minutes to reach the is a perfect location to wind with family or mountains, this spot is home to a number featured parades: Flights of Fantasy at 4
beach. friends. It’s amazing beaches and pictur- of flocking tourists in Hong Kong. p.m., We Love Mickey show at 7 p.m., and
esque backdrops make it an apt place for a What to see: This wonder is open to the most
TAI MEI TUK BARBECUE AREA: wholesome barbecue. Though there are people from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Sparing
located next to Plover Cove Reservoir this just seven barbecue pits available on the four to five hours of your day is good TRADITIONAL CANTONESE CUISINE:
area has as many as 72 barbecue pits. beach but still won’t be a tussle to get a enough to explore the place. Walk which has its roots in the Canton region
There are recently built modern marble spot as these beaches are not very adjacent to the cable car ter- minal and which is consists of Guangzhou, Shenzhen,
pits along with the traditional rustic pits. crowded. It’s a good idea to get all your explore your way through the Ngong Ping Hong Kong, Macau, and other part of
You can choose the ones you prefer. There stuff ready from home to avoid any fringes. village, which has a wide array of Southern China.
is an option to buy the barbecue supplies Bring along your swimwear if you are restaurants and souvenir shops and leads We encourage you in enhancing your
at the Tai Po market very near to the heading to this island. to the beautiful Ngong Ping Piazza, a path culinary skills by learning the art of
barbecue spots. Stop at the market to get with twelve stone statues and lotus- cooking authentic local food to impress
your necessary stuff before you reach or You can’t miss taking a dip in its shaped lan- terns, and we enter the Bodhi your family and friends. Local cooking
get them all packed from home is all meandering path. The end of this path is the entrance experience in Hong Kong is unique as it
according to your convenience. waters. to the Big Buddha, where a flight of 268 offers more than cooking skills when it
How to reach: stairs takes us to the holy altar of Big begins with a wet-market walking tour to
How to reach: By MTR reach Tai Po From Central Ferry pier take Buddha. Just beside the Buddha is Po Lin introduce local vegetables and the art of
Market station and jump on to 20C minibus a ferry to Yung Shue Wan at pier number 4. Monastery, a beautiful tran- quil sanctum. selecting them. These culinary classes
to reach the spot. You can also take a taxi Walk along the Family Walk path to reach If you still have energy left, in- stead of the also explain the unique history behind the
from the MTR to the spot. the cable take a bus down to TaiO fishing cooking of each dish, its ingredients,
spot. It takes roughly 15minutes to reach. village to get a feel of old Hong Kong and eating as well as Hong Kong or Cantonese
SHEK O BEACH: traditional stilted homes. culture Listed below are a few of those
Located on the southern remarkable and the popular places to find
side of Hong Kong Island this beach is un- the best examples. beautiful show, my
doubtedly the most beautiful one and also If traveling with kids, this theme park is a favourite I would say, Paint the Night
the busiest. There are 39 barbecue pits on must, a fun escape from the hustle and Parade at 8 p.m.
the beach and even though it’s flocking bustle of the city’s din. Spread across the
with people all the time this still scores as park are seven themed lands: VICTORIA PEAK:
one of the favourite barbecue spots. There Adventureland, Fantasyland, Main Street Iconic place which offers a panoramic
are a few privately run barbecue areas as
92 93
view of the city with all its skyscrapers and
the nearby islands. Otherwise known as
the Peak, it is easily accessible by the Peak
Victoria Harbour, this walkway is spread
tors, and directors are imprinted.out in
front of the Space Museum and the
Tram, which takes tourists and residents Museum of Art, two more leisure places to
to the upper levels of Hong Kong. Known cover if you have spare time. Handprints of Chapter 15: Directory
to be one of the oldest funicular railways. famous singers, actors in cement and laid (Please note that not all the sections are in an alphabetical order. We maintained
along the sidewalk. The newly renovated the order as per the main table of content of this booklet)
This engineering marvel took three years balustrade has more gar- den plants and
to finish in the 18th century, a time when water fountains than before; it is a real
i. Visa and Residency
there was no mechanical support and all visual delight at night, with the many LED
ii. Insurance
the heavy machinery was hauled manually. lights.
iii. Education
Ticket Prices: to-and-fro charges per adult:
OCEAN PARK: iv. Business
HK$52, child and senior citizen: HK$23
located on the south side of Hong Kong v. Software Solutions
STAR FERRY VICTORIA HARBOUR Ocean Park is a huge water-themed park vi. Investment Services
where one can enjoy a fun filled family day vii. Best Banks for Start-ups in Hong Kong
An hour-long sailing tour around Victoria with a variety of rides and animal exhibits. viii. Business Essentials
Harbour showcasing the iconic Hong Kong This park is home to dolphins, sea lions, ix. Marketing and Promotions in Hong Kong
alligators, colourful birds like toucans and
skyline. This is a must-do in Hong Kong. x. Job and career
penguins, and not-to-be-missed giant
xi. Professional Development
There is a day tour and a night tour. You pandas. You have eight zones to explore:
Whiskers Harbour, Aqua city, Thrill xii. Housing
can choose according to your schedule.
Mountain, Polar Adventure, Rainforest, xiii. Real Estate Agent
But one can catch the colourful vibrancy of
Marine World, and Adventureland. xiv. Movers and Shippers
Hong Kong in the evening ride. In the
evening, buildings on both sides of Victoria Take time to travel to two main areas of xv. Car Rental
Harbour have a laser light show the park: Waterfront to the summit either xvi. Home Essentials
(Symphony of Lights) timed to music and by the Ocean Express, it gives a xvii. Décor
scintillating feel of an underwater ride, or
the impeccable Hong Kong skyline is worth xviii. Grocery
a watch. take a long cable car ride and you can
xix. Food and catering services
enjoy the beautiful views of sea, sky and
the islands nearby. This ride takes you to xx. Bakers
This is probably one of the best-valued
the thrill rides and is covered in the xxi. Gift
night cruises in the world, aboard the
admission ticket. xxii. Give Away
century-old iconic star ferry.
xxiii. Repair and Services
Ticket Prices: Day tour: HK$110; Evening HIGHLIGHT: xxiv. Helpers’ Training
tour: HK$200. Gala of Lights show is a must-see new xxv. Useful Networking places
How to reach: get to Tsim Sha Tsui station attraction, a remarkable show when xxvi. Indian Association
via MTR and take Exit E. Turn right and evening comes to life with never-ending xxvii. Ladies club/group
walk straight to the waterfront. Or, from multimedia shows (Soul of the Ocean and xxviii. Socio-cultural Activities
East TsimSha Tsui station, Take Exit L6 Visions of Hong Kong). The enthusiastic xxix. Religious / Spiritual places
Website: ones should not miss the high-speed
xxx. Fashion
water rides, carousels to roller coasters.
xxxi. Jewellery
To promote tourism and its influential film Ticket Prices: one-day general admission xxxii. Beauty Treatment
industry, the Hong Kong tourism board ticket is HK$498 - adult and HK$249 - xxxiii. Lifestyle
built this 457-meter long promenade in child. The park also offers pass options, xxxiv. Health
2004. Extended a little into viz: premium, gold, and silver. This is a xxxv. Transportation


I. Visa and Residency III Education

Activity / Hobby Classes
Visa and Immigration Services
Hong Kong Immigration Center Leisure and Cultural Service Department, Hong Kong Government
Address: Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Customer Hotline: 2921 0208 or 1823
Tel: (852) 2824 6111 Email: [email protected] *
Email: [email protected]
Website: List of contact details under each activity:
Ms. Bonnie Lam Mr. Rajiv Sahay
Prism Consultancy Co., Ltd Immigration and Visa Services
14/F, Tung Wai Commercial Building, Address: Flat P, 4/F, Cheong Lok District Sports Programmes
109-111 Gloucester Road, Wan chai, HK Mansion, 1G Baker Street, Hung Link:
Tel: (852) 3464-5244 Hum, Kowloon
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 5412 0541
Hong Kong Public Libraries Extension Activity
Visto Consultant Fly High Group. Link:
16-18 mau lam street, Jordan Valley, Tel: (852)37073829/27/31 or
Hong Kong (852) 37516687.
Tel: (852) 3591 9911 For travel inquiries, email International Games & Events
Email: [email protected] [email protected] Link:
Website: For visa inquiries, email
[email protected]
Blue Cross (Insurance for travellers Schemes for Performing Arts
visiting HK) Link:
plan name - Inbound Travel
Insurance. website: School Sports Programmes

Sports Development Programmes


Sports Subvention Scheme


Storm the Park


Indian Art Circle event at India Club

96 97
Activity Classes Kashunutz Art Studio Yoga and healthy lifestyle classes for kids
Kashmira Doshi Sandhya Jane
Beyond Schooling by International Desi
Building the community through important Skills required for Tel: (852) 5933 7802 Whatsup: (852) 6607 0034
brighter future Website:
school- ing-skills.html Neltas Education Ngai Hoi Fung Michael
Tel: (852) 9244 8663 Champion Sports Limited
FB Page: (Basketball training to young kids)
Bhagat Singh BOOMERANG Educational Classes Ms
com/1002819 WhatsApp & Tel: (852) 9886 0891
Professional Tennis Tutor Vijaya Agrawal
91412221? Service location: Hung Hom, Tai Koo,
Tel: (852) 5170 9350 Tel: (852) 5970 3887
[email protected] Cheung Sha Wan, Tai Kok Tsui
Service location: Jordan Email: [email protected]

Mudra Dance Academy Hong Kong Online Phonics (Level 1-3)

Canvas Children Cultural Group
Indian dance classes (Classical/Semi- Kanisha Shahani /Swati Thakur
Art and Craft Classes Ms. Chitra Sivakumar, President
classical) Address: 26-31 Chatham Road South,
Laguna City, HK (Children’s competations)
Address: Classes at Tung Chung and TST Kowloon , Hongkong.
Tel: (852) 5546 0322 Email: [email protected]
Tel: (852) 56015726 Tel: (91)-9822874679 / (91) -72191
Website: 00724
Carnatic Music classes Chinese Tutor, HKTA
Ms Pachanti Harshini (Hong Kong mentoring Association)
Philip Lau Pole Fishing lessons for under 10 Bom
Address : Flat A3, Floor 4 Friend's House Tel: (852) 2117 6789
Professional Tennis Tutor Smith
Block A Carnarvon Road Tsim Sha Tsui What Sapp: (852) 63176777
Tel: (852) 9604 8018 Website:
Tel : (852) 65401801 website:
Service location: Taikoo /Quarry Bay
Colours of India CSP EDU
Prajna Yoga Prayog Dance HK
(Paintings and art teacher) Acedemic classes in Tung Chung
Kishore Ms. Pooja Sharma
Rajashree Khairnar Tel: (852) 6415 4974
Tel: (852) 6699 6601 Choreography, Dance and theatre move-
Laguna verse, Hunghom, kowloon
Website: ment, Dance Lessons
[email protected] Tel: (852) 9312 8584
Tel: (852) 56656062

RAE Sri Shakti Academy

Curiosity Kids DanZology
Ms Deepa Gupta (Teaching North Indian Classical Dance
S Sharma School of Dance
(Parent-Child Relationship Coach) Kathak)
(Science Experiment classes, birthday Rani Asra Gidwani
Tel: (852) 6129 4853 Address: Tung Chung / Jordan / Mid-Levels
parties and holiday camps Tel: (852) 9410 7050
Website: Tel: 98499826
for kids) Email: [email protected]
Service location: Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 9301 2546 [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Instagram: rani.asra.g
Rashmi Modi Classes Deepa Educare
HK Registered teacher with for 12 years Tutorial classes for Kindergarten, Primary
of experience and Secondary students
Deepa Maheshwari GIS Summer Programs
Address: 6 C Golden Mansion Address: Chong Chien Court, Flat 5,
Hindi and English Classes Tel: (852) 2390 3000
83 Chatham road south, Hong Kong Floor 6, Block I, 359 To Kwa Wan Road,
Ms Pia/Mr Max Email: [email protected]
Tel: (852) 67689425 Kowloon.Tel: 5305 0874
with distribution of materials in Hindi,
English mer-camp-2018?
Splashes studio Winter Art Workshop
Address: Kwa Wan near Exit A Indian Art Group / School of Indian
(Commission art works and art coaching) Laxmi Samaga
Tel: Ms Pia 98385135/Mr Max 54119936 Music (Art and Music)
Address: Seabird lane, Discovery Bay Online art classes
Tel: (852) 2719 4336
Tel: (852) 53031250 Tel: (852) 6690 0064

98 99

YOUNKER Activity Hub Online Rubik R.T.EXPORTS LTD Pure Potential

Sheetal Yoga ‘N Beyond
Cube online Course Tel: (91) 8888 Raju M. Buxani Training & Consultancy
Ms Sheetal Jhaveri
99 8636 Basmati Rice and Agro products Websites:
Tel: (852) 6192 7119
Tel: (852) 2368-9751 / 2
For kids and adult classes, please EMAIL: [email protected]
Mrs. Yogin Mehta
Private art/phonics kindergarten check this link: national-
teacher Address: Caribbean Coast,
Tung Chung Tel: (852) 9325 2021 IV. Investment Services
Brick Stone Realtors Limited Mehta Investment
III. Business Mr Dev Amin (Mutual Fund Investments for NRI's in
Tel: (852) 5616 7551 India) Ms. Riddhi Kothari-Mehta
SOFTWARE AND BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Address: 625 Kings road. North point Address: Coastal Skyline, Tung chung
Investment opportunities In: India, Tel: (852) 5360 9076
ANISAN Technologies Inc. Dubai, Hong Kong, and Thailand Website:
Specialized in customized IT solutions for end-to-end business operations.
Senior Wealth & Protection manager with
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] AIA Mr Prashant Paranjpe
WhatsApp: +1(201) 448 4386 (Insurance plan or wealth products - kids
Website: education, retirement planning)
Tel: (852) 9819 2000

