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Republic of the Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Human Resource Management
Open University System

Digital Self - Activity and Assessment


Write at least 2 paragraphs for each item.

1. What are the basic ethical issues to consider when sharing personal information in
social networks?

One of the greatest gifts of the modern era is technology. It simplified a lot of people's
lives and occupations. "Social Media or Networks" are among the top technological
innovations. It makes it simpler for us to communicate with our distant family members.
We were also given a better means of expressing our thoughts and selves. It turned into
a way for each of us to express our feelings and opinions more freely. Furthermore, some
people used social media sites to make a living.

Despite social networking's practical and beneficial possibilities for advancing human
communication, there are numerous ethical concerns that demand careful thought and
study. These engaged users are more likely to be publicly targeted since they are
accessible and searchable through their profile pages, which contain personal information
like location and phone number, as a result of a lack of understanding regarding the risks
associated with social networking.

One of the basic ethical issues that we have in Social Media is ignoring Privacy. Through
infiltration, information misuse, information interception, and information matching,
privacy can be compromised anywhere, including in online social network groups.
Another one I see is over usage of Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is often
viewed as unobtrusive and backed by democratic ideals, yet it can be a dangerous
weapon in the hands of a small group of people who use it to spread or incite unethical
sentiments like racial or religious intolerance in the online world through social media.
The next one would be Frequent updates or too many updates (making social media a
personal diary). Frequent updates on social networking timelines, like current interests
and location that are displayed publicly as a result of user activity, can be manipulated
and collated as a useful data source for information in data leaks. Even if each of these
social networking sites has made explicit what its privacy standards are, it is ultimately up
to the users to decide what information should be made public and what information
should be kept private. One of the examples of ethical problem with social networking is
identity theft. It is a method by which offenders pretend to be someone else with the
purpose to commit or continue a crime. The victim shall be held accountable for any
negative effects of any impersonators' fraud or actions. The two most common yet unique
methods of online identity theft are either the creation of a phony account or the theft and
hacking of the victim's password.
Republic of the Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Human Resource Management
Open University System

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Data Privacy Act of 2012?

RA10173 known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012”. It requires that personal data gathered
by both the public and private sectors be preserved and protected. Additionally, the Data
Privacy Act will facilitate the establishment of a National Privacy Commission under the
Department of Transportation and Communications. There are a lot of advantages and
disadvantages that this law has. I will enumerate some of these.

Some of the advantages of this law are as follows: Protection from cyber bullies and
comparable difficulties. Many Filipinos, particularly the youth, have either experienced or
been victims of cyberbullying. The most typical method of carrying out this attack is
through social media. In one incident that was broadcast on television, the victim's images
were used, modified, and a defamatory comment was added next to the image. Protection
from online squatters—these are essentially identical to actual squatters or unofficial
settlers, with the exception that they don't leave social media or online platforms.
Protection from child pornography is undoubtedly one of the best benefits of this law.
Since many children are pornographic victims, those responsible for this crime should
definitely face the consequences for their deplorable actions and contempt for the rights
of these young people. The Data Privacy Act can therefore serve as defense against
cybercrimes and related problems. As long as your data is safe and secure, you can
prevent illegal activities like identity theft. Identity theft typically involves stealing someone
else's financial or personal information and using it to pretend to be that person in order
to engage in trades or other transactions. DPA can also protect our human rights and civil
liberties because privacy laws prevent the government and law enforcement from getting
private citizens' data without a warrant and using it for unauthorized intrusions. This is
especially important because other "authorities" may use this data to defraud innocent

Next that we are going to discuss, the disadvantages of this law. Freedom of expression
is curtailed - In a democracy, everyone has the right to say and do whatever they choose.
However, this regulation makes it illegal to express oneself freely online. No one is
allowed to express their opposition to anything, especially if they want to express their
ideas about a particular person for fear of being accused of libel. Privacy invasion: If
someone is being investigated, authorities are authorized to record and examine any
online activity they engage in. If you have previously been an avid admirer of a Facebook
fan page or a follower of a Twitter account that publishes or tweets some libelous content
and you were tempted to like, share, re-tweet, or in any other way to propagate or
demonstrate that you agree with the author, you will also be penalized. This is ambiguous
because various people will interpret what constitutes a defamatory remark differently;
people will exploit this to sue their detractors. The ability to shut down websites abruptly
is also concerning; imagine if the Department of Justice has control over blogs or websites
that are anyone's private property. Without giving the website owner any previous notice
or warning, they have the right to abruptly close the blog or website and restrict access if
we try to submit anything they will deem illegal.
Republic of the Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Human Resource Management
Open University System

