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The implementation of The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act
10533) presents an opportunity for the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools,
Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) to extend the accreditation process to Senior High
Schools or Senior High School programs.

The PAASCU Board of Directors approved during its meeting last Friday, 24 May
2019, the commencement of the accreditation of Senior High Schools or Senior High
School programs this school year 2019-2020.


1. All Senior High Schools or Senior High School Programs have to go through a
Preliminary Survey.

a. The application period for a Preliminary Survey will be from July-August


b. Given the number of schools involved, the Preliminary Survey Visits will be
scheduled from SY 2019-2020 until SY 2021-2022.

c. For SY 2019-2020, the Visits will be scheduled beginning January 2020.

2. Institutions must have graduated at least two (2) batches of Grade 12 students to
be eligible to apply for a Preliminary Survey of their Senior High School or Senior
High School Program.

3. For institutions where there is either (a) one School Head for Basic Education or
(b) one School Head for Junior High School and Senior High School, the
following will apply:

a. If the Basic Education program is scheduled to have its Preliminary, Formal,

or Re-Survey Visit this school year 2019-2020 (from November 2019
onwards), the school may choose to also go for the Preliminary Survey Visit
of the Senior High School or Senior HS Program on the same date as the
Visit to the Basic Education program.

In such cases, additional accreditors will be assigned for specific areas as


The intention is for the Senior High School or Senior HS Program Re-
Survey Visits to be synchronized with the Basic Education Department Re-
Survey Visits in due time.

b. If the Junior High School Department is scheduled to have its Preliminary,

Formal, or Re-Survey Visit this school year 2019-2020 (from November
2019 onwards), the school may choose to also go for the Preliminary
Survey Visit of the Senior High School or Senior HS Program on the same
date as the Visit to the Junior High School Department.

In such cases, additional accreditors will be assigned for specific areas as


The intention is for the Senior High School or Senior HS Program Re-
Survey Visits to be synchronized with the Junior High School Re-Survey
Visits in due time.

4. When an institution applies for the Preliminary Survey of its Senior High School
or Senior High School program, the following must be submitted:

a. A brief description of the school’s K-12 Transition Plan with the applicable

b. A brief description of how the Senior High School or Senior High School
program is situated in the institution, including the institutional organizational

c. Number of batches graduated and the number of graduates per batch.

d. Current student population of the Senior High School.

e. Proposed date for the Preliminary Survey Visit.

5. The Commissions on Secondary and Basic Education will be responsible for

overseeing the accreditation of Senior High Schools or Senior High School

a. The Commission on Basic Education will be responsible for Senior High

Schools where there is only one School Head for the Elementary, Junior
High School, and Senior High School.

b. The Commission on Secondary Education will be responsible for Senior

High Schools where there is only one School Head for the Junior High
School and Senior High School or where the Senior High School has its
own School Head.

c. For institutions where the combined population of the Elementary, Junior
High School, and Senior High School is too big to be considered as Basic
Education, will be classified under b as far as the accreditation of the Senior
High School or Senior High School program is concerned.


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