International Desi
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] V. Best Banks for Start-ups in Hong Kong
- Website building and maintenance.
- Digital Marketing Services for promoting brands locally and globally – Brand build- HSBC ICICI Bank
ing for businesses and individuals through innovative cost effective promotions and Minimum balance requirement: you need Minimum balance requirement: maintain
marketing via various digital channels to maintain HK$ 50,000 to avoid monthly minimum HK$ 10,000 balance per mon..
- Digital Channels - Whatsup, telegram, Facebook, instagram, twitter, email, SEO (search fee of HK$ 100 per month. Website:
Engine optimization) and more. Setting up advertisements for Facebook, instagram, Website: rate_banking/
Google Analytics setup, Google Adwords and more. Address: International Commerce Centre
Address: 1 Queens Road, Hong Kong (ICC), 1 Austin Rd W, Tai Kok Tsui
Dilip Advani, DK Ellie Rampton Design Work Tel: (852) 2748 8288 Tel: (852) 2234 2651
A+DK Global Services [email protected]
11th Floor, Unit A, Wing Tat Commercial Tel: (852) 94737450 Bank of China (Hong Kong) Indian Overseas Bank
Building Minimum balance requirement: you need Website:
121-125 Wing Lok Street, Central, HK gns to maintain HK$ 50,000 to avoid monthly 3F, Ruttonjee House
email: [email protected] fee of HK$ 120. 11 Duddell Street, Hong Kong
Website: Tel: (852) 2522 7157
Tel: (852) 6380 6671
Address: 1 Garden Road, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 2826 6888
iNCUBEE | LCCS infoLink Technologies Girish Baveja Customer Service (852) 3988 2288
The only Cloud Based Beehive! 3/F Unit 395 Peninsula Centre
#CorpTech 67 Mody Road TST Kowloon OCBC Wing Hang Bank Standard Chartered
Tel: (852) 3100 0518 Tel: (852) 9237 0589 Minimum balance requirement: You to Minimum balance requirement: No
Website: Email: [email protected] maintain minimum HK$ 50,000 balance application fee. Mini monthly bal
to avoid bank fees HK$ 80 per month. requirements is HK$ 300,000/HK$ 200.
Website: Address: 12/F and 15/F Two
Rena Ahuja Digireach Sangita Sakhrani Address: 161 Queen's Road Cen- tral, International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Corporate visibility Hong Kong Street, Hong Kong
[email protected] 66761780 Address: GPO Box 8918, Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 2684 8200 Tel: (852) 2886 6988 / (852) 2282 6099
Tel (852) 9311 2908
100 101
The Bank of East Asia Limited Wing Lung Bank
Notary Services Graphic Design
You to maintain minimum HK$ 10,000 Three months waiting period to open
Ms Bharti Manek Neha Mehta
balance to avoid bank fees HK$ 100 per the bank.
Rm 1801-02, 18/F, Nathan Centre, Tel: (852) 6799 9295
month. Website:
580g-580k Nathan Road, Mongkok,
Website: Address: 45 Des Voeux Rd Central,
Address: 10 Des Voeux Road Central Cen- tral, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2390 7418,
Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 2826 8333 / 2309
Telephone: (852) 3609 2928 5555 Ravi G Thiruvenkadam SKY BEST CPA Ltd
Preeti Wadhawa
General banking services 24 hrs. : (852) * You can expect more documentation.
Financial Planning Officer at (Accounting Services)
2211 1333
Manulife Tel: (852) 9556 3436 / 3904 2460
Tel: (852) 2510 3888 Website:
Email: Email: [email protected]
VI. Business Essentials [email protected]

Registering a businesses, Licenses and regulations, accounting and tax services in VII. Marketing and Promotions in Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Digital Marketing: creation and distribution of customized promotions through various
The Institute of Chartered Buttar & Associates forms such as text, posters, videos etc. on various online modes such as social media
Accountants of India, HK Chapter (Accounting, auditing, taxation, trade channels, email etc. to achieve business goals.
Mr Anoop Gidwani mark registration)
Chairman Mau Lam Commercial Building, 16-18 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Hong Kong Mau Lam St, Yau Ma Tel: +1 (201) 4484386
Email: [email protected], Tel: (852) 2312 0148
[email protected] Email: [email protected]

AKIN CPA limited( Abhayam Ltd. VIII. Job and career

Accounting, auditing and tax (Accounting, auditing & company Robert Walters Appointments Sara Beattie
consulting) forma- tion) Tel: (852) 2103 5300
Website: Tel: (852) 2364 0566 Tel: (852) 2507 9368/60
Website: Website:
Email: [email protected] Website:
Tel: (852) 2541 4224 /2854 2812 Email: [email protected] com

abcare insurance Blue Cross (Insurance for travellers Able Choice Drake HK
(Insurance Services) visiting HK) Tel: (852) 2152 1219 Tel: (852) 2848 9288
Tel: (852) 2895 4449 plan name - Inbound Travel Website: Website: Insurance. website:
email: [email protected]
Career Architect HK Hays
Lal’s Insurance Brokers Ltd. Tel: (852) 2620 0054 Tel: (852) 2521 8884
Insurance Services Website: Website:
5/F Wah Yuen Building
149 Queen Road, Central, Manpower HK Hudson
HK Tel: (852) 2850 5666 Tel: (852) 3915 0224 Tel: (852) 2528 1191 Website: Website:

Dilip Advani, DK Links International Easy Job Centre

A+DK Global Services Te;: (852) Tel: (852) 2588 1678
Website: Website:
11th Floor, Unit A, Wing Tat Commercial Building
121-125 Wing Lok Street, Central, Prowess Recruitment Consulting Ltd Hong Kong Desi WhatsApp Telegram Group
HK email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2838 9621 for regular job postings
Website: WhatsApp: +12014484386
Tel: (852) 6380 6671
102 103
Bluemont Consulting KEK Consultancy Cheong Shing Property Ricacorp HK TC properties
WhatsApp: (852) 92271970 Tel: (852) 2866 8839/40 Candy Lee
Web: Website: (852) 2810 9288 / (852) 9096 Mr Thomas 6651 Email:
[email protected] Tel: +852 6764 0804
Executive Access Ltd Bravo Personnel Services Ltd Service Location: Quarry Bay
Tel: (852) 2877 8772 Tel: (852) 2881 6923 Website: XI.
Movers and Shippers
Advance Resources Ambition
TransWorld International PAC n DELIVER
Tel: (852) 2895 3999 Tel: (852) 3101 3066 Anuj sangoi
Website: Website: Website: nternationalrelocationservices/? Email: [email protected] Tel: 91 984 498 8888

Charterhouse Page Personnel UBX/EZ Worldwide Express

Address:Room C, 4/Fl., VGA Building
Tel: (852) 3151 1300 Tel: (852) 3602 2400
Sky world, Mumbai 532 Castle Peak Road
Website: Website: Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
Deepak chhabria. (International courier to Hong Kong n Tel: (852) 2333 2241
rest of the world) Email: [email protected], sgill@
Online job search Tel: (91) 8452 8452 02
Indeed Banking and financial career Cell: (91) 9324388808 Website:
Website: Website: Email; [email protected]

IX. Professional Development

ANISAN Technologies Inc. XII. Car Rental
(Training and Certification in Business Analysis and Project Management, banking
domain, cyber security) Hong Kong Automobile Association HAWK
WhatsApp message: (1) 201 448 4386 / Email: [email protected] / Or
Rental Car Services Address: Corporation Park, Room 1009
anisan.technolo- [email protected]
Website: Website: 10/F, 11 Shatin On Lai Street, New
Telephone: 3583-3615/3469 Territo- ries, HK
Chrysalis Consulting Career Coaching Shinnie Steven Website:
Website: (Leadership / Life Coaching; Mental Tel: (852) 2516 9822
Tel: (852) 2358 4883 Health Counselor)
WhatsApp/WeChat/Telegram: (852) 6227 Avis Regent Limousine Service
4108 Skype: ChrysalisHK Address: 148 Queens Road, Central. Tel: (852) 28822927 / 2890 6988 Tel: (852) 8216 1266 / 2314 7946 (Only through Appointments)
Website: Website: www.regentlimo.comhk
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 98816 943

X. Housing Jubilee International Tour Company

Address: 20/F Hong Kong Trade
REAL ESTATE AGENT Centre Limited, 161 Des Voeux Road,
Central HK
Andy Mudita DV
Quarry Bay/Fortress Hill/North Point
Tel: (852) 51120752 areas Garry +852 9277 8677 Tel: (852) 3555 5555
Service Location: Taikoo Shing Neva +852 6348 8739

104 105
Home Essentials
Alibaba Provision Store Apna Provision Store
A. Décor (Wan Chai) (TST)
Ankyra Home Alo Concepts Interior Designing & Address: 20 Wood Rd, Morrison Hill, Wan Address: G/F, Grandview Mansion,
Tel: (852) 6255 8478 Contracting Chai 119/ B2 Chatham Road, TST
Email: Tel: (852) 2574 9059 Tel: (852) 9323 1092
teoman.alemdar@ankyrahome. com Tel: (852) 5170 3704
Email: [email protected] DESI bazaar Four Seasons
Address: Shop 4, 120 Caine Rd, Mid- (Sai Ying Pun)
Levels, Hong Kong Address: 164 Queen's Rd W, Sai Ying
Artistry Chinese Whisper Phone: +852 2987 4555 Pun
Khyati Mehta Tel: (852) 6711 5740 Tel: (852) 2528 5564
Tel: (852) 5691 0850 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Green Mart Superstore INDIAN STORE SODHI
Address: G/F, 287 Hennessy Rd, Wan Address: Shop No.62-63, G/F., 108
Inter China Co Ltd Planet Home Chai, Hong Kong Shopping Arcade, 19-23 Man Tai
Address: Unit B, 6F. Hong Kong Address: Mody Road 62 Tsim Sha Phone: +852 6641 9900 Street., Whampoa Estate, Hung Hom,
Jewellery Building Tsui East, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2187 2463
178-180, Queens Road Central, Tel: (852) 2367 8993.
Hong Kong Hongkong Bazaar - Indian Online Grocery Maharaja’s Indian Emporium
Tel: (852) 3588 7111 Store Address: 205, 2Fl, Haiphong Mansion,
Rouge Oranges Address: Winner Building, Floor 13, 25-37 53-55 Haiphong Road TST
Tel: (852) 9403 0082 Tai Wan Rd, Hung Hom, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2756 5611
Email: [email protected] Phone: +852 9724 2412 Email: [email protected]

SARA Global HK Ltd Sai Sajawat Lucky Indian Store Naturals Fresh Indian Grocery Store
(Interior Design - Commercial, Address:3rd Floor, roomA-2, Block Address : Montane Mansion MT13, Market at ground floor
Residential & Shops) A, 4B- 6H Carnarvon Road, G/F, Shop no. 7, 1026-1028, King's Road, Joysmark, Mun Tung Estate Tung
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Quarry Bay, HK Chung, N.T Tung Chung Lantau Island,
Address: Units K7 & K8, 4/F, Kaiser
Tel:9097 9962 Tel: (852) 9780 5492 Hong Kong
Es- tate Ph 2, 51 Man Yue Street, Email: Tel: (852) 2780 0009
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong [email protected],sunilsgh@
Tel: (852) 6799 6839
Email: [email protected] Mount Everest Store New Delhi Store
Website: (Sai Ying Pun) Address: Shop-22 & 26, G/F, 36-44
Address: 104 First Street, G/F, Sai Ying Chungking Mansion Nathan Road, Kow-
Pun loon
Tel: (852) 2548 7746 Tel:2369 3038/0571
B. FOOD AND DAILY NEEDS Email: [email protected]
I. GROCERY Website:

List of Indian Grocery stores in Hong Kong listed alphabetically. Most of them offer home Needs Concepts Ltd (online shopping)
delivery. Address: 7th floor Suite 736 Beverley Nutty Nest Nuts and seeds Mehak
Commercial centre, 87-105 Chatham Tel: (852) 9041 3558
Road South Tsim sha tsui Kowloon HK
Sheekha Trading Company (TST) Bhavika Stores
Tel : (852) 51676700
Address: Shop No, 47, Ground Floor, Tung Chung Address: Shop P4, G/F, Sea
Email : [email protected]
Mirador Mansion View Crescent Plaza
Website :
54 Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui 8 Tung Chung Waterfront Road, Tung
Tel: (852) 2721 1144 Chung, Hong Kong Also at Lohas Park
Telephone: +852-2415-5177