3. Explain why privacy and confidentiality matter in one’s life.

Two of the most crucial components of a person's existence are privacy and secrecy or
confidentiality. People naturally desire privacy, which is why they use curtains in their
homes, dress in garments, lock their doors, and prefer to be alone when spending time
with their loved. Privacy is a fundamental human right. It's critical to realize that, in this
digital age, the distinction between virtual and physical reality is eroding. One of the
fundamental ideas of cybersecurity is confidentiality. Confidentiality, in a nutshell, ensures
that sensitive information is shielded from unwanted disclosure.

Human dignity and important benefits like community and speech freedom are supported
by privacy. One of the strongest and most important human rights arguments of our day
is confidentiality beliefs. For numerous reasons, including the negative effects of lack of
privacy, privacy is essential. Knowing more about yourself gives you more control over
yourself. Your information will be utilized to predict your behavior and influence how you
vote, shop, and think. If there is no control over who has access to personal data, people
could get hurt or become disabled. Other explanations are more fundamental and speak
to what makes each person unique. Giving up control of our personal information is
equivalent to giving up life and dignity. The expansion of sophisticated technology has,
however, made protecting information privacy a whole new difficulty. Autonomy, human
dignity, privacy, power, and protection from the misuse of personal information are all
aspects of an individual that might have negative effects if violated. Particularly when it
comes to the exercise of power, privacy is even more essential as a guarantee for
freedom in relationships between people and groups. Therefore, surveillance and
publicity in whatever form are effective tools for social control.

The act of keeping anything secret or private is known as confidentiality. Any standing
contrary to the latter refers to the conspicuous individual's disposition. Although for many
people being evident just means being exposed, it is not that easy. For instance,
transparency can foster trust among people and serve as a source of empowerment if it
is used because openness is the quality of something being done—or the fact that it is
done in an open manner without ulterior motives.

Contrary to transparency, exposed personal information is an unfavorable but objective

perception of personal information exposure. Invasion of privacy and exposure are
frequently not voluntary; in contrast, openness is somewhat relevant. While transparency
is a good thing, it is not required. Confidential personal information must be kept private.
Personal information has informational power because of this. Hence, it is the most
ephemeral of all skills. As a result, when anything is given up or stolen, we also forfeit our
right to rule.
Republic of the Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Human Resource Management
Open University System

4. What can you do to help prevent and effectively manage the spread of identity theft,
false information, and fake news in the country?

There are many techniques to aid in the prevention and management of the dissemination
of misleading information, fake news, and identity theft. In the world, identity theft is
becoming a bigger issue. Knowing what information you should and should not disclose
online is one of the best methods to safeguard yourself against identity theft. Sharing your
ordinary experiences online is a lot of fun. One of the proudest moments that we all love
to share is when you and your loved ones accomplish something. It seems fine to me.
For instance, I advise against posting it in real-time and avoiding specifying the precise
location (for example, the name of the hotel, restaurant, etc. where you are). Save your
ID card, which includes all of your personal information, including date of birth and
address, from uploading. Avoid publishing the details of your debit or credit card online.
Contact your bank right once to get the cards blocked if they are lost. Spoofing and
phishing should be avoided. Many con artists claim to be phoning from banks or other
governmental agencies. Last but not least, refrain from utilizing public WiFi when
conducting financial operations like money transfers or even just checking your online
banking account.

It is also possible to control the spread of misleading information and fake news. Like the
adage "Think before you click," That simply implies that you should do some investigation
before sharing something that sounds beneficial or significant to determine whether it is
accurate or truthful. It is preferable to put more effort into learning the truth than to suffer
the consequences of something you disclose online that is untrue. It is better to be well-
informed by doing extensive research than to seem as though you are an expert by blindly
relying on what is said online.



Personal Identity 1. This is the interpersonal level of self that differentiates the individual
as unique from others.
Digital Self 2. This is the aspect of the self that is expressed with others through
online interactions on the internet.
Disinhibition Effect 3. This causes people to believe that they can express their “true
selves” better online than they ever could in face-to-face contexts.
Self-presentation 4. This is the process of controlling how one is perceived by other
Social Identity 5. This is the level of self whereby the individual is identified by his or her
group memberships.

Alexis Kristine Privado


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