106 107
Regency Spices
Raj Grocery Calfit Hong Kong Cook
(Tsuen Wan)
Shop B, Gr Floor, 14 Sung Kit Street (Freshly Prepared healthy meals) Babu maharaj
Address: 8A Ming Wah Industrial Build-
Hung Hom Address: 5th floor, flat F , Comfort Build- Tel: (852) 6809 3301
ing, 17-33 Wang Lung Street, Tsuen Wan
Tel: (852) 5426 4886 ing, 86-88A Nathan Road
Tel: (852) 3525 0060
Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Rameshwar Maharaj
Season store SHEEKHA TRADERS Tel: (852) 5393 7474 Tel: (852) 6346 1618
(New Territory) Address: 54 Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Website:
Address: Fu Loi garden, 21 ground floor, Hong Kong
Na won road, Long ping, NT Phone: +852 2721 1144 Daysi Munching - Veg and Non-veg food Kismat Maharaj
Tel: (852) 2449 3625 delivery Tel: (852 9024 8340
Tel: (852) 6498 7444
Shop Easy Superstore SHOP 'N' SAVE Online Shopping Dinesh Maharaj
(TST) Website Tel: (852) 9601 0124
TST Address: Golden Crown Court, 66-70 Product or services: Electronics/Home
Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui and Kitchen appliances/ Health care/ Nimat Maharaj
Tel: (852) 2488 8402 Toys /Grocery/ Daily Needs Tel: (852) 5547 3717
Hung Hom Address: Shop No.62-63,
G/F., 108 Shopping Arcade, 19-23 Man Tel: +852 9184 3119 Ebeneezer's Kebabs & Pizzeria Kirat tiffin service
Tai Street., Whampoa, Hung Hom Middle-Eastern & Indian Cuisine Ms Harkeerat kaur
Tel: (852) 2187 2463 Website: Website: (Home made Veg Tiffin service for
Whatsapp: +852 3622 3622 Lunch& Dinner)
SpiceStore.HK (Central/Sheung Wan) Star Mart Service Location: Hong Kong island
Address: Sheung Wan (TST) Tel: (852) 6571 7606
Telephone: +852-29442336 Tel: (852) 2366 6534
WhatsApp: (852) 9888 3559 Discovery Bay
Website: Tel: (852) 2366 6534(Discovery Namkeen Hk (Dry Snacks) ShefByte
Bay) Hung Hom Dinal Parekh Mehta Indian Snacks and Sweets
Tel: (852) 2359 2907 13/B , dorfu court , 5-6 HAUFOOK Address:701, 7th floor, Rise Commercial
Website: street, Tsim SHA TSUI , kowloon Na Na Building, 5-11, Granville Circuit, behind
Tel: (852) 5939 4585 Park Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui
Suvai Foods – Specialty Grocery Taste of india email: [email protected] Tel: +85262844513
Address: 2407, Lucida Industrial Tel: (852) 6900 6923
Building, 43-47, Wang Lung Adress 41 a hing ming building 13th floor
Street, granville road tst, Hong Kong Shamrock Catering Group Sai Catering Services
Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong Aahar catering service Sweets and snacks Tel: (852) 6908 6335
Tel: (852) 6229 3402
Website: Tel: (852) 5192 0556

Swad Provision Store (Muskan) (Kwai Veg Hamper Grocery Store

Address: Bank Building, 51 Tai Loong Whatsup: (852) 9377 7671 Tel:
(852) 2366 2733 Kama Delivery Catering Riya Tiffin service Jassi Food Delivery
Street, Kwai Chung
Address: Hong Kong, 26-32 Tel: (852) 6253 2615
Telephone: Tel: (852) 2234 6158
Kingsford Industrial Building Phase 1
Deepali Tiffin Services
Aartivegmeals Brownieasmic Sapna Tiffin Services
(Vegetarian Meal set and special Tel: (852) 5116 4555
Charmaine N Nigel Rangel
items) Parikh Aarti
Tower6 Caribbean coast Tung Chung
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (852) 6629 4876
Tel: (852) 5617 0059

108 109

III Bakers
D. Gift

Ask cakes Harsha Cake Shop Adorn Creations Perfume Station

Tel: (852) 9711 3466 Harsha Adorn Creations Perfume Station Tel: (852) 9757 9092 Tel: (852) 9500 9812 TEl: (852) 6904 2277 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected]
Renaud Lifestyle Products Ltd
Baking Maniac Kizhi Tel: (852) 9362 9212
Tel: (852) 6699 8093 Home baker
Website : Tel: (852) 5537 7702 Mantra Hong Kong Vinayak Impex Ltd
ndian Metal Handicrafts in Brass, Copper (Home Decor & Gifts)
Cake-A-Holic Radha's Delights Tel: (852) 9362 9212 / 5804 4760 Address: Room 1110, 11th Floor,
Tel: (852) 6807 9436 Shivani Singh and Bronze Website: Premier Centre, 20 Cheung Shun
Email:[email protected] Website: Address: Unit 706, 7/F, Beverly Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon,
Email: [email protected] Commercial Center Hong Kong
Flavours of Eggless and Themed 87-105, Chatham Road South Tsim Sha Tel: (852) 96422685
Tsui Contact person: Krishma (Sonia)
Cakers n Bakers Cakes Tel – (852) 94108712
Soumya Sanket Venisha parekh Website:
Tel: (852) 6572 0217 Add- 56 7/f Kimali court
Email: Kimberley road, TST
[email protected]
Service Location: Tung Chung

Tailor Baked Eggless and Themed Cakes

Tel: (852) 5222 5245 Website: Venisha parekh
tailorbaked.hkS Add- 56 7/f Kimali court Kimberley
road, TST


Gaylord Restaurant for indoor and Party Planner

outdoor Party Birthday party planner
Address: 5/F, Prince Tower, 12A Peking Tel: (91) 95607 64960 This is list will help you identify the place for donating your reusable items such as books,
Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong clothes, furniture electronic appliances etc. to needy.
Phone: (852) 2376 1001 Crossroads Foundation Flow Bookshop
Items to give away: wearable clothing, Items to give away: Books
Revel Events HK Ltd The Nest Hong Kong electrical appliances, furniture and house- Address: G/F-1/F, Kai Fung Mansion
Address: is 7th Floor, 736,Beverley Private Venue Space hold goods, baby items and toys. 189 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan
Com- Address: 4/F, Grand Progress Building, Address: Crossroads Foundation, Cross- Hong Kong
mercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham Road 15-16 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong roads Village, 2 Castle Peak Road, Tuen
South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Mun, Hong Kong, Facebook Page: FlowBookshop
Kong Tel: (852) 2984 9309, Tel: (852) 9278 5664
Tel: (852) 37067796 Tel: (852) 28690399 Website:

110 111

Friends of the Earth Mother’s Choice

Girish Baveja Mac WinTech
Items to give away: All wearable clothing, Items to give away: baby items such as
Tel: (852) 9237 0589 Email: [email protected]
shoes and handbags. clothes, bibs, changing board, toys etc.,
electric appliances, camera, air- Computer Trouble-shooters (Laptop
Kitsoft Ltd repair,
Tel: (852) 2528 5588 condition- ers
(Computer repair)
Website: Address: Mother’s Choice, 10 Borrett data recovery, virus removal)
Address: 21st Floor, Unit B1, Gaylord
Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong, Address: Dah Sing Life Building, 2nd
Commercial Building, 114-118 Lockhart
Tel: (852) 3915 5710 floor, 99 Des Voeux Rd Central, Hong
Rd, Wan Chai
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (852) 3114 9555 Kong
Tel: (852) 2270 1305/(852) 6403 7272

Broadband UBuy
Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth
Mr. Chan
This is government organization established in 1970 to support people with disabilities. For online Electronics shopping
Jacky HK Broadband
Items to give away: clothing and books Website:
Tel: (852) 6227 7728
Address: Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth, G/F, 16-21 Wan Kee House,
Location: Hong Kong all location
Wang Tau Hom Estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2388 5111

Po Leung Kuk Orphanage

Handyman, repairs and movers
Remar Hong Kong (AC, washing machine, refrigerator and other repair)
Items to give away: Books, all wearable Items to give away: electrical appliances,
clothing, handbags, small home appli- furniture, and other home items
ances, computers, stationery, household Tel: (852) 3193 4919
items, baby items, toys etc. Carpet Servi Carpenter
Email: [email protected], Mr. Chong Mr Jabar
Address: 66 Leighton Road, Wan Chai, Website:
Hong Kong Yu Tak Carpet Carpentering, painting, plumbing, electric,
Tel: (852) 2277 8888 Tel: (852) 9376 3668 assembling, wall paper work
Website: Service location: Tseung Kwan o Tel: (852) 5488 9475
Service location: Hong Kong (all locations)

• Swire Properties in Taikoo Shing: They offer drop off box (next to Marigold building), Chong chi engineering co Mr Cheung, AC King Installation
for used clothes and shoes. They collect them, wash them, and donate them to needy (AC repair and cleaning) Tel: (852) (AC installation)
people. 2818 8890 Whatsup: (852) 6026 Tel: (852) 5402 0901 / (852) 5233 3321 /
8268 (852) 5233 3321
• World Vision: This foundation regularly manages events that encourage individuals
Location: Tsen Wan
to recycle old books.
• Thrift Stores: Another way to clear away your unwanted books is to resell or give them Electrician Electrician Mani
away to thrift stores. Thrift stores usually sell items at a discounted price, and some of Electric Repair (Mixer grinder and electric appliances
them even donate a percentage of their revenue to charitable organisations. Tel: (852) 2285 3130 repairing)
Tel: (852) 8207 1333
Service location: Hong Kong all locations
Electrician Paul
XIV. Repair and Services (Refrigerator Repair) Ms Hon, Leiungon Engineering
Tel: (852) 2406 8663 (AC and electrical work) Tel: (852) 9186
Computer Repair Email: [email protected] 1063 Service location: TST
Service location: Central
Wan Chai Computer Center Karanjeet Singh/Karan
1st and 2nd floor, Mobile Repair Center Mr Mak, Kai Electrician Mr Lam
130 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai Tel: (852) 5728 6260 (karan) / (852) Lik Air Condition Co. (AC Repairing)
(Next to McDonalds) 5326 0846 (mr Vicky) (AC installation and repairing) Tel: (852) 9227 2837 Hung Hum (MTR B)
It has over 100 shops, which sell or repair Tel: (852) 9739 1855 / (852) 2730
computers, mobile, and electronic items. 2894 Location: Jordan

112 113

Chem-Dry Hong Kong Limited Key Maker

Electrician Mr Leung Electrician Lee, Franco AC Ching Ngi Professional Lock Center
(AC repairing) Cleaners Address: G/F, Hang Tak Building, 1 Elec-
tric St, Wan Chai Tel: (852) 2365 8561
Tel: (852) 5128 9529 Tel: (852) 9659 3179 Address: Shop C1, G/F, Tak Man Building
Location: Tung Chung Service location: West point Tel: (852) 2127 7118

Electrician Peter So Electrician Tam Ka Leong ,Tung Hing Elle

(AC Repairing) Air-conditioning Engineering Tony (Luggage repair)
Tel: (852) 9463 3029 (Washing machine, refrigerator, air (Luggage repair) Tel: (852) 2408 8785
Service location: Yai Ma Tei condi- tioning repairing) Tel: (852) 9843 9661 whatsApp: (852) 5616 9849 Email:
Tel: (852) 6088 2543/2330 7312 [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Electrician Leo and Grace Electrician Mani Mixer / Grinder Repair

Clean Green Solutions Ltd (Leo Tel: (852) 9710 4401 XVI. Helpers’ Training
Tel: (852) 9852 5928
Electrician Leung Electrician - Tse (Child Care, First Aid & CPR) Address: Sunbeam Commercial Building,
(Refrigerator repair) ( AC Repairing)
Address: The Family Zone, 3/F, 12 Crown 469 Nathan Rd, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 6306 7487 Tel: (852) 9070
Service location: Hong Kong (all 6233 TST Terrace, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong, Phone: +852-96035956
Handyman Handyman - Harry Tel: (852) 9887 3235
David Tel: (852) 9151 9441 Website Link:
Tel (852) 6227 0423 Service location: Kowloon & TST helpers-child-care-first-aid-cpr
Handyman - Jimmy Handyman
Tel: (852) 9552 6160 Tel: (852) 9477 0221 Dee Dream Life COOK LIKE A CHEF by Meenu Chugani
Service location: Pokfulam and Kennedy Service location: Taikoo Shing / North Address: Man Cheung Building, 15-17 Cooking Classes
town Point Wyndham Street Central Telephone: +852 6083 0430,
Handyman - Lam Handyman - Shun King Phone: +852-63344266
(Handyman) (Handyman)
Tel: (852) 9677 7208 Tel: (852) 5399 2476
Service location: South Horizon Service location: Taikoo Shing / North
Point XVII. Useful Networking places
A. Indian Association
Handyman Ming
Tel: (852) 9535 3904 Tel (852) 9036 1628
The Indian Chamber of Commerce Hong Forum of Indian Professionals of Hong
Mahir Joe Kong Kong
(BL Construction and Repair Services) (Plumber) Ms Bharti Manek Mr. Anurag Bhatnagar
Tel: (852) 6388 6049 Tel: (852) 6111 2469 Chairperson President
Email: [email protected] Location of service: 2/F., Hoseinee House, 69 Wyndham St., P.O. Box 20571, Hennessy Road, Hong
Mover and packers Movers and Packer C., Hong Kong Kong Email : [email protected]
Kashi Shayne Email – [email protected]. [email protected]
Tel: (852) 5931 3637 Tel: (852) 6150 1275
Rajasthani Samaj Sarjan Group
Siu Kwok Kuen Mr Junare Sunny Sewa Committee Mr. Rashmin Donda
Wai Wing Uphostery & Curtain PSS Decoration and Engineering, PO Box 95887, Tsim Sha Tsui Post President
Flst B 7/F Block 2 Kingley Industrial Build- Furniture Repair and decor Office, Kowloon 1103, 11/F, Harbour Centre - 2, 8 Hok
ing 33 YIP KAN ST, Wong CHUK HANG (office, shop and home), Carpentering, Email: [email protected] Cheung Street, Hunghom, Kowloon
Tel: (852) 9013 6162 plumbing, electric work Website: Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 6169 2392 Tel: Tel: (852) 3523 0390
(852) 2544 3041

114 115

Rotary Kowloon Golden Miles Gujarat Samaj Hong Kong Bengali Association Hong Kong Guide by Hong Kong Desi
Mr. Sunny Dass, President. 2523Unit C&D, 11/Floor,Centre Mark II, Mr Alok Roy, President Community and networking Groups
50 Nathan Road,Tsim sha Tsui. Unit B, 22nd Floor Unionway Commercial
305-313 Queen’s Road Central,
Center To join, please send message at:
Website: Hong Kong. 283 Queen's Road Central
Tel: (852) 2369 3111 Email: [email protected] Hong Kong WhatsApp: (852) 6607 0034
Email : [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Hindu Association Sindhi Association of HK & China Tel: (852) 3408 7939 Website:
Mr. Lal Hardasani Mr. Notan Tolani
President President & Co Founder B. Ladies club/group
G.P.O. Box 8073, Hong Kong 15th floor, 29-39, Ashley Road, TST,
Email : [email protected] Kowloon Hong Kong Desi’ Mom’s Group
Email – [email protected] A group to share and support moomies for topics related to school, extra curricular
Tel: (852) 2367 0009. activities, health, food etc.
WhatsupApp Group
Tel: (852) 66070034
Nav Bharat Club India Club
Mr. Gurmit Singh, President Mr. Nanu P. Lachman American Women’s Association of HK Hong Kong Indians Women’s Club
3/F, Bel Trade Comm. Bldg President 9A, Chun Wo Commercial Centre, 23-29 Mrs. Indra Banga, President
1-3 Burrows Street, Wanchai, 24, Gascoigne Road, King's Park, Wing Wo Street, HKIWC, GPO BOX 3167
Hong Kong Sheung Wan Hong Kong Email - [email protected]
Tel: (852) 2526 6889
Email: [email protected] Email : [email protected] Tel: (852) 2592 8265 / 2527 2961
Tel: (852) 2893 1628 Tel: (852) 2388 8184
Italian Women’s Association Kowloon Indian Ladies Group
Indian Businessmen’s Association India Association Address: Unit 304 – 7 | 3F Laford Centre, Mrs. Deepa Gidwani, President
Mr. Raj Manik, Chairperson Mr. Arun Nigam 838 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, C/o Sigma Electronic (HK) Ltd.
Car Po Commercial Building, 5th President Kowloon 16/Fl. Unit 527, Block "A", 34-36 Au Pul
Floor, Room 501, 18 -20, Email: [email protected] Wan Street, N.T. Hong Kong
TST PO Box 96625 Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Email : [email protected],
2602 8898
Email: [email protected]
indianbusinessmensassociation@ Tel: (852) 2311 6358 Ladies Recreation Club Mums@PLAY Address: 10 Old Peak Road, Mid-levels, Ms. MEHROO TUREL
Tel: (852) 2524 0018 Hong Kong Address: Pokfulam, Hong Kong Tel: (852)
Tel: (852) 3199 3500 6330 9258
Indian Recreation Club Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected],
Maharashtra Mandal
Mr. J. S. Dhillon, President Mr. Manoj Kulkarni, President Website:
63 Caroline Hill Road, Sookunpoo Hong Kong
Valley, Hong Kong
Email:[email protected]
Email: XVIII. Socio-cultural Activities
[email protected]
Tel: (852) 2890 3213 / 2576 4336 Tel: (852) 6600 1695 Leisure and Cultural Service Department, Hong Kong Government
Customer Hotline: 2921 0208 or 1823
Kannada Sangha Hong Kong NRI Association Email: [email protected] *
Sameer Pranesh, President: Mr. Ram H. Tolani List of contact details under each activity:
Kannada Sangha - Hong Kong Chairman
Flat B, 8/F, Lok Chung Building, Rm. 2810 Bank of America Tower, 12
Community Sports Club Programmes
402-404 Lockhart Road, Harcourt Road, Hong Kong Link:
Hong Kong Email : [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2868 3362
Tel: (852) 9176 4107



Cultural Programmes Happy Valley Hindu Temple TOUCH Center, Lantau
Link: 1B Wong Nai Chung Rd, Happy Valley, Tel: (852) 2988 1422
Hong Kong Email: [email protected]
Greening Tel: (852) 2572 5284
Hope Center, Wan Chai
Tel: (852) 2834 6863 / 2836 3598
Email: [email protected]
Heritage and Museum Programmes

XX. Fashion
Major Community Programmes Hong Kong Designers and Custom Tailor
A & H Designs Arisha Boutique
Tel: (91) 96957 44115/ (86) 20 8189 Arisha Boutique
XIX. Religious / places and services 7166 Address: To Kwa Wan,Hung Hom,
Email: [email protected] Kowloon
Happy Valley Hindu Temple TTST Hindu Temple Website: Tel: (852) 56633621
1B Wong Nai Chung Rd, Happy Valley, Address: 2F, 8-10 Carnarvon Rd, Tsim Email: [email protected]
Hong Kong Sha Tsui, Kowloon Baysic Apparels Ethinica
Phone: 2572 5284 Phone: 2366 0080 Tel: (852) 9731 7104 Exclusive saris
[email protected] email: [email protected]
NPM-Tuen Mun, Hong Kong ISKON Temple
Address: Tai Hing Estate Hing Shing Address: 6/F, Ocean View Court, 27
House, 4 Tai Hing St, Tuen Mun Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui
Tel: (852) 5540 4121 Kowloon Fine and Rhine Kaprice / Maple
Tel: (852) 2724 2186 Devi Harjani Address: KAPRICE HQ
Address: 2/F, 68-70 Wellington C WISDOM CENTRE – 11F, 35
Gurdwara Khalsa Diwan Saibaba temple St.,Central, Hong Kong HOLLYWOOD RD,
Address: Stubbs Rd Wan Chai, Address: 7th Floor, Minden House, 13- Tel: (852) 2721 8166 Central Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2572 4459 15 Minden Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2509 1133
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 3954 5719
Website: Email: [email protected]
BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir Vaishali Mata Mandir
Address: Kaiser Estate Phase 1, 10th Address: 5 Wood Rd, Morrison Hill, L & K Custom Bespoke Tailor LXN Collection
floor unit F, 41 Man Yue St, Hung Hom Wan Chai Address: 2, Carnavon Road, Tsim Sha Address:2B, Tak Fai Building, 17
Tel: (852) 9310 3752 Tel: (852) 9665 1642 Tsui, Kowloon Percival Street, 85200, CausewayBay
Tel: (852) 2369 7287 Tel: (852) 6850 3673
Chinmaya mission Art of Living Society of HK
Address: 11/F, Ocean View Court, 43 Address: 1901, Arion Commercial Website:
Mody Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 2-12 Queen's Road West,
Tel: (852) 2367 3390 Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Island Mahesh jadhav photography Mitzy B Festive Boutique
Website: Tel: (852) 2369 7881 (Product Photographer, portraits and Address: 7F Salisbury Room, Conrad Email: [email protected] traditional Indian photography) hotel, Hong Kong
Address: Yee fung garden, block A, yuen Tel: (852) 9152 6355
Kowloon Mosque and Islamic Centre Maharaj Manish Sharma, Priest
long, NT, Hongkong Email: [email protected]
Address: 105 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Performing Rituals and Puja
Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Location: Tung Chung, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 6717 4489 [email protected]
Tel: (852) 2724 0095 Tel: (852) 9665 7941 Website:

118 119

Party Sharty Clothing Raja Fashions KARP Jewellery Mfg HK Ltd KAJAL NAINA
Tel: (852) 6905 2270 Tel: (852) 2366 7624 Tel: (852) 2369 3000 Shop 2208A, Level 2
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Gateway Arcade, Harbour City Website: Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2623 9488
Sam’s Tailor Sanskrit, Bespoke Fashion Website:
Address: Burlington Arcade, 90-94c 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Luna Piena L’Dezen Jewellery
Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Suite 1604, Address:Shop G84, G/F Peninsula Centre, Address: Room 901, 9/F.,Tower 2,
Tel: (852) 2367 9423 Central, Hong Kong. 67 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Harbour Centre,8 Hok Cheung Street,
Website: Phone: (+852) 2545 2088 Kowloon, Hong Kong Hunghom, Kowloon
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2722 1228 Tel: (852) 2180 7346
Style Yourself Amazing by G SUMMER
Ms. Gurjit Nahal (Collection of smart cotton casuals) M & R Jewellers Ltd Monarque Jewelry
Tel: (852) 6644 5207 Ms. Mehroo turel Address:19/F Siu Ying Building Address: 14/F, Flat F, Far East Mansion,
Website: Address: Pokfulam, Hong Kong 153 Queen's Road Central,Hong Kong 5 - 6 Middle Road, TST, Kowloon Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2521 4388 Tel: (852) 6100 2624
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 6330 9258 Website: Email:[email protected]

Niya K Saama Fine Jewellers

Address:905 Podium Plaza, 5 Hanoi Address:19/F Siu Ying Building
RoadTsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,Hong Kong 153 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 9105 1516 Tel: (852) 2521 3488
XXI. Jewellery

Sadivas jewels Sai Gems

Aaliya Fine Jewels Ashley Jade & Jewellery
Tel: (852) 2366 1818 Address:Room 713, Beverley
Tel: (852) 6015 9511 Address: G/F, No.548 Canton Road,
Commercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham
Email:[email protected] Kowloon
Sanskriti Jewellers Limited Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong
Website: Tel: (852) 2781 4028
Address: 170 Temple St, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong
om/ Email:[email protected]
Kong Tel: (852) 2366 1687
Phone: +852 2771 8114
Global Links House of Jewels
Shloka Jewels
Address: Room B, 18th Floor, Star Address:1105-06, Rise Commercial
Address : Unit 1102, 11/F Block A, Focal Tempt Me by Temptations
Mansion, 3-5 Minden Row, T.S.T., Building
Industrial Centre, 21 Man Lok Street, Hung Tel: (852) 2722 0268
Kowloon, Hong Kong 5-11 Granville Circuit, Kowloon, Hong
Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2369 7325 Kong
Tel: (852) 9634 6701
Email:[email protected] Tel: (852) 27224443
Email:[email protected]
Innaya Jewelry Karat Art
Address: 704, Guardforce Centre, Address:Unit 801, Cambridge House, 26-
VKS Jewellery Zaha et Cetera Jewellery
3 Hok Yuen Street E., Hung Hom, 28 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Tel: (852) 2364 9985 Tel: (852) 9191 3406
Kowloon, Hong Kong. Kowloon, HK Website
Tel: (852) 3154 9603 Tel: (852) 6176 9249
Website: Email:[email protected]
120 121

Sehri Superstar Beauty Parlour TAMANA Beauty Parlour

FASHION JEWELLERY Tel: (852) 6160 8718 (Facial, bridal makeup)
Shop No G15, G/F, Montane Mansion, No
1028 King Road, Quarry Bay
Tel: (852) 6478 8247

Mona Shroff
(Fashion Jewellery and tableware Designer)
Address: Mac Donnell Road, Mid- Levels, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 6335 9091
XXIII. Lifestyle

Shernaz kharadi F&S A La Fete – Personalized Gifts & Accessories Anjali Mukhi
Pooja V. Jeandani( ACCESSORIES Tel: (852) 6083 3034 Tel: (852) 9171 6955
Silver and Artificial Jewellery) Handbags, clutches , silver and costume
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Website:[email protected] Email:[email protected]
Tel: (852) 5562 3285 Tel: (852) 9525 2593
Ali G Photography Vedarth Astro consultant
Sher [email protected]
Address:Suite F, Floor 9, Tower 125 KP, Nakshatra Nadi Astrologer and Vastu
11 Po Yan Street,Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Address: 1106 B, Chevalier House, 45
Tel: (852) 6110 0569 Chatham Rd. South, TST, KL, HK
Beauty Treatment Tel: (852) 9744 4772

Auspicious Times Limited Books and Beyond Reading

Tel: (852) 9835 8074 Reading club and activity group
Aanchal Chandiramani
Bella Marie France(
Complete beauty treatment
Face treatment, body treatment, laser hair
Tel: (852) 98365024
Address: The L. Place, 9th floor, 137-141 Carla Personal Styling Casa Vinho HK Portuguese Wine
Queen's Road Central, Central Tel: (852) 6461 6712 Tel: (852) 6295 7727
Tel: (852) 2973 0930
WhatsApp: (852) 9706 1528
Beautician Ravinder Choco by Manisha Cineworld
Komal :
Beauty salon
Tel: (852) 53986150 Tel: (852) 6277 2063 Email:[email protected]
Tel: (852) 9289 7474
Email:[email protected]

Joyce Looks HK Creations For You Open Rice

Khoob Surat, A Beauty parlour
Priya Gill Tel: (852) 5580 0073 Coupons and deals on Restaurants
Shop No 135, 1st Floor, Far East Mansion,
Make up and beauty salon Tel: (852) Email:[email protected] Website:
No 5-6, Middle Road, TST, Kawoon, HK
6425 1157 Email: [email protected] ongkong
Tel: (852) 2367 7742
Website: Dram Good Stuff Whisky Shoppe Expat Living
Monica Sharma Tel: (852) 9753 8446 Tel: (852) 3480 7614
Style and Smile Email: [email protected]
Complete Beauty treatment, Home
Ridhi V Davda
service available Website:
Tel: (852) 5328 0800
Tel: (852) 9469 6091
Frangipani Giftology
Tel: (852) 3464 9094 Tel: (852) 5660 6890
Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected]

122 123

Golden Elements Feng Shui Green Cosmo Lifestyle Kids products Livington Enterprises Limited Macey & Sons
Tel: (852) 9211-6258 Tel: (852) 2372 0972 Tel: (852) 6222 6361, 2557 9233 Email: Address:19 & 20/F Winsome House,
Email:[email protected] FB: GreenCosmo [email protected] Website: Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 3468 7908
Email: [email protected]
HK Liquor Store Website:
Tel: (852) 3543 0039 Hong Kong
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2592 5902 Malt Masters METROPOLIS MUSEUM website: FB: Address: Genesis 17fl/ 33-35 Wong
tershk Chuk Hang Road
Itaste Organic Delicacies Website: Tel: 91612105
Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre - 7A
Address:1-3 Pedder Street, Central, HK
Kennedy Road Michele Wisla Food Photography Mind Radiance
Tel: (852) 6109 3651,5666 0432 Tel: (852) 9732 9291 Tel: (852) 6695 2747
Email:[email protected] Website:

Imagine Station Ltd Liquidz Perfume Station

Address:Suite 2104 - 7, Shui On Tel: (852) 6681 1349 Organiac – Organic & Natural Products Tel: (852) 6904 2277
Centre, 6-8 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Email:[email protected]. Tel: (852) 9746 2631 Email: [email protected]
Tel: (852) 3589 8200 [email protected] Website:
Peace Within Foundation Pillariwine Wine and sake
Light Jar Photography LiqrBox Tel: (852) 2739 8681 Tel: (852) 2851 7818
Tel: (852) 67997794 Tel: (852) 6906 5190 Email: [email protected] Website:
Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected]
Website: Livington Enterprises Limited Renaud Lifestyle Products Ltd Secret Ingredient
Tel: (852) 6222 6361, 2557 9233 Tel: (852) 9362 9212 Tel: (852) 9134 1181
Website: Website:

Kutz & Kolorz by Sia Heera Malt Masters Shopnsave Super Rich Foods
Tel: (852) 9460 7371 FB: Deal on your daily shopping Website: Tel: (852) 6076 0350
Email:[email protected] ershk Email: [email protected]
Vedarth Astro Vintage Wines & Spirits Hong Kong
Macey & Sons Address: 1106 B, Chevalier House, 45 Tel: (852) 9518 0032 / 6799 8826
Michele Wisla Food Photography
Address:19 & 20/F Winsome House, Chatham Rd. South, TST, KL, HK Website:
Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 9732 9291 Tel: (852) 9744 4772
Tel: (852) 3468 7908 Email: [email protected]
Email:[email protected]

XXIV. Health
Mind Radiance
Business Details: 100 HKD
Tel: (852) 6695 2747
ADMISSION FEE. OPEN 7 DAYS A Dr Sandeep Jain Spine Center
Smith & Jain Dental Implant Practice Address: Suite 1007, 10/F, Yu To Sang
Address: GENESIS 17FL/ 33-35 #703, Century Square, No 1 D’Aguilar Building, 37 Queen's Road Central, Cen-
WONG CHUK HANG ROAD Organiac – Organic & Natural Products Street, Central tral, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 91612105 Tel: (852) 9746 2631 Tel: (852) 2526 2383 Tel: +852 2886 8482
[email protected] Website:

124 125
a. Transportation
Dr Isabella Poon Atlas Chiropractic Hong Kong Airport van Bill, Taxi Air Port
(Gynaecologist) Address: 8/F, 10 Pottinger St, Central Tel: (852) 66023786 Tel: (852) 6543 3339
Address: 528 Nathan Rd # 801, Onward Tel: (852) 2110 3901
Bldg. Kowloon, Hong Kong Website:
Tel: (852) 2770 2188
Airport Taxi Services Bill, Taxi Air Port
NOVO Medical Group (Mong kok) Dr Kalyani Poddar Clinic Jason Tel: (852) 6543 3339
(Cardiology, Dermatology, Neurology, (Gynaecologist) Tel (852) 5445 8002
Ophthalmology and more) Address: Suite 704-707, 7/F, Grand
Room 1201-04, Pioneer Centre, Prince
Edward, Kowloon
Centre, 8 Humphrey Ave, TST, Kowloon
Hong Kong;
XXVI. Travel Agent
Tel: (852) 2787 2919 Tel: (852) 9328 4758 Business Name: Eskay Travels
Tel: (852) 2722 4332/(852) 2724 3797 (Mr Sunny/Ms
Mr Warren Lam Dr. Terry Hung Kate ) email ID: [email protected] /
Physiotherapist (ENT Central) [email protected]
(Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Address:16-18 Queens Road, New World
rehabilitation services) Tower 1, Room No. 403-404 Central
Address: Room 3A, Yun Tat Commercial
Building, 70-74 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom,
Hong Kong
Indian Restaurants
Kowloon Please don’t be disheartened by social distancing. You still can enjoy the delicious food
Tel: (852) 2355 7355/6055 3325 either takeaway or food delivery services as most of them deliver food through
Website: foodpanda or deliveroo or ubereats. Many restaurants offer discount on takeaway food.

(Please note that the details of all Government and private hospitals are
mentioned din the Anjappar Chettinad Indian Restaurant Basmati Indian Restaurant | Taste Of
Address: Multifield Plaza, UNIT 202, 2/F, India |
main section of the medical care.)
NO.3 Prat Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Address: San Toi Building, MTR EXIT C,
Website: 137-139 Connaught Rd Central, Sheung
Tel: (852) 3428 5757 Wan, Hong Kong
XXV. Alternate Healing Tel: (852) 2541 0995

Bengal Brothers (Wan Chai) Bombay Dreams

Address: G/F, 6 Johnston Rd, Wan Chai, Address: 1/F, Winning Centre, HK Hong
Chakra by Priya Cesta House of Healing Hong Kong Kong Island, 46 Wyndham St, Central,
Address:19/F, Siu Ying Building, 153 Business Details: Unleashing the Power Phone: +852 9245 8774 Hong Kong
Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong of the mind to Heal & Empower People. Website: Menu:
Tel: (852) 2521 4388 ThetaHealing training courses, Past life Phone: +852 2811 9888
Email: [email protected] regression, Chakra healing & a lot more
Website: Address: Tsim Sha Tsui BRANTO Cal Fit
Tel: (852) 6777 4478 Address: 1st floor, No, 9 Lock Rd, Tsim ADDRESS: 4th Floor, 10 Prat Building, 10
Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Prat Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui Kow- loon
Balaguru Nadi Astrologer Holistic Wellbeing Tel: (852) 2366 8171 Hong Kong. What's app number
Accurate online predictions and Ms Smita More website: 53937474
Jyotishya consultancy based on Tel: (852) 6333 7189 website:
finger print Email:
Tel: (91) 73037 95733(India) [email protected] Central Indian Restaurant Hong Kong CHAAT
Website: Address: Address: Victoria Dockside, 5/F
Unit 101, 1/F, Cheung's Building, Rosewood, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha
Vedarth Astro Sanskar classes by International Desi 1-3 Wing Lok St, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tsui, Hong Kong
Vedic Astrology and vastu virtual classes to create future leaders website: Phone: +852 3891 8732
Address: 1106 B Chevalier House based on sanatan values Tel: (852) 2850 5075
45 Chatham Road South, TST, summer Camp and weekend classes in
Kowloon, Hong Kong Hong Kong and India
Tel: +852-97444772 whatsApp: +1(201) 448 4386
126 127

Chutney Tandoor House Clay Oven Indian Restaurant Indian Palate friendly restaurants
4th Floor, Carfield Commercial Building, Address: Kam Hing Building, 27-31 This is the list of highly recommended fine dinning to make your special day more special.
77 Wyndham Street, Central Catchick St, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong These restaurants offer fine dining ambience as well as Indian palate friendly international
Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2872 6900 cuisines.
Namo Tosca di Angelo
Tel: (852) 2330 0027
Thai, Asian and vegetarian friendly Italian, European and Vegetarian Friendly
Shop G18, Empire Centre, 68 Mody 1 Austin Road West Level 102, Interna-
Curry Leaf Indian Cuisine Dilliwale - The Indian Food Paradise
Road, TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong tional Commerce Centre, Hong Kong
Address: Mau Lam Commercial Address: 9F, Kyoto Plaza, 491-499
Website: China website:
Building, G/F & M/F, 16-18 Mau Lam St, Lockhart Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Jordan, Hong Kong Providers
Tel: (852) 2739 1133 hotels/china/hong-kong/dining/tosca
Website: Phone: +852 6900 1584
Tel: (852) 2263 2270
Tel: (852) 8100 0911
Caprice (Central)
French, European Grissini (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong)
Gaylord Indian Restaurant Ebeneezer's Kebabs & Pizzeria (Chain of
6F, Four Seasons Hotel, Central Four Italian, European and Vegetarian Friendly
Address: 5/F, Prince Tower, 12A Peking Indian & Middle-Eastern Restaurant)
Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, Hong Kong Address: 2/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 1
Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Website:
China Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2376 1001 Tel: (852) 2157 0009
website: China Website: //
hongkong/dining/restaurants/caprice/ rants-and-bars/grissini/
India Gate Restaurant and Bar Wanchai Jo Jo Indian Cuisine
Tel: (852) 3196 8860 Tel: 852 2584 7722
Address: UNIT A, First Floor, Hundred Address: 2/ Floor, David House, 37-39
City Centre, 7-17 Amoy St, Wan Chai, Lockhart Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Phone: +852 2527 3776
Phone: +852 2382 6588 Gaddi's
French, European and Vegetarian Café Gray Deluxe
Friendly 1/F, The Peninsula Hotel, European, vegetarian friendly
Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong 49/F, 88 Queensway, Pacific Place, The
Address: G/F., No, 2 Tsing Fung St, Hong Kong
Kong China Upper House, Admiralty
North Point, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2566 8411 G/F, 21 Ha Ling Pei Tsuen Tung Chung. website:
en/hong-kong/hotel-fine-dining/gad- Tel: +852 3968 1106;
Tel: (852) 2109 1927
dis-french-restaurant Website:
Tel: (852) 2696 6763
Saravana Bhavan Namaste Kitchen
Address: 1st Floor, Katherine House, G/F, No.38 Queens Road West, Sheung
No.53-55 Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui, Wan, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Website:
Tel: (852) 2736 1127 Tel:
(852) 2795 7555

TagLine Sangeeta
ADDRESS: 4th Floor, 10 Prat Building, Address: Wing On Plaza, UG 1-4 & 31,
10 Prat Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui Kow- 62 Mody Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
loon Hong Kong. What's app number Tel: (852) 2640 2123
53937474, Landline number 23293311

Tandoori junction Indian Restaurant Tulsi Indian Restaurant

Address: G/F, 58 Tung Lo Wan Rd, Address: 13-15 Hoi Kwong St, Quarry
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Bay, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2494 7000 Tel: (852) 2561 2968 Starter at NAMO, PAN ASIA BRISTO AND BAR

128 129


is another 100% vegetarian
Indian joint that serves South In- dian
This is 100% vegetarian South In- dian as well as North Indian cui- sine.
vegetarian restaurant that is offers Address: 1st Floor, Katherine House,
CONTINENTAL VEGAN RESTAURANTS varieties of cuisines that are inspired No.53-55 Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha
Continental Vegan Restaurants in Hong Phone: +852 2888 2640 by traditional Udupi and Chettinad style Tsui
Kong Vegan Babe is a popular vegan café that of cooking. Tel: (852) 2736 1127
Hong Kong is known for its diverse serves a variety of European-inspired Address: Tsim Sha Tsui, Mody Rd, 6 UG
culinary scene, offering a wide range of dishes. The café is known for its hearty 1-5,31 Wing On Plaza KAILASH PARBAT
dining options for both vegans and breakfasts, including vegan versions of Tel: (852) 2640 2123 This is a franchise of famous Indian
vegetarians. The city is home to numerous traditional European dishes such as Kailash Parbat chain res- taurant that
continental vegan restaurants that serve crepes, waffles, and sandwiches. The GAYLORD INDIAN RESTAURANT offers 100 % Veg- etarian restaurant
delicious plant-based dishes inspired by menu also includes salads, soups, and This is one of the oldest surviving and and the best place for Indian street
various European cuisines. Here are mains, such as vegan burgers and pasta serving Indian restaurant in Hong Kong. food lo- cated in TST.
several popular continental vegan dishes. It offers plenty of vegetarian dishes. It Address: 302, Multifield Plaza, 3-7
restaurants in Hong Kong: has live mu- sic performances every Prat Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui
3. Green Common night. We have added Gaylord, who Tel: 3428 5545
1. Vegan Babe • Address: Shop A4, G/F, Elements, 1 also offer non-vegetarain food, to this
• Address: Shop 6, G2/F, Hysan Place, Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong list because these restaurants of- fer NAMO AVANT THAI RESTAURANT
500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong plenty of vegan and vegetarian options. Address: Tsim Sha Tsui East, Mody Rd,
Kong • Website: Address: 5/F, Prince Tower, 12A 68, Empire Centre, Shop G18 Tel:
• Website: • Phone: +852 2810 9072 Peking Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui (852) 2739 1133
Phone: (852) 2376 1001
2. Veggie SF 4. Leisurely Veggie Best Hong Kong Nightclubs
This is Old San Francisco Vintage style This is 100% western styled vegan joint how to party. Every spot has music, good
vegan restaurant that is offers delicious that offers plenty of vegan options. If you’re looking to “Party all night and rock drinks, and good people.
vegan food. Address: Causeway Bay, Jardine’s and roll all day,” then Hong Kong is the
place for you. With lights, skyscrapers, and Please check the latest news and sitation
Address: Central, Stanley St, 11 10/F Tel: Bazaar, 50 , Jardine Center, 25/F
(852) 3902 3902 Tel: (852) 3565 6393 an abundance of people, everyone knows before planning to go out and party.

Useful Reference Play Club Hong Kong

CÉ LA VI Hong Kong Address: 1st Floor, On Hing
Address: 25/F California Tower, Building 1 On Hing Terrace,
32 D'Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Central, Hong Kong
Kong Tel: (852) 6828 8936
Tel: (852) 3700 2300
Address: On Hing Building, 1 On
The Nest Cocktail & Shisha Lounge Hing Terrace, Central, Hong Kong
Address: /B Grand Progress Tel: (852) 6828 8936
Building, 15-16 Lan Kwai Fong,
Central, Dragon-I
Tel: (852) 2869 0399 / (852) Address: The Centrium, 60
9400 3161 Email: Wyndham St, Central, Hong Kong
[email protected] Tel: (852) 3110 1222
Volar Hong Kong Drop
Address: Ho Lee Commercial Address: On Lok House,
Building, Basement 38, 44 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong
D’Aguilar St, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2543 8856
Tel: (852) 2810 1510
Mr Rajeev Bhasin of Gaylord celebrating Silver Jubilee with Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor
130 131
Green Common is a plant-based European dishes such as pizzas, pasta, and
supermarket and café chain that offers a
diverse selection of European vegan
burgers. Loving Hut also has multiple
locations across Hong Kong, making it a
Local Language
dishes. The café has a wide selection of convenient option for vegans on the go. i. Greetings / Wishes
salads, soups, and sandwiches, as well as
vegan versions of popular European dishes 5. Leisurely Veggie
such as pizzas, burgers, and lasagne. Green Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Cameron Rd, 48
Common also has an extensive selection of , China Insurance Building, 3
plant-based beverages and desserts. Tel: (852) 3706 5827

1.CONFUSION PLANT BASED KITCHEN, 6. Veda, Vegan Restaurant

G/F, 103 JERVOIS STREET, SHEUNG WAN, Address: 2 Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong
TEL: (852) 2563 3699 Kong China
Tel: (852) 3755 3067
2. Isoya Japanese Vegetarian Restaurant
Address: 9/F 83 wanchai, 83 Wan Chai Rd, Vegan Junk Food is a plant-based fast food
Wan Chai, Hong Kong chain that offers a variety of European-
Tel: (852) 5500 8812 inspired dishes. The menu includes a
variety of burgers, hot dogs, and
3. Ma… and the seeds of life, sandwiches, as well as vegan versions of
Shop 11, 1/F, 23 Graham Street, Central, popular European dishes such as fish and
Tel: (852) 3165 1717 chips and pizza. Vegan Junk Food also has
several locations across Hong Kong,
4. LOVING HUT making it a convenient option for those on
Address: 12/F, Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy the go.
Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Website: These are just a few examples of
Tel: (852) 2868 8333 continental vegan restaurants in Hong
Kong. The city offers a wide range of dining
Loving Hut is an international vegan options for vegans and vegetarians. So, if
restaurant chain that offers a variety of you're seeking a taste of Europe be sure to
continental vegan dishes. The menu check out these continental vegan
includes a variety of salads, soups, and restaurants.
sandwiches, as well as vegan versions of

132 Vegan Sushi at Loving Hut 133

Local Language Local Language

134 135
Local Language Local Language

136 137
Local Language

Basic Numbers Trips and Holidays

Traveling outside Hong Kong HONG KONG AIRPORT
Since Hong Kong city has limited options Address: Room 6T003, Level 6,
for residents for holidays, due to its size Pax.Terminal Bldg. Hong Kong International
and other complexities, most people prefer Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong
to travel outside Hong Kong for their Email:[email protected]
vacation. Hong Kong enjoys a strategic as Phone: (852) 27696600
well as a convenient location that is easily
accessible to several Far Eastern countries AIRLINES
and most Chinese cities within a 3-hour Air India Office in Hong Kong
flight. Address: Unit 503, 5/F, South Seas Centre
Hong Kong is also well connected by high- Tower I, 75 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East,
speed rails, ferry, and cruises with (852) 25229124 (Resv), (852) 2522 1176
Mainland China and through world-class (852) 25229247, (852) 25229257
cruises to other locations. (Resv Supervisor)

An example is riding on the East Rail Line Indigo

to/from Shenzhen and Hong Kong via Lo Wu Hong Kong Office
or Lok Ma Chau stations. Additionally, you Pacific Aviation Marketing (HK) Ltd
can also take a direct train at Hung Hom Unit 2503 25/F Island Place Tower
Station. You can opt for high-speed rail if 510 King's Road, North Point,Hong Kong
you are planning to travel to Guangdong, Tel: (852) 2830 4803
Beijing, Shanghai, or other 58 stations in Email: [email protected]
mainland China without interchange.
Megacap S.A. Limited
East Rail Line 9/F, Chung Nam Building,
This line goes between Hong Kong and 1 Lockhart Road,
Shenzhen via Lo Wu or Lok Ma Chau. Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 3705 6324
High-Speed Rail Email: [email protected]
The high-speed rail connects Hong Kong’s Associations
West Kowloon Station with 58 mainland
stations without interchange. Cathay Pacific:
Cathay Pacific City,
This high-speed rail connects Hong Kong to 8 Scenic Road, Hong Kong International
Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong
and Beijing.
Fare to Shenzhen and Guangzhou is HK$78 Reservations and enquiries after office
and HK$247, respectively hours :
Tel: (852) 2747 3333
Link: Fax: (852) 2362 7407 Daily 07:00-23:30 Baggage lost and found
n/index.html Tel : (852) 2747 3333

Tel: (852) 2882 8888

138 139

RESERVATIONS AND ENQUIRIES hey are cheaper and convenient due to

vicinity and options. Most of these buses
Incredible India - Hampi · By Road. There are plenty of bus
services available for Hampi.
AFTER OFFICE HOURS : Planning a trip to Hampi can be an
run between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. in 15-20- Learn about its history, major
minute intervals. Overnight express bus exciting and rewarding experience, as this attractions, and the best time to
Tel: (852) 2747 3333
service is available at select locations. UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for visit. Gather information from
Fax: (852) 2362 7407 Daily 07:00-23:30
Please tender exact fare or pay by an its rich history, stunning ruins, and unique guidebooks, travel websites, and
Baggage lost and found
Octopus card when boarding the bus. There boulder-strewn landscapes. blogs.
Tel: (852) 2747 3333
is no change capa- bility on board.
Background: Hampi's history dates back 1. Choose the Right Time to Visit:
Travel Agent to the 1st century A. Hampi's first The best time to visit Hampi is
Travel Tricks Ltd. ( TTL) Useful Resources: settlement dates back to the 1st century from October to March when the
Unit F3 – 13TH Floor - Kaiser Estate Phase A. D. According to legend, the region was weather is pleasant. Avoid the
1, Link for public bus stop map at Hong ruled by the chiefs of Kampili, now a small scorching summer months and the
No 41 Man Yue Street – Hunghom - Kong International airport: town nearby. Additionally, Hampi was part monsoon season.
Kowloon – Hong Kong Link: of the Mauryan Empire under Ashoka in 2. Create an Itinerary:
Tel: ( 852 ) 34683251 the third century A.D. The Ramayana Decide how many days you want
Website: mentions Hampi as the mythological to spend in Hampi and create an
Licence No: 354288 kingdom of monkeys, Kishkinda. itinerary. Identify the key
Hampi flourished under the Vijayanagara attractions you want to visit and
GETTING TO AND FROM THE Link for public buses plying from Hong kings and became the capital of the plan your schedule accordingly.
HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL Kong International airport to city: empire in the 15th century A.D. Hampi's Minimum two days would be most famous king was Krishna Devaraya. required to cover major parts of
AIRPORT Hampi was easily defendable because of
en/transport/to-from-airport/pub- the attractions.
its strategic location on the Tungabhadra Some of the major attractions are as
I.Airport Express banks and surrounding hills. below:
Airport express is the fastest way to reach Citybus website: There used to be half a million people Virupaksha Temple.
the airport from Central or Kowloon. It living here and it was the second most Vijaya Vittala Temple.
takes about 24 minutes to reach from home/default.aspx?intLangID=1 populated city in the world. It was during Shri Krishna Temple
Central. the Vijayanagara era. Merchants from
Long Win Bus Company Website: Queens' Bath.
faraway lands flocked to the bazaars to Royal Enclosure. Dasara Dibba.
There are in-city check-in counters Tourist Buses: trade precious stones and gold, and made Stepped Tank. Hazara Rama
available in Central and Kowloon and they it one of the leading trading site in those Temple.
accept check-in baggage 24 hours prior to era. Zenana Enclosure. Lotus Mahal.
departure. Deccan Muslim Confederacy attacks Elephant Stables.
began to fade Hampi's glory, and Saasivekalu Ganesha Temple.
You can drop off baggage, check in, and fault.aspx?intLangID=1 eventually led to its ruins. Col. Colin Hemakuta Hill Temple Complex.
take the airport express peacefully. This Mackenzie rediscovered Hampi in 1800. Kadalekalu Ganesha temple
takes away extra stress of getting late or The site has now been declared a World Hampi Bazaar
last-minute check in at the airport. It also Heritage Site by UNESCO. And many more
reduces the hassle of carrying check-in
3. Accommodation:
luggage with you.
PLANNING YOUR TRIP: Hampi has a range of
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to accommodation options, from
The one-way trip costs HK$115 for an
plan a trip to Hampi: budget hostels to luxury resorts.
adult and HK$57.50 for a child
1. Research Hampi: You must book your
Start by doing some research on accommodation in advance,
I.Airport Buses Hampi. especially during the peak tourist
How to reach Hampi: season.
A, E, B, NA, N, and S series buses are · By Air. The nearest airport is at Bellary, 4. Transportation:
another option to reach to the airport. about 60 km from Hampi. The nearest The nearest major city to Hampi is
international airport is at Bengaluru, about Hospet. You can reach Hospet by
These buses, except S series, go to the 350 km away. ... train or bus. From Hospet, you can
airport from different parts of the city. · By Train. The nearest railway station is take a local bus or hire a rickshaw
at Hospet; located around 13 km from to reach Hampi. If you're traveling
NA series buses run overnight and S series Hampi. ... from farther locations, you can
buses run between Tung Chung bus station · By Road. There are plenty of bus consider taking a flight to Hubli or
(next to MTR) and the airport. services available for Hampi. Bangalore and then traveling by
140 141
train or bus to Hospet. 11. Safety and Health: Weekend Getaways
5. Local Transportation: Ensure you have travel insurance, Hong Kong is strategically located in terms It is important to convince the
Hampi itself is best explored on carry necessary medications, and of geography, as it takes 2-4 hours of flight immigration officer that the
foot, by bicycle, or by renting a stay hydrated. It's a good idea to to reach several tourists attractions as well applicant has strong ties, such as a
moped. Renting a bicycle or moped countries such as South Korea; Japan;
have a basic first-aid kit with you. good income (job or business),
is a great way to get around and
12. Stay Connected: major Chinese cities (Beijing, Shanghai, home, financial assets, or family that
explore the ruins at your own pace.
6. Entry Fees: Make sure your phone is charged Guiling); Taiwan; Vietnam; Laos; Thailand; will force him/her return back to
Some of the major attractions in and you have a local SIM card or Cambodia; Myanmar; Philippines; and the their home country.
Hampi may require an entry fee. access to the internet for eastern part of India in Asia. Convince the immigration officer
Make sure to budget for these fees. communication and navigation. Hong Kong is well connected with major that the applicant will leave the
7. Guides: 13. Enjoy and Explore: cities of the world. country at the end of the visit.
You may want to consider hiring a Hong Kong SAR passport holders or Hong
Finally, enjoy your time in Hampi. The applicant has enough money to
local guide to get a deeper
Explore the unique ruins, take in the Kong SAR Document of Identity for Visa cover his/her stay and travel during
understanding of the history and
significance of the ruins in Hampi. stunning landscapes, and immerse the visit.
They can enhance your experience. yourself in the history and culture of Visa for key nations
8. Pack Essentials: this incredible place. A visa is an official document, which is
Ensure you have comfortable Remember that Hampi offers a unique stamped or glued into the applicant’s
walking shoes, sunscreen, a hat, passport after processing and due diligence
Useful Resources:
experience, so take your time to savor the
and plenty of water, especially if is performed by the issuing authorities. It List of visa-free entries for Hong Kong
rich history and beautiful surroundings.
you plan on exploring the ruins. indicates that the applicant meets the passport holders:
Don't forget your camera for Enjoy your trip! requirements needed to enter into a
capturing the stunning scenery. country of the visa issuer. Full_List_of_Visa-free_Access_
9. Respect the Heritage: or_Visa-on-arrival_for_HKSAR_
Be respectful of the historical and The applicant may also need a valid visa if Passport_en.pdf
religious sites in Hampi. Dress Useful Resources: transiting through a particular airport on
modestly when visiting temples and the way to his/her final destination.
monuments, and follow local Check this guideline before you
customs and rules. undertake any specific activity.
A visitor visa or an Electronic Travel
10. Food:
Authorization may be needed, depending China Visa in Hong Kong
Hampi has various cafes and in/sites/default/ files/2020-
restaurants offering a mix of Indian 02/1527867024_
The type of valid travel document A Chinese visa is required when an individ-
and international cuisine. Try local gallery_image.pd
(government-issued passport is the ual wishes to visit Mainland China. There
dishes, but also make sure to cater most commonly used travel document) are two options to apply for a Chinese visa
to your dietary preferences. with which the applicant plans to travel.
in Hong Kong. The first one is to apply as
The country that issued the applicant’s
travel document should be valid for a an individual at the China visa office. The
minimum of six months while applying choice is energy consuming but economi-
for the visa. cal. The second option is to apply for a visa
The applicant’s nationality. through a visa agency. The choice is time-
The applicant’s mode of travel (cruise, saving and convenient, but expensive.
air, etc.).
A Chinese visa is required when an
Standard basic requirements while
applying for a tourist visa: individual wishes to visit Mainland China.
There are two options to apply for a
i. The applicant needs a valid travel Chinese visa in Hong Kong. The first one is
document, like a passport that has a to apply as an individual at the China visa
minimum of six 6 months of validity (please office. The choice is energy consuming but
check the expiration date of the applicant’s economical. The second option is to apply
for a visa through a visa agency. The
1. The applicant is in good health.
choice is timesaving and convenient, but
The applicant does not have criminal or
immigration-related convictions.
Hampi, the lost glory of Krishnadevraya empire 143

Step 1: Prepare your documents (e.g. for a Step 3: Wait for your visa. · Please note that from September FOREVER BRIGHT TRADING
tourist visa, as below): In general, it takes 4 working days to get 28, 2020, applicant holding valid LIMITED (China Visa General
A photocopy of your passport bio page the visa. If you wish to receive it sooner Chinese residence permits for work,
A recent passport photograph than that, you can apply for the express private affairs, and group clusters are Agency)
A completed visa application form service of 3 working days (an extra 200 allowed to enter China, and relevant Tel: (852) 2369 3188
A photocopy of the arrival stamp or HKD or 25 USD) or the rush service of 2 personnel do not need to reapply for For more details access the website:
sticker that you received upon entering working days (an extra 300 HKD or 38 visas.
Address: Rm. 916-917, New
Hong Kong USD). Mandarin Plaza,
Your round-trip tickets to and from If you have no interest in visiting Hong · Also, the Consular Department of Tower B,14 Science Museum Road,
Chinese mainland Kong, the rush service is more economical the Commissioner's Office is ready to East T.S.T., Kowloon, HK.
Photocopies of all of your hotel as hotels in Hong Kong are quite accept visa applications through the
China Travel Service
bookings for the duration of your stay expensive. Chinese Visa Application Service Center
in China Step 4: Pay the visa fee and collect your from applicants who intend to travel to
You can get a visa application form in the visa. China for any of the following purposes: 20F Capital Centre, 151
visa office, or you can download it from the Go back to the seventh floor, proceed to Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong
Chinese embassy's website or from our the cashier, pay for the visa, and then 1. Applicant visiting China for Kong
website. Online applications must be collect your visa. resumption of operation and production, Tel: (852) 29921999
completed on a computer, then printed In general, a single-entry visa costs 200 including for economic, trade, scientific
out. HKD, a double-entry visa costs 300 HKD, and technological purposes. U.S. Travel Visa in Hong Kong
If you don't have a passport photo you can and a multiple-entry visa costs 500 HKD. 2. Applicant visiting China for
use the photo booth at the visa application But there are many exceptions. For emergency humanitarian reasons. There are two types of U.S. visas for which
office for a fee. example: 3. Applicant who qualifies for a crew individuals can apply in Hong Kong. The
Step 2: Go to the visa office. (C) visa. B-1 visa is meant for individuals travelling
To apply for a China visa, you will need to d. Payment and collection of visa fee 4. Applicant who qualifies for an R visa. to America temporarily for business, while
visit the Consular Department Office. B-2 is for persons travelling for medical
Address: 7th Floor, Lower Block, China Visit the seventh floor, pay the cashier, It is recommended to visit the official treatment or pleasure.
Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, and collect the visa. The costs of the website before planning your trip..
Wanchai, Hong Kong various visas are as follows: The B-1 visa is appropriate for people
Tel: 3413-242 USEFUL RESOURCES: attending business, professional,
Website: i. Single-entry HK$200 educational, or scientific conferences and ii. Double-entry HK$300 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P R conventions. The B-2 visa is desired for
Opening hours: 9am–12pm and 2pm– iii. Multiple-entry HK$500 China travels incorporating activities of a service
5pm on weekdays nature, social, and fraternal. It is also
Address: 3rd Floor, Lower Block, China
Please note that the visa fees are different Resources Building, appropriate for medical treatment, visits
To avoid crowd, please try to apply for a if you hold passport of Canada, USA or No. 26, Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong with relatives and friends, and
visa is either early in the morning or late in United Kingdom. Kong SAR recreational activities such as tourism. In
the afternoon. most cases, the two visas are integrated
Option 2: Application through a visa agency Timings: Tuesday, Wednesday and into one as B-1/B-2.
The process for a visa application in the Friday from 9:00-16:00 (public hol-
idays excluded)
visa office: If you want to save time and hassle, you The process of applying for a USA visa in
Email: [email protected]
(1) Fill in a visa application form if you can apply for a visa via an agency. Tel: (852) 34132424 (10:00 -11:00, Hong Kong
have not prepared one beforehand. 15:00- 16:00 (on workdays)
(2) Get a waiting ticket with a number on There are several travel agents who There are four significant steps that an
it. process Chinese visas for their customers. 24 hour Recorded Visa Information applicant must follow:
(3) Hand in your documents to the visa Please review their services and fees Service: (852) 34132300
officer and receive a collection receipt. before choosing one. Enquiry a. Complete the DS-160 Form for Non-
(852) 34132312
(4) Pay when you go back to pick up the immigrant Visa Electronic Application.
visa. [email protected] DS-160 application should be submitted online before making an appointment for
144 an 145

nterview at the Consulate General. business or tourism (B1/B2s), and United Kingdom Travel Visa in
other non-petition based NIVs, such as
student and exchange visitor visas, Hong Kong USEFUL RESOURCES:
Below is the link for DS-160 form: has increased from USD160 to USD
185. This U.K. travel visa is meant for all Hong U.S. Department of State –Bureau of
The application fee for certain Consular Affairs
Kong legal residents (such as Indians,
b. A recent passport-size photograph. petition-based nonimmigrant visas Website:
Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, etc.) who need a Tel: +1 (603) 334-0888
c. Payment of the visa application, HK$160 for temporary workers (H, L, O, P, visa to visit the U.K..
d. Schedule an appointment for the visa Q, and R categories) has increased
from USD 190 to USD 205. Online DS-160 application link;
interview at U.S. Consulate
The application fee for a treaty Please note U.K. visa applications are
trader, treaty investor, and treaty processed through VFS Global in Hong
· Three pieces of information are To schedule an appointment at CGI
applicant in a specialty occupation Kong.
required to schedule an appointment: Federal
(E category) has increased from USD
205 to USD 315.
U.K. visitor visa application process niv-appointmentschedule.asp
i. Passport number
i. Check if the applicant needs a U.K. visa
ii. The number in the visa fee receipt The purpose of your intended travel and
1. Research visa type U.S. Visa processing Address:
iii. Ten-digit barcode from the confirmation other facts will determine what type of
visa is required under U.S. immigration 2. Apply for visa through 26 Garden Rd, Central, Hong Kong
page of DS-160
law. As a visa applicant, you will need to
establish that you meet all requirements to-the-uk Timings:
e. The applicants need to go to the Monday – Friday 8:30– 12:30 and
to receive the category of visa for which 3. Pay the visa fees
Consulate General office, as indicated on you are applying. 13:30 – 17:30
4. Choose the services Tel: (852) 2523 9011
the time and date of the visa interview.
5. Upload applicant’s supporting Fax: (852) 2845-1598
The applicants should carry a printed copy Please visit official site to determine
documents Email: support-
of appointment letter, DS-160 your visa category.
6. Visit the visa application centre to [email protected]
confirmation page, one photograph taken
attend the visa interview
within the last six months, and current and
all old passports. Applications without all USEFUL RESOURCES: 7. Track application
8. Pick up the applicant’s documents
of these items will not be accepted. Address:
U.S. Department of State –Bureau of
Consular Affairs The successful applications are processed U.K. Visa Application Centre Ad-
Additional requirements may be needed, Website: dress (VFS)
within ten (10) working days. However, the
depending on the purpose of travel in the Tel: +1 (603) 334-0888 Units B&E, 6th Floor, Lee & Man
processing times differ depending on Commercial Center, 169 Electric
USA. For previous visitors to America,
various factors; among them are the Road, North Point. Hong Kong
relative visits, company directors and Online DS-160 application link; eligibility of applicants and the submission
businesspersons, working adults, and
of all relevant valid documents. Hours of Operation:
students, more documents are required. Business hours:
To schedule an appointment at CGI
The information is available on the official Federal Monday to Friday 08:00 - 15:00
Additionally, a U.K. visa can be applied
website. through on-demand mobile visa services
· Please note that starting May 12, niv-appointmentschedule.asp Passport collection:
where someone from the local team will Monday to Friday 08:00 - 15:00
noncitizen nonimmigrant air passengers
visit the applicant’s home, office, or place
will no longer need to show proof of being U.S. Visa processing Address:
26 Garden Rd, Central, Hong Kong of education for processing the visa
fully vaccinated with an accepted COVID-
19 vaccine to board a flight to the United
States. Monday – Friday 8:30– 12:30 and How can I check UK visa status online?
13:30 – 17:30 After completing the online application,
The U.S. Department of State has Tel: (852) 2523 9011 you will receive an email message stating
increased certain nonimmigrant visa (NIV) Fax: (852) 2845-1598
your application number, also known as
application processing fees. These fee Email: support-
[email protected] ‘GWF reference number’. You can use this
increases are effective June 17, 2023.
number to track your visa application
The application fee for visitor visas for

Canada Visa in Hong Kong India Visa in Hong Kong VISA PROCESSING
Visitor visa (also called a temporary VFS Global for processing Canadian The Indian government has established an
Visa 1. Applicants are required to fill online
resident visa) processing services have e-Visa facility for foreigners whose main visa application only at
been outsourced to VFS Global. goal is to visit India for short-term
programs relative to medicine, cooking, 2. Please select Indian Mission CHINA-
Each application must comply with the Visa Application arts and crafts, dance, music, and local HONG KONG
guidelines applicable for your visa languages. Also, the foreigners could wish 3. Please note down the Temporary
tion-refugees- Application ID: (Your Information will
category. to visit India to take part in a yoga
citizenship/services/visit- be saved if you click save button or
Visit Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship program, visit relatives and friends, continue to next page. If you exit
Canada’s (IRCC) website for detailed canada/apply-visitor-visa/online- sightseeing, and recreation.
outside.html without doing either of that, your
guidelines. information will be lost. Minimum field
Instructions to visa applications The e-Visa contain five subcategories, as s required for partial save is up to Date of
The following categories of visa to obtain below: Birth)
detailed information: tion-refugees- 4. Please duly fill all the particulars
citizenship/services/application/ap including permanent and present
1. Diplomatic/Official/United Nations
plication-forms-guides/guide- address, e-mail id, mobile and phone
Temporary Resident Visa Passport holders number. Also mention the name and
Study Permit 5256-applying-visitor-visa- 2. Tourist Visa
temporary-resident- phone number of references/contacts
Work Permit 3. Business Visa (including for correctly. Applications without
It is mandatory to submit a duly dependents and for sports) complete details are liable to be
completed and signed VFS Global Consent Address: 4. Employment Visa (including for rejected.
Form along with your application. Canadian Visa Application Centre dependents) 5. Recent color photograph as per Photo
Address (VFS) specifications is to be uploaded and
5. Student Visa
Units 6A2, 6/F, Lee and Man submitted with visa application.
Visa processing: 6. Conference Visa 6. The photograph should be in colour and
i. Check if the applicant needs a Cana- Commercial Center, 7. Journalist Visa
169 Electric Road, North Point, of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch (50mm x
dian visa 8. Film Visa 50mm). The photo-print should be
North Point, Hong Kong
ii. Prepare the visa application. The ap- 9. Transit Visa clear and with a continuous-tone
plicant needs to download the visa Tel: (852) 800966983 (helpline) 10. Entry Visa quality. The photo should show head
application form, fill it in, print the Email:[email protected] 11. Medical Visa (including for attendants) and shoulder. It should have full face,
front view, eyes open.
completed form, and carry it to the 12. Transfer of Visa
7. The applicant has to take a printout of
Visa Application Centre for submis- 13. Visitor Visa for Pakistani nationals the online visa application form,
sion. The online application can also starting with CHNH, and signed copy of
be submitted directly to Immigration, A foreigner from Hong Kong requires an the same with all relevant documents
Refugee and Citizenship Canada electronic authorization, called e-Visa, to as required for the particular type of
(IRCC). visit India. visa to be submitted at external
iii. Apply online application service centre (managed by
M/s BLS International Services Limited)
iv. Upload the supporting documents as However, there are few restrictions for an
8. Applicants must book prior
per the IRCC document checklist rele- e-Visa application. Please check them appointment, online at BLS website
vant to the visa category. before applying for an e-Visa online. before starting the process.
v. Payment and subsequent revision to 9. Applicants are required to come in
prevent visa invalidation The Indian visa application processing ser- person for submitting the application as
vi.The applicant needs to give his/her vices in Hong Kong have been outsourced biometric data and photo are required
fingerprints and photo (biometrics) as to M/s BLS International Services Limited. to be captured at the time of
submission of visa application.
requested BLS and the Indian authority handle the
10. Persons above the age of 70 and
vii. Schedule visa interview issue of e-Visa directly. children below 12 years of age are
viii. Attend visa interview
Kathak in Hong Kong exempted from bio-metric enrollment.
ix. Receive notification To apply, create a login and apply for e- The visa applications for applicants
x. Collect the visa and travel document Visa at falling in this category may be
(passport) in and follow the process in VISA submitted by their representatives with
PROCESSING proper authority letter.
148 149

Useful Resources: Japan Visa in Hong Kong ix. Collect your passport and visa once
VISA PROCESSING Continued the notification is received from the
Information about e-Visa: Japan government issues short-term VFS centre.
11. All original documents are required to temporary visitor’s visas (up to 90 days)
be kept ready for verification during for purposes of sightseeing, visiting • Please note that from 1st November
submission of Visa application. These will e-Visa application: relatives, friends, or acquaintances, and
2020, PCR tests before departure and
be returned after verification. short-term business affairs. upon arrival in Japan are not required
Hong Kong nationals do not require a visa for Hong Kong or Macau residents
12. Even if, the application is accepted at Visa fee schedule: to visit Japan, as holders of a valid HKSAR who are currently residing in Hong
external application service centre passport enjoy visa-free access to Japan Kong or Macau.
(managed by M/s BLS International
Services Limited), Consulate reserves the .pdf for the purpose of short-term visits of up • However, after entry into Japan, the trav-
right to ask for further documentation from to 90 days. However, a valid visa will be ellers are required to wait 14 days at a lo-
applicant. Applicant in that case is required The status of e-Visa application can be required for other purposes than cation designated by the quarantine sta-
to provide additional documents, for further checked at: mentioned. tion chief. They have also been asked to
processing of visa application. in the short-term visa (such as refrain from using public transportation.
Enquiry employment, studies, etc.)
13. Visa Fee is to be paid in cash. • The suspension of visa exemption
14. Visa fee may vary for different measures also remains in place until
nationalities and type of Visa. Please visit Contact Indian authority Legal residents of Macau or Hong Kong further notice.
Visa Fee Schedule for details. Please note Tel: (91) 22 24300666 (24x7) (India) SAR are eligible to apply for a Japan visa at
that in addition to the prescribed visa fee, a Email: [email protected] the application centre. However, individu- Useful
service fee of HK$ 47 (non-refundable) will als living in Hong Kong on temporary visas
be charged by M/s BLS for each application. To Book Appointment
are not eligible for applying for a Japan
15. Value added services (VAS) offered by
VFS Global Website
visa in Hong Kong. (To download application, book
M/s BLS are optional services and will be An applicant needs to understand tourist appointment, track application):
charged separately, if the applicant
chooses to avail those services. .php requirements. The application fee, as well
as the processing fee, is paid in Hong hongkong/English/index.html
15. CGI Hong Kong issues Visas to M/s BLS International Services Limited: Kong dollars during the submission in
applicants residing in Hong Kong and Address: Hong Kong. Application submission
Macau only. Room 2302, Olympia Plaza, 255 King’s
Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Japan Visa application process: List of accredited visa agencies
16. Usually, it takes 5 working days for HK
and Macau residents and eight working i. Download the application form.
days for non-residents to grant visa. In Website : ii. Complete the form, attach a recent
exceptional cases, it could be longer photograph, and keep supporting
depending on the case. gkong/ exVdv/9f0d5ef563453c56278fa
documents ready
Phone : +852 5808 0024 iii. Book an appointment for visa inter- 679ee4f3c45/000533626.pdf
16. Applicants must ensure that while Fax : +852 2620 0341 view Japan Visa Application Centre
applying visa their Passport should have at Email Id : [email protected] Address (VFS)
iv. Submit the application in Hong Kong at
least six months validity and minimum full Unit 03, 16/F, 148 Electric Road,
two blank pages. Japan Visa Application Center (JVAC)
North Point, Hong Kong
Timings: On any working day (Monday to v. The walk-in option is convenient for Timings:
17. Applicants must be in Hong Friday) except designated holidays between persons visiting the visa application centre Monday to Friday:
Kong/Macau at the time of application for 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM. without an appointment. The operation Submit by Appointment: 08:30 –
visa. hours for this option 8:30 to 15:00
Collection for Visas, Passports and Consular 13:30.
18. In addition to Visa application form, Walk-In Applications: 08:30 –
Documents: 1600-1730 Hrs. (Monday - vi.The application is submitted at the
some applicants depending upon case-to- 13:30
Friday, except designated holidays). visa centre and the service charge is
case basis may be required to fill in the
paid to the VFS centre. Tel: (852) 3167 7033 (Helpline)
Personal Particular Form
Tel: (852) 58195329 vii. Please collect the payment receipt (Closed on Saturday, Sunday, and
Call center timing: 09.00 – 17.30 Mon – Fri. and application reference document. public holidays)
(except Lunch Time: 14.00 – 15.00) viii. The visa processing takes about 3-5 Email: [email protected]
Fax: (852) 2620 0341 business days.


drivers may not speak English. You can
show such drivers the address on Google or
use Google translate to communicate with Please check the car section
them. By HK law, all taxi passengers are
required to wear seat belts. For more information, you can check this
Hong Kong Transport Department link:
Octopus – Lifeline of Tseung Kwan O Line (Purple Line)
Kwun Tong Line (green Line)
Basic fare is HK$19-HK$24, which increas-
es by HK$1.20 to HK$1.70 every 200 m.
Hong Kong Tung Chung Line & Disneyland Resort Further, the taxi will charge additionally for index.html
Please check the Settling in section in this Line (mustard/dark yellow Line) luggage, depending on number of bags, as
book for more information. East Rail Line (light blue line) well as Cross-Harbour-Tunnel toll charges,
West Rail Line (purple line) bridge charges, and return toll.
Ma On Shan Line (Maroon Line) Receipts are given on request only.
Transportation Airport Express (dark green line) Tel: (852) 2804 2600
(Travel within city) Website:

Hong Kong is well connected through rail,

buses, and waterways. Hong Kong has the For over a century, the tram on Hong Kong
famous MTR, which is a backbone of Hong Island has been an economical mode of
Kong and first choice for Hong Kongers. transportation.
There are light rails and trams that ply with- The fare is HK$2.60 for an adult, HK$1.30
in cities carrying passengers. for a child, and HK$1.20 for a senior
One of the Hong Kong specialties is that
This is convenient for senior citizens who
the person can reach, within 40 minutes,
wish to avoid climbing stairs or long walks
most of the locations except the outskirts
inside MTR stations and makes it easy to
of the city. The fastest and most conven-
ient is the MTR that runs several lines and get closer to your destination. However,
cover major parts of the city. the services are available in a limited part
Buses are the second-best option for of the city and may take more travel time
during peak traffic periods, such as office
reaching the places where the location is
not connected by MTR.
Senior citizens (above 60 years) and chil-
dren below 12 years will have concessional
Buses and Mini Buses
tickets. Buses and mini buses are plying and
helping Hong Kongers to reach farthest
points where MTR or Tram can’t take
Local Travel (MTR, Star them. They are comfortable and
Ferry, Bus, Tram, Light Rail) convenient.
Please use this website link to check the
routes of the buses:-
Mass Transit Rail (MTR):
MTR covers all major districts and leading Website:
tourist attractions in the city and beyond
the city, i.e., border of mainland China or
outskirts of the city. For min buses check this link:
MTR has 7 lines
Island Line (dark blue)
South Island Line (yellow Line) public_transport/minibuses/index.html
Tsuen Wan Line (Red)
Taxis are one of the most convenient
means of travel in Hong Kong. Some taxi
152 153

EMERGENCIES You are required to stay tuned to Hong

Kong Observatory updates during the ty-
Flash Lights and Batteries
Emergency contact information
If your home has balcony or
Hong Kong Observatory outdoor
( living area, please bring your
Typhoon hk/en/index.html) delicate
plants, furniture and cushion etc.
Almost every year Hong Kong witnesses tions signals from 1 to 10 (10 being You may also listen to radio and TV broad- inside.
typhoon and rainstorms. highest level) and each signal require casts of weather bulletins and follow the Secure all loose objects that are
Hong Kong observatory issues precau- different pre- cautionary measures.
advice given: left outside.
Radio: 97.6 FM. RTHK Radio 3, Metro and Keep mops and rags ready, if
Commercial English stations may also be necessary.
useful. Check all electric and electronic
TV: TVB Pearl and ViuTVsix are Hong items during and after storm
Kong’s English language TV stations. Monitor weather news and
Dos Stay outside
Reserve extra food, medicines, and Stay close to glass door or window
drinking water and first aid kits. inside

Signal Impact Advisory

No 1 It is a standby signal for - Watch the development

warning of possible storm closely.
within 800 km of Hong

No 3 Alerts the cyclone is near - Secure the items that may

enough to the city to cause impact by gusts of winds.
strong gusts of wind. - Take a shelter.
- Ferry services may be

At this point, schools are - Advised to lock the windows

No 8. closed with most ferry, tram and doors.
and bus services - Employees are advised to go
suspended. home or seek shelter in a safe
place until the warning

No 9 If the storm gets very close - Residents are advised to

- The MTR continues to run stay indoors until the warning
Or during a storm cancelled. Kathak performance in Hong Kong by Swapanal Gadnis, Kritika Kashyap,and Vinita Mehta
No 10 -All the public - Stay away from waterfront.
transportations may be

154 155
Drive HSBC Card – (852) 2233 3000
Forget your checklist Masters Card – (852) 800 966 677
Visa – (852) 800 900782
For emergency, ambulance, fire or police After receiving the accolades and the Truly appreciate our advertisers. We
assistance, 24/7. – dial 999 (it is lik 911 LOST PASSPORTS appreciations for our Hong Kong Guide first would like to mention Mr. Kuldeep Singh
in USA) Australia – (852) 2827 8881 and second editions, it humbled us and it Buttar of Buttar Group of Companies, Mr.
Police Enquiry Canada – (852) 3719 4700 matured our thinking as we decided to make Narayanmoorthy Sundaresan of Career
– (852) 2527 7177 minor changes to our next edition. Architect, and critics for their valuable
China – (852) 2106 6303
Hong Kong International Airport – (852) guidance.
2181 8888 Singapore – (852) 2527 2212
We take this opportunity to thank everyone,
France – (852) 3752 9900 starting from our team, our sponsors, writers, We truly appreciate our Hong Kong Desi’s
MOVERS – German – (852) 2105 8788 contributors, partners, our advisors, and well- special team for Hong Kong Guide and
In emergency wishers. We express sincere gratitude toward contributors, who have been tirelessly
India – (852) 3970 9900
Gogo Van – (852) 3701 3701 our sponsors, who have put their faith in us in working on this project every year.
More movers in movers section Japan – (852) 2522 1184
this challenging time.
directory Malaysia – (852) 2821 0800 Appreciate guidance from Mr Lal
DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR in Thailand – (852) 2521 6481 The first person to express our sincere Hardasani, president of Hindu Temple in
ASSISTANCE – appreciation is Mrs. Purviz Shroff, our beloved Happy Valley, and Mr Notan Tolani of
S Korea – (852) 2529 4141
For English - 1081 Aunty Ji (and also fondly known as Hong Kowloon Hindu Temple, as well as Mr.
For Portugua – 1088 For Cantoneses - Taiwan – (852) 2525 8315
Kong’s Mother Teresa), who is instrumental in Gurudev Singh and Dr Sukhjit Singh of
1083 UK – (852) 2901 3000 keeping Indian culture alive and her blessing Khalasa Diwan for their blessings.
USA – (852) 2523 9011 on the Indian community. Like the last three
REPORT LOST OF STOLEN CREDIT For enquiries on pre-arrival registration for years, she gave us her unconditional support A special mention of Mr Sajay Nagarkar,
CARDS Indian nationals, please email (at - ind_ for this project, and this year, too. Mr. Rajkumar Sabnani of Amigo Group, Mr
American Express – (852) 2811 6122 [email protected]), and quote the applica- Rajeev Bhasin of Mayfare Group, Mr. Vijay
Diners Card – (852) 2860 1888 tion reference number. A special thanks to Consul General Ms Seth and other members of Sarjan Group,
Satwant Khanalia and everyone at Indian and also many silent supporters…
Consulate in Hong Kong for their kind We look forward for everyone’s continued
support. support in future

Traditional Ayurveda for Modern Times by Shri Vinod Sharma (28th Oct, 2023)
156 157

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